| Billy Bass Dies, Was Argo Captain TILLSONBURG, Ont .(CP) -- |William Billy Bass, 45, former captain for the Toronto Argo. nauts football club, died Friday at his home after suffering a heart attack. For the last six years he has been physical education super- visor at Delhi District High School. Bass captained the Toronto club from 1950 to 1953 and was named an eastern division all - star in 1951. He also played with the Ottawa Roughriders and the Montreal Alouettes. Funeral will be held Monday. HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Minister--Rev, E. Frozer Lacey, BA., B.D. Organist & Choir Director-- Mrs. Marie Taylor, A.R.C.T, MT, 9:45 A.M, CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, MORNING WORSHIP | A Hearty Welcome to All. UNITED CHURCH t. and Olive Ave.) .MUTH DYCK, B.A, TER: HAROLD ELLIS RCH SCHOOL te and Senior ie and Primary P LD IN THE WAY HALL GO" and School Week nfant Baptism its and Toddlers COME TO ALL nited Church F ROSEHILL BLVD. . Minielly B.A., D.D. D. Thompson A.R.C.T., L.T.C.L, A.M, and 11:00 A.M, THE CHURCH SHILDREN IN?" lursery Provided SOME TO ALL JNITED CHURCH > BRUCE STREETS G. Morris, B.A., $.T.M, ». H. Woodhouse, B.A., D.D. . Kelvin James, A.T.6.M, sroup for Older-Teens en and Primary rs are also cared for N IMAGE" 1d Commandment yn Images Today? . Imagine God? JNITED CHURCH AND ROSSLAND RD.) MELLOW, B.A., D.D. 3.A., B.D., B.Paed. nald Kellington DL SESSIONS: 1,2,3 5,6 des 7, 8,9 ) and Over ge 4 He 5 "1, 2, A.M. THING TO SAY" y will preach, he Come-Double Club. INITED CHURCH BAGOT STREET y, with the World on its heart. | K, MOFFAT, B.A, %. G. Geen, L.T.C.M. A.M. ne Of Caring" 'Oshawa Men's Hostel' FANT BAPTISM CHOOL age 9 and over) + for the Promotion Service TED CHURCH MORNING WORSHIP /ENTIST CHURCH, ST. €. THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH ERT, B.A. Minister Pastoral Assistant Director and Organist \.M. THE STONE" rical Documents + Art Thou" hool -- Baby Care ig Of the Cornerstone OSHAWA ART The Art Gallery of Osh- awa has held or will hold a total of 20 exhibits, lectures, BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE City Woman Pleads Guilty, Contribute To Delinquency Nassau| DISMISSED David Smart was just MINOR thai} Roger F. Waddell, 18, of 230) court} Mitchell Ave., pleaded guilty on} Marie Lagacy, 148 St., pleaded guilty in Oshawa Magistrate's Court on Friday to}when he appeared in a charge of contributing to ju-)charged with public intoxica-/a charge of minor consumption venile delinquency. tion. Smart, of the Queen'sjof alcohol and was fined $100 The evidence indicated that/Hotel, pleaded not guilty «andl/and costs or 30 days. in April Mrs. Lagacy had for-|argued that he had only been; ced her husband's sexual at-| unsteady when police saw him| REMANDED | tentions onto a 15-year-old girl,|because he was trying to re-| Giacomo Piccini, 191 Gibb St.,( against the girl's will. {move his shoe from his swol-|pleaded guilty to a charge of! In a previous trial Mr. La-|len foot at the time. Magis-|public intoxication but when he! gacy was sentenced to twojtrate Jermyn dismissed thejexplained that the offence took! years in penitentiary for his charge. place in the waiting room of/| part in the affair. lwo. CHARGES a ice icy clinic the case was| yn / Affleck} ARGES i s remanded one week while the ey i ee ee _A charge of public intoxica- court considers whether this) ed the couple's actions as "tge-|ion was dismissed when the|constitutes a public place. Pic-| praved" and told the court he|Cvidence indicated that William|cini was freed on $30 cash or| would have asked for a pen- vig gO pot < ae eeeneety bail. | Fy ' 7 ' d peen asked by police} i Mg Pi rom hig A to get out of a car parked in a $50 FINE | "a mental defective." private, driveway, | Allan. Dasti, 19, a construc-| Tt Healy. 3 55\tion worker, of 33 Quebec St.,| When court was told Mrs.} homas y, 32, of 1455) i ; he wan Ann |pleaded guilty on a charge of Lagacy. the mother of a two-|Evangeline Dr.. was convicted) 7s or couRG rants: f aipohel| year old child, has a mentaljon charges of impaired driving] 24°" .° fred eb y Se re 0! jage of 8-to-10, Magistrate H./and public intoxication. Police|iy give Ined $00 and costs or IW. Jermyn decided to defer evidence indicated they found aoe |sentencing until Dec. 15 while|Healy passed out on a bench | ¢95 FINE [the woman and her child are|in a King Street Restaurant) Pleading guilty to a charge| [placed in the care of a priest/On Sept. 2. On a second occa-| o¢ public intoxication resulted in who promised to look after) Sion Healy was charged with) fine of $20 and costs or 10 them and find a home for them | impaired driving when a breath- days for Roger P. Bellefevill alizer test indicated he had CON-| og" of 23 Alb & Wer hienahhaabe| IMPAIRED sumed seven to eight pints of|<.) z ert St, Bowmiah-| ne ville. | Newton I. Jeffery, 23, of 2233| beer |Feglinton Ave. E., Toronto) Healy was fined $100 and/SUSPEND SENTENCE | tel laa o Si |pleaded guilty to a charge of|costs or 15 days and given the| William C. Brisbois, 18, plead-| Be SP OEM i Me Ni ORE hhc acute bates Sa ian ; jimpaired driving. - mandatory three month sus-jed not guilty to a charge of| | ey tin f who's - Be iyi pension on the impaired con-| minor se a of alcohol jing business, was fined § n f ee | Brisbois, of 228 Greenwood Ave , GALLERY FEATURES EXHIBITS, MUSIC, LECTURES (cicetr'ss deve and given ihe|viction and placed on a Suspen'|said he had told a police of. concerts and photography displays between June 1 of Mrs. W. G. Lawson, Pick- ering, éxamines an abstract {mandatory three month suspen- ded sentence for six months Nificer he had two beers 'just sion the public intoxication charge.|to see what he would do."! this year and Feb. 10, 1968. painting 'Collision', by Four British Explorers Plan "Last Great Trip In World" LONDON (Reuters)--Four camp on an ice floe. British explorers hope to! become the first men to cross the Arctic by trekking 3,800 miles from the North American coast to the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen. Leaving Port Barrow, Alaska, next February with dogs and sleds on what is described as "the last great journey in the world," the team will travel in| bitter cold and over treacher- ous ice to the centre of the polar region where they will these floes use the Arctic Ocean circulating current them hundreds of miles south- ward to Spitsbergen. : University of Toronto artist Natalie Luckyj at a recent exhibition. About 10 events remain in the schedule in- cluding sculptures from Oct. 30 to Nov. 26 and Ca- nadian paintings of the 1930's from Nov. 27 to Dec. | 26. A color photography dis- | play is being negotiated with Cavouk for Oct. 2 to Oct. 29. --Oshawa Times Photo Often about 10@ miles wide, to carry FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HORTOP AT GLENWOOD Rev, N. Frank Swockhammer, B.A. Rowland L. McCord -- Mus, Bac. -- Direc Va 'ector of Music y=) =) 2 9:30 A.M.--The Church School THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 23, 1967 37 Magistrate H. W. Jermyn Plac-| ed the youth on a six month} suspended sentence and added) "a lot of you youngsters think you can play with the police and see what they'll do'. INTOXICATION A fine of $20 and costs or 10 days was levied against James Parsons, 60, of no fixed address, when he pleaded guil- ty to the charge of public in- toxication, The same _ penalty] was given to John W. Fulcher,| 31, Of 321 Marland Ave., Apt.| 308, when he pleaded guilty to} a public intoxication charge. "You can maybe dry out in 30 days" said Magistrate Jermyn as he fined John Carr, 65, of no fixed address, $50 and costs or 30 days after convicting him on a public intoxication charge. Frank Porter, 70, of Prince Street, pleaded guilty to a charge of public intoxication and was fined $20 and costs or 10 days, $75 FINE A fine of $75 and costs or 15 days was levied against Al- len Ross McLachlin, 665 Bloor St., when he pleaded guilty to a charge of having liquor in a place other than a residence, DISMISSED "Just as long as you're on those pills you stay off it. Stay off it for the rest of your life", advised Magistrate Jermyn in dismissing a charge of public intoxication against Donald Car- roll, 525 Crerar Ave. Carroll had explained that he had to take pills for the rest of his life and this plus a few drinks had caused his condition, Prospective Bridegroom Gets Unwelcome Present BOWMANVILLE -- A 23-| jyear - old - prospective bride-|fortunate. jgroom received an unwelcome Castle Grove Boulevard, Don jwedding present here Tuesday,|Mills, was also returning from when Magistrate Crawford] Another car buff was more John Coffey, 66 Mosport the same day when he Guest found him guilty of care-|became involved in a three-car \less driving and fined him $100|accident, on Highway 115, near and $38 costs. The alternative|Orono. Damage to the other was 10 days in jail. William J. Davidson, 18 Saun- ing from a race at two vehicles was very heavy. The accused said he was jders Road, Scarborough, who|keeping up with the heavy traf- \pleaded not guilty, was return-|fic on a wet : Mosport,|Could not explain why his car pavement and June 17, became impatient at|Skidded on a bend. the slow pace of traffic. It was| another vehicle, missed it, but| Struck the vehicle. ahead and/ ended up in the ditch "There's no evidence of the |reported he turned out to pass|Way in which this car was driven," "We'll let this." The missed. said the magistrate, a civil court settle charge was dise gv ebb brbbbbbsrsbasbssbsnpspsasvepessviababese 1967 CENTENNIAL wie BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY y=) =) ee Bb 7:00 P.M.--Over All Victorious 11:00 A.M.--The Mission of The Church alahalahee hb oeLL LLP eDPIIIITISDISSSISSSepapofe (3) "PUT ON INTEGRITY!" Nursery and Junior Church ot 11:00 A.M ALBERT STREET GOSPEL HALL | 150 Albert St., Oshawa SUNDAY -- SEPTEMBER 24th 10:00 A.M.--Remembering the Lord 12:00 P.M.--Sunday School -- Adult Bible Class 7:00 P.M.--Gospel Tuesday -- 7:30 P.M, Prayer & Bible Study ALL ARE HEARTILY WELCOME ontescrner Tomorrow! pte ih Ty potty By eg aa t.with PROPHECIES next 26 Years! Monday - Saturday 9:05-9:35 P.M. During Minto Cup Series "THE WORLD TOMORROW" Will Be Heard Immediately Following Lacrosse Game and Sunday 10:30 - 11:00 P.M. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST, EAST Branch of The Mother Church -- The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. "REALITY" Wed. Service (includes testimonies) 8 P.M. READING ROOM CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. Monday to Friday -- 12 noon-5 p.m. (Excepting Holidays) Listen to The Bible Speaks To You CKLB 9 A.M. Every Sunday 1350 RADIO King St Phones: Church 728-5371 611 KING ST. W. One block West of Oshawa Shopping Centre reet Pentecostal Church REV, $, D. FELTMATE -- Pastor Parsonage 728-6662 ROBSON (os ... A REALLY GOOD PLACE TO A FINER USED CAR! BOWMANVILLE, ONT. BUY 623-3396 Unfasten Your Eat Belt for . El > > = =] = ei Country Club * MEMBERSHIPS * PAY-AS-YOU-PLAY 27 HOLES Special rates for weekly tournaments. Call Skip Williams for information. 942-3210 of CHURCH ST., PICKERING at Int. 65 on 401 ENGLISH STYLE 10:00 A.M. FISH 'N CHIPS CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HOUR 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 83 BYNG AVE. WEST OF SIMCOE ST.N. FREE CHIPS 'N GRAVY OR -- MOMURBAY'S Simcoe St. N. et Taunton Rd. "THE BIG "M' DRIVE-IN" BEATTY HAULAGE a % 2et 725-2156 Taunton Rd., Oshewe J. V. AVIATION » (Gov't, Approved Schoo! ge a w® Private & jommercial "tying SIMCOE STREET PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Instruction ye Ai ft R % Charter and Private. fights. Oshawa Municipal Airport 728-3191 @ BS.A. @ Triumph @ AB"S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Introducing: The KAWASAKI Complete Service & Accessories 114 Stevenson South -- 728-7780 Ducatti Rev. Ken Beesley, Pastor Oshawa Monument Summer Is a Company Here! 10:00 A M --~GREAT mecesigners and Creators of -. . ; ; jument & Markers in Granite, Mable & Bronze Have Your'cor com- pletely Serviced for the Summer %& Tune- Ups & Gen. Repoirs %& Accessories Drive We desion engrave letter and erect our own monuments, SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY in today to: - Cemetery Lettering --~ This Sunday Is Promotion Day -- Come -- | 1437 King E & een re e-3311 STATHAM'S BA Our Sunday School Is A "Family Affair' -- | 255 King E. 723-4733 Joe's Color TV and Radio Service fil European Radio & Tape Recorder Specialists PLU * Repairs to, All Rep sive models. 13 Bond W. 576-1670 TED'S AUTO BODY Repairs Free Estamates BODY & FENDER SPRAY PAINTING: SPECIALISTS R.R. No. 4 (King E.) 728-3401 The Bible Is Our Textbook 1:00 A.M.-Worship and the Word ee 166 King E., B ROBSON MOTORS LTD. owmanville, Ont. 11:00 A.M.--"PROMOTION SUNDAY IN THE SUNDAY SCHOOL With a Special Open Session. 11:00 A.M.--WORSHIP SERVICE p M DUETS (BOB AND MARILYN: THOMAS) elV\. = ORCHESTRA PLAYING ns DON'T MISS THIS The Nationally Known COURIER'S QUARTET SAT., SEPT. 30th, 8:00 P.M. ADMISSION FREE ® EVANGELISTIC PREACHING * CHOIR SINGING * CONGREGATIONAL SINGING FIT OI III IIASA III IOS AS ASI AIOE Wilfred J, MeMechan, president of Robson Motors Ltd., Bowmanville, ARMSTRONG HOMES Ont., is a man with many years of experience In the automotive industry, Presents Starting with G.M, In 1949 he worked hard toward his present position, owner of a@ thriving new and used car business, As Wilfred will tell you FOREST GLEN being the owner of a business means that you have to work twice as hard os before. He bought Robson Motors Ltd. in 1961 and has been improving the business ever since, Primarily @ sales company for new and used cars, Robson Motors also operates a Garage for complete repairs, a body shop * Bungalows * Split-Levels * 3 & 4 Bedrooms Priced from nt Pastor's Theme: 'Things That Cannot Be Shaken" Take Advantage of The Nursery -- ] Little Folks Church -- Off Street Parking | 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC OUTREACH SERVICE Pastor's Theme: "WE ARE A 'FULL GOSPEL' PEOPLE" and a 24-hour towing service. Dealing in General Motors Cars there are from.25 to 75 new cars on the lot at all times, as well as from 30 to 60 used vehicles thot have been thoroughly reconditioned by Robson Motors garage. Robson Motors Ltd. became a limited company in 1953, The sales and office building is thirty-five years old while the garage was built in 1955, The showroom has been remodelled to a 2 car showroom and the used car lot has been increased in size, Robson Motors employes a total of 28, ° y $18,700.00 Down Payments as low as only" $1,434.00 6% N.H.A, Mortgages Harmony Rd. N., Oshawa J CHOIR For Further information including Gord Coonsthe, Sales Mgr. and 4 experienced salesmen, Four VOCALISTS Call: mechanics and 3 bodymen also make up a part of the staff, ® 723-6461 Married with one son Wilfred McMechan came to Bowmanville from @ BRIGHT GOSPEL SINGING?] 533.6144 Toronto, For all your car needs, whether it's a new car or used car, or service on your present model, visit Robson Motors Ltd., 166 King St, E. in Bowe monville, Wednesday 7:30 P.M.--Prayer--Bible Study 942-3310 Friday 7:30 P.M.--Youth Rally W. B. BENNETT | PAVING and MATERIALS LTD. %*& Driveways *%& Play Grounds ® Parking Lots %& Subdivisions 728-4661 COMPLETE 1 290 ASPHALT PAVING BYrcaiii SERVICE MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE A Complete Travel Service & Tours % Cruises % Accommode- tion -- Land Sea -- Air 723-9441 25 King St. E. BERR BORO OOOO UUOUC UCR UOUUO OR COOOL ULL Ef Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Evangeline & Phillip Murray Pastor REV, ERNEST WINTER igen: 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES The Bible Is Our Text Book WED. 7:45 P.M.--Bible Study 11:00 A.M.--DR. GEORGE MUNDELL 9:45 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES Rev. B. Ichikawa -- Japan 11:00 A.M, 4:00 P.M.--MISSIONARY TESTIMONIES Mr, Norman Gentry 50 Missionaries in Costume 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.--DR. GEORGE MUNDELL Rev. Harold Fuller Miss Dianne Cunningham ond Prayer. Rev. F. Simmonds -- South Africa 7:00 P.M--SERVICE BRODCAST OVER CKLB RADIO A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU ' VVUVVVVVVVVT PUETUCTCTSCSTCCCCCCCCCCTOSSCTTCS SSCS SETS TT EG a COMPLETE VN PELESHOK Moters Lid. i He NLANDSCAPING MCRE ': Annual Missionary Conference |] * 2x fevttzer. GOOD SEDC FORLES MONEY| se Catvary B APTIS 3 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH |] All Available at: : During Our re CEN J 57 TS Centre and John Streets Pres al BONANZA SALE 5 YEARS ae SUNDAY, SEPT. 24--I1 A.M. - 4 P.M. = 7 P.M. Il 43 Kins w gee Harwood and Station Rd. AJAX 942-6300 Upholstering Specialists ot reasonable prices. %*& Furniture Refinishing & pactbhae %& Custom Built Furniture Darlington Urholstery 102 KING E Bowmanville 623-7341 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY | 10:00 A.M.--Dr. Geo. Mundell | 2:00 P.M.--Missionary Reports Panel Discussions 7:30 P.M.--Dr. Geo, Mundell Missionary Challenge SUNDAY, OCT, 1--11 A.M. - 7 P.M. 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER 1003 DUNDAS HWY. E., WHITBY * Soft Ice Cream % Milk Shakes > Sundaes all at 1347 Simcoe N., Oshawa -- 235 Simcoe S., Oshawa Dairy Queen CLOSING DAY OF CHALLENGE FIFTY VETERAN MISSIONARIES | DR. GEORGE H. MUNDELL Curios, Displays, Books, Slides Complete Programme Mailed on Request Phone 723-0601 -- 9A.M.to 5 P.M, OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING |] & PICK-UP & DELIVERY |] & DRIVE IN SERVICE % CASH & CARRY * COMPLETE STORAGE MODERN GRILL (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) SPECIALIZING IN EUROPEAN FOODS! * Dixie Lee Chicken \ . Sai PERE ASS Os Ne ermine a eis oY, | PHONE TODAY Aj *® Groceries and Smokes 3 \e Free "Pick-up a ee 723-8166 OFFReE! iver on Order of $1.55 or over. -- OF ITS KIND IN OSHAWA! 50 Mill St. 345 Ritson S. 725-3887 || 222 King W. 728-0817 OSHAWA TUNE UP CENTRE %&. Tune-Up & Carburetor Specialists 10 * General & neral Electrical