Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Oct 1967, p. 17

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much well as to large community recreational areas. these} He suggested that with the enilejnew system of re¢reation those}should come a division of <cite-|school time, with students nay. ing 10 minutes of learning, 19 ughts| minutes of play, 10 minutes of s asilearning and so on. ngth Formals ESMAIDS GOWNS sEANT'S s 19.95 725-3338 hes Cleaned e Way You m To Be... 725-3555 LARD SERVICE LTD. @ Shirt Laundering @ 924 Simcoe North @ 12 Bond East Bees sseeeeeee o§ 2d rever a highly easy-to-apply walls and ceil- n these areas. hrough bright, antic reds... erful world of de, and color PHONE 668-5862 iT SHOP PHONE 655-4531 PHONE 725-3529 North Area Plowmen Held Match At Udney By FORD LINDSAY ported an extremely good crop.,milk marketing board should) Oshawa Times Staff Fall pastures, assisted by re-|be changed. | BRIAN DeGEER, Mount Al-\cent rains, are as good as ex-| The farm union had been the bert and Ted Smith, RR 1,|pected and dairy herds and beef first to push for a price of $5 Blackwater, were the top con-|cattle will be well maintained per hundredweight of milk, he testants in their respective) until freeze-up. 'said, which was only a little classes, in the North Ontario over $4 at the present time Junior Plowing Match held on, DAIRY FARMERS in Dur-jafter shipping costs. Analysis the farm of Kaj Have, Udney./ham County, during the coming) showed that actual cost of pro- Fred Timers, Stouffville, was|winter, will be faced with the/duction was $4.86, he said. the judge. necessity of feeding more grain' "Why should you as farmers Brian had the top score injto maintain the production of/have to work for less than the the class for contestants 15| their herds, Hay crops, general- cost of production?'"? Mr, Ben- years and under who had pre-|ly, were only fair to poor asinett said. viously plowed in competition. | regard quality; while most Joe McCarthy of Keene was He was followed by Dale Old-'farmers are looking to a goodielected district director. Mrs. ham, Mount Albert; Barry quality silage corn crop. The George Stockdale of Norwood Jones, RR 2, Uxbridge and quality of the crop is reported was re-elected woman director: FARM FORUM of planting, effect of fertilizer, S C ] Ce Fi Sabry oie ge oo | etc. At 11 a.m. demonstrations as "a forced migration of all --_-- of re-cutters for handling grain uez ana ase a ire citizens whose stay is not essen-| s ceasefire. | corn and cob corn for ensilage } erie. tial and shifting of all indus-! for high moisture corn are planned. Takes On New Look Now areas to terrorize the people, tries from the zone of other }, governments."' Psat es me ay With Egyptian forces dug in and create difficulties for the More than 1,000,000 refugees, chased from the Garden Hu . 5 : 4 jthe west bank and Israelis) government. ranks fourth among world United Church ladies, At 1 p.m.| SUEZ, Egypt (AP)--The temp opm ya ee the died camped on the east, the canal Israeli authorities charge that,movie producers page "the, H. E. Bellman, Agricultural En-/Canal cease-fire line separating) Sea, is still considered anna: been the scene of repeated'Egyptian batteries have fired industrial capital of Southeast' gineering Extension Specialist| Egyptian and Israeli forces|important international trade | shellings in -widletinn Gk. thelfirst Aas from Walkerton will discuss the|aPpears to be hardening day by|route. But many shippers,) --__-- : ade subject. "The Place of High\day into a fortified internation-|forced by the long closing, have} Moisture Corn in Today's Feed- al border. found substitute routes, ing Program". Following this) Thousands of Egyptian civil-| Oil companies that depended Tom Brown, a farmer in thejians daily are streaming west-/on the canal are planning Bradford district, will discuss| ward away from the canal.|supertankers that carry huge the storage of high moisture| Egypt plans to evacuate up to\cargoes around the Cape of corn: There will again be a tour|250,000 persons and all factories|Good Hope at less cost than of the plots at 3 p.m. in the from the frontline area vulnera-smaller vessels able to fit afternoon following which the ble to Israeli guns. through the waterway. machinery demonstrations will) The evacuation order, coming| The canal's closing hurts take place. 'four months after the United|Egypt more than any other Interest is keen on the part/Nations -- sponsored a ceas- nations. Egypt's canal revenues of the machinery companins/fire that ended .the June 5-10 |last year were $225,000.000 and at the present time it would|war, proves the Arabs do not, Futrhermore, as Jong as appear that most major ma- expect a quick settlement, in-\cease-fire line stands at the chinery companies as well as formed sources say. canal, Israel plans to produce many companies handling spe-| The evacuation also dimin-jat least 5,000,000 tons of high- cial equipment will be on handjishes hopes of reopening the gtrade crude oil a year from to exhibit and demonstrate the Suez Canal, closed to shipping captured oil fields in the Sinai THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, October 10, 1967 17 SERVES WORLD Sabry accused the Israelis of! Hong Kong, the home of bi partie ; , Omnins heveper renuenual about 3,800,000 people, including Frank Mangan, RR 2, Beaver-'to be one of the best in some and John McNabb was elected) ton. | years junior director In the class for contestants. 16 to 23 years of age, who had harvest has been completed, al- 'Tyne 1967 DISTRICT Grain previously plowed in compe-| though some farmers still have Corn Day will be held at the tition Ted Smith was followed|tomatoes and potatoes still in\farm of Bev. Gray, Garden| i hich -- incl Smit s ; of n| u by Ron McGuckin, RR 3. Mount| the fields. Work is now under Hill, in Durham County, piven ane 9 Pi Satara: gies Albert; Bob Campsall, Ux-| way harvesting the corn crop. /19 a.m. to 4 p.m. October 18.|/Peterborough and Durham in | bridge and John Mangan, RR 2 Ontario Plowmen's Association' good. types of equipment relative to in the junior inter-branch class; Tobacco growers report yield the production, harvesting and and Ron MeGuckin will repre- and quality are down com- marketing of grain corn. sent the association in the in- pared with last year. Farm machinery used in the termediate inter-branch class. While some potato fields were| production of grain corn will be Both classes will be held at the affected by the wet weather on display for the day and in International Plowing Match,'during the summer, the yield is addition demonstrations will be Oct. 14, at Barrie good and the quality is excel-\taking place from 3 to 4 p.m. in| Lynda McGillivray, RR 5, Jent. In some cases the yield is the corn field at the Cornland Orillia, was the winner of the|down due to heavy rain soon pay. Farmers throughout the Queen of the Furrow Compelti- after the crop was planted area are welcome to bring 10 tion. She will represent the as- ears of grain corn for a mois- sociation, Oct. 12, at the inter- ELMER BENNETT, a di-ture test. They must, however, national match. rector of the Ontario Farmers'/be on the grounds by 11 a.m.| Union, told farmers from On- and preferably previous to that "DUE TO THE extremely tario, Victoria and Peterbor- time if they wish to have aj good crop of silage corn andjough Counties last week that moisture test made of the corn. the adequate pastures, I do not it is up to farmers to organize' In taking the ears they should foresee any serious shortage of.themselves and unite in order be representative of the corn in) winter feed in the county d to get fair prices for their prod- the field and should be taken} C, B. Holden, associate agricul- ucts. He was addressing the an- just previous to coming to the} tural representative for Ontario nual meeting of the OFU's Dis- Cornland Day and not harvest-) County trict 9 at Peterborough ed and stored for a few days) Plantings of winter wheat are. Speaking on dairy farming he previous bringing them to the, looking good. Some fields came said the authorities responsible day. There will be no charge! up spotty due to dry weather|for milk should unite and for-/for this service. } but recent rains have brought mulate one consistent policy. At 10 a.m. Harvey Wright, an improvement He said the National Dairy)|soils and field crop specialist The harvesting of silage corn|Council must take over some of for the Ontario department of is under way and work on grain'the powers of provincial mar- agriculture and food at Lind- corn will be started in about alketing boards. The present sys-)say, will conduct a tour of plots week's time. Silage corn is re-tem of the formation of the showing varieties of corn, dates Handsome new decanter. Smooth, light;flavour. Now-you'know y Hiram Walker's GoldiCrest : is\the:hit of'every 'party. HIRAM WALKER'S GOLD CREST CANADIAN WHISKY When a whisky is as} About 99 per cent of the grain | jed jointly by the East Central id The apple crop in the county, Invitations have been extended|co-operation with the Durham sbddbeg! A. 0. Dalrymple, county agri-'tg farmers throughout the|County Soil and Crop Improve- Barry Timbers, RR 3, Mount cultural representative, reports gy; istri i iat atti e ° C Quinte District to attend this|ment Association and the staff Shrinks Piles. hecks lteh Albert, will represent the North quality and color generally are event which will feature all/of the Extension Branch of the machinery during the day's Since early June. Desert. program, The 103-mile canal linking the) Egyptian Vice-Premier Aly Wi ava th Weihe aboneies ; ear Soil and Crop Improvement As- Announce New Healing Substance... os reagent wget aa Exclusive healing substance proyen to shrink hemorrhoids. .. and repair damaged tissue. many months. This was accomplished with a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulates growth of new tissue. Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- ment and suppository form called Preparation H. In addition to actually shrmk- ing hemorrhoids, Preparation H lubricates and makes elimination less painful. It helps prevent in- fection which is a principal cause of hemorrhoids. Just ask your druggist for Pre- paration H Suppositories or Pre- paration H Ointment (with a special applicator). Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. CARPET CLEANING If your rug is valuable to you . . . it deserves the very best ' and it costs no more. Modern equipment, skill and only fully experienced men guarantee you the best of results when we clean your soiled rugs, whether it be wall-to-wall or loose rugs. Other services offered by Angus-Graydon are binding, repairing, fringing, dyeing, alterations and custom installations, Ansus-GRAYDON The Cost Is Only 10c Per Sq. Ft. Example 9' x 12' Only 10.80 CARPET COMPANY LIMITED 282 KING ST. WEST 728-6254 A renowned research institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- Petition Signed By 40 Ministers rhoids painlessly. It relieves itch- ing and discomfort in minutes and TORONTO (CP) -- Forty) speeds up healing of the injured, ministers of the United Church) inflamed tissues. -- here have signed a petition crit- One hemorrhoidal case history icizing the church's General, after anotherreported "'very strik- Council for reprimanding a| ing improvyement." Pain was church board which offered promptly and gently relieved .. . $1,000 to groups aiding U.S, actual reduction or retraction draft - dodgers in Canada. (shrinking) took place. _ The General Council, headed, _ Among thesecase histories were by Rt. Rev. Wilfrid Lockhart,| ® Yaticty of hemorrhoidal condi- ordered an investigation of Dr.| 'ins-Reliefeven occurred in cases J. Raymond Hord and_ his of long standing, and most im- Board of Evangelism and Portant of all, results were so Social Service following the 'oroush that this improvement draft - dodger announement was maintained over a period of smooth as Gold Crest; you've got something good going for you. Because 'everybody likes it. And 'since a whisky like this 'doesn't happen very often,' 'we've {decided j toi cele- brate this Centennial year 'by putting Gold Crest up in a new kind of pe goeaied 'Tall and cylindrical. Clean,| clear, and slim: With a cut; 'glass sunburst in the base.| It lets you show off just a bit. Because it looks great,' and tastes so smooth and 'light. It's the kind of whis- ky that goes well at any kind of party. Try it at your 'next party and see. Gold 'Crest. The Party Whisky. (Hiram Walker & Sons Limited, Distillers of fine whiskies for over 100 years. One of the great things about Canada is Canada Savings Bonds, Plus and this year's Series is the most exciting yet. Interest starts at 54% a year--the highest starting rate ever on a Canada Savings Bond--and goes right up to 6%. Over the 13 years to maturity the true average annual yield is 5.48°%. Interest on your Annual Interest! Best of all, Canada Savings Bonds have a wonderful compound Interest! interest feature which pays you interest on your interest. Take full advantage of it and you will double your money. As always, Canada Savings Bonds are instant cash. They may he cashed at any time for their full face value plus accrued interest. They are easy to buy for cash or on instalments. They fit all savings budgets--from $50 up. And, for the first time ever, Canada's most popular personal investment may: be purchased by businesses, churches, charities, clubs, and other organizations. Another first: the limit per holder for this Series has been increased to $50,000. Backed by all the resources of Canada, Canada Savings Bonds are a great way to save. Buy yours today and double your money.

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