Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Sep 1967, p. 20

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London run of Oliver. He was to an Areentine opera singer Her ® actors are staying near the stu- ) run nee Olivier's|and an English mother. TH AWA TIMES, Soturday, September 23, 1967 R And i Pl *y appearing in Laure nocalsae Oh Ses che ene iar sen SSS } = -- eel | omeo U let ayers a $ Love for Love for the peor eae craved to. London, . | u ekg Pe my ome i anncone Theatre when he nee audi and oher mower works Ss & uw ' | ODEON -- Now playing Rob-|Rod Ateiger are sure to be nom- N L k In R F ] iE di e Tempest and one| tions for Romeo and Juliet. a} : ON THE TO W N lert Wagner, Ann Jeanette Com-|inated i kee age | _ ave ew 00, ome | m Se ue ie She was born in Buenos Aires secretary. re taeee e i : : q es as Virgi h sc : i H ii og Fron yon Inbbe ys Bill Gillespie. "i ROME. (AP)--Romeo réecent-,sun at Cinecitta studios. I found I didn't have much contact with G . (=) i THE CORONET ROOM of , today for city and district |The action be gins where the\powerful provocative racial dra-|ly turned 17 and speaks cock-|Romeo (Leonard Whiting of| Shakespeare. . t 2 aoe NOW PLAYIN =e" g H the Cadillac Hotel on Simcoe | skaters -- family skating will |auction ends, The truth about}ma filmed in the small town of/ney. Juliet is 15 and ---- tolrondon) at a luxurious villa| Whiting started aciing, 8 2 Py a { St. §. will feature the Neil | resume at the Auditorium, |women. who go all out when|Sparta, Mississippi. In color. |mini-skirts and the ewan where several of the Britishlas the Artful Dodger Watch the Zz Matthews Ontario County Re- | Oct. 1. jthey go for a man. In color. ; Both are somewhat frighten -- a z view for one week starting | : | Shown weekdays at 7.30, and) MARKS -- Now playing, Gam-|about the future. es women 4 Monday night THE CRUEL DAWN 9.45 p.m. Shown Saturday at 5.15,|bit, with Shirley McLaine and| gnakespearean directors long 5 t They are a Country and| One of the highlights of the |7.39 and 9.45 p.m. Shown Sun-|Michael Caine. One of the top|naye been intrigued with cast- Western combo and this will | city's entertainment year Was |day at 2.30, 4.45, 7.00 and 9.15|suspense thrillers of the year. |ing the lovers as the teen-agers |i : tegen be their fourth return to the | the premiere here last winter p.m. : | On the same program, Blood|they were supposed to have FRONT & YONGE - 3-66 Coronet Room - | of The Cruel Dawn, the color- | Starting on Thursday, Michael|of the Vampire, also in color.|been. They had been dissuaded ; ed motion picture with an |Crawford, Oliver Reed and Har-|starring Donald Wolfit and Bar-|by the fact that such youthful CANADIAN OPERA HOTEL LANCASTER all - Oshawa cast. It was also jry Andrews in, The Jokers, the|hara Shelley. A horror movie|performers would doubtless The Blue Horse Lounge of | produced and financed here. |ultimate triumph of wild youth,!for young and old. ; lack the skill to polish the lus- per the Hotel Lancaster will again | For those who missed the film, |in color. s Shown Saturday continuous|tre of the language. COMPANY 7 F YoU feature Patsy Lee and Her | there will be a special show- | Shown weekdays at 7.40 andifrom 1.00 and Sunday continu-| Now comes Franco Zeffirelli, vom Boho A ner: Anjanete pr ( H se Starlights starting on Monday. | ing at Dnipro Hall, Oct. 5. 10.00 ng peggy en 4 nage 745, ous from 2.00 p.m. the audacious Florentine to CENTENNIAL SEASON : , 4 ba BLONDIE' i yest- meen jand 10.00 p.m. Sunday at 2.40,) crarti yt ' : banged 2 Soucy and West geared pecaerres i 5.00, 7.15 and 9.35 pm. inier, in color. Starving he pad whom nothing ~~ -- NOW PLAYING THROUGH OCTOBER 14 Guy Stockwell - James Farenting Conn Garisan B > Next Oct. 2 and 3 will be | watch for Grand Prix, coming|ravto, 4 ; --the man who directe e ees ; wu Gat ken ce st he a Col- | soon cay ae ld ae oe cae Burtons in Taming of the LOUIS RIEL egies | P eee o Tie GOR RUA Benib> Cl eginte OTe ee i | led . iger, the man whol Shrew. SEPT. 26, 30; 'Adult Entertainment A Universal Picture the Central Hotel will have the | when: the Oshawa group is | REGENT -- Now playing. {tied to tame" him gg yes He abandoned the modern MADAME BUTTERFLY OCT. 4, 6, 12 gal oa 9:48 -- Sot: 5:15 - 7:30 - 9:45 -- Sun. from 2 p.m. a Jimmy Allen Quartet will Hu- | scheduled to perform at Expo (purl Ives, Daliah Lavia and/who wanted to cage him. |tradition of playing Romeo and SEPT. 27; Today Ah 1220 2.7 * lie Lynn as its attraction to- | '67 in Montreal. |Troy Donahue in, Those Fan-| On the same program, The) Juliet with adult and sometimes IL TROVATORE OCT. 3, 7 (Mat) 9, 13 OS ON THEATRE night. Jimmy Allen and Rog- tastic Flying Fools, in technicol-|_,.~/ : 4 iddle-aged leads. He returned 7 --~') er Damphouse are on guitar LITTLE THEATRE or. The most fabulous enter- Sag "ci Nrosact lags aye er peso cpncerina asad THE LUCK OF GINGER COFFEY Oe Re ODE and Terry Morin is on the The Oshawa Little Theatre |i,inment event of the year. Fun With ng ig eb ded|as it was done in the musical- sep, 30 (MAT) 39 KING ST. E. -- PHONE 725-5833 rerk i ee a ee Mike| ow. when the west needed tam-|ized version in West Side Story] BARBER OF SEVILLE OCT. 5, 10, 14 ATE Helen and the 1a: | ative Bd ae \Todd's memorable, Around the|ing. whos adventure needed a\--of two teen-agers caught in TALES OF HOFFMANN Scr Sk Gas ing Dolls will be the featur- The OLT has had an admir- |World in Eighty Days ing, Jian adult world of hate and . 25, 29; ed attraction starting next) able record of achievement | Shown today and Sunday at| giant they sent for the Plains: | strife, OCT. 7, 14 ~~ | throughout the years and often 15.30, 7.40 9.00 p.m. Shown) "cy: | ON. TO THURS, EVES. 8:15 P.M. $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 '$2.75 -- | w oa HEReClal and other prob- leeebaeys ar 2.38, 445.7 10 and __ Shown weekdays at 7.00 p.m.| The new sgl ae dese PRI k SAT, EVES. B15 PM $6.75 $6.00 $450 $3.28 HOTEL WHITBY .... .... | lems were great. The OLT |9.95 p.m. : Saturday continuous from 1.00) were enjoying a few days SATURDAY MATINEES 2:00 P.M. $475 $3.75 $2 $ The Jimmy Allen Quartet, i r kes | r the Roman featuring Julie Lynn, takes | a much - needed service. As |Saturday and Sunday afternoon, \P-™- Se lets battled unde over at the Stage Novell east ba) an indication of its foresight |Journey to the Beginning of| Monday night. They are a | and aggressiveness, it will pre- |Time, in technicolor. Four boys Country and Western group. supplies the community with Special children's matinees jand Sunday continuous from 2.00) while the Montaguse and Capu- BOX OFFICE OPEN 11 A.M. TO 9 P.M. MON. TO SAT. LI'L ABNEB 1P- | sent three productions this |living the excitement every boy 83 Mark Hellman and the Liv- | coming season as follows: |dreams about in the most fan- oe Pee area torent cur- | Rattle of a Simple Man, The |tastic adventure of any age iS JAMES a A FESTIVE rent engage rf | Crucible, and The Odd Couple. | Shown Saturday at 12.30 and | Their professional standards 2.30 p.m. Sunday at 1.30 and| Eceprens | 5 ALBERT SPrnis is the final week at | are high and their dedication |3.30 p.m. Iw IANFLEMING'S Adult Enterteinment MeclAINE dad the Spruce Villa Hotel, Whit- impressive -- it is little won- | : ; u . be for Kitty Lanier's Revue. | der therefore that the OLT| PLAZA -- Held over for a| you ONLY LIVE She is assisted by the Bobby | set an all - time record for |third week, Sean Connery is} J . e JACK SUSANNAH Dean Duo and an exotic dan- | admissions last season Patra Bond in, You Only Live | LEMON 4 -- cer. IAN WEEK Ae | s D I N N E R : ; Chaties Hicketein will take 7 WEEK oe Shown Monday through Satur- | oe : aa ° nied over next week with an all- 'he Ukrainian Women's As- jday at 1.10, 3.15, 5.20, 7.30 and| WEEK > albrin girl supporting cast. This is a | S0ciation will hold a banquet |9 49 p.m. Last complete show 8 MON h JACOBI ° . return engagement for him. | 2Md dance tonight in St. John's /at 9.25 p.m. Shown Sunday at| 1:00---3:15--5:20--7:30---9:40 DAY, OCTOBER 9t eo ° Ukrainian Greek Orthodox |; 39, 3.25, 5.20, 7.30 and 9.40 p.m. : snuck \ ° JOAN CIVIC AUDITORIUM Church to mark the opening |Last complete show at 9.25 p.m.| Make Your Reservations Now VARNGLL Xs! ; ° GREENWOOE General- manager, William | of Ukrainian Week here. It The next attraction will be/ PLAZA THEATRE at the TECHNICOLOR Kurelo of the Oshawa Civic | will also mark the 10th anni- (nijopce American Style. with| GEOR IA | PANAVISION Auditorium had good news ! versary of the UWA. |Debbie Reynolds and Dick Van| N Motor Hote Dyke. A modern romantic com- wn ~ ; ; ~ peer s edy. ae lf THE MOST FRIGHTENING chap al eee a: Box Office Opens 7:00 SETS. ADMISSION: ADULTS $1.25 Cha lin Complex F. atal Shown daily at 1.30, 3.25, 5.25,)§ 7 eee FIEND IN THE HISTORY Show Starts et Dusk "vz Come Early Avoid The Rush |7.25 and 9.30 p.m. Last complete together is @ crime! OF HORROR |show at 9.15 p.m. 368-0838 -- 366-0881 "mum DANCE Ontario Country Boys ; COUNTRY & WESTERN Still vigorous at 75, the vet- eran producer paused to reflect} on the phenomenon that has) brought the deceased Laurel} and Hardy more acclaim now IZZA than in their heyday on ain| Phone 723-0241 Chemplain Ave. at Thornton Rd. 723-4693 | i SHIRLEY | "Pe. | Coming soon, In The Heat hy! < For Laurel - Hardy Team 'esi it, 2 sa {imacGaInep, [} "BLOOD o 14 Dancing 9:00 - 1:00 A.M | . jwell be chosen Best Picture of \S VAMPIRE" ancing 3:0U- 1; ame ¥ ' A : the Year and Sidney Poitier and] \ MICHAEL HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- The|with this, he explained. In the ' CAINE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT | ot the oe COULD man most delighted with the | silent films comedy was played PTT | | Seances? = once YOUR | Laurel and Hardy revival isjat 12 frames of film a second, |<! h, re in oo DONALD BARBARA $]/ GEORGIAN M H | | nN Hal Roach, who hired them,|resulting in the jerky, comical ¢ : GAMBIT WOLFIT SHELLEY otor ote | THE z nurtured them through theirymovements of Chaplin and rand Ole Opry tad TECHNICOLORe NX ee Fr classic comedies and then,|other comics. But sound movies (a2 - : L ra ef when the Chaplin complex set alioshed oe lags a ot Tour ) 7 NOW a ro in, fired them thus providing more natura Nashoi | \ | 3 7 Roach's Gelight results from|movements. Meal Woskand \l . ! PLAYING? i # Presents , artistic rather than monetary; Under the Roach aegis, Stan | concerns. Early in the televi-\Laurel and Oliver Hardy flour- Oct. 7th to 9th SONGSTRESS EXTRAORDINARY i sion era he sold out his interest\ished with brilliance through| Coll: -- Hear your favourite requests -- show tones --Blues : in the Laurel and Hardy films|the 1930s, then fell into decline. | BEA MARTIN and realized little of the/They moved to other studios)' | HORSESHOE TAVERN 4 4 | 9 and the immense returns that the come-lm aking low-budget comedies TORONTO GEORGIAN Motor Hotel ' dies brought. that dulled their careers. | | i | i Make Your Reservations | Last Night--'THE DARACONS" THIS WEEK screen. Their comedies remain or 728-0192 ular on television and | KKK x xK 4 NOW popuiar on teieusion eo ol Eps RES EEE RAE EK MS "The LAST WORDS" ye Re a hailed them as the great comic artists of the talking films. "It's strange," says Roach. "T've been at film festivals '* fun in the jocular vein of Mike Todd's memorable Around The World in 80 Days" LO -- TIME MAGAZINE Tonight ea) Te most FABULOUS - for Thanksgiving Dinner 1.00 Non-Members . . . 75¢ Members WENRY festival We Feat Comedies are layed. To my . : 0.C.V.1. AUDITORIUM (9 ENTERTANMENT EVENT OF TE YEAR 50 Busin oa Tesi cartes Soe pags Meat t ronrkd 1p Fy es SAT., SEPT. 23rd -- at 8:30 p.m. ' 3 evrrve eeerrre oe? e %e, hardly any laughter from DRESS -- SHIRT and TIE... No Blue Jeans today's audiences. But the Lau- rel and Hardy pictures get laughs in all the places where we planned them to be at the Dancing Saturdays COUPLES ONLY JERRY REIDT ig had much to do siessatedees The Oshawa ! - 1 a ----_ 7) Little Theatre BURL __ TROY GERT_ HERMIONE LIONEL DALIAH = "EARN"? ; IVES DONAHUE FROBE-GINGOLD-JEFFRIES LAVL S - DENNIS . : -""TERRY-THOMA © ee Mod ern Squ are Dancin 9 RUDY VELTRI SEPTEMBER ig a GRAHAM STARK S Bigs oy aol E STARTING SEPT. 19th ond his New and Sunday At: THEATRE -- EVERY TUESDAY TORNADOS LITTLE THEATRE MONTH phi Im dose = a ouslitit . sis During September members of the Ohove Lite Tyre wi SEE AD BELOW FOR SAT. AND SUix. matINEES H featuring the lovely 1000 Season Tickets .. . If you have not be n con eed b | - Sir Albert Love School MARIE HARRISON September 22nd, please call Nis Richard ited ot 725-1367, T @) M @) 4 K @) W f | or en EO 'ssivastare Season Tickets i ye THe mosT FABULOUS : "Jim? & "Betty" Allen RED BARN Membership entitles you to See "THE RATTLE OF A SIMPLE CS ' ENTERTAINMENT EVENT OF THE YEAR! = w PHONE 723-3692 or 725-61 26 eu ig ai ing Surrounding of Oshawa's Ni: Lach cde" -- SUN DAY Bee 3 SI Ta = Ss Ga ae ee MATINEES ONLY! be FOUR BOYS LIVING THE EXCITEMENT EVERY BOY 2 DREAMS ABOUT é a. INTHE MOST] Sifu. <munsionco¥R i u L TROY GERT_ HERMIONE LIONEL DALIAH eee ite ee eee aINGOLD JERE eS Le I *STRA ' ano A OF ANY AGE! ; TRATFORD JOHNS » GRAHAM STARK «""' TERRY-THOMAS 2nd Smash Hit! | The BIKINI-BUNNIES are Bustin' Out All Over! a ee fa inruc. COLOR JOURNEY S Ry, en TO THE BEGINNING OF TIME | ittim rome MES i fe Authentic Re-creation of Prehistoric Times WALLEY ao KIRK y - < ; (ease | THE THE THE cam reg 7 | PLUS 2COLOR CARTOONS =| aniifiaLs- T0YS- CASTAWAYS- GENTRYS. a {Z | pice rac Box Office Opens At 7:00 P.M. 3 a j Seoewe Show Starts at Dusk

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