Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Sep 1967, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 29, 1967 CMHC Reports New House Jsjunction We a A A A Saeseeneeeenaasanesseaneeens: iii iat TODAY'S STOCKS |sus NESS SPOTLIGHT Paint Industry Contribute TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Distributed by CP Stock Toronto Stock Exchange--Sept. 29 Cdn Equty Quotations in cents uniess marked $.| CGE 2z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-) C Go'dale rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change. is) C Hydro Sales High Low a.m. Ch 10:40 Net 100 410 410 «410 - 50 S40 "0 40 100 312% 128 12% $00 $277) 27) 7 from previous board-lot closing sale. | C imp Bnk 2475 $13\4 138 13\a-- % Cc Marconi MINES oon 10:4 Net | Cdn Tire A Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge © Utilities Agnico soo 105 125 (ws +3'| Svickers Ano U Dev 500 66 66 66 | Gham 175 b Armore 1000 18 «18 «18 --1/) CHUM A A Are 10000 27 2% O27? +1 | Gaines Ares 100 310 310 310 --5 | Coville A cone 3008 ad Columbia Bethim 1650 620 620 620 -- Caluenbl Big Nama 2000 29 281% 28'4--1¥2' Cominco Bounty Ex 7384 16 1s 1% 1 Banaue Broul Reet S000 57 $5 56 +3] COmPRr Brunswk 200 610 610 610 --S/| CO p 9 Bunker H 1500 18% 18 18° --'% BE nil Cable 1 7 «1 «7 +1) Sons Gas r 1) te 1) 5 |. eon Coronatn 325 325 325 +10 | Crush intl 740 740 740 } Gelta Elec mm 22 m +32/| Dist Soap 189 190 190 | Dome Pete 64 63 83 | 0 Bridge y 164 612--1] Dofasco Chestrvile 3000 35 342 35 +1| DO Scottish Phib Key a 8 Dom Store Chib M 1000 48 48 48 2| Oomtar Chimo 2300 120 117::«:1200 «+ 44{ O Textile Conigo 26200 80 78 80 +1 Oupont C Beliek 9045 22 20% 22 +2] Electro itd € Callinan 2150 9 © 9 Fairbnk M Con Fardy 100 350 350 350 Faicon C Marben 1000 430 425 425 15 | Fleet Cc Morisn 800 385 375 375 FPE Pion Con Negus 5700 79 78 78 +2) FP EPn pr Cc RedP 17000 492 4 49 +1 Fraser Coulee 100 48 «048 4B Freiman Cstland 500 25 25 25 --1| Gen Baker -Daering 3000 9 «239 9 --%) GMC D'Aragon 1000 18% 182 18% Globe Env Deer Horn 1000 20' 202: 20%2--'% Greb_ ind D'Elda #2400 150 132 135 --11 | GL Paper Denison 497 $83% 83% 834--\% GL Power Discovry 830 112 112:*112 Gt W Life Dome 100 $46% 46% 467%--1¥e Gt W Sadie Donalds 7000 17 «16 Ob 'a| Grevhnd Dunraine 500 36 36 36 +11 Guar Trst East Sull 100 535 $35 $35 --5 | Hnd Chm A Endako 100 $134 13% 134+ 4 Hawker $ F Mar 200 170 170 170 --4| Hays Dna Gnt' Masct 400 130 129 130 | Home . A Gienn Exp 2000 23 23 23 | Home B Goldrim 1000 6) 61 61 | Horne Pit Gortdrm 200 265 265 265 H Bay Co Grdroy 48600 119 112 118 +8 | HB Oi! Gas Granisle 2700 745 735 745 +5 Husky Oil Green Pnt 3500 58 58 58 +2) Husky C pr Gulch 1000 28 «6-28 «= 28 «C+ 1] «Husky D w Headway 500 -18'4 1812 1812 Imp Oil Hollinger 208 $274 27% 27%--%| Imp Tob Huds Bay 175 $6174 61 61 --'% Ind Adhes Hydra Ex 2100 17 17 #17 Ind Wire Int Bibis T 3500 93 92 92 +2] Ingersoll iron Bay T 4000 400 390 390 --I5 | Inglis je Inland Gas sonsmilh Inspirati p OY viata Inter-City eye IMC ere Oe Int Nickel Based Int Util Kirk min int Util pr Kirk Twns Intpr Pipe Kopan int Pipe w tL Dutavit Intpr_ Stl pr Lakehead Inv Grp A L Osu ITL Ind James Stl Jefferson Jeffersn w Jockey C Labatt Lafarge Mattgmi 125 $13 13% 13% | LOnt Cem Midrim 200 141 14) 141 +1] Laure Sec Mogul Min 1000 405 408 405 +5 Lau Fin Aniti-M 1400 165 164 164 Lav F 1.28 Nat Expl 2000 1) #1) «11 -- We, Lew New Cal 7300 33° 32 32 Levy ® pr Newconx 100 S65 565 S45 Life Invest N Harri 19500 22 22 #23 +1% Lob CoA N Hosco 3400. 190 18) 18) 1 Lob Co B 1 N Imperal 2200 340 335 34 +5) LobG A pr -1 Newlund 2500 19 id "° Loeb M rites N Senator 1000 26 2% 26 | MB Ltd 935 $2BSe 282 28'2-- ve of Statistics reported Thursday. | farming Nick Rim 500 14' 144 144 + | Magna EI 200 $17% 17% 1738 + % The 6.4 - per - zent increase in| : Ne-rbaska 1000 68. 68 88 +3 | Maher pr 100 $8% 8% 8% -- Ve Peg , fi | at gid aid po ali an ie ae 1 Man-fer * s2v5 7% 34 - 4 the year compared ip ge our -| NEW CABLE LINK Noviex 5000 20 20 2 | Met Stores 0. + ee. increase in the con-| Normetal 500 375 375 375 Molson A 250 $214 21% 214 Lied cent S inae j th Ss: Bi ent N Coldstm 2125 135 135 135 Montex pr i" 4° 6h 64 ae price index in the same Canadian Overseas Northoat 1445 845 835 845 s joore 062 353%% 33% 334 period, i 'or N Rank 500 35 «435 «(35 Morse B 50 $258" 2558 2558+ Ye ACB tL Ons OMe N Rock 1000 344 344 MA +1'4 Morse pr 3% $4) 4 4) "ST wINOY yy Mt i North Can 6250 165 154 165 +15 | Murphy 1785 $14 8% 9i2+%,| CU RRENCY SETS REC ORD Nod s 1000 15, 1s % --1| Mrphy Pr 260 $28% 28 284 +%| Currency in circuiation and) rtd pemske 6145 $11% 11'4 14-- 4! Nt Contain 200 $9% 94 V4-- 3% < deposits held by| 7? Orchan 600 274 272 #274 +2) Noranda 522 $55' SS% S572 + Va ego den ge " th h 4 owners, Osisko Nor Ctl @ 650 $13% 1310 13/6 the general public--the money |i acts Eamour : per ett 22 iN yes 2vs en v% supply--increased in the week $10.500.000 atino 5 p 37838 282 282 0 Dy 877 ov, Pax Bd ta] Oshawa AY 125 $e la + v, (ended Sept. 20 by $77,000,000 to! permuda ce Exo Overland ce oe AU Wet ithe Bank. of Canada reported Pembina 270 $17 17 17% Thursday. The figure was $3.-|Gonher Price Com 835 $1178 1134 1] » + 9% 042,000,000 higher than at Sept.|~-- QN Gas 136 $10'2 10% 105% 21, 1966 j popes Or@ 1550 $434 634 65% eclate : evenue 100 $13% 13% 13% } 7 > t Rockower 600 39% 92 at FARM RECEIPTS UP 90 3 'onald Fd 250 $i6ie 16% 16% i Rio 580 Pr 75 $9794 9754 97% Rothman 25 $2758 2758 2784 -- Ve Cash receipts of farmers Rio Alg ¢ W110 $21% 21% 21% + 4%! Royal Bnk 499 $iéva 16% 1616 --1,/from their farming operations Roman 2452 $28' 28 2a +) Salada 268 $114 11% 114+ %4\ reached an estimated $2.- San Antoni 1000 21' 21% 21% + 4! Sayvetet $00 305 205 3205 | 7 j : Satellite 2700 56 $6 56 +2) Seot York 30 $27 27. «a7 |139,700,000 in the first half cf herritt 305) 565 S60 $65. +5} Sheil Inv p 150 $32% 32% 32% Aa RES i ETC eA 40 OF ARR ii 390 390 390 + $1 Shell Inv w Wee ee 000 D +35) Shell Can 1% 314 -- % A | R d 300 470 46S 465 +19] Shop Save M4 Waa lrline neaeems 7a0 290 5 Shopper Ct 25 | . ' * Silverwd A Simeone »+») Its Debentures Stee an 22%%-- Ve soctares _%,*'| TORONTO (CP) -- United Tencond ® 280 |Air Lines Inc. called Thursday exaco 2S_ 3250+ Ve if Thom NP sane ae for the redemption of all its Tone Cratt four - per - cent subordinate: Towers Un Gas Vascan Versatd Versatile Westc'st Westee! Nov, 7. 2 bed S ath ab =e mo we Oy \ 3800 345 340 M45 +10 W Decit w $00 164 164 164 Nov. 15; INDUSTRIALS 'per-cent 1087 323% 3450 °85 380 z95$115 114.4 11 100 $385" 385 38%-- + 4" 880 $227» 2254 227% + Vw 350 $114 HW% 1% 210 318% 18% 18!2 100 $9 9 25 $41% 41% 41% -- ts 8 212 490 490 490 sR 603 $64 6394 6384 + Ye 150 $55¥@ 55! 55% 400 320 3 480 $42 6% 612-- Ve 700 $7 4 ¥ 150 $26 26 3290 $15'4 153%@ 15% Tor Dm Bk Tor Iron W Traders A Trader 65 w Trader 66 w Tr Can PL Tr Can Pl p Tr Can Pw Trans Mt Un Carbid UGas B opr Union Oil Un Won wt Walk GW W Pacific Weston A Weston B Woodwd A Sales to 11 Canadian Co, Ltd., class A 40 cents, Oct 23, record Oct. f Canadian Utilities Ltd., com- +4 mon 42% cents, Nov. 29, record 5-per-cent $1.25; 41,- pref. $1.06, Novy. 15, 7S $42¥2 422 4212 725 $10% 10%» 10' 2130 $10'2 102 Wa 25 $31 3 3 150 318 18 18% a 6% 6% WO 465 465 465 100 400 400 6 4€ 135 $154. 15a 15¥a-- % 475 3294 294 29% + 225 $934 (9% = +1 Soo 105 105 105 ~% nating financially" in the pro-| rial Institute of Columbia, Onio, gram sponsored by the National to Paint and Varnish Lacquer chamber which would evaluate) tion the smog-forming tendencies of) Canadian 246 $32'2 32% 32'4 -- Va 600 320% 20% 20% -- ba 100 $31'e 3a 3M 200 $24%% 24%8 24% 135 $13%2 1342 1342 -- % 100 $16%e 185m 185e + '4 885 $13 1278 1278 \"s 300 $7234 22'2 22'a-- 3 5 0 $3 50 $121 tO $24 24 46+' 1590 $8ie 74 8 + | were steady on a light supply 0 120 120 100 35% Sie 58a + 149 $95 (9S)--(9S 200 38's 8 8 200 S84 Bie 6 225 $22%8 22% 227 100 $20 20 20 25 $52 52 52 10 33.33 6B 100 $12% 12% 1258 Me 100 $9 9 200 350 350 350 +10 275 $132 13% 13'2 \ a 276 52478 2: 700 $12 2 2 440 $66 66 66 + le 375 $"5'2 225 212% 245 $1) 10% 1078 77 $21 (2) 21 30-31 with sales to 25 $378 37'2 3 be a BEE it Construction Rate Drops earlier but was down sharply|day for the Bank of Western from 17,429 starts in June this|Canada following a five-hour lcourt hearing on a request for The Economic Council of OTTAWA (CP)--The rate of Canada has said that new house construction turned housing starts are needed each year, rising to 200,000 by the end of the 1960s, to catch up on down again last month, Central Mortgage and Housing Corp. The corporation said decline was all Slaughter cattle 10,862: om ee 1 8 offer this week 11,00) ' 1100 S780 78 78 + 1) week 9.411; to date 1967 352,042;,/ 1966: 2 3. 35 +4 to date 1966 374,659 24 124+ % jast year 9,875; choice steers oe ce in' 9as pond] 14:40-18.90; boars 11.50: -<<:: To Air Pollution Research pollution. The Canada Paint Manufac- | Association of the U.S. E. D. MacLean, chairman of}or ganic solvent _ the CPMA technical committee,| would be the only smog cham-| differences between them and *'said at a recent association'ber in North America devot WEEKLY LIVESTOCK | TORONTO (CP) -- Trading}21; mediums 18-19; * was dull for al! classes and cutters 13-18; good heavy bolo- grades of slaughter cattle at gna 23-23.5 'the Ontario public stockyards and mediums Replacement ca this week. Prices for dry-feds _ Heavy receipts of grass-feds stock calves 3 + '* traded slowly at barely s were easier and under pres- and mediums 22-27. sure, bull. prices were unchanged and $0 $10 10 10 --** cattle were steady on a good demand. 25 $.0'% 20% wie aon tae tai ain 235 $38%* 3838 38% + %% sharply lower, hog eee lhe ers 18-21. 1495 $2258 222 22'2 lower and lambs were fully 4m $5 75° «7S +) steady. this wee 100 $14 14 «14 = lie 28.50-29.50; mediums 24-27.50; 99 15 315 2 Ws Ha+ 15 55 $30 100. $15 15 320 400 395 395 --§ 6005 $1658 1619 165% 7100 460 460 460 2100 S114" 1) WM 275 $272 27a 27'a-- Ve 620 $13 13'2 134 50 $50'« 30% 30% M4 1000 29 OO 8 120 $8 8 8B 775 130 #130 «#130 500 710 219 210 --~I0 320 $31 307" 30% -- 325 $464 46 46 -- 12 725 #35 835 835 145 $20 20 20 100 9214 21% 214 + 475 $'Sim 1S\n- 15'% $0 $5)'4 51% S$) 350 S4B%e 4B ABA + 200 480 475 480 250 325 325 325 +25 oe Pn ry 14 174+ 35%4 35\a + Ve 25\8 25'" -- 250 320%2 2012 20'2 -- \2 100 $678 678 678 720 $172 172 Wia-- 100 $18 to 18 350 $17 16% 17 + 00 a.m.: 1,040,000. DIVIDENDS Algoma Central Railway, common 8 cents, Dec. 1, record British Aluminum record Oct. 31; 6-per-cent pref, Abitio' 1400 $94 9 ate . ate 7100 $13¥e 126. 1216 $1.50, Nov. 1, record Oct. 16. Alta Gas w 220 760 760 760 CAE Industries Ltd., common Alg Cent W 100 360 300 300 », 7% cents, Oct. 31, record Oct 190 $22 (2328 1715 $3014 30\4 304 + ve 16. 560 $36% 36% 36% Select 100 $20. 20 20 50 $44 44. 44 -- Uh 145 9934 934 156 $242 249 1165 $17 64 1769S $13 12% 100 $14 4 ~~" 100 435 435 435 to retail 225 $16 1 6 16 225 $8i%m 87%. 8% 2022 S46¥e 46. "46 amales 1530 $14 13% 14 + : B00 700 685 700 +15| Eggs: 225 $14\a 14 14\a country 485 337% 37'4 37% ; 100 130 136 130 210 819 (1919 Thursday: 100 $11% 1% 1% + * medium 40.4; A small 28.5. Wholesale price to Stations fibre cases quoted by the Toronto Board of 200 $15%4 15% 15% --%|Trade from wholesale egg-deal- : Leased Property ie eo | Finance Ltd., 3 cents, Noy. 15, 250 530% 3014 30% record Noy. 1. PRODUCE TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale carton eggs average weighted prices quoied by the! _,, department of agriculture as of A large 49.3; <A CAE Ind 260 $1186 104 117 1 jes: extra-large 45-46; large 41. CAE Ind rf 1325 68 65 66 Calgary P 50 $25'& 2514 25'4 42; medium 33; smail 20; B 27; Can Malt 100 3233 230 23 --%4\C 20. Cc f 45 $90 90 7 +! C,Setway Pod salve ait alte + | Butter prices: Canadian Con Brew 2015 $7% 7% 7% Dairy Commission tenderabie CC Manag 220 367% 67% 67% carlots buying 39 score 62; buy < Curtiss 1100 195 180 € Dredge 1100 87% 7% oe + wiing 40 score 63; selling 63. | * commons "'last year, the Doininion Bure 3; 4 ics ae ha July, $6.60 higher than in Julv\anq includes no money received "ifrom operations other thar | Croft ¥ + 19 $23,19 li} ine ecord,| 100 $11%@ 11% 11e $23,197,000,000, ano:ner record telephone cable to be laid in Dec. 15, 1969. issue closing at|the 91-day bills closing at 4.76 |per cent and the 182-day bills at the housing shortage and meet The Crown-owned housing requirements of agency said that while the num- {ber of new houses on which} ;construction started in urban) review said 13,343 dwelling units were actually started dur- ing August in centres of 10,000 population and more. This was 57.4 per cent more than a year above a year earlier, the rate on a seasonally-adjusted annual basis fell to 146.300 from the ; ; ; F | July rate of 151,000. MONTREAL (CP)--Canada's|convention the industry's main) to research for the paint indus-| - paint industry is taking part in a three-year research program| |and August, CMHC said. During the first eight months of 1967, 84,578 new houses and) apartments were started. This| was 29 per cent higher than in/know what action, if any, had the same period last year.|been taken on the injunction There was a 19 - per - cent|granted in the Ontario Supreme increase in construction starts|Court earlier this month. on new single detached dwell- ings, and a 28-per-cent increase in new apartment dwellings. lack of defin'tive! try. information on the performance, to reduce its contribution to air! of solvent vapors in the atmos-/was to ensure that any sary regulations against The U.S. association had con-|lution were based on scientific turers' Association is "partici-| tracted with the Battelle Memo- data. As well as helping the a program, the Canadian ass The objective of the CPMA Financial Authorities See Interest Going Higher The Bank of Canada By JAMES NELSON OTTAWA (CP) -- Money| becoming worth a| ed the solvents being tested in the! pretty penny. U.S. Air pollution control infor- upwards, to five per cent from 444. This is the rate at which LENDING WAS LOW : ' ...._|the chartered banks infrequent- , Some financial authorities|}y borrow | mation also was being collected here see interest rates rising) {ral bank for short periods, funds from the cen-| approved Housing Act--mainly the chartered banks, insurance and trust companies -- '"re-nank {o apply to the treasury mained at relatively low levels board for a ruling on a submis- ye The CPMA would establish pushed back again by market canners and liaison with regulatory agen-| forces. cies, offering information and taken as signals of what the fee Bank of Canada thinks the In the meantime it's going tO interest-rate climate should be. ecst you more to borrow, and! But in its announcement Tues-| those who have money to loan' day the bank said the rate w invest are going to make) peing The ceiling on NHA TESTING PRIORITIES 4S'then was 7% per cent. I Gives Hope WINNIPEG (CP) -- A slim thread of life remained Thurs- the|an 'injunction to restrain the je/bank from winding up its detached dwellings, and reflect- affairs. ed the diminishing effect of the) ; government's spring housing|Court of Queen's Be program. During the spring the| refused to grant such an injunc- launched a_ pro-|tion until he receives additional gram of direct mortgage-lend-| information. ing for house construction. The rate of apartment starts sought by Canadian Finance increased slightly between July and Investments Ltd. of Winni- |peg and Toronto financier Sin- jclair Stevens as a director of Mr. Justice Roy Matas, in Bench, This injunction is being The judge said he wanted to Mr. Justice Matas ruled against dissolving an interim injunction granted York Lamb- ton Corp, Ltd. of Toronto which prevented Mr. Stevens and CFI CMHC said activity of the/from voting 150,000 shares by the proxy at a shareholders meet- jing here Sept. 14. The judge said he wanted the sion that an order of the board loans|had been contravened by th -abor parties involved. le moved up to keep it/Minister Nicholson, resj | don'ts Parliament for CMHC and} the act, announced Wednesday the rate will go to 8% per cent | for the next three months. NHA loans were] LIFE INSURANCE W. D. Croft, assistant mana- °° : ; good steer ger of organic chemical sales More profit. 50 with sales for Shawinigan Chemicals Ltd., eady to 36; good heifer stock calves told the convention the initial tered banks, trust and insur-! lower prices, cow prices 26-28 with sales to 30; commons) U.S. test program was in opera- ance companies will be permit-| OFFICIALS WORRIED tion and the criteria chosen to ted to charge up to 8% per cent! Calves 3,739: On offer this determine solvent testing prior- on mortgages on which they| expressed consternation '2hout |are guaranteed against loss by) the strength of protest cabinet --To furnish guidance con- the federal government under! ministers were receiving .Thurs- day after announcement of the "appropriate" to the yiel char-| short-term securities. Some government sources for 877 houses and) apartments, of which 292 were covered by applications the chartered banks, Until the replacement o6, 3,800; last week 3,103; to ities were: date Choice milky vealers were 1966: 81 d actively firm, other grades of 3,398; choice vealers calves were barely steady to the National Housing Act. A spokesman for Central higher Mortgage and Housing Corp. They said it was hard to get ss the government's view-| this would bring the NHA tate point that the higher rates were ; this week last year cerning existing regulations. --To furnish guidance to other regulatory bodies. sales ums 24-28; jinterest rates was removed last spring, the banks were out of the mortgage lending business. CMHC said NHA lending! in August was down) said the Crown agency untested solvents. --To determine the relation- them to move higher. , ship between chemical struc- ture and eye irritation. results of the tests mortgage rates, and not prompt ment, but were reflecting | money market conditions. A feature of this year's finan-|more than five per cent from a acre b hi the|year earlier, and represented/ d : srease in government borrow-| A | : should be available by mid-1968 per cent a year were being! ings. On Aug. 2, total untatiaue rate of about 10,500) On and all valid test results would sought in the Ottawa area bY ing treasury bills, Canada sav- " 3 a _ |some investors willing to put) ings bonds and other securitics, | Only major cities and certain|their money privately intO'and bonds guaranteed by the industrial areas now had a seri-|mortgages without the NHA'ftederal government reached ous pollution problem but this) guarantee. ' uld increase and likely lead o more stringent control regu- has more rapidly than in any other On week 10,80 last {0 date 19 HIGH RATES SOUGHT k year 9,496; grade A 3 But already rates of 11 and 12 heavy CMHC direct lending under the NHA was applied to 2,100, dwellings in August,;down near-| ly 80 per cent from last year. In 1966 thtre was a government) program of direct Why Not Call houses to be constructed during, TOM FARQUHARSON the winter months. Need An Oli Furnace? : choice heifers offer this week 2.050; last wee 400 338% 3858 38% 27.50-28.50 with sales to 30; | 2,011; good 26-27; mediums commons 20-22; choice fed year 2,358; yearlings 28-30: good 26-28; 26-27 with sales'to 28; sheep 5- wo! ood cows 19-20 with sales to/13. t BUSINESS BRIEFS. By THE CANADIAN PRESS AVERAGE WAGE UP year, The all - Canada average of | Statistics date 1966: 47,548: this week last handyweight lambs $21,463,000,000. The total at Jan. This year the money supply 4 was $21,061,000,000. nid Pe vergg! its debt by $400,- Fae a3 000, 7 ic |work were lack of comparative| September, currency in circula-| reduced on oldings cogemerrt |standards, inadequate methods| tion and chartered bank depos-|ment securities by more than of investigation, uneconomical) jts held by the general public] that ? of totalled $23,120,000,000, up $2,- 908,000,000 in the year. Among problems {this year, than in the same period of last! competent technical staff. ranonen Th : "As good citizens of the com- 200 $24' 24 242 + ¥2| catay sais n : " ursGay.| munity in which they operate, ae ah salaries and wages paid in\The figure makes no allowance|cpyA members have F industry was $103.27 a week in|for farm costs , a the Dominion Bureau corpora-|down further to $12,114,000,000 tions and others wanting to bor-|at row money still have to pay|banks and the Bank of Canada higher interest. The govern-| have taken up the difference. sibility to-do their share in solv- iF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT SUN LIFE Assurance Company Of Canada RESIDENCE: BUSINESS: 668-4371 725-4563 BLONDIE DONALD DUCK 'LI'L ABNER ment next week will be deliver- ing bonds to investors on which) it will have to pay six per cent,| in order to refinance 3%- and| | 414-per-cent bonds falling due. TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana- Montreal. dian bond market slid one-half announced Thursday the corpo-|point in active trading Thurs- ration and Cable and Wireless day after the National Housin provincial bonds were off one- jhalf point with the 4% - per - , 1983 issue closing at 81% bid and 81% asked. Day-to-day money traded at nsave Pam Ow..You ca nest on Pittsburghs The short - term Government) |' -lof Canada bonds lost 10 to 15/4% per cent. submarine} cents with the 5% - per - cent! totalling approximately known as 99.00 bid and 99.10 asked. - term Canada andi5.01. debentures due March 1, 1\90 before Oct. 30 The company's board, mect ing in Toronto for the first time, decided that all the debentures not converted by the , close of business Oct. 30 will be redeemed for cash at the redemption price of 1031 per cent plus interest. The debentures are convert ble into common stock at a price of $36.25 a share, to be paid for each $100 worth of debentures plus $45 cash for each four shares of common stock. presents Concerto at ° Nine Featuring a complete symphonic work on each program, Monday to Friday from 9 to 10 P.M. CKQS 94.9 QS EM RADIO QUALITY STEREO | | iI paint ! RSET SALES! MORE goes farther * stays fresh longer >k washable > AVAILABLE NOW IN A WIDE CHOICE OF THE SEASON'S MOST POPULAR COLOURS SPECIAL $8.70 GALLON SAVE*2.00..1:0 OR SAVE 50' QUART THE BEST PAINT IS ALWAYS THE BEST VALUE Authorized CPI Paint and Glass Centres CANADIAN PITTSBURGH INDUSTRIES LTD. 273 Simcoe St. S. ERNIE CAY LUMBER CO. LTD. : OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. Oshawa Shopping Centre OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. BATHE & McLELLAN Building Materials Ltd. LUMBER & SUPPLY LTD. Whitby PROVINCIAL TILE LTD. competition growing greater and keener, every business has a greater need for sales. Most businesses use every angle one can think of to increase their sales, but quite often overlook the media where through the years many merchants have built their businesses, reputation and success by running strong NEWSPAPER PROMOTIONS. Yes ! the OSHAWA 'TIMES many of our merchants for the past 96 years have become to rely upon the readers of our newspaper for their success. SO! ... if you need more soles, to show 6 greater profit, call us . . . we'll be glad to assist you in the preparation of your sales message. Guaranteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulation to reach over 23,000 families DAILY. Remember that nowhere else can you find a salesman to equal this potential, in ¢alls in one day, Call us you'll see, acti CLASSIFIED 723 - 3494 81 King St. W. 701 Brock St. N. 259 Simcoe St. S. 723-1181 725-1121 728-1617 728-1611 725-4761 - 668-4451 723-4561 JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE ---- {_--__--__$_--__--____-- HOMEMADE DOUGHNUTS? SO FRESH THEY'RE ! STILL HOT! a |! MUGGS AND SKEETER

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