Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Sep 1967, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 29, 1967 NORTH VIETNAM SEEN VICTOR? Martin Speech May Change Canadian- US. Relations By DAVE McINTOSH | Canadian Press Staff Writer Affairs Minister Martin to the|North Vietnamese began their tions, In other words, Canada threw|is defeated in the U.S. presiden- loverboard a policy from whichitial election and 1s replaced, The speech of Exteraaljit had not deviated since the according to Hanoi's calcula- by someone willing ' United Nations General Assem-jinfiltration of the South more |call it quits. bly Wednesday may signal ajthan a decade ago. profound change in Canada-U.S. PLAYING FOR TIME lations. * reason, Otlawa Mr. Martin called on the U.S.) One infor-| situation to stop bombing North Vietnam} --period. No longer was the|Pounding from the air, North and hope that Hanoi will negoti- rider attached that the U.S.|Vietnam is winning the war. ate, should stop if Hanoi would quit} By "winning'"' is meant con- its infiltration of South Viet-|tinuation of the war into the fall/has nam. Coastal Village Battles Mr. Martin': been to C lof 1968 until President Johnson'channels open to both Washing. | real businessman R. M. Fowler) | Mr. Martin is said to feel that tually every important aspect) policy." |the last chance for the U.S. to| of broadcasting. jextract itself from the present , : some prestige % r jmants say, is that despite its|jeft is to stop the bombing now) Ment outlined in a white paper)tems be placed under the) with policy all alon seep Canadia ton and Hanoi in the hope that,|that carried out when the time came to negoti-| ate, a negotiating circuit still would be open. MAY DAMAGE RELATIONS 1 ' | sucas For Mainland Connections He may have damaged or|Quimet would be split. Day-to-|the facilities used for educa-| even destroyed the Washington|day running of the corporation| tional TV but the individual | By DON McLEOD ! Under a_ centralization ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) --/|scheme within CNT, a tele-| The side world, following loss of a from Burgeo. or telegraph link and a regular hospital ship service to the port) diately why the hospital ship|the US. earlier this year. 22 miles east of Burgeo have was made more than gone to Premier Joseph Smail- months ago. wood with their complaint and threatened to close down ajof pneumonia was brought to tungsten pilot mine in the com-|Burgeo by the boat, munity by the end of October! turned back from Argentia to unless they get action. ick him. up, Mr. Genge. said. Premier Smallwood refused to comment on the controversy.|teen-ager's funeral in Grey/apply. Spokesman for the communi-) River the minister was asked to ty is Rev. Mark Genge, Angli-/ approach the premier. can minister at Burgeo, whose; The situation was parish includes Grey River. worse "with winter approach- The trou the U.S. catches an economic| ; ¢ ly growing |cold, Canada gets pneumonia. | Tegulations or failure to comp!y) a gradual drawin geographicaliy the annoyance o SIX Washington, he has continued| part-time members, At present ; o call for Communist China's|/there are 10 part-time mem- A young man who later died) membership in the UN. rea . | Tour which) REPRISALS POSSIBLE ts C -- Bg age are broadcasters be defined clearly. p .S., convers gin issui While he was attending the/could and probably would serkuns' andetn seis ee ; . Call: -- warnings, ordering fines or lift- jing broadcast licences where} BEA MARTIN ble here is that when! there had been breaches of the HORSESHOE TAVERN | TORONTO Ottawa has always been sen-) hoard when it recommended al: otha hep were working cx to thresten closure ofthe economic Teprieals i it Took | CEBCe TTT on plans to restore service to! exploratory shaft, where six of|firmly contradictory line in its Grey River, which they always! them work. had intended to maintain) He said in the interview that dealings with Washington. This is the measure of Mr. despite operational changes in the people of Grey River|Martin's speech in the UN. along the south associate the mine with the loss) to oe m indicate.| would be ; >| for the BBG and a new physical It could not be learned imme: financially or technically with| format. The number of full-time - in construction of a| BBG John Kent is no longer calling counter-missile system. The 35 families in the hamlet at Grey River. Her last call "And to 3 New Legislation To Bring Broadcasting Up To Date OTTAWA (CP) -- After more| The Fowler committee rec- than a year in preparation, a}ommended that the regulatory government bill containing] agency be placed clearly above sweeping changes for broad-|the CBC and be made responsi- casting is expected to be|ble for the corporation's man- unveiled in the Commons next! agement. week. _| The white paper did not The overhaul, the first big) agree with this but did suggest government measure to be put) that the CBC be subject to BBG before the fall session of Parlia-| regulations 'in all matters ment, is expected to touch Vir-| affecting general broadcasting __ | It is expected the bill will fol- The bill will put into legisla-|]ow the white paper recommen- tive form the ideas the govern-| dation that cable television sys- 14 months ago. The white paper/authority of the BBG. At was drafted after the govern-| present, they come only under g ment received a report from a/the trans port department's 1968 Christmas stamps, which|been a Canadian postage -|resources, and the 1918 armi- s Post Office will be issued in two d ina-|stamp subject each year since/stice. : The 1918 armistice, which tions. 1964, the themes of the 1968 ended the First World War, will 1968 Issue The post office department] commemoratives announced! he recalled for the purpose of couldn't say whether that)Thursday will be Canada's|emphasizing Canada's dedica- OTTAWA (CP) -- The post| denomination will be five cents| Wildlife heritage, historic anni- tion to world peace, the post office announced Thursday|or six, The government served|V ers 4 ries, sport, waterloffice department said. plans to issue nine commemo-|notice in the House of Com- rative stamps in 1968. mons Tuesday that it intends to All will be of one and the|"aise ee ee 4 cents from five on letters for same denomination except the out-of-town points within Can- v9 THIS WEEK "THE CYNICS" 1.00 Non-Memb: ye per een) n Special committee under Mont-) communications section. The bill's provisions for edu-| a year-long) cational TV could spark some | spirited debate. | a | {revamped hierarchy for the) SHOULD BE CONTROL | |CBC, The duties now shoul-| The white paper said there |dered by President J. 'Alphonse! should be federal control over | study of broadcasting. The paper suggeste 0.C.V.I. AUDITORIUM SAT., SEPT. 30th -- at 8:30 p.m. DRESS -- SHIRT and TIE... No Blue Jeans channel with his stop-the-bomb-| would be handed to a general| provinces would be responsible | ing speech. : speech may About 200 residents of the tiny) graph office at Ramea Wall -ipraoyar. : south coast village of Grey|closed last January, and serv-)away by 'Canada from the U.S River have launched a battle/ice to Grey River over radio-| Prime Minister Pearson has for "reunification" with the out-|telephone hookup was handled | .aig Canada will not Sarticipata| co-operate anager and the president)for the programs used. This) concerned mainly| step was to meet the constitu-| | with policy decisions. | tional stipulation that education) is under provincial jurisdiction,| INCREASE MEMBERS | although broadcasting is a fed-| It also proposed wider powers) eral responsibility. The Commons committee that BBG members would be! ffflIIHIIIIIIIININNNNIIINNIIMt,. increased to five from three|% Grand Ole Opry f| and there would be up to seven | bers. | The white paper suggested Nashville, Tenn. -@-- NOW PLAYING -e--- "Brilliant Exposition of Mod Set...a Thriller"! -- BOSLEY CROWTHER, N.Y. T/MES es "SWINGING...CRISP AND FLIPPANT!" " --PLAYSOY 7 ada, but this requires approval ' gave it a general recommenda-| Besides Christmas, which has| tion of approval expressed | leading to the broadcasting of iIZZ A provincial propaganda. Lamarsh, responsible for Phone 723-0241 broadcasting matters, told the i' expects the bill to be introduced EPI $s early next week. | @ The Queen's Toxi @ Stix 'n' Stones @ The Century Revue Sat., Sept. 30th Advance Tickets Available @ Marty's Record Centre @ The Disc Shop llr @ Jury and Lovell Travel Service (Bowmanville) | 8 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT studied the white paper and/by Parliament. worry about such a system | State Secretary Judy or 728-0192 Commons last Tuesday she BRIAN SKINNER'S 3 Big Bands for 1.00 Oshawa Children's Arena @ Whitby Arena @ Centre Smoke Shop (Ajax) 1.50 at the Door -- Dress, Your Choice | powers of the BBG over private Thanksgiving Weekend Oct. 7th to 9th with the conditions set by the) 368-0838 -- 366-0881 APPEARING THIS WEEK Direct from the the system coast. No Change Seen of their communication serv-| lices, although he felt it was "just a coincidence' that the) mine opening and the other Py moves happened about the In Algoma College |:° te. ish aware Mr. Genge said he understood D i Sat SUDBURY (CP) -- Sault Ste.|# . government representative ancing xa urdays had visited Grey River months ago, seeking to get residents to move to larger centres under Marie will undoubtedly get its own university when the city is large enough, Stanley Mullins, COUPLES ONLY JERRY REIDT ORCHESTRA @6 oh. United States PATSY LEE & THE STARLITES AT THE ESTABLISHED HOME Of Country & Western MUSIC IN OSHAWA A FESTIVE , THANKSGIVING ||| "~ DINNER =< MONDAY, OCTOBER 9th Make Your Reservations Now at the GEORGIAN Motor Hotel Champlain Ave. at Thornton Rd. k Re TECH nico' 'L_RELEASE Aunvers" Weekdays at 7:40 & 10 P.M. Sot. at 5:25 - 7:45 & 10 P.M. Sundoy et 2:40 - 5:00 - 7:15 end | 9:35. ~) ODEON Theatre 39 King St. Phone 725-5833 723- 3-4693 LIMITED ENGAGEMENT president of Laurentian Univer.| the provincial resettlement pro: sity, said Thursday. |gram aimed at consolidation of THE FAVORITE He was commenting on | coastal populations in viable weekend statement by Law.| economic units. rence Brown, chairman of the! ayes board of governors of Algoma|\ College in Sault Ste. Marie, that |« Algoma's status as affiliate of|t Laurentian was irksome. Mr. Mullins said Algoma had been successful, with ample "Sounds of the students and excellent staff, NOW Generation THE BIG FUN DANCE Friday, Sept. 29th ~£. G. SMITH and the POWER Dancing 9 P.M. -- 12:30 , Admission $1.50 Dress Casual and that "no doubt inspired by this 'success, Mr. Brown would like to see immediate expansi of the facilities enjoyed by the) college." "However, at the present time a university would not be viable because of the limited gize of the population to be! served." § SAI ICICI IOI IOI III: | OR OR OO ee PHYLLIS DILLER -- EVA MARIE SAINT ~ ALAN ARKIN Edward Small Presents _\ "Boy,Did 19et wrong Number! RR rT | SS UNITED ARTISTS COLOR by DeLaxe srr, UNITED ARTISTS BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:00 ---- SHOW STARTS AT DUSK ADMISSION --- ADULTS $1.25 YOUR CAR 1S YOUR RESERVED SEAT: CHILDREN under 12 FREE! BOB HOPE - "THE AHUSSIAHS ARE COMING THE SUSSIAHS ARE COMING" @ Bob Dylon @ Rolling Stones @ Mind Benders WILSON & LEE LTD., MUSIC STORE RECORD CLEARANCE SALE OVER 500 TOP QUALITY L.P.'S TO CHOOSE FROM @ The Supremes e @ Righteous Bros. TOP SELLING ARTISTS INCLUDE Jim Reeves e@ Buck Owens @ Andy Williams e@ Lawrence Welk SACRED DANCE FOLK SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL CHARLES ECKSTEIN MR. ENTERTAINER AND HIS ALL WHITBY ° Girl Cast HELLMAN RESERVATIONS esiethin and the 668-3386 Loraine & Carol Living Dolls or _ puo Spur of the THE SOPHISTICATED LINDA B GO-GO AND EXOTICS @ Terrific Music @ Fully Licensed @ Gorgeous Gals @ 5 Shows Nightly Moment Walk In. KING ST WILSON & LEE LID. Be SALE PRICES eeu | ni -- ahitday Matinee 4 10 6 pun po SAtE prices | --cuassicat «| Spee 20"4ay Matinee 4 fo 6 pm AND UP ROCK & ROLL Tl tiesiiteen. ron Sunday Dinners 5-8:30 p.m, | their Guns were Law -- Lay es on and Legend! THANKSGIVING MUSIC STORE "Eastern Ontario's Largest Music Centre" 87 Simcoe St. N. 725-4706 | OPEN FRI. TILL 9 P.M. | LET'S NOT TALK ABOUT IT... Maybe it'll go away... ..-and maybe it won't. Maybe in the meantime you'd like to find out what it's all about. 'THE TRIP" tells you. And shows you. You come as close to experiencing a freakout yourself as you probably "want to come. Or dare to come. The hallucinations are there. The wild images. The incredible colors, The crazy sounds. And the dreaded dreams and nightmares. They're all around you. You're in it. That's. 44 'iz DERN- vows HOPPER: si SACHSE. as. So TACK NICHOLSON Sezai: ROGER CORMAN . eucpou'ttionneme PSYCHEDELIC COLOR 4 ADMITTANCE TO PERSONS gree a Banquets -- Weddings -- Parties DINNER GUY STOCKWELL: ABBY DALTON . THE PLAINS. »COLOR . A UNIVERSAL PICTURE separates the girls TODAY -- from Semiet Z, amon & ames tyr + amet Roger Corman's Proasctien ~) PETER FONDA Pe SUSAN STRASBERG [4a -- \ 2 See "THE TRIP" from the beginning! FEATURE SHOWN DAILY AT: 2:00 - 3:55 - 5:55 - 7:55 - 10:00 « COLUMBIA PTURES, br Assoaton Wih RATIONAL GENERAL PROCUCTIONS. INC. Presents A TANDEM PRODUCTION DICK VAN DYKE DEBBIE REYNOLDS JEAN SIMMONS | STARTS TOMORRO ALL COLOR PROGRAM THE FILM EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT WARREN BEATTY FAYE DUNAWAY "BONNIE & CLYDE" 2nd FEATURE See it with someone you lovel CHAD EVERTT MARILYN DEVIN "FIRST TO FIGHT" Adult Entertainment Box Office Opens et 7:00 P.M. Show Starts at Dusk FEATURE TIMES 1:30 -- 3:35 -- 5:28 7:34 -- 9:45 oo pene ' TE Pi Fall invariably other season whit the most importa schools, the fe Pickering held it against Ajax o1 Sept, 21. Althoug field looked as tt had opened a dy! the sea and « soaked to the sl lost by only 15-0. ' was to Brian Rob ing. This fortune serious. I. D. cards wer week, and at the student council nearly $800. They Dr. F. J. D Donevan's ac menced on Frida; with Initiation Dz were at the merc students througho were entertained as new students a Dance that evenii The following the school back th to primitive cave the far, distant fi marked the two Flintstones and student council e pus antics and s by the prospecti were climaxed b; day dance on Fri and the selection student council. Various activiti are again beginni The senior ban Bow: Flower Power yv ame chosen for Sept. 22. It featu: Shy,"" who won at the Exhibitio from 8 p.m. until Gance extended night hour (as t late). Most w thought it groovy, In the football Seniors challenge ed Eastdale 14-0 | hibition game Se Simpson and B scored touchdown: Peters made sure verts. O'Neill journey manville Monday, Redmen because flict wore white a Ea School has start ond year at Ea are many new pi and old acquaint: new. Our six-day cyc' to be very sati little confusion Now with 45-mint has given us a ch more and to get work done in clas must admit that think that period end. C Central is whe: fs! We have mad ress since the bes year, in every re: any other year! The gym is bs and renovated to visiting schools for We've got a very of teachers and t ated office in Cen! ~ Central is goin athletics this year The first of th standing programs lyceum series took school auditorium day night, Sept. 2: Keown, well kno reporter and broa' us an hour and a bh adventure, and b personally + narr Pictures of our c ing at St. Johns, N we travelled alon Canada Highway ' Island. To foreign revealed the rugge culture of Canada, to citizens a feel for our country. Excited students of the program, fo! rious dinosaur tr gecret Kampus Ka modern discotheq ¢ Mcl The main event this week in the « parties, the Teak: Ebonys, began wi ca: over | planning for the making posters, badges. Since the Teak yellow and the Ebony red ar Been seen all ove Posters are all school, but there less of them than years, especially teria. The ingenuit in some of the pr slogans is very ir On Wednesday the candidates we' opportunity to sp 'am for f

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