Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Oct 1967, p. 12

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Gee TZ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 6, 1967 | ANN LANDERS | ¢ 'e Salvation Army Help, As Close As Telephone Dear Ann Landers: Several] Ann, I wanted to say yes so days ago I was oetween buses|bad I almost died, but I just in a strange city 350 miles from couldn't. I can't afford psychia- home. I turned my back in the|try and my mother is unreach- washroom and someone siole/able. Help me.--Old Maid For my purse. There I was without | Sure. a cent to my name, no identifi-| Dear Sure: Go back to that cation and no bus ticket. |boy and apologize for your I went to the man in charge|@ bruptness. Let him know of the bus station and explained|you've changed your mind and my plight. He iet me use his|you'd like to go out with him. phone to call three organiza-|And do it today. You recognize tions. I could get no help from|your problem and now is the any of them. Then I phoned the|time to face it. Salvation Army. A friendly voice said, 'You are only three) blocks from us. Come on over." The only credentials they required was that I was human being. They gave me 2 hot meal, a clean bed for the night and helped me contact Dear Ann: Our oldest son was killed 'in a 'car accident eight months ago. His widow was left with two small chil- dren. We always got along with her and during our mutual period of bereavement we gave my family. Then they gave me/ri ter seemed to. be. het mawecgin and sent me on my Way-|createst source of solace and I realized for the very first|we were grateful. But now she| time that the Salvation Army is|is yery cool to us and spends| something more than a buach/a)) her time working in the! | of beggars in slightly old-fash-| church, : joned uniforms--"do-gooders") Last week she wrote us a let- who pass tambourines on street ter saying she could not bring) corners and ring cow bells over the children to our home a kettle at Christmas. They are pecayse my nusband smokes. people who care ubout people. I She said she cannot take her| say God bless them.--Grateful (chiidren to her own parents' | Dear Grateful: I say God home for the same _ reason.) bless them, too. Over the years Smoking is against her reli-| I have received countless let- cion and she has become 2 ters from readers who have/fanatic related similar incidents, This' It is bad enough that we miss) lion-hearted organization our son. Now must we be deserves the support of all of/deprived of seeing his children? us. They never turn away a Please tell us what to do-- needy person. Heartbroken Grandparents | Dear Grandparents: It must! STREET-LENGTH skirts nuns. The religious noviti- Dear Ann Landers: I am|be obvious to you that your} and modern hairdos of Sis- ates find the habit gives nearly 18 years old and have ldaughter-in-law has become| ter Joyce Harris (left) and them greater freedom in never had a date. I am nicejunbalanced. Perhaps some/ Sister Virginia Vandean re- active lives they lead as looking, have a yood figure and|compromise can be worked out| teachers at St. Augustine's make top grades .n school, so until the poor woman gets back| school in Vancouver. Both wore the traditional coifs and ankle-length habits be- fore the recent change to the new style. (CP Photo) flect new look of Canada's it's not that I am dumb or ugly. jon the track. Can -you assure When I tell you that I havejher that your husband will not been asked out dozens of times|smoke in the children's pres- Nuns Find New Fre om | = ae ag ype ye. you/ence if an brings them to your ce . will pro say Iam batty. jh ? Will she allow y d I Mod: R ] H. b Yesterday & very nice po A ccna hustend ee her Nn em e 1g10US a. its from school asked if he could home where, cf course, he i call me for a date. I snappedjwould not smoke? Enlist the) VANCOUVER (CP) -- Thejlate August, when she and sev-| back, "Don't bother. I'm not |help of her minister. He could|mod dress and carefree hairdosjeral other sisters decided to interested. be your best ally. lof the mini-skirt set are strik-jadopt the new garb for the jin a subdued response amon) 1967-68 school semester. CHILD GUIDANCE ene 9 Le Saran inh uekne Children Are Natural Mimics, Respond Readily To Example jyards from their voluminous) They were given a choice of navy blue, black or grey jum- By GARRY C. MYERS PhD {after I said, "Clap hands," as I\sleeves and underskirts, short-| "The new dress doesn't feel For many years I have had|Clapped. ened their ankle-length habits|Stfange at all--it's just cooler dedicated to religious the West Coast. Religious novitiates are cav- tiously experimenting with aj "mini-look"' of their own. ' ie _q;.|0Xfords or pumps and the tradi- They've removed the tradi- | tional head covering is be tional coifs and veils, chopped) ionger required. Volunteer Clubs Face Extinction WINNIPEG (CP) | teer organizations must keep up} to date or die, Mrs. Abraham Hollenberg of Winnipeg said Monlay. -- Volun-|be endowed with THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW A day in which you will fare better at routine tasks than you will at new enterprises--with one exception: New ideas or |methods for simplifying the aforesaid routine should work out well; also relieve monotony Keep ears tuned to unusual suggestions, They could prove profitable, FOR THE BIRTHDAY your horoscope indicates that you are now facing better pros- pects than you have had in a long time and that you should, therefore, capitalize on every available opportunity if you would gain all the benefits pos- sible during the next year. As for specifics: Where occu- pational and-or business inter- fine chances to make progress during the next five weeks; jalso during the latter part of January, throughout May, August and September. A good business opportunity, offered in | April and well-handled, could also prove exceptionally profit- jable, On the financial front, your most gratifying periods | will occur during the first three | weeks in January, the first two |weeks of February, early July, |mid-August (when you may 'have an unexpected stroke of good luck) and next September. !Do be conservative in money | matters during November, the |latter half of February through- }out March and the first three |weeks of April, however. Some junexpected expenses during | these periods could "throw" you if you haven't sufficient funds on hand. Along personal lines, you should experience happy rela- tionships with family and friends. for most of the year, but do be careful not to antago- nize those in close circles dur- ing May or June when, uninten- tionally and perhaps through business pressures, you may be unnecessarily abrupt with those about you. Best periods for romance: Mid-January, early April, early May, late August; for travel: The weeks between July 18 and Oct. 1. . A child born on this day will the talents lrequired to succeed in almost any field of his choice. ee well prepared, trained and disciplined volunteers." Mrs. Hollenberg, president of} She said council membership pers or skirts to be worn with} Women on Canada, was deliver- |white blouses. Shoes are black|in the National Council of Jewish/has been declining or static spite of population and in the face of years in growth, g her report on the opening! expanding programs. She urged jay of the 14th biennial conven-'the council to recruit actively \of the council at the four - day| meeting. refresher "field courses" in| It was pretty clear to me she child development. Following|was trying to imitate a movye-|Sheathed their legs in sem}- the time our own children were) ment and was connecting it|Sheer nylon hose. babies, little grandchildren' with the meaningful word. | The new look is the result of have spent some days in sum-| a decree permitting Roman Catholic nuns to modernize} to just below the knee and and a lot lighter," said Sister be gore Vandean. The 25-year- rs) Mrs. Hollenberg told dele- id nun wore the long black|Sates changes must be made in habit from the time she took her final vows five years ago until the recent change to the council's structure and approach as problems change. "An organization that doesn't 3 _| IMITATING SOUNDS mer with us. Now great-grand a |new dress, keep up with social change can- children, three of them, are| While observing this baby, it|their ancient dress for the first|"° ee beginning to oblige. [occurred to me that by encour-|time in centuries. hentai te tetas eee eee This weekend I have enjoyed | pone gghng iy Br jared pte However, not all nuns are ten ihre gi pode Pad watching an_ eight-month-old ei Aig ak taking advantage of the new i » her more ready to imitate| among the teachers and "nurses great-granddaughter, She is soins we make--words we|{reedom. __,, |of the St. Ann Order attend a doing well | "It's pretty much an individ-!convention at the mother house at motor control : i : *|\speak. One day when I said to) a creeping, and standing by a low/y;,. Myers, Marty will be|ual decision," said Sister Joyce|in Lachine, Que. el | a chair, walking some talking soon," she replied, 'She Harris, a 23-year-old teacher at! More interesting to me has her parents enjoy her so much|°OUVer- been her speech development. I and keep talking to her so tend-| A member of the Sisters of notice that both her parents erly and constantly get so gen-|St. Ann, she wore the old-fash- i to her almost riagapeed erous a response from her." \ioned black serge habit until while ministering to her, play-| : | ing with her or cuddling her On several occasions in the! - column I have made much| and she gets a lot of cuddling. stout the power of the mutual] A very sunny little child, she/feeling of affection and com-| | smiles a great. deal .and she/fortableness in the parent and| Solve Lunch Query doesn't wait till she is first|child when this child is getting smiled at. She takes the initia- ready to begin talking and the! When making sandwiches for tive smiling at anybody, hoping /early speech progress he freezing, each bread slice should to get attention. makes. be spread liberally with butter. This smiling at others and Watching this little child This will prevent moist foods trying to get them to smile eight-months-old for shart from soaking into the bread and back is a powerful preparation|periods over several days, I will prevent drying when the fr beginning speech. She is feel more sure than ever that)sandwich thaws. Remember 'making another step in social feelings of love and companion-|that most sandwich ingredients 'response. ship are. foremost in furthering| with the exception of egg white, After I was talking to her for'speech development in the|raw vegetables, and mayonnaise 'a few moments while she was infant. will freeze well. Frozen Sandwiches on bee soctber s lap and she) (My bulletins, "Love and) Frozen sandwiches, indi- foe see ae aig and making @/ Restraint," "The Young Child's|vidually wrapped in double ew sounds and movements Of speech," "Why Read to Baby'layers of wax paper can be her hands, she turned and/onq Young Child," and "Enjoy-stored in the refrigerator looked at her mother's eyes. ing Our Children," may be|freezer compartment for up to SIGNS OF ENJOYMENT secured by sending a self-ad-|two weeks. For longer storage, At several other times she dressed, U.S. stamped envelope label and wrap each sandwich was looking for signs of enjoy-'0 me in care of this news-|in special freezer food wrap ment from her mother. The Paper.) jand keep in freezer compart- parents informed me that this 2NTS' ae ; jment. has been a recent development. ois de spe nig rag : What a significant development! ani.) tg eee ee in when the baby seeks signs of oe oS al aaa enjoyment others are sharing. i aren THIEF FED KITTY TUCSON, Ariz. (AP)--The him a' smalliman who took about $800 in Pr ats bs band' ceeine Phe amount of money, nickel or jewelry from the home of Mary bee'? I hard ae nee this dime, at regular intervals, say| Donahue wasn't exactly a cat mona a 'an Hace witha nat once a week, as soon 'as he) burglar, but he was certainly a dnpihee (aaitaled' wae We little begins to buy things alone,|lover of felines. Mrs. Donahue Sualten tina MAAS we panes making sure he must get nojtold police the burglar appar- may jmitaie certain random more in times between ently fed her cat before he left.'* sounds the baby seems to make by accident, playing with more and more sounds. From such imitation the youngster learns to imitate purposely. Several times she moved her hands for clapping though they Ll a Tey : Get Clothes Cleaned @ Just The Way You = never came together. A few ® i times she responded to the ® Like Them To Be i det mother's words, 'Clap hands.' « CALL 725-3555 GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. Dry Cleaning @ Shirt Laundering @ 92 Wolfe Street @ 924 Simcoe North @ 1702 Mary Street @ 12 Bond East és ii BEE bE Eg EF OG EVERYBODY BENEFITS... EVERYBODY GIVES On two different times she made the clapping movements @ e LEWIS OPTICAL Established for over 30 years 10% King Street West 725-0444 Bheoseccocsoooool < Lf f can't keep from doing so, as|St- Augustine's School in Van-'ter Harris like the freedom of Both Sister Vandean and Sis- movement the new _ fashion gives them. "We don't Jook so different from other women now," Sister Harris said. '"'We think it will] be easier to work among our people. "Our modern clothes will enable us to help people under-! stand that we are not aloof} from their world--we are very| much part of it.' The Sisters of St. Ann are among several Canadian orders of "new nuns" which have} adopted a simplified habit to| facilitate their work in teach- ing, nursing and social service. | Others include Our Lady's Missionaries and the Sisters of the Street, members of which wear street-length uniforms.| They live and work with the poor and underprivileged. not progress, and may vanish." She said many people believe) volunteers are no longer neces-| sary because government has} taken over so much welfare work. She said she believes vol-| unteers are still necessary as a part of a democracy, but in a changed role. They must learn to work with government. j "And this means they must/ OSHAWA TIMES | PICTURE RE-PRINTS 20% Discount o n Orders of 5 or More Pictures Availoble At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. £., Oshawe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x 7 -- 1.25 each | Discover A Radiant Steam Waves & Color Treatment ' Modella 71 CELINA You This Fall! We Specialize in... CALL US TODAY! HAIR STYLISTS PHONE 725-4531 Van Belle Gardeninc Take a Drive To VAN BELLE GARDENS 36 Varieties of EVERGREENS (Freshly Dug) Hordy Garden MUMS .. . Tulips « Doffodils . . . Hyacinths, ete, (large selection to choose from) Pot Mums, Foliage Plants, ete. ALL ATTRACTIVELY PRICED. EVERYTHING IS READY FOR FALL PLANTING CENTRE "Drop in or Cell" Van Belle "Your Friendh 5 Minutes ON HIGHWAY N Gardens Garden Centre' it of Oshawa 2.» « 623-5757 tion. About 70 delegates are| and call on the skills of working representing the 6,000 members| women. -- If tomorrow is your birthday, | ® ests are concerned , look for|' For The BEST DEAL On The Famous Firestone TOWN and COUNTRY TIRES FIRESTONE BATTERIES COOPER'S TEXACO 56 BRUCE ST. 723-9632 410 RITSON RD. N. 725-8033 Use Your Texaco Credit Card Toke Up To 12 Months To Pay. Be Sure and Get Your Free WINDSHIELD ICE SCRAPER We won't pull the wool over your eyes Or any of the other thousands of colourful fabrics for dresses, suits, ond othet fashions you are planning for your family that we have waiting for you to see, You con be sure, however, that we'll offer our experience with materials and pattern service so thot you won't be left in the dork about making a happy choice, Add some colour to your life, drop In to the House of Fabrics 1] KING EAST Oshawa, Ont. 725-4551 mart) A Division of the S. S. Kresge Company Limited DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL Ladies' SLEEVELESS PULLOVERS Rolled Collar with zipper back. Good assortment of fall shades. Sizes S-M-L. 1 99 wre F viscouns BOMBSHELL TULIP BULBS Colors. Imported from Hol- uaranteed to bloom, Kmart Discount Price Saturday Only .........., WU y, DISCOUNT s Le BOMBSHEL McCormick's Fudge -CINNAMON GRAHAMS New toste treat in cookies 12Y4-0z. pkg. all ab 18 to a pkg. Kmart Discount Price Saturdey Only Kmort Discount Priee Saturday Only ' pkg. ] 5: " for Maal / DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL PLAID SHIRTS Washable cotton flannel. Dark plaids in sizes small, medium wit 9.17 WUNTY, DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL Reg. Kmart Price 2.97 Special Discount Price Saturday Only seme ee eter eene were DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL Ledies' BOUCLE SHELLS Lovely shades for fall. Sizes S, M, L. & Kmart Discount Price Saturday Only 1.77 Top Quality LUGGAGE DISCONTINUED LINES 33°. 0% on SAT. ONLY. DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL Hostess POTATO CHIPS 2 for st 12-0z. pkg. -- 69c value Kmart Discount Price Saturday Only .........6 On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby PLEASE -- NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS 2 WEI A record for Oshawa Times Oshawa Times depends upon | Women's Edito The record of guest: should | wedding, Ch St. George's U! fc Church was the marriage S noon of Sherron ter of Mr. and Francis Fowler, Eugene Michae son of Mr. an Cherewaty, Osha The Reverend officiated and \ gala was the sol ied by Mrs. Sin Given in mar father, the bride a formal gown fashioned with < line, a scoop elbow-length sles lace appliques, with seed pearls. front of the neck of the sleeves : front, The bell-sh designed with a and was applique lace and pearls. detachable _ train scalloped lace v the waist by a t Last Saturday Northminster U Marguerite Edith the bride of Jam dik. The bride i of Mr. and Mrs. Keel and the bri son of Mr. and M Gazdik, all of Os The Reverend officiated at the Ronald Kellingtc wedding music. Given in mat father, the bride legth gown of pe: an empire - wai straight skirt. T sleeves of the go tilly lace and a t ing lace fell from Her headdress, ¢ K Now honeymoc muda following | last Saturday aft John the Evan Catholie Church, Mr. and Mrs, 1] Keane. The bride is th gia Jean Lofthou: Mr. and Mrs. G Lofthouse, Oshav groom is 'the son Edward Keane, the late Mrs. Ke The bridegroon Reverend Carl } ed and Miss Eli Columbus, playe music. Given in mai father, the bride designed, self - gown of bonded A-line style with sleeves and a | Lace inserts ¢ sleeves, encircle: edged the chap was caught at tl Ku The Reverend ville officiated United Church, last Saturday ¢ Sandra Dale, d and Mrs. Alan A Bowmanville, \ marriage to V Kutasienski son Mrs. John Ku awa, The soloist wa Bell, Whitby, a Ross Metcalfe : Given in mz father, the bric mal gown of | tilly lace design neckline and iil Flounces of la julle on the lace skirt formed ¢ which was enhz bow. A jewelled dress held h shoulder-length silk illusion an bouquet of ye Sweetheart rose a white orchid. A Bermuda lowed the wet L.nne Deak 8 Moore which Saturday after minster United bride is the dat Mrs. Frank De: groom is the s Mrs. Earl Moot The Reveren officiated at th Mrs. William companied by ton at the orga Given in nm father, the bric length gown fashioned alor with an A-line able cathedral tached at the v sleeves trimme Her headdress,

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