2 FHE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 27, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE TORONTO (CP) -- Prime minister Lester Pearson has told Toronto board of control in a letter he will not interfere Attack Waste SARNIA (CP) -- A waste dis Canadians. 'handle 37 . types of materia In answer to a letter written|from varied chemical indus omous agency and not an agen-'can cy of the Crown. Ltd. of Pearson to appoint a represent-|P. Goodfellow --_ Constructior ative to come to Toronto and/Ltd., of Corunna, Ont. discuss the CYC's function in| . Plan Reburial Yorkville, Toronto's coffee -| a CYC member. funeral director said Tuesday. Gift For Canada | Approve Spending solid silver with a richly Containing 450 ounces of silver,/$264,800,000 during 1967. formally to the Canadian Par-|Canada. jiament Oct. 11 by Sir Owen Wansbrough - Jones, prime warden of the 800-year-old coin- pany. i ; 'mons Tuesday he hopes to be Train Derailed able to present legislation on TEL AVIV (Reuters)--The federal loans to agricultural locomotive of a freight train|fairs next spring. - 'was derailed when it ran over} Baee'tuewar nin te tsel! Dec, 6 Closing For Seaway J Army said. One man was slightly injured. A curfew was clamped on the area and troops searched for the saboteurs. OTTAWA (CP) -- The official closing date for the Montreal - HERE and THERE |Lake Ontario section of the St.| HOSPITAL REPORT Lawrence Seaway will be Dec. Forty-seven babies were born|6, the St. Lawrence Seaway' at the Oshawa General Hospi- Authority announced Tuesday. ~ tal during the week ending) Navigation will be extended} j~ Sept. 23. There were 345 ad-!beyond that date on a day-to- missions .and 325 discharges.|qay basis until Dec. 15, whether| One hundred and seven major,| permitting, the authority said. 152 minor as well as 84 eye,/" No extension could be permit- ear, nose and throat operations|teq beyond Dec. 15, however,| Fair Loans OTTAWA (CP) -- Agriculture Minister Greene told the Com- dred and thirty treatments and examinations were given and!ontario section. 46 casts applied. The physio-| Official closing dates for the therapy department gave 92l\sauit Ste, Marie canal, between| treatments and made 715 visits.|Takes Superior and Huron, and The occupational therapy de-\the Welland canal, .between| partment handled 218 cases. {rakes Erie and Ontario, are APPLICATION Dec. 12 and 15 respectively. Ontario Municipal Board will} hear an application by city) © MORE CARS DRIVEN council for construction of con-} WINNIPEG (CP)--The Win- crete sidewalks in Cedar Street,jnipeg Chamber of Commerce, Etmridge Street, John Street/in a list of business figures, West and Rossland Road West,|says passenger vehicle registra- commencing 10 a.m., Nov. 1, in/tions in the Greater Winnipeg the council chambers. Approval/area increased by more than is also sought for borrowing|11,000 during the first four $7,597.75 for the work, repayable|months of 1967 compared with over 10 years. the same period last year. Make Wine The Easy Way! I We also have European Wine Concentrotes . . . along the Montreal - Lake! PTI Te Py Fresh Grape Juice available In § gallon con tainers for either Red or White Wine. Wine Yeost ... Jugs... end other Wine mak PHARMACY LANE 'ARMac J 302 STEVENSON RD. N. 723-1131 ORDER. EARLY 1 94 SIMCOE _COPACO -- LEAN -- TENDER PICNIC HAMS Pearson Notifies Toronto, | 'Won't Interfere With CYC' P posal system, valued at more/five young Israelis left Wednes- with the Company of Young)than $250,000 and designed tolday to rebuild an old Jewish -lauthorizing the CNR to make)of them would be Asians. carved rim of 100 maple leaves,|capital expenditures of w, to "he the huge bowl will be presented|sum includes $67,000,000 for Air were performed. Three hun-|on the Wiley - Dondero canaljof the girl quadruplets born 45 TROUD FOOD MARKET, HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS DPI RS: WF SYDNEY, Australia (AP) --When the boys looked | through their new text book they found something on Page 13 they hadn't expected --the sketch of a headless girl in the tiniest of bikinis. There was a block of four . | illustrations, three of them Israelis Depart | with symbols in physics. The .| JERUSALEM (AP)--Twenty- eb figure occupied 2 a Scientific tags and arrows pointed to various parts of the body. One to the right I}settlement in the Israeli-occu-| -jpied west bank of the Jordan by the board, Mr. Pearson saiditries, is being planned for ajRiver, the first settlers to move the company is a largely auton-|200-acre site in this area. '[re-|back since Jewish pioneers Cooksville are|were pushed out by the Arab jdesigners of the system to be|Legion in The board's letter, asking Mr. built and operated by Stanley | sources stressed that the pro- 1948. Authoritative} iain ot mg hand was marked "'force of repulsion F (very weak)." Another to the bosom read 'radius plus two." The tag to her legs was "point of sup- port" and the cleavage was indicated as "separation r."" All this was discovered in a class of 17-year-old boys, who had some laughs about the division in A Programmed Course in Physics by Noel Wil- son. How did it all happen? Said author Wilson: "I had ican ae a tet | 32.8 PERCENT WAGE INCREASE n ject on the site of the village of Etzion, eight miles south of) |Bethlehem, was not part of a general west bank resettlement house district, was prompted by) |program, a hippie sit-in in the seats of] H ANTES if a The Ri 5 b : the mayor and controllers dur-|Canadian War Graves Commis-| ing a board mecting last|sion is planning to re - inter) Ice ou stitute month. lforeign victims of the First and) SINGAPORE (Reuters)--A-| of Second World ,\Wars who are sians must eat less rice and , - ries ton tne Yorville hate, be buried in Canada, an Ottawa/switch to other staple ceréals, . MONTREAL (CP) asked the artist to do a draw- ing for a blank space on the page following the one on which the drawing actually appears. This was done as a bit of a joke intended for me alone, and by accident was sent to the publishers as part of the book." A spokesman for Angus and Robertson, the publishers, explained: "The drawing is a simple joke. It has no bearing on the course and is not necessary Pc one Inland Sailors Vote On Agreement Tomorrow or the world will face a grave will vote Thursday and Friday|bers--will be getting $601.13 by|present two' after 10 years of problem by the end of this cen- {tury, a top Food and Agricui- jtural Organization official said) Dr. B. RF. Sen,|¥ LONDON (CP) -- Britain's OTTAWA (CP) -- After only) Wednesday. , : in and bene- Worshipful Company of Gold-|three short opposition speecnes,|director-general of FAO, ote Aodiel aves thew years smiths Tuesday unveiled its the Commons Tuesday night) Warned that the number of peo- /!S sprea ' ' centennial gift to Canada -- agave second reading -- approv-|ple eating rice would double to Made public striking centrepiece of gilt onjal in principle -- to a bil!/6,000,000,000 in 30 years. Most mate Cyclist Killed FORT ERIE (CP) -- Michael|the 32 Great Lakes shipping Lanthier, 19, of Fort Erie, Ont.,| Companies. was killed Tuesday when the) About 75 per cent of compa- motorcycle he was riding was nies' fleet of 181 ships {trapped between two cars. The ; i ldriver of one car, Ronald Hyde, expected to be sailing again }19, also of Fort Erie, was today following weekend deci- icharged with dangerous driv-|sions by the sailors to end their ue: strike which began Aug. 17. _ Protest Air Tariff [worm MORE a circular to members iy to a Pronosal they pay fori, the SIU estimates that por. { re a _ Ps aid ran the Civil Aeronautics Board. bet. counties Apna The Air rancport Assocation/ wi be geting wage and fringe K land Atinnaiea'® i .29 more a find "particularly offensive" hac ag oy end of the three plan to charge up to $200 for} each route application and up| . to $25,000 for each new route Porters now make a_ base award. The group said the wage of $360 a month. Included C.A.B.'s functions are per-|in the estimated pete! is a formed in th bli terest. five-per-cent wage hike retroac- emmacereain mace reste ltive to June 1, 1967, and worth Quad Dies | $18.03 of the monthly increase. if{herease cs from 35 cents to 50 cents; ta aan WASHINGTON (AP) -- US. Your Victory which will| #8reement that the companies/and some would require a few) ait liner have obiected vizobouk: ae ratification bal-|Will pay at the end of the sea-|days to return to their ships in today, the esti-jincrease in the overtime pay le r 0 | is part of a detailed|rate; reduction in stages of ajS!U and the Canadian. Lake breakdown of settlement terms|24-hour workspread system so| Carriers' Association. reached in Montreal early Fri-|that sailors will only be on call) |. n ¢ i day by bargainers for the Sea-|12 hours a day and granting of did not expect the sailors to be| people know what is going on."| farers' International Union andjone day's paid leave for every|able to handle the backlog of} shipping orders for "quite some|O]ive, were welcomed at the \railway station by about 100) |48 hours of overtime. "If you work seven days--56 jhours--you get 9% hours leave, are|in either paid leave or cash at the sailors who had been on your discretion or the conven- jience of ship," the circular | says. |OTHER TERMS Other terms listed are an son for travelling expenses of} sailors who have to go more| in welfare benefits|to their homes, mostly in the to ratify a contract settlement] the ; time the contract ends.|service. package their union figures is|Their present pay rate is orth a total value of 32.8 per| $448.38 a month. An SIU spokesman said final draft of the contract will] | Included in the estimate of be drawn up after the ratifica-| ; : ; benefits are a 10- to 12-cent|tion vote but terms in the circu-/f when or if he will resign) ar had been agreed on by the|from the House of Commons. He said in an interview: "'AS|Cioudy and cool with showers| long as I am a member of A union spokesman said he! time." : [Headless Girl--Physics Symbol? or useful, But I don't think ft is going to deprave or cor- rupt. It is not going to tell these young people anything they didn't know before." The spokesman said about 1,500 copies of the book had been distributed of an edition of 300,000. He said the draw- ing is being removed from the remainder of the present edition of the book, and any future reprints will not have it. MM nm ony [sor Diefenbaker Arrives Home ,, PRINCE ALBERT (CP)-- John Diefenbaker returned to his home city of Prince Albert and Thursday. Winds becoming|Kingston .... Tuesday night for the first time lsince his defeat as national northeast 25 this afternoon. Mr. Diefenbaker, now a Prielcioudy cool and windy with|Sudbury . Parliament|scattered showers or flurries of|Earlton ........+.. 28 ti 4) representing the Prince Albert|wet snow today. Sunny with +) constituency, gave no indication vate member of liament .. . Mr. Diefenbaker and his wife,| By today, about 75 per cent of| persons. I'll not fail to let\cloudy with a few showers and| WEATHER FORECAST issued at 5:30 a.m, today. Synopsis: Snow fell Tuesday night through many district: above the upper lakes. Temper atures will drop to the 50's a: Tuesday's 75-to-80 degree ten) Erie Lake St. Clair, Lake |Bay, Haliburton, Killaloe, Wind- London, Toronto: Cloudy Thursday, clearing toward erly near 25 later this morning. Hamilton: cooler today. with chance of showers tonight River, Sudbury, North Bay: TORONTO (CP) -- Forecast not quite Cloudy, Much Cooler Followed By Showers Thursday, Northerly winds near 15 becom. ing light tonight. Ottawa and region: ith showers endjng late today, A chance of a_thundershower. an cloudy bon sunny i r southward.|periods. Turning cooler today. peratures, Alenpaey Winds southerly 20, becoming Lake Huron, western Lakc|northerly 20 this morning aad Ontario, southern Georgian|light tonight. so cool Forecast Temperatures ¢ ¢ Low overnight, high Thursday and turning much cooler with/ windsor 58 showers today. Mostly cloudy/st, Thomas ...... 40 55 London .... eee 40 55 evening. Winds becoming north-| Kitchener Mount Forest Niagara, eastern Lake Ontar-|wingham Clouding over) Hamilton with showers and turning muck|st. Catharines .... 45 55 Mostly cloudy)Toronto seccccceee 40 8 8 oe on on as seese seveee 40 55 Peterborough ..... 40 52 Trenton... ae ae : | pe i , Algo-|Killaloe .. vee 35 5 Ordinary seamen--the largest,than 500 miles home; and three|!eader of the Progressive Con- ant teneal Gouame ae. Muskoka 4 Canada's 5,400 inland sailors|classification among SIU mem-|weeks vacation instead of the servative party. Cloudy = few cloudy intervals Thursday Northerly winds near 25 today | Northern White River, Coch rane, western James Bay:) Par-lor snowflurries today. Mostly! FREE Estimates, Reesoneble || Rates, Repair Speciclist. |strike were expected to be back! on their jobs but there| jappeared to be more waiting) |cargo than the ships could han-} dle immediately, he said. Many of the sailors had ome) during the strike} DOWNTOWN DELIGHTFUL AIR CONDITIONED DINING ROOM REASONABLE PRICES Special Noon Luncheons Hotel Lancaster ports along the St. Lawrence | River and the Great Lakes. | 27 KING ST. WEST CALL OR SEE DIXON'S FOR OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST, 723-4663 Installed Fast Dependable Redie Dispatched Plumbing Service, SERVICE MADE US, Call 723-1191 With the indoor pool, FUKUOKA, Japan (AP)--One LOOKING FOR A COMMFORTABLE QUIET RENDEZVOUS DOWTOWN? | THEN GO TO THE | Tally-Ho Room Hotel Lancaster 27 KING ST. WEST days prematurely Sunday to a Japanese housewive died Wednesday, Central Hospita announced. The infant was the third of the girls born to Mrs. Matsuko Munakata, 28, wife of! a merchant. The other three} infants, each wefghing 3.3) pounds at birth, were reported | \in "weakened, but not critical jcondition." SALES - BATTERIES - CORDS REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF AIDS HOME APPOINTMENTS BUDGET TERMS . Canadian HEARING AID Consultants 10 BOND ST. E, 725-2771 Suites Open For Inspection 1221 Simeoe St. North Summer Enjoyment -- All Year Rouud! plus the spacious suites, personalized service, mail delivery, ample parking. Sauna room, sun deck, Phone 725-9934 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. SATURDAY and SUNDAY 11 A.M. fill 7 P.M. THE APARTMENT. 1 fo 5-Year Guaranteed Investment Certificates NOW EARN 612% per ennum AND ARE Gueranteed--as to principal and interest. Flexible--may be used es Col- lateral for loans. Redeemable--by Executors in the event of death. Authorized--os Trustee Act in- vestments, CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshewe 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmenvilie 623-2527 FRIDAY NIGHTS end SATURDAYS POUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE ST. NORTH ONTARIO GROWN NO. 1 POTATOES 10-LB. Boneless -- Rolled C RIB END---LOIN POT ROAST POR 39: CHOPS Biede Bone Removed BAG C a]: roms C WONDER -- Sliced -- 24-oz. o Blade Roast 69: PORK Boneless TENDERLOIN End. 3 Ibs. average "| BREAD 2 39 GRADE "A" SMALL SHOULDER 69: LOIN ROAST bf ROAST lb PRIME BEEF -- 6&7 Rib Tender-Juley PRIME ¢ | PRIME RIB C aproast 69% STEAKS Ib EGGS:25° in your container ' f , @ Ultra-modern heo for men, @ Luxurious figure ing salon for lad @ Temperature con Turkish baths, @ Mechanical body @ Figure contouring firming. e@ Mild progressive Eucalyptus inhale rooms. Desert dry heat ri Finnish rock saun oreas. Juice bors. nasiums, @ !ndividua! service, Evic TANNW'SYTNGE GYM AND HEA ENJOY .. tropical swimming pools, Specially designed Vie Tanny exercise and reducing machines. portioning machines, once exercising apparatus Professional massage. California sun rooms, Private elothes lockers, Private dressing booths. Salon hair dryers. Private tiled shower Fully equipped gym- programs ond Personal extraordinary = ae iC TANN LHE WORLD'S LARGEST CHAIN OF HEALTH SPA: Peewee 2 vs NOW ENROLLING IN OSHAWA at the CAROUSEL MOTOR HOTEL STEVENSON ROAD Ith elub contour= ies. trolled repro= and resist- itor OOMB, e SWIMMING POOL Have a relaxing dip in our temperature controlled pools. The tropical setting will make you thonk you've stepped into a South Seas paradise, Open Mon. to Fri. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Th Ss PHONE 723-8171 CLUBS IN TORONTO, HAMILTON KITCHENER LONDON WINDSOR OTTAWA ST CATHARINES, OAKVILLE CLUBS OPENING AFFILIATED CLUBS IN WINNIPEG A SOON MONTREAL BURLINGTON, EDMONTON CALGARY SUDBURY, KINGSTON, QUEBEC CITY, VANCOUVER Y VICTORIA AND AROUND ST. JOHN'S, HALIFAX THE WORLD HOUSING D! Criti OTTAWA (CP)--Trz ter Winters, prompte indignant belch from dian breadbasket, wi in the Commons today government is doing "critical" wheat situat "Catastrophic," use to describe the count: ing situation, was a wheat Thursday as th tion made its second | young fall session for gency debate. The move to set asid business and discuss v rejected by Speaker Lamoureux after a go promise that an oppor' debate would be given At the same time, ment House Leader M: promised to call the 1: mates Thursday to a cussion of housing. Any notion that the « might mellow with th ture of John Diefenb: deposed Conservative apparently has evapo the heat of the hou: wheat motions. Teachers Strike En NEW YORK (AP) - John V. Lindsay has ar a new tentative agree end the massive Ne teachers' strike, ex hope that normal ¢la: 1,100,000 public school will begin Thursday. The settlement backe signed "'memorandum 0 standing" came Tues days after the parties an oral agreement tha hold up in the writing. Normal operations city's 900 schools were paralysed by the wal teachers for 12 class since the scheduled § opening of the fall term. The pact is subject t cation by the general n ship of the striking 49,01 ber United Federat Teachers and needs approval from the city t education. "I think it's an e agreement; it's fante good," said UFT P: Albert Shanker of the offering teachers $135,40 salary increases and otl efits over 26 months. H icted its approval. The tentative agreen wages would give teac scale of $6,750 to $15 replace the former ra $5,400 to $11,950. GUARANT TRUST Real Estate De Mortgages Arranged V Buying or Selling Your Home 32 KING ST. EA 728-1653 GLI WEEK! FREEZER UNIT - GROUNI FREEZER UNIT - CHICKE TRAY PACK -- PORK 5] SMOKED PICNIC NO. 1 IMPORTE ETTUC HOT HOUSE TOMATI SUNNY -- FRO. ORANG! Maclr Fh