Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Oct 1967, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 3, World's Oldest Sport, | " | Falconry Being Revived -- from Chicago White Sox for|fourth batting tile this year, By EDDY GILMORE | reliever Don McMahon andisays the 1967 season was his) CLONMEL, Ireland (AP)--In | pitcher Gary Bell from Cleve-| greatest year -- and his biggest|the heart of Couniy Tipperary a | just! Boston's Pennant Win Ranks |lementeHad " ) His Best Year, Saga Among World's Sports _ Not 5 Pirates PITTSBURGH (AP) + ;dge x By DAVE O'HARA BOSTON (AP)--Except for owner Tom Yawkey's fat wal- Jet, Boston Red Sox' amazing charge to the 1967 American Jeague pennant would rank among the sports world's all- time rags-to-riches stories. Defying all odds, the Red Sox, a perennial second division ,club, moved from a 1966 ninth- place. finish--just one-half game out of last--to their first flag in 21 years under a rookie mana- er. Yawkey's patience, coupled with wise moves by his front office staff, finally brought handsome dividends in his 35th West Germany, and Spain and in the United States. Falconry reached its peak in |Europe between the 1ith and 12th centuries. Gunpowder's invention about killed off falconry. Jocher insists that hawking--| \far from being a cruel sport--is| |much more humane than shoot-| land Indians for outfielder Don'disappointment, 'vo. » |retired German industrialist is Demeter and first baseman Clemente, who won batting reviving the world's oldest) Tony Horton. titles in 1961, 1964 ana 1965, bat-| sport--falconry. | After the All-Star game, the|ted .357, best of his 13-year) "My dream," said Ernst C. Red Sox rattled off 10 straight,maior - league career. He Jed|F. Jocher, "is to develop here victories, closing to within one- the major leagues in hits within Tipperary the biggest faicon- half game of the first place|209, and was second in thejry in the world." ing. White Sox. That surge turned ale ncteral Rie reir aig aig In case you haven't hawked it} The best shot in the world, he| the pennant race into a hectic Contest wi ie "BI's. _ yet, falconry is the art ofjsays, will sometimes fail to kill scramble. Orlando Cepeda of St. Louis employing birds of prey injthe bird outright and because of} Williams maintained his dis- 00k the RBI title with 111, berg pee. As for - moe. this the bird is left to die a slow| cipline all the way. He benched| But his Pittsburgh Pirates,|uity, Jocher says there is proof|death, first baseman George Scott and|the pre - season pevnant sesor.iet J, Selene' as asport in| The se the other hand, | third. baseman Joy Foy forjites, placed sixth, 20% games|2,205 BC. either kills its quarry instantly) being overweight--as the Red|behind first - place St. Louis! 'But the noble art of hawking|oF Misses it compietely. => = ---- ae a gu os Raha te evs Sox dropped three straight one-|Cardinals. may be much older. Anyhow.) "There has been a_ great| \ reward: Boston's eight 3 run decisions to the Angels in| 'I have to say I think this|there's no doubt about it. It's amount of nonsense talked and| V arg aa only the secon California Aug. 11-13. was my best year,' Clemente the oldest sport in the world." written about birds of prey," he} 4 {since 1916. DICK WILLIAMS CARL YASTRZEMSKI said, From Stuttgart, West Ger-/said. "Over the ages they've! 1 | LOST CONIGLIARO "Last year I had a pretty goodjmany, Jocher came to Ireland|been terribly maligned. Then Aug. 18 Conigliaro was year, too, but lots of other euys|for the first. time 14 years ago.| "They have never killed! hit by a fast ball thrown by the on the team had good years." .|He fell in love with Ireland and|sheep and I defy anyone to| Angels' Jack Hamilton. Conig-, "But this year I have myjdecided to retire here five| prove that even an eagle Neat liaro, with 20 homers and 67 highest batting average, and I)years ago. ever killed a child, and God runs batted in, was through for get over 100 RBI's again and 23) In running The Falconry 4f\knows, the story books are The pitching appeared weak the season. home runs." Ireland, Jocher is assisted by filled with that sort of rot." except for Jim Lonborg, who| With Yastrzemski heading for, But his year was tempered his son-in-law, Hermann G ee eee had a 10-10 record as a major|the Triple Crown, Lonborg by the Pirate's flop. sel, his daughter Helga Geissel, league sophomore in 1966. Wil-| passing the 20-victory mark and| 'Sure you have to be disap-|and a young German taiconer, REMEMBER WHEN? . . liams, -however, insisted 'the |others contributing their share, pointed when you have so much|Rudi Wolf, also of Stuttgart. By THE CANADIAN PRESS staff was better than it looked./the Red Sox hung on in the talent on the ball club and fin. The Falconry of ireland is an "yyy, ine Bill Stribling ghting Bill Stribling After finishing in the second division eight straight seasons,! the Red Sox dipped into their farm system and named Dick trzemski was stripped of his!|Smith, who was shifted back to Williams as manager. - |team captaincy and young slug- centrefield after failing in a Williams was noted for his|ger Tony Conigliaro was{trial as a second baseman. witty remarks during a longjordered to liye with other' major league career as a utility) unmarried players. player. However, he became a! Noting the Red Sox' record of hard-nosed boss when he took/72-90 in 1966, Williams brashly over as manager at Toronto) promised that the team 'will and led the International|win more games than it loses e « Manager of Yeod? « + « Boston's Big "Socker" | Z----= -- 2S BOB GIBSON -«. Cards Ace c-- 7 SS tstop but third is a tight fit yveen the Cards' Mike Shan- and Boston's Dalton Jones, . good men with the bat. League Maple Leafs to the Gov-|this year."' Boston observers, 'The Red Sox were hit hard|four-way pennant fight as Wil- ish in the position we finished," impressive layout died So wears iams seldom usea Joe Foy, ernor's Cup in 1965 and 1966. accustomed to losing, smiled .14, Conigliaro was called to|!iams manoeuvred like a puppe- he said It has more than 40 birds of ae ' abraded ago today--in regular third baseman at oN SRE politely--while shaking heads in'. ioe army ic ie |teer. set prey including a golden eagle, 1935--at Macon, Ga., three start of the ye NO NONSENSE HERE disbelief active army duty for two weeks ; that flies free and returns to its, YS after losing a leg in a sta ne year. Sulla couple of months why|o : when the club appeared found-| A veteran scout, Doc Gau- TOP SHOOTERS master's fist hai valled. and a| Motoreycle crash. Stribling astrzemski, everybody's of his 38th birthday and work-. The Red Sox struggled ering with a 13-16 mark in mid-) treau of California Angels,; DARTMOUTH, N.S. (CP)-- black vulture ha ti Magi 4 after fighting almost every bet for Most Valuable ing as manager of a few former|around the .500 mark at the|May. Instead of collapsing, Bos-jCalled the shots when, in 'early|The Dartmouth Gun Clublin the wand." 'gest Or hoxing champion of the pre- |September, he named the Red placed first in the Atlantic sec- Sox "A team of destiny." It fits tion of the Winchester claybird); MAKES COMEBACK well with 'Cinderella Sox" and|trap and skeet tournament here| Jocher says falconry is mak- Saturday. 'ing a comeback in Britain,! YOUR NAME'S -- THE GAME & look Here. . . For-The Best In Service - Products - Prices! vious decade from middle- weight to heavyweight, never reached the top him- self. ton climbed back to .500. |TRADES TURNED TIDE team-mates, Williams took| start of the season. Williams charge of the Red Sox prompt-|made a couple of brief tempo- ly, cracking down at the outsetjrary moves, even benching of spring training. As a couple|Yastrzemski for a game. But of examples, veteran Carl Yas-|he stuck with rookie Regi yer honors in the American gue, must be ranked over left fielder aithough the is' Lou Brock combines d and power, and carried club in early season. irt Flood of the Cards has ye the centre fielder over 'ie Reggie Smith of the Sox ough Flood has been havirg ble throwing since a mid- on injury. Smith had a 1 second half ater a slow L. Then the front office gave "Cardiac Kids." ms a big boost, obtaining Jenkins Second Canadian Win 20 Games In Big Time dian to 20 victories was Phil|Chicago amazed the baseball Marchildon of Penetanguishine,|world by taking the National ger Maris, both at bat and ie field, has a wide edge in RUSSELL'S TEXACO DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre @ CUSTOM DRAPERIES @ BROADLOOM CINCINNATI (AP) -- Fergu- field over either Ken son Jenkins, a rangy product of oer aly Nod Rieti feoturing elson or Jose Tartabu!!. the sandlots of Chatham, Ont.,|Ont., who posted a 19-9 record) League lead briefly. @ Allen tronie Tune-ups for Fall @ Fireston Good- INT! is' backup men, Bob Tolan Friday became the secondjin 1947 with Philadelphia Ath-| All season, Fergie, 23, has} year Tires, gee is ~ ao Alex .. 5 3 i in 2 s in a} letics American League.|b ear the top in stri- Alex Johnson, rate on a Canadian to win 20 games in ajletics of the American Leagu een at or near the top in stri 107 BYRON S., WHITBY with Harrelson and Tarta- itching is another big plus St. Louis. Tim McCarver, sing Joe Torre for the role No. 1 catcher in baseball, been an inspirational leader season and hit .295 with 14 ers and 69 runs batted in. 2 of the aston catchers come close, K HITTING iss Gibson, who knocked nd the farm system for 10 s, is a 300d-catch-no-hit and Elston Howard has ed mostly by sicadying the lers with his experience, - has not done much at bat, e oddsmakers who have blished the Cards as favor- have weighed all the statis. ey can't tally the great owns: Can the Cards get in stride after an early hing? Will the Red Sex entum carry over into the ies? Or will the nerve- 'king tension of those final take its toll on tired Red LAAT, WANTED YWLING LEAGUE FOR UESDAY EVENINGS 7 to 9 p.m, unty Bowl Whitby FOR INFORMATION CALL 668-2651 cit smooth, Id Canadian vith a most e flavour. BYVILLE, CANADA NSMISSION EASY TERMS 1-DAY SERVICE A FREE TOWING RICES ju leave your car \(RANTEE © tman in over 450 ut Canada & U.S.A, ig rings, seals, labour 576-2600 single season in the modern his- tory of the major leagues. He started quickly by winning the opening game of the season, when Chicago Cubs manager Leo Durocher planted the idea Jenkins might win 20. "Fergie has everything," Durocher said. '"'He has a live fastball, a good overhand curve and a slider. I don't say he will win 20 games, but if you say it he might make you out a gen- ius." The march to the magical 20- win circle ended when Jenkins shackled Cincinnati Reds on *ix hits for a 4-1 victory as Chicago took sole possession of third place in the National League. One Canadian, Russell Ford of Brandon, Man., won 22 games with New York in 1911. Since then, the closest Cana- Bob Hooper of Leamington,|keouts. He fanned eight Reds} Ont., won 15 and lost 10 with/ Friday to boost his total for the} OSHAWA TOWING ao: parc se oshawa 728-7711 Wm, J, Lee, 214 Clarke Philadelphia in 1950 and Dick|season to 236, second only to Fowler of Toronto won 15|/former team-mate Jim Bunning games for Philadelphia both in/of the Phillies. 1948 and 1949. | Jenkins shone in several | A jsports at high school, but base-| |BORN NEAR TRACKS ball had been of special interest! | Jenkins, the first Canadian|since his dad bought his first! |Negro to make the majors, was) glove. Even with the new glove,| born in a cottage near the Chat-| Fergie failed in his first bid to} ped In Freshly Peso AY CLEANED REUPHOLSTER ... for that "LIKE NEW" fook WIGGERS CUSTOM FURNITURE Repairs & Refinishing New Location 506 Simcoe St. $. Oshawa 728-7585 W. FRANK UPHOLSTERING SPECIALISTS AT REASONABLE PRICES. %* Furniture Refinishing & Restoring Specializing veneers, @ Custom Woodworking in woodworking and ham railroad station, where the|)make a Chatham _ pee-wee i Jenkins family still lives. ene P Whitby Cleaners Ltd, Gea REAL ESTATE ¥. Custom Built Furniture, Fergie, a 205-pounder who) Fergie's father, a chef in : : W.C.F. (Rear) also Darli holst stands six-foot-five, used his|Chatham, once earned $35 a Ajax Cleaners | Whitby 21. King W arlington Upholstery $10,000 bonus, obtained from|week in semi-pro ranks hefore|] 72 yarwoop £ Bae ass Phone 668-5376 ia Bowmanville Philadelphia Phillies in 1962, to|the majors opened their doors : +0310 be Bowmanville 102 King St. W. 623-7341 pay off the mortgage on his family's home. Last season, he won six and lost eighe for ehe Cubs after being grabbed in a trade with Philadelphia. He was a stand- out early in the season when OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS MOTOR CITY MEN'S MAJOR | The pace Is quickening In the majors and there will be no "easy picking" as far as winning points is concerned from here in. Braggarts moved into the- spotlight) when they set a new high team score} for three games, 3952, in Group 1 and) in doing so they clobbered the Knights Who have been riding high for the past two weeks, winning all the points. It was a great team effort by the Brag-/ garts with all but one of their bowlers hitting over the 700 mark, the exception being their Captain, Ron Bragg who must have "pulled a muscle', even bro- ther Buddy was ahead of him. | Tigers also racked up a nice total of 3904 and here again it was five men | over the 700 mark to shut-out Jaywalk- ers Platformates took over top spot In the standing with a shut-out over Ozarks) and Colts stayed up with the leaders when they split with the Sellers. A new high In the individual high three was set when Joe Toth registered | @ brilliant 915 which included 258, 328) and 329. This nice effort "also moved doe into first spot in the High Aver- age race in a tie with Al Perry, both) with @ 262 mark. Another bright young fellow is knocking on the door, namely, | Garry Gwilliam who is tied with Jim) Cassells, both with 257 in the second) Position, followed by Ozzie Keeler 256, Guy Williams 251, Stan St. Louis 250 and Larry Piper 250. In Group 2, Stan Turner paced his Stoppers to a clean cut shut-out 4 point win in their meeting with Aces, Prow- lers. snared three much needed points from Marksmen, Comebackers also got | three from Tailenders and Clunkers split with Goofballs. Standing; Group 1. Platformates 8; Tigers 8; Colts 7; Knights 7; Braggarts 7; Sellers 4; Jaywalkers 4; Ozarks 3. Group 2. Prowlers 10; Stoppers 9; Comebackers 8; Goofballs 7; Clunkers 5; Aces 4; Marksmen 3; and Tailend-; ers 2. Individual High Scores; Joe Toth 915 329); Garry Gwilliam 804 (314); ic' McMaster 801 (289); John Van Dyk 793 (286); Stan St. Louis 786 (311); Al Perry 783 (274); Jim Cagsells) 779 (350); Frank Eccles 771 (275); Oz- zie Keeler 760 (272); Mike' Childerhose 759 (284); Larry Piper 758 (284) and Perry Whitehead 751 (278). Group 2. A new High Three Total was set by Doug Fuller with 800 (270); Stan) Turner 741 (272); Paul Wright 726 (281);) Sid Bowers 669; Carl Ritchie 6807 George Russell 678; Dennis Noakes 671 (290); Keith Smith 671; George Rob-| Inson 670; Hal Clarke 669 and Emery) Basterache 667. CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS LEAGUE High Triples: Don Robinson 756 (265, 275), Ev Stata 743 (262, 268), Jim Muir 722 (248, 259), Al Smith 715 (240, 247), Norville Buck 682 (231, 228), Wes Stata $46 (204, 254), Molly Hartshorn 622 (250), Doug Smith 617 (289), Harvey Balson 609 (220), Bill Elliott 602 (219, 204) and Dor-| othy McDonald (240). High Singles: Queenie Lounds 258, Neil Paimer 255, Beryl Miller 238, George Morgan 224, Claude Glassford 216, Jim Carmichael 213, Don Lounds 212, 200, Ted Varga 210, Diane Lounds 209 and Arlis Smith 208. Team Standing: Cokes, Expo's and Darts 4, Rums, 67's and Quits 3, Mapa's 2 and BVD"s |. MOTOR High Doub 274); Irene Campbell Evon Pelow 498 (255, 243); Ann Peters) 481 (243, 238); Fai 470} (186, 284); June G 8, 3 Hazel Rumpel 43) (231, 200); ; Kay Manilla 428 79, (216, 202) ) 256, Dot 239, Mae Jamieson 233, Nora James 220, Auril Glendenning 217, Flo Willlamson' 214, Irene Moore 216, Queenie Lounds 5 Jessie McKenzie 208, Rose Stovin 205, ie 205 and Eleanor Crow- ells CITY STORE LEAGUE Team Standing -- Nu-Way Rug 5, an dan's 5, People's 4, Modern Upholstery 4, Kinloch's 3, Ballinger's Meats 3, Swan's 2, Jury and Lovell 2, Thompson- kjanaghan end Augus-Graydon 1, ¥ | Martinelli |(654), June Murphy 208, 227, 202 Night's Highlight -- Irene Campbell 303. Congratulations! POST OFFICE LEAGUE High Triples: Bob Gibbons 733, Ben Jacklin 569, Ena Pearce 650, Eric Pearce 656, Midge Cameron 615, Lloyd Schramm 624, Joyce Ash 606 and Jim Wilson -604. High Singles: Bob Gibbons 335, Joyce Ash 234, Ena Pearce 271, Eric Pearce 248, 230, Midge Cameron 236, Boh Was- sell 240 and Bev Jacklin 255. Team Standing: Hopper¢ 14, Hip- pies 14, Hipsters 12, Strikers 11, Twisters 10, Knockers 7 and Stars 7 LUTHERAN CHURCH LEAGUE High Triples: Mike Peter 693, Elmer Behm 679, Millie Koss 643, Steve Peter 635, Frank Macko 629 and Ken Hoffman 60 6. High Singles: Elmer Behm 279, Bea Aho 259, Steve Peter 248, Frank Macko 257, 248, Mike Peter 237, 233, John Plews 246, Joan Brisco 231 and Ken Hoffman 227. Team Standing: Daffy Dillies 4, Explos and The Schnitzel Six 3 each, Hippies and Castaways | each, and The Town Criers 0. CATHOLIC BOWLING LEAGUE High Triples: J. Cardinal 780 (251, 274, 255), D, Rorabeck 718 (279, 244), J. O'Malley 732 (297), Mr. Brady 680 (318) L. Doyle 661 (254), L. Gates 650 (250), A. Cardinal 643, H. Dickison 638, L. Young 637 (250) and £. Marshall 633 (246). High Singles: J. Peters 265, P. Curran 235, ©. Arsenault 235, B. Leach 233, J. MacDonnel 234, and S$. Infusini 226. Points Taken: No. 1 2, No. 2 2, No. 3,3 No. 4 1, No. 5 1, No. 6 3, No. 7 0, No. 8 4, No, 9 0, and No. 10 4. The League would like to welcome all new bowlers. GLENHOLME SCHOOL Joe Holkema was the highest for the school this week with 280. Senior Boys: Carlo DeJong 200, James scorer Swayne 210, Bobby Henning 200, John 170, Randy McArthur 210, Wayne Vennor 80, John Wilson 200 and David O'Boyle 220. Senior Girls: 140, Doreen Carson 90, 40, Christine LaRush 100, Lorraine Mar- shall 120, Helen Renaud 50, Glynis Gard 120 and Wanda Mather 160. Intermediate Class: Ricky Peyton 180, Susan Lazin 100, Joe Holkema 280, Mary Polacok 110, Freddy Johnston -- 170, Straszewski O'Boyle Christine Karen |Michael Polityka 80, Mark Malawy 30 90. and Walter Kaschahub WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES LEAGUE High Triple: June Bird 7 9, 300 (637), Marg Morton 227, 236, 156 (619) and Jo Cobbledick 213, 187, 203 (403). High Singles: Edna Lupton 264, Gail Keho 247, Jo Pritchard 241, Marian Har- ris 230, Irene Rogers 224, Gerry May 223, Dawn May 221, Wal Smith 213, Sandra Wilson 211, Chick Lidster 209, Joan Bea- ton 208, Pam Kehoe 208, Mary Piccinni 206, Nancy Fice 204, Lorraine Warden 203 and Verna Dewell 202. Team Standing: Bell Bottoms 9, Go- Getters 9, Acrobats 8, Betters 7, Hits and pee 6, Minis 5, Busybodies 2 and Bells Congratulations go to June Bird for the first 300 game and Betty Cepecaver for her 715 triple. to Negroes. Delores Ferguson, mother of the rangy righthander, has been blind for years, She want- ed six children but could have |only one. "Fergie is my six children in one,"' she says. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson were on hand opening day as Fergie pitched his first victory of the season. Before he reached the majors, Fergie played at Wil- liamsport, Miami, Little Rock A Really Good Place To Buy A Finer Used Car 166 KING E. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 623-3396 $. Large, 1174 Ritson South and Buffalo in the Philadelphia} chain. He polished his talents} \last. winter in the Florida} instructional Jeague and now is considered a key to future Cub | successes, Besides his parents, Fergie) has a big reason for continuing to develop. He was married) ACLEAN CAR 1S WORTH MORE As @ trade! It looks ond runs better too. Interior cleaning & Motor Shampoo. Car Care Centre Bond St. W. 576-1440 Opposite Ontario Motors WIN LP RECORDS FREE! Each week names of loca! persons will appear in these adver- tisements. If you find your name, cut out the od . bring it into the Oshawa Times, except for the Genosha Hotel winner. Winners must claim their prizes one week from the issye of poper. GLANZER Cabinets Specializing In Livingroom, Rec room built-ins, abut to at When You're On The Move Call HEARD'S TAXI and CARTAGE 124 Brock St. N., WHITBY -- 668-3732 Radio Equipped For Your Convenience Many types of mouldings and designs to choose, @ Free Estimates 576-2980 recently to a girl from Dresden, | Ont. | Jockey Grubb May Lose Title TORONTO (CP)--A 10-day) suspension for interference may cost apprentice rider Richard Grubb this year's litle of Can- ada's leading rider. | The suspension, announced | \Monday by the stewards of| Woodbine Raceway here, was) for allowing his mount, Level] Road, to interfere with Dance Me Loose in the fourth Satur-| day. It will begin Thursday. The sus ension_ brings |Grubb's suspension total for the | year to 50 days--more than any Mrs, B, Kapezyrski, 646 Buchan 100% PROTECTION MM ALL 22 CRITICAL RUST AREAS NAT ~ see cies *¢ing ti vose sams ome Worlds Largest Rustproofing Specialists ae . |Ziebart Tai was AUTO - TRUCK = RUSTRROOFING alta MOL i 660 DRAKE ST., OSHAWA 576-0810 FLEXALUM i 'Y Venetian & Vertical Zolian & Nicks gre cog t BLINDS GARAGE Ju Bereta a! Resicsiitiat oe ee yy ihe e MIL Jk : 728-0051 ARE IN polereriaa : Specializing In... ILONA'S NINGS Seicioee' tome vstked Snes'? 1] VOLKSWAGEN DRESSMAKING SALON Canves & Aluminum Products Townline Rd, N. RR2 Oshawa 728-1993 Evening Calls Welcomed Open 6:30 A.M, til! 10 P.M, Daily except Tuesday. TAUNTON RD. West of Thornton Dressmaking course starts Oct, 16 441% Simcoe N. 728-0042 Repairs & Parts Just Rd, 160 Simcoe St. S. 'other rider in Canada. | Including . his two victories) |Monday, 18-year-old. Grubb now! jhas 167 wins to fis name--17) more than runner-up Avelino| \Gomez and up 21 from James! Kelly, another apvrentice rider. | Hoper Picker, owned by. the Confucius says, "Man who stops advertising to save money is like man who stops clock to save time." SCHOOL SUPPLY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK % Patent Drugs *% Cards and Gifts South End -- after hours stop for jug milk, magazines and novels, The latest in games and gifts. RAY'S Sm 1188 Simcoe St. $. joke and ft Shop 576-0790 Pine Tree sfable of Toronto and ridden by Don Hale, defeated| {Post Pioneer in the featured seventh to pay $6.50, $4 and) $2.70. j The two horses combined for a $44.50 exactor, Real Runner, | a $19.10 winner in the fifth,| |combined with Mornins' Mornin} 'for a $50.20 exaclor. Tiny Major, $29.90 winner of the first, joined Sunset Isle for a $114.90 daily double. Attendance was 6,572, the handle $507,801. Beautify & Protect With © SIDING . «+ by Kaiser! @ Extra insulation @ No Main- tenance! @ All work guaranteed @ Free Estimates. "GALBRAITH 140 Elgin East 728-0181 SIMON'S SHELL SERVICE 97 King St. E. Electrical Work Pp gl @ Industrial, Residential and Commercial Cc 1 C @ Communications @ Electrical Heating Specialists at Ma ; ry a @ Radio @ TY @ Custom Sound Equipment CARLO'S 576-1360 ELECTRIC , STEREO Member of Ontarie Electric Heating @ Complete Car BRAD S ELECTRONICS Association. P ar Care Lubricotions & Tune Ups 492 Elizabeth St. 725-8909 1437 King &. 723-0331 Ignition & Carburetion Specialists WIN A NIGHT »: ™ TOWN @ Chauffeur-Driven Car To Toronto Every Time you Ride With Mercury Taxi, you Get Another | | @ Free Spending Money | Chance To Win... "A Night On the Town". NEXT DRAW ON OCTOBER 10th MERCURY TAXI 1725-4771 Winner of the First Drow made on Sept, 13th -- Miss Donna Lovell, 199 Centre St., Oshawe. > UE TUUMEE, Protect Your TRUCK OR TRAILER Sandblasting & Spray Painting EM'S SANDBLASTING FREE DINNER If you find your name in this advertisement, bring if in to the Rib Room and receive one ASHROYS GROCETERIA & VARIETY Ideal Jug Milk At Its Best... Same Price As At All Milk : * Home Mode Spaghetti Stores Dinner Free. Compliments of the Freese OPEN" EE oer, ony ee GENOSHA jays ee! VESUVIO 576-4310 HOTEL PIZZERIA 70 King St. ©. 374 Wilson St. 8. 728-1499 102 NONQUON . \ W, P. Zeller, 286 Saguenay RATE: 5 Installation 9 9°9 Mo call now! OSHAWA 485 Waterloe ' 728-9791 i a

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