Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Sep 1967, p. 20

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chants, the bureau has handled)the company, the produet and 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 25, 1967 N B B A B ff ges ' As 00 complaints. the individual. apes ureau cts : u er grass demo last week| Mrs. Crawford says other when "high-pressure, very pol-| complaints deal mostly. with tk | OB We GB AD EG A BE 6 FN WB eB RY eS A A OAR AR A ee esa I Trick B . P . > 1 4 us ished salesmen from Ontario"| misleading advertising by local n nic Y iness ractices or on a door-to-door binge| businesses that bilk the -buying SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)--A;questionable business practices.|ojjing magazines without public. : ' H unique one-member bureau) It's the Consumer Business) jicences. | "There is not much we can 5 : here is serving as a soothing/Information Bureau, a jointly Mrs. Crawford fielded the|do. about the advertising, but ee eee A Z Gian buffer for consumers irate over| sponsored project that even) .omplaints, passing them to) we can inform the business con- ck: Se Wt ee el eo oa eet | provides a motherly touch f/toth the police and the press|cerned that consumers are TODAY'S STOCKS J sce" a o2| Ra oie 8 Bs ; ; Pym "with practical 22) moved ty se up # tougher SREY" Hes io i wet. 210 $75 7575 E C ] C { id advice. licensing system. Mrs. Crawford's bureau--its W Decalta 600 315 310 315 an ae conomic ouncl ' 0 Mrs. W. A. Crawford, attrac- : budget is $7,500--soon will be TORONTO 10:40 A.M, STOCKS : wo: Net | W Decit w 100 148 148 M8 + 4 ee al le tive examitve, Gotretary of the| REES RECORDS IMe Wwith the' aowip-oreated Distributed by CP Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Ind Accept 150 $21% 21% 21\4-- month-old bureau, says with! Transient salesmen now must rarineal pea ead bureau % . Tome ine ecomeen. e/a, em me 3| INDUSTRIALS gue eos "| Blast Federal Spending tongue in cheek: "Business has|be checked out at her office|that deals primarily with credit tO gre examen oer) N treat 8 222%, 41° | gyum am are va pat | Ingrsol eS "Bu "um [never been better." before getting police clearance| practices. from 'previous board-lot closing sale. | Newiund Wa a 1 + ve) ACen intend Gas 300 'ine W + va! By KEN SMITH of the 2,600-page report by such Piso Bt ogee gs ap pag Ros 'iwe| 'The bureau then will be able 50 <i ' a - | s ' ' ¢ a 2 +7 |Canadian Press Business Editor|a representative group of busi-| 7 ae ong sponsnred by three| can make use of several com-|to send consumers to the gov: Y a MINES | N sanior" Pigs ae wee ae iM ates We am be ffect Norbaska 87 | Int Nickel 1072$116 115% 116 + % i i nessmen, the chamber in effec 4 a Algo Cent 7% 7% : "| The spending habits of the)Mes , Pat : t ment for legal hel " Tey UFR peagh | p 4 lrejected or asked for modifica- other groups that include mer-|prehensive files to check out ernment fo Li aid get Norbeau yy 4 10:40 Net | Norgold "a 8M Algoma St a 23Ve 23¥a Sree tide tread federal government were fired)" Alcan 29% 30% + 38s 38% | g& dea oe te git 1740 $2258 225 225% + Ye on from two points last week. |tion of most of the key recom- an : $0-AND-SO Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ige N Alcan pr 36% 3612, + el Normetal 365 rane Me 94 -- Vel 1135 $11%4 11 11 + Tn Ottawa the fourth annual|™Mendations, including & capital gains tax, integration of corpo-| 365 i Accra un un Norpax 8 8 Bat 2 Intpr 1700 385 380 385 + 8 | Agnico 200 130 130 130 Northcal 3 18% 1894 ; ' ag , Apnic 7 Norihcel FI 0% 3034 lov Groe 500 gies 1% ns |review of the Economic Council t 4 li t | Am Larder u -~2| Northgat 835 +10 | Argus C pr ve 10%-- ve) [ov Grp MF ee ae an {of Canada called for more plan-/fale and personal income taxes, | Ang | Ruy "4 2 | Opemska 10 =| fee oe ye James Stl 100 $5, 5 5 +8 (ning in spending programs,|the family unit, gift and inherit-| ni v s S ch 270 | patty f 3 ethnic i Armore i" fhe 190 --s5| All Sugar 11% 114 -- ve} Jefferson | 485 $624 62, 62, instead of limping from one job)ance taxes and treatment of} Arcedia 26%h 26 264+ M4) Patino 5 940 940 940 site Eee er Jockey C - 230 320 315 320 of crash expenditures to anoth-|foreign earnings. Atl C Cop "Ss Pax int 1000 15' 15% 15¥a+2¥4| Bank MH 425 $134 13% 13+ We) LOYD a 5% | Sane 650 640, 650 +10] Pee Exp $9400 194 180 181 + 1/ Bank mS tay gu6me 4oMn Mors -- Wo Kelsey H 4 -- v| er !SELL URANIUM TO JAPAN : 465% _¥ a Biack Bay A Peerless 500 BA sv de Hs 150 $19% 1934 193% Labatt i | Later the 38th annual meeting) Elsewhere on the business | x 3%) Wi2 Wis -- Vs Csierne Mea "tha eet Pine Point 120 862% Sth 4 pte en ton com Wo aS <s|of the Canadian Chamber of/scene, Denison Mines Ltd. and Bronwen "100. S95 995 HS S| Prose M 4600 154 18 ise 2 ee 3 ats Commerce in Montreal/Rio Algom Mines Ltd.| Caimor 1B 2 3 Pyramid 700 385 385 385 BC Sugar au ef tsw 300 09 ea. 49.3 2 (endorsed the council's conclu-|announced sales of uranium to/ Mi --% | Que Chib ~ 4500 a1 z HR ad Levy 300 $28% 2814 28% + % Sion with its own strong blast) Japan totalling 31,000,000 21 = 6| Q Matte, 4002s 145 155 CAE Ind rt Lite invest 100 sein $n t \4|on what it called the lack of an/pounds over 10 years. Denison| 3 20-720 Calgary P 5 Loeb M 2985 $14\a 14 14% effective system of government has two-thirds of the business. ee Ss yeti ae eT 4 | Calgy 540 p 30 $108Y2 108% 1081 ine hE Ae I La bebctice sh : 8ST Tl ee ae | Calvrt Die 300 90 90 Meter iio since ie iu | (Priorities to regulate its spend-/ Price was not announced, but ees a | Rio S80 Pr 90 smi 9 99 SD a ek eae , M Lf Mills a 18/2-- ve ing. jit was believed to start at} Gus ah Wee a ae Can Cem ---50._ $29% = Vel ee iS aos aive+'u| Both groups found the samejbetween $6 and $7, with an cst. el a ym * || Moison A 175 $21% 21% 21% --jconclusion in their words--the| escalator clause built into the) Romar - 1090S $28% 28% 1 Cdn Brew 889 «(S77% " | grey : oe Molton Bo. a ae ae possibility of higher taxes|agreements. Ryanor 1 7 Satellite 4800 S452 | Con Can A: 300 $12% 2 TE] Mon Ford 250 3914 9% ' : . : | € Chem w 200 420 420 420 +5) YO «6135 a7 87 87 --3 unless the rate of increase in| This would be higher than the Sherritt 7974 S55 $45 10 | C Curtiss 8275 175 170 175 i' 7 . ¥y . Py th ed ee C Dredge 3900 $8 7% 7%--\e Moore M5 S2%4 3'4 so + ¥* government spending slows. Starting price of some recent| j M - | ; = ape contracts and industry officials | Brazilian oil Cdn Equty 160 405 405 405 +5 . é Nr Contain 6/7 S94 a Mat Me - 4 13% «13% 0 SN! 7 . ry . | € ind. Gis $12 i | Nt Contin w 200 $25 $25 525 +20 REVENUE TO RISE said it reflects growing aware-| CIL 150 $18 18 --% Net Orug p 225 Sta a4 30 +20 | The council forecast that by,ness by potential customers) C Marcon) 500 $624 64% 634+ | Nat Hees 200 230 230 230 +2 aint Give dat : | C Shawkey 2200 18 18 18 3 | CPR 1455 $64%4 64 64% + % Noranda ae a oe 1970 government revenues willjthat time is becoming a more) | CPR Pr 10693 $102 10 10 --'% 1600 $13%@ 13¥e 13¥%4 | +:,, important factor in signing) 75 $285 2858 285% jtotal $25,500,000,000 on existing | Conwest 750 580 580 580 | Sullivan | I mks ersgmt oo Si Ti TIM | Tec "Cop | peep aie iw ie oan ® agreements. 7 Estland, Bra : Texmont 116 Ree Ae ee ie | 505 $4994 49\2 49% + % bases of collection, compared) }; has been estimated that | P eps exore 5 2 - 1 a 10%. 10% 10% 4 ; | ' : i Chemcell 900 $107e 10% 10% ru) Overland 42 SIN? Iose. 190 -- ve| With $18,800,000,000 in 1966. |Canada's known economic) : DrAragon 000 Tex-Sol i Chrysler 180 $582 S82 SB' + Vo f ' Bee 344 83 ly 1 1 CHUM A 150 $18 18 8 Bembina 400 size 174: 7 ie| Spending, however, based on|reserves--the largest in the| Clairton 300 $6% 6' 6% iltips bed io: 97 Va } wiexisting or committed pro- world--will be committed in| Discovry 300 re U Asbestos 1 + a = P ae 16 .-- 2] Columbi p 225 $16 16 16 'ow Corp ) Vj ni il Bash su 82 p10! Un mache Cominco" 1966 $297 29% 297 + He Price Com %» --|grams would be $25,000,000,000. |full by 1973. _ : jy 0 18 128 128 ica Conduits Te Re nis crank ora: 510 SO ae ala The council said the $00,000,000, The sale will not result in any 0% Rapid Grp --15 'difference means nothing in|immediate increase in produc- Gnt Vespar 7 4 | Con Paper 290 $322 32% 3 0 n White Star 1 Cons Gas 1303 $2014 2014 20% Reichhold 25 $33 32% 32 that scale. |tion at the companies' mines at Corby B 50 $2914 2914 29% Reitman A ; [Elliot Lake, Ont 275 3 Revenue The 900 delegates at the) , ; ! Grandroy 8600 10397 ; $a , Corontn 2p 00 300 300 | i. in z 000 Crush Intl 240 $10% 10% 10% Robert 3 pr 200 $19!2 192 19¥2 a : | Gren' Pat 14750 6 f Yk Bear} Cygnus A 100 380 380 380 a Rothman | 85 $2812 2848 2812 + Ye chamber's meeting put most at MORE SALES POSSIBLE 0 ta El 100 365 365 365 'oyal Bn a * a-- Va) 4 co ae | cuen "poo ig Distt Seag 441. $39%% 39% 390% + Salada 763 $1012 10% 10la their effort, however, into a|_ Industry sources indicate that 7 more major sales could be| & 4% 42'2 43% +12 800 193 186 | Zenmac 1 Dist! Seag , | 100 155 185 15 | | Dome Pele 420 $57%@ S6¥2 Sé¥2--1'%| Scot York 200 $28% 28, 28 oR Atlee at | Dofasco 460 $247 v2 2 Sco! Mis pr 750 $15 5 3 4 jstudy of the Carter report on) announced shortly. #000 | 4 A 13M 2 « ae t OILS, GAS | & Glass pr 200 S136 13 tae yA kA we een | West Germany, Italy, Switz- ito $274 274 274 | Dom Lime 400 258 2m 2m 8 | Sheil in © 14% Me--%| In the first detailed is erland and France are consid Iminex 0 § Me 184 1814 -- 4} --% rs sis erle "e sid-| a v . M0 $63. 63 88 A 300 $80. $50 55 | Dom Store a Tak Tee -- tay Shell toy ait Wt Ue (f|_In the first detailed analysis jerland and Fr bay coneibie| Back to school means back to reading lamps from Lighting | the books. Homework can be Unlimited. Famous brand 1 v7 7 7 Bantt 250 $1534 15% 15% Domtar 1485 $13% 13% i "4 i" "4 CS Pete $00 224 224 224 D Textile 275 $23 22% 23 Sitverwd A 16 1% | | 14 ok Val. SONY pe save 4 Veraaia 3300 $9% 9% 954 + 4| Customers. 6 impson | ' F 23 | Versatile 225 $14% 14% 1% ~---|-"'Eldorado Mining and Refin- pretty dull sometimes, so any names: a) Tensor b) College Bee, et ay | act oe aR] eno ae kb + "Iso soo Ms 143 a) ctl ee Ot itu Ba oe eo, ee fomnin. ib See -+ Mu) Versatii A 295 $12% 12% 12% -- {ing Ltd., a Crown corporation, ligh A . faye --- Cent Del 885. $234 23!4 23% --'% Falcon 100 $90% 90% 90% + %%/ Southam 47% 47a | Vulcan 400 275 275 275 jlast week announced it had sold 'g t that you can throw on the Study Lamp by Lightolier c): semen SAT Sly oie, | Cam bay 3m ra as) 8 Peve Bs: ze + Walk GW 1135 835% asta 35% {between 800 and 1,000 tons of| subject is sure to help. Bright- Lampette Priced to fit. any. eee er ea bee yi t™! Tomn sg art BA HN | Wein Ww same ae we--wlWedt Germany ee things up with quality budget... from $9.95 up. Gr Plains 500 $18%@ 182 18'2-- | Fraser 1 z | ) Gt COilsds 500 $14%4 14% 14% + % Freiman Traders A 250 $B . | W Seed 12550 395 375 390 +20] The Canadian sale to Japan Int Helium 7600 365 355 355 GMC 94 94 Trader 66 w 220 200 200 200 | W Pacific 200 $6% 6% 6%+ 'lis expected to fill less than] U 200171 #171 «71 --2 Globe Env 8" Transair 100 $5% ; we -- bd | Weston A 280 $17% 1734 17% fifth f h pes Pah 200 235 235 235 --25 Greb. Ind 9 a CFung v2 ie Bee big! Wwe tie is ,,| one-fifth of that country's antic-| 500 105 105 105 | L 'ower r Can Dn ma 31" Me s --V% ste | Greyhnd 3 | Tr Can Pip te ATMa A7Va ipated demand for fuel for its Guar Trst 00 " Tr CanPw 880 880 «+10 . Hard Crp A 2% | Trans Mt 194 19% -- Ve 50 am Woodwd A 200 $17% 17° Wy y -- * 4+ nuclear power generators by| | Zenith 400 220 215 220 11975. OSHAWA SHOPPING Trans PPL 400 V 8 8 Hawker $ A The sale amounts to 1,500| CENTRE 7200 68 68 68 | 0 340 340 Trans PI 3 Pinnacle P Hawker pr in Ac ip 1 Place G 9450 320-295 Hays Dna $1394 13% eee Un Ges, $14%e VW am + Ve} Sales te 19 @.m.:. 1,211,000. tons annually while Japan is| . p. Ranger 2260 425 Home A $22" Ms a orp Va Va "a -- REG : e 5 Renger rts 35 48 46 48 Home B 105 $23Ye 23Ve 23¥e+ %s| Un Whurn 37M 7% 7% + Mel expected to require at least 8,- Satisfaction Guaranteed © Ample Parking Spoon 50650 95 «92 - Horne Pit 2300 345 345 345 +5! Un Wbn wt 300 495 475 495 -+25 EDS: We Foreign Trading. cp Y '000 tons a year. =" MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. =. HEADQUARTERS er Your one-stop building supply centre 9? -- 1279 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 728-6291 MARK HOT ELECTRIC HEATERS A Real Special BRIGHTEN and WATERPROOF Corriguted = : : PLASTIC BASEMENT WALLS! SSE a FIND M PANELS Covers to 500 sq. ft. : : a " eae ie f THERMOSTAT CONTROLLED, COMPLETE WITH CORD, 36" ATA ine Low 25 ibs. makes 3% gallons AVAILABLE | 12 x 12 Acoustic Built 1000 watt. 48" 1500 wait. . aptighs 4p Joint. 64 ft Ideal for patie roofs, fences, ® AND 5 COLORS | 22int. 64 #4. ft. per etn. Reg. 39.95 Reg, 49.95 ete. . . . Four colors; white, yellow, coral and green. so ise ' 1.35 A - ; ty , SPECIAL 29.95 SPECIAL 37.50 26' x 8' yr ae Fe) 2.46 Guaranteed WATERPROOF or Money Refunded | only 26° x10. 0. BAS COMPLETE SELECTION OF Sete Arborite Special |2<'? ..... 37 PREFINISHED PANELING Top] | FOLDING Ot i a Fondly sroterints while CASH AND CARRY Authentic looking wood grain pe eg our special prices are in effect. : : . yg cote en 3 4 PER. raatSie asians tase: 39° 2 Ie: . FT. potierns. Resists scuffs, stains --wipes clean in seconds, >) ; jel 4x8 j lengths 4 Cash and Corry re teeny Ah ig PLUMBING SUPPLIES Hand Tools GARDEN is 4x 7 -- Reg. $8.40 Cosh & Carry sapaens : Hi : Antique Elm Cc 1 ith hards N ' eh aro sre, Wendy to Amiel, : ah ee. , TOOLS Antique Birch Strong, handsome lou- 4x 7 -- Reg. $7.35 vre doors. ASX UMINUM : Hi and SANDVIK Rakes, Hoes, Shovels : Spedes, Ete. petted alts ve : 2-- 6 x 6.6 Pi arte. 2 Pon aly he yipewele CN \ Pe 259 AG Storing Complete s Less («) THIS WEEK . 10% hh Hordwere- és a PLYWOOD SPECIAL Miami Carey Uiderenee 21,95 CANADIAN art | '| re et We rt 11/16 x 4 x 8 Wine Sali a eee Wo Sars Souatene se PRE-INVENTORY Okume with platewood core. Ideal for Exhaust Fans ee CLEARANCE pat el a, vanities, etc Ha mo". 10.95 THIS WEEK PLYW Set sia alle Sanne ectric ; ml Wi, Mosaic Wall Tiles LESS 15% can VINYL wzpereh B, FIXTURES ATILE Lorge variety of colors and potterns. 75° rl TO 95° * Cash and Carry WHILE STOCK LASTS oy ha t : j 25° : CLEARANCE == Nace i i li Utility Board 46.95 LAWN MOWERS | Peer A Va x 36" x 48" BNR cata gee ellie WAH me 69° ef CASH AND CARRY pov yp Benglpyng 10% is CLEARANCE nsession HR cineinaidiaiinain wna beat Yx4x8 ' (B.C. CEDA R) GLIDDEN PURIFIER POWER TOOLS Utility Hardboard Pog Boa rm Reg. 55.95 ' 9 MILLER FALLS BLACK & DECKER ae 1.35 my omy 1.39 me wiavocgen 39.95 42 x 12, 80 Gouge Reg. 89¢ & There is still time to build that fence , . before winter sets in. Z "7 7) Byes As : FENCING GRADE oa PAINTS ee. : te oan : coat 63 PRIN ton cai ioe Berl f eg. 110.00, eg. 24.88. ed viens |. f. .09 THIS WEEK ONLY CLEARANCE e CLEARANCE e ; ee vi Plywood Cuttings epics eas Lee seea DORIC plays : MILLER FALLS 0 : I. f. .16 25° %" Std. Duty Drill in SELECT SHEATHING Sieissas OPTS (~) sedaahiae 2 -- 10 x 6.10.x 13%. H.C, 5/16" x 13" x 42" ., 49 | 34 x 20%" x 48"... 199 Ribbon Stripe Mehogeny . ic perl. f. .21 * Reg. 48.00, 3 99 : Ve. Bay <0 i x BY" x 4B"... 49e | 5/16 x 9" x 45". Reg. 20.00. FE aes | Cash and Carry * CLEARANCE 5. CLEARANCE 46 4 % y aes . Vos 49 Ya x 6" x 96" Cesh end Cerry ... 16.00

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