Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Oct 1967, p. 2

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MAO ON MONEY Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendoy, October 2, 1967 PRESTON, Ont. (CP)--Mrs, Arthur Timbreil said Sunday police were not brutal and not to blame for their part in the A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Assessment Asked ace "I want to 'make one thing e erd ower?rs clear,' she said in an inter. view, 'The Preston police did not use brutality. There is no | Chopped Hands reason for the public to say the MANILA (Reuters)--A farm- things they did." er ran amok on a ferry Sunday Preston police have been del- and killed one man and wound- uged with angry phone calls ed nine others with a machete and letters from across the before he was shot dead. A ' businessman climbed over the country following the television ship's rail and clung to the side showing of the scufle outside jbut the farmer hacked at his jw tna ul i oped 0 Le A PHER FORECAST Sunny Today, CLEAR LAKE, Man, (CP)-- Conservative Leader Robert Stanfield said Saturday a cool, objective assessment of federal powers is needed to determine methods of allaving what he described as the "insecurity" of French Canadians regarding the protection of the French language and culture in Que- bec Mr. Stanfield, during a' panel Mf discussion. on federal-vrovincial % ~ relations at a seminar here § sponsored by the party's youth § wing, said Quebec may requir additional powers in social and & economic areas to safeguard its unique heritage This, in turn, dictates a review of federal jurisdictions in the light of Quebec's -- and many of the other provinces-- Rosary Sunday | TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana-| dian National Exhibition grand-| |stand was filled to near -| capacity for the 24th annual| Rosary Sunday service. | Roman Catholics received) Holy Speak a at ose around an M-shaped alter. TORONTO (CP)--Official) Most Rev. Francis V. Allen, forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m.! auxiliary | the Timbrell home when police sought to arrest her for abduc- tion. "IT have no malice against the Preston police department, They were merely trying to restrain us. They could have charged us all with attacking police officers and tney didn't, I am grateful for that.' The Timbrell family fought with police and officials of the Waterloo County Childrens' Aid Society, -who arrived to retrieve the foster children, Peggy, 5, and Valerie, 3. The children were in the keeping of the Timbrell family until a suitable home could be found for them. Mrs. Timbrell refused to give them up claiming they were to be separated by the society. Meanwhile, Mr, Timbrell, a, construction worker, claimed Saturday that past troubles with the law may be behind the society's refusal to let the Tim- brells keep the sisters. He said he was fined about eight years ago for punching a policeman, and has also been convicted twice of impaired driving. Police Thwart By BARRY KRAMEQ SAIGON (AP)--Some 209 uni-|in the committee's report lversity students tried to march included shortages of ballots al jon the National Assembly today|some polling stations, removal to protest the Sept. 3 elections./0f ballot boxes in Election Tuesday Sqigon Students Near Summer Weather Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Tuesday irregularities two prov- | ----____._____ WOMAN CLAIMS POLICE NOT BRUTAL Mrs, Timbrell defended her husband, saying that punching a policeman was not a serious offence . "IT punched a policeman myse}f Thursday when they were here and it wasn't a mali- cious attack." : Premier John Robarts has ordered an inquiry to be headed by Judge Harry Weisberg of York County court. The terms of reference or starting date of the inquiry were not revealed. The society has announced plans to place the children ia a Roman Catholic home. The Timbrells are Anglicans rT nn at KUALA LUMPUR (AP)--Po- lice disclosed Thursday that pro-Communist elements were circulating the Thoughts of Mao Tse-tung by printing them on both sides of newly-issued Malaysian currency. ANNOUNCEMENT LOOKING FOR A COMMFORTABLE QUIET RENDEZVOUS DOWTOWN? THEN GO TO THE Tally-Ho Room Hotel Lancaster 27 KING ST. WEST liste JOHN McPHERSON Jack Ricard Ltd. Realtors wish to announce the appointment of JOHN McPHERSON to their Sales Staff. John is well known demands, he said The Conservative leader said he was a strong believer na officiated at bishop of 'Toronto, ee the Rosary, today: described as the largest annual 'Windsor autumn) St, Thomas of a soldier three voting case have 'ediinces, t : Amal blood.ed he in the area through his insur- ance connections, and is now well qualified to assist you with 78 Several came away jafter police used clubs to dis |found to ' 7g |perse them, jcards, and a television appear- Bynopets: Fine FREE Reasonatie weather with near summer London .... Estimates, Rates, Repair Specialist. vigorous central government, ROBERT STANFIELD religious service in English - ee ee : 03 b | | ST! sL) ety : eratures is forecast for Kitchener ... pul. Pee Ppa oe See but added: In Manitoba speaking Canada. eer lakes "districts of Ontario Mount Forest 75 The assembly has a deadline|ance My THEY An Sy BED a your Real Estate transactions, "We must be prepared to ' today as high pressure influ- Wingham 15 of midnight tonight to decide|}when the campaign was offi } having passed provincial exa- look at the reer ae EE s E d Revenue Freight ences dominate the weather Hamilton ..., go | Whether 2 opps or jthrow cially over. | mination and additional course ment's powers withou oi - U.S. War xpecte OTTAWA (CP)--A total of{picture, The warmth will carry) St, Catharines . go jout the election | of Chie of Tf the assembly applies all sponsored by the Ontario Asso- ing that every federal authority 2 nay i F | "4 ' Tor ng |\State Nguyen Van Thieu as} ash i ciation of the Real Estate ts essential " WASHINGTON (AP) -- The) 21,189,017 tons of revenue/through Tuesday in southern Toronto seeeeee 78 \ceepident: and: Beemer N uyen|the criteria. to a study of the Il Boords oe 2 \leaders of mainland China freight was handled by the rail-/Ontario, It will turn slightly; Peterborough 78 Cao Ky as vice-nre iabAE " lelection returns, it would have | At D d |seem to expect war with the|ways during June, a decline of cooler with a few show?rs| Kingston ...-+ 5 | Several atudent aie veieat | i wall ie yg eae de Hydre | JACK RICARD LTD. resden United States eventually and to|three-tenths of one per cent|through central sections and/Trenton ..+ ; 13 a ant an Hadeernined mnie work well past the deadline. f 34 How Installed || 26 Ki St. E DRESDEN, Ont. (CP)--Bar-\be preparing for it, Senate frjom June last year, the/ quite cool with drizzle or even| Muskoka . 78 eee aed 4 | mere | Y2 ing ot. East badoes Prime Minister Errol/pemocratic leader Mike Mans-|Dominion Bureau of Statistics! flurries of wet snow in the far North Bay .. : 65 Sak aaranel , ip Fem Bepentate. Rode Sepeteene | Orhow: Barrow and an official govern-| field said Saturday. reported today. _ |North. Sydbury -..+++++ 65 alee were struck hy police ov GUARANTY | SEkVIEL MAbs US. as ment party today inspected ihe) te said the prospect "haunts 'The 23 common carrier rail-| Toronto, Hamilton, London, Eefiton +++ \ 65 |the melee. | Call 723-1191 576-1050 Dresden plant of Canadian Can-/ihe Chinese leadership in Ways had net income of $15,-/windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake Sault Ste, Marie ... 68 At first, police blocked the } | ners Lid. where approximately) pexing " 248,129 on total operating reve-|Frie, Lake Huron, southern) Kapuskasing .. 50 |way of the students near their TRUST | LL nen coset 96 of the 900 employees come ; ctor oom. nues of $139,437,511. The CNR'S|Georgian Bay, Niagara, Lake, White River ... 55 student Uni Haanouartere. | Barbad d 96 The Montana senator COM-| 16 ing, was $7,077,432 Fi} ; y; Wonsones 40 n nion headquarter n | from the Barbadoes an net income was $7,077,432 and|Ontario, Haliburton regions: Moos oe 40 downtown Saigon. Real Estate Dept. | from Jamaica. Mr. Barrow, a one-day detour to the Dresden plant to bring greetings to his countrymen. He _ praised working conditions at the plan where he said food and recrea- tion facilities are excellent, ' , | Sah ; Raises Prices imunist side in Vietnam makes|Sionary Alliance International/west 15 to 25. ifax, Montreal, Toronto andl Ane -- 4 othe PARIS (AP)--Paris newspa-!such action impossible now, he board member, said mainland| Northern White River Coch-, Vancouver next year, Rev. Tree agers" and other sti pers went up in price by 10 cen-| said, Chinese could be won over tOjrane regions: Variable cloudi-Neil Libby, executive director |°°"'* times (2 cents) Monday. Prices) |Christianity through existing|ness with slight chance of a of St. Leonard's Society of Can-/\DECIDE TODAY now range from 40 to 60 cen-! from Formosa or|shower today. Mostly cloudy ada, announced today. times (8 to 12 cents). The gov- ernment recently lifted controls on prices. in Canada to visit Expo 67 as a guest of| Prime Minister Pearson, made) the|ma r ! ' a t|limited and proposed the United|in five years, missionary mented in a report to the Sen- ate foreign relations committee on his recent trip to the Far East. ! He qualified his wil comments States, at the time launch efforts for other exchanges proper with Chiaa. PARIS (AP) -- France inau- based trade and Sunday night. 2 In an interview, Rev. Charles showers Tuesday, Warin today, i Y i ot : ie i : | halfway houses for former pris linto a building™in the Student lpyX Bi Bhan Oe the CPR's $4,759,512. Christianity Growth WINDSOR, Ont. h the observation that infor- Christianity will be a force in| tion about China is severely mainland China "possibly with-)ern a Formosa ; here| cloudy intervals today. Variable Start Color TV broadcasts 'word-of-mouth evangelism." ' "Secret pockets of Christiani-| peri ight rain or drizzle. : iby pe he be pn gurated color television Sunday. ty still exist on the mainland," sae sed bot ar Pegi -'who has also veen director of|DY the assembly's special elec- |Thirteen centres have been he said at the conclusion of the/northerly winds 15 to 20 Tues- St. Leonard's House here since/siection returns. The committee $ said (CP) -- n Peking's support of the Com- Notson, a Christian and Mis-| cooler Tuesday. sat down with proiesting that |Mostly sunny and warm today;Timmins .. 45 55 | phe students land Tuesday, South to south-| \their banners west winds 15 to 25. j the election of Thieu was Sudbury, North Bay, northern Halfway Houses sees Enforcing a ban on all Georgian Bay, Algoma, south- }demonstrations, aniiounced hb: White government Sunday, the River, Timagami jthe : [ Sunny with a few To Be Set Up police moved in with clubs swinging. , 5 . nee Police also broke windows) WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- New| and tossed tear gas grenades | nnn Mortgages Arranged When Buying or Selling "" Your Home 32 KING ST. EAST - 728-1653 | regions: cloudiness with scattered light Winds south- x ; stabli ae | oners will be established in Hal to Hush could lo , The assembly voted today on and much cooler Tuesday with) Mp, Libby, an Anglican priest|the criteria that had been used tion committee to judge the et N Hoy $ Heapereg TO ALL MAKES SAVE $$ 1/8) $ sous.tomo"™™ -- WTH -- ¢ FUEL : jopened in Paris where the CMA conference ; it opened in 1962, said the St.|_.., ft eae | Loses Driver public may see programs in veal day. : Leonard's Society has organ-|ecommended last week that Cana j n LONDON (Reuters)--A pas- color. Pri Rili | Western James Bay region: |76q earlier. this year to nelp ue mu assembly sleet Thlsy § OIL senger train sped nearly three rincess iling Variable cloudiness with a fewlestablish and maintain halfway victory because of irregulari- $ ¢ fh miles through the southern) Engiish countryside Sunday| aight--without a driver. He tater was found dead beside railway track with head internal injuries. The conductor stopped the train after it failed ied jcould live in hot-spring resorts.! officiated at |Police in Kanzawa, central ponies of British Week in her|Sunny with a to make a scheduled stop. Declines Invitation TOKYO (AP)--Enver Hoxha, Albanian Communist party chief, has rejected "with con- tempt" a Soviet invitation to attend celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Russian rev- olution, China's official news agency said Monday. Albania has taken a strong anti-Soviet, line and is China's only ally in Eastern Europe. Chain Store Sales OTTAWA .(CP)--Chain store sales in July totalled $596,- 176,000, an increase of 4.6 per cent over last year's July fig- ure, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reported today Sales of new motor vehicles in the first seven months of the year included 430,959 passenger cars and 86,186 commercial vehicles. In the same period last year, 424,865 cars and 83,- 769 commercial vehicles were sold piv aaeeemaeeemanend CALL OR SEE HERE and THERE | DIXON'S MASON HONORED FOR James Jackson, who was re- cently elected master of the Toronto Lodge of Perfection, was honored by members of the Oshawa Scottish Rite Club Fri- day night at-a dinner at Hotel Genosha. Mr. Jackson is the first member from Oshawa so honored. On behalf of the club, larry Gay presented camera equipment and\® Japanese carpenter and his} Arrest Couple KANAZAWA (AP) -- } wife whose eight-year-old son| told police the couple torced| i to pick pockets so they | Japan, said the youth -had sto- HJen about $555 since May. } Water Lack Ends HONG KONG (Reuters)--Chi- na resumed pumping water to 'Hong Kong Sunday, ending a three - month shortage in the British crown colony. But there was a new flareup of disorder in the colony. | One man was killed and more lthan 80 were arrested Sunday| night as police clashed with Chinese defying an official ban on public gatherings and fire- works displays as they cele- brated China's national day, The colony's three month water shortage, caused by a ifailure of summer rains, ended jwhen water from China gushed jinto reservoirs. Authorities can \celled all restrictions on its use.! OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER SO YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 } PHYS ICIAN To supply professional services as required for Hillsdale Manor, Oshawo's Home for the Aged, Interest in geriatrics desirable, Personnel Officer, City Hell, Oshawe, BOOKMOBILE SCHEDULE Trust OCTOBER. 1967 SINCE 1808 LONDON (AP) -- Princess\scattered showers a Margaret, Polic recovered | KAN ONCE bout of acute tonsillitis, flew to the\8aid Sunday they had arrested Brussels today to attend the Showers or flurries of wet snow closing days of British Week in\tonight : a the Belgian capital. She iy ass accompanied by pid east 20 tonight. from stead. The couple return to London|with sunny periods and a few rounding the grounds have been | Wednesday night and leave 'ne|showers next day for a week's visit to noon Canada. rt , the opening cere-| Ottawa and Montreal regions: qiym (used by Phone 668-3341 today. houses in Canada with the aim light,of helping former _ prisoners, return to normal life in society The full assembly voted Sun- reported HEARING AID Consultants cold with day to accept the Cloudy and irregularities for discussion. : Reba = 10 BOND ST. E. and Tuesday, Winds, 725-2771 southwest 25 becoming north- STICKS TO SPORT LONDON (CP)--Soccer fans) | \trying for free entry into a sta- second division few cloud y/Queen's Park Ranzers will he| Tuesday cloudy/in for a surprise. The walls sur-! . {periods today mainly in Warm today and day. Light winds, the after- coated with a permanently) Tues- gooey substance "just like melted chocolate." aS Serve HOSPITALS ARE NO LONGER FEARED Services to be immediately available, Applications, IN WRITING ONLY, received until 5 is h m d wh. uel eral October 3; 1967. oo des cag : t e Oo Awnings For further detoils refer to... ry ° Sere ge D. A. MURRAY with an Associates Feclnure 1, 2,3 and 4 year Certificates Guaranteed Investment Certificates go, because surgery mortolity in ut of every four, it took courage About fifty yea hospitals was one te go to @ hospital. Now for le, one h performed 2,866 "'interval" appendectomies without a single death, But, if the appendix was perforated before the operation, mortality is higher. The important moral from this is that all operations ore less dang if the di is is early, and the operation performed defore danger of a terminal con- dition begins, If your physicians say "operate now", it is usually wise to follow their advice. O year YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a medicine. Pick up your prescription if shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with their prescriptions, May we compound and dispense yours)? Oshawa P, B. Francis, *hm.B, -- J. R, Steffen, B.Sc.Phm. r EASTVIEW PHARMACY R PHONE 725-3594 n AVAL ALUMINUM i OSHAWA FREE PARKING Use this space to add up your monthly 573 King Street East payments | R Fost -- Free -- Motorized Delivery pz 40 THE then cut ASSOCIATES also available. Storms -- Screens Doors - Windows consolidation loan ---- - CMHC Accepted Add up your monthly obligations. If the total is too ma nremomns high, the Associates will lend you the money to clear up those debts, and turn them into one low monthly | aa en Te payment. And by paying off debts instead of putting | wetepiecs Sliding Glass National Aluminum Siding Aluminum Combination DOORS "To Save Cash -- STORM-SCREEN Buy Nash" Many Models to Choose from Te add beauty and comfort to your home. SEE them in our show- foom NOW! Hormary Church (King F. & Harmony N.) 38 174 31 2:30-8:00 them of, you keep your credit good for any other A a 5:30~ Sony Vatey Schoo! (Marigold & Ritson) 3417 & 31 5:30-8:00 purchases you make in the months ahead. So cut Patio Doors 0ze (Wilson $. & Creror aA 18 2:30---5:00 * . * Spbnag'h age Sohtiyonidialied srt tela cw 2:30-8:00 | monthly payments down with a debt consolidation Sa Or. C.F. Cannon Scheol (Oxford & Emernid) $ & 19 5:30-8:00 loan from the Associates. Call your Associates Aluminum for Broemor Plaza (Stevenson N. & Annapolis) 23 3:00--5:00 manager today Frame ond Walls poser Store (King E. & Wilson N.) 10 & 24 2:00--5:00 : 5 nee Pal P (Simeoe N. & Tecumseh) 12 & 2% 2:30--5:00 32 Si ratlers an $308.00 imcoe Street South Pickup T inca Plame teihdea SE Na LD 4s eh 2:30-8:00 ASSOCIATES FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED ssi 7 Eastview Pork (Central Pork & Eulalie) 13 & 27 5:30-8:00 tw Pies 148 28 10,00--12:09 111 Simcoe St. $. Oshawa Phone 725-6531 pmo aga ; Alumi Please note --~ Eeskmobile will not slop ot Broetnor Plaza on October FOR FREE MAP OF EXPO '67 sigh lehiciaa 9, Thanksgiving Dey. CALL AT ASSOCIATE OFFICE Inserts SHOWROOM AND FACTORY 93 ATHOL STREET E.-- OSHAWA PHONE 728-1633 WALI Oshawa _ riding sive Conservative Albert Walker wa of three declar dates in the Oct vincial election Pace Set B By PETER AR CON THIEN (A shell-battered outpo U.S. marines is | symbol of the new northern region of nam, a war wihose tactics have been by North Vietname nists. For marines at face a grim fall un the five northern pr' make up Vietnam's The primitive cut ing possible invasion South Vietnam has lightning rod a attracting savage h ments from the hidc the enemy sanctuar Vietnam across the River border. The monsoon rains ning to drum in, cl holes with mud and : icopter flights--the o hazardous. Because it nudges nam, Con Thien is target in the count northern Communis send sappers in night the barbed wire dei Pers are active at all Senior marines say sity of repelling ene at the demilitarized destroy the whe devised to fight th nists elsewhere in th Corps region, a con 1 to 5-¥ Guarant Investment Cert NOW EARI 6' /2' per annun AND ARE Gueranteed--os to pri interest. HesBle--moy be use lateral for loans Redeemable--by Exe the event of de Authorized--as Truste vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIC & SAVINGS CORPE Member Canada | Insurance Corpo 19 Simcoe St. N., 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bo 623-2527 5 acres sauna r ing, fen suites, ¢ plus ma

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