ns}Burden 212, Donalda Williams 205 and Edris Lee 1. rs| Points Taken:-- Henderson's 2, Burn's n-|2, Mitchell's 3, White's 1, Motor City AS|3, Flowers by Penrose 1, Mister T.V. |Towers 1 and Saywell's 3. ng NEIGHBORHOOD LADIES THURSDAY AFTERNOON LEAGUE S| High Triples:-- Darlene Wilson 755 (201, 229, 325), Ev Campbell 666 (222, it, | 252), Nancy Vickers 662 (201, 245, 216), Molly DePratto 613 (225), Edna Hall 8.606 (267) and Margot Bobris 605 (220). High Singles:-- Mary Maddock 248, Stella Edwards 242, Jay Shewring 232, 9,| Mildred Witterick 231, Phyllis Mounce er|229, 203, Laura Collins 225, Betty Pearse 223, Dorothy Bentley 221, Ellen Burrus, 6,|214, 200, Effie Baldwin 207, Marian Hall ye | 201 and Gladys Knight 200. je} Team Standing:-- Campbells 4, Collins 4, Wilsonins 4, Shewrings 3, Pearse 1, s;|Burrus 0, Witterick 0, and Vickers 0, s;| Night's Highlight:-- To Darlene Wil- ndjson -- a nice 325 game to start out |the season. or ' 7,| CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS on| High Triples -- Wes Stata 808 (303, rq 329); Norville Buck 756 (278, 302); Nell of Palmer 672 (300, 223); Garnet Palmer 632 (218, 214); Bob Dart 629 (293); Don [Robinson 616 (228, 217); Bob Miller 604 | (253) and Harvey Balson 601 (241, 226). ».|_ High Singles -- Lorna Bacon 253, Don 2,/Samis 231, Sue Varga 230, Bernice m|Palmer 230, Ev. Stata 227, Becky Nrir 13225 Molly Hartshorn 223, 208, Claude Glassford 223, Bill Elliott 213, 205 and Arlis Smith 212. g,,_ Team Standing -- Teams 1, 3, 5, and 7 1Y got 2 points each; 2, 4, 6, 8 - 1 pt. each. »- 1 "| n- | | | THEIR "CUSTOMERS" RATE WITH BEST ON THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT NATIONAL STUD FARM LOST ONLY THREE FOALS IN THIS LAST SEASON 'Cl : ! Né INA, & ARim LO} NL 7 Y) » I » LAS SEASO) ... U.S. Breeders, And Owners Send Their Mares To Oshawa To Be Bred ---It Reported 135 "Live Foals During The Same Period Of Time ~-- National Stud Farm Story ? ah oo h we Bf He Entertainment 4 5 rv ve Gimmes Youth and Home ERIC REPRICH Story Of Northern Dancer : pasenis Showcase Features ; OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATUR TEMBER 23. 1967 j Concerto By GEO. H. CAMPBELL full - brother of Northern Dan-\of the famous U.S. thorough-|joined E. P. Taylor in 1948. He , 0 RIO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER , 1967 It's only money! But in bus-|cer. Nobody reached that deep|bred, "Kelso", now '"'standing"|has been with them ever since. aici iness phrase of suply and de-|but they're happy about that, at!in Maryland, paid $1,500,000 for, Starting with "Gil", they toss mand, Oshawa's National Stud|Windfield Farms. | "Nearctic". names around with great aban- Farm is one of Oshawa's most; A half-brother to Cool Recep- The influence of this change,don at both National Stud Farm important "'industries", when!tion, by Northern Dancer soldj9f ownership is significant.)and Windfields Farm, They em- viewed in financial terms. for $175,000 and several Nor-|Nearctic earned a service fee|ploy about 50 of a staff under Larkin Maloney, owner of the|thern Dancer offsprings sold for Of about $10,000. while "stand-|normal .cireumstances and add ill - fated "Cool Reception",/ $39 900 or better. jing' at National Stid Farm.|about 10 mofe, during their at Ni Featuring o complete symphonic work on each Picea bought a yearling, one of the ve es |* Today, down in Maryland, the! "'busy season", early spring. Monday to Friday from first of Northern Dancer's crop, |U.S. OWNER'S INTERESTED | new "syndicate" owners are as-| Their "customers" rate with 9 to 10 P.M. since he took his "stand" at| All of the Northern Dancer|king $15,000. for his service. (the best on the North Ameri- National Stud Farm here, for|yearlings were sold or are be-| Nearctic has proven his worth|can continenet in thoroughbred 375,000, The foal was out of the|ing "Held" at Windfield Farms|as a sire. Northern Dancerjracing circles. We give you highly respected mare "Queenjand this marks the first time |draws a $10,000. stud fee, for)such names as Alfred G. Van- Statute'. in the history of thoroughbred/a live foal, here at National/derbilt; Mrs. E. H. Augustus; Another Northern Dancer foal,/racing in Canada that principal | Stud Farm. If his progeny|Mrs. A. C. Dupont; The Green- raised in United States by an|U.S. breeders came to Canada/should prove to be top winners,|tree Stud Farm; of Lexington, American breeder sold at the|to patronize Canadian sires. that fee will be increased. The|Kentucky; Taylor Harkin, of Vir- yearling sales at Saratoga for! Indicative of the respect with) contract calls for "a live foal') ginia; Barry Ryan, also of Ken- | 94,9 Q S $60,000 and another amitious|which Canadian - bred horses|and the contract is just as sim- tucky; and numerous others owner paid $45,000 for one ofjare now held was the major ple as that. prominent in the U.S, lists of QUALITY STEREO > Northern Dancer's "get". business transaction of a few| U.S. breeders and owners are) breeders and owners. EM RADIO When the Windficld Farms|weeks ago when a_syndicate|sending their mares to Oshawa, "Gill" Darlington is more 'held their private sale, they|headed by Mrs. Allaire C. Du-jto be bred. They like to have|than generous with his praise - placed a price of $200,000 on aJpont, of Maryland, and owner | their progeny foaled here, since|of the National Stud Farm staff. the horse is immediately a '"'Ca-| Ye pr ints ] i tely | proudly points out the key nadian bred and so eligible for members of his 50 - personnel all Canadian Stake races, aSistaff. Aside from secretaries mie as any of the U.S. racing/and filing clerks, they have classics. Peter Poole, who was wi ; Many U.S. horsemen are what)*Gil" on his kon lage in B he is known in the trade as "mar-) ville, then moved to Windfields ket breeders", and a foal that)Farm and then National Stud is Canadian - bred enhances|Farm, a record dating back to their chances of selling their} 1947, stock at a yearling sales, to a M y all) ac 4|...Harry Green, now back at yg d ato as well aS &) windfields, was 'a National Stud seek hy : me Farm for many valuable years DIFFERENT PURPOSES _ land so was Howard Farndale, In both Canada and United)who was on the National Stud States, "market breeders" raise}Farm before Mr. Taylor owned horses strictly for sale. Some|it, about 35 years ago and work- raise horses, retain their fillies|/ed first for Col. R. S. McLaugh- and sell the colts; some raise]jin's "Parkwood Stables'. gis an 5 A is and breed, exclusively for their] Andre Blaettler has been at *. ae , : own stable, this is a select group} National. S 'arms -- - ° a pas : os iiss eR usually fortunate to own a few|years, Harold Lewis. thelr Nec GROOM ERNIE STETTLER PROUDLY DISPLAYS NORTHERN DANCER AT NATIONAL STUD FARM outstanding mares. {1 "foaling man" is the ace .-- All Of Dancer's Yearlings Were Sold Or Are Being Held At Windfield Farms a cue and Sara-|"mid-wife" of the entire staff Peon oe ues inte S ay Wie id jwith more than 20 years at no : Raped che Mis So! Plot and National Stud " ; rses and) Farm. these are in addition to the| Bill McFarland, the present probable 5,000 yearlings sold at)"stud Groom" has been with other smaller sales. the organization for eight years, The contract of so much mon-| They have a "resident vetin- ey for a live foal creates prob- ary', Dr. Howard Aldous, and Jems. a ae a complete laboratory setup, of uetien Bes noe Be ay ony foie rooms and officiating tech- s s last season) nicians. and had 135 "live foals", When) Mrs. B, Churchill, with 12 7 yo pisigh get to pwns | years of hospital experience, is ie Aap 4 et sn eee charge of the laboratory fa- ill die and. 20 per cent) cilities: at National Stud Farm. Sik aes ose coment wl gee mee Farms en successiul 1) and is 'competent to supervise raising only three sets of twins administration of sedatives, an- since 1948 -- and none of these | tj-biotics, blood chemistry, hem- Listings :15 News, Weather Sports & Stocks :35 Entertainment Guide :00 Luncheon Date :00 Sound Stage :30 Supper Club -05 Entertainment Guide :00 Spectrum :05 Billboard :30 On Parade :00 Organ Moods Y EVENING ever amounted to much at the/atology, urinalysis, etc., which 00 Music from the 3 : : ' * races, in almost all cases results in Masters MANAGER-DIRECTOR F. G. "GILL" DALINGTON IMPRESSIVE STAFF ja similar reaction to that in a . z As Manager - Director of Na-|human_ being. .. Joined E. P. Taylor In 1948 tional Stud Farms, F. G. "Gil"! The National Stud Farm 4s FEENEY ENE TL NCTE | Darlington heads up the oper-jone of Oshawa's major indus- 'lation at National Stud Farms./tries, it has both a human and "Gil" owned his own estab-| sporting appeal for sure and it's lishment at Oakville and then'here to stay! WE CLAIM our drycleaning makes fabrics :00 Concerto At Nine :05 News, Weather :00 Music 'Til Midnight AY EVENING :00 Serenade :00 Concerto At Nine :05 News, Weather :00 Serenade EVENING :00 Travel Topics :00 Concerto At Nine :05 News, Weather :00 Music from the Masters | LOOKING FOR THE BEST IN URBAN LIVING ? :00 Sunday Serenade FOREMAN "BILL" BOYD DISPLAYS GROUP OF WEANLINGS AT THE NATIONAL STUD FARM | look i iy Sieve oe | 00 new again. ...The Horse He Is Holding Is A Northern Dancer Foal Out Of The Famous Nandina + | see OA ARN eee i it parse aot 4 i er ee | k e 9 GM CI igale Manet ue vag! no Ped i f ' ' Chora! sstival at Eastdale ae Show md e us prove if. NEXT WEEK S ACTIVITIES AT THE y norus \Colie Bard welled to Ste. d :30 Holland Calling 'Therese, Quebec, for a GM 3 :30 Hungarian Supper The secret is our new Sanitone Synfactant process. A U D ] i 3 Oo R i U M rac icin plant opening. A Club : It floats di ' | Any GM male employee in- : s dirt out, then forms a protective shield % ; -45 News, Weather ¥ terested in singing is asked to Sports | on the fabric to actually repel dirt. So colors are SEPT EMBER 24th to SEPTEMBER 30th Phe? Gonceal "Malone Mais se to the gonpene A id a ' A ' i i iti i ; ences RD "Monday evening, or contact lan 00 Supper Club | brighter, whites are whiter, Fabrics look and feel Watch Tite Spas in. Youn, shenects Edition tor all Coming evants {fhe Year. none launched a sn at Forbes, chorus president, at the * j os . season n r the directic 0 i :00 Palais | like new again, It's a Sanitone exclusive, Sunday -- September 24th 4:30 p m, -- 5:45 p.m, 6:00 p.m. -- 7:20. p.m. Ralph Cou Aival of auditorium not later than Sept. 00 Gaddey nt h 10:00 a.m. -- 12 noon Junior 'A' Camp Junior 'B' Camp music at Kin y College. 30 ab : unday at t Ae Osh: Crushmen Jr, 'B' i soda dat ABS rae The chorus is sponsored by oe . Rosslynn Arms S ee Tuesday -- September 26th Friday -- September 29th Mr. Coupland brings 10 the|ihe GM recreational couneil. 05 N Weath if 1:00 p.m. -- 3 p.m. -- 8:00 p.m, -- 8:00 p.m. -- 10:00 p.m, SRE i int ne aa 'I Re BOLE Ne DEBE OUR a I Bi : wel} ' Achille ' : Wy Oshawa Generals Jr. 'A' Exhibition N.H.L, Hockey Public Skating (Teen AMA COMPELS 1 A ge os ta LA I SUSPENSION KING 00 Music 'Til Midnight A artments Camp Minnesota North Stars vs Skating) known. in Oshawa and:have won ee a : 7:30 p.m, -- San Francisco Seals many awards, NEW YORK (AP) -- Manuel NIGHT: s an one. Exhibition N.H.L, Hockey Saturday -- September 30th e GM cho is not formed|Ycaza, who has been suspended ; ; Minnesota North Stars vs .Wednesday--September 27th 2:00 p.m, --- 4:00 p.m for competition but has enter-| more "times than any other PCOrk SHOW 745 STEVENSON ROAD NORTH : Certified Master Drycleaner Los Arigeles 8:00 p.m, -- Children Skating (Under tained the residents of Hills-|. ; i 4 Ee 3 Monday -- September 25th Exhibition N.H.L. Hockey 14) Parents may _---|jockey in American thorough- al Polarization j | 10:00 a.m. -- 11:15 am. Toronto Maple Leafs vs SRcompeny Buyi Sellina! bred history, drew another 10- : ' Minnesota North Star Rochest uying or oeciling: day rap Thursday from th i For Brochure or Information | Brccice eeeret 7:15 p.m, -- ying g Fe ee ae : | 2:30 p.m. -- 3:30 p.m, Thursday -- September 28th Exhibition N.H.L, Hockey GUIDE REALTY stewards BF We: AquCcneh ere i Phone | Minnesota North Stor 4:30 p.m. -- 5:45 p.m, Minnesota North Stars ys a track. Ycaza was set down for 94 : | Practice Junior 'A' Camp Pittsburg Penguins a ave a, gigs rough riding astride Gala Per. ee s 2 , Presiden! q i viet * @ Cleaners & Shirt Launderers ICE RENTAL AVAILABLE: Phone 728-5162/3 © DICK YOUNG, Vice-Pres. ||formance in the Stymie Handt- in a o fs cap Wednesday. He now has COMING EVENTS: < QSHAILA ' @ LUCAS PEACOCK, Sec. Treas en pone : OCTOBER 8th -- 7:30 pm. Opening Game Junior A' Hoc : Ann , Ss. wa |/been. suspended a total of 85 434 Simcoe South 728-5133 OCTOBER 19th -- = 00 a "Britons Sn Tour with David Whitfield, sede TEL be ng i gp teReg days this year and an aggre. SEMA UR acne gate of 591 days for his career,