Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Sep 1967, p. 11

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A child born on this day wilt »e endowed with a fine intel. ect, self-reliance and extraordi- ary ambition--which he will ye quite capable of achieving, OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS 20% Discount o n Orders ot 5 or More Pictures Available At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. &., Oshewe 8x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x7 -- 1.25 each OIFFURE T -- 723-8601 ge of Our y Special 5... 5.95 ER ONLY - Phone 723-8601 Training and Experience in Tor- rmer owner of Elizabeth's Beauty t Call 723-8601 he » APM. R SUPPORT 's Christian Centre r of Nurses unity Chest and then drop down arrow. The Open money goes, but your community r their valuable /e hope you can '0 drop in at one ing done to help ) CHEST PHONE 728-0203 -gown. Her headdress, a small "Mr. and Mrs. -- WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by the Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Publication of this wedding record depends upon the sub of the leted form to the Women's Editor at least three days before the ceremony. The record of the bride-elect's showers and her out-of-to guest should be submitted at least five days before the wedding. Wigley - Peeling Sandra Gayle Peeling became the bride of Roger Anthony Wig- ley last Saturday afternoon in St. Matthew's Anglican Church. The bride is ihe daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peeling. "Oshawa, and the bridegroom is -the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman - Wigley, Colborne. The Reverend R. A. Sharp - officiated at the ceremony and . A. Turton played the * wedding music. Given in marriage by her 'father, the bride wore a fuli- length, carnation - white gown "of nylon organza over taffeta. 'The fitted bodice, lily - point ~ sleeves and scoop neckline were ~outlined with French corded lace and seed pearls. The semi-| knit ensemble with black patent Victorian style skirt of the gown) was highlighted with lace at the} *waist-line and down each side, . with a full - length cathedral Russell - Cedardale United Church was the setting last Saturday after- noon for the marriage of Miss "Dale Isabel Godfrey to Donald »George Russell. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Godfrey and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Charles Russell, all of Oshawa. The Reverend A. M. Butler officiated at the ceremony. ; Given in marriage by her «father, the bride wore a formal "gown of crystalized peau de soie 'with a bateau neckline and three-quarter length sleeves. A coat bordered with imported -French lace formed a cathe- dral-length train. Her head- dress, adorned with crystals _and seed pearls, held a bouffant train falling from the shoulders also outlined with seed pearls and lace. Her headdress, a ny- lon organza and peau de soie rose with lily-of-the-valley held a four tier shoulder - length veil of nylon illusion and she carried a cascade bouquet of pink sweetheart roses. Miss Linda Badgley was the maid of honor and Miss Donna Suddard was the bridesmaid. David Wigley, the bridegroom's brother, acted as best man and the bride's brother, Glen Peel- ing, and Ted Walker ushered. Following a reception held at the church hall, the couple left for Pompano Florida, with the bride donning a two-piece gold accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Wigley will return to reside on Colborne Street East, Godfrey nylon net veil and she carried a bouquet of red roses. The bride's sister, Mrs. Michael Roome, was the ma- tron of honor. Miss Bonnie Leavitt, Miss Karen Russell, and Miss Heather Carey were MR. AND MRS. ROGER A. WIGLEY Ireland Studio the br hr Godfrey was the ring bearer, the bridegroom's brother, Arthur Russell acted as best man and Michael Ian Brown ushered. A reception was held at Dnipro Hall and later couple left for Montreal. they left, the bride was wear- orchid corsage. Russell will reside in Oshawa. Lawrence - Magee A wedding of local interest took place last Saturday after- noon in the Church of the Re- deemer, Toronto, when Larry George Lawrence of Oshawa took as his bride, Miss Mary Martha Magee of Toronto. The bride is the daughter of Mrs Jack Weston Magee and the late Mr. Magee and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip §. Lawrence of Oshawa. Canon Owen Prichard and the Reverend Alfred Woolcock offi- ciated at the ceremony. Given in marriage by her brother, John William Magee, the bride wore a_ candle-light gown of peau de soie. The short, gathered sleeves were trimmed with pearl flowers and the fitted waist was encircled with a bow which fell into a full- length train at the hack of the dome of pearls held a tiered veil of Belgium lace and she carried a prayer bonk encrusted -- a gardenia, stephanotis and vy. the maid of honor and Miss Anne Clark was the bridesmaid, both are from Toronto. Michael Harris, was the ring bearer and James Lawrence, Oshawa, acted as best man, Ronald Scott, Brampton, John Mclean, Tor- onto, and James Railton, Wel- land, ushered. Following a reception held at the Badminton and Racquet Club the couple left for Tober- mory, Bruce Peninsula. For the wedding trip the bride chose a raspberry red two-piece suit with beige accessories and a corsage of pale pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Law- rence will reside on Parliament Street, Toronto. Allenbach - Lutz Last Saturday afternoon, Miss "Cora Eva Lutz and Richard Harry Allenbach exchanged nuptial vows in St. Stephen's United Church, The bride is the caughter of A. LeRoy Lutz, "Oshawa, and the bridegroom is "the son of the late Mr. and -Mrs. Harry Allenbach. * The Reverend H. A. Mellow, -assisted by S. G. Saywell per- 'formed the ceremony. Miss *Shelley Watson sang, accom- "panied by Mrs. Charles Rundle. * Given in marriage by her "father, the bride wore an em- -pire A-line gown of crystalized 'lagoda silk trimmed with Alen- con lace appliques and seed pearls. The bodice of the gown .featured a bateau neckline, lily- 'point sleeves and a full-length detachable train edged with dace. Her headdress, a lily 'blossom, with miniature jewel 'bud sprays, held a multi-tiered and she carried a tear drop cas- cade of American beauty roses with sprigs of white heather, sent from Scotland. The bride's sister, Mrs. Laurence Davis, was the matron of honor and the other attendants were Mrs. Kay Thompson, St. Catharines, Miss Jean Carmer, St. Catharines and Mrs. Lenard Fisher. Misses Debbie and Nancy Davis were the flower girls. Robert Grubb acted as best man and Donald Allenbach, Edward Lutz and Laurence Davis ushered. Following a reception held at St. Stephen's Church hall, the couple left for Quebec and the eastern United States. For travelling, the ide chose a jade green double-knit dress and coat ensemble with black acces- sories and a corsage of gold feathered carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Kichard H. Allenbach will reside on North Forest Road, Getzville, New scalloped, shoulder-length veil Lewis - Miss Jean Louise Turpin and Glenn William Lewis were unit 'ed in marriage in the College 'Park Seventh Day Adventist} «Church last Sunday afternoon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Allan Tur- pin, Oshawa, and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Lewis of Moun- tain Grove, Ontario. Elder Albert Millner per- formed the ceremony. Mrs. Mer- lin Carley, the bride's sister, and Miss Gale Leatherdale sang, accompanied by. Mrs. Elmer Carley. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- length gown of Chantilly lace. The bodice of the gown was highlighted by a scalloped neck- line and lily-point sleeves and the bouffant skirt was fashioned with Chantilly lace. Her head- dress, a queen's crown of crys- York. fingertip illusion veil of French silk and she carried a cascade} bouquet of yellow sweetheart roses, and stephanotis accented with ivy. She also carried a chiffon embroidered handker- kerchief belonging to her grand- mother. The bride's sister, Mrs. Mer- lin Carley, was the matron of honor and the other attendants were Miss Judy Ann Lewis, Miss Linda Hopkins, with Miss Cathy Lewis as the flower girl. David Lewis was the Bible boy, Donald Lewis, the bride- groom's brother, acted as best man and two other brothers ushered, Dale Lewis and Dean Lewis, all of Kingston. A reception was held at Col- lege Park Church reception hall and later the couple left for a a corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Lewis tal and seed pearls, held a will reside in Maberly, Ontario. 4 Roome and the] % As i ing a cocoa peau de soie dress|: with beige accessories and an Mr. and Mrs. Donald George|: Miss Catharine Widdess was wedding trip with the bride | wearing a white wool dress and/not have an indispensable man Manns - The Reverend N. F. Swack- hammer officiated at the mar- riage of Karen Patricia Imeson to Ronald Eric Manns, last Sat- urday afternoon in First Bap- tist Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan James Ime- son, Oshawa, and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Manns, Port Perry. The bride's aunt, Mrs, Wal-| lace Bruce, Garden City, New York, sang, accompanied by} Mrs. Joseph Wilkins. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an orig- inal pure silk Swiss satin gown fashioned on empire lines with a portrait neckline and centen- nial tiered-bell sleeves of Chan- tilly lace. The bodice was ap- pliqued with matching lace and seed pearls, A cathedral train with scalloped chantilly lace appliques fell from a bow at her waistline. Her headdress, floral rosettes and seed pearls, held a floor-length pure silk il- lusion veil, scalloped with lace, MR. AND MRS. DONALD G. RUSSELL Aldsworth Photography MR. AND MRS. RONALD E. MANNS Ireland Studio Imeson and she carried an open Bible crested with white roses, steph- anotis and ribbon streamers decorated with rosettes. She was also wearing a cultured pearl necklace, a gift from the bridegroom. Miss Linda Audley was the maid of honor and the other attendants were Miss Barbara Conner, Toronto, Miss Cheryl Imeson, and Mrs. Toomas Soomre with Miss Janet Mac- Gregor and Miss Cindy Green- law as the junior bridesmaids. The bridegroom's brother, Reg- |inald Manns, was best man and William Imeson, Edward Johns and Toomas Soomre ushered. A reception was held at First Baptist Church and later the couple left for Pennsylvania. For the wedding trip, the bride wore a moss green shift-style dress of crepe and matching tweed coat in burnt orange and moss green tones with a moss green velvet hat and green ac- cessories. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Eric Manns will reside on Warren Avenue, Oshawa. SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kozy, Oshawa, wish to announce the Naklowych, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bohdan Naklowych of Toronto. The wedding will take place on Saturday, October 7, 1967 at 2:00 p.m, in Saint George's Ukrainian Church, Oshawa. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs, Alan Muir, Osh- awa, wish to announce the fortn- coming marriage of their eldest daughter, Phillippa Jane, to Tamiola Calderone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Calderone of Whitby. The marriage will take place on Saturday, October 7, 1967, at 12:30 p.m. in St. John the Evangelist Church, Whitby. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr, and Mrs, Howard T. Say- well, Oshawa, e the forthcoming marriage of their! only daughter, Irene, to Walter) Showers Honor Donna Deak Saturday's Bride Miss Donna Lynne _ Deak, whose marriage to Leslie Earl Moore takes place on Saturday, has been hosted by friends and relatives at several showers re- cently. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Misses Candis and Janis Eagleson, Cabot Street. They were assisted by their mother, Mrs. Stine Eagleson and sister-in-law, Mrs. Pat Eagleson. Mrs. Arnold Norman was hostess at a linen shower at her' MR. AND MRS. RICHARD iH 'ALLENBACH --Aldsworth Photography THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 29, 1967 ]] sak: is aa FLYING GREAT - GRANDMOTHER Mrs. Georgina. Stratton, 89, of Edinburgh flew irom Prestwick, Scotland last week to visit her daughter, OCTOBER Saturday, October 28, is announced as the wedding date of Dorothy Jill Saywell and Christopher J. 1. Roberts, according to to- day's announcement by the future bride's parents, Mr. Mrs. Ann Hastie, West- mount Street. The captain of the aircraft introduced himself on the flight to Mrs. Stratton and told her she was the oldest passenger he had flown. Six great- grandchildren were waiting at Toronto International Airport to welcome her ar- rival. Mrs. Stratton will be staying with her daughter until October 9. --Oshawa Times Photo WEDDING and Mrs. Howard T.. Say- well, Oshawa. The prospec- tive bridegroom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Denys T. Roberts of Kingston. North- minster United Church will be the scene of the cere- mony. Miss Mary Magee | Feted By Friends Prior To Marriage KEEP IN TRIM By IDA JEAN KAIN Pleasure can be the surprise ingredient in a slimming regime. It is always exciting to hear this from someone who has experienced real enjoyment in eating to build healthy lean- ness. Last week I saw a friend whom I had not seen since we took graduate work at Colum- bia University, many years ago. Greeting me joyously she remarked, "In honor of your coming I took off that 10 pounds I've been intending to lose. It was a positive pleas- ure," she added enthusiasti- cally. Then in her inimitable, amus- ing way she peered under my chin to see if I had taken chin- toners. She recalled the times we used to walk along River- side Drive and I would practice "elegant head carriage." You know how it is with good friends. Meeting again after a lapse of years you can pick up where you left off. It is a joy to bridge the years with happy recollections, CURIOSITY BUILT-IN My friend Alice has a delight- ful Alice - in - Wonderland approach to life, with a built-in curiosity and communicable zest, She is an inveterate world traveller and appreciates the delectable viands of each coun- try. Characteristically she com- mented, "In any land and any language I find that overeating is fattening." home in Courtice for friends -- the bride-elect. A cousin, and aunt of the omen bridegroom, Mrs. Ron Blythe and Mrs. Edward plowed of Raglan hosted a forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Jill, to Chris- topher. John Ivor Roberts, son of Dr. and Mrs. Denys T. Rob- erts, Kingston. The wedding will take place on Saturday, Oc- tober 28, 1967, at 3 o'clock in Northminster United Church. MAY BE NEEDED TAZEWELL, Va. (AP)--This Southwest Virginia town may as its new town manager; but it's getting close. He is Clifford R. Necessary. attended by relatives and friends of Miss Deak. via Lahiff of Toronto, former roommates of the future bride, held a kitchen shower at the home of Mrs. Richard Bassett on Masson Street. Neighbors were entertained at a miscellaneous shower held at the home of Mrs. Roy Gorham, Mary Street North. Miss Darla Young hosted a personal shower at Woodlyn Beauty Lounge where Miss Deak is employed. " Misses Cathy Bassett and Syl-| As far as I could ferret out, Decide To Enjoy Slimming And Coast On Enthusiasm Alice's slimming system worked like a charm simply because she decided to enjoy the venture. She has a knack of tackling everything with gusto, including not overeating! When she regarded fattening fare as something she really didn't want, that did it. Looking ever so pleased she| "T found to my amaze-| ment that as soon as I set my said, mind to curbing calories, I didn't care for second helpings, nor crave rich desserts." LOVES TO EAT Even knowing the magical effects of a change of attitude, I was impressed, for this friend loves to eat. I vividly remem- ber one morning when, at the finish of breakfast, she turned to the startled waitress and said, 'Duplicate the order." She then consumed the encore breakfast with undiminished relish. To help her present slimming along, Alice decided to tone up by walking 20 blocks each evening. To her delight she began to look forward to the walk. "When a friend drops by and I have to forego the walk, I feel cheated," she told me. Well, there you are friends. Attitude makes all the differ- ence. Decide to enjoy slimming fare and you will find that interest picks up and you can carry on with enthusiasm. Start walking regularly and you dis- cover that nature's favorite constitutional gives you an extra fillip of fine feeling. , DRY CLEANING 1 Cash-n-Carry , 1 GILLARD | CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. @ 92 Wolfe Street @ 170% Mary Street DISCOUNT | LIMITED TIME ONLY @ 924 Simcoe North @ 12 Bond East | Both Stores Closed Wednesday at 1 P.M. Showers and parties honored Miss Mary Martha Magee prior to her marriage to Larry Law- rence last Saturday. The bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bowles en- tertained the bride and bride- groom at a cocktail party in their home in Toronto. Classmates of Miss Magee sented her with a chrome can- nister set. An attendant at the wedding, Miss Ann Clark of Toronto held a kitchen shower at her home, for former high school friends of the bride. Mrs. George Watson, Rosslyn Arms Apartments, was hostess for a miscellaneous shower. In attendance were friends and neighbors of the bridegroom. A miscellaneous shower was held by Mrs. Ross Backus at her home, Northcliffe Street Members of St. Mark's Church from Wellesley Hospital pre- attended. We won't pull the wool over your eyes Or ony ef the other thousands ef eolourful fabrics for dresses, sults, and other fashions you ere planning for your family that we have walting for you te see, You ean be sure, however, that we'll offer our ! experience with materials end pattern service so thot you won't be left in the dark e@bout making « happy choice, Add some colour to your fe, drop in to the House of Fabrics 11 KING EAST Oshawa, Ont. 725-4551 | | wild side. All trimly ta colours, Dpen Friday Ti Not when we have one of our greatest collections of slacks ever. Many styles from conventional to a walk on the fect fit in your favorite fabrics and PERMANENT PRESS SLACKS You're Welcome to Charge-lt ! | DUNN' DOWNTOWN 36 King St. East men, theres no time to slack-off ilored for per- rox 6.99 -- 2 LOCATIONS -- "9 SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA Open Thursday and Friday Till 9

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