Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Sep 1967, p. 24

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24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, September 28, 1967 EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE DIRE TORY Accountants Building Trades egrees €. HALL, B.Comm., Charter- Accountant, 36' King Street East. Foon we 725-6539. THOUSANDS read Times Action Ci fied iy ai. poli J, a ic CEES ee Ce aE HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter- Financial Trade Build-| ed Accountants, Ing, 187 King Street East, ge rte i tario, Hopkins, CA Beadle, CA; iG 'Lukow, CA. YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char-| b hed Accountants. Licensed Trustees inj art~ TYPES | buliding ripsira,. | Classi-| Asphalt Sealing Protect your sproyed with PERMA SEAL | 668-8964 drivewoy with the mewest method, Have it ------|fidential, private fonda 'Call 723- aaa re Roofing, Janitor Service -- |THE REED KING COMPANY Janitor Service. Commercial and Industrial cleaning, any weekly, monthly con- tracts. For free estimates phone 668- 8464 or 668-8328, Money to Loon NEED CASH to consolidate | your bilis, Surveyors DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, tario Land Surveyor, Commercial prints. 1! Ontario Street. On- blue 725-5632. FLIM, HK. on 47 Prince St. Res, 725-6881. ONTARIO LAND Surveyor. 103 Elgin St. se buy that new car, boat, tra We feature second bic cent. Also first mortg: time. TOWING! 24 HOUR SERVICE NAL TOWING FROM $2.50 ruptcy, S72 Simcoe Street North,|chimneys, eavestroughing, _flreplaces, | - Saree: 728-7371 masonry, Gord May, Whitby. 668-2774. Mortgages For your cael en nats ecole Ll ec - i ck at Eos! BORDON R, "DAY, Corti Gere pore hot tar pnd gravel, th ig Be Se Be Wat Loastions repairs, large and smal! jobs. L. and H. te po BTR neo [Roofing and Construction, 725.6937. Mortgage Loans Oshawa Towing BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. oo PHONE 728.7711 Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim- | EAVESTROUGHING, chimney flash- F. M ' - coe Street N., 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. jings. Free estimates. All work guaran- po Pipe ii 4 ea JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun-| | teed. 728-4797, si eee ret rate or ae TV--Radio Repairs fant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Streetia.. CARPENTRY, recreation rooms,| QUICKlY. Gurr hy 0» East. Telephone 723-4833. jear ports, garages, stoops, block and) Open half-yearly without no- TV SERVICE 5 {cement work, 725-4891, a Shanque. tice or'bonus. First mortgoges Blueprinting | EAVEST OUGI arranged ore Pureeet: COLOR liday. < BELL DRAFTING and Reproductions | Wane nieer Murrey Holliday. egrernents or Sale purchas a9 E t Ltd., $2' Simcoe Street North. 723- Et ed. BLACK d WHITE 'DWARD PLUMPTRE (e21-1691) Biveprinting and photostatic pt gaa TERRANO PAVING, 10 years in busi- an an mstructor at Eton College, England, jness. Guaranteed work, Building Trades 17 Bond St. East. 723-5841. REPAIRS ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS to HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES Rec Rooms and Kitchens a Specialty James Allen and Sons 725-6126 20 years. 723-0281. 19¢ square foot. ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE. Get your driveway paved by experts, $q. ft., all work guaranteed for three Second Mortgages: Second mortgages arranged at interest rate of 10% to 12%. FOR THE BEST CALL 1 oe Open half-yearly without no- tice or bonus. Second mort- gages also purchased, Carpentry Rates for arranging mortaoges Quality Carpentry GENERAL REPAIRS Home Improvement Specialists Serving Oshawa ond District for Many Years. Honest and Dependable Service Phone 725-8576 | or 623-3411 ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, ail types cement work, stoops, gy ene . F. McCann, RR 3, Osh COMPLETE HOME egg serv- ete, ot |S | RECREATION ROOMS, | boards, trim- work, ------|general repairs. E. Behm, 725-7066. kitchen cup-| remodelling and/ ore very moderate and ac- cording to Tariff. Will invite your comparison, MANNING F. SWARTZ {Arranging Mortgages for over 30 yeors) 262 Moe ue East, TELEVISION FOR CLEANER, SHARPER TV RECEPTION Your Own TV TOWER 728-5143 Corner Bond: and Division Osha Ont. Talachone 723- 4697 MORTGAGE LOANS We have immediate funds to loan as Ist and second mort- ice in Oshawa ond area. ws ng ce s-| Dressmaking 3756. ae "| CHIMNEY Boggs he pele miga Me ono EXCLUSIVE sie firsigewelka. Pree" estimates. 72-| DESIGNER 5264. eaiMnEY a Z| Experienced OCAL jeaner Enimneys built and repaired, gas tin-| DRESSMAKER ch ings Installed; roofs repaired. Phone 72 297. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS oon --_)| wetion of 2: ae wren tional wo! H GS ie. insertions ef 24 il gh 3. 247 ea | 1 'ds c ead! tS 2 tive insertions of 24 words. 7%; addi- tional words 24¢ each. Charge--10 per cent odditional charge if not paid within 8 days. Method of Counting -- Less thon 24 words counts os 24 words; each word, initial, figure or abbreviation counts as one word: ph phone number counts two ewe IAL NOTICES. 1 Fea per insertion with 25 cents eddi-| tional charge if not paid within 8 days. IN _MEMORIUMS pace 50 for sl first 25 words and 6c h thereafter plus 13¢ a line of verse; 25¢ additional charge If not paid within 8 doys. 1.20; THANKS F250 for the, sabe 35 hd and 7e saree if fel eid within 8 days. COM: displ $2.00 for the Feoe) a "gh te and 6c vide each thereafter (Word AS ION SALE! $258 PER INCH PER INSERTION. DEADLINES WORD ADS 4pm vege PREVIOUS LOST AND FOUND 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION THS AND DEATHS Bem DAY OF PUBLICATION MeMDRUS go 4 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS pole poe colum: . day previous; 2 col- ane or pad -- ™ 10 a.m. day previous, CANCELA Tone AND RRECTI Sam DAY OF PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before publication will be eharged one day's insertion. BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 While every endeavor will be mode to} forward replies to box numbers to the| advertisers as soon as possible, we ac- cept no liability in respect of loss: or| damaged alleged to orise through either failure or delay in forwarding such re- plies however caused whether by negll- gence or otherwise. The Times will not e responsible for replies uncalled for in 20 doys. REGULATIONS THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER eign tae OTHERWISE THAN IN Wi! ITING NOT FOR MORE TH, Sg SERTION IN WHICH ERROR SceuRs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to tlassify advertising according to its proper classification. In the cases of display advertisements The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavor to reproduce all advertising matter correctly, but assume no libility of advertisement if any inaccuracies in any form are contained therein. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Cell Clossified Direet 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column 2--Persons 3--Sportsman's 4--Motorcycies 5--Trailers 6--Merine Equipment 7--Swap and Barter 8--Articles for Sale 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column Vi--Pets and Livestocr 12--Articles Wanted 13--Articies for Rent 14--Business Opportunities 15--Employment Wanted 16--Agents Wanted 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted 19--Male or Female Help Wanted 20--Real Estate For Sale immer Properties Aerie gy ig Sale 22--Lots fi 23--Real Sotate Wanted 24--Stores Offices and Storage 25--Houses for Rent ments Column 725-1918 [OR ESSMAKING, searing, 2 erations, é FOR APPOINTMENT CALL | don | Cal Mrs Neves 201 Lupin: Drive, Whitby. DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS. | jHave your Christmas dress made now. All work guaranteed. Reasonable rates.) iu elephone 728-4256. |ALTERATIONS AND ALL TYPES of rol buy, sell ewing. Telephone 725-0865 or 207 Bloor|service, licensed broker, phone 728-9191, st West. dresses. drapes, Coats, | Covers, Mrs. Tom, | | DRESSMAKING -- expertly fitted suit suits, | agreements Purchased and sold. Hennick Beautifully led silp-!and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street gages. Free advice arrange- ments may be mode jin your own home. A. ROSEN member of Ont. Mont. Broks. Assoc 725-0532 evenings and week- ends 728-5623. TELEVISION --- RADIO 24 Hour Service HOLMES ELECTRONICS i Suey PHONE 668-5679 ~ WANTED | $10,000 FIRST MORTGAGE T.V. Rentals NEW SETS ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 452 SIMCOE SOUTH 723-0011 for a triplex -- nearly new building. Telephone 576-3888 1ST AND 2ND mortgages avaliable. We and arrange. For personal FIRST AND SECOND + mortgages, sale \East. 723-7232. \Gardening and Supplies |Painting and Decorating "GARDEN SUPPLIES SUPER FINE GRASS MIX NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX PARKLAWN GRASS MIX SUBURBAN GRASS. MIX TIMOTHY ond ALSIKE MEDION BLUEGRASS KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS INDIVIDUAL GRASSES GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 EVERGREEN 6-9-6 EVERGREEN WEED KILLER C.1.L. TURF 10-6-4 SO-GREEN 7-7-7 MILGORANITE BONEMEAL PEAT MOSS PET SUPPLIES Everything for the gorden POTTING SOIL JOE'S COLOR TV and Radio Service SPECIALIZING IN EUROPEAN RADIOS AND TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS 13 Bond W. 576-1670 DO IT NOW while the weather Is nice. Painting and decorating. Free, esti- mates. F. Schmidt, 725-9572. PAINTING and paper hanging, interier and exterior. Free ie hg and prices. Telephone 728-283. Plumbing and Heating | SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION 500 Ib, $115.00 Plumbing Discount 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 600 Ib, tilt pape es 149 Brock St. North es 800 Ib. tilt $180.00 WHITBY -- 668-6601 dructure"altchangel. arienna Itleg, 1000 Ib. tilt $205.00 , ton' Road East, Mc gald of Ritson Road. 1200 Ib. tilt $245.00 Direct to you, plumbing oie ies a ip igo in Ve 2--Personal plumbing line. off a . supplies. WOULD Wilde Rental 12 pm. -- 9 p.m. Service' & Sales SATURDAY 9am: to5em. | Murray R. Mason CLOSED WEDNESDAY _ formerly "of 1415 OURERE ales, "Telephone, esate soe "| 291 MITCHELL AVE, | WHITBY 668-3226 Gnaeiihgr Gir Sines' ate doth OSHAWA CHRIS CRAFT Rug - Upholstery Service Cooper: Smith 16 ana Sis 723-2312 723-1139 DELIVERY SERVICE TOP SOIL -- MANURE No, 1 No. ed with cattle manure for top dressing. Well rotted cattle manure, Prompt delivery. 655-3331 OSHAWA GARDEN processed top soil, 1 processed and blend- | SERVICE LTD. MERION-KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS SOD All-Green Nursery Sod Growers Visitors Welcome 725-9674 -- TOWNLINE N Va: _Mi._ North Taunton Village GOOD STOCK SOD CULTIVATED FIELD Excellent Quolity, Low Prices. Looded or Delivered. Visitors Welcome. 725-9674 RE-UPHOLSTERING 725-9332 TOLD BY His D GLASSES OF WINE Rnes---Believe It or Not/ a iia =a ALBRECHT DURER'S FAMED PAINTING MEASURING 64" By 5'3° WAS DELIVERED TO GERMAN GREE F yrs BY 4 yay cre IT PREAD ON 4 POLES FROM ven ITALY, 10 PRAGUE BOHEMIA GROW IN THE SHAPE OFA RING © Keg Pear Spoentn tee. 1967, Weld debe ramerred, 6--Marine Equipment YEAR-END CLEARANCE TO GO 1967 MODELS SAVE UP TO 40% Hard top boots -- canoes -- runabouts --- motors --- boot trailers -- tent trailers -- tents -- stoves -- lanterns --air mats -- bags, etc. -- 2. snowmobiles. Final Clearance 1967 CHRYSLER MOTORS AND BOATS WHILE THEY LAST 25% OFF Boat Trailers 5 yeor warranty 8--Articles for Sale NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac. We correct wheelalignment,: inspect and correct castor and. comber- align toe - in and toe - out to correct condition .... $7.95 @ Ports extra if required @ Torsion bar extra. BRAKE SPECIAL | Most popular cors. First Quality Rovaline, 4 wheels, $14.88 Plus $2.00 per wheel (labor cost) WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL! Including weights per wheel, each $1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK at COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL adjustment Please phone 725-1163 be- tween 9 a.m. -- 5 p.m. Re- garding o moter vehicle ac- Free Pick-Up and Delivery see |CHESTERFIELDS lre-styled. Free estimate lrial for re-covering. Slip covers made SALES and SERVICE McVay fibreglas soil boats, Crestliner, Peterborough ond Northcraft runabouts. Evin- rude outboard motors. Oshawa Yachthaven 723-8186 STARCRAFT" GREW Traveller boats. Evinrude motors. Open seven days CENTRES The New Home of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Road South Phone 725-6511 CLEARANCE SALE Of trade-in sewing machines, fully reconditioned, one year Worantee. From $29.50 SINGER SEWING CENTER 16 SIMCOE ST. N. week. Marine Storage and Supply 'rae Brooklin 655-3641. 7--Swap and Barter @ Wide selection of Fibrics & pode jee Guoranteed cident cccuring June 24, five full years) 6 Faw budget Terms--Free IGS: in Goaoee, Estimates @ Over 20 yeors experience ELECTROLYSIS THE FURNITURE CENTRE 90 Simcoe St. North ; fsigeinsh a emovoa!l of superfivuous air PROFESSIONAL Matie Murduff will be in RUG CLEANING Oshawa Oct, 16th, 17th ond 18th. Phone Genosha Hotel 2 Day Service on these dates for appoint- ment Angus-Graydon Witt, Joan coming Osan or 728-6254 contest Mr." Eastman at 723-5211, ve shawa. BATH AND LAUNDRY tubs, $17.; tol- lets, basins, $10.; pressure systems, sump pumps, kitchen and vanity units made to order and installed; piping fit- tings, cars, trucks, trailers. H. Chinn, 723-7088 or 728-7288. WILL TRADE purebred registered Co!- lie with dog house, for rifle, canoe or what have you. Telephone 728-1965. and See our mate- re-upholstered to order. Malton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. RE-UPHOLSTERY bye experts. Estab- lished 20 years. Workmanship guaran- teed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat- fresses re-built, furniture _re-finished. Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue. 725-0311, rive at Don Mills, Eglinton area, a.m. daily. Telephone 668-4558 between 10 and 4. WANTED -- A ride to Toronto, Bloor - Spadina area or Go-Train at Pickering. Call 576-3990 after six p.m. LONESOME? We love people, and will help you meet them. Write Confidential Friendship Service, TRANSPORTATION NEEDED Box 14, Oshawa. to ar- 8.30 8--Articles for Sale SPECIAL SALE 0 Bee Oe err rans each 45c¢ ZR ASAT! OU... each 39c 1 x 8 pine, random length Sales and Service 3--Sportsman's Column NOW Bring me your mowers, tillers, SKATES, new and used, hockey equip- ment Cycle Centre, 204 Bond St. E., 725-6344, and sticks at bargain prices. outboards, all makes, air cooled engines. Parts and service, Largest service in Oshawa. HUNTING LICENCES -- New and guns bought, sold, used traded. Ammuni- and tion and hunting gags Valley Creek, 16 Bond St. West, 74 BARRIE AVE 728-2791 or 725-4633 J. KAMSTRA complete LANDSCAPING 452 Simcoe $.--Oshawa Telephone 723-0011 MANURE FOR SALE, delivered. Tele- Phone 725-6028 Instruction _ PIANO Classical and popular, Theory. For Information contact Patricia Tuck, 74 Burk Street, Oshawa, dial 725-4587. BALLET, BATON Twirling. Register 47 p.m. daily, Harvey Dance Academy, Oshawa Shopping Centre. 725-6122. FULL-TIME SALESMAN, Classified Ads VACUUM and makes, new hoses, brushes, new motors. er repairs, all i eclectic ee ee SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt gerv- ice on calls, Walter Ward, a Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. sell for you around the 'lock. Dial 723- tion Classifieds Bell for, you arou Times Ac Get Spot Cash -- Use 27 CABIN CRUISER, trailer, 100 ho two $475 each. Wilde Rental. WE WANT USED snowmobiles, hi trade-in United Rent-All and Marine, Street East, Sales and Service. 8c running foot. BEAVER LUMBER BOWMANVILLE -- 623-3388 Free Delivery FREE ESTIMATES No obligation on your gas, oil or electric forced air heat- ing system, power humidifi- ers, electronic air cleaners, gas and electric appliances. 576-3915 or 723-9079, KIL- LINGBECK Heatirig and Ap- plionces. SUMMERTIME SPECIALS oat Wilson's Furn. Smooth top mattresses 29-95 TANCE 6 BSA LIGHTNING, So tote, excel: APPL AJS, $200. 728.9782, Sole YAMAHA - SUZUKI -- Authorized dealer. REPAI RS Repairs all makes. We Sin bey ane wal Expert repairs to all makes |Ray Whitaker, 150 William St. E. 728-9191, f shers, dryers, ranges P = aie Pen eee 9°55 --Trailers ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE TRAILER W HITCHES Also all veer of Brcchege Ply ye ALCAN ce aoe MOBILE + Tome ae Glendale, on FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES |petely furnished two-bedroom 10' x 50' excellent condition. Lot. 24, 668-4041. 2-pc. chesterfield suite 109.95 3-pc, bedroom suites 99.50 ALUMINUM @ SIDING @ AWNINGS @ WINDOWS @ DOORS LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 Prince St. 725-4632 SEWING MACHINE SALE New White portables from $59., White Zig Zag ma- chines from $99., new Elna Open Arm $60 off. Free les- sons and service. Repairs to all makes. WHITE ELNA SEWING CENTRE, 38 Bond W. 725-7181 SELF-SERVE GBS abene with et er, 30-chicken capacity, one. year $495, 723-1951 or 576-0273. COMPLETE LINE of _ tropical fish| wr equipment, tanks, fish, air compressor, etc, Whitby, 668-2458 AQUARIUM -- 15-galion. Complete with fish, plants, fliter, lights, and stand. Call 728-5308. old, i8--Articles for Sale HOCKEY HOCKEY HOCKEY We have specials galore. HELMETS from 99¢ Used SKATES from $1.50 The biggest selection of hockey sticks and accessories. Skate sharpening while U- wait. Boys' 35c, men's and ladies 50c. CYCLE ENTRE 204 BOND E, 725-6344 BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture and appliances, One location only. Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat- tresses half price, all sizes, headboards one-third of off. ._ Factory outlet. 123- 3889, PIANOS, upright, _re-conditioned. Al! pianos delivered. Over 40 to choose from. On Highway 7, six miles west of Brooklin, Plano Re-building Company, 942- 5547. We BUY, SELL AND | EXCHANGE | used furniture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671. TYPEWRITER, standard, $25.; portable $25.; IBM electric typewriter, $45.; add- ing machine $20., _also electric. 723-4 4434, GLASS REPAIRS fo aluminum and wood windows and aluminum screens. Free pick- up and delivery. 728-2284, FREE! Furnace c! 1, h edusted free. Guaranteed trouble-free inter If yot purchase from Western "On Company. 725-1212. FURNITURE -- Three rooms of new furniture. Pay only $15 monthly. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses, brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery. 942-0213. Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Pickering. TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, cash registers, new, used, sales, service, all makes. Call your Royal dealer, 728-3664. STUDENT TYPEWRITERS, all makes, large selection, reconditioned and guar- anteed sales and service. 728-3664. WASHER with spin dryer for sale $60 0 best offer. Telephone 728-1731 after 6 p.m. TYPEWRITERS, ", No Lape' down, $2. weekly. Adder: shiers, new, used, rentals, service, trades, Bil Hamilton, Raglan, 1-985- 7160. PIANO, -- All re- upright, 0" |conditioned with new keyboard. Tuned to concert pitch. Plano Tuner, H. Cave, 42-5547, "high. TELEVISIONS 17" Philips, 21 Dumont, $29, 21 Admiral new picture tube $49, 24" R.C.A, $59. All gets guarnteed. 576- 3877. MODEL 88 Winchester rifle, complete with sling, extra site and case. Condition, $125.. Telephone 725-1895, DINING ROOM BUFFET end four hand ,;ontons. ee bees Sale 14--Business Opportunities LD PIANO, suit rom, make an offer, Telephone 728-3208, 2" ELECTRIC STOVE, red space } saver, ofa, two pairs of green, damask drapes, cys' sports jackets, two size 6, two ze 10, Boy's navy all-weather coat, size 723-2096. RON steel gate 18' long, 9 x "rua, ood for play room, two-plece boy's coat nd hat, size 5. 728-4514. " )--Market Basket _ APPLES Mclntosh $2 Per Bushel ALGOMA ORCHARDS Ltd. Thickson Rd. N., Whitby ~ McINTOSH APPLES $1.75 PER BUSHEL 12 miles north of Oshawa on Simcoe St. N. cK YOUR hehe N tomatoes, $1.75 bush. |winibow, New In Canada Portable car Simonizing Machine Fontastic demands have made it possible to own and operate a while-you-wait car simonizing service, previously available on a rental bosis only, Experience not necessary, a8 we will train you, Start on o part time basis with earnings up to $150 a week, PHONE 112----635-7180 or write M75876 -- Oshawa Times 15--Employment Wanted DAY CARE given by former kinder- gerten hah Apel hill district, new yard, rec. room, reason- Phone. 725-7136. LOVING CARE for one child in my home, five day week, Nonquon Rd, RNS FIO ROTO-TILLING and seeding, chain saw work, small moving fobs, odd jobs, ete, Reasonable, Telephone 668-8682, EXPERIENCED .comptometer operator requires part-time work. Write Box 76004, Oshawa Times. wall floor cleaning. Painting for office and home, Janitor's supplies. Waxes, cleaners, paints. Rub- ber and vinyl floor matting. Multi-Clean Janitorial Service, 725-1885. LOVING DAY CARE by widow for pre school children, years of experience, free pick-up and delivery. 576-1337. MOVING, move Insured, odd jobs done, with or without truck. Rent truck with driver, 728-2882. LOVING CARE for one child r= ably infant) In my . Five-day week, Waverly St. area, west of Shopping Centre. Phone 728-7244. LOVING CARE 6 eiv children In my ie Th ads Rea gil Telephone 'N for one yi vicinity. Park he 728- ai ENCED TYPIST will do typing at home. Telephone 723-9906 after 6 p.m. 17--Female Help Wanted el. Bring your Garden Centre, ne miles. north of Whitby on No. 12 Highway. PICK YOUR OWN tomatoes, Spanish Bri Containers. Eymann, '% mile east of Roy Nichois Garage, Courtice. Go north to first corner. TOMATOES -- -- am B nad own, bring containers. Als onions. William Pica South. First farm south of Hydro sub- station, west side. 9A--Eggs & Poultry EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY -- White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. Picked up, delivered at store or home. 10--Farmer's Column carved walnut chairs, good Telephone 668-6565. BEAUTY SALON equipment for sale. For further information call 668-5455. ~~ FULL-LENGTH "Borg" Lady's size 14, Call 668-8503 Between" i and 8 p.m. WEDDING GOWN, size 11-12. Pure silk peau de soje, algo headpiece. Asking $30. Telephone 668-5455. DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock picked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Telephone + gad Hampton 263- 2721. Licence 101-C-6) PULL ETS READY = lay. Rhode or ed and Barred Rock cross, $2.25 ea Telephone ne Brooklin, 655-3736, STRAW FOR SALE. Telephone 723-1308. Ln! BALE: att om, clean wheat straw. MOVING! Must sell. Clothes dryer, new condition, $100; cedar picnic table, $12. Telephone 725-9630. FIREPLACE equipment -- screen, 1, tools, iron insert, brass electric Insert; electric fruit juicer, clock, end tables, matching coffee table, two-piece chesterfield, a quantity of upholstery material, numer- ous small articles, some antiques. 723- 27. "STEREO PORTABLE, A-1 detachable speakers; man's golf clubs, tion. Telephone 728-90) beds, freezer, Honda bike, reasonable. Honest Cal's new location, 180 Willlam 9191, East. 728. combination, STEREO TV, 23" co STEREO Tv, clopedia Americana, grey Persian lamb foe (small), power mower, chesterfield uite, Lazy-Boy, wheelbarrow, rifle, other articles. Newcastle, 987-4630. GUITARS -- Fender Mustang with Am- peg amplifier; Sykes with Paul ampll- fier and set of drums. Best cash offer. 723-1077. BELL PIANO and bench, smail upright, in perfect condition, $225. Apply 66 Fish- er Street, Oshawa. n, Ency- PO! condition, bag, and golf shoes, size 7, A-1 condi-)-- 78. THREE USED DRESSERS, five single) oa; 19 |dilu Kennels, Townline Rd. N. 23-6216. Clemens, 263-2026. 11--Pets and Livestock irish SETTER puppies, _ registered, males, females, flve weeks $75. 576-2429 re Nella 822 Glen, Apartment 202, after 4:31 rN? white toys $100. Black miniature $65. Telephone 668-6105. S FOR SALE, yearling $75. This colt $50. Telephone 985-2059, Port purebred registered, five-week-old fawn with black mask and lephone 723-0325. ADORAB! ENS, eight weeks old, free to good hi Telephone 728-8308 HORSES BOARDED -- lent care, loose boxes stalls. Telephone 723-0112. POODLE CLIPPING and shampooing, reasonably priced. ioe ov service, Whitby. Telephone 668- PUPPIES and trained a toys larger breeds. $25 up. Delivered. Tele. phone 1-985-2645. QUALT CLIPPING SERVICE again available, all breeds, Telephone 728-9609. POODLE CLIPPING specialist. service and toy pupples for unton, excel- and standing RIDING SUIT, size 14, compl excel- lent condition, ladies' clothes, size 10-12. Many other articles too t mention. 723-4402. OWNER MOVING out of town. Must sacrifice 16 cubic ft. refrigerator, half refrigerator, half freezer, Deluxe gas cook range, full, accessories. Telephone 942-2347. USED upright piano, $150. Telephone one 723° 6534 after 6 p.m. frost free, late model, 14 cubic foot, ti month warranty, $195. Telephone 723- iy) after 6 p.m. MOFFAT four-burner range, 39", timer, warming oven, baking oven. Good dition, $50. or best offer. 723-9821 c after sociation. 'on-|quiries invited for the fall course. Tele- BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready for training, 'fetid strain. Apply P. Broad, 114 Elgin East. GERMAN Shepherds. fessional training, ices. Pinto. Show mare. Shirts.-Cozy BOARDING - Vogel. wos after 7 p. DOG TRAINS ch classes, sponsored by the Oshawa Obedience A' In- Reg'd. pups. Pro- as e Stud serv- _ saddle, ST. "telephone Brookiin 655- phone 723-9708. i Ss a RED CEDAR hope chest. Telephone 723-1666, GIRL'S WINER COAT, size 12, beige- brown, cleaned once, $10. Three ladies' dresses, velvet, lace, peau de sole, 10-12. pasties Best offer. model 94, new con- ane: pai $70, Telephone 30 WI dition 668-6 oszo "SURPLUS typewriters for sale. Ideal for student use. Apply Oshawa Business College, or 'Aelephone 7 725- 3375, 12--Articles Wanted PIANO -- Any make or size. Pay cash. Move Immediately. State make and price. Write Box M76025, Oshawa Times. CEMENT MIXER and AC clamp-on an amp. metre. Telephone 942-3321. GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, Highest prices. Call anytim Mechelle Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526, SHOTGUN WANTED, 4-10 single shot waren will fire 3" shells, Telephone 623- 2390, TINSMITHING 18 gauge brake, one shear, easy edge! B hand rollers, etc. Will gell separately. Telephone 723-93: 12" $85, ATLAS band saw, like new, aluminum roof top luggage carrier, $6, portable electric washer and hand wringer, $25.; two piles steel sinks, $6. 728-3723. ine WIGS - NEW, styled and shaped _pro- fessionally by Judy. Telephone 728-3781 CORNER CUPBOARD, chrome coat rack, sectional chesterfield, like new, TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-ft. structure all channel antenna, $50. TRIO Tele. vision. 78-5143. television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and up. Alcan Furniture is Appliances, 452 Simcoe South, 723-0011 FOUR OFFICE DESKS for | Neil's Furniture, 215 Dundi 5481 or 668-6526. SOLID OAK, nine-piece dining room suite for sale. hyaee) yal 215 Dundas E. 668-5 or 6 Mac- 668- 17" GLENDETTE house trailer, gas re- frigerator, stove and oven, two Propane and i ; | REFRIGERATION applian-|tanks, toilet, outside canopy, electric GARDEN SERVICE Kat | ootteare washers, uoves, brakes. Very good condition, Telephone dryers, water coolers, all makes, Spec-| 728-2818. 728-8267 ialize In Frigidaire service. 24 hours|FRAVEL TRAILER, sleeps 1 tive, ex: pa ae ___.|Service._576377)._______lceilent condition, jacks, hoses, licensed. NURSERY. AND FIELD SOD. Free est]-|GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer! Best offer: over $800. 0. Telephone 576.1512, mates. Prompt delivery. 725-3325 and|washers and ranges. Free estimates. Sones 723-3688 Call 728-1742 or 1. 6--Marine Equipment 20 CHURCH STREET per Rena. $12, DRAPERY MATERIAL A large variety to choose from DRAPES, REPAIRED, RELINED and CUSTOM MADE DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES 74 Celina 723-7827 7 ALUMINUM awning, $30.;_ 7 ~ alumi- num awning, $20.; desk, $15.; girl's i $15.; child's feeding table, $10; refrigerator, $30. 723-0964. CHROME TABLE 'and six chairs, $30. Telephone 725-109 SNOW SKIS, a 3 feet, 4 inches, and boots ladi size 5¥2 Includes poles, safety straps, and press, excellent con- dition $50. 723-1426. CEDAR POSTS, 6' long, various sizes. 728-3636. tor, if T Back Lees, pick up and delivery. 728- phone. 78-4457 igs or best offer. as PERE TEE OS 1967 SNO ) PRINCE Snowmobiles. | Huskl Septic Service Diablo's. Also used snowmobiles. 668-3226, or cash_ paid. 555 vung Ski-Doo allowances, Oshawa, 728-5565. NT THAT VACANCY through R Rent Ada -- Call 723-2492 today for action! x CITY TV televisions, radios, service and repairs. Service dept. open 7 days a week. Also T.V. towers, color and black and white T.V. Anten- nas, rotors installed. Sales and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p™. 248 Quebec St. Coll 725- HOUSEHOLD discardables removed. No charge if enough value to cover trucking. 723-638), , heat BRIDESMAID'S DRESS, ce, brand new, size 9, orange, $25. Also|-- Admiral refrigerator, good condition, $40. 668-6978 after 6.30. FIBERGLAS FENDERS from and up. New and used auto parts. ~ $29.95!" 0500. All work guaranteed, St, 725-216 ee ee oe ers,|October 2, 12-6 -|TABLE SAW, 71% inch, e ,,|$35. Telephone 723-5517. Re-|SYLVANIA TELEVISION with built starters and generators. 1175 Nelson|control in very good running condition. 5 Os radio, household items. Some antiques. Also some good used clothing. Can be seen at 122 Banting Avenue, Monday, p.m. rocker, $22.; single continental bed, $35.7 double bed, $35.; Nordmende radio, $25.; portable television, $49.; record player, automatic _change, $39. _ Hurry! 728-4401. FINDLAY GAS + range, one year old. Telephone 725-4531. 30" RANGE, automatic oven, minute minder, rotisserie, 15 cu. ft. frigerator, across-top frrezer, dryer, two-cycle, six-heat. All good condition, 0073. en, clock, re 1 728-5615 until 4 or call 723. ANTIQUE ORGAN, in excellent condi- tion, Telephone 725-8608. xtensions, stand, AUTOMATIC STOVE, $50, refrigerator $30. Both in good condition. Telephone} 725.6709 alter 7 p.m "remote ELECTRIC RANGE, Tappan 30", very Prone "728-6707, almost ve SNR, Tale yi Wilde Rental, * Peer en cori, (MG San naa bar, $4.; "wooden kitchen set, $24.3 plies, Aid d Rentals, 105 Beatrice 715-1644, heavy | duty. stove, $30 etrigerator.|44__ Business Opportunities eae, ie, Sel BOs Bor top table, $7.; captain'¢ chair, $12.7 13--Articles for Rent Clerk-Typist _ Shorthand preferred Apply LABOR OFFICE GOODYEAR TIRE ¢ AND RUBBER CO. of Canada BOWMANVILLE, ONT. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT (Qualified) Immediate vacancy. Details as to salary, benefits and duties may be obtained on personal application te Director of Personnel OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL STENOGRAPHER Shorthand or Dictaphone Between 30-40 years of age. Send! full resume to A. SMITH Personnel Manager LAKE ONTARIO STEEL i €O,, LTD. + Box 330 WHITBY LIGHT FACTORY WORK Girls required for new Ajax company. Good working ¢con- ditions} and starting salary. WRITE BQX 220, AJAX Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. $., 725-3338 ENTERTAINING? Fifty fo one hundred people: Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- quets, parties, erin: Bar, kitchen, parking. 723-7726. EARN EXTRA MONEY Show Ganado's finest line of Christnnos cards, Wraps, No- velties, etc. Over 300 items. For frge, beautifully illus- trated qatalogue samples, on vie Ie il " fastest a vice, ron Greeting Ca in 1253 Kina St. E., Fomine: Ont. Car Hostesses Sale or Rent Ritson and Wentworth Area, 220 and 550 service suit- able for light industry. Telephone 725-4400 BUYING, selling apt. bidgs., shopping plazas, any business. C. McCullough, W. Frank Real Estate, Realtor, 723-7843, 728-7585. aN RETIRED -- with three hours of your time every other week this property can give you a return of $145. per week. We ge td one full time, nights, 6 p.m. - 1 a.m., and four part time for weekends. Must be neat, reliable and energetic. Telephone Mr. Ed Campbell, 728-6756. ROBBYES DRIVE-IN KING ST. W. WOMAN fo live in and care for my children, im Ajax. Telephone between & a.m. and 330 .m., 942-6379. RELIABLE, mature lady in this area fo represent reputable company as cor- selsetiere. Conplete training in your lla Write Box M75618, Oshawa Just think over 15 per cent and only $23,500 down. Gordon Osborne Real Es- tate, 668-6826. -- Beauty » two sham dresserettes and desks. shop basins, two Telephone 723- :jences. Pleasant RELIABLE MATURE lady for house- keeping duties...Must be wii to move to Toronto. Live in with all conveni- family home in good district with two school-aged children, Please apply in writing to Box M74402, Must 'sell, best offer, Telephone 576-3399. ay Oe ty My KD Set Bo >, 7508 after 7 p.m. CePEawe ted woaw es [Oshawa Times, | Z 17--Female Help W. ----$-- MAIRDRESSER required = ir parttime or full time. -- Apply Canada Manp sion Dept., 314 Simcoe St. § WOMAN for part-time work | chip restaurant. Apply in pers eterie, 231 King Street West. GXPERIENCED WAITRESS ber end variety store. Tels 9713. Wairauss EXPERIE! iD réstevrant. Night Pes and Restaurant. East. HAIRDRESSER WANTED ¢ work et Vincent's Hairstylin Street West. Telephone 725-86: PART-TIME CASHIER re hours weekly. Apply 311 Bi North. RELIABLE BABYSITTER mediately, three pre-school aera s76-286 ind In, five-day v ARN sy poy d ca Tupperware, sold on the h gen. Car necessary. Will tra ir 723-0377. suave rpg logue ti itter's home, FOUR LADIES with cers, | tions and direct sales, attrac tunity, full time, calling on served by Cable TV. Contact Oshawa Ceble TV Ltd., 723- COCKTAIL WAITRESSES re ply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Phone calls, please.) PRESSER WANTED for dr plant. Apply Acadian Cleaner: Street West. UNLIMITED Opportunity Earnings. Become a Beauty Openings in management Mrs, Elliott, section manage WANTED -- baby-sitter fo schoolers, while mother w jing Centre. Telephone lore 10 a.m. or after 5 p.m. BABY-SITTER fo se for on old child, 7 p.m.-11 p.m., M day. Telephone 33. 008 befor 18--Male Help We YOUNG M To assist manager branch of coast chain organization. ence unnecessary, In tion field, but must t to converse intelligen' i. Aged 18-26. 2. Neat in appearanc 3. Able to start imme SALARY: $110 Week For interview cal 725-254] 9-noon ir to CARETAKI urgently required for Brooklin Sr. Public 5 classrooms, plus fibr furnace. Apply in \ stating qualifications « perience to: MURRAY ROBIN P.O. Box 4 Brooklin, Ont REAL ESTA SALESMA Wented for Oshawa Inquiries treated cor lelly. Call W. Baldwi W. FRAN RLTR. REAL ESTATE | 506 Simcoe St., Os 728-7585 SET-UP M/ For production machin Must be able to acce nsibility. Steady de a.m. - 4:30 p.m.. & opportunity for the man, For appointment 942-154C CENTRAL/ CANADA L ATTENTION: It 1 an honest man with o set him up in his ov income sales and servi ness, This business year after year. No mc quired to start, Full time. Apply to Wesley W« 304 Golf St., Oshawa. 723-6296, REQUIRED Man to keep records summories of dep data and record mater and great performance submit a full resume writing to, A. Smit sonnel Manager, LAK ARIO STEEL CON Ltd. Box. 330, Whitb arlo, REAL ESTATE SALE Wented for Bowman Blackstock Area. Pref ing experience. Expe r to help 'yo Canoda's largest tur tor, a firm with /a Tit ota President, H. Keith Lt Eglinton Ave. E., Toro 487-3333. --$$-- $1 BULLDOZER OPERATOR V iteady work, ir week, time. eet wanted, shoul '. M. Prentice, 72: iC with type A ii wth frais on farm '¥ equipment preferred. ks aly round employment. App' Res Equipment Ltd., Port APPLE PICKERS wane fag agit 1% miles west Hwy. See Mr lawman SUNIOR EXECUTIVE TY! to cont with Feenvawr Initial salary plu ive compensation and ferred, 2140, o tre ) no ra' offers stable career ome and to the right pers ial opportunity. Reply In c 1, Oshawa Times, SXPERIENCED APPLE Worked a Cat

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