Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Sep 1967, p. 3

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'Sunday, Follows | little warmer Sunday cattered showers develop- an light today southerly jay. ern Lake Ontario, Hali- , Killaloe: "Cloudy tais ig. Sunny this afternoon. clear tonight, Sunday with cloudy periods and ed showers developing. > warmer both today and . Winds mostly light. temperatures , high aae | recast 3 AUCTION Equipment » ntained SPREAD TION CO. LTD. 'ton (Pres.), on completion 10 A.M. E.D.T. Se JEW & DEMO'S MON, TUES. OCT. 2&3 erties P. Shift, 2 1961 619 B's tion). /Wangle Dozers a) U Ge and Ke New" 5 Dw 16. Blode, CAB, ete. (in AS 8 T's) c/w Power steering jady to werk). Mod. 6 c/w 40 ft. Crane ge ond engine O/H cost d_condition throughout). | 1966). Michigan 7, ima mod, 34 ¢ *] 35. ' khoe & Crane ee 1 bucket) 2 1965 lectronic Screed Attach. jarber Green mod. 879 Ton Mod. SP 1070 s/n very good condition). 2 ) end 7152. '62 Buffalo- Ww. vue te tendem + (oull type) mod, 8 ton Tendem. Sheeps- ampo 13 wheel Wobbly, an). '64 & '65 Pick-ups, eters, pumps, filter, ete, ck, Several Single Axte V-8 Engine. 1960 Ford 1 (8 Wheel Tut, CTORIAL BROCHURE I (416)-363-8770 IDUSTRIAL UCTIONEERS LTD. ite 1106, Predential Bidg., ts., Torente, Qnt./363-8779 TION UCATION rograms, end there & he school offering the ony Roed Seuth t, Chemistry, French, panish, IG COURSES ead North | Chemistry, Electrenie ond Mathematics ft LOMA h, Physics, Chemistry, RADE 12 j s, Science, as soon as E COURSES ly, September 27 and s will start the follow- , Economics, Stetistics, COURSES vate weeks thereafter: :30 a.m. 7:30 p.m, 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m, * about 'soap bubble" U.S. peace "let certain patients die if their ' hearts was Friday night for his '"'initia- tive." But Dr. William McMath, " superintendent of Neasden Hos- » nate" and criticized the way it * was distributed and displayed. , chronic *' Assembly . freeze surrounding Vietnam « peace prospects since last Feb- "ruary. But the peace rhetoric lingers on. U.S. Ambassador Arthur Goldberg Thursday made 44 "cal solution" and "negotia- PREMIER ROBARTS and the government whip, John White, were nominated by acclamation as Progressive Conservative candidates in their respective ridings of London North and London South Friday night. Mr. Ro- barts and Mr. White are accompanied by local pip- ers, Rick Lowry on the left and Dave Orr. 'Stalemate Seen Deeper As Neither Side Budge By ARCH MacKENZIE Canadian Press Staff Writer The opening performances at the United Nations General illustrate the deep references to "peace," '"'politi- tions," the New York Times observes. But "nothing signifi-| cant has changed." That applies to Friday's blis- tering reaction from Soviet For- eign Minister Andrei Gromyko gestures, But Gromyko had nothing new either, illustrating the apparent Soviet decision-- by choice or necessity--of set- tling down to live with the war. | The dilemma of all the iwould-be peacemakers was summed up by Swedish Foreign Minister. Torsten Nilsson. He asked the U.S. "as the most powerful party in this conflict' to halt the bombing of -- the military. activities against it ett to be stopped uncondition- ally. Just as firmly, the U.S. con- tinues to demand publicly-un- specified guarantees from the north before it complies. There is wide-spread convic-| tion now that nothing is going to budge, at least until after the U.S. presidential election in November, 1968. North to see if negotiations might follow. The bombing is the essence of} the stalemate. standing more firmly than ever on the precondition that the bombing and other American By then, it is suggested, there could be a Republican in the FOR RATIFICATION White House ready and able to settle, perhaps with an election! presented North Vietnam apparently is)mandate to do so, Or that is|Wednesday's board meeting. what _ the may hope. Or, re-election for President Joh North Vietnamese British Doctor Commended, Condemned By LONDON (AP) -- A hospital superintendent in the centre of a storm for advising his staff to d Aad pital, was condemned for the way he went about it. A committee set up to study the case said in a report that the wording of his memoran- dum was "particularly unfortu- Dr. McMath's memorandum, put out in May last year, said: "The following patients are not to be resuscitated: very eld- erly, over maligant disease; chest disease; chronic renal (kidney) disease." The report found that no patient who might have benefit- 'ed by resuscitative treatment} ,, did not receive it. had with-| and a The ordered drawn at health ministry the instructions the hospital . spokesman said today that no $9, 10, 11, 12. Reading, Electronics, lo Friday, October 6, 9:00 p.m, on Monday, COURSES 10 and , and 9:00 p.m. hecer Bl the Adult employer, from any ffice of the 'Oshawa ry, or by telephonii "87. Folders 'will be it week of September. ovell, Chairman, | Board of Edueation, tl oS ASTRON SSAN such anti-resuscitation 'instruc- tions were in force in any of the other 2,550 national health serv- ice hospitals in England and Wales. Committee The investigation was ordered after a patient saw Dr. McMath's directive on a notice boatd and complained. All cop- ies of the directive, which had been in force more than a year, were then withdrawn. The report said: "Although Dr. McMath's initi- ative in attempting to guide the medical staff on the selection of patients for resuscitation is in itself to be commended, we regard the wording of the mem- orandum as particularly unfor- tunate, and we greatly deplore its distribution in a way which rendered it liable to public view." | might convince the North there will be no respite until they meet the U.S. condi- tions. This assumes the North can endure another year of the bombing that ranges now from the Chinese border to Hanoi, the environs of the port city of Haiphong and other heretofore off-limit targets. TIE UP MARINES It assumes the North will continue to aid the Viet Con guerrillas in the South and tie up U.S. marines in bloody muz- zle-to-muzzle attrition along the North-South boundary. This also assumes that the enw -ROBART'S PROMISE Legisla tion To Meet Fine, Prison For Hoffa loses its tail and grows legs in THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 23, 1967 3 FROG LIKES MEAT . three months and turns into a A young Rio Muni giant frog carnivore eating fish fry and crustaceans. CHICAGO (Reuters)--James R. Hoffa, former Teamsters Union leader, was re-sentenced Friday to a five-year prison term and fined $10,000 for con- |spiring to defraud the union's multi-million dollar pension fund. The union boss, already serv- ing an eight-year jail sentence for jury tampering, was brought before a judge of the federal district court for resen- Population Explosi opulation Explosion | *by THE CANADIAN PRESS ly growing population to| New Democratic Party Lead- Premier John Robarts offi- achieve the highest standard of|er Donald MacDonald was in cially stepped into the Oct. 17 living." \[Beardmore, about 95 miles election race Friday with a The government's goal must! northeast of Port Arthur. promise of legislation to meet be "to ensure the total wealth Hoe promised a charter of the the demands of an expected we produce increases at an north if the NDP managed to population explosion. annual rate of at least six per grab enough of the 75 Tory and He was nominated by accla-' cent." 20 Liberal seats held in the last mation to the riding of London-| He noted that Ontario's gross Jegislature. The NDP held eight tencing on a 1964 conviction North. His opposition will be} provincial product increased- 40 seats at dissolution. with five other men for Liberal lawyer Frank Carter, per cent since the last provin- defrauding the pension fund of FREE GROUP THERAPY Five Day Plan TO STOP SMOKING to be held at the YWCA -- 199 CENTRE ST. Sept. 25th to 29th at 8:00 P.M. Competent instruction and qualified person nel and physic films to be shown on weight control and other SPONSORED BY THE KIWANIS CLUB 'ons, Colored topics. 44, and NDP candidate Robert cial election in 1963, and that 98 Gn't'a try enette ned wt tetn $1,700,000. Abrahams, 22, both nominated|per cent of the population was DTOvINce « wealth much more The original five-year sen-| earlier. employed--"about as high an than it hag received, he said tence was set aside in May by Mr. Robarts said the expect- average as it is possible to : se the U.S. Supreme Court, which! ed population boom in Ontario|obtain."' lhe charter would encourage | ordered Judge Richard B. Aus- will demand highways, power,|OPPONENTS CAMPAIGN expansion of the forest products water supplies and education, While Mr. Robarts was extol- "dustry, develop a basic roads facilities. Rate of population|ling the merits of the province S!"ucture in conjunction with growth is expected to exceed|in London the two men leading the granting of timber rights that of the past 20 years helefforts to oust the Progressive 274 establish a Crown corpora- suid. Conservatives from Queen's tion to explore and develop new "Our government's primary) Park were promoting the North Mineral deposits. tin to hear a motion for a new trial based on evidence that th2| government had used electronic eavesdropping devices in com- piling its case, The motion was dismissed Aug. 22 after a 10-day hearing objective is to assist our rapid- and the French language. The charter would be put into| and Judge Austin reimposed his solanticatecseseatuaesies effect by the minister of north-! original five-year sentence Fri- ern affairs Mr. MacDonald has' day. N E i ti B promised before Friday's : five-year sentence ew xpropr ation bonus |WANTS NEW PIPELINE Dis Gi ae | He also reiterated the need|; "ee ee ee a poe a second dtiral gas Gide ing and is to begin after he B ed On Point S ste ine Bas PIPe-' completes that sentence in the as m st : central penitentiary at Lewis- | y The NDP leader said there burg, We : were timber stands in Ontario aurice als a's TORONTO (CP) -- If you are the Don Mount redevelopme cata auc a. Mall Hoe nt/that would remain unharvested her for 50 years at the present pace hey 'of lumbering. defence lawyer, said the convic- jill, old, poor and prolific youJarea; have demanded hig tion would be appealed to the jstand to get an extra $4,000/prices for their houses so t jwhen the city expropriates your|could buy comparable houses He gud 4 U 5 Court of : Appeal, cand; "if |house elsewhere in Toronto ; : ith le would kill two necessary, back to the Supreme | se cs Be 4 rds with one stone by requir-| Court. ray ania, Pyndey bed After a closed meeting of ing lunfber workers "to ne cat -- ie rorcath Woard of Come ron earlier in thelstruct toads as a prerequisite ence in Toronto, Liberal leader sala Y Rene nts rigors s500/ eo Mayor William Dennison) foy rights to these rich timber Robert Nix aid . hap onigeatgy would pay benefits o! m $500\said the city was prepared to|resertes g Nixon came out for rec- to $5,000 more than the/offer the holdouts a choice of 12 Mez ? ognition of the French language assessed value of an expro-lhouses where they ould: tive eanwhile at a news confer-|in Ontario. priated home on the basis of an _ Jwhile city officials agree on a owner point system, {higher payments formula He said points would be} EVENING CLASSES The ubject--course leading CERTIFICATE in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Ryerson Polytechnical Institute will be continued at the McLaughlin Collegiate & Vocational Institute, beginning October 2nd, 1967. Each subject is scheduled one night per week for 20 sessions. Normally students take two subjects each year. to the from Apr ts d have grade 12 or equivalent experience, @ 1967-1968 Program @ FIRST YEAR STUDENTS @ Economics--Mon., 7 to 9 p.m, @ Accounting 1--Wed., 7 to 9:30 p.m. Combined 2nd and 3rd YEAR STUDENTS - @ Business statistics--Mon., 7 to 9:30 Pete e Business Manapament----Wed., 7 to 9:30 p.m, NOTE: "Accounting It and "'Correspo! 8-6: ndence and Report Writing" will be offered in 1968-69, 5 , Fees: $30. per subject (subjects may be taken individually), Registration: at McLoughlin Collegiate Wed., Sept. 27th or Monday, Oct. 2nd, 7 to 9 p.m. Write or telephone: Extension Dept., 50 Gould St., Toronto, "(Phone 366-8431 for brochures and further information) based on a number of factors including income, age, health) and size of family. The move comes as an answer to owners of expropriat-| | ANEW PROFESSION ] ; 1 to 5-Year seeking an ambitious person or family team ed homes who complain that) 6G xclusive, high profit, repeat business they cannot buy a house com-| uaranteed parable to the expropriated| ted invention invisibly and chemically rips and burns in naugahyde and vinyl Investment Certiticates S furniture, Our process saves your customers hundreds NOW EARN dwelling for the prices the city) is paying. The mayor said "up to now of dollars. payments have been based on! 1 TO NOW - restaurants, lounges, taverns, theatres, car property values. This will be} dealers, etc.,, have had to use tape or based on need." (@] expensive re-covering @ PRESENT LICENCEES USING OUR 3 YEAR PROVEN SYSTEM EARN OVER $20.00 PER HOUR, EACH EMPLOYEE EARN YOU The points proposal will be Per annum for ratification to THIS) AND ARE Guaranteed--as to principal and interest Flexible--may be used as Col- lateral for loans Redeemable--by Executors the event of death, Authorized--os Trustee Act in- vestments. @ An investment of $5,000.00 and up is secured by inventory, exclusive territory and a 5 day training program at our expense. You owe it to yourself and your future to ... _. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY. _ _ 0-9-87 To be eligible homeowners | will have to have lived in the} expropriated dwelling for two} years. | The extra money must be} spent on a house and the city In r-- (O79 SERVICE STATIONS -- OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. OSHAWA ESSO SERVICE KING ST. W. AT PARK RD. -- 728-1601 PRESTON'S SUNOCO SERVICE 925 SIMCOE STREET NORTH VINYL-SEAL, 3811 Edmonton Trail, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, (403) 276-2833 Gentimen: 1 would like to have further information about this business. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Member Canade Deposit Insurance Corporation 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 will assess the replacement dwelling perore granting the 'bonus payment. Controller Frederick: Beayis said Friday the plan was not a) means test because income was not the sole factor in determin- ing benefit payments. Meanwhile, four homeowners | understand this request does not obligate me in any way and that all correspondence is in strict confidence. (PRINT) GRAWFIELD'S B.A. SERVICE 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH FLOYD PRICE SUNOCO STATION 531 RITSON ROAD SOUTH -- = = ---- : eee ee U.S. is correct in believing its policy of escalation won't bring China into the conflict. Meanwhile, U.S. sensitivity to the international community and its own domestic doubts about the war dictate continued reworking of all the peace $ $ ECONOMIZE! ISAVE $$ fe) cliches. VIC TA THE WOR. mee Esther Rickards, chairman of the North-West Metropolitan Regional .Hospital board, who led the inquiry, said: "Dr. McMath is not criticized for his views or ideas but pure- ly for the way in which they were expressed, ohn. Ovens 0. D. | OPTOMETRIST | PHONE 723-4811 | 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA "Some guidance to medical) staff on the selection of patients for resuscitation is definitely necessary. Each individual case must be a medical decision." Health Minister Kenneth Rob- inson accepted findings. -- WTH -- $ FUEL DX «. $ IPhone 668-3341 DX -- DX -- DX -- DX ATTENTION FARMERS ! WHY PAY S MORE ? PREMIUM at the CAROUSEL MOTOR HOTEL STEVENSON RD. who faced eviction Monday NAME ion rocecscvonsuagucduchesnpbeueg < AGE: GANGEMI SERVICE STATION because they eae not oe ADDRESS 2) 809 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH their expropriated houses for OPEN LF ERD creenencnnnteowne meses nnnnnmnanncnnasenn .- ee a bore Nigars CITY, secs ss esosshnsinnenhadeog DARIN ketieimiee: = SIMCOE ESSO SERVICE STATION granted an extension to Oct. 2) x ee aeey in county court Friday. | Ge s ioe ave OCCUPATION cisco 89 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH 72 The homeowners, living in| FOUNTAINHEAD Guten: RUsINERE Oo heRence! : | ere ----- So ee ee ee ee oe oe oe oe ee oe oe DX -- DX -- DX -- DX BE WISE: eee NY'S DiS':LARGEST CHAIN OF HEALTH SRAGS, i NOW ENROLLING ] SHAWA QUALITY Open Sunday 12 DRUG STORES A.M. to 6 P.M. 241 KINGS ST. E. TAMBLYN SHOPPING CENTRE JAMIESON DRUGS 725-1169 Drug Store 728-5101 the sr SAVE $ $ oO Gasoline - Diesel and Motor Oils Farm Tanks And Pumps Available Out of Oshawa, Whitby and District DX OIL ; 663-3341 FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY | | Gall Collect | | $$$$$3$ 3S | s| OPEN MON. TO FRI. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. SAT. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Summer Enjoyment All Year Round! With the indoor pool, plus the spacious suites, personalized service, mail delivery, ample p Suites Open For Inspection 1221 Simcoe St. North Sauna room, sun deck, arking. Phone 725-9934 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. SATURDAY and SUNDAY 11 A.M. fill 7 4 THE APARTMENT FULLY EQUIPPED GYMNASIUM: you get into shape quickly and easily. GYM AND TH Séay P.M. CLUBS OPENING SOON MONTREAL, BURLINGTON, 4 SUDBUR AFFILIATED CLUBS IN WINNIPEG, EDMONTON, CALGARY Enjoy your exercise in Juxurious broadioom Surroundings, equipped with the most mod- ern scientifically designed machines to help Canada's Most Complete and Luxurious CTANNY'SYW 17 : a et Si HOT BUBBLING WHIRLPOOLS: tn volcanic caves; you'll enjoy a gently, relax- ing massage from hot, swirling water that | sooths away the cares of the day. | Facilities: @ Ultra-modern health club for men. @ Eucalyptus inhaloter rooms, i @ Luxurious figure contouring salon for ladies, @ Desert dry heat rooms, | f @ Temperature controlled tropical swmiming @ California sun rooms, pools. @ Finnish rock sauna, | i @ Hydronic whirlpool baths, @ Private elothes lockers. ke A @ Specially designed Vie Tanny exercise and e Private dressing booths, reducnig machines. Sal h dryers. i ; @ Salon hair dryers. STEAM AND SAUNA ROOMS © Mechanical body reproportioning machines, oe a aca oak Whether you enjoy steam or authentic Finnish @ Figure contouring and firmnig. a: Jules bars, | fl Sauna bath, you are assured a relaxing and e Mild' progressive resistance exercising @ Fully equipped gymnasiums. beneficial visit PP 2 @ Individual programs and personal extraordinary i @ Professional massage. service, | PHONE 723-8171 CLUBS IN TORONTO, HAMILTON, KITCHENER, LONDON, WINDSOR, OTTAWA, ST. CATHARINES, OAKVILLE JOHN'S, HALIFAX Y, KINGSTON, QUEBEC CITY, ST VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND AROUND THE WORLD

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