Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Sep 1967, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 23, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Stanfield Nomination Meeting Set For Oct.12 The Federal government then enacted the Adult Occupational Training last April -- among other things, it drastically cut! on admissions and on upgrad- ing of subjects. Some critics shudder openly at the cost of OMRP. Oshawa's partial bill this year for the six-month period ending' June 31 totalled $249,322, includ- ing $169,000 for instructional TRURO (CP) -- The Colches-jrooms; a nine-storey building Murder Hearing service (teachers). ter-Hants Progressive Conser-jcontaining 300 one-bedroom) FF pcpuRG Ky. AP) --| Not included in this total vative Association will hold ajapartments | for geo ' stu), "hearing is expected next{Were Payments of living allow- nominating convention here dents; auce itl eben Thursday to decide if bond will|ances to students under the Oct. 12, Association President|back-to-back apartme Federal Adult Occupational Re- G. C. Ritcey said Friday night.|ings containing 99 two-bedroom < die ll rnge et ko pie The constituency association apartments for married stu- rr OG : ide National is expected to nominate Robert dents and their families. ug onnor 0 . |Film Board of Canada. Stanfield, the new national PC x ader, Sculptor Dies training act which reached a weekly maximum of $40,000 oc- casionally last spring as enroll- Ison, 69, waived an examin- ment topped the 700 mark. Pay- leader, t6 contest the seat.) 'ial Thursday before Leth- ments weekly ranged from $35 recentiy vacated by Cyril Keu-| sT, JEAN PORT JOLI, Que.\4i..> County Judge James M,|'0 single students to $90 for nedy (CP) -- Medard Bourgault, one|~/iqili and was ordered held married students with families who commuted here from out- The byelection is schedulediof Canada's most noted wood) without bail. The hearing next pein for Nov. 6. jsculptors died A veo gig tyes week will determine if the : : Strike 0 |Thursday, at t 4 naa Bo 1t\ retired sawmill operator is eli-| The $249,322 six-month bill in- trike Over laos Hesrues cate. Mr. Hosiigible tor bad snd what that Gailicieced ween lleme ae super BRANTFORD (CP)--A 14-\gault founded the St. Jean Port) Chouid be. vision, administration, expend- able supplies, equipment rental, j classroom and shop rental, de- | cane fustnes Mest lpreciation, advertising. Catholic school trustees from}, Sometimes the bill reached Canada arrived here| $90,000 - $60,000 weekly, with- week-old Bricklayers' strike |Joli School of Sculpture with his against the General Masonry|brother Jean - Julien. and Contractors Association Lucky Baby ended here Friday. The more than 50 members of TORONTO (CP) -- Carol | ss Local &. Beicinvers, Masone/fidd, ate coe "mincts, afterlirsday for ihe seventh anniallins ung ee chemin Union, were the last of about| wait 'intil 1988 to collect the| Sonventon of the Canadis 4 é 800 striking bricklayers in the|benefits of being suburban | Catholic Bidar od gpg ad OUTLET OPENED province to return to work. Scarborough's centennial baby, Wc Desins weey. 2 ane ty at One official said that OMRP's Scarborough council Thursday |*!0" with the Canadian School/Qshawa bill for the May-June- YWCA Meeting Opens |set up a $1,000 trust fund that) grusiees' Associnron will' start July period this year was more TORONTO (CP) -- Delegates|Carol can collect on her 2ist a and continue throushthan $152,000 -- once again, t ' tries | birthday. Monday. without living allowances paid De can, se Coupe : students -- and that the month- Friday began a three - day con- Explosion ly total for instructiona r rigor Pye dina orga To Meet Troops UPPSALA geo (AP) -- aries so me time 7 aca the $2,500,000 raised by YMCAs| OTTAWA (CP) -- Defence\n) 6 'Seismological _Institute|$37,000. in Canada and the United/Minister Leo Cadieux, who took here registered an underground) OMRP's enrollment was so States to aid Y members inlover his new portfolio Monday, other countries. will visit Canadian troops serv- a P t ing in the United Nations surance Payments (Cyprus force Oct. 2 and 3, the)) acc, : : Alger buildi ie aia ».; |underground nuclear test by the Alger Duliding. Already it is too OTTAWA (CP) -- Employ- | defence department said Fri- Soviet Union. small ment insurance payments|(ay. Mr. Cadieux will also visit This is known as the Adult totalled $17,800,000 in June com-|the new RCAF base at Lahr, Population U Education Centre. It is used as pared with $37,200,000 in ned babe gy bc el Sept. 27 on his nae (Reuters) 4 The 2" administration headquarters and $14,700,000 in June last|¥@3 , : population of the Soviet Union for OMRP locally and for addi- reached 235,500,000 last July 1 year, the Dominion Bureau of . jtional classrooms. The monthly Statistics reported Friday. j Display Photographs A 4 'rental is $1,166 and the Federal | § the official news agency Tass LA PAZ (AP) Bolivian} veported Friday i government expended $24,000 Contraception authorities displayed Frida y| on renovations to the building NEW YORK AP) -- A week- photographs described as defi-| before occupancy. ly Jesuit magazine calls on the nite proof Ernesto (Che) Gue-| The Board of Education pays Roman Catholic Church to ease Vara. the long - absent Cuban ABC Programs all local bills of OMRP, with its ban on contraception. revolutionary leader, is operat- ; th | 0 'To Continue he exception of students' liv- rang 2 ' vith 2 rillas i ria. g allowances, and is reim- 'An editorial appearing in the |ins with guerrillas in Bolivia ing a a Sept. 30 issue of the magazine| Ww Jacko by the Federal govern- America calls on the Synod of eapons | NEW YORK (AP) -- Supervi- gs aca) penis UNITED NATIONS (AP) } ore Fat pepe - Felern - Peovincial reper local : Ka Soviet Unilin & sory personn rec vam-jagencies play a an in In Rome, to consider the issue /The Soviet Union submitted to| (15; ang handled microphones|\OMRP's administration here. explosion Friday in the Semipa- large in Oshawa last Fall it latinsk area of Soviet central|/was necessary to open a new Asia. This usually indicates an/Outlet at 26 Albert St. in the old ADULT RETRAINING (Continued from Page 1) vincial government) on OMRP? In which direction is OMRP date really justify the expense? W. G. Fawcett, who inaug- urated the program here and Applied Arts and Technical tion, says: : mind that the Retraining Pro- ful by almost every measure available." Mr. Fawcett adds that it is likely in program will be regarded as one of the most education steps ever taken in Ontario. Others see jaltogether different, tight-fisted economists fearful of a possible $1 million Fed- eral budget deficit. The latter regard it with open distrust as an unnecessary waste of the taxpayer's money. They see it as an unrealistic, it as something liative at best, one designed by quilizer for the unemployed and underemployed. They regard it as a prime example of how the Diefenbaker and Pearson Fed- eral regimes attempted to spend their way into political ipower. George L. Roberts, heading and do the results to who is regional director for the branch, Department of Educa- "There is no question in our gram has been highly success- the future that the progressive especially unworkable social welfare pal- scheming politicians as a tran- superin-| © tendent of Oshawa's secondary | _ schools, says: ful by almost every available measure." The Federal government pre- viously shared OMRP costs with the Provincial government on a 75-25 basis, but this was discontinued last April. The new act cut admissions drastically. Persons without three years' experience on the labor market were deprived of living allowance, but they could attend if they. wished. There were also restrictions on those who would upgrade their skills and education. It was estimated last April that 7,000 Ontario adults, most- ly in Metro Toronto, left their retraining classes because of the new act, which also hit hard at single immigrants pre- viously allowed $35 living allow- ance weekly while studying basic English. Mr. Fawcett opened OMRP here shortly after a survey in April, 1965. He remained here as co-ordinator and principal until June, 1967, when he ac- cepted his present position in Toronto. He was succeeded here by Lee E. Evans, former member of the Directing staff of The Canadian Forces College. Mr. Evans was once a pilot with CF-100 squadrons. Mr. Fawcett did not think the cost of the Oshawa OMRP oper- ation was high in view of the results. "At the peak when the week- 000 or $60,000 weekly, we some- times had as high as 780 stu- WEATHER FORECAST dents. This would break down ito something like $13 per stu- dent per day. Most of these people today are better equip- ped to compete in the labor (market as a result of the ex- penditure. Therefore, they will be better and more useful citi- zens." RELIEF STRESSED TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. EDT. Some Showers Sunday, Cold Weather Follows and a little warmer Sunday with scattered showers develop- ing. Winds light today southerly City Welfare Administrator per year and get them sizeable," he says.) Herb Chesebrough says unre-|the first day of fall arrived servedly that OMRP has "'al-|together in southern Ontario most become" a part of thelearly this morning. Pleasant|burton, city's social welfare program.|sunny weather is forecast for ("If you only graduate 15 to 20/southern and central Ontario into| today. Scattered showers over jobs you're getting them off the|extreme northwestern Ontario welfare rolls and the saving is|this morning are expected to spread across northern regions Scattered frost and 15 Sunday. Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali- Killaloe: "Cloudy ais morning. Sunny this afternoon. Mostly clear tonight, Sunday sunny with cloudy periods and scattered showers developing. A little warmer both today and Sunday. Winds mostly light. Chesebrough said his office|today and into southern Ontario Forecast temperatures was flooded with welfare appli-|Sunday, followed by another! Low tonight, high Sunday cations recently when the|surge of cold weather. | Windsor ... 35 60 OMRP was closed-down tem-| Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, St. Thomas 50 58 porarily on Albert street. Wel-|Lake Huron, Niagara, western|London ... 50 58 fare totals likewise declined|Lake Ontario, southern Geor-| Kitchener 50 58 when the school resumed. gian Bay regions, Windsor,| Mount Forest 48 58 | Some Advisory Vocational|London, Tor-onto, Hamilton:|/Wingham .. 488 committee members, such as/Sunny and a little warmer|Hamilton .. 50 60 Chairman John Larmond, feel|today. A few clouds and milder) St. Catharines 50 60 that it is harmful to link OMRP}tonight. Considerable cloudi Toronto «.... cooccee SO 60 so closely to welfare. They feel that OMRP embraces a much broader field and that many | OMRP students and graduates |have had no association with | welfare whatsoever. ; Mr. Larmond says OMRP can} boast of "many local achieve-| ments" in the upgrading and) Itraining 'of students in the var-! 'ious local courses. if ly cost sometimes reached $50,- steps se increase will price ourselves out of the) export question in our minds but that! the Manpower Retraining Pro- | "Our experience during the | © last six years convinces us that) the program can do what it is|' intended to do." Mr. Roberts says it is intend. |* ed to give the job applicant | _ who has little to offer, skill and)" knowledge to get a foot on the}: employment ladder; then, if|~ and as he needs it, something|" more that will give him a step)" up. KEY OBJECTIVES ¢ Mr. Fawcett explains the | © prime objectives of OMRP this|® . ae way: Kidloch 6 OSHAWA'S SMART MEN'S SHOP 10 KING STREET WEST The Most Carefully Tailored Clothes You Could Wear Sif la QUALITY Taltonee Rist he RE " dian labor force -- if we don't | the productivity, we) market. There is no} Bishops, convening next week ef birth control. the United Nations Friday a : : The editorial "There draft convention to prohibit the 4! American Broadcasting Co.! The says : : e few questions as urgent as|use of nuclear weapons. The stations today after members of ada Manpower office screens < ae thea 7) be i '. a radio and television techni-|all admissions and pays stu- those surrounding the use of|convention also would bind the sinks Union weat 6A Sttike mare dene thelr tisine sent stu i ee chieve-|parties to "exert' the utmost : 3 . g wance eae ree . began picketing. cheques. ment of a truly Christian mar-|efforts for an agreement on the! riage. Contraception, as distin-|cessation of the manufacture of : n Albert S see guished from abortion, does not nuclear weapons and the liqui-\the walkout, called Friday by ° an ay St. (which operates kill anybody." dation of all their existing)the National Association of Te ah the' Applied Arts and stockpiles, under effective|Broadcast Employees and|/echnology branch, --Depart- Federal Loan | international controls." Technicians, was not expected|™ent of Education) is the prime ' to affect programming, includ- administrator and co-ordinator OTTAWA (CP)--The Ontario| \; 3 "i of OMRP here. Rede e ut Houde Corp. wil Oppose War jing today's regional teotball Th t © Board of Education as- receive a $9,032,854 federal loan| LONDON (Reuters) -- Those |8@mes. : ; sists the Ontario Department ot to provide accommodation for] opposed to U.S. intervention in} Most weekend offerings have | A network spokesman said The Adult Education Centre already been taped. Education with the administra- 1,603 students attending the| Vietnam far outnumber those i tion. The Oshawa board, in University of Western Ontario for it in a book published here, Al Naa word ee ee, has a 12-man Advisory in London, Ont., Central Mort-| this week on the views of mure|'?act. talks wi : 1 ,; Vocational committee under {Broadcasting Co. Friday but/| gage and Housing Corp.|than 250 internationally - known Chairman John Larmond which | gram has been higlhy success-| Federally-operated Can-| mem CALL OR SEE DIXON'S FOR OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER SO YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 "We are anxious to improve |=" the productivity of the 'Gon Make The Easy Way! ! Fresh Grape Juice available in 5 gallon con- tainers for either Red or White Wine. We also have European Wine Yeast . ing necessities available, LANE ORDER. EARLY ! 302 STEVENSON RD. N. ee OURS Kc o5 PHARMACY ff i Wine | i | | Wine Concentrates... and other Wine mak- LIMITEr | 723-1131 fj UNRESERVED AUCTION Heavy Construction Equipment (Mostly CAT & N.W.) ENTIRE -- Well Maintained SPREAD W. S. FULLERTON CONSTRUCTION CO, LTD. WINDSOR, ONT. On instructions received from Mr. W. S. Fullerton (Pres.), on completion of contracts TIME: WED., OCT. 4th, 10 A.M. E.D.T. Being The PREVIEW & DEMO'S MON, & TUES, OCT. 2&3 PLACE: WINDSOR, ONT. 843 CENTRAL AVE. S CAT SCRAPERS: 2 1962 619C's GIF Series P. Shift. 2 1961 y 90E. DWIS 76D. (All ere By very good condition). adios 9 CAT TRACTORS: (2) 1958 DBS 15A's (c/Wengle Di -- Hydreulic (1) Ceble. (2) DT I7A's RPE. 'tome, her "As Ne Undercerriage). D8 BR. D7 3T. D6 BU. D4 7J. R.T. DW 20 & DW 16. '58 Michigan 280 R.T. Dozer c/w Hydraulic Blade, CAB, etc. (in A-1 in). 5 CAT GRADERS: '58 & 'S6 mod. 12's (70D & 8 T's) c/w Power steering & Scorifiers). '56 & '52 Mod. 112 3U's (All ready to work). 7 BACKHOES -- CRANES -- SHOVELS: N.W. Mod. 6 c/w 40 ft. Crane Boom s/n, 14453 (recent complete undercerriege ond engine O/H cost over $18,000.00 -- this unit is in very good condition throughout). N.W, Mod. 41 ¢/w Backhoe s/n 17729, p/w CAT D-326 engine. 3 N.W. Lege eed hed backhoe LP omg booms & shovel 6 e mod. 's were completely jit in mid 1966). Mic' in Truck Crone mod. TOLT 20 ¢/w 30 ft. crane boom. Lima mod. sey 35 #. crane boom. Plus extra shovel fronts -- Beckhoe & Crane Asst. Buckets. 4 LOADERS: 1964 & 1961 CAT 944 43A's (1 w/4 in 1 bucket) 2 1965 Case R.T. Loaders mod. 530's c/w Hydr. Bockhoes. 3 ASPHALT SPREADERS: 1962 Blow-Knox ¢/w Electronic Screed Attach. ondition). Barber Green mod. 879 (new cost $40, good BX. Blew-Knox mod. PF90." 6 12 ROLLERS & PACKERS: 1961 Tampe 30 Ton Mod. SP 1070 3/n CMS5028 (This unit is just off a job, & is in very good condition), 2 Bros self-propelied R.T. Mod. SPS4B's s/n 6970 ond 7152. '62 Buftalo- Springfield 8-12 ton tandem mod. KTI9A8. K.W. 8-12 ton tendem mod. 80. Huber 10 ton (3 wheel). 2 Ci R.T. (pull type) mod, R.T.C. 132. Galion 10 ton. Buffalo-Springf 8 ton Tandem. Sheeps- foot 60" Tandem. Hyster Grid 60", mod. D. Tampo 13 wheel Wobbly. 25 TRUCKS: 5 1965 Tandem Dumps (Very Clean). 64 & '65 Pick-ups, 1.H.C. Fuel Truck ¢/w 2 compartment tenk, meters, pumps, filter, ete. 2 Asphelt Distributors w/Tanks. 2 Water Truck. Several Single Axle Dumps. 2 TRACTORS: 1964 1.H.C. 220 Tende v-1 ine. Bere nee At aR ge m p/w 8 Engine. 1960 Ford 2 KING FLOATS: 45 ton (16 Wheel) --- 15 Ton (8 Wheel Tut, ? K SCALES: (2) 50 'Ton -- (1) 30 Ton. 3 COMPRESSORS: 4 Well Point Pumps, Write, Phone or Wire For 16 Page FREE PICTORIAL SROCHURE, (Over 40 Photos) } | iki J -| called no strike against that net-!61,- keep it advised about the| local OMRP operation. announced Friday. writers. The great majority of . The loan will assist in con-|contributors to the book, Work. It lett no explanation. ' struction of a 14-storey building| Authors Take Sides on Viet-|, A ne i wel ulreehoaase gud ED ee for single students containinginam, are from the United)from the headquarters of the QUESTIONS ASKED 106 single rooms and 549 double' States and Britain. American Federation of Televi-- As the local directors map |sion and Radio Artists and sail'some broad horizons for |NABET picket lines would be'OMRP's future here, such a< respected "as of 12 noon today the proposed new 'centre tc an in all time zones." house all units under one roof, eemecren ranrosaig. BOS Oe oe new, ee CAMPAIGN MANAGER |vious council which dealt with) The technician's union, which public's ied questions in the Allan McPhail, NDP candi-|the question of the zoning in|turned down proposed new con-|" what is to be the future policy date for Ontario riding in the|Surrey Drive, as stated in our|tracts with both networks last! the Federal Beate BOGS Oct. 17 election, has named as|report of Sept. 19. He had only|Tuesday, said ABC had reject-/ (which currently oda heaeal his campaign manager Terry\dealt with the compromise solu-jed new proposals made Thurs-'pijis instead of he re oe : a Downey. Mr. Downey is a|tion put forward to the planning | day. | prev iousty shared with the gh 10 teacher at Brock District High|board on Sept. 6, 1967, which} NABET represents about 1,-/----------------_ ne ee School in Cannington where Mr. i pe application to get the|500 employees, about 600 of DO McPhail is a history instructor|sub-division approved. {whom work in New York WNTOWN and vice-principal. Mr. McPhail| = mee a aes -- -- has also appointed as his offi-| ic ec SHTEUL . cial agent James N. White, Can- DINING ROOM CITY OF OSHAWA nington, also a teacher at the REQUIRES A same school, SECRETARY TO THE BOARD OF CONTROL GOOD FOOD (MALE) REASONABLE PRICES GOING TO EXPO Special Noon Luncheons "yp or tut Job Requirements: To work th Board of Control; to foll the hn ecetttdale Colleriate Institute] on shart memuctions:to various, departmanie: te set up. agenae fer Hotel Lancaster meetings; to screen delegations wishing to appear before Board of 27 KING ¢ ST. WEST Control, to lend direction to Board of Control at meetings. awa Sept. 30 for Expo 67. The band will perform Oct. 2 and Education: Preferably some University training with ability to take 1 . occurate notes of meetings. A Clerk/Treasurer course would be nore mina eevee ine 3 at Bandshell A and return Valuable, home Oct. 4. Students and par- ent groups raised more than! $2,500 to finance the trip. Experience: Should have experience in municipal field with porticipa- tion in council meetings important. Benefits: Comprehensive welfare benefits, ability and experienc HEARING salory commensurate with Your Trip Includes: inclu And 0 CHRISTMAS IN LONDON! | $3 % = ti OR 21 DAYS Thirteen nights at a select London Hotel ding English Breakfast. either-- A two week freedom of London Ticket Or-- | A se "PERSONALIZED" Travel Service Mitchell & Waite 6% PRINCE (North of King) If drive Vauxhall Viva, | AUCTION PHONES: (519)-969-4230 or (416)-363-8770 'MAYNARD'S AUCTIONEERS LTD, 1233 West Georgia Street, Seite 1106, Predeatial Bidg.. Vancouver, B.C./682-1033 King & Yonge Sts., Torente, Qnt./363-8779 728-7395 | | ADULT EDUCATION OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION Classes have just storted in the following Programs, end there ® room for more students in the subjects listed. Interested persons should get in touch with the school offering the Program, immediately, GRADE 13 Cc i 250 H Telephone: 728-7315 More 'students can be eccommedated in Art, Chemistry, French, Geography, History, Mathematics A, Physics, Spanish, y Road South ADVANCED TECHNICAL EVENING COURSES McLeughlin C.V.1., $70 Stevensen Road North Telephone: 728-9407 More students can be accommodated in General Chemistry, Electronie Fi Physics |. e Apply IN WRITING ONLY, giving full details of age, maritol status, education, experience, etc., before 5:00 p.m., October 13, 1967, to: The Personne! Officer, City Hell, Oshawa, Ontario. WINS PRIZE The South Durham 4-H dairy) calf club, composed of David! Hames, Hampton, Murfay Yel- Jowlees, Enniskillen, and John Heringa, Fraserville, won the Lindsay Cleaners Trophy at the Lindsay Fall Fair this week,| with the championship dairy calf club in the show. DAY IN COURT A class of Grade 9 students from Ajax High School attend- PROBLEM? «then know your CROSS CANADA PAVING has 3 YEARS GUARANTEE also 6- 12- 18-20-36 month to pay e HEARING AID DEALER ba the Taaralny aciaion ot the No Payment For 2 Months After Completion ] Gilbert L. magistrate's court at Ajax. @ FREE ESTIMATE... Scott CORRECTION | Con. Ralph Jones has asked = prptieny The Times to point out that he! Call 728 9292 Oshawa ' en udtologis' was not a member of the pre- OSHAWA RECREATION DEPARTMENT Fall Swimming Program REGISTRATION Will be held for swimmnig classes et the new Centennial Swimming Pool on Thorntons Rd. S. on Wednesdey, Thursday, Friday, September 27th, 28th and 29th between 9:00 A.M. ond 5:00 P.M. and 6:30 to 8:00 P.M. Children's clesses are planned for each of the following: Let's get acquainted! life hearing aid is what you need, "test-hear"' our tiny, efficient Zenith quality models. We offer complete help--experienced ad- vice, batteries, accessories, service for all makes of hearing aids. Even a home appointment, if you wish. Stop in or cali now, in case you haven't heard. OSHAWA RECREATION DEPARTMENT LEVELS: VIN 0° figalainlind @ Mothers and Pre-school children. HEARING AIDS DEALER @ Tad Poles @ Borracuda GILBERT L. SCOTT on TUESDAY .; IMPERIAL OPTICAL 11 Ontario St., Oshewe 728-6239 Adult & Children's Classes In: Canedien Red Cross Levels Royel Life Saving Society Levels @ Beginner @ Junior @ Bronze Medallion @ Intermediote @ Senior @ Award of Merit FEES: Children -- $6.00 Adults -- $10.00 For further information coll 725-1111 NO MAIL REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED 1 | Widening of Simcoe Street between Adelaide Street and Rossland Road to four lanes is progressing very favourably. Curbs and sidewalks had to be broken up and replaced new, 1 prior to paving street. Scene above shows new sidewalk being poured from a concrete truck between Hillcroft and Connaught Streets. f Classes will start in Mechanics of Materials I! and Mathematics tt 8 soon as enrolment justifies. GRADE 12 TECHNICAL DIPLOMA MeLeughiin C.V.1. More students con be accommodated in English, Physics, Chemistry, UPGRADING COURSES FOR GRADE 12 TECHNICAL DIPLOMA MeLeughlin C.V.1, Classes will start in Junior English, Mathematics, Science, as soon os enrolment *justities. sy RYERSON BUSINESS CERTIFICATE COURSES MeLeughlin C.V.1. Further registrations will be taken on Wednesday, September 27 and Monday, October 2, from 7 o.m. to 9 p.m. Classes will start the follow- ing week in Accounting |, B Manag! fa if QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY DEGREE COURSES MeLeughlin €.V.1. Classes will start as follows, and be held on alternate weeks thereafter: English 033 -- Saturday, Oct. 7 -- 9:30 a.m. Philosophy 610 -- Friday, Sept. 29 -- 7:30 p.m. Psychology 031 -- Friday, Sept. 29 -- 7:30 p.m. Sociology 080 -- Tuesday, Sept. 26 -- 7:30 p.m. SHIFT WORKERS Doneven C.1. -- English and Mathematics, Grades 9, 10, 11, 12. MeLeughlin C.V.1. --- Auto Shop, Blueprint Reading, Electronics, Welding. peasrotion will lef Hen Monday, October 2, to Friday, October 6, in ytime, and also between 7:00 . and 9:00 p.m, on Mondo October 2 and Wednesday, October . is ich $f ALL OTHER ADULT EDUCATION COURSES Will register on Tuesdey, October 10 and Wednesdey, October 11, between 7:00 p.m. end 9:00 p.m. le you. hove not already received a weed folder on the Adult lucation Program, you may get one from you! Me fi tof the Collegiates, the UAWA, office, the office of the Oshawa and District Labour Council, and the: Public Library, or by telephoning the Board of Education Office, 728-1644, Local 57. Folders will be distributed by mail to all households during the last week of September. G. L. Roberts, Superintendent of Secondory Schools. $. E. Lovell, Chairman, Oshawa Board of SARS | 'al PREMIER ROBART the government whip, White, were nominate acclamation as Progr 'Stalem As Nei By ARCH MacKEN! Canadian Press Staff | The opening performa the United Nations Assembly illustrate th "freeze surrounding Vie « peace prospects since la ' ruary. But lingers on. U.S. Ambassador A Goldberg Thursday m. references to '"'peace," the peace "cal solution" and " "tions," the New York observes. But '"'nothing cant has changed." That applies to Frida} tering reaction from Sov eign Minister Andrei G * about "soap bubble" U.s British Doct Condemned LONDON (AP) -- A ,, superintendent in the c a storm for advising his 'Jet certain patients die 'hearts stopped was con Friday night for his tive." But Dr. William ! " superintendent of Neast pital, was condemned way he went about it. A committee set up the case said in a ref the wording of his m dum was "particularly » nate" and criticized th was distributed and dis Dr. McMath's meme put out in May last ye "The following pati not to be resuscitated: erly, over 6 maligant ' chronic chest disease; renal (kidney) disease The report found patient who might hav ed by resuscitative | , did not receive it. / The health minis ordered the instructi drawn at the hospite . spokesman said toda} such anti-resuscitatior tions were in force In | other 2,550 national he ice hospitals in Eng Wales. DRU! Open Sun JAMI 241 KINGS ST. E. TAMBI SHOPPING CENTR Summe All Ye With the in plus the spo mail deliver Suit ; 12 Open SATU!

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