. \ "tpg te . i i 4 vy Ser TtT Teer Ye - ~~ a = . _-- . SAAN Pe eT EN Ya PS PUSS RN PEL LN | RA Oe e oe OT SOE EY SEV ew ee Se eNO eee A Christies' spokesman THE OSHAW. prams ) Defense Lawyer Testifies |Top Product | Amateur Art Buyer "ne srengorig itt in In Edmonton Inquiry Designated To Get Fighting Chance '3:"."7,ssr.c% fj French a ; non - electrical equipment, one} | not understand = shading Nia ACP) iw An, Mr, Bryan said, Mr, Hooke of the few on display among 20) LONDON (CP)--The amateur|names as well as the surname|'! # is rad Edmonton lawyer told a judi-\had been reluctant to ord exhibits was named the toplart buyer 'confused by thelor the artist is given is it Tel egencg what has been : or p : * % nk ; me " , 3 y ¢ s {cial inquiry Tuesday that Wel-| because he "'liked his home and/c. nagian - designed product onlstrange jargon of London'slour opinion" the work of the sale room practice for 200 fare Minister A. J. Hooke did wanted oo eva mp bell, the|stow at the International Elec-/worldtamous sales rooms now artist years." . the residential suburb of Sher-:pro moter who initially con- rs peirgpersee agg . jwill have a fighting ongace at -------_-____-- n ic iwood Park as a gift. ceived the idea of Sherwood) ,. wer panty ai Peta Abeer' werae tables of Christies! George Bryan, who at one Park -- then called Cambelton oT aad ne neat th fl ae and Sotheby's, UEBEC: (CP) i lime gerved an gollGltbe for A.lc- aald he firet became infer|© sue, to Cote) rf flow of In the past, confusion has Q 3. ,|L. Trowbridge and Associates|ested in the idea late in 1949, \@reer streams by deflection, iS risen over the auctioneers' | * er Jean Lesage Ltd., developers of Sherwood because of the growth of the made by Aviation Electric 1d. | shorthand or code in the sales | : might that Libe Park, said Mr. Hooke received industrial area along Edmon-|°f Montreal. room and angry amateurs » wight to deprive the lot and had his house ton's eastern outskirts. The award was one of three | sometimes found a _ painting) French-Canadian: announced at a banquet held by |gescribed as a Rembrandt only the immense 1 outside Quebec i moved to it as one of the condi-- Mr. Campbell said he sought ipnenee " g Eve ory itions of sale of another piece of advice on developing the tne eran eet aad Wier [ocr =o tom oA BCB HOPE - PHYLLIS DILLER -- EVA MARIE SAINT - ALAN ARKIN 'land to Trowbridge. site from the government, first) > ": sUs s He was giving evidence dur-|going to see Lucien Maynard, ab yet peg ees ean Al Placa ing the ninth day of a judicial} who then was attorney - gen-', / reflex kly » y USA The British government inquiry into allegations that Mr.|eral frequency radio tube that stenped in with the misrepre- 'Hooke and E. W. Hinman, for-| SENT TO SEE MINISTER produces and amplifies signals| sentation act and made it an |mer provincial treasurer, used. He said Mr. Maynard sent for radar and rele trans-| offence to advertise a painting | ' po poneyree or attempted to use their public him to see Mr. Hooke who then Heap hte aecipned cousins fall fata: Sasa of s cushiaamsed tel ae ax Sik. ev Ghats iv io ic i : .. "ithe act could mean a civil suit. BOX OFFICE O! 00 -- offices for personal gain. The was minister of economic ponent part on display. It is| BeUuIasON. ADULTS $1:25 allegations were made during affairs ; & | The act was passed by the) the last session of the legisla-. Mr. Maynard is representing Pew by Pst wae gy yore Of} rouse of Commons and auctio- : ture by Garth Turcotte, then Mr, Hooke at the inquiry. Canada. 11d., of George LAE PE ean MEMIEME | YOUR CARS YOUR RESERVEDSEAT: CHILDREN under 12 FREE: New Democratic party member| He said he discussed the need o aoe ss 'layman's guide in their cata- for Pincher Gace . Crowsnest, (for a townsite with Mr. Hooke,|. The award oF the best -ligsues to offset any confusion |-------- ees seo nad The intimation that Mr.'but not the location. '\designed booth went to Collins gyer the age-old system of Hooke had received the house) Mr. Campbell said that short- Radio Co. of Canada, Ltd., of attribution. and lot "for no consideration"|ly after--he thought it was 1951 Toronto. fe | Christies announced that its |was contained in a document|-- he was approached by Ideal jcatalogue for the new fall. sell- |tabled in the house by Mr. Tur-| Homes Ltd., to join the firm as Ex 67 Faces ing season will list complete lcotte. The document now is in a manager. Mr. Campbell had) po methods for describing a paint- 'evidence at the inquiry. been building homes independ- . ing. ; oO " AREA DEVELOPED ently. Damage Suit | If the artist' surname only is i: er Bim ve Sherwood Park, 10 miles east) He said the shareholders and given in the catalogue, then, in is DON MURRAY of Edmonton, was developed as directors of the firm were Mr. OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana- Christies' opinion, the painting} a residential community on Hooke, Mr. Hooke's brother dian Government Exhibition js of his school "by one of the GUY STOCKWELL: ABBY DALTON land owned in party by Mr.|Chris and brother-in-law Harry Commission, which runs the followers of the-artist, or in his THE Hooke. Spady Canadian pavilion at Expo 67,|style." TIGER = arlier evidence indicated) Mr. Campbell emphatically was sued by Edwin Bernard! ]f the artist's initials are in that when he sold his quarter denied that he had ever asked! Foxon of Ottawa Tuesday onjincluded, then the painting is| BRENDA SCOTT section, Mr. Hooke reserved for Mr. Hooke to intercede on his the grounds that he was wrong-/|"a_work of the period of the| [AOA HUGH PROOUCTION - A UNIVERSAL PICTURE himself the 40 acres surround- behalf in order to smooth the fully dismissed as superintend-/artist which may be in the -COLOR SE } ing his house. |way for development. ent of exhibitions. |whole or in part the work of the ee e ¢ sigctienoat. Cont oy Pn ny sen the first name or mums aobtow/ nl A ' Summer Resort Lake --s'serrst Saaveet Sn 333) 2 SE CCLON'S au | ing 0 Paace ott | eM IZZA Se Ce CEC CG COC COC ClC G Has Two Official Names |romatue . pei dy rage Phone 723-024) "fon in the joulr vein of Mike Todd's memorable Around The World in 80 Bye" ; Mr. Lesage's Ectward Small Presents * the Quebec Yt 'Feng! ; Helens am "THE AUSSIAHS ARE COMING THE AUSSIAHS ARE COMING, proposal to este pendent state of The Liberal | cite by name whose proposal Sunday by the But Mr. Lesa standing 0 address, made ments open to ir a rejection of | proposal. He said the | ment in power and 1966 origina' for "'the real | my" and if fede be revived comr revive it." Liberals had cers' pride in b and raised French-Canadian provinces. The continue, he sai goal "the real greatest degree compatible with of Canada and } of the rights o dians everywher try." "After all we " "CAT ON HAT Muffy, a Balinese kitten, Mary Eastvald after he won annua! Manitoba Cat Club r | or 728-0192 4 plished," he sa gots ride from owner a blue ribbon Sunday in the show in St. Boniface, Man. qqrawA (CP) -- The lakejneau hills not far from the dint | tates in dae peg ss een " why >» Ty 'aad me to abandon t te NE Birepho'?_jwhere Prime Minister Pearson|tal was given as. Harrington|intendent of exhibitions at an' ely § ly Sea" E Most FABULOUS to leave to ther has his summer residence oOffi-\r ake after a 1931 study by the/annual salary of $12,500. SA wi, 4 of our compatric everywhere acr try." 8 de SAE c oy j Cally dias two names, /Geographic Board of Canada, Canadian Dairy Industry cost (outst ae Pein sa ie eon <1 EARN" |ton), Resources Minister Pepin|tabled Monday. There was no Jessup lreported in a written Commons|controversy over the name at) Told Must Accept Controls 22.2.2 seu census ance] Modern Square Dancing The name of the lake near|suggested Lac Mousseau would Ay By HENRY HEALD The aim of the commission,jtoo early to tell whether it Kingsmere, Que., in the Gati-/be more appropriate, since the STARTING SEPT. 19th < OTTAWA (CP)--The Cana-|which became operative at the|would bring results, Tt ee eee, CR: nen ne EVERY TUESDAY oves erg goiieetrs ayers start of the dairy support yenr,| James M. Reeve, president of B di (see to many area residents. ' TERNATIONAL ~PANAVISION?. COLOR. ported Industry acd must|ADril 1, was to keep production|Dc em ; Erictwon of Canada) an it our cation Agee" oe 8:00 to 10:30 P.M. BURL TROY GERT_ HERMIONE LIONEL DALIAH OTTAWA (CP) tccept certain controls, the within the bounds of the avai!-|tivec they will have to inpast| reply said, but it was decided Sir Albert Love School IVES: DONAHUE: FROBE:GINGOLD- JEFFRIES: LAVI pArthur Robe canadian var ge Pea tealae able market. more in advertising to keep! ito retain the name Harrington) DENNIS PRICE: stratroro Jouns-cranam stark" T ERRY-THOMAS Ontario teed a thairman said Tuesday : Prices of Canadian dairy|pace with the promotion] tres e because of the long usage of it bar ecco oa TODAY I rg oe tic Dr. S. C. Barry, former dep- products were among hte high-|schemes of other industries on maps and plans. Instructors ' A { ays of Justic ity minister of 2 wholest in the world. If domestic) He said the modern housewife), PETERBOROUGH (CP) --| In 1962, the federal govern- eo bela eon ke Curl ¢ | has been appoit was named to h new prices were not supported, theltends to equate "what's new' An unidentified man was)ment sent a map of the area to Jim? & "Betty" Allen BBS. * ONE 5 78 © 298 Le ga @ the Ontario A ederal dairy commission late/export price for surplusesiwith "what's better." arrested by police Tuesday|the Quebec government and| cae sree Pa AUR nurranasnanccelaay i The federal ast year, defended the contro-\ would depress Canadian prices | « ko dnaidn kaw 4 : after he walked into a branch asked for a.name check. Que- PHONE 723-3692 or 725-6126 @ ment, in ann versial quota system of subsi-| He said the problem is over-\the food reat ees fe growth at of the Canadian Imperial Bank|bec replied that its lands and _ appointment Mo lizing the manufacture of milk\come by an export equalization| jew dutta ihe siete 4he of Commerce and threatened|forests minister had approved) = Justice Jessup P =~ Products that) employees with what he said|Lac Mousseau (Lac Harring- Justice Dalton been named chic High Court of Jt io. In other appo ind cream. \fund, set up by a levy against . " Answering criticism that ialleeer vam which subsidizes the|*">. 2! f0 today's consumer. rovernment is interfering in the\lower return of dairy products was a bottle of nitro-glycerine. |ton). The council winds up its three| Answering an alarm call,| 'This name was ratified by production decisions of individ-|sold on the world market. \- day meeting today with alChief Jack Shrubb and Sgt.|the Canadian permanent com- tals, Dr. Barry told the Nation-| Dr. Barry said Canada j5\Panel presentation and discus-\poug Farthing were admitted|mittee on geographical names sion of ways to improve mar-|to the bank by the robber pos-|and is the official name of the al Dairy Council that the alter-;/producing a large surplus of/).. | . tative to controls is to let the|skim milk powder,' which js|Keting and sales of the main/ing as a bank employee. lake," Mr. Pepin's reply stated. | A FESTIVE HANKSAIING DINNER <. MONDAY, OCTOBER 9th Make Your Reservations Now at the GEORGIAN Motor Hotel Champlain Ave. at Thornton Rd. 723-4693 EASTDALE COLLEGIATE BAND PE ames fo te industry be "completely freejcreating a serious disposal|(ty Products--butter, cheese,' The man was taken prisoner |----7> 774 tnd competitive in the market problem. The dairy ission|fluld milk and ice-cream. jafter Chief Shrubb fired a S doladadst alla! 5h ks lalalalabales glace." /bought the surplus milk powder |warning shot. He is to appear) 6% Ly created by the Such a move would result in|from the producers, but stock- FORGETS OWN ADVICE in magistrates court today. | A ° +: Mr. Justice Presents A Lively Musical Concert i ; appeal court an Mr. Justice S. N 2 3 Mr. Justic Xpo review ; admitted to the '2 practised in Tor when he became Thurs,, Sept, 28th - 8 P.M. In Eastdale C.V.1. |: Ontario Northlar He served o '* the Second Worl U ts 75¢ baa Students 25¢ +! joined the law 1 the CNR. He bec the Ontario Su; 1964. Mr. Justice K ted to the bar in tised in Toronto. 1+ admitted to the s? . -- practised in Otte I= New = ForQu hanes Sounds of the NOW _ Generation THE BIG FUN DANCE Friday, Sept. 29th €. G. SMITH ond the POWER , Dancing 9 P.M. -- 12:30 Admission $1.50 Dress Cosucl ) much smaller dairy industry|piles had doubled since a year' BUDAPEST (AP)--A Hun-| Police found a bottle contain- m Canada and "ignores the fact!ago. {garian commentator who con-jing an unidentified liquid, a that the circumstances of our, An export assistance subsidy|ducts a television show on how/|large sum of money and a knife tlimate, geography and soil, to.of seven cents a pound was|to avoid traffic accidents had to|on the robber. tay nothing of history, made/paid to the producers to try and/be replaced when he was| Keith McMullen, acting bank fairving an integral part of|move more of the surplus onjinjured in a traffic mishap on|manager, and women tellers much of our agriculture the export market, but it wasithe way to the studio. | were found bound and gagged. LSbipitd db LELELE LTT AaB Eg | PUBLIC NOTICE BUY GROCERIES AT COST PLUS 10% RE ap a _ THIS BAND WILL PERFORM AT = | EXPO 67 NEXT WEEK $4 Save $200. to $300. every year. Pay only the chain store's cost price plus 10%. The sg i es ey "e "i name ty foods .. . select from our 5,000 item whole- sale catalouge, fresh and frozen. NEW CUSTOMERS ligible to get the followi FOOD ORDER AT THESE LOW PRICES. en Exposition * ~. \ wpeittiant Th rill er'! post Mes Maxwell House 6 3-Ib. Can ¢ Carnation 12- : a quarts é ry COFFEE Ib, 55 CRISCO Pa. 53 POWDERED MILK 59 Set. ~ we buster, © o Regular Size f St' mist, teacher a n 6 Carnation 2 Cans se: mist, VO 5 HAIR SPRAY 99 MARGARINE Ib. 12 CANNED MILK 23° * vate ciel of *- des next year, it =. Monday. 4 Dr. Slater, ¢ -. Canadian Banke! ~ the 1966 Econo. Canada report « international' pa succeed Dr. C retires at the er after 40 years w sity. i. Born in Winni| * gerved on the re ca the royal com ty: Canada's econo t from 1955-1956 undertook a stu nomic aspects 0 opment under a tion faculty rese: He joined Que , @n economics | . Dr. Curtis wa department of po nomic science appointment as ate studies in 196 A distinguish Dr. Curtis was a staffs of the roy: on currency an 1933, and on pr 1934-35. During 1 * chairman of the . sion on prices. ¥ In 1954-55, he f adviser to the ning board. He director of National Railway Cigarettes Carton be f 2 eyaeopnilgy 2.69 SUGAR 59° Flour" -- robs. £9? | a separates Stainless Stee! ; i i | ; : j BLADES <s 10's 79° suhok five 32-oz. 35° PEANUT BUTTER 69° y i '{ How F : | the girls @ ALL FOOD UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED @ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT @ i : : from the boys! «COLUMBA PICTURES ln Asoc ith NATIONAL GENERAL PRODLETIONS, WC. Pests A TANDEM PRODUCTION If you require Freezer, Oshawa NO Memebrship FEE Red and Blue brand beef only. Free delivery. Provisioners will supply you with some of cost price plus Name brand products. Monthly specials. 10% or we will include Take up to six months to poy for food at no @ freezer in the plon if extra charge. No Down Payment. Use your you piichse your own freezer. perishable foods from us for @ period of 30 h bdededededo LILI XY Denn TECHNICOLOR © _ MICHAEL CRAWFORD « OLIVER REED + HARRY ANDREWS wn "THE JOKERS" | with JAMES DONALD + DANIEL MASSEY MICHAEL HORDERN + GABRIELLA LICUDL © LOTTE TARP Screenplay. by Dick Clement and fan La Frenals From an original story by Michael Winner * Directed by Michael Winner © Produced by Maurice Foster and Ben Arbeid s AGild F oA Release El > LEARN THE FACTS ig If voue6h't pleat a this hondy eo tenn. We woias like more information on your OFFER, NO OBLIGATION NAME>. cccccceces oe ceeccecesece errr rrr rrr? seen | | Now : 576-2990 | ADDRESS © ness: | you love! ENTERTAINMENT FEATURE TIMES | ! | =! 'Se Born in Linds OSHAWA PROVISIONERS CITY , rie oe PHONE ........ | fs ODEON 1:30 -- 3:35 -- 5:25 » eurved nine year 314 'Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Way to: Oshawa Provisioners, Box 32, Oshawa | pay Rock Hudson In Tobruk 9:20 © ( 7:34 -- 9:45 Ss x aro fe sanlnatlieedlltaeastl ial cual inal inenelioaeelinand et ropay | Deadlier Than The Mole 7:30 PHONE 723-2845 q : gi, from 1948 to 39 KING ST. E. PHONE 725-5833 BN mayor. '