Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Sep 1967, p. 19

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A-LINE FLARE By ANNE ADAMS [he exciting A-line flare -- easy-sew sensation to wear h verve day and night. ose round or bateau neck, ors light or lively. rinted Pattern 4604: Misses" es 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size requires 234 yards 35-inch ric. IXTY - FIVE CENTS (65c) coins (no stamps, please) each pattern. Ontario resi- its add 3c sales tax. Print inly SIZE, NAME, AD- ESS, STYLE NUMBER. end order to ANNE ADAMS, e of The Oshawa Times, tern Dept., 60 Front Street st, Toronto 1, Ontario. 'ALL'S NEW FASHIONS -- the best of the new styles all sizes in our new Fall. ter Pattern Catalog. Get pattern free -- just clip pon in Catalog. Hurry, send right now. RIES | rothy) of Bristol, Conn., A., Mrs. John Piper (Aleta) Niagara Falls, N.Y., Mrs. ard A. Bombay (Olive) of eville and Mrs. Stanley Berg bella) of New York City. rs. Sternall will rest at the strong Funeral Home until 1, Sept. 25. The funeral serv- will be held in Simcoe Street fecostal Church at 2 p.m. wed by interment in Mount n Cemetery. Rey. R. A. bay will conduct the serv- lieu of flowers, donations to Living Memorial Missionary 1 would be appreciated. RS. WILLIAM WILLIAMS e death occurred, following ort sickness, at Foothills ital, Calgary, Alberta, 21, of Mrs. William Wil- s. A former . resident of wa, the deceased was in 56th year. e former Estelle Szaikow- the deceased was a daugh- of the late Mr. and Mrs. ph Szaikowski of Oshawa, April 21, 1912, at Broad y,. Manitoba, she was ied in August, 1935, at ipeg. sides her husband Mrs. ams is survived by -a hter, Mrs, Thomas Flynn ) of Campbell River, B.C. three grandchildren. © surviving are a sister, John Browning (Sylvia) of > Rock, B.C.; a brother, y Szaikowski of Oshawa; nieces and a nephew, Mrs, Herstead (Jeannette), Mrs. _Muzyczka (Estelle), Misg ie Szaikowski, Mrs. Rob- Bibeau § (Lorraine) and las Szaikowski, all of Osh- funeral service and inter- will be at Campbell » B.C. Funeral arrange- have not been com: FUNERAL OF WILLIAM BARKER memorial service. for im Barker, who died Sept. the family residence, 197 in Road, was held at 2 Sept. 21, at the Arm- ; Funeral Home. Service was conducted ev. L. W. Herbert, minis- of Kingsview United h. Interment was in Osh- Jnion Cemetery, honorary pallbearers Joseph Woods and Jack tone. The active pallbear- ere Morley Powell, Ray _ Donald Wry, William » Fred Portier, Sr. and Portier, Jr, FUNERAL OF PETER BREMNER funeral service for Peter ler, 1424 Tremblay Street, lied Sept. 19, at the Osh- reneral Hospital, was held .m., Sept. 21, at the Mc- - Anderson Funeral Service was conducted by. W. J. S. McClure, minis- St. Andrew's Presbyter-' hurch, Whitby. Interment n Oshawa Union Ceme- Pallbearers were Thomas 'ds, James Higgs, Ivan Jack Logan, Alex ' and Glen Eyers. nbers of Branch 112, Canadian Legion, Whit- ld a service at the ceme- DONALD DUCK WHY DID You ACCEPT THEIR INVITATION P I CAN'T STAND © King Feeteres Srudionte, ban, 1967. World vighes reserret Ng ~\ é PICTURES THE DB, McFLOOGLES ta) Eee) 'TOOK ON THEIR TRIP HOW CAN A MOVIE BE EXCITING WITH ALL GOOD GUYS AND NO 3 D GUYS > BUFFALO KEPT ME UP THAT TREE ALL NIGHT.. NO, AND TA TIRED OF YOUR TRYING TO RECALL THINGS I DONT REMEMBER» i} COME INSIDE....DINNER WILL BE READY SOON, jANE ARDEN THE PRISONER \H PUNISHMENT." 1S READY FOR SNAPPITAL. $T Taxe6 vou FOREVER To Pray A GAME OF GOLF. YOU'VE BEEN GONE xq ALL DAY! & EXECUTIONER! ) 7 DO YOUR prc OH,MY BELOVED KINK--DUN'T BE A BUM ALL YOUR LIFE!! ME SAW HIS HAD © OFF, INSTAD."" ~ aoe WINK, I'LL GIVE Y LAT /HEXECUTIONER. ) YOU SNAPPITAL, pS WAVE MERC PUNISHMENT, TOO, WICE The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd. © Gleanwuie..... WHAT NOW, JOHNNY? HOW S00N DO WE PULL THIS OFF? WE START | | IN THE | MORNING. | SECRET AGENT X9 iLand é destination. '68 PONTIACS, BUICKS, VAUXHALLS and 'MICKEY MOUSE -MUGGS AND SKEETER © ie Tosteres Spedieala nc, 1907, Warkd tights Pemerveds ON HIS WAY TO THE. KITCHEN! ms AL) SCUFFIES ALREADY Channel 2--Buffalo | 9:00 PLM. | 4 Space Ghost Channet 3--Barrie | Pears tls | omer oT Channet 4--Buttalo 1 oe coe Channel 6--Toronto | 3--Movie 11:00 A.M Channel 7--Buftalo | 6-2--Birdman Channed &--Rochestor Nobo | $~Splder Man ragnel | 7--King Kong Channel 9%--Toronto 8--Pete Fountain é--Maya Channel 11--Hamilton 7--Will Sonnett 4--Moby Dick Channel 12 2--A Family 1:38 AM, | 10:00 P.M, Wichiae FRIDAY GVENING =| ie 9--Beaties bea 7 Judd Sern of the Jungle 12--Rocky and His 2-4--Bell Telephone Co. ft Wo Friends 11:00 PLM. Aquaman 1--Daisies 2.9--News " 3--This Is Expo ar ipe Ed. 2-6-7-8-11-12--News, 2--Ant-Squirrel 4bharen | Weather, Sports 12 NOON pati A Maven 11.10 P.M, 9--This Is Expo | U--Plerre Berton romeerteen Playhouse P.M. 6--Daktar' N--My Three Rens | evn Lf aad sNews @--Truth or Conse- | lowpoln 24--Top Cat vega | 1:85 P.M. | 12:30 P.M. 6--Pavilion eee 11--Outdoors Unlimited 2--Of Lands ane Seas | | Congress on ecology 6:00 P.M. | 9 da 4--Johnny. Quest 12--News, Weather, 4--Movie | Western Jamboree tic Rie ee | 24--Johnny Carson 2-4--Cool McCool 8--How's Business? 11:38 P.M, 1:00 P.M. 1--Movie o---Movie 1--Flying Fisherman 6--Sports Magazine 11:40 P.M, 8--Super Six 4--News, Weather, 11--Movie 7--Championship Sports 9--Perry's Probe Bowlin, 11:45 PLM, 4--Rural Review 6: P.M, 12--Movie 3-6-12--Tennis 12--Road West éMeovie | 2--Upbeat 1i--Petticoat Junction 12.10 P.M. 15 P.M, 9-6-3--News, Weather 9--Movie 7--Buffalo Bilis Sperts Highlights 4--News SATURDAY 1:30 P.M. $8--Huntley-Brinkiey 8:00 A.M. 11--Wrestling News 11--Schnitzel House 9--Movie 7:00 P.M. &--Davey and Goliath &--Super President W--Tarzan 7--Spider Man 9--Off.to See the Wizard | 4--Captain Kangeres 2:00 P.M. 8--America West &--Clutch Carge 12--Pro Football 6--TBA 8:38 A.M, 7--College Football 4--Peopie Are Funny 9%--Cartoon Playhevee Preview 3--Voyage &--Three Stooges 4--Movie 2--News, Weather 7--Recketship 7 3--Mvie Sports 2--Hercules é--Movie 1:3 P.M. 100 A. | 2-8--Baseball ¥--Nows, Weather, Sport: | 1!--Expo People | 1:0 PLM. | Ra Nbr hata Jr. | 2.90 P.M. 1e--Ret Patrol eaeabhe 9p | Moment of Truth 7--Off to See the Wizard | ¢ Film Feature @--Rat Patrol ai j # 4--Wild Wild Weet SNR Be ies | ti 2-4--Tarzan 10:00 A.M, pas sgt 8:00 P.M. 11--Ed Allen | S 11--Aeeldental Family 9--Buddles | iicuinieeeee 9--Movie @--Flintstones eater Roun 3-6-12--Get Smart '--Popeye, Gumby roe: cae 8:0 P. 6--Cousin BIil | 11--Run for Your Life 4--Shazzan 4:30 PLM, 7--HONDO &--Sinbad Jr. N--Dennis The Menace 4--Gomer Pyle, USMC 10:30 A.M, 9--Wide. World of Sports 3-6-12--Tommy Hunter | 11--Hobby Time 4--Gadabout Gaddis LUXURY, GLAMOR and EXCITEMENT 7 the all new & ful. i warts are different in behavior,all right | 'LAZLO, THE BIOCHEMIST! HIM OUR | SPECIAL TREATMENT! "YES, TOBIN. YOUR MOTHER'S NOT BLIND. THE COUPLE BEAUMONTS, ACADIANS FIREBIRDS at... HUBERT / AND THAT, FOLKS, WAS Y MARVELOUS! OUR VACATION - TURN HOW ON THE LIGHTS, EMILY EXCITING! WASN'T IT, ) aa =) | 2S YOUR HEALTH Virus Seen Cause Of Plantar Warts By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: Will you; My advice js to have a skin discuss plantar warts? My|specialist see your daughter. daughter, 8, has two.on the ball; Dear Dr. Molner: I carry of her right foot, and I would|yarious prescription. pills and like to know more about them capsules in an aluminum case. --Mrs, M.Z. Is there any danger of alumi- I'm delighted that you spelled) num poisoning from this? it right--plantar--because most! wij! nitroglycerin tablets people think it is "planter's/qeteriorate? I seldom have to warts." |take them and they get pretty The name means that the|old--J.V.G. warts are on the plantar, or; No, sir, no danger of alumi- bottom surface of the foot,num poisoning from the con- that's all. tainer. Naturally, these lumpy warts,; Yes, nitroglycerin tablets can being walked on, become pain-|deteriorate. If you get relief It is doubtful if plantar from old tablets, they are still If you don't, discard from other warts, but because them and purchase a fresh and| of their location, you can't smaller quantity since you use ignore them. They hurt. them so infrequently. Plantar (and other) warts are! Dear Dr. Molner: My doctor thought to be due to a virus, tells me I have a mesentary and it is considered wise if a gland infection. Could you person having them be careful explain more about this, as I not to spread the virus on bath- had never heard of it? Will it room, school shower, or other/clear up, or become chronic, or floors. Use of slippers or show-/could it require an operation? er clogs is, I think, a sensible --Mrs. K.R.M. precaution. There are lymph glands As to treatment, there are|throughout the body. Those in several methods: burning the;the abdomen are located in the warts off with. acid in liquid;mesentery, or tissue which sup- form or in ointments; Vitamin) ports the bowel. A injections; linseed oil appli-| These glands can become cations; X-ray treatment; jinfected--infectious mononucle- cryotherapy (use of extreme/osis, tuberculosis, viral infec- cold); ultrasound; electrocau-|tions or other infections affect- tery. ing the bowel are samples of Dabbling with such warts) possible causes. yourself may do more harm) The glands become swollen and cause more irritation andjand tender, and usually fever pain than having the warts} goes along with it. With proper removed by a_ dermatologist|treatment, which at times may (skin specialist) or by your reg-|mean clearing up the under- ular physician, lying cause as well, the glands Usually one or perhaps two) generally return to normal. treatments with electrocautery,| Such mesenteric gland infec- X-ray, cryotherapy or ultra-|tion is more common in chil- sound will eliminate the nui-|dren, and when: there is acute sance. There is no_ positive|abdominal pain the symptoms guarantee that more will notjcan give every sign of being appear, but then again they|a cute appendicitis. In such iding it directly. |puting your THE OSHAWA TIMES, 19 Friday, September 22, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) BIDDING QUIZ You are the dealer, both sides vulnerable, and open with One leart. Partner responds One Spade, What would you bid now jwith each of the following five hands? | 1, @AKT3 YAQIB4 O10 BKIG 2. 85 YAIR @KJ2 %KQ7 3. $96 YKQ986 @KQ83 BAT 4, @TA2 YAKIIE2 GAD 4K3 5. @J3 YKQs7 @AQ9 HAKIZ 1..Four spades, Once partner responds with a spade you can't reasonably settle for less than |game, and the easiest and best way of getting there is by bid- Only a con- firmed pessimist would think in jterms of less than game after a Spade response. Whether the basis for com- chances {s_ point 18 high-card count (you have points plus good distribution and {a trump fit, worth 3 or 4 points eX '| \more) or probable taking tricks WE SHALL GIVE + i $| |you cannot reasonably expect to lose more than three tricks. A jump to three spades would not be adequate. A jump raise urges but does. not force re- sponder to continue. 2. One notrump. This identi- fies a balanced hand of the mini- mum class, which is just what you have. It would be wrong to rebid the hearts with such a weak suit. ' é 3. Two diamonds. Hands with 5-4-22 distribution generally play better in a suit, and it is therefore best not to conceal your second suit. While two dia- monds is not forcing and may even be based on a minimim hand, it does suggest extra values and is hence preferable to a rebid of one notrump, § which is clearly a limit bid. The hand should. not be treated as a minimum opening bid. 4. Three hearts, The values above a minimum are described in this case by a jump to three |hearts. Partner is not required to bid again, and should pass |with any hand where he strains jed originally to respond. Our 15-point hand is worth jconsiderably , more than that, partly because of the length and \strength of the hearts and part- ily because the spade response jhelped to cover the chief weak spot of the hand. However, it is not worth more than an in- vitational rebid since game is unlikely if partner's values are such that he passes. three hearts. 5. Three notrump. Once you accept the premise that partner has at least 6 points for his spade response, you cannot stop under game. The only question is how to describe the size and shape of your hand. Three notrump fits the bil perfectly. It shows balanced dis- tribution, at least 20 points, and- strength in the unbid suits. At the same time it laps the foun- dation for a slam if partner has a better-than-average hand. : Indian Reunion SARDIS, B.C. (CP) -- Des- cendants of William Joe, one of the most prolific Indians ever jto fish the Fraser River, have |held a massive reunion in this {Fraser Valley community. About 250 descendants, eldest 62 years of age, the youngest three months, came from points as far away as Ucluelet on Vancouver Island, the B.C. 'interior and from Washington state. "It was a centennial project,"* said one of the descendants, William Joe fished the waters of the Fraser about 100 years ago. Girls Revive Daylight Time AUCKLAND (CP) -- Three girl secretaries sharing a flat here found their days too short. So they organised a petition to provide for clocks in New Zea- land to be advanced an hour during the summer months. In no time at all they had 50,000 signatures and now Par- liament has commended their petition for favorable considera- tion. New Zealand once had the daylight saving time system but abandoned it, The girls' ini¢ tiative has made it a live issue again. But farmers oppose the change and it faces a fight before going further. the wise course lest it really be an appendix in bad condition. And then the appendix js found nor- mal, but the swollen glands are discovered. "I don't think there's any question about the networkg getting more and more poweréul." 2-8--Star Trek | 9--Batfink 3-6-12--Film Feature AOROSS 45.Female 21, Thin 4,Loam sheep mate 6. Move 46, Impudent tress quickly ee 2, Jume 9. Form WN bled 10. Attempts 1, Alter type 12, Shoe ties 2. Netlike 23, Custom. 13. Artist's 3. Top 25. Unit stand 4, Affirma- of work 14. Chalcedony tive 26. Senor's 15. Knave of reply affirmae clubs 5. Vapor tive 16. Calendar 6. Stuffs 27. Beetle abbrevia- 7. Sloths 28, Revenue tion 8. Seesaw 30. Cicada, 27. King of 9, Sailing 31, News- Bashan vessel paper 18. Drones 11, Ghettos 33. Scote 19, Printer's 15, Steal tish measure 18, Garment land- 20. Pelt border holder 42. Blow 23, ase Y, Te 12 1* We Tt ie 4, Abraham; [M4 wu 4 poss, 24, Without z wi 27. Help 7 a 7, . G e Sa Game windows W V7 \ V7A9 32, -- YF, a Y 33, Small 20 ar f2e yy Y 23 branch 7, s.zxciama- 1/7 aes Lael bes YY), so 3 36, Actinium: de lea WG ay 8 hae $7. Chineus 32 Y Y 33 [34 WO 3S dynasty % i 88, Contestot {°° Y Leg Y ade a 40. Latin sal Be a Gis 42. Rascal "4 43. Correct os ] 44 ry44. Nautical term to Vj) "8 Vp ne G ja. CORB 74 V4 may not, cases, surgery is sometimes the

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