Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Sep 1967, p. 8

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| Investors Lose ' OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS [ESE iFF Sct er) itn cans went Ger } Names 3 and Crazy 8's clus # italized on a first-half | a : | many ca -hal | MUMORESQUE BLIND LEAGUE 273, R. Powell 272, _L. Yuill 275, rims Asn eouicay High: Daublok cc. Neth. Mclean (004 7 var High bow! fi thir a" tt hi 271 and T. Twine 270. " + . The Hard Way McCslenam, 2h." 191). 317 followed by "Team Standing ~ National Grocers 13-| J. LADIES LEAGUE 708) $00; Barbers Quesnel 495 (24s, 250);|four which left France with 10 Rolly Cousins (80, 136) 216; Ada Mc-/13771; Annette's 12 - 14,289; Oshawa! High Triples: Barb Minaret 755, Jeckie |e ar (om, a4) 'ickey we ;| players and trounced the visit- ) ai Donough (77, 10S) 182; Freda White (95,/Tune-Up 11 - 13,493; Algers 9 - 13,965;|Legere 681, Audrey Hepburn 633 and 1 (77, 84)|Hallidays 9 - 13,297; Pediars 9 - 12,130;|Myrt Magee 611. 422, (256. 191) and Nicole Lavergne 40?/ing Frenchmen 5-1 Wednesday Gord Steele of Investors set a $4) 179) Josie ger y 3 | : : 61; Clara Suddard (60, 128; 'Mar-|Dixon's 9 - 13,214; Schenley's 8 - 13,410;| High Singles: Jackie Legere 265, 239, |(238, 171). ; ; jhigh five-game single mark in garet Garrett (se, 58) 112 and Vi Pike|OMS & - 12,673; Central Pharmacy /./Myrt Magee 276, Audrey "Hepburn, a77,|_ High. Singles -- Pearl Anderson 204,\night in an international soccer 'Toronto Metro Majar League (4: 61) 104 13,496; Cable TV 7 - 13,169; Acadians|Fern Buechler 224, Lisa Hachey 222, Isa-\Pat Stonebridge 201 and Irene Hanni match in West Berlin. ; A age With handicap -- Vera Siblock (52, $3)'6 - 13,175; Cross Canada Paving 5- belle Calder 206 and Marg Pucha'ski 200, |2!!- five-pin play last weekend that ios; Sonia Diachenko (50, 54) 104 and 13,256; Goch's $ - 13,128; Coulter's &| Team Standing: Rolling Stones &,|, Te#™m Standing -- Team 7, 6; Team may stand up for the entire sea- Eva Wakely (52, 51) 103. 13 4; Team 4, 4; Team 1, 2; Team §, 2; 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridoy, September 29, 1967 13,039; Oshawa Bakery § - 11,975. |Searchers 8, Dreamers 8, Supremes 5, | Stltch-'N'-Times 5 and PAS atc 2 5: Team 6, 2 and Team 8, 2. json, when he put together 248. Lapies' Mason "BY LeacuE bea eet nr hh more UAWA LEAGUE i | LADIES' Li R CITY IND 323, 264, 298, $53 for a splendid) 'High Tripies -- Rose Stovin 658, An- High Triples: Carole Misziak 199, 234, USTRIAL LEAGUE a ve 1,488 total. : . Sat UTED GS ond "Wile Memuede!. Tas) Hard [sen 299, 186 203 OI ge Wee However, Steele's effort)ticn singies -- olive Anderson 270,\Verna Dewell 233, 209, 216 <6a8)) rene Helmecke 476, proved to be in a losing cause Mildred Turney 234, Marge Fudger Pia ECOee Mee oy Pipeot Pere er) | H L. Arp 655, las Investors lost the first game Ye"? |Szikszay 220, Hazel Rumpel _217,/20% 178 2 Rs ' Dionne 650. / inves s : Ann Knop 213, Pam Knight 208, Effie,224 183 (601). 'i |, High Singles: R. Richard 278, F. tillg) jby just 14 points, 1,162 to 1,148)Baiawin 207, Mary McKnight 206, Nan|_ High Singles: Joan Beaton 240; June|o73, 265, B. Gallant 270, C. Weeks 269, G. | He Copal 2a) Dera |Osberne 268, 268, K. Nickol| Group 1 -- Fleming's 4, Med. Phar- ich « os Bennet 201, Anne Gwilliam and Marge|Bird 232; . Dionne ree and a freakish "'foul" cost them Hickey 200. |Grennon 215; | Betty Cepecaver 2157/58, P, Cormills 258, F. Linley 254 and mecy 0; Goch's 4, Clint's 0; Durno' |3 1 | | Welcome Fellow Bowlers, 38, BL EA Salant another year of "Pin Crashing." Without Richard J. Hart | that ie ge hy the oligo F , oe corner,"' high scores, in- F. Linley. 654 and *:|eluding "yours truly", ha! hal By the looks of the scores thie week, It sure is an improvement. 15 pins -- which would have won Points Taken -- Henderson's 0, Say-|Marion Harris 214; Gerry May 2097 Lor-|C. 'Winnocott 247. 'ogers' 1; Tumey's 3, Home Appl. it by one well's 4; Mitchell's 0, Mister TV Towers|raine Warden 207; Wal Smith 203; June) Team Standing: Reynold's 3, Play-|_ Group 2 -- Motor City 4, Berg's 0; . 7 Burn's 0, Flowers by Penrose 4;|Murphy 203 and Flo Bracey 200. S 3, Russell's 2, Dairy Queens 2,/Cadillac 4, Active 0; Kemp's 3, The os: $ 4; y: Keith Howell, star of Investors Motor city 0, White's 4 Team Standing: Bell-Bottoms 6, Go-| Motor Cih Ys 45 y ; : 5 ' 5 ; : q ly 1, Westmount 1, Tony's 0 and|27's 1; Tony's 3, Al's Bi-Rite 1; Hou- five-game sweep over Albion Team Standing -- Saywell's 0," Mister | Setters, se ond yrork 5 Asana & | PlooMats 0. i jdaiile 3, Parts 1. q aT TV. Towers, Flowers by Penrose and + ad . | High Scores -- D. Hodgson 810, C. ~gillbe Week previous, WAS) \ines's, Honduras O. Maer city a |Bodies 1. ge ao aie GUYS AND DOLLS MAJOR Dove 806, D. Brown 767, 8. Gow 731, E. the victim. A loose button 02 Mitchell's' and Burn's 3 Bi lain bo @ fine night with' The 1967-68 season was _officially|Jordon 757, R. Stovin 755, J. Trott 750, Keith's shirt came off as he sad ushered in with all eight teams partici-|W. Kelly 742, C. McCabe 736, M. Coburn delivered the ball, fell on the |pating in the first night's play. Some of|/73!, T. Edoes 716, R. Martin 705, S. MOTOR: CITY MIXED LEAGUE the teams showed mid-season' farm acq|Schwartz 696, J, Brown 695," I. foul line and flashed the ted Lean 775 (296, 221, 258); Marion Ding-|westlake 310," helen Trott 90% Cor Ween 20t,Off to. @ very good start. with Reg ' LADIES' MAJOR 'A' LEAGUE High Triples over 650 -- Loretta Mc-| igh Triples: Bud Morey 782, Jose} Estabrooks 692, 7. Mathews 683, E. light. man J7) (249, 221, 30103. Marg Willlams!igke 704, Al Jamieson 697, Curly. Jack-| Bun fits 'enen GMAT. Red" Hardie £0,| Dumas 2 A. Stovin 676) 4. Redko 672, McGuiness also won the sec-/76) (2% 242);, Mavis Taylor 750 (271, /son 681," Jim Goods 677, Wes Kutasien-|over Perrvig ater raee hey TOHErS | bis Grit ote nhneee bay, putgeld ope Bening eel eg eg rackie, Boddy 722 (236, 280); / ski 676, Shella Patterson 675 and C. Loyd Cesree aya) | 8d Mix-Ups over| 63, O. Pahl lag Mae hh ond game, 1,279-1.214 but Inves-|Marg McGrath 714 (281, 232); Lorraine | Morey | 668, Chseails bi as Nee |frey 658, J. Maule 658 and 8. Maeson of Murphy 703 (272, 227); Ede Ryan 70) nr : was hig is week P ch --, at in hg (222, 230, 249); Barb Harding 698 (267,|,anrercin as Ont rey ats, Stella with $28 (200), followed by "Harold Ba. rad one, ' "tk, . wc iN-'233); Dorothy Sykes 672 (224, 257); 4) * 'assells 303), | vi Joan Jackson 231, Pete Makarchuk 228|paimer Knight 782_(320, 304), Al Perry ness won the fourth game, 1,230- Madeline Reeson 668 (218, 247); Dianna!o7¢ Reg Norris 226, Ross Clark 229, Cec 761, Ron Bragg 757 (326), Reg Hickey oe) Charuk 656 (241, 244); Mary Mann 655) (4 , 1,149 and Investors won the final! (238, 220); Marion Hutchins 653. (234, eee gritos cod pagers | Witt Villa 735 Ron Swartz 729, Frank >i s' .198-to- 262) and Georgie Nesbitt 650 (238). , : Gnd Deve: Reynoles 703. OPTICAL ey with a strong 1,198 Team Standing -- Crawford Ins. 4, 3 Panthers 1, Al'e Cats 3, Spots; Peep-| ows: Isabelle King led the Dolls : 4,006. Young Moderns 3, Cross Canada Paving 4 " " "with 768 followed by Lorraine hy Established for over 30 re Horwich Jewellers 2, Scugog Cleaners|fets 1, and Kick Backs 3. |744 and Ev Redpath 715. sarladlt ve Aside from Steele's major con. 2 a ry 2, Strouds 1, Hayden Macdonald 1 and tribution, Dave Bishop was to Nu-Way Rug 0. ie hag aah jeg LaAvR the fore with 1,288 for his five MEN'S STORE LEAGUE |Harry Keys 84 (320), Dave Peebles 744 games with Hal Ballem rolling .|(304), Harry Fayle 717 (299), Al Hard- 1,079 for 40 frames en Tables > do pPrecher 939 (358); | sand'713 (267), Peggy Branton 805 (323),| pei : ee (292); A. Hackey 773\ madeline Morrison 730 (301), Ethel Ton-| ; i (351); W. Harmer 751 (292); J. Manilla|™ Reg Stapleton was high for yoy: Re elas 747 (287); F. Eccles Fane ane Audrey Keys 411 and Peppy nt ' McGuinness with 1,302 including 745 (284); H. Wagg 744 (266); J. Be! a 301 and 319. Hugh McDonald 74) (266); A. Kuch 740 (279); R. Chabot| High Sing'es: Jim Huxtable 287, Ray 73 The league this year suffered the loss of several very good players and we welcome back 'Into the league Ev Hard- 10% King Street West 725-0444 PINDER"S PROBLEM chibiti y ° a 2 (343) and H. Norton 729 (294). Branton 257, Doug Pelow 255, Bill Ton- Jim Watson (18) on De- terday during an exhibition -- ee Pog up (was next with 1,279: High, Singles ee haar 343, _§.|kin 255, Bob Davis 254, Fred Taylor 248, | i Vin: 7 e at Winnipeg. Detroit atson while Canada's Jean " > we ' Lawrence 303, R. Pearse 300, B. Hays|Alex Radovich 247, Tom Rae 244, Fred troit Red Winzs defensive gam ne first ies catia: Cusson eyes the play from Moe" Wilson leads the field, |.7""W'"Lenning 297, J. Wrubel 293, 6 [James 244 and Joan Bryden 235 H line was a problem to Herb won the first 9! sch ISS yes 3 at this early stage, with high Meich 290, R. Coulson 284, B. Gilkes 281,| Team Standing: Kit-Cats 6, Gems 6,| Pinder (14), a forward on uled encounters with a de- a distance. average of 284, followed by Hal S. Stacey 279, T. Goch 276, B. Clayton'Hippies 5, Doebeas 5, Guys and Dolls 5,| (CP Wirephoto) pater bpeiae --------- Ballem of Investors with 281. Canada's National team yes- visive 5-1 score. Detroit's yest strong Glen Stuart defence and iP osha or age rd gel Van Belle SOCCER SCORES ; : nd' are in second place, behind Ban- Ca INS score two quick goals. Luigi/ quet agencies. cu Veloce and Michael Humphries eePg ' EUROPEAN CUP | $e. 7) were the. goal-getters. These OF gar ee ag - Preliminary round, first leg First Of Semi S two 'quick goals seemed to take aan o a rophies, a n Grakia Plovdiv, Bulgaria 2 the pressure off a little, as|MUIS bow! Rapid Bucharest, Rumania 0 Locall 222 whipped Glen Stu- Local. 222 scored two more Preliminary rourmd, second leg ar; 5-1 in the first game of the goals. CANADIANS BEAT DUTCH CENTRE Hibernians, Malta 0 Manches-'Qshawa Junior Soccer League Veloce scored his second of, EINDHOVEN (CP-Reuters) ter United, England 0 semi-finals played at Kinsmen the night on a header after -- A Canadian women's field- Manchester wins 4-0 aggre- Stadium Wednesday night Humphries hit the cross bar,/hockey team edged the Dutch es oe Hae te Glen Stuart pressed hard on on Billy Holmes potted the|national league club Oranje To VAN BELLE uropean Cu s eal defence in the opening fifth goal, after some good|Zwart 2-1 in anexhibition Preliminary round, second leg styler pine ae gcse: work by Pete Madden and Ger-| match in this Dutch city Thurs- GARDENS Steaua, Rumania 2 FC Aus- tackling by Ron Mazzota, Rich. Tard Smits. day night. 36 Varieties of tria Vienna 1 ard Mattis and Sergio Barba, 7 EVERGREENS Steaua wins 4-1 on aggregate |). ~ Saat - Tottenham Hotspur, England beget ge nllbenyngren, \ (Freshly Dug) 4 Hajduk Split, Yugoslavia 3 ball": by Oshawa defence allow- CROSS CANADA PAVING Herdy Garden MUMS .. . Tulips . + « Spurs win 6-3 on aggregate (oq Livingstone to score on a vr fates. siete fr chee ts ) ae ciel eais Cap, (Cota eeninne Yo score om. Pel Nae Talane "aca oe First round, first leg Hee tha dead 8 i ee has 3 YEARS GUARANTEE ALL ATTRACTIVELY PRICED, Partizan Belgrade 5 Lokomo- st BOLE ae , EVERYTHING IS READY tiv Plovdiv, Bulgaria 1 Local 222 took the Play down FOR FALL PLANTING D.W.S. Amsterdam, Nether- to the Glen Stuart goal mouth, also 6- 12-18 -20-36 month to poy : lands 2 Dundee, Scotland 1 and after some good saves by "Drop in or Call' Vojvodina Nov Sad, Yugosla-\the Glen Stuart goalkeeper No Payment For 2 Months After Completion V KR Il G d U1 tubal an pee araens Take a Drive On Dinstey a a OSHAWA TV SUPPLY Lid. Taunton Rd. E., Oshowe UNIROYAL The fabulous 1968 MOTO-SKI via 1 C.U.F. Barreiro Setubal,|Frank --Gattellaco, Mazzotta Portugal 0 pushed the ball home to tie the @ FREE ESTIMATE... se iene Gardea Conia? BUY NOW--PLAY LATER CENTRE Sporting Lisbon, Portugal 2 Score 1-1 at half time 5 Minutes East of Oshawa FROM $799.95 Park Rd. $., Oshawe ON HIGHWAY NO. 2... . 623-5757 Call 728-9292 Oshawa Royal F.C. Bruges, Belgium 1 | Both teams started the second 7 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM! Sporting wins 2-1 on aggre-|half strongly but eventually gate Local 222 managed to break the ONTARIO PROVINCE or ONTARI ELECTION NOTICE OF REVISION OF LISTS OF VOTERS (IN URBAN POLLING SUBDIVISIONS) ; } NOTICE OF SITTINGS of The Revising Officers in the Electoral District of ONTARIO SOUTH Mt Notice is hereby given of the revision of the lists of voters for polling subdivisions Nos, 1 to 17 inclusive for the Town of Ajax in the Electoral District of Ontario outh. ¢ AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that sittings will be held by the revising officers at the times and places set forth hereinafter set out. Any person qualified to vote at the pending election to the Legislative Assembly and whose name has been omitted from or incorrectly entered in, the enumerator's list of voters is called upon to attend at the times and places hereunder men- tioned for the purpose of having his name enrolled upon the list of voters to be used at the said election. Complaints which have been properly filed with reference to names wrongfully entered upon the enumerator's list will be heard at these sittings. List of voters for the Electoral Disrtict will be open for public inspection at the office of the Returning Officer located at 62 Kingston Rd. E., Pickering between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M. on and after Friday, the 29th day of September, 1967. The lists may also be inspected at the office of the Clerk of the Municipality between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., on and after Monday, the 2nd day of October, 1967, SCHEDULE Registration and Revising District No. 3, includes Polling Subdivisions Nos. 1 to 17 inclusive bounded as follows: consisting of the whole Town of Ajax. Sittings will be held for Registration and Revising District No. 3 at AJAX MUNICIPAL BUILDING between the hours of 10 A.M, to 12 Noon and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M., of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th days of October, 1967. Registration and Revising Officer MAGISTRATE H. W. JERMYN. Clerk to Revising Ofticer M. B. BEAUCHAMP, AJAX, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, AJAX. EV STO!) --- Sandy Lan Kur Auc Board of contr proved a recom! the Civic Audite management t Kurelo, manager Auditorium, be d tor. They also agre the board, he charge of the v taking in the n centre and swim! a higher rate of The recomm¢ goes to city coun ment. Moving the re Con. Frank McC: Mr. Kurelo woul Spring The Ontario Re monial parade of Guidon'"' will lil next spring, say Colonel L. P. 1 commanding offic iment. The regiment , Sunday, Sept. 24, cause of training outlined in the re tasks. Col. Tiggelers s ment is "'so heav: to centennial celel it has been unabl in" the trooping. WHAT DO : (This ts tl series of arti tario Manpor Program, esp feets Oshawa Long range | difficult for the istrators of th power Retraini Some mainta front. They vow a rosy future, continuing thins Others expre: about its future dorse OMRP ir Chairman Sti of the board o avowed champi typical of som openly ask pet about it, Mr, Lovell 'n

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