Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Oct 1967, p. 16

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OES pe sr alts v fg tee a NE! we it 13) -- ee a . ' }--Mele Help sepa acter igus A Oe TR ' ( | SALE a POSITI a nse Call see PO es ~ e T en WITH ik to T u ° Saturday t Wanted above av October 6, 1967 e Wo Friday, a 15--Employmen To ay servicing "TIMES, Peldey, to Livestock ta a gr mS ln Be dessiaeis " et In 5 p.m Mon ay 11--Pets and tir fe ype n obamenio = Ones established omnes le mare. Dine. pees [domestic 'help, Bo 2032, ction, r Sa GERMAN 5 rai dle. |domes or 263: te F S om 723 3492 8 a.m. to Pa en 0008 conan. ge Show mere tena swale area, 263-2230, le Help Wanted TO 'QUALIFY beni Ices, Ranc : a! ec "DUS ber 723- Sei graei a= aa oiareel ae (ead ifi d Num Telephone es -- NG STABLES of pasture. on ith oy 6 p.m. pv falls, 77 acres dable 2 Classifie ner, Tel, TIBI731 etter ty SS lwhithy, box stalls, CALLIN -_ ars Direct offer. T FUR COAT, size phone 1-83 ae : AVON @Over 21 ye : e ces Yt 0 cone Se mee t all Th Telephone. 728455 yf $be Duro wa: Mag pg ge vo ime to earn Il be selec Fee Zee ee nite, Bred Diocd fines, Apey, w is the ti You wi ries palatable: rab ot nibd 720-2068. _| and" cha t, of telephone hua,| No ing Avon's beautle ment to ke: re re semen Street, ihuahua, ling Av , vancement . hiker_sroler $5. a hea san. retinas id ta ot tees gifts, ment position. aye idiom ti. Twlanhone 6is: rs Sone mentee Paar full line in Oshawa I for appol \/| ( : E i - Sod eed ju pretty [ey ia a pets.| Territories neh #0 don't - RL Bn aplance Ove icon re com vtdéis Fur, is aan, d Courtice Rd., SIR. DA and appliances Simcoe South. 723- All Ged bretne, regateed Taleb" on I! or write to PE! i c S R Furniture, 444 Bye a chose cet. reeine, delay. Call 5-255 ; S a PIANOS, bode ol over 40 Rug west of 61 id Blue Tick propies fer A A J HILL Se rs Repoirs From. On 'Highwsy eotliame "Comber. | RED Eight weeks "eld. Telep RS J. OSHAWA Wed., Tee |TV--Radio Re; Brkt men te i, iding, stan- NONQUON RD., ae VICE cPss4r EXCHANGE used/0 REGISTERED SLACK gelding. alan: 140 725-9696 We BUY, FELL AND" EXGHANON we REGIST! registration No. or Phone Mortgages | TV SER WE BUY, $ anything you 4 dard bred, I Interview NI! eitading Post "store, hone 623-2697. for persona PLAN Trades e Loans COLOR chy. Trading 1671. 3 Wanted \Building Rooting, Mortgag | * South, ee aE Gate rticles Wa T repairs. : or Stree! dard, $ 7, 800-9 Dw at be In R A Accountants Pes a tenn idsshceoes ae BLACK and a TYPEWRITER, stan peiectiies Pit-ass. saa oertaiephone' TaS-8369. ; GIRLS DRAFTS Ge Kee Set bane Sonry. Gord May, Hy shingles! First jes arrang THE BEST C Ing" machine $2. 8 juin ears |900d condition. RNITURE wanted, etc. BE A GO- eet ine ke vari WILLIAM hay 364 'King mas ioe tar ane. hag gh by First Mortgag: t rate of 8%. FOR Ing EPAIRS io Tore arene. G00D USED FURN nytime. MacNel ages, travel, mi To underta Prin Telephone Gmawa 725459. iassi-| ROOFING, sy acdlir fgg rg uickly, Curren' ithout no- GLASS R gd aol oo t prices. Call a S76. eee] TOR: Wi eople experienc: ignments. Telephone Action Cia: repairs, large struction. q holf-yeorly wit es . eed: Sincowe Fe delivery. ee. | Highes: 668-5481, 668: inoar Wreller, teresting people, ind 2 assig repara ed Times ing and Con imney flash- Open First mortgog: ° . ree pick-up 'adjusted fr Furniture, camper di. ssential, orou! ork, map p THOUSANDS ro erat | ROOF OUGHING, chimney | Hae or cen. rchosed, , F ace cleaned; adjusted you | F "te 20. Foor I In good con but not e: w lettering, ¢ Sonbon, OT Se Ine fee enmete. al we E| Srenand ed puna caster Sine Seid SMI, cata peste a a A drawing essentiol 'Suite 205w, feed, 728-4797. ANG, 10 years In busi: Agreements CLEANER, irchase from tion, Tele; TRAILER, e r TIMES if in researc Accountant, 725-9953. rvice. |te PAVING, 10 ye. square foot. 9 FOR ECEPTION pos azi2. rooms of new T X 10-FOOT in It, Telephon OSHAWA d To assist i G ing Centre, Accounting -- Sei Sim-|TERRANO teed work; 19¢ ed. TVR z -- Three hly. Barons' | 4 FOO high sides o tresses, full ani projects icy's 178 $s. Guaran S841. Own RNITURE 15 mont ths! ably with | 'OOM Wa t tnny survey ftir 808 ile otieening 'Ren. 713-7605 [77 Bond St. East. we an ye cd gti agg hud ER conuim A Fg hie South ably 4 Be. BOON Apply, Carouse recognized drafti pegg ved Tian, Coarre Ae | ROOFING, cuiMnEs is eee Er IOe fo ook, | TV TOW Home at adding "machines, cas Wal midles for Re raya fete sa ae Tor abt aah Experience nes Lig neat ge ar od Cast, Fe MaceanT RR terest ro Hho eo. | regu ee ase See sen a, irs, Linens, Dish- woman wi iting, live-in, nicipa JOSEPH GU i Trustee, jee 3061, F. McCeni CHIMWEY cleaner in half-yearly wi ft. | 3 isters, new, w jal dealer, -- Chairs, Linens, GIRL or ties and babys! 42-4508 bbe Gest, Telephone 723-4833. Char-| 65 LOCAL CHIMNE ges tin-) Open ha s. Second mo } 728-514 makes. Call dette kel 7 all makes, Tables, Slasses, Coffee Telepiane 9456400" oe are $ Extra asset. tere: a ree DLANDER AND CO., Char [Your "tocat ¢ repaired gas tice or bonus. Secon : SHURA Ty PENAITERE. Boe lery, Glasses, Cof Telephone 942-6. pearliniy Far eae ied and intere VALE; PRIEOLANDE! Trustees Imneys built epaired, 723. i Iso purchase d Division 'UDENT TY! nditioned a es, Cutlery, Is, Bridal | Telephe D Opportunity nselor, Varied lanni YALE, FRIEDLAS en giret Natal ca Pinsiblieds reas gages als ing mortgages | rner Bond on laps beacon, Teee vice. 728-3664. Oe Buch Bed s, UNLIMITE @ a Beauty Cou 'ah, in regional pl Soli, gin Gunes _| ines | Rates for arrang ond at- | Co pect alge peed ey down.) Urns, Pui Is, White Earnings. age gement and 9442, 4B benefits kruptey, =| oderate } 10 anteed . No money sed, 's Formals, ings in m anager, 725 Fringe Se Sshew ABOU BSE OF: Carpentry cording to Teriff i | TELEVISION ppl Hh rwewiy. Airs caver ne, ee eet TOs k Stoles, firs. Elo secon aS cine. bart SALARY ROT HOPKINS, BEADLI Eisencial irae | Quality Carpentry SO tte your comparison. | 24 Hour AES Ma VEARNY Se eet user tacos Gl Fox Furs, ars RENTALS YouNS, . oS ee Street South. PER A rte tar King Te hopkins, CAr | ua "AIRS SWARTZ | LM ARM WAS Raglan, 1905-7éo jbosrd. Tuned] SARGEA 3338 _|time. Apply , prperianced, fe depending on Outer" 725-509; °8. 7 och ENERAL REPAIRS ists | ANNING F. SWAI HO yee tig teed WAR, phe haed min' new keyboard. Tuned] § itson Rd. S., 725- ¢ rience. eg aes a a he GENER) ment Speciolists | M ng Mortgages | (814-1862 IN THE MEXI ALRY PIANO, upright, 5 MEAN es Bitcon Rd. fy oe Psat egy ty and expe! E. Beadie, | Home Improve nd District | (Arrangi 30: vears) | NICS AMPUTATED IE NORTHERN CAV, Itch. Plano 'Tuner, 100, ; Bowmanville, L On aa brite hh shawa or for over 3 t, | LECTR SERVED IN THI JAR. to concert pitc! i nal $8 ing St. Ws Bow ENTRA inting | Serving Os Years. | , Street East, | E CIVIL Wi aoa), complete . h Natio Ing, %3 King Cc NIN Blueprinti Reproductions | for Many eis 26% King oe RENTALS IN TH BER IN HIS wins tages - 42-554 Inchester "rifle, "complete Polis Tae as T PLAN FTING and rth. 723-4661. | d Dependable Se Oshowa, 23-4697 S | WIELDING A SA ID GRIPPING fee te ODEL 88 Rida site and 1995. Rent ae ee a DIN PPIN gg tabla ving cian |? ees BUN 25-8576 lephone 723- V TOWER | T HAND ANI ETH om with alive. Telephone. 72: 7 Hall for WAITR mpbell, Genos! lennon' ealle, AWA: SHOPPI! bias ays ences sited! Ne Phone 725- Telep OANS | | RIGH, INS IN HIS TE! condition, $125, p coat, Cama, DITIONED Sel Hobe th tee 1SH OSHAWA Biveprinting 623-3411 eu ORTGAGE L | ----J| © THE REI COA Ie co ene AIR CONDIT! s, Bon- {Street Ee The 1 * s -| or Mi : te funds to | : le GREY » chesterfie! 87-4630. : Receptions, please.) Ess $m 3-34 Building Trode TION ROOMS, Kilchen oa Nik orig Ne onlay endl ipiedig ge| | |8--Articles for Sa other articles. Newcastle, ae aes biog age Mh icalbid Coes Bars day "shit "telepons" ne = AIRS RECREATION work, remodelling loan as i Aah Heaes arrange- | | Marine Equipment | ; N U M be TOWER SPECIAL a rae Tele- ets For ly 728. Cotes Bar, see RE pens G REP loeneral_ repairs. E. gages, Fr be mode in your | |o-- UM ail channel. an Nol tion call Joe 723-4332. MAYORS FEMALE competion tor oie LAR : . ints may ember | L vision... 728. bies removed. Pee Peter Soltys ed |MATU » willing to p all salary ALTER, abedhed a -- ae ri Mont Broke, "Aagne" | Lee SKi-DOO. |A @ SIDING cherge W enough vale fo aver rocking ENTERTAINING Fy "Cub" tor bae|er, Gate Ad INDUSTRIAL | -- el tenioebie vitor f Ont. Mont. «Bre id week- | IAN a S charge $29.95 | EN lle le yg ™Iplus room 22, Oshawa SCAR DIT DRASEMARING, _Oex in Drive, Whity,| © 532 evenings an | APPL @ AWNING! 723-6381, DERS © from | $29.95 people: ties, weddings, Bar, Write "Box m7ebz2, D pert or fil IN EAST eaiien AD [ail Mrs, Neve = - Fe, su ends 738-5007 452 seO0IT | sige ope @ WINDOWS pl dest tnd used auto fits Netson| jparking' 723.7726 ipment, Gund, de- tes mt be eerie ite seb abe y icooen -FACTORIES SSMAKING utifuily tailored slip,| je. We | 723- LES & SE ORS built 'starters. and. gen STALE. Hunting eaerenedt, fon time, mu vilng, 136 eral plan HOMES.OFFICES. Kitchens coats, "Grapes, Mrs. Tete 6682572. | ye walt ot cree eee | ONLY 2.50 " Gee sh, 7252168 Ft aunoral Eiscnie tis leas, 'Sovts cores walk-|Southee care for two duction pha 18-2 Rec gg eat ty teal Rela d Supplies be y Ncatued Sten, pan PT | SERVICE "s Service PRICED $695 LES ENISS Te Ren icon Geer sean a GHATRS, hospi beds, walk maiaate | Woman (10 ce work, Mars @ Should Se. Sons |Gardening clas reeds D mortgages, sale Fast T.V. E V Led taotorels $0, 36° and guaranteed. | WH reducing oar toe asi ee children, ee eae. Leaner ro aca id health | llen and = FIRST AND SECON and sold. Henn ed FROM ND SAVE LTD. ih sets reconditioned Slit Alt Rentals, u land-Park Rd. sf be rellable, 7D ® In good | James A 126 | sareements Barristers 31 his DOMINION | BUY NOW A\ ilable @ SALES 56 3877. ae rtunities BABYSITTER. rie home, two Tvenes cal condition. r eee. RDEN oe Hepes Beer ------------_| Terms Available 725-4632 _|576: Dearie oe cratic see Business Oppo ong in Keeerurion. Bove ee ae Rate $2.20 pe AND CONCRE jEost. 723-7232, AGE required on| VISION @ Credit Payments | 1. Prince St. oe hin Gunde os jovie camera.|] 4 SINESS = |menen ga ig Aa Mec ® fete emplc ATLANTIC PAVING AND by experts i300, FIRST MORTGA trically heated TELE I! Monthly Pay' | Seg sree'. Yaniea 3 plectric sewing ERIOUS BU Whitby, 668-8 ®@ Comple for by eel alitecsy caves teed for three IES loan wittereet aie Bobcaygeon 9 p.m. Sma | CLEA Bek caliore Hn, ex Se, Beau AS ITY lease. TONIST re fits paid rari yaran 20,000. w t of Bo to 9 p 2 2 | M22. callb 30" x 54 for UN SECRETARY _-_ RECEPTIONET r= he 0 f nocdanas aan SUP PL laos, eae Box M7689, Osk| 728. pe a a WORLD'S NOWMOBILES & Dinette Suites machine, nd ge ape ana for QPFORT establishing pay oehaatg "eociors antona novparinca REPLY TO OR F yoors, 220001. invader be Mel fd Apply |TV TOWERS spec nfenna. installed, SELLING S Y AT Kitchen ith high -- {tu ion. Apply Chemica isting of Drug atid ok, to: Box 32412, Osha R LCC COMPLETE HOME | Reliable anc SS MIX |Sood co Tv all-channel a imited, Taun- IN DISPLA ; suites wi ; any occa! an ints consis' Food stating rences to: Bo R. MA COMPLETE HOME ime Const, 7a : FINE GRASS lawa Times structure, TV Supply Li Ritson Road.| Kiow o D AREA'S lovely 5 pc. ood grain Esst. ONY re Secu dwares, with refe nity, iaeriy MR, 4 2 Bl plat lay len har SUPER GRASS MIX d Decorating io Ceeee. just east of SHAWA AN! OBILE ked chairs, w bore SALE -- Lowrey English radlo- Stores, Har, ted in the [yn rey ER would Tike. elderly er ressonable. against NO. 1 FINE ASS MIX |Painting an ris nice. ton Road East, " EST _SNOWM oe backs, walnut a Has ter vase, een: as "fi Stores, etc. loca' sessional ona My eae es cures Pie 82.11% 3756. r houses and RKLAWN GR AIX hile the weathel eth: Column LARG! TURING vinyl . Soney tape facantere 9 nearly new; vibes rea, Requires id an who Is fol days weekly 2 = your in : PARK é ASS M 0 IT NOW w ating. Free 'Women's 'ALER FEA Ite tables, Soney itronics, a tors, elec- Oshawa a ice sa ecllenlhed boys, five | Melstures rem ant snow, "| SUBURBAN GRAS KE | Schmigh eben. = DE RANGE OF oe 9.95 ramme, | Sani pl ph nbooh tod istributor to servi eel ANADI. on en. ote oY! id ALSIKE Painting Schmidt, 725-9. jor WIDE $69. In [Biano, 'studio. cou rt eer ee distribu home. 728-78 ted C aise stone. and hea MEDION. BLUEGRASS lparesin ad en ceatimetes "and fon eye New MOBILES AS pony mere ell, sled fre vice oe E., Whitby or p! Bea without competi- 18--Male Help Wan JO bricks, ail after Me } ( EGR terior. Free e v EPA OWM - ETE ¢ cles, 8-458), Risch, Produc' d by every rag Oe PO eg KENTUCKY BLU ¢ jand exterlo' hone 728-2834 R SN 5 A COMPL' price. ; RNITURE |<. 318 vi Mason and Risch ind is use iny co: Sporina, 908, Henr KENTL UAL GRASSE prices. Telepl - frames, zip- WELL AS OWMOBILE ILSON'S FU PIANO -- Upright, high, 10 years eld.) eG a tt hea hod me ' ST HILL | Telephone INDIVID 1 12-6-6 | " d Heating | New' handles, le totek, OCK OF SN WwW URCH ST. PIAN wt kine, 45 Co. Telephon househol releases and OUNTY o} \ WE iL SOLFGREEN 1: | bing an Reasonable ST IES AND 20 CH Pen cian ble press od- Cc ' WEST H TES GOL N 6-9-6 |Plum | pers, ete. ACCESSOR SUITS, Piano er.| favoral by a strong ROUGH IED RAT | EVERGREE ER | : NT STREET |G; SNOW RY 42-5547. intzman pil is supported by Radio PETERBO . CLASSIF pee | WEED KILL | . count 395 CONA CLOTHING: 5, PANTS, DRAPE 9 Vong naam, Pies s mpaign on OA words: 1.00 /ERGREEN e Dis ACKETS, Ss jANO -- high, rtising €o ; Sean --~ 1 ieertion of 24 wo nsec ee a Lf ~~ oth St. North | 723-9077 THERMAL SOCKS, GOGGLE MATERIAL Migs Recenion Teiohne 10. tv) Yer shalen dio os. requires Ds SALESM. x aaah words, Sc ords, Fg | SO-GREEN 7-7- 149 Broc 4 'ariety to c LINED STEPHEN'S PUMP shotgun with Sav. An exclusive ell est- CK pedal ade Eyer 6 _consecu- 7 RANITE | 668-6601 | ETC. A large v PAIRED, REI a choke. Telephone Sa2a819. to either a w GUA ING BA tive insertio hea ae eo eddi- | MILGO ! | HITBY -- |2--Personal ED DRAPES, RE MADE age choke. Tele allotted to e concern or a J AlL VELD E tional words 13¥4¢ each: & BONEMEAL WHIT wp | Lysis UNIT nd CUSTOM a Basket blished business conc idual. vacant REQUIR' Oe weeds Bac och, harge AT MOSS Hees ou, plumbing h ELECTRO! . & Cc Market Ba hi hly reputable indiv st. 1 positions are rbor= eienel Worst 248 908 dditione! che PEAT MOSS L Direct to you, p in the 4641 M Go highly n Initial Inve: Severa t the Pete ' succe Pact cid within 8 cava : 'PET SUPPLIES joa a tine, 20% ue (7 contuoss oe RENT-ALL DRY GOODS & 728 7897 piany pig 000. for inven- for Joan Jail. go "> if pat "are 2 # not ps 4 PET plumbin : Remova' ili_ be in : : meni : oug! ts Ww background, eet Method of nts os] - for the garden supplies Morie Murduff Fi 7th ond MARINE 74 Celina tory only. ly In writing to cessful pegs shifts per- feel you franunie ire or abbre ition coun ™°\ Everything fo 12 p.m. -- 9 ails a Oshawa hata aha Hotel & A 8-5565@ REE ESTIMATES LES per, ternational Pie required nfo of a dhe ready. for <cehaaid th AY 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. i oppoint- dees F A Pp Mag Inte tard Stree forming a luding the lating oBneeunity one | SATURD AY hese dates for @ Oshawa Wilson ion on your gas, Ltd. 640 Buri | duties inc f ine lenging oppo sorte. 00 er-Smi OSED WEDNESD, rely Na St. E. ot No obligation ir heat- er, B.C. Sere and contro! o ergest and ie $ -- DEATH 1- @ CL : ent. , end willl 555 King -6171@ ' tric forced air hec Vancouver, upervision ions offer forgest and | is fie SOCIAL Non in ane nds tery Service -- them. Wille' Coutaartiol jax = the rules -- power humidifl Fp mates. "These Poa cants on Salas eh iss 32.50 per ge if not paid with | celia ST. Rug - Upholstery ING Pearse le bo te ae eAj 4 Rd. N. Behind ing Deion ae cleaners, Mc nto RESTAURAN the successful app! ye com= This multi-divi tional charge J te 16 UPHOLSTER Friendship. Service, to downtown! = Larwoo larwood) ers, electronic -- appliances. take out nity to serve n will train the UMS 5 words ond 6c 139 RE- 32 : hee he estas se of Ha nd electric KIL- -- good opportu icipating in ai pany xceptio BS ee ticat "25 3c per line o - 3 723-1 725-93 ibries | ¥oune LADY t 8.30 a.m. Ca Hou may gas a 723-9079, 36 seats ipped, ity by participa rO- to earn an e om aoe fot te ie 25 fot paid) 793 93] : ion of Fibri to, arriving. : e us you 6-3915 or Ap- -- fully equip mun ctional pl income selling pre se, charge if n 72 DELIVERY SERVICE e Mb dese Guaranteed On esc six i GIRLS rare Drop in poet getatioe and fet Heating and $2 Per Bushel is. ed turnover of a $1,- toate corre: ity, welding roe 9c % ws @ Wor' NO BUSINE: Toronto, ari IN a ki-doo iances. Presen has gramme, $4,- ) ccounts o within 8 days 7¢|-- ive full years) Joe. eye Eglinton, : Ww tfit of Ski plianc: i, on ek, Owner 80.00 -- $4, dustrial a FN os onda ad i (five Terms--Free Pc yd sl 3 lete ou lose Machine Sale 000. plus « we: t LARY: $4,280. ps gieedelingy large 25¢ edditional | TOP SO Easy budget 8:30 a.m. Telep @ comp Sewing from $19.95, . ts. For sale o SA 80.00 -- $5, sion. inte Sic chateotter with 8 doys. 7 on ates "s Column lothing. ed Singers fr rtoles other interests. GORD 780.00. $4,580. 1 For immediate In Reet ear cold eithin Estim ars experience 3--Sportsman a used| pe White electric po 99. cost. Call i ffective Jan. 1, Toronte collect charge if no ' ANURE @ Over 20 ye CENTRE Pp ge ee CRAFT new zig-zag $ less than 8569 080.00 e Toronto ENTS $2.00 M FURNITURE BTN LICENCES -- New ond 4 CHRIS $59. White $75. TON, 728-8569. VER COMING gua (display); h ther THE St. North HU! bought, sold, te Valley Creek, d SERVICE EI open arm % CHARL if 1968, 0 ARL STE Spor per wre ener, 2 d top soll, | 90 Simcoe St. flonase tastings 'supe SALES ani il boats, new Elna lessons and _ serv. D, REALTOR ONS: Grade } 9 a.m. First_ 20, wo No. 1 processe lend- 1e Bond 'St Ls cee equip- fibreglas sai d off. Free te ELNA Sewing Ltd H. KEITH LTD. UALIFICATIONS: con- Tues.-Wed, ' = (Word Ads). BER di ssed and bien ESSIONAL 16 Bon nd used, hockey rices.| McVay fi terborough on i WHITE Wat HARDS . . Q ; Integrity, self. SALES TIC i No. } process for top PROF SKATES, new @ a ad ng A ir tliner, Pete Evin- ce. 38 Bond Street ORC 576-0330 ducation; integ t in T * RUSTON TALET per | i ttle manure for ANING be ete oe ban ke once Cres ft runabouts. Centre, ; ® ture judgmen REAL ° $2.38 PER | ed with ca 4 cattle G CLE Cycle Centre, 204 Bon Northera motors. 725-7181. N., Whitby trol and ma ssen- NES | Il rotted Cycle tboard ter $75., : d. " ° ' ins are e: sige Bee he delivery. RY 2 Day potty ae 4--Motorbikes od dealer. "Gah Yachthaven DEER mr satomatic "Sa, ut] Thickson R Spare Time igs pew condition; SALESM, Re ee onEVIOUS manure. Pro Pick-Up an } UZUKI-- Authorized | de sell 723-8186 Ree ean $140, al tial; good p 1 ge iia tm. DAY | Free YAMAHA - SUZU We will buy boats. | Remington vate, 725-8640. A ! ie height 5' 8", ' for Osha pee FOUND aLICATiO 655-333] Angus-Graydon | Repairs aii makes. BL ao tally ESE sree ae ee "SE agg Money Maker _-- idle talon polled 3 a.m, DAY HONDA CB 160, good Tasaade | ide motors. and Supply Ofte. Telephone rine bP eT Apply in wi Clerk- Hes bs Balc ND DEATHS N } GARDEN 728-6254 \65 HONDA CB Bob' ater Evinru arine Storage --lfour gtud. Nearly new. McINTOSH rs, 723-0379, of Spurwoy, Cle Call W. Bal BIRTHS AND F PUB S\cATIO WAG 4 Es 'stab- ffer, Telephone week. Mi 3641, pe ear = Spin dryer. itby, 668-5254, wn containe: te a route s. J. A. Spi " fally, 'neni ws wae VICE LTD. _lncapngcsranr pr arate te Faber a SWOSPRINCE TTT" ul ene, {ble re Sa ey x ee Sos vending Teter |? wats at ng gr rage. IN MEMORIUMS 9 | ol ithed Sh vaaP Kae rene rel isa R $90, two camp iggy Also two. Dead Shen HEIRLOOM Batten aied at Sou An Xe Sta ee ke new our area @ i mite Wi CARD OF v PREV ous Heong 20 laa rh Thee Li BOX TRAILE ne 728-8173 Hr age gd FEN le HEIRS white, Valu aT Se eee Garage, located in y Capital invest- Personal in he evening Al # pm. DA ANURE |ifec..s Gpholstering, 207" Deen eciaig-viggoo ee $475. isl: Masson 'Street ate male east of. Roy LD Kuta lly for you. Ce but good ted during the A Uphois cots, $4, Bs ade and r d Barter 46) M ' tong, vores %& mile Ps to foes,| ially sential, conducte ° LASSIFIED D TOP SOIL--M eat red an ILER HITCHES yeiding done. Port: 7--Swap an 1, $177 'tollets, CEDAR POSTS, 8 0. 728-363 Fies.. Go fs ABLES -- | Tomatoes, ment not es: needed, T co! = eee : Fali plant- -- |725 JELDS re-upholster ur mate TRAILS POMEL Bagh yay By 6840 JATH AND LAUNDRY tubs, "sump Reasonable. Telephon me hoses, iH VEG 8, peppers, pote ash, edit references hours. RLTR, umns or large y stock for | CHESTER fstimates, See our mate.|TF pment for re Park, | BATH AND are srteryy 30 me aa Toe ede ema ies hg A tga oe nko el id t ESTATE : NS ANE ' y lretivied, Fres Slip. covers les|able_equipane a ing, $10) pres anity units, m rs, | VACUUM ick-up, delivery, treet, |corn, turnips, p Ye mile west Mr. Gran REAL CANCELLATIO t fe fal for re hon Uo Istering, 75 Charles|a RAILER STORAG| JO minutes from ines kitchen and fs ing fittings, 508 | jbrushes, etc. Pic Service, Main §| cabbages, Huron Farm, ice road. Phone . . imcoe. St., tin D LANDSCAING fo order: Oulton Upha |TRA ee Bea ene 1k arate pmber.| PUMPS, ee eee soe Fe Fleming Vacuum etc. poe 401 north serv! a Brine 7) 506 Sime 3! 9 em. DAY seme! e AND LANE Stree!,. 723-7212 (ct in-town, 40 re storage memb) br traliers. H. Pic Washing | ma: oF Oshawi PLES, $1.75 bushel, 635-71 80 N 728-758: bee ohh eg 1721 [sports iaclueed we Ls ad a ores ee ctane meat ree 112- publication wi 725-172 i ds Service Ania Cal Gece 'amid |7288. I PO ringer. Excellen 3723, ers, 111 TI SALE ee ee re a pu : pu es on hip. Ca ; 1959 Pyramid : Sale » hand w phone 7: containi FOR Z hes al greOEr For free estimates |S APPLIANCE HERS baaiag | raiers 1 si00, 1258687. 8--Articles for ert ine aaa and recon en green and ries carrots, $1.50 or write box SALES AG SOx t ndeavor nt {sleeps five, ire, lacks. $700, RIETY 0} ners, _ priced Dunbar fufolens 1c. bushel | E rie Siary, Sie -- IRS box, spare tir Hone Maser coach 773-4163. bushel; turnips, M 76895 n ANT: rward replies to 00D STOCK , SO REPAIR ce : ipment OW Hone | va up. Telephone 000-| Brooklin 655-5093, tT, Cox, 1h é W. overt ee iobility 3 eeees t FIELD epairs to all cio, |6cManne Equipm } es BAYS tian TIRES, Street West, 254503. rary ih ot Boys" Training' Schoo. Oshawa Times h lusive li omaged alleg y Low Prices. | Ey oert Nite dryers, ranges, | SIMS rich, 88 King Stree furniture of ap-| mice arti Itry Os awa For an exclu ref foilure or ona Excellent Qu Db fetes j; Of washers, | i SERVICE ING OR gaol +2294, 263-2695. s & Pou IME dustrial hardwa ' or Deliv oe ILABLE | | FASTER Pllanen Coll miter at-| FA--Egg' DAILY -- PART T m the eas a TS AVAIL FOR IAL |pliances. from $29.95, m ¥ FRESH 655-4752. ; area_fro Boy itors Weleome | ~ ALSO PAR - MENT SPEC fener nel oie at, ap | A Sa ake ee howe llowing Toronto to | L ALIGN - | CONTINENT ries; all sizes, 'headbos rouiet Carre Cae, § ITY ire the follo of rrent ¢ WHEE Ford, Ply. tresses half p ory outlet. White delivered ai ORTUN Require jou are cu GULATIONS 25-9674 ALCAN | ic ol fod "third off. Fact Two-tone | Picked "up. OPP If you and « REGULAT NOT BE 72! bd ou PPLIANCES| Chev., ioc. We correc one-t BY carriage, very "s Column nel this area ; IMES WILL MOT BE | JRE AND A H C ; th, Pontioc. and ler crit, complete," very Saree ; titehie eat person TG ML ella THE OSHAWA T ag a | hawe mouth, t, Inspec' ¥ , also large adds seldeteaseel f [1 REL D farm _stoc ir Own profita ested in an f tee enn FOR, MORE AMSTRA Simeoe aot oatt wheelobatires "and comber oray petri h tial BENS un tbe Nererilt Hampfon aat;| Own you business, Com- . missioned Le veite TISEMENT, WRITING NOT heer J. KA ; Telephone | TO GO cone = ik and ioe « eres rately. 7 sen amine machine, $25, 'baby Pic ve protest collect Ham time vending Age ®@ Men's Clothin ed products, : N ONE IN R BEYON IN- complete pete j align toe - in Herp: 14) WRING' wedding dress, Tyrone. ce 101-C- training with ¢ 65 CERSEMENT rok HeROR OCCURS. | LANDSCAPING li oe | 1967 MODELS oe sbeligg required Stn, Telephore_ $7626 anaes washers, |2721- -- and Livestock nent Seay lied Salesman... BON. My PRI Wuten to end | fag me you 's, oir extra D, USED $34.50 and 1--Pe : i c a i) TON IN right e vr Br s, all makes, : Parts RANTEED, | ae ALL excel t, jon Bas ap Tires reserve the rig GARDEN. SERVICE | eu os Pers and | SAVE UP TO 40% : Torsion bor adjustment fleviton oriiire Gh' keailanes ae BOARDED -- oa ese aceounts. $1,500 pent (Commissi n War ne ertising acc | cooled boa ice in Sidon Goctte Feros: loose Hable. Me lossify uities 8 8267 | co e. Largest serv extra Simcoe South, diamond ring. Jient care, 730112. ing eva . _ bs L potty coe g Telephone Ing, | finane ¢ nm, : gel pa ot d Eben a8 4 Oshawa RRIE AVE Hard top boots -- ee RAKE SPECIAL free fo a ade coats, sweat: pe CLIPPING saliens ud eorves ~ e ah For n the ¢ will no aa A 4 | motors -- B ' three ta Ize 18-20. priced, . Reply: H ON wee . The Times joce_ th ICKY OD ee: 725-4633 unobouts -- a a ' rs. First rs, dresses, s lephone 668-6 Repair Ic cual error oduce libility| 4, ON-KENTUCK S ene ee FON appiian-| FUNC rs -- tent trailers Most populer oneal, '208. two "manuals, fulll Wnitby. te alien: Rene, tye ore BOX 76648 z nt post Apple P Samer te reproducs sume es in| MERI E GRAS " REFRIGERATION stoves,| trailers toves -- lanterns Quality Rovaline, 4 w CHURCH ore sale. Whitby [ele lic $25 up. Deliver "y bids. eee These are permane bene- be over 18 ye : a , p ' $ ves : sr vi oT chaternind i on eet ag Nursery | ces) aie conditioners, all makes. noon hd rea ed s, etc, -- Z 14.88 we hee | phone 1.985 2645 b., male, gf ROG ih all eompany Ber dion PE cee tintin thon tf. Green u mtn Fridolee davienn ae. tees ir mats -- bags, $ : 6416. Lola ad til yer Moog ery business Realtor, 7839883, tions w rtunity to EADY TO any form are co} PLACE A LA s \9 sryer In Frigidaire oe bles er wheel AUTOMATIC ay $80. REGISTRRED show ee years; Real Estate, & fits and good oppo COME R | IT'S EASY xo WaNT AD So d Grower Iservioe 576-27, ene ai| 2 snowmobiles, Plus $2.00 p ) months, perfect two, years, eld Beagle, th years. be A nae ae FF AT 7:45 A. TIMES chbbgeti tap } Welcome and polisher ae motors. | (labor cos' phone 576-2557. television, $0, relstered female Beagle, PORTUNITY to be h-profit product: advance, Cell rien esse 674 TOW) L bi N eee 7-| Final Clearance BALANCE SPECIAL|E* wien Gece £35, Hotpint washing us 163.68 male pup, black, fercet vw. a Rese ee Apply Red Wing Or 723-3452 ag ana eaten Vilage tea ina HEEL te a Seve, Bip me CHINOOK as ep nk fe dl ly veers, 8 . #V eee be. eV RE Telephone | ages ne warers, ORS| W! hts per wheel, /Findiay frig, playpen, an-|eq nths old. Te VICE again|partime. Inventory. Box 76901, el Office Hes west © ie V2 vedges. ve ae ER MOT! ding weights p 5 Shak Lote: atic ae aie three _mo iG SERVIC .|covered by Inven ted nnel 2%m t --_------ . |CEDAR TREES for hedges iedatipled eat erator, etc, nces; "ei CHRYSL' Includi $1.9: VIKING k buffet, four o automa. QUALITY CLIPRING " SaRVIC 728-9609. ent Wan Perso ) Highway o ae aera 0 ieee te Nicak Rector cod Aaaita 11967 TS Docehcccvereas eject alee tba ian me "668308 [QUA breeds. 5104/15 Employm tiling Upper Leve No. 2 INDEX T : j 655-3498 abi ail ass | AND BOA es appro Beall pel sagas Bas Leet NG specialist, Lun RK. Trees eat, (Uppe: ia; ICATIONS |----- ice manu Al South, 723-0 "Open 4:30 ST MUFFLERS, asher-and dry h, classic, LE CLIPPING for sole, Lun = |EHATN SAW WORK. Trees cut Tiling ; Red App CLASSIFICATIO? iJanitor Servic Ene Simo ired, welding. H HEY LA SHOCKS, t tic w and hits ele Yoy puppies for cH ing, small mov : to Fri. CLASS! Jani is CaNTRASTOR RTICLES fepsired, 68-4217, | WHILE TI! T-END WORK a PIANO, Mason four years old, hone | service ied Townline Rd. dy|and seed 'elephone 668-8687, ° Mon. to ge ee NING CONTR lanitorlel fo 9 p.m. Telephone | FRONT- LE PRICES ariment size, fou bench. Telep! dilu_Kennels, y hae vf lobs, etc. a hae Searing, am. TATE SA j--Women's Coly |CLEA Complete ded, insured. |¢> . | MPARAB' aaah with matching BEAUTIFUL BAB in. Apply P. wall ai home, Janitor' sm. - 12 a, L ES aPercons! Coivmr Stes. Weekly, monthly, yearly ic Service rv. 9 OF -- 75588, Mg eo Mad A dg i ag nee CRS Wane ae ce Se ean between 10 a 4 pm, ves d for Bowma 3-Sportsme j estimates, Weel 576-0868, Sept leaned. Prompt se t} (°] YAL CHESTER, recel grey In| for d, 114 Elgin CS NILE Wave atting. NuithClee id 2 p.m. = Wante Area. Pr Matorcyes [Comat s. Telephone hee seas Fehenge ir a Ne UNIRO S ph egsaily light weight, WN eAR BLD feces rman poaltee Gee wey Begg lls, an Phage ace Mi Ex na ' er war White deals RE eine Teleenie od ey eR eves te MO Heel: Series idow for pre- ing experi elp ae toe tion . Reglater|Street West, Whi = i CENT color. ea Seermeey fer cilidren 'or ecuitar Co pe ag ey BUR jer to help 5--Swap 0 i Instruc ae Register|S Trai ers : iSED LUMBER, Jephone 725-28 for children Lovine in, Years is ' manager lergest rt &--Articies for i---- iN Tw Ys t me of u card feet. Tel f. 23-581 stalls or hool children, livery. Mrs ers jada's larges FMarket Basket BALLET, ee nce Academ pete ol FLEISCHMANN, | On- Boat | warranty Meda lit STORES Ly aor Chatcark street Fok ropes Gaaans Lo eel tra feed A Ale aes oe and Saver oad fobs de, Truck Driv Con - firm with ' Lt hy Beg iin Shopping cen ler c°|DONEVAN AND Commerc : DOMi South UN, | 16-gauge, $25. or ingle, Ex Ponies MOVING, m truck, Rent tr ord © F arial eo tlhe |Ganawe 10K ponoler Land | Surveyor, et, 725-5632. $115.00 7 Park Road very 'Gott Onanion regi Werks A with 'or _without N & BRIGGS Lov G. Lee, FR Taare les Sg Rent TANO INSTRUCT Telephone Brook 1) Ontario Stre Surveyor. | 00 Ib. ¥ 1 +] or Th jone 668-5107. PSs! Brown, Ida, 5 Samo YER pape siea| nN Iver, 728-2882. inted. Ex. CURRA\ TD. Lloyd Keith | les for rtunitiee /P' ssi cal any age. Be INTARIO LAND Elgin. St.| 5 $140.00 hone 725-65 offer. Te leph tacking concrete st sig] Bro RED SAMOYED Fry Snow. |dr' ITION In dortor'solice wanied. Ex: EADY-MIX LTD. President, H. Tor ieBusinese dager! {cla ONT St, Res. 103 600 Ib. tilt $140. PI THREE pre-cast CSA We bn Road |REGISTE en reba s | yal Phone | BOSITION In PS! and other ne ate R Simcoe St. S. linton Ave. E., To ee eas = = -------- iit $180.00 i Hated Geto Bitte oh Guna by _Chempler Gren 80 Srlece eines we, bles 991 OSHAWA Fg 333 1é--Agents Help Wanted e to Loon esantaethian j 800 Ib. tilt levisions, radios, feet, 9 Dymond eaini anger Contact "426-7571 built, |doctors' o' 723-8377, - 487-3 ° 17--Female, Help Want ee! ree y bud | 205.00 ITY TV televisic Service iP'S television, mounted | Beaverton, Se conn built, 308 p.m Englishspea . lg--Male Help Wanted | f ra ------| it § CITY epairs. 7 PHILL Oe ae AQUARIUMS --repled_ Sion TCH GIRL, 7, English-speaking, fled ten Mele Esteis For See sg I gre apd toeges of 12 per|Towing OWING! | 1000 Ne Pe $245.00 service ord 7a Haynes iow nsfor 'chevrelek, 'Neary' new orignal new and Boma old ~;| DUTCH wih all Fees seeks fob {ob imme' SIMPLE THINGS TALK: Classe a Fasten. "Senn tg Regal Roh y necpetyiNcahl ay rad eh om TO . | 1200 Ib. ti 3 dept. ers, color a Neisay Siren. model | 795-7647. iG ON -- Go Die pie rpll olay Mg sell things you Ad-writer now, 2ee--summer | Sale first rien 723-4631 any OUR SERVICE aod Also T.V. tow TV. Anten- I Nassau domestic table running ER 1s Paget! stray cats and diately. 263-2230 or T paaccaeelne at Dial 723-3492 fer an 2i--Farms "Sale tis!, private funds. Call 24 HOUR FROM $2.50 k and white T.V. Sales Wi YEAR-OLD In perfect t zig-zag| WINT. eded for smal 76 after 7 p.m. jdiately DO TYPING and ee otk Wanted | } ee Ok wa eae a 0) is blac rs installed, tn neta te eet Kitern. "Telephone 460-25 reais- | WHEL Telephone 725-0694, ip diag sl gp + f | NAL convenience * Renta nas, roto 9 am. to 9 pm. tate Mast pill leat intature, siiver-arey,_ regis home. 24--Stores Rent | For your ck ot Eost W id Service 9 a. N 725- - |consifios ode Wewieatalec veh Gore POODLES, min id, Telephone rigs db for evukan A | maintain a tow Hes I e lise 3u8 Quebec St. cle Repl side esas Telephone ed six weeks ol Hottxpe ae i NEE | and West we Tink Service & Sale call All work. guare galtor,, $35, In. good 'cond 26a-- Ren oO F * Rooms for é i hawa E. + Eee a Room end Rent HDs JOB ? pine 728-7711 H 1415 Dundas St. SELL unwanted articies Sverre for t for ' Focempect ep ll Read Help Wanted ESMAN. Clessified ond HITBY 668-3226 Bos yune tor Sates y iv 'n FULL-TIME SAL the clock. Dial 7 W! : S--Aitomobties Repair Ads Daily 't sell tor you sround rare oa | The Tim sales - 35-- P : | 3 Ms - 27--Auctions vente r ta--Coming t cae Stans Does ee > = 2 sae

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