Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Sep 1967, p. 27

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Ce PD Oe Bie Ot Pe : da qualified for many jobs which previously had been closed to him "I owe 2 great deal to Adult Retraining -- it has done an awful lot for me," said Mr, Gionet. Established for over 30 years 10% King Street West 725-0444 ENDRON ATUM H POT $1.00 FEATURE PRICE! '33: n 42c -- SAVE 15¢ 69: ar 89c -- SAVE 6¢ 83: n. 65¢ -- SAVE 6¢ "59- 1.69 -- SAVE 106 159 a. soxbox DSc sect BD 1-0z pkg 47: stoste 30% iserier De wvelopes @ 9. Bn 1.07 -- SAVE 18 149 -- SAVE ze BELLIS COLLECTED REDDITCH, England. (CP)-- Flower people have to hand in their bells before going into a Worcestershire movie theatre. Other movie-goers protested the tinkling disturbed them. ------ |'Need An Oil Furnace? 5 CALL | PERRY : 723-3443 BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Motorcycle Group Leader Unable Appear In Court Bernie Guindon, 25, national|Magistrate Donald Dodds' deci- president of the Satan's Choice|sion on charges of threatening|tion for Oct. 2 was issued when Motorcycle Club, failed to ap-|and assaulting a police officer. pear in Oshawa Magistrate's ' DAY OR NIGHT Court Monday morning to hear'weeks previously. The case had been heard two|was in custody "elsewhere." A bench warrant in discre- the court was told that Guindon Guindon and his 19-year-old wife Barbara Ann were among 64 persons arrested when police raided a Markham township farmhouse where a_ Satan's Choice party was in progress early Sunday morning. AUTO ACCIDENT Myles Plowright plowed right into another auto after crossing a median following some un- usual driving along Bond Street West. Plowright, 18, of 129 Perry St., Whitby, admitted going over the curb three times at intersections before going through a hedge and striking a second car causing $900 dam- age. Magistrate Donald Dodds fined the youth $250 and costs or 40 days and gave him 30 days to pay. He said "It would appear that this is a fairly ser- ious charge of careless driv- ing." WOMEN FIGHT A fight in an alley between two women on Aug. 10 resulted in one of them appearing in court Monday to face a charge i i a a A ld al a ro disorderly conduct by fight- ng. Donna Marie Murray, also kflown as Donna Sullivan, of 83 Park Rd. S., told the court she had been walking past the Lan- caster Hotel when the other woman called her a name from the alleyway. When Miss Murray approach- ed the woman, "'she slapped me. I went to slap her back but the man she was with held me. Then she hit me over the head with her shoe." Crown Attorney Howell told PEA ED CF 7,7-wyr+erre THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 27, 1967 97 the court, "It's refreshing sometimes to see an accused who doesn't turn black into white." Magistrate Dodds fined Miss Murray $50 and costs or 10 days. DISTURBANCE Swearing and using obscene language towards a police offi- cer in front of the Hotel Gen- osha resulted in a charge of causing a disturbance being BONELESS BOTTOM CUT ROUND STEAK ROAST BONELESS SIRLOIN BONELESS RUMP ROAST FRESHLY GROUND ROUND STEAK MINCED Canada's Finest ss BRAND" Steer Beef POINT ROAST ==109 SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE or WING STEAK or ROAST * PORTERHOUSE ROAST 3-way cur STEAK b$119 * Super-Right Brand Semi-Boneless, Shankless, Defatted HAM SWEET PICKLED i' MAPLE LEAF PORK | SAUSAGE MEAT MAPLE LEAF VAC PAC COOKED HAM SHOPSY'S ALL BEEF SAUSAGE $X BRAND VAC PAC WIENERS Seatood Buys! foams A&P Brand Breaded COD PORTIONS «49: A&P Brand or Sea Seald SOLE FILLETS Wheatley Brand PERCH FILLETS =~.» 5 3 BUT TER swversnoox VAC HALVES SWIFT PREMIUM VAC PAC SIDE BACON SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY FROZEN CHICKEN LIVERS | SCHNEIDER'S BULK 25: sacs 5 7 05% 53 - SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY FROZEN CHICKEN WINGS <b SMOKED 1, id COOKED COTTAGE ROLLS +59 nna Ge Wl POLISH SAUSAGE »69. 2% ' 9: ALLGOOD SMOKED, SLICED, RINDLESS Reg. Price pkg 59e -- SAVE 106 FEATURE PRICE! hess Reg. Price bag 570 -- SAVE 4e 2-Ib pkg 275: SIDE BACON AS \ | more of the f NO. 1 GRADE WHITE Fresh Baked Foods! 5! SUGARS ».39°100.77° --* It's easy.' check it. ' Jane Parker COCOANUT- ORANGE PIE I Res. Price each Ble -- SAVE bo \. full 8-inch 24-0z pie € Jane. Parker Jane Parker Jelly or dane Parker dane Parker LEMON ROLL TWIN ROLLS . CINNAMON ROLLS 0-23 a Reg. Price each 39¢ -- SAVE Se 26% Reg. Price pkg 290 -- SAVE 4e nts ott? 2, Se Reg. Price pkg 88e -- SAVE 4e CHERRY P 22 Reg. Price each 690 -- SAVE t4e \ full 8-inch 24-01 pie \ select meat. \, rtion? We think there should be seven.' Not five or six. { With A&P's seven-rib portion, you get How can you tell how many ribs you're getting? With your fingers, you can feel and count, the rib bones in the package. Next time you're buying a Pork Loin Rib Portion,) If you can't count one, two, three, four, five, six, seven ribs, you're missing select meat, You're not getting the best value for your meat dollar. Seven-Rib Pork Loin Portions are just one example, of the full value A&P meats offer. When you think about it, shouldn't A&P be your store? laid against Donald McEach- eren of Oshawa, McEacheren claimed he was trying to prevent a friend from Striking the police officer. Crown Attorney Edward Howell told the court he was not ask- ing for a jail term but said such behavior is "something -hat police officers should not have to put up with. Anyone who wants to, should be prepared to face the music." McEacheren was fined and costs or 15 days. DISORDERLY A charge of disorderly con- duct through swearing, laid by a private citizen following a2 dispute with Bruno Irnger, 12 Simcoe St. N., the manager of Harry's Delicatessen, was dis- missed when Magistrate Dodds felt there was a straight clash of evidence from the two men. PLEADS GUILTY A motorcyclist, Allan J. Fill- more, 201 Highland Ave., plead- ed guilty to a charge of im- paired driving. A breathalizer test taken after his arrest indi- cated that 15-16 ounces of spirits were in his system at the time of the test. Fillmore was fined $200 and costs or 30 days. HAVING LIQUOR A charge of having liquor in a place other than his resi- dence was dismissed when Jack Walter Stewart, 351 Poplar St., explained to the court he was merely transporting the hal? bottle of whiskey from his sum- mer home to his Oshawa resi- dence, DISMISSED Charles Dougall, 19, of 36 King St., Weston, pleaded not guilty to a charge of minor consumption of alcohol. He ex- jplained in court the odor of alcohol which the arresting offi- cer smelled could have come from a beerfight in which he was Involved at a hockey rink earlier. Inspector Smyth of the Osh- awa police traffic department testified that the odor of alco- hol would remain as long as clothes remained damp. Magistrate Dodds decided that there was a measure of doubt and dismissed the charge. GUILTY PLEA David Bray, 19, pleaded guil- ty to a charge of minor con- sumption of alcohol and was fined $75 and costs or 15 days. FINED $25 Pleading guilty to a charge of public intoxication resulted in a fine of $25 and costs or five days for Alban F. Legere, 54, of 29% Simcoe St. §. MINOR CONSUMING David A. Wallace, 20, of 300 High St. Apt. 14, Whitby, pleaded guilty to a charge of $73 minor consumption of alcohol and was fined $50 and costs or 10 days. $200 FINE A fine of $200 and costs or 30 days was levied against Franklin A. Rout, 275 Went- worth St., Apt. 407, when he pleaded guilty to a charge of impaired driving. ALCOHOL Minor consumption of alcohol was the charge to which Hare old Strutt, Jr., pleaded guilty. Strutt, of Hancock Rd., Cour tice, was fined $50 and costs or 10 days. Red Guards Raze Tibet NEW YORK (Reuters)-< Chinese Red Guards rampaging through Tibet had reduced the country to a bloody battlefield of sacked monastries and tem- ples, says Gyalo Thondup, brother of Tibet's exiled Dalai Lama. "Tibet is today @ vast prison for the Tibetan people who have been completely subjugat- ed by the Chinese," he told « press conference Monday. Chinese occupation forces, which maintain a tight grip on the mountain nation, have killed and imprisoned thou- sands of Tibetans while rival Red Guards fought among them- selves and destroyed priceless works of art, books and reli- gious objects, he said. Thondup, who is here to seek support among United Nations delegates for his country's fight for freedom, said the Chinese conquered Tibet because of fis strategic location. Today, Tibert is turned into an impregnable and gigantic military base from which the Chinese can invade and threaten other countries such Fie Nepal and Burma, he said. NAMES MATCH JOBS BOURNEMOUTH, England (CP)--Citizens of this south coast resort are sorry that a new yellow-page' classified tele- phone directory doesn't have a listing of clergymen, missing the chance of seeing the Revs. Bliss; Heaven and Godmen together. STICKY GRASS YORK, England (CP)--A Yorkshire company is using 2 mixture of glue and grass-seeds to stop beach erosion on resorts around the British coast. The sticky substance is sprayed on and dries with a hard surfac which stops the sand blowing away until the grass has grown. ee ewe eS ee

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