Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Oct 1967, p. 12

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a 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 2, 1967 |THE STARS SAY Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band has a rule that if the TV' is on no other light should be in the house, Paul's favorite expression is, 'Don't waste the juice, Marie." I don't leave lights burning all over the place, but I do like to have a light on when I am sitting in a room, Paul even hates to turn the porch lights when we are expecting guests. Last week when my mother was leaving our place he turned off the porch light before she got to the bottom of the stairs and she nearly fell. Paul makes $160 a week and we are not hard up for money. He thinks nothing of spending $15 a week for beer but if I want to sew or vead at night he gets mad because it is cheaper to do it in the daytime. Any comment?--Blacked Out Dear Out: This is not an unu- sual peculiarity. Tae woman at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington has the same prob- lem--and her husbund makes $100,000 a year. The next time Paul complains, hand him two cents. That's what it costs to burn a 100-watt bulb for seven hours. Dear Ann: Several weeks ago you printed a letter from "Flat Florence' who was miserable because she couldn't even fill out a 32 bra. I'll bet she and all the other Flat Florences are in the seventh heaven now that these crazy Twiggy-type styles have hit the scene. The girl with two backs and no front is|Lothario put it,. "Why buy a} really "'in." My problem is just the oppos-/Only a Cover ite. Yesterday when I went to buy a dress, I heard a saleswo-|sider these men cligible? They|early April and early May. The here|are not interested in marriage.| aforementioned i comes good old D-Cup!" You|Dating such characters would/probably be on the light side, man say, "Good grief, ANN LANDEBS |r: zowornow Light-Stingy Hubbies Are Not Always Poor By ESTRELLITA influences! This will be an excellent period in which to complete long-pend- ing projects; also to start new |ventures. Aspects also encour- age personal relationships and stimulate communications gen- erally. The girls with too little are if Rain BIRTHDAY the ones omorrow is your birthday, much better off 'e dasa b your chart shows many excel ith too much. added bra . . ¥ nag solve their problem, but|lent traits which, rightly used, there is no solution for us. My pag bee | you sage the Loo shoulders ache from the wide,|t0 happiness and success. You tight straps I must wear to sup- have a fine mind, are extreme- port the super-structure. Swea- ly far-sighted and endowed with ters and knits are out. Tent-|steat tenacity of purpose--even type dresses which are s0 in the face of obstacles. These smart on slim girls make me oa 'a ce be ce le look like an elephant. ringbo' le So please tell Flat Florence| Successes promised for you dur- and her underendowed sisters|ing the next 12 months. You that they are in luck at last.|have some excellent job and Shed a tear now ior--The Boso- |financial periods indicated dur- my Belles ing that forthcoming cycle, with Dear Belles: Turn off the | eipbaet on iy a abd, os -- waterworks, Sister, you're|within the next month, during wasting the natural resources, I| the ees ans aoe epi a took a poll in this office and 12|ary, the first 10 days of Febru- out of 14 girls said they'd rath-jary, early July, er have your problem that Flor-| (really outstanding!) and next ence's. | September. Where business and career Dear Ann Landers: The letter|matters are concerned, look from foggy proyreed yA --s z Log ingens Ky se good one. I am also a widow|gress before this mon as and have run into the same sit-|ended; also during the latter uation she described. "Disen-/half of January and throughout chanted" failed to mention,| May, August and September. A however, ~ seen iy pd ee yey perme gem reasons table widows] dled in April, should work ou! Tiel reat tyes eoned ont Wile? matoner De We Coie three of Oe town's most eligi-|tive during late February and ble bachelors. né was an throughout March, when you attorney, another was a profes-| may be tempted to accept some sor and the third an eye spe-/high - sounding propositions cialist. I soon discovered that I/ which could, in the long run, was being used as a decoy to|/prove extremely risky. And do confuse the public. Each ofjavoid extravagance this Nov- these men had a sizzling rela-|ember, when you may be faced tionship going with a so-called|with some unexpected respectable married gal. As one| expenses. It, ,®| Your personal life will also be cow when milk is so cheap?"--| star-blessed during the coming . jyear, with emphasis on senti- Dear Only: Why do you con-|mental affairsin mid-January, "affairs" will have no idea how this hurt. be a waste of your time. | but will be very pleasant. How- KEEP IN TRIM Fix Your Food To Hold The Weightline By IDA JEAN KAIN What are a reducer's chances|nently changed food habits.'the end of Septemb of keeping slim? Generally, the|This is not so: much a question ; I aa Gl dieters who succeed in getting|of will power as it is attitude. iti J their weight to a desirable level | When you change your thinking ee eae troy ever, a romance in late August could be more serious and, if you are single, could lead to marriage. Stars indicate that you may take several short trips during the coming year, but these will probably be of the business variety. However, = may fe long journey for pleasre, an on the weeks The real solution is perma-|pleasure tetween late July and Habits A child born on this day will mid-August} have the best chance of staying|about food, along with your eat- slender. Those who reduce only|ing pattern, you do not want to| part of the way tend to slipjgo back to your former fatten-| ters. September Clean-Up Month For Garage and Basement By ELEANOR ROSS Anything that qualifies as clut- After Labor Day, everything|ter--such as old toys, furniture, seems to slow down a little, luggage, etc.--should be given Even the grass doesn't grow as|away or discarded if it cannot fast so friend husband spends|be salvaged. Stacks of old less time with the lawn mower.|newspapers and dirty rags that Take advantage of this lull injare fodder for fire if one ever his gardening activities and) starts, should be burned. tactfully get him started in) Any rags that are particu- some of the jobs that need/jarly good polishers and which attention before the outdoor! yoy can't bear to part with can season draws to a close. |be reclaimed if soaked over- CLEANUP TIME night in a hot solution of sal Cases in point are the base--soda concentrate, This will ment and the garage. They|remove all traces of oil and need to be cleaned up and reor-|grease that make them doubly ambitious, let him scrub the/spot. Paints, brushes, etc., for, garage floor; the basementjexample, should be kept in a floor too, unless it has been fan-|small metal cabinet, well away cied up with tile or linoleum, in}from furnace and hot water which case it is part of your/heater for the sake of safety cleaning domain. from fire, Trunks, cartons and Before being retired for the, the sandpaper treatment. When season, any existing rust spots|the tools are dry, a light coat- should be removed. Minor rust-jing of petroleum jelly is a fur- ing can be erased by rubbing/ther precaution against rust with a dry cloth sprinkled with|recurrence, a wise precaution, dry sal. Heavy rusting needs! we've found. An initial vacuuming takes up|the like should not be stored all loose dirt. Then it's ready to|directly on the floor b be scrubbed down with a strong/dampness can seep in. Slatted sal soda solution, which is|shelves are best since they let about a cup of the sal to ajair circulate, which helps pre- bucket of water. Stains, such as|vent mildew. Likewise, garden those left by oil in the garage|tools will weather the winter or around the water pump in/better if kept off the floor since the basement, surprisingly) they'll be less apt to rust. pays Foy Bad Piper gett Ph One way to keep these items with dry sal and left to work high and dry is to install a strip overnight. Next morning, a sal|of wood the length of the solution scrubbing finishes the|@Tage or basement at eye job, é level height. With hook attach- ; ments screwed into the strip at Before returning items 0/intervals, hoes, rakes, pruners, their respective niches, make|/snades and such can be neatly ganized before it's time to store|inflammable. screens and summer furniture.| If the husband is feeling sure they're in the best possible'hung along it. RE-ELECT CONSERVATIVE Panty WOOLWORTH'S GOLDEN & OPPORTUNI ALE Fitted comfort from waist to toes! These are first quality 400 needle, 15 denier nylon panty hose. 250% elasticity! Available in your choice of Beige, Spice or Taupe. Comes in ladies' sizes "Small, Medium or Large. 5. 4.00% ees YOURS FOR ewer eeeseeeesees back into their old eating hab-|ing ways. You certainly do not\be increased, but bear in mind its, If you have what it takes to|feel put-upon at turning down/|that the ncrease must be very bring 'your weight to healthy|rich foods. On the quantity|gradual. Experiment. Take a normal you also have the stay-\score, you like the feeling of|slightly larger portion of lean ing power needed to keep your|not overeating. You choose to|meat, or an extra piece of weight right. At the finish of a reducing iod comes the critical test. 'our metabolism is in low gearjtance 'of exercise. and your system physiologically |allowed the pounds to ease on.|that full feeling. Thirty minutes Accept|/A two mile walk every day will|later you will feel satisfied. that fact as a challenge. At this/help you to keep beautifully) A doctor found this advice stage your goal is to hold the|slim. A five minute stretch-|helped his dieters: '"'When you weight throug h a transition|/bend-swing routine will keep|alter your clothes, or buy new period. This holding period|the figure-controlling muscles|ones, be sure the dresses and gives nature a chance to\toned. Regard exercise as a/suits fit a little snug so that if establish your weight at the|beauty measure and you willlyou gain you will be aware of want to swing into action. predisposed to gain. new level. So much depends on what you really want. If you have reso- jutely made up your mind to hold the weightline you will be to rule your weight. enabled you to slim down is|pounds.. equally effective in helping you|pounds promptly." to hold the weightline. Continue| willing, even eager, to fix the|to build your meals around the|who have hit upon a workable food habits that will enable you|protective foods. On reaching|plan rule your weight. With this atti-|chicken. To keep control of tude you're the winner. Don't overlook the impor-|ly overeat. Continue to get up Inactivity/from the table before you get jit. Should the pointer on the Dieters, the food pattern that/scales creep up a couple of . deal with those two Readers, will those of you to hold the weightline your appetite, never deliberate-/ WHILE QUANTITIES LAST LIMIT -- SIX PER CUSTOMER e 8 Tricot Briefs Soft, snug fitting briefs of acetate tricot. They fea- ture a slightly ruffled lace elastic leg. Buy: six and save 1.01! In an outstanding: selection of colours. REGULAR 3/1.00 [desirable weight, calories can|please share your secrets? Comunity Work | Appeals To Women Free Of Family Care By JEAN SHARP Canadiar Press Women's Edi- tor . WINNIPEG (CP) -- Mrs. Alan Rosenthal of Toronto says any bright young housewife) who is not a 'parasite wants something thought - provoking and constructive to do once her children are old enough. As new president of the National Council of Jewish Women of Canada, Mrs. Rosen thal says she is enthusiastic about council's membership drive to show women what the council program has to offer in community work. Mrs. Rosenthal was elected 1967-1969 president Thursday, the final day of council's four - day 14th bi al convention. She succeeds Mrs. Abraham Hollenberg of Montreal. Earlier, a resolution urging that marriage breakdown be the basis for divorce was passed by the council. The resolution incorporated a list of conditions that might be considered evidence of riage breakdown, including adultery, cruelty, desertion, cri- minality, mental or physical ill- ness. reading, '"'and any other cause or causes which indicate to the court that the marriage had irretrievably broken down." | OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS | 20% Discount o n Orders of 5 or More Pictures Avaliable At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. E., Oshawe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x7 -- 1.25 each mar-| The lst includes a clause| Fancy Knit | Cardigan Girls' ccrylic long sleeve cardigan fea- tures ribbed cuffs and waistband, 7 but- ton front opening. Choice of Lively Ivy,, Brown, Navy er Splendour Blue. 8-.14. REG. 4.99 ".( Ladies' Slims Ladies' Cordana \ Fling Dress The flingdress! It's mokingnews in today's fashion: here, in light- weight Cordana material.. Full cut with snob collar and sleeves just below the elbow. Choose from a wide selection of Imported American prints. Sizes: $-M-L. Of All the Nerve! . . All those ladies wondering where | bought my new carpets! | can't really blame them, though . . « they look so beautifully luxurious. The truth is, they're not new! | simply called BAKER CARPET CLEANING CO. and had my weary carpets rejuven- ated by their gentle care. BAKER'S sure did a wonderful job. Should | tell the ladies the truth ? "FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY" "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" "Over 80 Years Experience" BAKER CARPET Cleaning Co. CALL ZENITH 9-9100 We Pay The Charge A lovely, lightweight slim-- perfect for around the house wear. Regular waistband and side zipper opening. Lt. Brown, Navy, Black or Teal Blue. In sizes 10-18. 294 Ladies' Orlon Pile Slipper A beutiful slipper. Outside, luxurious _ shear pile, inside, nothing touches your foot but soft, 'air foam lining. Blue, Pink, Gold or Red in sizes S-M-L-XL...06 _ YOURS FOR ONLY REGULAR 4.99 'Primstyle' Panty Girdle Controlling Rayon& Nylon power net long leg vy girdle.. Satin lastex tummy ond seat punels, side control panels. White only In ladies' sizes $-M-L-XL. REGULAR 3.33 MRS. 'TO \ "We know no, the right decisic the going was rc have no regrets Canada." For M wards, wife of | cratic Party car tario Riding Sou undertaking in | Atlantic by ship children to make a strange land, and friends. "We might jus gone to Australi for six months | gration papers fixed up but I fel ada. A nearby relatives in 'Tr gathered a lot from her and wi to go to Canada Tommy that we Australia and tr came in April 1 lowed with Lynn three and a half old, in July." Lack .of housi tunity had driv couple to seek a new land, The Bennett was bor: North Wales, a « tween the moun Trish Sea. Afte moved to live in spent her school | mouth and late care for her ailin It was here th to ride horsebac' and riding are o of June's life, "I ada full of horse: another reason f come. Instead we power' and we c ciate that." "Tommy" Ed English, part We in Liverpool and and were marriec Their first da Neutere says Ve By MARILY? OTTAWA (CP) unfulfilled dog ¢ just as happy a pet as a canine a feline Forever an Ottawa veter' Dr. Ann Currie versity of Otte laboratories say pets can lead a b existence. "Sex isn't real for your pets. T of pet owners wh eat or dog to ha' 'normal' life b operated on is be Dr, Currier sa} tion stops pets f: ing and there is to children from a female pet. "The operat make them put « may make them but this depends mal's personality and dogs are jt lazy." Dr. Currier, 42, haired, hazel-eye of Ontario Veteri1 Guelph, and the | British Columbia. At the medical housemother for mals a year. | includes' rats, m and three batht frogs and turtles. GOAT HAS CHAI There are chic' pigs, rabbits, do; and a goat that h its room becau standing on chair Only the rodent ens are caged. Th cal dogs and cats sonality-matched air-conditioned r run freely in the on an outside run Dr. Currier do see any animal in fe tite, AMenareraetnatoe We won't pul wool over you Or any of the othe ef eolourtul fabri dresses, suits, ond fashions you are fer your family # have waiting for } You eon be sure, thot we'll offer © experience with end pattern servic you won't be left ebout making @ he Add some eolour 1 life, drop In te th House Fabr 11 KING Oshawa, ¢ 725-455

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