Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Sep 1967, p. 8

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ececn rat nein mene Vikings' Rally |Scugogs Blast Samia, : _ Generals Edge 'Petes PeleatsNomads Win Series Opener 18-0 Pams Shade : Galt, In Th eir 'Home' D ebut in an excling game of rugger eO7T2"®, Geugoe, Cleaners un.ters_ gave uP a, single to, Ron Win 1-0 In ; Ninth 1 vi k : are reste sh ge _ 'base-hits to pound out an 18-0/claimed a total of 17 strike- | Henry Kaleta started things|victory over Sarnia, in the firstjouts and gave up just four} A bases - loaded single by Bill Doerfling had both of Galt's safeties, a single to open a minute to grab the lead, Wal-|rolling in great fashion as he|22me of the 2-out-of-3 OASAjhits, in pitching the shutout. |Paul Gibbons, with two out in the fifth and a double with two out in the seventh. Mason fan- Oshawa Generals paraded Generals defence, although some of their talent before the|mainly inexperienced, made it|ton converting Stewart's passipicked wu Junior 'A' Southern Ontario! Sarnia's dilemma in- , § p a loose ball and raced, : was _ in-|the bottom of the 9th inning, en- j finals, here at Alexandra Park/creased in the third inning/abled Osh 1 awa Pam _ Interna- "y ned five of the last six bat- ters he faced, including all three home town fans at Civic Audi-|tiugh for the Petes to reach the)and Morenz connecting fro m)45 yards for a touchdown.| Salirday. i H } torium Saturday night and the! goalkeepers. Big Bob Stewart,| Walton. on Saturday night. when their snappy catcher Tom/tional Electronics to score a results were pleasing. jin particular, handed out) stackhouse combined with Oshawa put the pressure on| Second game of the set is|Ostrander suffered a badly|thrilli i Generals edged Peterborough) several stiff checks and he looks) Grijis and Srchaw +6 ie the|@nd Dave Thomson scored a|Scheduled for Sarnia's Tecum-|broken finger, when struck by iaees, a ty Ae eg in the 9th. seh Park, this coming Satur-|a foul tip. He was taken to the|their OASA Intermediate 'A' ®@Jack Sneddon singled in the Petes 4-3 in a surprisingly well|as if he'll be a big favorite. score for Petes in the third but|touchdown after great work by| played exhibition junior hockey : z ; i ee day night, at eight o'clock. {Oshawa hospital, for stitches io fi é first, Ray Suddard doubled in game, with neither team able to a ging _ ee wth ae ete ah Sees es in Joe Pyra, Guy Forman, Har-) This one wasn't Sarnia's night/and a splint. day shetanon at Nat banee the second and Pete Norris Score until past the midway est i ceatatd a aa cover lay to eal Generals|™ Boyd, Tudor Williams andjand the game was all over, in) The approach of rain in the|Park. singled in the fourth and that , 3 , John Garven. Pete Lownie con.|the first few innings. fifth inning saw play become] The game was moved to the -\was all Pams could get off Ec- mark of the second period. cles until the bottom of the ninth. . He struck out his first batter but Sneddon worked Eccles for a walk and just for a mom- ent, the Galt pitcher faltered, walking Norris after Sneddon had gone to second on a wild- pitch steal. | With the Galt infield playing jin tight, Bob Solomon beat out ' Ivan Boldirev and Hugh Harvey! ahead. | ; : : ; tn Rigel aga Rey eu Kg turned in good performances. Black scored what proved to| verted the touchdown to give he yy tango Marais' weleeee otal oe ete "detelet Pkt es a J pare i ie Gen -1 bs ; : ; : ' | : s ' y e playing fie end of the second period. | Boldirev was shaken once or > Rs a Tall at bedi on be an eight point lead. {he faced then Scugogs came tolerrors with Scugogs, in con- Park pis ne pots My peers Bob Walton, Brian Morenz,|twice with solid. checks but Dey ani allon starting the' This lead was short - lived bat and tagged Cavin Simpson|trast, speeding things up by| Gibbons' clean drive past the newcomer Dale Tallon and Bobjcame back to hand : out a Hairs polled Petes to within| though, as Nomads moved.down edger Paige ding baa Load rl gl ee and bunting foul first baseman and out to the Black handled scoring for Gen-| couple of jolts of his own. | : ae ty the Dehnwa end s - Dave Marchjon a third strike. : right - fielder, climaxed an erals, with Paul Grills, Ron) Perks didu't have She Jeune A at nied gs tie ccatg , en where they homered, after Bob Solomon) Once the necessary six-and-a-|exciting pitching duel between Stackhouse and Hugh Harris the! 7 nortan wae 'a _ dying gasp mayne i ad two penalties worth/had aoe with a walk butjhalf innings needed to make it|/Bob Eccles, the Galt ace, and eer, Pgh Saag ener) but Dale McLeish acted game in three days {three points each. This seemed | cond yee 'Tien ore holier wa aes Bos Pay Boo es es ee eee eo. an unc Wilson| A , ys. a jsec se. ut, | Fe y returne o! Mare goulktening duties for|3S if he was ready to take over) petes were beaten 8-4 at home hag ie ed Toronto team 8S/Glenn Elliott walked, Bob|something nearer normal put| his role, taking a couple of|ty Toronto Marlboros on Thurs-|""©Y Put the pressure on Osh-|Burke doubled and scored on|the visitors were unable to|;, an, Eccles struck out 15 batters, peg to Cithough he| swipes at Generals' with his!qay and tied Ottawa 67's on,awa and built up a 14-8 lead/the outfielder's error. score a run, over the full nine-|8Sued just: two walks, back-to- jan infield single, a slow roller played well enough. |stick. |Friday in Ottawa. at half - time. Oshawa added three more inning route. ine al gor d pa = ito the shortstop, and all jhands Referee Stan Westfall handed| After Yeo and Gary Holbrook) Generals travel to Peter- eee : _ , [runs in the second, five in the) Sarnia's four safeties were ave ee, Whe. es were safe. Eccles then fanne Oshawa came back early in'third, including Ken Brack's|shared by four players. Solo- mates Played "almost faultless. PAUL GIBBENS pune) sr, TE ee ia Gibbons came through, to give of Petes had turned in shutout) ; : borough tonight for another ex-|the second half as backs, Dave|hoi i ly behind him, having onl. to Ge is, and one 10-minute) Sap | ? vt mer and a triple by March|mon and March each had three » Having only one ; ola eery aig ong Generals' | against Wilson at 14:45 of the! hibition game, and then head papd Piecing oy a yg and Mojand they grabbed five morejhits for Oshawa, including a bogs which didn't figure in . + » drove in winner Oshawa the victory. Fred O'Donnell in the third) Second period. |Niagara Falls for another game) | nahh ae sa . all to Kal-|runs on as many hits again, tojhomer apiece. Elliott, Burke, game's orphan tally. Return game in this series period. | Generals scored twice within! Friday night. i Ribisehg ae ord establish a 16-0 lead with the/Paul Parkinson and Bill Tay-| 3 bet will be played in Galt on Wed- = Nal aptneat ea Nhe cece to TL Tah Names gra only hing innings old. _|lor had two hits apiece. None| | BOXING BOUT TODAY Pag ie ge ge Be rh et-nesday night. § C vl. I s.| McLea sed Simpson i s i y i struck e id Vikings, using a never - say-|the fourth bat ate davies bed Saga spies ane danae Maui Geese es = batters, issued only Ge MOREY a ee ttit > > rong- Stes Se x m- i " t- ° North Stars Blank A. Kings ly as 'Tudor Williams prove. peer one Bs ) Sarnia: 000 000 000 -- 0 4 10 pion Jackie Burke of Saint John mE muse tmiporeant Of ay ae -- ste seed mt ; L y a ; ae Scugogs collected 15 hits in/Oshawa: 335 500 11x--18 18 1/will meet Rocky MacDougall of gave up only two 'its, His team) Batteries:- Eccles ane Hed. ; two touchdowns late in the game|that space, plus four walks,| Batteries: Simpson, McLean|Sydney in an 11-round non-title mates backed him witli error-|ges; Mason and Solomon. i to make the final score 19-14|with Simpson striking out only | (3rd) and Ostrander; Love,|bout here today. Pr ter Ron seas Support. | (3rd). Brothers announced earlier this - A Habe for Oshawa. 'two batters. Meanwhile, Land- In NHL Exhibition Tussle ' mi Larger ter ar 'Alwa | G ] L e [an elimination match to choose ILLIAR DS | A ys Minnesota North Stars wonjsecond period and came upjwill develop into a tight race."" a e umber Evens Series, Be oritky ae 3 panes there with their sixth game in seven starts| with a fine save on Ray Cullen,| Jean-Guy Talbot, who was out) \McGrandle of Edmonton. | ready cash out only 11 minor penalties, six c ara _ {stints, Grills opened scoring HULME COMES with a 3-0 victéry over Red/after Cullen had faked past the} with a cut ankle, will probably| | Sean ie has defeated Mac- e Kelly's Los Angeles Kings in a/defence for the shot. |play for the North Stars Tues- W | Dougall twice in th elly's Los Angeles Kings in Ins in or oO orn e | 8 in the last year. Gary Bauman, Carl Wetzel| screened shot by Hall. Hall took and Cesare Maniago played ala pass from Bill Goldsworthy) ao jover 1,500 softball fans who|the seventh. |rounded second and period each in the nets for Min-|as he came in over the _blue} Win OASA |braved the chilly winds to cheer! "Pam" Knight got Oshawa's/third base. Realizing that O°Coe| nesota, to combine for the shut-|line and let the shot go, using a for their Lakers, here last night. |first hit, a single in the sixth,jnor had made the catch ran National Hockey League exhibi-| Wetzel took over goaltending | day in their game against Cali- 'il : tion game at Civic Auditorium duties for North Stars in the fornia Seals. Minnesota will re-| one here last night. final stanza and came up with/main in Oshawa until after PORT COLBORNE (Staff) --, Ted Dereviter was the Port] Neudorf slammed one Bf Tae. A. E, JOHNSON, 0.0. aos, | $ Ted Taylor scored two goals/a good save on a shot heading | Tuesday's game. Oshawa Gale Lumber, with thetr Colborne pitcher and he toojlor's slants to deep left field, OPTOME MIKE'S PLAGE | for Minnesota and Murray Hall|for the top corner off the stick Renney --------jbacks to the elimination wall,|gave up only four hits, struck|where Tom O'Connor made the| TRIST scored one goal and picked up/of Bill White. | Fa eked out a 2-1 decision in last-|out nine Oshawa batters and|catch. Zimmerman, who haa! 14Y2 King St. East 17 King West, Oshawa to two assists. Wayne Connelly as-/ Minnesota took a 2-0 lead Ba Rid es inning thriller, to even the OASA|gave up two walks, the first to|"tagged up," scored easily after | : : sisted on two goals. learly in the third period, on a y g Senior 'B' Southern On.|Lloyd Mapes in the fourth and|the catch but apparently Fritz| 723-2721 ae \tario finals, before a crowd of|the second to Bob Young to open|thought it was "gone" and he| | e500 | WIN A out. defenceman as a screen. Oshawa won the toss for the after one out. Gale Lurmber|streaked bac ir a In the first period, Bauman| Taylor scored his second goal HAGERSVILLE (Staff)--Bay third and deciding game, which|Scored their two runs_ in thelbut peng ho Roki gar Nhs" NIGHT T W or more fan came up with a sparkling save) of the night on a passing play ing Ridges Shells captured the All-|will decide who meets Sault| Seventh. Young walked with one|base, on the way back Gale's ON THE SAGER on Ed Joyal at the seven-minute|front of the net from Hall and|Ontario Junior 'B' champion-|Ste. Marie in the All-Ontario|out and Jim Rowden singled,|made the appeai play and the Chauff. H <7 mark. Los Angeles carried the/ Connelly. ship laurels in OASA softball|finals, and it will be played in|then Reg Hickey got "a lot ofumpire promptly ruled Fritz as @ Chauffeur-Driven Car To Toronto | @ Free Spending Money play in the second period, but) Connelly, who played a heads-|play on Saturday night, when/Oshawa, this coming weekend. |wood" on one of Dereviter's|"'out'" -- ending the game. Maniago in the nets for North/up game all night, picked up| they defeated the local boys 7-3,, Ron Taylor pitched the win|Pitches, to drive the ball to the) Of the eight hits, four for Every 'Tine 'you: Rid With 'Medtury 'Text, you Get Ancthbe Stars came up with several fine|two assists in the contest. to sweep the finals in two- s hi ;_ (fence, good for a triple, scorin is y saves to blank the Kings. Minnesota coach Wren Blair, | straight. sate "ape four-hitter in! Young 'and Roeten -- bogs no player. got more|f Chance To Win .. . "A Night On the Town". | Wayne Rutledge, playing goal/ making his first appearance in| Bothered by a sore arm for and didn't issue a single walk.| Taylor blanked the homesters * | NEXT DRAW ON OCTOBER 10th for Los Angeles, made several|Oshawa as a National Hockey most of the year but finally|Taylor faced only the minimum |t c | GALE'S: 000 000 200--2 4 0| | NIAGARA FINANCE 3 ra es said. « back in shape. Al Buksa w . . 3 J um/juntil the 9th and then with one| good saves on Hall before Tay-|League coach, said, The team in pe, went of batters in six of the nine i | LAKERS: 000 000 001--1 4 6] A | 725-4771 lor put the puck past him at the|came back real strong in the|to the mound for Bay Ridges|frames, with Jim Haun gettiial oe Barry Zimmerman doubled. | 4 2a | COMPANY LIMITED 2:16 mark of the second period. third period, which is real en-| and responded with a fine eight-\port Colborne's first hit a|Merv Fritz beat out an infield Batteries: Taylor and Knight; bag fl if Face made on Sept. 13th -- Miss Donne Lovell, 286 KING STREET W. Hall dug the puck out from be-|couraging, as it was our seventh)hit, 13-strikeout effort, and after| single, in the fifth, after ono roller,' Zimmerman going tn /Dereviter and Zimmerman. if 723-3487 z | 3 hind the net and Taylor back-|game in ten days. This says) walking the first batter, steadied) out, 'third on the slay | . BRUCE McLARE handed the pass home for his| something for the training pro-| away to do the job. | : play. (3 first goal of the game. gram under Lloyd Percival. | Bay Ridges opened their ham AP c ° PLICATION FORM Jacques Caron took over goal-| "We got good goaltending\ing early when Stu Higham . tending duties for Los Angeles\from all three netminders to-|singled with two out in the first) Brooklin Nips Merlin at the ten-minute mark of the|night. The division looks like it inning and Warren Hall followed) - ae a pengay Py oie _ '" " |They made it 3 n e next in) VJ T R I N th Niagara Falls Bantam Boys i's iz iz tie "WO Runs On Ninth son, | BROOKLIN (Staff) -- Brook-)smashing single, to centre field, | s | The winners made it 6-0 in the|lin Concretes staged an excit-|his second hit Beat Oshawa In OBA Final |fifth on back-to-back doubles, aling last - ditch stand to score| Ed Conner pallge: age | stolen base and another single. |two runs in the bottom of the/son had two hits api ang o a i Hagersville didn't break the|ninth inning and snatch a 2-1|yisitors, who mliatod gy Niagara Falls staged two late-) Oshawa scored once in the'string of goose eggs until' the\decision over Merlin, here on| half 2 hore he 'ae only a) inning rallies during the week-/first inning and led 2-0 after the|sixth when they pushed a run|Saturday night, in the first zen in all, off Jones. | end to defeat Oshawa Legion-|second but Niagara Falls went across on a double and single. |game: of their OASA Intermed- Merlin:- 100 000 000 - 16 2/ naires 3-2 and 8-5 to capture the}ahead 3-2 in the third as Tom) Bay Ridges got this one back iate 'C' Southern Ontario final} Brooklin:- 000 000 002 - 23 2 "Keon's Sinks | By THE CANADIAN The National Hockey stepped up-its exhibit "during the weekend a "teams played 12 game n Sunday. STUDENT TOUR Ontario Baseball Association| Beland cracked a two-run jn the seventh on Higham's series, on Bill Cornish's two-| Batteries; Bantam "A" Major champion-/homer. _ ' : single, an 'infield out, stolen run single, with two out. Ip : Tae Mifflin and Highlight of the ship. Legiorinaires rallied in the pase and Herman's double. Brooklin goes back to Merlin| poten (sth) and = Mitchell, | chedule were bac : ames between Toront Playing in Niagara Falls Sat-jlast of the third as Jeff Staple-| The homesters went down bat- for the; second game on Satur-| urday, Legionnaires took a 2-0) ton singled to right with two out/tling, getting two runs in the day, with the winner of the| jead in the top of the seventh|and two on base. The second}ninth on two hits plus two Bay)series playing the All - Ontario but Niagara Falls came back to) runner, Bryan Rose, was caught) Ridges errors. finals in Capreol, on the Thanks- | Kingside Girls | tie the score in the last of the| by about 10 feet at the plate but) OASA President Clare Butler giving weekend. gsi e Ir S$ | eighth and pushed home the' suddenly stopped and dived over) presented the Junior 'B' Cham-| Gary Mifflin pitched a splen- up . winning run in the 10th. the catcher's outstretched glove' pionship trophy and Centennial did three - hitter for Mer- B Cham ions || Sunday, in Oshawa, Legion- pe ong oe Pennant to team captain Warren|lin, claiming 15 strikeout . vic- p Boy oO naires held a 5-3 lead going into) Wayne Tutin homered in the) Hall, the latter in turn handing|tims en route and. he didn't] Kings es rey | the eighth but Niagara' Falls|fourth for Oshawa to make it\the pennant over to team ae issue a single walk. He kept di ee a the "B"| STUDENTS NAMB: cies reer vic tin Gna Ck 666.0 bees ee a5 ees DR ani slo 606558 rallied to tie the game and then) 5-3. sor, Bill MacKinnon, |Brooklin from even threatening|Qchawa Ne ehborh he SCHOOL scored three unearned runs in) Dave Ross, who started forj---------- --___---- for the first eight innings, ex-\tions' Ba fae or' ee Associa-J SCHOOL ....... cs aWued bie eee a eaie the top of the ninth inning. shawa, was chased in the m cept that Tom Simpson singled Foaiain eat hele mie softball | HOME ADDRESS ' Two outfield errors, another,eighth by three successive Oshawa Riders in the second and Mifflin hit pare send he at Harman! (Ree MA be NEE Bod bs ON POE Gh eae RE Oates Sea PRONE Gis sc iNbe es eeeee in the infield and two infield hits| singles as Niagara Falls tied the Garney Warriner with a pitched) jj ay By: caused Legionnaires' downfall score, Alan Taylor, who fies ball, but then Johnny Hill hit ty. RH Taivision gga poe unday in the nint him, was tagged with the loss. Cl S jinto a double - play. ; u dlek | Sunday eee --------| Charlie Stroud, third of three ose neason | Ron Jones was in fine form pega the hands of Baker| | Niagara Falls' pitchers, was the) Oshawa TT Riders Competi-for the homesters. He struck | champs e eventual "A" group . winning pitcher, not allowing aj|tion Motorcycle Club held theirjout 10 Merlin batters, gave up| In the first ga "py S$ aWa alr hit in the five innings he' third and final scramble Sun-ja couple of walks but only al- ing : final Ki 3 gg | worked. day, at Pleasure Valley Farm|!owed the one run. Mer- Seanad jorhin Me -7 tol eafs, Stanley Cup ch and Chicago Black first-place finishers in r season last year. The Hawks edged t in Toronto Saturd when Bobby Hull score seconds remaining in t e Leafs won 2-1 Sun on Dave Keon's goal ai the last period with hi man short. ™ In other games Sund Detroit Red Wings be: Bruins 2-2 at Hamilt California Seals and F Penguins played to a Port Huron, Mich., } North Stars shut Angeles Kings 3-0, Canadiens defeate Aces of the America Sponsored by: The Lions Club of Oshawa OFFICIAL APPLICATION FORM Gilg eae eee are Ce aa: COPAUR MANGO boda sw eene Enclosed find $50.00 cheque or money order for one student trip to EXPO, leaving noon, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th and re- turning MONDAY, OCTOBER 2nd. | understand that $50.00 covers transportation to Expo and re- turn, passports, residence at LIONS STUDENT LODGE, ST. HUBERT, for four days, 3 meals a day and busses between the Lodge and Expo every day. Only spending money for rides and souvenirs need be taken on the trip. RE RNRET Stapleton turned in two diving) in Oshawa. lin's Jone tally came in the : | advance to the finals against s Wins Tro h |catches for Legionnaires, start-| After nearly two months of|first inning, when first batter 7 516 vis | ing a double play with the first.| preparation, the track was|of the game, Al Slade, drew 7 © Vista Park. | Saturday's game was a pitch-|ready. Dangerous and slowerja walk. He stole second, ad-|. " va gone Renny, . : e *! ers' battle all the way, with Ray|spots were removed from the/vanced on an infield out and ci ooide oy onship, apeiitanns Finy gee a Forgie getting the win and Ross,|old track to make the race a/scored on a wild pitch as Bill pete oer, Lake Vista! annual "Hopp's Trophy Mixed who relieved Taylor in the!faster and far more exciting|Nicholson was drawing the sd extn the title. | ap eighth, suffering the loss. one. only other walk of the game. Debbie Thomson and Brenda} SAMPSON WINS | NEW GLASGOW, N -- Ronnie Sampson, 1 Canadian lightweight -- champion, scored a uw The Oshawa entry of Miss Doubles Tournament" at the : ; ; sis . : oat e rai x a PR "lub, Neither team scored until the) Riders began arriving around Ken Ford and Ed Conner had Ryan had six hits each for the, ° ve ns iosotimgi Bowling Cub, Pp seventh, when Tutin tripled|9:30 Sunday _ morning, and/back-to-back hits in the fourth Winners, Susan Bligdon and/ Signature of Parent or Guardian. ¥s-round 'decision ove The winners won their their home two runs for Legionnaires. started practicing through ajbut Jones held firm, as he did Ruth-Ann Malarchuk had five) Sparks of Montreal in three games in the 'open' Forgie singled home two runs in| period of rain around 10:00, But) When Gary Johnson doubled in safeties each, Christine Howard) Visi ae tle fight before a crow event for a total of s8-plus-12\the last of the eighth. by the time the first race got|the fifth with two out and in had 'three hits, with two hits} isits to Expo have the approval of the Minister of Education and students (with their Soa wane ton : kage ® In the 10th, a walk, a wild underway at 1:00, the sun was|the 7th, when Mifflin got on via/each going to Nancy Higgins, ; 5 a points, to take the honors with ) len cectr th ona the olor burikaihy Torhovich aed | Pee approval are permitted to be absent from school). River, N.S. weig hi eight pounds more and Mrs.|throw to first on an attempted] shining. jan | Three heats were run in each| Was left stranded at seyond Hagerman. | with 100CC base. Lynn Watson had four hits for| the runners-up, Mr. ky : A Dave Grant of Peterborough, pickoff, a wild pitch and an in- field grounder scored the win-\class beginning Montreal opponent. ss hav 53-plus-1 points for their mae i 5 brags P ning run. machines and working up to aoe ae S04 po gt ie rare Menge Marg Reid, ae is s ce wins. came winners tol | 20 junior, 250CC expert andininth, with a 1-0 lead, Mifflin) MeQuad, Karen Wardle and S d A | Other three-game winners: 10 P struck out Jones to start the Cindy Mitchell had three hits en pp ication orm an $ e to: 4" ; a earn a share of the prizes, in- open junior and expert. Finally, s SPORTSCOPE Foe all heats were over, inning but he then issued a/each, P. Patterson picked up cluded (in order) -- Lillian and | ' : : : ' Prson Ewart Clemence, Oshawa, 53;| | grand prix was run in which alj|Walk to Elmo Gibson. Don Fer-|two safeties, with singles going Mrs. Jean Renwick and Gordon| TODAY classes fook part. This was the|S¥Son grounded but Gibson was|to Linda Rosomond and Deb-! "2 . | ; i ; ; 'ap safe at second when Conner, on bie Hurlock MacMillan, Oshawa, 51; Mrs.\ HOCKEY highlight of the day as well over 5# : » On| ck. Rhea Mann and Clarence Oke, OHA Junior 'A' Exhibition {35 bikes took part. \the force play, touched the bag a sonlGka: Mrs." Chri. Tainan Goth aL before he got the ball and was | Oshawa, 50-plus-4; Mr tS-/Game -- Oshawa Generals vs | seecinaee ena ag Foon bee also too late to get Ferguson at | Need An Oil Furnace? LIONS CLUB OF OSHAWA 86 RUSSETT AVE. tine Thomas and Bob Gal-|.. " . in \"Petes'; at Peterborough | hay A first. Ded fees ent sea Sidautph, (Memorial Centre, 8.00 p.m. pear Mapai were no serious 'The two runners advanced on ones Oshawa, 42 Poins. "FOOTBALL 'SSpeovrallrnute ave ae term Forever fy io cone] © PERRY OSHAWA, ONTARIO Mrs. "Mill" Read and Stan : : |lows: ca seh eae 723-3443 | gate S Oshawa and District High : h ' Gibbs, Oshawa, headed the t¥0- school "Leagues (Senior) | 100CC: Bill, Sharpless. Tor-peq' the "hero's. role" with a aS Soe : win division with 50-plus-19|\Central at McLaughlin, 3.30 jonto; Richard Kerr, Toronto : 5 . SEED NESE EOL ENS SEI e points and second were Doro- p.m.; Donevan at Eastdale, | and James Sinclair. Toronto. : 1 | Eee Pra eB = << For more information hone 57 = 250CC Jr.: Bill Adams, West thy and John Morrison, Osh- Nei ; 5 i . 13.30 p.m. and O'D yo | awa, with 50-plus-6. Mr. and anvils 10 shes ae BOW | Hill: Mike Roche, Ajax and Mrs. Wm. Fuller of Belleville fs se Geoff Salzer, Hamilton. Ci | Y CAR f AGE were _ behind with 50-plus TUESDAY 25$CC Expert: Jerry Vande- 4, followed by Mrs. Helen a, Sets ryken, Acton; Norm Richens, H 800 SEATS ON THIS NON. STOP T N Anderson and Wm. Cooke, Osh-/ HOCKEY |Clarkson and Mike Blinkley, a hong Cigars: aye " ARE awa, 49-plus-1 points. NHL Exhibition Game: --!Copetown. ' oh dE Picriedte gp ED a ins -- ome a for = bg bid re ge Seals vs Minnesota 500CC Junior: Bob Fisher, MOVING AND STORAGE AVAILABL scored by Mrs. Louise vang- North Stars; at Civic Aud- |Oshawa, Mike Everatt, Oak- Packing @ Shippi ti maid and Wm Pierson, Osh-jitorium, 8:00 p.m. | ville and Rick Saunders, Norval. City Cortoge Heo oe een vs ae (Conade) Ltd ded wit ah agi ges by) Seo Minor Assoc.: | 500CC Expert: Gunther Move with care anywhere in SANITIZED VANS ve ¥. : DAVE Kt Mrs. May Price an oy Mann,}? interested players inivted |Sauren, Downsview and Doug ; i i i i i Oshawa, 44; Mrs. Marg. Flint-jto attend Midget practice at | Nichol, Ottawa. 725-2621 ANYTIME ADULTS interested in being chaperones are invited to apply 28.8 off and George Read, Oshawa,|7:00 p.m. and Juvenile prac- | Grand Prix: Bill Sharpless, . .» for free Estimate ! same rate applies er 7:00 p.m. -- 7:3¢ 43; Mrs. "Flo" Lott and Earl|tice at 8:00 p.m. at Bow- | Toronto, Rick Kerr, Toronto and Judge, of the Whitby Club, 42.|manville Arena. epiccimenntt an © © © & fF & & FF & FY 7:45 p.m.--Return LEAT NASI EP IN AEE

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