Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Sep 1967, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 25, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Big Revamp Job Seen US. Defence Set-up NEW YORK (AP)--The John- son administration, which only last week announced a decision to provide some defence of the continent against missile attack, is seriously considering a total revamping of its defence against enemy bombers, the New York Times says. Chiropracters Meet TORONTO (CP)--G. P. Hol- ton of Ottawa was elected pres- ident of the Ontario Chiroprac- tie Association at the associa- tion's annual business meeting and educational session here Sunday. Other officers are J. T.| SAILORS' MEETS DELAYED MONTREAL (CP) -- Results of a membership ratification vote that could put an end to Canada's inland shipping strike will not be available before tonight, a Seafarers' Interna- tional Union spokesman said Sunday. A tentative settlement pack- age, originally intended to go before 5,400 striking sailors dur- ing the weekend, was announced Friday in Montreal by Labor Minister Nicholson. The spokesman said the SIU found it impossible to assemble meetings of the sailors in each port as quickly as first antici- pated. Many had travelled long dis- tances to their homes and could not reach meétings before Sun- day night or today. A few ratification meetings were scheduled for Sunday night but results were not expected unti! this morning. The bulk of the sailors are expected to vote on the package late today. Friday the labor minister said he hoped the vote would be SETTLEMENT TERMS UNPUBLISHED completed during the weekend so the first of 181 vessels, tied up by the strike since Aug. 17, could begin sailing again today. Terms of the settlement, worked out between the SIU and the Canadian Lake Car- riers Association during a secret meeting that lasted all night Thursday, were not made public. Observers estimated its value at between 29 and 33 per cent more in wages and fringe bene- fits spread over three years. One spokesman said it would Seafarers Vote Tally Due Tonight give SIU members an average $80 more a month above their base wage of $360 a month. Included were implementa- tion in stages of the SIU's 40- hour-week demand, a resution in stages of a system that keeps sailors on call for 24 hours, a five-per-cent wage increase and improved pension and holiday benefits. Friday both sides expressed approval of the package and said they would recommend it for acceptance when presenting the terms to their members. SUMMER GAMES PLANNED' ..ALIFAX (CP) -- The 1969 2>adian Summer Games Com- mittee will begin full - scale organizational preparations within the next month, C, A, Patterson, chairman of the interim committee, said Friday» following a joint meeting with® representatives from the feder-' al and provincial governments, and civic representatives from: Halifax and Dartmouth. LIBER Whitney, Guelph, Ist vice-presi- dent; J. S. Delaurier,| |Stouffville, 2nd vice-president; | WEATHER FORECAST ID. C. Sutherland, Toronto, jexecutive secretary. Khan In USSR MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Presi- dent Ayub Khan of Pakistan B | arrived Monday for a seven-day visit to Russia. Talks with Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin) ;oRoNnTO (CP) -- Official! Algoma, White River, are expected to cover the possi-' forecast issued 5:30 a.m. t jtraffic mishaps. bility of the supply of Russian 'm. today.jrane western James Bay| A Canadian Press In a Washington story, The Times says defence department Officials say Defence Secretary McNamara is looking favorably toward the possible replace- ment of much of the air defence structure, involving hundreds of jet fighters and ground-based radars, with an entirely new $4,000,000,000 sys- tem, The story says the system would include radar picket planes that were constantly air- AQ Killed In Accidents Subscribers To... @ BLUE CROSS @ P.S.l. @ GREEN SHIELD NEED NOT PAY CASH! By THE CANADIAN PRESS jfour miles west of Alexandria} Bernard J. Cybulskie, 27, of| Sunny, Warmer Tuesday In Canada On Weekend Not So Cold By Tonight I ped on igh rly Rong oR pg Ready Coch-|ing the weekend, 37 died in Wallaceburg when he wasjof Renfrew, 60 miles west of struck by a car while walking} Ottawa. survey| along Highway 40 near Wallace- Patricia Laidlaw, 29, and her i ae borne, employing a new type of i M -lregions: Variable cl ; PRESIDENT JOHNSON r d increased economic) Synopsis: A new weather dis- anak i "i Tri i a i ia. . radar. It would also include ' . Misalle Defences ad | if Soiitan, ; |turbance crossing the Prairies no ag _ Ph dadacigt fe yes pr oc ae ea ge Estey g Teste g Be lag two-year-old son, Robert, of You Give Us a ue ia ae Prscscage a Sn en ce, fgg Bi ak' auas "a Sadeberatures showed five persons drowned,| of Toronto in a two-car collision] Woodstock in a two-car collision | The . Doctors A ° . . . j : , i H {one died in a fire, two in hunt-|in Toronto. six miles east of Woodstock. ipti en Sharp In Rio Film Wins Title Tomaay in All vegies eat Bex ettaal and Deas regions:|ing accidents and four were) Mrs. W. G. Stennings of Lon- sce peru h een 44, uf | We do the rest ae. RIO DE JANEIRO (CP) -- RAVENNA, Italy (Reuters)|tered showers in northern and| Mainly cloudy with a few aioe: Haag Ss ster Senate. traffic tate a two-car collision 1" winiamsburg 'Township when! i Finance Minister Sharp of Can-| France won the top award for] central regions tomorrow. ers ending this morning {ol- three drownings two "Christine Zaher, 5, of Toronto|Struck by a car while riding a FREE |bicycle on Highway 31 near lowed by sunny periods this) fatalities, F : | Williamsburg, 15 miles west of City-Wide Delivery Corn ting deaths and one man|when struck by an ambulance crushed when a staircase|as she stepped from between two parked cars. 1 jada arrived here Sunday and/tejeyision documentaries in the) ; Seek Thieves [quickly began a oun! of strat: [international competition or pa, Mention. Lanes, at t $ r 'nee n. Tuesday mainly = HAGERSVILLE, Ont. (CP)--|SE), "for Te Gook's wating of} atop ye = vr ei ig: Boal ie, Lake Huron, Niagara,|Coo) 'winds northwest 15 gust.{ collapsed on top of him. j Comawall. | MITCHELL'S Police are looking for two men) eee eee eer rom et aT ye ene ate encreny|Lake Ontario, southern Geor-|ing ig 25 today bétoming light) Manitoba had six deaths; two) ay Myrtle Varty, 65, of Toronto who entered the home of 86- dll Glo ip daha ale ¥/The story of a small American) cian Bay regions: Sunny with a pe "eh cane ee lon the highway, one drowned. SATURD | of a broken neck when the car year-old Jacob Farmer of the| "und and the World Bank. 'combat unit in Vietnam led by|few cloudy periods and a little| °Vermiaht. jon died in» fire, one boy suf.|, charles Metson, 21, and et ee tie DRUGS Six Nation Indian Reserve near|_7%© fund which cgeageone ve a Negro, it was filmed last year) warmer today. Clear and not focated in a granary and one| Anderson, 19, both of Toronto in|swerved into a tree four miles 9 Si N. 723-343 here Sunday and stole $1,100. --_-- ats cm ee Vietnam by Pierre Schoen-|quite as cold tonight. Tuesday| Forecast-Temperatures © | 05, was killed when his boat|® cat-motorcycle accident in|rreh of Port Hope, imcoe N. 723-3431 tid ' dorfer. {mainly sunny and warmer.) .Low.tenight, high Tuesday [was struck by an airplane on a oo Bechuan 4s ort! The men are described as : ; j world trade will consider a for- F L ANg about 25, weighing 165 pounds) -- 1. to establish a kind of new | Winds light today southwest 15 Windsor <++«s» 48 75 (northern river. oe ees ss pp oe . re ee money to supplement reserves Brother Hurt Eeueecey. St. Thomas ,.. 45. .75.|. British Columbia oo pes crash near Red Lake 175 miles --, Os asin of gold and currency the 160 | Sudbury, North Bay, northern}London ..... is 45. 75 |two died in bed ope onc|northeast of Winnipeg on the PRIME MINIST! : members employ to settle for' PASADENA. ot Dic eorgian Bay, Haliburton, | Kitchener seseeetee 45. 0.75 eiesy -- ee Ontario - Manitoba border. ace walks doin rae be obligations. --. ger prother. | Timagami regions: Variable Mount Forest: ....» 42 72 gg he Bos g mishaps claimed beeen LLL LRT Block corridor tov 250 Missing | injured Sunday in a two-car cloudiness and a little warmer Lees seg Sa Bree 2 14 lives in Ontario, ce in ° We are seeking an ambitious person oF family team Lastal's gees i i i ~ Se, ; e ea in New © operate an exclusive, high profit, repeat business atu' . The cau accident in Pasadena. Police today and Tuesday. Scattered] sp Catharines 4g°° 75° | Alberta and on c! GU AR ANTY H jn sour aren. p p facuty a acatnet KARACHI, Pakistan (AP)--|/ [Brunswick and Prince Edward 4 |said Johnson, a front seat pas- ' About 250 persons are missing, sal ' |showers Tuesday. Winds north-| Toronto :... so - 75 | oe oo Bi Creait. ME # * \senger in one of the cars, suf-| Island. Our long awaited invention invisibly and chemical! Social Credit } feared drowned, after a river!' eres 'a broken lower righi leg,|Westerly near 15 today and| Pesaeearoua® 2 bs |" Neva Scotia, Newfoundland TRUST ge Boag ri soy oe hen ine SS han rnd otal Teweets ' several broken ribs and cuts|southwesterly Tuesday. bc tg aes 46 72 iP Saskatchewan were fatali- i Estate D i bp ara Our process saves your customers hundreds ranks, -- ; ' and bruises. | | yee sae . | ty-free. | of dollars. (Cc OE tat hie 400 et Th tB t d --, a 2 My Industrial or natural deaths, Rea a ep 2 TO NOW - restaurants, lounges, taverns, theatres, car rsons were on the launch ant berate North Bay 40 79 |known suicides and slayings|} Mortgages Arranged When dealers, etc, have had to use tape er . baad he Mads ripur from| Record Is Set By Balth Sudbury ... 40 79 | are not included in the survey. Buying or Selling expensive re-covering. Eban Fi Dacca Friday, when the craft LONDON (Reuters)--Two 19-, azar Earlton ... 38 65 The Ontario dead: | Your Home, @ PRESENT LICENCEES USING OUR 3 YEAR ' capsized. : yearcold lt par to have! Y a Sault Ste. Marie 45 70 . PROVEN SYSTEM EARN OVER $20.00 PER HOUR. '| set a world ten-pin bowling rec-| VOLKSRST (AP)--South Afri-| Kapuskasing .. 40 60 SUNDAY 32 KING ST. EAST (EACH EMPLOYEE CAN EARN YOU THIS) s . 'ord Sunday after playing 111/can Premier Balthazar J. Vor-|White River ....... 45 65 | Paul Emile Strang, 33, of 728-1653 @ An investment. of $5,000.00 and up is secured by | @al Skydiver Dies games in 12 hours. The youths,|ster berated U Thant in aj Moosonee .......+- CS wis ts car over. inventory, exclusive territory and a § .day trainin 4 s TIMMINS ..-+.eee06 urned and struck a_ culver' program at our expense. You owe it to yourself | ROCKLEDGE, ie. (AP) SO RE bg egg ee | oe ye by mrcna I ~ oc rl on Pain average of around 170 pins a UN meacetory-generst's ge MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Israeli Foreign Mi . hite rule in Sout -- a eo oes ee me eal BEE, ler when fe Heed om me i Fale SEPT. 30th TD SEPT. 30th | | yc ons Ban, nae expect plane Sunday at 3,200 feet and : ene ° TUN To SPARE...AIT ~ VINYL-SEAL, 3811 Edmonton Trail : i firm today on his gc i s : Referring to Thant's condem- i ? : fusal to yield an: ces yl Ae acy aac Rabbi A inted nation of colonialism in south- Calgary, Alberta, Canada, (403) 276-2833 é ve territa until ive weeks earller al ern Africa at the opening of the| 66 99 | Gentimen: | would like to have further information states dropped their ve weeks earlier almost to NEW YORK (CP )--Rabbi ROSENEATH FAIR I men: | would like to have further information states dro} bey oar Washi walcied ts) MITCHELL, SHARP | ater c Warcburger,"win|ON COTM AREER IY Ist : a ab. Pee pretty wife, Rickie, 22, oul ihe iaay Congregation Shaarei Shomay- ? ' ' : : ° ' : understand this request does not obligat i , of the same plane on her sec- im in (years, has| 'We have never been coloni- Peter March Midway with Games, Bingo and Rides | way and that all correspondence is in strict confidence, the Middle East in Toronto for 14 years, has lence. -" jane and ne feet Editor Dies been appointed rabbi of Congre- ous ; a -- Fag Pay Baby Show, a Silver Tray For The Best Baby in the Show 1 (PRINT) ' Pang Lo hil -- er her para led. ti Shaa Tefila. fatherland. We have tamed it, * . | j '5 The papers in his wallet indi-| toNpoN (AP)--Charles W.leoncuncement Sunday sald heland built ft up, and U Thant| Dairy Cattle Special Based On Record of Performance. ae ees mants said "he w tated Wasik wanted to be bur-| orton, 68, an associate editor|will also be a visiting philoso-|@N"d his like shall not take this) Western Horse Show 1 os insist settlement hs led beside his wife in the $1,700] o¢ Atlantic Monthly died Satur-|phy professor at Yeshiva Uni-|Country from our hands." | ' ; AOD NERS must be sought thr silver coffin he had chosen. day in hospital. Cause of death| versity. Rabbi Wurzburger is a| He blamed Thant for stirring] Arronged by. The Fests Samy, oe ' ' peg ic alge the was mt, announced. Morton, aby seorident of ie Rabbin- up black African unrest against! Over $5,000.00 Offered In Prizes : CITY .. 00 -eenetnennennennnnnns PHONE ...--00scan-ne i a Tui, a H associated w e magazinejical Council of Canada is country. . P : OCCUPATION ! Kc id Is i i nm cing) ( ("< SO F_g CRU FATION 220 n nn ene wen nn n-ne on een neem eenen rs spokesman sai ra Fair Queen since 1941, had been taken ill A f Nemess -- pts Re age be i] LIST PREVIOUS BUSINESS EXPERIENCE | Sunday began n Prizes for Centennial Costumes, Centennial Beards, Fat ii tceeeewl LO ee Israeli-held Syria : during a vacation and writing) BRANTFORD (CP)--Michele| trip to Britain. He was a native| Burnham, 18, of Brockport, N.Y., Saturday was crowned of Omaha, Neb. queen of the Six Nation Indian Fall Fair. About 6,000 persons| QUardruplets Born | attended the two-day fair held FUKUOKA, Japan (AP)-- near here. Girl quadruplets were born Sunday and reported doing Student Vote well, although birth was prema- ture by 45 days and each WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Uni-| versity of Windsor students, near Banias, about from Damascus, It first move in an Isrz ment plan to set up ish villages in forme Save Your -Hair Sapa planned for Gush E Hebron in former territory west of 1 River; and Beit Ha': formerly Jordanian- cho Plain, the spoke EXPECT REPLY Arab delegates we: to exercise their rig to Eban's statement possibility they wou the disclosure that tlers were beginnin; into captured Arab t Another issue w delegates might Five Day Plan ; On Highway 45, North of Cobourg | TO STOP SMOKING | _ * ae bane | OSHAWA RECREATION DEPARTMENT YWCA .--.199 CENTRE ST. Sept. 25th fo 29th at 8:00 P.M. Fall Swimming Program REGISTRATION Competent .instruction and qualified personnel and physicians. Colored Will be held for swimmnig classes et the new C ial Swi Pool on Th day, Thursd < ri FREE GROUP THERAPY | se Chinn, Siiers WK Ma Aceiions. Aller: Judiina weighed only 3.3 pounds. The joni ; ta, 28, was also reported in fine claiming the Canadian Union of condition. Six other sets of "left-wing" secretariat, wil] ; vote Tuesday on whether to Japan but none have survived. -- mother, Mrs. Mutsuko Munaka- Students is governed by. quadruplets have been born in break with the national body. | . films to be shown on weight contro] and other topics. SPONSORED BY THE KIWANIS CLUB i Rd. S. on Wed Y, 27th, 28th end 29th between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. and 6:30 to 8:00 P.M. Children's classes ore planned for each of the following: OSHAWA RECREATION DEPARTMENT LEVELS: @ Mothers and Pre-school children. FREE Estimates, Reesoncble s, Repair Specialist. qT ; dhl thought to be the D ivi Adult & Children's Classes In: BEFORE reas seciaalton Canadian Red Cross Levels Royal Life Saving Society Levels 5 an e Jorc I 1g i i DANGER SIGNS SPOT BALDNESS Abdul Hamin Sa'eh rl @ Beginner @ Junior @ Bronze Medallion ITCHY SCALP DANDRUFF ay sae ee @ Senior @ Award of Merit FEES: Children -- $6.00 Adults -- $10.00 For further information | \ courses are for | mnt os | = other Pa ecient itiactid MacDONALD FORD SALES "Where friendly people meet . .. AND SAVE" @ Intermediate EXCESS HAIR FALL HAIR TOO DRY? OILY Free Scalp Examinations Given Hair and scalp specialists will be holding « FREE HAIR AND SCALP CLINIC in Oshawa at GENOSHA HOTEL, Oshawa on Wednesday, Sept. 27, 1967 only between the hours of 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tonks High Court. He was installed Israeli authorities | Fest Dependeble Radio Dispetched cone Plumbing fervions SERVICE MADE US. Call 723-1191 LOOKING FOR COMMFORTABLE RENDEZVOUS DOWT THEN GO TO ° Tally-Ho Re Hotel Lanca 27 KING ST. W 1 to 5-Year Guaranteed Investment Certificates NOW EARN 612% DON'T RESIGN YOURSELF This internationally famous ex- pert urges that you do not re- sign yourself to BALDNESS un- less you are already bald. Your only obligation is to yourself -- to free yourself of worries of DELAY INCREASES PROBLEM Remember that even on smooth bald heads, hair roots may still be alive and capable of grow- ing hair again after proper stim- ulation and home treatment care increased hair production can only be achieved by intiating Transport, gives you a professional evaluation of your driving .. . shows you special techniques. The sessions Or are they? a are interesting, challenging and re- ' fonder wort Course could, do warding, and the cost is nominal Sesame $4695 || Scr ytihs . *695 ajo aac et age oes : i i - = Preventing them from going per annum And for your safety and the safety of For further information complete and eee soleil Mca a al aN btbgereel alata ieee ee ee All Ye AND ARE other users of our roads. mail this coupon: "65 MERCURY 160 BUICK Ness? No. We comet fete eo ' . _ in. the e = monnpnioed<-s te priicient one Driving isn't getting easier. There.are ~~~" ~~ = ~~~ nnn nnnnnn nnn 4 Areal Beautiful fomily $9205 (re ieee" Sen iter vend <r post hair tase og ishing Laas 3 Flexible--may be used os Col- a onset on the road... 1 To: The Ontario Safety League ' ee Pe appreciated, Lic. K14550, 95 BUT where your scalp still grows hel tell coe ae Heke With the in A J of traffic... more reasons treet : 64 PONTIAC 3 . 5 t of those he exami Redeomablo--by -e Executora in to drive defensively and safely. ' 200 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario ! Focuanis 4 Door Horthon, "60 PONTIAC prove what you have. pig Beli jose he examines plus the spc Authorized--as Trustee Act in- 1 From: ' Lovely 2 tone finish. $96 Q5 Coach -- 6 cyl. automatic. $B Qe THE IMPORTANT THING IS: . i vestments. It makes sense, especially if you got | i He Kisad. lle, KISBAR, oe a Sav ae GIES bie SEE IMPERIAL TODAY mail deliver our license mo. ame. : fi IL how BALDNESS be I ke i CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST hm tia | ' '63 CHRYSLER 67.FORD.LTD. DEMO cod ce kin con ta eee Cee tee lo make sure your driving skills are : $ Windsor -- 4 Door n. 4 Door Sedan --- White with plush on your scalp, in the privacy of obligation by coming in for an & SAVINGS CORPORATION equal to today's faster-moving and + add ' oe. | OD eee Ce Oak your own home, examination. Suit more congested traffic patterns, ' ' car, Lic, J77935. ...-- DOLLARS $$$$$$ " Member Canade Deposit | Please send me details of the Course in| REMEMBER 12 Insurance Corporation The Course in Modern Driving, spon- + Modern Drivin H SEE Mr. W 19 Simeoe St. N., Oshawa sored by the Ontario Department of | Pe ' 'ANith two locations to serve you better" r, Wage at the Genosha Hotel on Wednes- 723-5221 day, Sept. 27, 1967 between the hours of 2 p.m. | 520 KING ST. W., OSHAWA (Opposite Oshawa Shopping Centre) 219 KING 8ST. £., BOWMANVILLE and 8 p.m. -- Ask the desk clerk for Mr. Wage's suite No, All examinations are given in private, no obligations. 23 King St. W., 623-2527 Open SATU tOsHAWA) LTD. CIAG : INSURANCE | OPEN CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS OF GUELPH FRIDAY ys 286 King Street West, OSHAWA 723-1185 IMPERIAL Canada's Leading Hair and Scalp Specialists end Lid SATURDAYS POUNTAINHEAD (OF SERVICE

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