Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Sep 1967, p. 14

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\8--Mele H WA Cocktail . exe 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 23, 1967 " | DS a EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED A GEO! MOTOF i ' S t rda 9 to 12. JUNIOR EXECUT Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday rent future for a accustomed to con Three-year initial + 5 Wanted |18--Male Help Wonted _ heen camps ----<--<--<--<_----_--, ni rv" denefits. Oshaw ae aaa area avers ALARM RACK sia wsbs tis LOVING DAY ience » years of exper! . R A come and to the r e er eek oar i delivery. 576-1337. OPE TORS 'al opportunity. Re : ING, move insured, odd jobs done, Box 34567, Oshawa RY iseaanatl RK or A with orto truck. Rent truck with REQUIRED BY WAITER FOR CO% ES driver, 726-288: IRE Most rs 'experienc inted OSHAWA F Motel" Lancaster, ' ; é 17--Female Help Wai DEPARTMENT Aire B U S | N E PP Mcl ntosh STENOGRAPHER MINIMUM ge Wey now, being formed, ind Dictaphone Ari 510", wele cellent pavorenoes Shorthand or E is @ selling posi : i of age. TS MUST BE BE- No prospecting. No Instruction woceedrahanaihad $2 Per Bushel respecte pe afiag Arpuscan and 19 YEARS However your vi * . CREE RPO IT r Building Trades GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer ye! OF AGE. prospects that we p ccountants a nges. Free estimates. * Grade 10 educa- month. Interviews : HALL, B.Comm., Charie.|ATLANTIC PAVING AND gees HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME ai 30-1740. on Teen. + é gui hrc given 9 herds Makes 6 we Me Accountants a6 King "street East fie aa. ft, ail work guaranteed for Three IN SPARE 'TIME __ |vacuum-- end --poilsher repairs, etl Personnel Manage! aad : ner ramuneatin" awa 725-6537, * 393-028 | kes, new hoses, brushes, new. motors. lly fit. 3 future in the hos THO er Tee Fe cee Prag Building repairs. | Rooting. u to write examin Jock Lees, Pick Op and Selivery. 72 A L G 0 M A LAKE ONTARIO Medicaly SNTATUM OF ON NE ; Soversion | Sétoits, i laces, Prepares yo! bed | 6956. HA' get further tied _eds sally. ee gen sean ntay. sokeT Ontario EEL SIDENCE IN OSH- | ance experience no NN, Chartered eccoun- iby. ations to receive ri A ST YEAR'S RE P JORERH GUTMANN, Chartered ocrremr|mneseney.. Ge ager pati, shin Diploma. Grades 5-12. Im- |Septie Service d AWA. | appie Pact. 'Telephone | 725-4833. pices fag ff aft jobs. L. ducatien at your 2 co. LTD. licants to be pain Con., ts East. Telephone Sa harier.| repairs, large art 725-693) prove your: educati " TIC TANKS cleaned. Boe ob Successful app! ber ond, a Harwood Avenab HOPKINS, BEADLE AND Ci |Rooting and Cons | own pace. Low instal merits Walter Ward, 204 : N., Whitby Box 330 available for October Starling' september Sag, Ia) King 'street East, Oshawa, Cr Gn ace wel ius hock) ore oo treat West, Whitby, 668-2563. Thickson Rd. N., WHITBY 1967. | APPLE" Pickens 1, asm $ Hooke CA" teed. Ware + os ak gana Surveyors | PERSON ONLY, B Yelephone' 335-5984 rior A. Ne cao ; | 5 Telephone Beadle, CA; E Lukow, C acreati rooms,| brocnure to: steed et Apply in 15096 b YALE, FRIEDLANDER sor aha nine Gee neice Sie Mbreck an American School, Dept. 8 |y pray, ONTARIO, LAND Survey LADIES before 4:30, p.m OO yc Blanes bose role, tered Accountants. Licensed Trustees cement work. 725: Dorion _Shanaue. Box 2, tea gets vale Office 47 Prince . 70 WHICH September 26t fe e ae, pe er re cee e 725-668). ------ ED, $1.75 a bushel, 12 RN oie: # 9:30 a.m. | 'round employment, Bankruptcy. $7) ay ce free Holliday Name ..... Age.... AN AND FLEISCHMANN, On. ONLY A FRONT GATE MaciNTOSH | RED, $I 'on Simcoe Street YOU CAN EA tween the hours o' ' plus commission. Af AY, Cerlitied Gene wirablold Aadress ......., Tel... pony i Goa Leena soe HAS BEEN ADDED IS miles north of Oshawe EACH WEEK . . ond Aig ama, © Bshowar 726-2601. SORDON a 205W, Oshawa Shop . ; in busi- ee tin i Ontario Street. 725-5632. THE ONLY HOTEL IN Nort! --jeaevAabies cae ia 4 need apply. er centre, 725-9953 ot ERRANO PAVING, 10 years are too. PIANOT Glisuical "anw popular, Theory. RHOUFI, ALGERIA FRESH ish onions, peppers, potatoes.) with 3 to 4 hours p The Personne! Depar: , FOUR MEN needed re SS Service. |ness. Guaranteed work, 19¢ sau i ntact Patricia Tuck, corn, Spanish onions, peppers. potatoes, : ; in about Hall ae work, 4é-hour week. BOB CLANCY'S ee 178 Sim-|17 Bond St. East. 723-5841. var Temata Oshewe dial 725-4587. Towing Z = cabbage, Based le Oshawa on 401 talking to businessm x ey all, : and over 25. Rate | ss a nn Y < , Vart aes ' A 3 . E i See ere, Re. Tees: BALLET, BATON Twirling, -- Register| TOWING! ae SCO VALLES oo oe | their industrial cleaning pro! BED cS REAL ESTATE care ola canewry tem. gaily, Marvey 'bance Academy, | 24 HOUR SERVICE | FR PHYSICIAN | PICK YOUR OWN peppers at $280 | Jem No telephone soliciting, Flow, honest and intin Oshawa Shopping Centre. 725-6122, | 2:50] # n $ MADE CHIEF shel, tomatoes $1.50 a bushel. Bring) hous-to-house calls. We 4 can ral pecccecere ard Reproductions} | Quality Carpentry fpr ee >" aera. ee oats oe : 2 KING PHILIPIL OF ed [your own continers. V "Gencassion. 1651 pay top earnings in odvence. NG MEN : view inset con sat. nh, 723 AL REPAIRS oan td Eost | AND GIVEN TH sas) oF amoron, Z | interview write 7 las J. M. Bullied, Re 4 Simcoe Street Nort GENER. ---- tain a tow truck at East | 046. For persona A Bivarining and potstene capes} Improvement Specialists lari. waned for sand maraietwil en ee ue BE ill ace il |< A eee te to Mr, Allan Turner, Salet | ee imanaper in. loco Dav i mee 7 Building Trades | Serving sg roy on District. Box fayeni?. Oshawa "Times. Oshawa Towing | Centered i ES |tainers. RV. MeBurnie, Harmony Rd. horn not vga - sch ot comet to coast gent, wen Santee u =| for Many Years 1 | MONARCHS RHE |N. 2¥2 mile roleum Corporation, d ; ization, Experi- i PHONE 728-771 | ie wh FOOTBATH Harmony. | 4 Fort Worth chain _ organiza' EXPERIENCED bar Frere ong OFS BST "as Medes wi fC 4 - ARM WATER? (1572) | panish| Main Street, or' ! sary, in educa- t lounge. Apply Mr. C "OWN fomatoes, Spanis ence unnecessary, pc ) PAIRS Phone 725-857 lw Radio Repairs [PICK YouR ow W. Eyemann.| Texas 76101. ae a Bor Rube be aul ; (No phone ce se e jonions .Bring containers. Garans, tion field, but mu Coal or 6233411 Mortgage Loans | | | mile east of Roy Nichols Garage, 'onverse intelligently. ' ma on ERATION i to first corner. Y? to ¢ wer 30 at once for ¢ AL | TV SERVICE | pees 8 Bi a ee NEED EXTRA MONEY: 1, Aged 18-26. ° ft libers | i | rt ish, carrots, . Age advancement, ; ssmaki | t Mortgages: ; . ies for Sal TOMATOES, potatoes, squa' Bh eae feat in' Gppenranee, i gag ta ae! 7 ADDITIONS oe aK % igni ions,| First Mortgages arranged COLOR |6--Marine Equipment ha bares tt ae WW Aono Showing our beautiful line of . Pe ie ecare immediately. short tripe: ex IN rates.) quickly. Current rate of 8°. +1. OF 1967 SNO PRINCE Snowmobiles. Huskilty TOWER SPECIAL in tte atructure roy, Brooklin, Christmas cards to friends, . met necessary. Write JOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES [Professionally done, Chola ties wi: Open half-yearly without no- BLACK ond WHITE. |PR. S70 CRMcR fa See i 9A--Eggs & Poultry neighbors, relatives is one SALARY: Ba | Worth, 'Yexas, for. an H id. Kitchens DRESSMAKIN expertly fitted suits)! tice or bonus. First mortganes FOR THE BEST CALL padi SL dlc N Btls URE ag ED wringer _washers,| RESH" DAILY --| of the easiest and fastest ways interview on Octobe sna Sigel coats, dresse: Ye eet" |, arranged and purchased. | |WE~ WANT "USED snowmobiles, high] GUARANTEED, USED v gree Prema rege errr iG ce ees Gas ak Van $] 10 Week y intervie @ Specialty covers, drapes, Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. [ Agreements for Sale purchas- T R | @) $ [trade-in allowances, seca ts ales pol ibe go Rbintantes, 452| White Feather Farms, Oshawa, ¢ "Duly don't head ooanetie baceusie om renege James Allen and Sons |Gardening and Supplies | ed. isan' Wash" Galena, "ray ses $ki-Doo|Sincos » South, 723-0011 "ie J 'cur big, illustrated catalogs, For interview call 19---Mele @ 725-6126 eases Saco Moribeaes: TELEVISION Palle we Saree a, RANTEED, U3ED wriet Water --Farmer's Column with over'300 items shown in 725-2541 Help Wa aes econ F a "" GREW Traveller boats. |televigion, re! rigerator, 8 ia: hat ROE ish EROS. és arranged at NER, SHARPER STARCRAFT' Ican Furniture and 452 PLED farm stock! full-color, helps you 9 oo. ai"! -- GARDEN imerear"ateT 8 wise, | FOR CLEANER, SHA erate htt Se Se PO ona ePonTS pes| Hulcal, ten You te ge eed fret 'wo Mccann RR'3, Oshawa," Open half-yéarly without no- Your Own tts 655-3641. BUY AND SELL - = aod vised furniture Tyrone, Teleohene collect Hampton 263-| Plenty of orders. Wri on ap- or iE improvement serv- : Second mort- R, Tee-nee, 500-Ib. CaP8-| and appliances. One location only. 2721. Licence | and free catalogue. 1 COMPL HOME improvemen df tice or bonus. Seco BOAT TRAILER, South. 728.3271, jand| proval an ie ake "Tatontaine eConet 15 SUPPLIE gages also purchased. TV TOWER city. Telephone 576-0681. jenna ounce South. one hp. EuLETS BRADY 0: eu pe Monarch Card Co., Dept. 22, CHA NGE NOW 2 a A Heaps ce ---------------------- Midiag eight hae yo i 728 51 I7- --Swap | and Barter sce il wTi0: 220, variable speed. Telephone Brooklin, 655-3736 | 217 Cannon, Hamilton. There will never be a ge e aaiien ade, B are very moder a4 - 43 mses <r | Teleohone | 6b Ne W FOR SALE, 300. Call ime for you to enter a fie CHIMNEY repaired, new ones made.) = RASS MIX | i iff j.| Felep : -----------| STRAW FOR Si time for y : , masonry work, conc SUPER FINE GRAS. cording to Tariff. s Niet AUNDRY tubs, $17.; to ; jie camera, , Port Perry, 985-7128. ' and execu- . h floors, 'sidewalks, "Free' estimates. -726-| NO. 1 FINE GRASS re) | Will invite your comparison. | Corner Bond and Division [BATH AND baum Ge geet lt ete "icine eye_ a : alter 5.30, Port oF ticewes ae reggh Racca pe Os a r 5264. a rl PARKLAWN GRASS MI | , jsump pumps, kitchen an rf fit-|rying case, screen and four lig ar. | '11--Pets an ivestoc 3 ive ec dca hal reacts SOO ene Fens, gar fel © SUBURBAN: GRASS MIX pre tiee Paadonllg TELEVISION -- RADIO [mace cars, trucks, traliers.. Chi nn, |$40_complete, hice | Grandefte piano,| SELLING OUT -- 'rabbits and cages! cho Canada's finest line of le apiinallg a coal: te: the Soe ied; roots repaired. Phone 723 TIMOTHY and ALSIKE for over 30 years) 24 Hour Service 723-7088 or 728-7288. estadd aay 42" high, in beautiful con-|John Bird, Newtonville, or phone 7i Christmas cards, Wraps, No- industrial and _ institutional Require al REMC erg 26% ies Street East, WILL TRADE purebred ig ie dition, only three years 'ld, mahogeny. a? PHERDS, _registered,| velties, etc. Over 300 items. auate travelling is at a rsor NNDIVIDUAL GRASSES. Orrewe Ont, HOLMES what nave you. Telepnone.72-1965-" | Telephone 7207524 gn oe SR minimum, Top commissions wis CLASSIFIED RATES Tey eeeiEN rem Telephone. 723-4697 | Famer yore ss for Sole (BEAUTY - ae oc a a0. eae $30; male, six months, sable,| trated cotalane prin. = Weal GH. 'caceived < onders | GOLFGR cas | |8--Articles for Sale Reverse cal $60, Telephone 668-2103, approval and the fastest ser- Pon Ga olan. ous aie Zegh 1 inertion y es | fe ehtanaa age sR ppictbpoties gn | ELECTRONICS | =: Redsegel tl ine ee VS uk, om Olier PROFESSIONAL "Big SERVICE cil. vice, fe gg gta ig ae er away boone Nb cai bed Men § Cc 3dditional words, 5c eac 324; addi-| EVERGREEN WEED KILLE | We have immediate funds to | parts and tires fo ping all breeds, poodles our ine and Co., Ltd., 12 ae te ee Hh h 'accounts, Salesmar tive nnsettions OF 28 Woes 2 ee LLL. TURF 10-6-4 loan as Ist and second mort- RENTALS NOW 2808. intimate {Free pick-up and delivery; boarding Hamilton. Ont. investment or house 2 as Wee°insertions ot 34 woras, 8.76: oddi-| "So-GREEN 77-7 gages. Free advice arrange- TV TOWERS . bes Oe tee pW ok | lan Shepherd:puspies for sal Bien JUSEKEEPER, live in, fiveday week,| Local eee TPORY ~ Car (Commissio tional words 24¢ each: | MILGORANITE ments may be made in your | SIX SERVICE BAYS | Telephone 728-4138. ________} Kennels, 655-3881, |three children, 18, 13 and five, $25 per! sist. One pioagale Lae ee . Charge--10 par cent eaditional vio | BONEMEAL own home. A. ig oe renee | PHONE 668-5679 FOR FASTER SERVICE |rotaroin Lang Fi cat CLIPPING" a aoe ae tet, ge aang only nee pene ss Ai alin @ Camera | if not paid within 8 days. * PEAT MOSS of Ont. Mont. Broks. Assoc. | ---------- pa | | lattachment, black and wi ani reasonably pric: so ly. | D _Spberoity-- Fay Era ov Ss. aa lac 'Clerk ing -- Less than 24| i k- | T.V. Renta s tilm. Like new. Telephone 723-9036. hitby. Telephone 668-6977. UNLIMITED Opportunity Por fill\fast! Write Standar erm .. Method of Counting -- Less. than 24 po Tg 725-0532 srenings and wee | NEW SETS WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL awe EAKER, 3.input reverb ampli-\sqppigs and trained doas love and Gasnings, Become, & Beauty Counselor. dustries. Co, Ltd., Dundas, hey ba: Male PI a ggg sg toe, le | ALCAN Mouth Ponte. We conect (Wigs 2 Sagan i> Mae ge aus So Sed" Ae Seay Seaytan" ce ones ey ane werd: phone number Everything for the garden NEED cash to ons fate, your bi bitte, FURNITURE ond ronal Pontiac. ert shotgun, $12. Bassinette, . ne e UIsFING SERVICE oy RELIABLY ATURE acy for hovie cic ail @ Re frigere are id id mortgages of 12 'ber wheelalignment, ins; 'ovine Ge ING furniture or ap- , all js. Telephone 728-9609. |keeping duties. Must be w ° ive Stee i SOchAL NoTices r-Smith art Alas tr morueaes Swati" So APPLIANCES pip tl eet oda + op aie gece 2294, 1652695. oer CUPPING sbecialist. | Stuaito Toronto, Live, In rnaner a ane ---- ires Repair M B30 fer aaron with 25, carte ened aia fidential, 'private tunds. Call i eny| 452 aaa ae SOUTH align toe - is and toe - $7.98 | CONTINENTAL BEDS irom $29. a5 at. service end toy puppies for, a, ue Pree Cieeay tn spate ch dre vi eo " tional charge if not pai 723-001} correct condition .... ' |tresses half price, all sizes, headdoar *ditu Kennels, Townline Rd. Please aoply in writing to Box M74402, A man to fill @ position lead- 4 These ere pern P | third off. Factory outlet. 23-3889. : . hi Times. : i ies of ' . Dee te it 25. words ma oe 16 a ST, Ys shy ae 9191. | , @ Parts extra if required aio upright, _ re-conditioned._ "Al SO2F, RANE, nie Warteeeen REQUIRED, experienced. CREDIT. "MANAGER. This tions wn all _ tach thereafter plus 13¢ per line 1d | F-AND SECOND morigeges, sae] JOE'S COLOR TV | ion bar adjustment | pianos 'delivered.' Over 40. to choose Nerds, pu Pony, Pinto. Western saddles, | WAIT Rotunda Retearents Weis BO a fits and good verse; 25¢ additional charge if not pa |. 723-2312 723-1139 jsinst ano seconp mort 2 ntl | | @ Torsion \from. On 'Highway 7, six miles west of 1, wipment, clothing. Ashburn, 655-4662. | Apply man should have " al ri advenee. shave or Sadek DELIVERY SERVICE and. Honmitky Barristers, 'a1"King' sireos and Radio Service extra. (saree Plane: Re-buliding Company. BARY BUOOES 907 (ciac WANTED | for | general office} to sigalg A Th Appl R 7e/ fe training, "| dut! A stating qu ven mation. 2 50 for the gh a ete pel dana | SPECIALIZING IN BRAKE SPECIAL |WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE "used Broad, 114 Elgin East. SRE: kdb ean and salary 'expected to Box industrial credits and collec- | tach Cprarelialth within 8 days. OIL |Painting and Decorating | EUROPEAN RADIOS AND Misc en olar con vat [furniture or "on sare, 446 Simcoe IRISH SETTER puppies, &y eres 75170, Oshawa Times. tion would be an advantage. . Personne oni IG EVENTS TOP S a lee 1T NOW while the weather is nice. TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS jality. Rovallns 4 wheels, Set South: 723-1 Agila ie sien kperitan Ge, after 'COUNTER ¢ rod parttime. Ansly Vie Applications will be kept con- (Upper L $2.38 per inch (capioy); $2.00 for the) (aim. tender eh | 13 Bond W.. 8761670 | 38 FYPRWRITER, Gandara 657 ate ol a ! Simcoe 'st. No fidential ond should be sub- Men. to (Word Ads salting MANURE in a decorating | $1 4 8 {$28 'machine "$20.° alto electrics 7. ta, |HORSE, ¢ Selding, eight vears od. Palo £ PERSON to stay w with cider. mitted. in writing to: . a ' i" 1 Ui fs Mi 10 e 'e Lm. = AUCTION SALES a: fee <aoil or. work | by experienced) SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Plus $2.00 per wheel JOWNER MOVING out of Town. Must|/mino and buckskin, $200, Also, two Ger.) noid Op Tight houseweck. "abl THE CONTROLLER between 10 a.m $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION, No, 1 -- ie My {workman. 147 Brock Street East or 725-| Fast T.V. Service (labor cost) sacrifice 16 cubic ft ralelge ator, pd Telephone 942-3326. Rou dee 4 pm. LAKE ONTARIO STEEL and p.m. | Ne, pivered a0) Ones: eae see Gaaaian aT | eer rnee pat cieeen GERMAN SHEPHERDS, Reg'd. pups. |" required immediately, EEKLY or ms DEADLINES ed with cattle manure for top AINTING sod paper hanging. interior DOMINION WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL} Sook range, full accessories. Telephone Proesonal relnna. beara Shus [HAIRDRESSER requ reaui fst be ene CO. LTD. iio - WEEK a: WQRD ADS ttle [89d _ exterior. 728-2834. whee!, 'and services. Pinto. Ranch Kenhels, enced. Apply Canada pgewer : Hopkins St. 5S. territories Whitby 4 pm, DAY PREVIOUS pong hate ee TELEVISION gad festa ad $1.95: nee eh ata: Somes, ale Whoumn wes sion Dept WHITBY, ONTARIO pone 728-4922." ND FOUND . Prompt delivery. * +f eac! ee RG ote ; ' 728-2284, Teer genres foo oer pW Acc a Sy gy hes soo CATION manure Plumbing and Heating | JRNS188 9 omit Onn. . pine [peer eee eeu sae as GERMAN "SHEPHERD pupa sale. |FOU andre sie ractive oppor. REAL ESTATE 20--Real Estet DEA -3331 ane -------- SHOCKS, era boten amen tes wales tour |WUNNY, Tul ten, eens aw aces rieaamthica Bee ay OF PUBLICATION 655-333 Plumbing Discount structere aikchonnel antenee "eatttee,| FRONT-END e onicee [Biche sirere Were Col conan: FEMALE POODLE puppy ior sale, four served by Cable TV. Contact, W. Lea s ee Gee | MPARABLE 725-1212. 3. Bete ge IN MEMORIUMS ond OSHAWA GARDEN | as Brock St North it Oshawa TV isonely ited, faur-| CO | puRwiTuwe Tinea ream eee white Maitese--pupicn va NOMEMAKER ---- Live in pra SALESMAN AY PREVIOUS = furnit Pay only $15 monthly. Barons'|B tional Cham- "age and remuneration ex- Pe he DISPLAY SERVICE LTD. WHITBY -- 668-6601 (a 'ersonal UNIROYAL Hane Eurniatee 424 Simcoe South. | weeks old, sired Sy ine toe (and 12 au tg Seg cl gd ona Wonted for Oshawa office. ech p.m. day previous; 2 ¢ol-| | Direct to you, plumbing sup- |-------- CUP | D saraerars CENTRES [vacuum REPAIRS, a ne aie Telephone 7230523. GREE | 5 ek ----conpanton--as:| IMAuiries treated confident- : ee eee : thi in the | Pidgiee: See eueral Main Street, BEAGLE, purebred male, six months | HoyseKEEPER > ve_in,| ially, Call W, Baldwin, mas ' MERION-KENTUCKY OD plies. Everything | t |Fleming Vacuum Service, Mai tifully marked. Good with chil-| Sauer Nee utdow, light vette ie ae A SOREELHENeNS pistes | BLUE GRASS Plumbing eee at be vig Pais ae DOMINION TIRE STORES a ding machines, cash sre. Only '338 aL MRE NONE REIS? wz |Natkends tree. Write Box -M76260, Osh: aoe, 9 am. DAY OF PU ' supplies. Fe yOu seoKing f th TYPEW! ye ce, alli BOARDING STABLES for horses. Mr. sled : ve Ani Shyer be. efancelied before) All- Green Nursery 12 p.m. --- 9 p.m more noite ve ~ ey bea 17 Park pa ae [makes Call your Royal 'ealer, 78°3ée4 co. neo bin Telephone Brooklin 655- met ABLE orRt or woman fo é Bad NK | oumicoti : minded and !oo! ing tor Phone 725- - 3059 after Live In. or out. insertion Sod Growers SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Macca cig staal ead [ANTIQUE SOFA, 82", prettily curved housekeeping duties 1,00 | | the right mate ? For inform base. Upper has curving base| = ted Telephone 576-0352. s Box NUMBER RENTAL $1 Be rade to Visitors Welcome a4 CLOSED WEDNESDAY _ | Due ain SOBIeEGas cand To back and base. fa dd He Bt 12--Articles Wante awai| COeie ANC WAITRNSGESVequited Ae mike forpard replies to box numbers #9 the! 725.9674 -- TOWNLINE | ; AND MBATING aup| 25 cents for mailing and Telephone 623-3424 between 69 p.m. | aaaren---- aan four strings." Must |COCKTA Cuinetall' Ganthe oe ie REAL ESTATE LTD. / saertiasrr pility ih recoect of tora or|_Y2 Mi. North Taunton Village lots "Telephone msia\ Hered JR.) handling, costs. to. -- Cupid ALUMIN UM BABY CARRIAGE' good conaition, can ed aca Sana eae pine Celts eee ore RE] 506 Simcoe St., Oshawa tept no liability c ugh either | ~~ 'd., Plumbing, Heating and En-| 50 i) used as car P| SEWING MAC! pr jABLE WOMAN to baby-sit, ' Pe oet Ouey an ts euatinne much reel GOOD STOCK SOD ees 255 'Simcoe' Stree! South Pelagia a. 5, @ SIDING 0153 ag teary new and in top condition. 725- He " Bim. Vicinity of Olive Avenue 728-7585 LOCK SC four cls er thera se The Times wil got | CULTIVATED FIELD IRug - Upholstery Service | state age. Our services cre @ AWNINGS just" MOVED -- Colonial maple dinin ng ee we pia: Harineny Rend. 1 1B Be anne tor rea Uncoated + | Excellent Quality, Low Prices. STERING confidential and carry a @ WINDOWS isher, utility cart, electric Ey Pare rll Highest. prices. gai anytime saschells 18--Male Help Wanted PRINTER ROSSLAN in 20 days. | Loaded or Delivered, RE- cere tk, money-back guarantee. @ DooRS i. table lamp, all ne Furniture, 668-5481 EAST "ON wi 1 sesh + REGULATIONS | Visitors Welcome. w lection of Fibrics ELECTROLYSIS LES 30-30 WINCHESTER ieaver action rifle 73 Articles for Rent COMPOSITOR T 2S hice selection dition, $60. Telephone Orono 983. SALES NORT THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NO Workmanship Guaranteed 723-4641 Bl condition, : F bh : FOR ERRORS IN ADVE ia @ Workmanship Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- i idl experience, TESEMENTS. SUMGITTED OTMERWiRE 725 9674 (five full years) Removal of superfluous hair EV EN] S S Tu0ERT TYPEWRITERS, ali mokes| | lery, Glasses, Coffee POSITION mith Dee pita i ey (Beechwood -- 2 nike ONE INSERTION OF ANY' ab: @ Easy budget Terms--Free Marie Murduff will be in SALES LTD. |iarge 'selection, ed <a eae ~~ Bowls, Bridol enacting ae of Wilson) THAN ON i d sales ind service n Ow !S, ' 'i ji n ND THE Estimates a Sept..25, 26 and i antee 2 r Urns, Pune! 7 with a Reply stating experience a VERTISEMENT. yt ea aineut ine Bi KAMSTRA Ore 2H sean experience gg ihe Genelia Hotel 15 Prince St 725-4632 WINTER: "COAT, Turquoise 'blue, nearly Wear, Men's Formals, White FUTURE pei path a 2 Storey, 4 bed SERTION IN WHICH complete THE FURNITURE CEN on these dates for appoint- CITY TV televisions, radios, |new. Reasonable. cs ae RIB , Slik' Gereaae' 3 heron toe mee tse se) LANDSCAPING 90 Simcoe St. North | seen TENT aSeaet [Bet ely amt | For Fur, Mink Stole, BOX M75553 a foo i r 7 days a week. 2 lamps, pole lamp _ $50. OSHAWA. TIMES basements, some lassification, and SIONAL SOME? We love people, and will] dept. open 2 end tables, 2 lamps, ; ' 7. pont ae advertisements GARDEN SERVICE RUG CLEANING pees meet them. write onewe Also T.V. fowaht, ig' poe Picnic able 3 Nika PEO SEE 463 tion Rd: s, 725-3338 | 4 MEN (all replies confidential) and balconies. La i i Service, Box 14, Os! sasha d white 'T.V. Anten- 5 Seis -- G? Fifty to one hundred! - The: Ti il not be held responsible Fri tendship 3 bibl black an i d| ENTERTAINING? F y 4 ; find lorinene soscn than Beat which, the 728-8267 | Sabiice ae f nas, rotors installed. Sales {space PERCE RE: room tw Ane Posler Outs Yonle ean tor ban- ATTENTION: ft I can Hy ALL HOMES R aor he feeeaee ot tees 1D. Free esti-| Airc ihe d Del |3--Sportsman' Ad s Col tsb and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p™. Baby Cat or Arar cot and basket./quets, parties, weddings, Bar, kitc CEPTIONAL pol ag fbds AR n hi h IMMEDIATE 0: ary vO il advertising RSERY AND FIELD &c \ ti- sf iver ---------_----_ ------------ Ladd ed aby che: a 1726. matter 66 relly, bat aseune no tibility ene PaReR, Gelivery rissa ea, feet fick Up an : SKATES, new and used, hockey equip. 248 Quebec St. Call 725- | eiy.ic fireplace logs, Beam scales.|parking. 723- ANSSRSIeT Bede ae EX' NITY set him Ka in Vy ie bone All Homes are of advertisement if any inaccuracies injmates. Angus-Graydon iment and sticks at Sete US| D500: All work guaranteed, (jee iF a ---- WHEEL CHAIRS, hosp ge Ag OPPORTU ingethe saree Ray lio decorated ond lo HB say ° therein. Site xed POY NERS ECON SERS CNET RATES, ' z , ers, a we ee dae oe ete FOR FREE estimbies of hedge trim-| 728-6254 fe ceartace es New and ised He hig Mtn ee TE a Me IT plies. Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725164.) 7 average com Vane after year. No money re- ly sodded. * IVS EASY TO PLACE A ming, demolishing old buildings, chain |MUNTING LICENCES -- Wied. ATeNURE WRECKING tables; two table lamps and one tri-| RENTALS. Hunting equipment, gund, de. missions. sérvicing accounts y "fi ; ALL HAVE Nt eS Pesan OO, HNIe trees: Beme1T ar, |CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoisiered and ue rd tuntiog aupplion Vailas sake a light floor lamp, 728-8539. coys, boats, canoes. Wilde Rental. 668- aitabllshed 'in indoron protée: quired to start. Full or par MORTGA Call Classified Direct ais LAL SESS irectivied. (Cree sstimele. See our mate-\flon and hunting 34 Seaway Demolition Co. Lae emerre pie : time, ry uti « 723-3492 GENER LANDSCAPING and home rial for re-covering. Slip covers made|!6 Boni Thornton Rd. & King St, W. WASH Rw h spin dry MaT tier |- 5 iti tion. ' Apply to Wesley Walmsley, bow: 401 : naan Garden? lowed or rala:\ta order. alton ge ale EE Tee ts bathe. [6 Bm 14--Business Opportunities 304 Golf St., Oshawa, Phone AS hag ALIP ro tilled, hella se Street, ri th- Sanne haan "INDEX TO _-- REGPHOLETERY by epic: Hon aivratan tt wit aif | room fintures,fumoces its, TYPEWRITERS. 5G dx STORE AND AS ay 725 6296. e ! " lished 20 years. Workmanship 9 Repairs all makes, We will buy and sell. ures, » 4 y Bill Hamilton, ust hav ;. CLASSIFICATIONS _|!nstruetion Iressee "rebuilt furnitere. ernie | Ray Whitaker 150 sen fon] | 400rS, pane ee isn. THREE APARTMENTS | §& Bondable Ril ae + tresses re-built, --furnitur: sf FRADE-INS -- Hon 728- 5 ae © Ova 21 years oF an ( se holstéring, 287° Dean Ave T R EIGHT MONTH old Westinghouse stov 2 3 KA }Women's Column PAY RAISE ty DEerens Yamaha, ike nea ast te Site ee. ERTIME SPECIALS |?" refrigerator, two, plece pete gfe rie i @ Ambitious and Responsible - Mi cud 1... HIS \ 2--Persona' a of -- ite, lamps an eae) tral -- wary er Spearman's clon tele you how "0 teato et hie ar Sales and Service 1966 HONDA 19, helms i 'SUMM ot chraine ge a a ag Al eockraate fully equipped | You will be given a company $1.50 hourly. OP slp fy 4--Motorcycies Is S ? ather, la , : jedroom su ' ; -- good ini ogramme at com- be abstainer, middle ti i top paying jobs. Check your group, 39. . --Private entrances -- g training prog Must be abstaine P.M. until 3 arin. gh Sea Career APPLIANCE "eons -- Wilson's Furn. Ipearry eee Telephone LL (nena -- atiee Manel oo ee ca tae | Sond men mere. "or anytime by ceed aie Berier Ps 5--Trailers oil errant ime ble down payment -- You will be. selecte Write Box 7 Sal ART CAREER tresses 29-95 % ht, $0" high. All re-| reqsonable down pay' i ; Saaarker Baska S BOOKKEEPING CAREER REPAIRS '7, 18 MOUSE trailer for sale. Si F ghoggin SO cane 10008 leaned PUAINCaRN kuvicecds tones must be seen now. Call Jack | advancement to key manage Oshawa Times Susie a ope apa Cite © BUSINESS CAREER Expert? repairs to all' makes | fully _sauinped. recohone ws Bee " bedeeon suites 99.50 to concert pitch. Plano Tuner, H. Cave, Appleby evenings 723-3398. ment position. tio' lcaricas Wenea © cost ACCOUNTANTS EAREER | of washers, dryers, ranges, 3 CABIN TRAILER, ihree-burner| 3-pc. Neat |942-5547 Bolahood Brothers Limited | 'This is a lifetime connection YOUNG MAN for L Waicles tor Rent © COMPUTER ENG. etc ey, ft BOX seb ive. ole EE | 728-5123 or you IE vedi have not we MEN'S WEAR STORE es a . - . Opportunities DRAFTING C REER RTS AVAILABLE phone 528-7214. | AE dee oi tS 2 Isseoelenieer. PWanted $ ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING ALSO PA ENDALE house t fale, Ow | SEWING MACHINE SALE BUYING, selling a a aH bids. sh te cheneing ment experience preferred, but not ted . May be seen a : i 5 siness. Hi ' le iapernele "Help Wanted ; FORESTRY CAREER ALCAN Dues st Gat, Wilteye bet. New White electrics $59. RESH FRU ITS ox Gel bse, Rina, THe: Gai ee daar essential, Excelent appar. 360 King St. Wi 18--Male Help Want @ MANAGEM 3 LIANCES|= 'and instal] new Elna's . off, 728-7585. RUWALLA L 9 Female Help Wanted PROFESSION. ENG, CAREER FURNITURE AND APP TRAILER iTcHes made ia ere PESI. R. DA trietly confidential, Apply to 723-27 Real Eves For Sele $ faces CAREER ASD Siinese' S-Oihae Iso all types of welding done. Port-! + all makes. ond RETIRED -- with three hours er your 525-2551 strictly PI =Summer Properties e@ SHIPBUILDING CAREER 723 0011 WHITE ELNA time high A a return. gt téS: por weak, BOX 75593 ag 2}--Farms for Sale @ WRITING CAREER Telephone : MOBILE HOM Sinan com: ING CENTRE Tat IND Oboe TB GaP cant ota on Wed Shin ke ee B2fhots for Sale CORAPIAN INSTITUTE OF NOW sey UN "oberon J x 50 SEW. oe EGETABLES Just think o Mon., Tues., em Sun. All Dey COOK and COOK FOR bashores Offices and Storage suns OS 263 Adelaide St. W., Tor: tilin, [ooo ee : 38 BOND WEST-----725-718) _ V Wanted "Sine con ee anand TRAINEE RESULTS 25--Houses for Rent NAME Bring me your mowers, ti S, arine E uipment USED TIRES, most all sizes. B. ie 15--Employment an q aerepernents Sor Ret outboards, oll --_ ~ 6--M q Goodrich, 88 King Street West, 725- wis READ AND USE THE ATTICS, CELLARS and garages cle Male -- married preferred, i TIMES y : Goodrich, 8 Zane fe fer service, 'Largest aarvice. ih CHRIS CRAFT --_|ROUSENSLD, Shewanbies remive, Ne irtcpig os ae, in semal ead! IF IT'S FOR SALE APPLY ACTION CLA! Sn fed Boor : SERVI hone collect 985-7651, ask for , . Vill : SALES GH SERY fovaecdla ap aa ae IN ott's Chicken Villa par Calc By DAILY PESPAIRG BONOGES Oshowa. E McVay fibreglas sail boots, | cose --s--ancchester rifle Te complete Bill AN ACTIO' Sc : | ADS he for Sale An average 300 million cop! 74 BARRIE AVE. . h ond ite and case. New Saas ii and floor cleaning. SSIFIED AD Whitby -- 668-6801 | Fhe gar . Sel eee sre sal Hhougtout 'me 728-2791 or 725-4633 Crestliner, ah leg en Condition. shas. elephone. 725-1895. minOOW, wa feb ond tae, lator CLA j 7235 y 33--Automoblies Wented world on any given ' : Northcraft runabouts. Evin- |c ee < ET i , cleaners, paints. Rub. IT! RENT THAT VACANCY througn Ren? } : FYI deg Repair idk wintery busine séciten|R AND M REFRIOHRATION ores | rude outboard' motors. Fliving room "an Bedroom ; ber' and. vinyl: floor matting. MaNi-Cleen WILL SELL Aad Can Tae ey eae Fr ol siya aes eis so popular. it's, Te ek cor ba eg i hg ai ates. "Spee. Oshawa Yachthaven Setition' hat sell" belors August 29, Janitorial Service, 725-1885. $2-huctions Lo sag se © 23000 su tomlin ceoailx ot ialtze in Frigidaire service. 24 hours 723-8186 After §.30, 728-2482, %--Loming Events fou easly Wust leh 7SS@Rg nn "lervice," waite --Notices * le i

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