Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Sep 1967, p. 1

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Home Of Oshawa ville, Ajax, Newspaper , Whitby, Bowman. Pickering and neighboring centres in Ont- @rio and. Durham Counties. VOL. 26--NO. 226 10¢ Sin: 45¢ Per Week yeti Ghe Oshawa Zimes OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1967 livered Weather Report Cloudy with a few sunny in- tervals and chance of brief showers. Low tonight, 42; high Saturday, 55. Authorized os Second Class Mall Post Office Department Ottowa and for payment of Postage in Cosh TWENTY PASES POLICE ASSIST CAS Two Children PRESTON, Ont. (CP)--Palice the Waterloo County Children's Aid and representatives of Society were besieged Thursda by screaming, kicking and clawing children as their moth er was arrested and charged with abduction of two foster { children she refused to return & to the society. The arrest of Mrs. into an uproar. During the melee, police were pummeled and Ruth Connolly, a psychologist, was grabbed by the hair and thrown to the ground. Mrs. Timbrell was released from jail Thursday night on her own recognizance and returned to her home and children. The younger of the two foster children was taken away by the Children's Aid Society and the older by the police. Authorities disclose where they did not spent the night. The mother of nine, said it had found homes for them. The children who are Roman Catholic, were placed with the Anglican Tim brell family in January. GOT LETTER Monday Mrs. Timbrell, who had applied to adopt the twa s Arthur | Timbrell, who had vowed to go to jail rather than allow the society to separate the two chil- - dren, Peggy, 5, and Valerie, 3, turned a quiet residential street has refused since August to return the two girls after the society separate y MRS. ARTHUR Timbrell children, received a letter from| struggles with police after the society ordering her to} her arrest Thursday for re- return them by 10 a.m. Thurs-| fusing to return two little day. Police. and society officials dren,' Mrs, Timbrell first arrived at the Timbrell|screamed. Her eldest daughter, home about 2 p.m. with a war--Margaret, 20, also started| rant authorizing a search 'by force if necessary." But the shouting and |police, struggling with woman refused to unlock her) opp HIDDEN door. They left without enforcing the warrant. Later, Police Chief Arthur Woods arrived with a warrant for Mrs. Timbrell's arrest. The children ran from the |eruiser, and in the confusion, {the foster child, Peggy, was |hidden in a neighbor's home. | The rest of the children gath- Mrs. Timbrell at first willing-|¢red around the car with CAS ly agreed to the arrest. when police said her children, who had crowded into the cruis-| 8 er with her, would have to be But/Officials shouting to Valerie: "Hate them Valerie. They're no ood."" J. W. Donnachie, assistant left behind, she began to strug-|director of the Galt branch of gle with police. the CAS, and Mrs. Connolly, a MOTHER CHARGED WITH ABDUCTION sisters to the Children's Aid Society. The Preston, Ont., mother of nine said she would go to jail before the Timbrell home to search for | Peggy. The children attacked them, grabbed Mrs. Connolly by the jhair, struck her and threw her to the ground while Peggy, jalmost unnoticed, watched from ithe neighbor's window. | Before police arrived, the |Timbells tried unsuccessfully to jreach both Premier John Robarts and Prime Minister Pearson. Mrs, Timbrell was finally put in the cruiser and taken to the police station. She later returned with the Police Chief Arthur Woods and found Peggy --hiding behind a chair at the "They're not getting my chil-isocial worker, tried to approach'neighbor's house. ' Flood Levels Drop LBJ Inspects Area HARLINGEN, (Reuters) -- The level of the Rio Grande dropped today, but floodwaters still covered vast areas of the border river's valley and threatened to reach the coastal cities of Brownsville, Tex., and Matamoros, Mexico. President Johnson toured Floods Threaten N.Y. State After Five Inches Of Rain SALAMANCA, N.Y. AP)-- The storm-swollen Allegheny River appeared to relax its surging drive toward dangerous flood levels today and the weather bureau said this rain- drenched region of western New York and Pennsylvania could expect a_ respite--only showers and drizzle. Nearly five inches to wind- swept rain soaked this city of 8,500 and the surrounding area Thursday, swelling streams out of their banks and sending flood waters through low-lying areas. Mayor Keith Reed declared a state of emergency and warned Edith Inches Westward MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--Tropical storm Edith, stalled all night over warm tropical waters that build up hurricanes, began inching toward the Beulah-bat- tered Lesser Antilles today. The makings of another storm brewed 1,000 miles to the east. Edith, the season's fifth tropi- cal storm, was about 280 miles east southeast of Guadeloupe when she began drifting toward the west. A hurricane watch remained in effect for Domini- ca and the Leeward Islands with gale warnings flying from Dominica to Antigua. The weather bureau said Edith would continue plodding toward the west at about five miles an hour for at least 12 hours. The weather bureau said the centre should approach the Lesser Antilles, where 13 per- sons died in the ravages of Hur- ricane Beulah, in the vicinity of Dominica by Saturday night. Top winds at the storm's cen- stricken areas of his native state Thursday and declared 24 south Texas counties a federal disaster area. After talking with state offi- cials, rescue workers and many persons made homeless by the floods, the president said he} will immediately release $2,-| residents near the river to be} ready for evacuation. About 25 families fled their homes late Thursday as the Allegheny climbed at the rate of about one foot an hour, Early today, however, the rate decreased and, in some sections, the river level appeared to remain constant. | | ed the river to crest at about 24) feet later today. That would be} one foot below flood stage. | More rain, he said, would! pose serious problems. Many highways were covered) by flood waters, as were sever-) al streets in Salamanca. | Many of the flooded streams) flow into the Allegheny, which| farther downstream, becomes the newly created Allegheny Reservoir. From there, the Allegheny courses toward downtown Pittsburgh, where it joins the Monongahela. \culation of the deaths, numbers 500,000 in federal funds for the repair of roads, public buildings and utilities. More money will be released as the damage is assessed, he said. It is estimated $20,000,000 will be needed soon. 200,000 HOMELESS Eleven persons in Texas were killed in the aftermath of the flooding caused by Hurricane Beulah and 200,060 persons left homeless. | Heavy death was feared in the Mexican flooding, where hundreds of thousands remained in public shelters. There has been no official cal- of homeless or damage. | The amount of water dumped) by Hurricane Beulah was| enough to account for five -| years average rainfall. 25 deaths have been reported an) Mexico since Beulah hit the the actual toll in the last month deaths before Beulah arrived, Most of Harlingen's 41,000 residents were evacuated to higher ground when attempts to build makeshift dams to keep) the raging 'floodwaters out failed, was 41.30 feet late Thursday night, Wednesday morning's peak. Matamoros and Brownsville, next on the raging floodwater's list of stops, were expected to escape relatively lightly com- pared to Harlingen. to consider she would allow the society to separate the sisters she had looked after as foster Seized By Force Sil children year. MRS. TIMBRELL COMFORTS PEGGY, 5 ---In Police Cruiser "we | Preston Chief since early this (CP Wirephoto) LIBERALS DEFEND HOUSING POLICY A. _____ ___| Back-Bencher Criticizes / Calls Threaten Lack Of Responsibility OTTAWA (CP) -- Labor Min-| Central Mortgage and Hous- jister Nicholson defended gov-ling Corp, reported earlier ernment housing policy in the/Thursday that the rate of new Commons Thursday. housing construction during Outside the Commons, a gov- August fell on a seasonally-ad- ernment back-bvencher attacked|justed annual basis to 146,300 it. from the July rate of 151,000. 2 cd PRESTON, Ont. (CP)--Police, Edmonton--most of them Chief Arthur Woods, "shocked"|charging brutality--the chief by a torrent of abusive phone|issued a written statement RE ST eee a Msteve ovo York easp|."the Econom! Coin o PR cee Jk Telia tee Timbrell| It said, in part: Said there is a housing crisis injCanada has said 180,006 new Thursday mae Sake the ; I don't blame Mrs. Timbrell Canada and for any minister to|staris are required 'annually fee ae Aris Minbar ¢ i ge "las she believed she was doing say there is not "'is a collossaijrising to 200,000 by 1970 to ee whilaven areata i big os-/ the right thing for the two chil-|denial of responsibility."" catch up and meet new needs. tailed "aitiaventiy went eae dren involved. | He said he intended to speak; Mr, Nicholson referred to a ne ane y rig! rom PM ctige sh "-- ar Ls oo Poa during Thursday's | council suggestion that housing pi : icers, doing their legal duty|consideration of labor de | ; It was a case between the/as citizens of the community,/ment spending estimates 2d Deion bein oS children's aid society and Mrs. are kicked, hit, sworn and spit|the 1967-68 fiscal year '"'but the} ee ee Timbrell--we were only there|ypon, it is a very serious mat-|speaking list was so arranged|COUNCIL SHOULD SAY to keep the peace and see that ter. that I obviously would not get; 'But they don't make any the law was enforced, Chief | "When police officers.have to|on tonight." suggestion as to how this should Woods, 40, said in an interview./take this kind of abuse without, 'For the federal government|be done," he said. "I think it's The chief and four of his offi-/any public support, things are|to ignore remedies and legisla-|their job and their responsibil- cers arrested Mrs. Timbrell, | yery serious. tion to reduce the price of tandjity to say how it should be mother of nine, on a charge Of) «one of my men received an|S Callous indifference to aj|done." abduction after the woman injured eye' and a couple (of growing crisis,'"' Mr. Otto said.| Reid Scott (NDP--Toronto refused to give up her two fos-|,;; A _| Land owners and specul r i ter, children, Peggy, 5, and Val-|ored had their uniforms he said, use fant watt ger tose tg sores 'aiee nee erié, 3. The two were taken "Actually, the whole affair |2dvantages to make fantastic|that in Ottawa there is no hous- returns without an iota ofjing policy at all." away Thursday. should have been handled in a energy or effort. George Hees The warrant for the arrest) different matter fiom the stast was sworn out by the Waterloo County Children's Aid Society|rcTsons in much higher author- ASSIST GROUP which had rejected the Tim-|;~ eee eee oe brells' application for the girls' |" adoption, saying it had found a! | (PC-Northum- Said the government | berland) "The minister and govern- should go to financial houses |ments assist this group by|@"d ask them to put large in. "To start with, this wasn't albeing representatives of the|#™ounts of money into mort- prahey homie tor tein. police matter. My men Thurs-lestablished and working against| #@8es- This had been successful | day were only there to enforce|the dis-established, delaying as US. CALLS MADE \the law and preserve the peace.|much as possible the develop-| Howard Johnston (SC--Oka- Bothered about dozens of/When a warrant has been|ment of land for multiple use," \nagan-Revelstoke) said one phone calls his department issued for someone's arrest, it) Mr. Nicholson, leading off a|cause of the shortage is the dif- received since the arrest from\is up to the police department|\Commons housing debate called|ficulty in getting money for as far as Nova Scotia andito execute it. \for earlier in week by opposi-\homes in small communities. = ton MPs, defended the Tae to Mediator, Both Sides hI, loans under the Nati The 1 Hous- figure|ernment ing Act, hi igher housing Tan G. Wahn (L--Toronto St. p Paul's) said the opposition was maximum interest rate for|making 'extravagant and irre- charges' about gov- | MONTREAL (CP) -- BothjAttendance has fallen below) sides in Montreal's transit normal most days since the/ strike will meet for the first/strike began Sept. 21. time today with their newly-ap-| Thursday, representatives of pointed mediator. the strikers promised full co-op- Mr. Justice Francois Cheva- jeration with Mr. Justice Cheva- lier of Quebec Superior Court at|lier, appointed by the provincial Hull has called meetings with|government Wednesday after representatives of the Montrealjseveral days of stalemated) PHILADELPHIA (Reuters)--,he was given an assassination Transportation Commission for negotiations. |The district attorney's office isllist by members of the Revolu- 10 a.m. and with union leaders) They also turned down a pro-jinvestigating alleged plots byjtionary Action Movement, a for 2 p.m. to begin efforts to|posal from MTC chairm an|Negro extremists to assassinate| Black Power anarchist pee M cnd the. eight-day strike for|Lucien L'Allier who suggested|President Johnson and 'FBI; Bailey, who is being held lhigher pay by 6,000 bus and ithe workers go back-on the job|Director J, Edgar Hoover and/here awaiting extradition to subway workers, |pending a mediator's recom-jdestroy American cities in a| Georgia, aid the list included Most mornings and after-|mendations, He offered to pay|series of simultaneous riots. Specter, Philadelphia Mayor noons this week, bumper-to-|the strikers an average $3.02 an) The assassination plot was|James Tate, and Police Com- _|bumper lines of cars havelhour until the recommendations disclosed Thursday by District) missioner Frank Rizzo, as well lformed massive jams that|were available. |Attorney Arlen Specter whojas Johnson and Hoover. lmove much more slowly than| The $3.02 has been termed ajsaid there was insufficient evi-| District Attorney Probes Two Assassination Plots The mayor was to be killed Castro Denounces OAS |pedestrians. |'final" offer by Mr. L'Allier/dence to make specific charges|by dynamite linked with his |who has flatly rejected the'at the moment. car's ignition and the police As Repugnant Farce HAVANA (Reuters) -- Cuban/gorrillas--military Premier Fidel Castro tion of American States meet-| hours." ing in Washington as "a repug- nant farce About| Meeting of delinquents and ban-'a bar plaints of the UN. Castro spoke for more than ' three hours in Havana's Revo- The flood depth at Harlingen|jytion Square. He ridiculed Argentina's. belligerence in the! down three feet from/|QAS meeting and her declared readiness to invade Cuba. INVITES ASSAULT He called Argentine generals|Green "archiglorious, ridiculous pup-|claimed are being used in Latin pets" and added defiantly: "All'America. He told a mass rally of more subversion, Yucatan Peninsula Sept. 16, but|than 200,000 Cuba will denounce parts of the world." 3 the "criminal policy of impe-) Chester Halgas, a publicii, far higher, There were(rialism and its criminal block- health engineer, said he expect-\renorts of 54 weather - related ade" in the United Nations. Venezuelan Cuban decided to take the matter to raises, case, suse Seu! Drags On Few More Weeks barous and nagar leg in all king cheers of com-'"'worthy, decorous subversion, pendent -attitude."' tary \failures, | wore a dictators--| today; who want can come here any |denounced the recent Organiza-,time and they will not last 24! of subversion, intervener ' the massedjtional Union, apparently faces @/Abruzzo gave crowds he praised Mexico as|few more weeks in custody Oct, 9 to present written argu- a 5 : "the only honorable exception" |pere before it is decided wheth-| ment | OPP Escort Truck Convoy The OAS meeting, summoned jn the OAS meeting for its er he will go free or face perju- application, Kuh was given| inde-|ry charges in Ontario. He predicted that any mili-|ynionist, centre of a raging adventure against | would meet with the worst Cub Cuban leaders and hundreds of thousands before him, ) | red beret as a symbolicjextradite Banks to Canada was mission into Great Lakes vio- \revolutionary reply to the U.S.jadjourned to an indefinite date : Beret Special Forces he|Thursday after another verbal lence Jan. 9, 1963. | HAMILTON (CP) - Castro|the EXPO TRAFFIC DOWN __|workers' original demand for a|. He said an escaped convict,|chief was to be shot by Bailey, Expo on-site transportation|raise to $3.50 from their present Herman Bailey, alias Earl Bai-|who claimed he is an expert jstill is operating normally.|$2.77 salary level. ley, 22, of Atlanta, Ga., claimed marksman. Extradition Hearing wews HIGHLIGHTS Women's Channel Record Broken DOVER, England (AP) -- Linda McGill, 21-year-old Aus- anks NEW YORK (CP) -- Haljard Kuh, American counsel for tralian, slashed 25 minutes off the women's record for Banks, former head of. the|the Ontario government. | the English Channel swim today by making the crossing lCanadian Seafarers' Interna-| U.S, Commissioner §S. T.| from Cap Griz, France, in nine hours, 59 minutes, Brodsky until] against the deportation} BELLEVILLE, Ont. (CP) --- A truck convoy from the strikebound Wilson concrete plant in Belleville was es- corted by provincial police from Peterborough to Owen Sound Thursday after the tire of a truck was shot up in the morning near Marmora, 30 miles northeast of -Pet- erborough. OPP Constable Lawrence Horton said he found bullets from a high-powered rifle inside one of the front tires of the vehicle, Life Term Given For Attempted Murder juntil Oct. 23 to present his writ-} | The 58-year-old bail-jumping|ten support of it. | After he receives both argu- ourt fight between two law-'ments Abruzzo will decide} yers, was arrested in New York whether Banks must be) lreturned to Ottawa to face trial] an application of|on charges of perjuring himself of Ontario to before the Norris royal com-! | Together with other top|Aus- 29. Hearing on province Laszlo Eper, 29, of Toronto, was sen- tenced to life imprisonment today for the attempted mur der of a city police. sergeant in June, brawl between Abraham Brod- sky, Banks' lawyer, and Rich- DIPPED TO 42 DEGREES tures dipped Thursday to degrees, the chilliest Sept. temperature was 45 degrees. which has been drenched steady rain for the last days, . of the province to be hit both snow and rain. and broke record low value: many centres as the cur tre were 55 m.p.h., 20 miles fesa than hurricane strength. TORONTO (CP) -- Tempera- since 1860 when the maximum More cold and rain is predict- ed for today in the Metro area North Bay was the only part High temperatures matched cold spell entered its second full day. And a spokesman at the Toronto weather 42 early today it will 28 before temperatures to normal. Mount Forest, by while Killaloe with two and Sudbury with office said be Sunday are back with 41 degrees, broke a previous Sept. 28 record of 44 degrees in 1951 42 degrees 43 degrees matched their records set in by In other localities the entire month of 1944 and 1961 respectively. records for September were broken. s in Muskoka's 41 degrees ended a rent record 44 degrees set Sept. 39, 1939, Wiarton and S$: with 43 grees, mcoe, each broke their MANY RECORDS BROKEN ht mE Ta | rm Pesticide Found............ | ,.In THE TIMES Today .. Yesterday Coldest In 107 Years would be a xradual warming trend until Sunday, when it will Sept. 30, 1944 44-degree and Sept. 20, 1956 48-degree records respectively, and Iondon's 44 degrees erased tie Sept. 20, 1924 record 45 degrees. OLD RECORDS GO Windsor and Hamilton each recorded 45 degrees, which broke 46 and 47-degree records set Sept. 24, 1950 and Sept. 26, 1899, respectively. Toronto International Air- port's 44 degrees tied the Sept. 24, 1950 record and Toronto's 45 degrees tied a record set Sept 29 and 30, 1860. The weather office said their In Seized Bread TIJUANA, Mexico (AP)--A|_ pesticide, possibly used to kill rats in a wheat field some- where in Mexico, has been found in bread seized from an|= unlicensed bakery, authorities) = said today. E Election Forum --~ P. 9 Complex Opens Soturdoy -- P. 5 Ann Landers--10 Ajax News--5 be normal again. Poisoned bread was blamed -- City News--9 a cut i ae hae for the deaths of 17 children|) | YY Classified--14, 15, 16 I io and Lake Erie regions. since Monday. An autopsy was|_ Arts Comics--19 Z Sterling, Ont., 15 and Tren- pending to determine if a 61: a] Editorial--4 ton, nine miles east of Belle- year-old woman who died Slociaaly. ville had the most rain record- Thursday was an 18th victim of eae ed in the 24-hour period until 8 the: poisoning. ; ' Soa p.m. Thursday with almost Labratory tests by the Cali- ports--6, 7, three inches. fornia department of agricul- Television--19 Buffalo New York recorded ture in Sacramento found the my Theatres--12 four inches, two inches in the deadly pesticide parathion in "What do 1 think & Weather---2 six hour period from 2 p.m. bread. But further tests were|5 nage Whitby News--5 Thursday. lplanned to determine which]= about what pill? W. tO: fy 4 Toronto had just over one ingredient in the bread con-|: SOM eee i inch, tained the poison. MM

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