Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Sep 1967, p. 16

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¥6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 22, 1967 EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | Accountants [Building Trades WILLIAM C. HALL, 8.Comm., Charter--ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE.) East./Get your driveway paved by experts | 20c sq. ft., all work guaranteed for three 3-0: ed Accountant, 36/2 King Street Telephone Oshawa 725-6539. BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Complete bookkeeping service, coe Street. N., 725-0397, Res. 723-7605, THOUSANDS read Times Action Ciass!- Service. | Years. 72: 78 Sim-| ALL LL TYPES building rep repairs. ein bg eavestroughing, "Roofing, | Hrepince, [Mortgages Towing Mortgage Loans First Mortgages: First Mortgagesarranged quickly, Current rate of 8%. Open half-yearly without no- fied ads daily. ROOFING, | hot tar and ant, shingles, | i b Firat ; eed mneenan. | » lary and smal! jobs. L. and H.! ice or bonus. irst mortgages TMANN, Chartered eccoun-| repairs, large : sosern Sur 'Trustee, 17 Bond Street |ROOfing and Construction. 725-6937 | erranged and_ purchased. East. Telephone 723-4833. [PAvesTROUSHINS: aanenney fiash-| Agreements for Sale purchas- s. Free estimates, All work guaran-| HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter-| lteed. 728-4797, } ed ed Accountants, Financial Trade Build- | *€¢0. | c Ing, 187 King Street East, eight s |A-) CARPENTRY, recreation rooms, Second Mortaages: be Viet oig! $. T. Hopkins, car ports, garages, stoops, block and/ c CAi E Lukow, CA. isa re een nee mae pecond sespoaes Sra e a , FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char-/EAVESTROUGHING, free estimates, yer : tered Accountants. Licensed Trustees In guaranteed work. Murray Holliday. Open half-veorly without no- Bankruptcy, 57% Simcoe Street North, Telephone 725-9404. tice or Pas nore mort- Oshawa, 728-7371. TERRANO PAVING, 10 years in busi-| 9909S also purchased, GORDON R. "DAY, Certified General iness Guaranteed work, 19¢ square foot. Rates for arranging mortgages Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshewa Shop-\17 Bond St. East. 723-5841. | are very moderate and ac- ing Centre, 725-9953. ie ri cording to Tariff. arpentry | Will invite your comparison, Blueprinting vie | BELL DRAFTING and Reproductions Quality Carpentry | Ltd., 52% Simcoe Street North. Biveprinting and photostatic copies. GENERAL REPAIRS Building Trades REPAIRS ALTERATIONS : ADDITIONS to. 3 - HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES Rec Rooms and Kitchens a Specialty _ James'Allen and Sons :! 725-6126 _ "ROOFING, | CHIMNEYS, cement work, stoops, 455-306), F. McCann, RR . |DRESSMAKING, Home Improvement Specialists Serving Oshawa and District for Many Years | Honest ond Dependable Service Phone 725-8576 | or 623-3411 MANNING F. SWARTZ (Arranging Mortgages for over 30 years) 2612 King Street East, Oshawa, Ont. Telephone -723-4697 MORTGAGE LOANS | We have immediate funds to | loan as Ist and second- mort- [Dressmaking designing, aiterations, | Cant mrss Ne done af reasonable. rates. Call Mrs: Neve, am Lupin Drive, Whitby |DRESSMAKING - |coats, dresses. Beautifully tailor |govers, drapes, Mrs. Toms, ALTERATIONS AND ALL sewing. Telephone 725-0865 or 207 Bloo "bal West, 'GOMPLETE" HOME improvement serv- Ice In Oshawa and erea.. Reliable ond] reasonable. M. Lafontaine Const. 725 ca ON ee) CHIMNEY repaired, new ones made, also fireplaces,* masonry work, concrete/ floors, sidewalks. Free estimates. 728- 5264. YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY Chimneys built and repaired, ings Installed; roofs repaired. Phone 723- 2997. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS Cosh -- | insertion of 24 gf ge 1 se additione! words, 5¢ each; 3 consec five insertions of 24 words, 326 ea tional words 1314c each; 6 consecu- tive insertions of 24 words. 5.76; sect | tional words 24¢ each. | Charge--10 per cent additional charge/ If not paid' within 8 days. Method of Counting -- | then 24) words counts os 24 words; eoch word, \nitiol, figure or abbreviation counts os one words phone number counts two words, BIRTHS en _- SOCIAL $2.50 per insertion with 25 cents addi- tional! cola vA not paid within 8 days. tN MEMOR $2.50 for the iret 25 words and 6c soch thereofter plus 13¢ per line of verse; 25c additional charge if not paid| within 8 doys. CARDS | OF THANKS $2.50 for the first 35 hor and 7 toch thereafter with 25¢ gaditional tharge if not ty within 8 days. COMING EVEN 38 inch Talapley); $2.00 for the | fat 25 words ond 6c each thereofter (Word Ads) AUCTION. SALE: $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION. DEADLINES WOR DB AD: @ p.m. ony PREVIOUS OST AND FOUND > o.m. DAY OF earctiah sy phase AND DEA 5 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION 1s MEMORIUMS and CARD OF THANKS 4@ p.m. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY mn--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous. CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 am. DAY OF PUBL advertisement on w be chorged one sed |CATION concelle ¢ NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 déavor will be made to umbers to the| oon as possible, we ac-| no liability in respect of loss or} gemoged alleged to arise through either | elay in forwarding such re- se. The Times will not r replies uncalled for in 20 days. REGULATIONS d_whether by negli- | | GARDEN SUPPLIES SUPER FINE GRASS MIX NO. 1 FINE GRASS. MIX PARKLAWN GRASS MIX SUBURBAN GRASS Mix TIMOTHY and ALSIKE MEDION BLUEGRASS KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS INDIVIDUAL GRASSES GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 EVERGREEN 6-9-6 EVERGREEN WEED KILLER C.l.L. TURF 10-6-4 | SO-GREEN 7-7-7 | MILGORANITE BONEMEAL PEAT MOSS POTTING SOIL PET SUPPLIES Everything for the garden Cooper-Smith 16 CELINA ST, 723-2312 723-1139 DELIVERY SERVICE THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER- tare a SUMBITTED OTHERWISE VERTISEMENT NOR PRICE CHARGE FOR A_ SINGLE SERTION IN WHICH ERROR, OCCURS, imes reser accor The Oshawa In the cases of The Hi matter ec of ocverti leinent sny form ore contained therein. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Clossified Direct 723-3492 f any inaccuracies in ves the right to ding to its icy advertisements sponsible t which the INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column 2--Persone! 3-Sportsman's Column 8--Articles for Sale 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column 1i--Pets and Livestocr 12--Articles Wanted 13--Articies for Rent 34--Business Opportunities 15--Employment Wanted 16--Agents Wanted 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted 19--Male or Female He 20--Real Estate For Sa 20a--Summer Properties 21\--Farms for Sale 22--Lots for Sale 23--Real Estate Wanted 24--Stores Offices and Storage --Houses for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 26a--Expo Accommodation 27--Rooms for Rent 28--Room and Board 29--Waented to Rent 30--Automobiles for Sale 31--Compact Cars for Sale 32--Trucks for Sale 33--Automobiies Wanted 24--Automobile Repair 35--Lost and Found 36~Legal 37--Auctions 3%--Coming Events 9 --Noticns Wanted ee ee o- i TOP SOIL --- MANURE Ne. 1 No. ed with cattle manure for top processed top soil, 1 processed and blend dressing. Well rotted monure. Prompt delivery. 655-3331 OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE LTD tle MERION-KENTUCKY C(/)[}) glans sediie = | BLUE GRASS All-Green Nursery Sod Growers Visitors Wel 725-9674 -- TOW? VY Mi North _ To oe SOD | Excellent Quality, Low Prices. Loaded or Delivered, Visitors Weicome. 725- 9674 J, KAMSTRA comp! LANDSCAPING GARDEN. SERVICE 728-8267 [NURSERY "AND FIELD SoD. Free est 25-3325 an mates 72 Prompt delivery. "> expertly fitted "wuits, TYPES "ot 'lGerdiaiig ant and Supplies oS | ~| teed gages. Free advice arrarige- ments may be made in your own home. A. ROSEN tmiember of Ont. "Mont. Broks. Assoc. 725-0532 evenings and week- ends 728-5623 NEED CASH | to consolidate your bil! buy that new car, boat, travel expens: Ve feature second mortgages of 12 pi cent. Also first mortgages awaliable, con- fidential, Private funds. Cal! 723-4631 any time. 1ST AND 2ND morig buy, sell and arrange. service, licen: sed * broker, eles AND SECOND mortgage: Purchased and sold. Hennick : Hennic Barristers, 31 King Street | ast. 723-7232. TOWING ! 24 HOUR SERVICE NAL TOWING FROM $2.50 For your convenience we maintain a tow truck at East and West Locations. Oshawa Towing PHONE 728-7711 TV--Radio Repairs TV SERVICE COLOR BLACK and WHITE FOR THE BEST CALL ENGLAND* WHEN HE WAS 3 YEARS OF AGE T. & 10, TELEVISION FOR CLEANER, SHARPER | TV_ RECEPTION Your Own | TV TOWER | 728-5143 Corner Bond and Division THE NEEDY ~ DISGUISED HIMSELF KING MAHACULI MAHA TISSA of Ceylon TO PULFILL THE BUDDHIST PRECEPT THAT ONE MUST WORK TO HELP THE RICE FIELDS EVERY DAY OF HIS /4-YEAR REIGN (17-6380) (M1798 MONEUSE LOST THE TALISMAN) ~AND 2 DAYS LATER WAS CAPTURED AS A LABORER AND PLOWED IN T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" |8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a better tower for less money. OSHAWA T.V. | SUPPLY LTD. TAUNTON RD. E. "Just East of Ritson) 723-8131 723-8132 | Painting _and Decorating DO !T NOW while the weather Is nice. Painting and decorating. Free esti- mates, F. Schmidt, 725-9572. HANDYMAN PAINTING, decorating carpentry work by _ experienced kman. 147 Brock Street East or 725- PAINTING and paper hanging, and exterior, Free estimates an prices. Telephone 728-2834. interior id low) | | } Plumbing and Heating FELEVISION -- RADIO | 24 Hour Service HOLMES ELECTRONICS | TV RENTALS | TOWERS | Plumbing Discount 149 Brock St. North WHITBY -- 668-6601 Direct to you, plumbing i PHONE 668-5679 ol T.V. Rentals | NEW_SETS ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 452 SIMCOE SOUTH 72. a plies. Everything in the plumbing line. 20% off all supplies 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CLOSED WEDNESDAY ALL PLUMBING AI AND HEATING 9 sup plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold R. Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and En- gineering, 255 Simcoe Street South. JOE'S COLOR TV and Radio Service SPECIALIZING IN EUROPEAN RADIOS. AND TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS 13 Bond W. 576-1670 ALL TYPES repairs and remodellin new end used materials. Reasonable rates. Estimates free, 723-1191, J. Foley. Rug - Upholstery Service RE-UPHOLSTERING 725-9332 @ Wide selection of Fibrics @ Workmanship Guaranteed SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac. We correct wheelalignment, inspect and correct castor and comber- align toe - in and toe - out to correct condition .... $7.95 @ Parts extra if required @ Torsion bor extra. BRAKE SPECIAL Most popular cars. First Quality Rovaline, 4 wheels, $14.88 | Pius $2.00 per wheel | (labor cost) | adjustment | WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL| les Including weights per wheel, ORON as Cae aia $1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK at COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Home of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Road South Phone 725-6511 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION | TELEVISION 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m five full years) @ Eosy budget Terms--Free |TY TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower | atinatan structure, all-channel antenna installed,; ares $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taun- @ Over 20 yeors experience uf lon Road East, just east of Ritson Road. THE FURNITURE CENTRE 90 $ St. North 2--Personal meoe St PROFESSIONAL bindes Chane Service ck-Up and Delivery 728-6254 | CHESTEREIE LDS re-upholsiered and Free estimate. See our mate- rial for re-covering. Slip covers made D Upholstering, 75 Charles RE.UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab: shed 20 years. Workmanship guaran- Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat tresses re-built, furniture re-finished, Os see Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue. Sela and Service ~ APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repairs to all makes of washers, dryers, ranges, |. ete ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE | ALCAN | | FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES! 452 Simcoe S.--Oshowa Telephone 723-0011 NOW Bring me your mowers, tillers, FOR FREE eslimaies of outboards, all. makes, air |ming. demolishing old 6 cooled engines. Parts and $3 work and cutting service. Largest service in GENERAL LANDSCAPING and Ompus | and home maintenance, garden' plowed or rato 75 74 BARRIE AVE tilled, lawns sodded or seeded. 655-3054 28 279) or 725-4633 or 723-3877 a re : Boe TYPEWRITER SERVICE -- $4.95. Serv. ag euriaR "--~|ice call includes cleaning,' 'ubrication, Instruction lnew ribbon, liner adjustment and repair. | HIGH SCHOOL AT HOMEIE Pa Beene | IN SPARE TIME Prepores you to write examin- Ontari ations to receiv Diploma. Grades prove r educatic own pace Low inst include books and guides. Write today for FREE brochure to Americon Sch Box 2, Kingsto Nome Address . rents study | PIANO: > Classical and popular, Theory |For information contact Patricia Tuck, \74 Burk Street, Oshawa, dial _725-4587 |BALLET, BATON Twirling, |47 p.m. daily, Harvey Dance Academy. Oshawa Shopping Centre. 725-6122. 'Loan \ in Wanted $7,000, wa wantes for second mortgage, wil pay interest, "eat security. 4317, Oahawa Times, Register ¥+| prints, Write} I City pickup and delivery. 725-8915, "M_ REFRIGERATION | HOCKEY HOCKEY HOCKEY We hove specials galore. HELMETS. from 99¢ Used SKATES from $1.50 | MODEL SEWING MACHINE SALE New White electrics $59, Goodrich, 88 King Street West, 725-4543. VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses, brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery. 942-0213. Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, | Pickering. |MAN'S COMPLETE WA for 8--Articles for ce 14--Business Opportunities |18---Male Help Wanted PRIVATE. Three bedrooms, living room, kitchen and store. Two bay garages, re- modelled inside and out. Stone front, aluminum siding. On Highway 12, near Sunderland, Smal! down payment or will accept new model car, house or cottage TYPEWRITERS, $49. money down, $2. weekly. Adders, coamaes: new, used, pall service, trades. Bill Hamilton, in, 1-985-7160. non MONTH old Westinghouse yse stove and refrigerator, two piece chesterfield suite, lamps. and tables, five piece 82 comm Payment. 770-064 chrome extension kitchen suite, Also[FULLY EQUIPPED two chair barber bedroom suite 723-8878. shop for rent in Oshawa. Telephone 728-4146, evenings after sev BEATTY, ELECTRIC 'stove, 24 ny 8 like new, 1966 model $85, Telephone 668-4743. PIANO, upright, 50" high. All conditioned with new keyboard. Tu: to concert pitch. Plane Toners H, Ca 942-5547, 9--Market Basket APPLES Mclntosh RETIRED -- with three hours of your time every other week thi¢ property can give you a return of $145. per week. Just think over 15 per cent and only $23,500 . down, 15--Employment Wanted ATTICS, CELLARS and garages clean- out, [unk removed, small sod, and landscaping jobs done, other small odd jobs, Telephone collect 985-7651, ask for Bill. MOVING, move insured, odd jobs done, with or without truck. Rent truck with driver, 728-2882. LOVING DAY CARE by widow for pre- school children, years of experience, free pick-up and delivery, 576-1337. A-l CARPENT ail odd jobs from cupboards to g es; recreation room, etc. At your convenience telephone 728- 2 Per Bushel [i er US e WINDOW, wall and floor cleaning. Painting for office and home. Janitor's |suppties. Waxes, cleaners, paints. Rub- ber and vinyl! floor matting. Multi-Ciean Janitorial Service, 725-1885. MOVING JOBS, taking away garbage or scrap lumber or odd jobs to be done by truck. Reasonable rates. Telephone ALGOMA ORCHARDS Ltd. |17--Female Help Wanted | Thickson Rd. N., Whitby STENOGRAPHER Shorthand or Dictaphone Between 30-40 years of age. Send full resume to |MacINTOSH RED, $1.75 @ bushel, 12 miles north of Oshawa on Simei | North. __ Bring your own Co! |FRESH VEGETABLES - Tomatoes, : A. SMITH * corn, Spanish onions, peppers, potatoes, |cabbae, squash, etc. Walter Huron Personnel Manager Farm, \-mile west of Oshawa on 40! north service road. LAKE ONTARIO TOMATOES, potatoes, squash, carrots, STEEL turnips, cabbage. Telephone Morley Glil- Brooklin, 655-3093. Ina' 0, off, R FOYs : ad dence Be SSR GE eae eg bl tag cen NeP ONS CORN, 25€ DOZ., pick own, bring con: Co. LTD. s talners. R. V. McBurnie, Harmony Rd. WHITE ELNA N. 214 miles north of Taunton Rd. on Box 330 SEWING CENTRE yd Sdavald ORO OSE er CVSS WHITBY ick YOUR OWN Spanish __38 BOND WEST--725-7181 7181 es Bring containers. W. nyemann, UR TIRES, moet Al. siz. 8. Fe ee ee ets LADIES SMALL BARLETT pears, $1.50 per bushel. W. T. R 4, Bowmanville. Cox, 623-2267. (North of Training School.) 9A--Eggs & Poultry YOU CAN EARN $140. EACH WEEK . . with 3 to 4 hours per day sale, $60, one two-pant suit, one, one- {pant suit and one sport coat, size 40. In |good condition. Telephone 723-5636. talking to businessmen about their industrial cleaning prob- lems. No telephone soliciting, EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY -- White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. Picked up, delivered at store or home. | HOUSEHOLD discardables removed. No jch arge if enough value to cover trucking. |723-6381. 88 Winchester rifle, complete °/10--Farmer's Column no hous-to-house calls. We poy top earnings in advance. For personal interview write DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock picked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, with sling, extra site and case. New condition, $125, Telephone 725-1895. | COMPLETE living room and bedroom) | suite. Barely one year old. Beautiful) Condition. Must sell before August 29./ After 5.30, 728-2482. 'UDENT A LYPEWRITERS -- -- ell 1 is __ | STRAW FOR SALE, after 5.30, Sales Tyrone. Telephone collect Hampton 263- to Mr. Allan Turner, [ae cee ee rete Manager, Southwestern Pet- to lay. je isian Red and Barred Rock cross, $2.25 each. roleum Corporation, ts Ni Telephone Brooklin, 655-3736. Main Street, Fort 'orth, pa ae Texas 76101, 985-7128. . Call Port Perry, | ST |50 to choose from, anteed one year, $20. 'Up. Sales and eels ice. McLinton's Office 728- 11--Pets and Livestock NEED EXTRA MONEY? SELLING OUT -- rabbits and Showing our beautiful line of TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 404i, structure a LP aa ia peverion: $50. TRIO Tele-| SS RRAaTENG: USED wringer washers,| spayed etc. television, refrigerator, and \St0. jup. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Simcoe South, 723-0011 GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and up. Alcan Furniture and Appilances, 45; Simcoe South, 723-0011. BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. 452 | raining. Doberman Pingchers and Ger- John Bird, Newtonville, or phoni Christmas cards to friends, MES ee ae reainered, neighbors, relatives is one GERMAN ss gitaaistered, 'wink female, black and silver, of the easiest and rpetest ve $30; male, ioe months, site, of earning extra cash. ou jephone 668-2103 don't need experience because PROFESSIONAL "poe SERVICB--Clip- ping all breeds, poodies our specialty. Free pick-up and delivery; boarding and our big, illustrated catalogue, with over 300 items shown in full-color, helps you to get plenty of orders. Write today for Christmas cards on ap- proval and free catalogue, Monarch Card Co., Dept. 22, man Shepherd puppies for sale. Dachurst Kennels, 655-3881. POODLE CLIPPING and shampooing, repsonetly priced. Also ie service. Whitby. lephi 668-6977. FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. Guananteed touble-free winter if. you ae from Western Oll Company. 1212, suena Pad -- Three rooms of new furniture. only $15 monthly. 2 Nall Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. FOUR-PIECE chesterfield suite, coff talfes table, two end tables, four-piece bed- room sulte. Telephone 725-8267. HEAVY DUTY floor ae ry pol- oe ar trained a toys 217 Cannon, Hamilton. larger breeds, $25 up. Delivered. Tae phone 1-985-2645. QUALITY CLIPPING SERVICE again available, all breeds. Telephone 728-9609. POODLE CLIPPING specialist. Stud service and toy pupples for sele. Lun- dilu Kennels, Townline Rd. N. 723-6216. COZY-J RANCH. Reg'd. German Shep- MARKET RESEARCH Interviewers required for Pub- lic Opinion surveys to work in own locality. Hours flex- ible, no experience necessary, MOTOR, Swedish, electric, one hp.,|Nerds, pups. Show mare In foal fo quar-| training will be given. Con- three-phase, 110-220, variable speed. /'er horse, Pony. Pinto. Western saddles.) genial work offering publie Telephone 668-4423. EIN tt a a Bk contact and good remunera- GIBSON REFRIGERATOR, across the|BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGI tion, Please reply in writing top freezer, 1% years old, Moffat|for training, talking j 1 apartment size range, alto Luntor | bed, | Broad, 114 Elgin East. to: Mrs. Beryl Bonner, Ben $20. All excellent. condit 58434, |TRISH SETTER puppies, registered; W. Crow & Associates Ltd., males, e foncies five weeks, $78. 576-2429, 1407 Yonge St., Toronto 7, jer pletely furnished two-bedroom, 10' x 50', 0500. All work guaranteed. | . igher, 22" roto tiller, 100' 2" black pipe, |anytim Apartment 202, i ELECTROLYSIS The biggest selection _ of |tour. icin cart eslere; top condition. 30. tant Saree cero isan Ontario, 723-4641 | robin ptatel es eerie |723-8429. ike HORSE, gelding, eight a. Palo. EARN EXTRA | \ | Skate sharpening while U- |MANSFIELD ® m.m. movie camera,|Mino and buckskin. $200. Also two Ger- yea aoa ah ves hair | wait. Boys' 35c, men's and |bullt - in filters, electric. eye and car.|man Shepherds and one hound for sale. MON EY erie Murduff will be in Race B6e ~~ slrying casey screen and four light bar.| Telephone 942-3326, -------------|_ Show Canado's finest. line of Oshawa Sept. 25, 26 and es 50c. $4) complete, 728-5212 RABBITS, YOUNG breeding stock, pets Chose ane vai Wr as 27. Phone Genosho Hotel |MASON AND RISCH Grandetie piano,|and meat, also homing racing pigeons, None as "ae wt 300 it bad on these dates for appoint- YCLE 42" high, in 'on-|young and old, and Neat female hounds. velties, etc, Over 3 items. wank ; [ |diNon, only, hres years old, mahogany.|APply 473 Ritson S. For free, beautifully. illus- ----___--_____-- ee ENTRE Teles 2324 SPANIEL, small blonde, male, pure-|_ trated catalogue ,samples, on LONESOME? We love people, and will \our a IDER Mustang and Sykes|bred, two years old, $15. Telephone 655-|. opproval and the fastest ser- hel + them. Write © 204 BOND E£ ith Lif Set of d Mi 381) ip you mee mn. rite Confidential | : wil amplifiers. Set of rums. cro- U Friendship Service, Box 14, Oshawa. - oa phone with stand. Reasonable. Telephone| GERMAN Ray ee vice, Jeandron Greeting Card | 723-1077 pups.) Co., Ltd., 1253 King St. E., 7, | 725-6344 Professional training, boarding. Std) Hamilton, Ont. 3--Sportsman's Column | |BEAUTY SALON eavipment for sale. |services, Pinte, Show mare. Texas sad- SKATES, 4 K | | Reverse call, 262-4970 or nighfs, 19-2340. bles Shirt: ae Pid J Ranch Kennels, y new A ANTIOUE EE77TEE LL ment ond stleks reread lee | ANTI FEC Tne: artique aig rock: settee PART TIME ir, fiberglas drapes, orange color Cycle Centre, 204 Bond St. E., 725-634 44, A f U M | N U M for picture window, 9 x 12 rug, orange ice 12--Articles Wanted SHORT ORDER COOK HUNTING LICENCES -- New and used] color. Telephone 576-0517. WANTED -- Banjo, four strings. Must] for weekends rea eg guns or Manag be Ammuni-| @ SIDING |REFRIGERATOR, AUTOMATIC defrosi|be In good condition. Telephone 723-8763.| ings in week, Apia d id i alley Creel with zero zone freezer, two yea Id. VING 16 Bond St. West © AV nINGS irae Frigidaire automatic. washer, one | SEWING, MACHINE, preferably, Singer, CAMPBELL, | @ WINDOWS lyear old. $200., McClary DeLuxe stove, !e233 1 i Bi ey HOTEL 4--Motorbik: DOORS | approximately six years old, good work | --______ od ---------- eee | bd > ling condition, $75. 576-2244. GOOD USED FURNITURE wonted, ec. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE needs repair, also helmet., LES BUSHEL HAMPERS and lids, used once, |"ishest prices. Call anytime. MacNelll's HOUSEKEEPER, live In, five-day week, 7 668-5393. EVEN] |like new. Telephone 725-5169. eu patel a a ead Gan three chen, it, 13 and five, $25 per } - 7| PIANO AN' --_ ised, In g 'con- week. esponsible persons only need YAMAHA - SUZUKI -- Authorized dealer.| S S |EINGINE, V8, for 1953 Buick, $20. Repairs all makes, We will buy and sell, parts and tires for same. Telephone 623, \"ltion. Telephone 723-9627. apply. Box 493, Colborne, Ray Whitaker, 150 William St. E. 728-9191, SALES LTD, : |2808. 13--Articles for Rent UNLIMITED Opportunity For Extra TRADE-INS -- Honda 65, 100 twinl 15 Prince St. 725-4632 |SIRL'S: size 3X, winter, three-piece |" sh A I A ebiali All IOS aaa sonable." 19)" Witlom esi. | Coy ry geion new, $10, Telephone 7207009. ® Tableg, Chere, Linens, Dish ee ee. $--Trail CITY Ty. ielevisions, sedis IGepRoom SUITE, ding riomvais| 0s, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee |RSLIABLE, MATURE igi, tue aia eee dept. open 7 days a week |Telephone. 7264138 Playpen. Like mew.) Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal |to Lorene. Live, Own al. cones: r phe Boe hs eon ed adh = Fs ences. jeasan family iome in Oot _\@ ra House ssiailer ior sale. Sleeps} Also. T.V. towers, color and |POLAROID Land camera, 104, fiash| Weor, Men's Formals, White |district with two school-aged children. ily equipped. Telephone 983-5143 black and white T.V. Anten- jattachment, black and white and color! Fox Furs, Mink Stoles Please apply in writing to Box M74402, "3 CABIN TRAILER, 15°, three-burner| nas rotors installed. Sales | {l!m- Like new. Telephone 723-9036. Hf i ; Oshawa Times. jslove, oven, Ice box, sleeps five. Tele) ont coon gam. to.9 pm, |WESTINGHOUSE TELEVISION, pow] SARGEANT'S RENTALS |ruct - time; exPERienceD hair- | ea lu EO | 248 Quebec St. Call 725 jab 12 inch. $40. Excellent condition. 443 Ritson Rd. §., 725-3338 | wesser_wanted. Telephone 668-8591. MOBILE HOME, 1964, Glendale, com. i Telephone 728-9774 ' WAITRESS REQUIRED, ex d. \aa? MOFFAT range, four new burners, excellent condition. Lot 24. 668-4041 a xe GL er going id. May be seen at 1010] Dundas St. East, Whitby, Lot 40. TRAILER HITCHES mode and instali-| ed. Also all types of welding done. Port- able equipment for rent. 723-6840. | 6--Marine Equipment ailer. Own washers, ldryers, water coolers, all makes. lialize In Frigidaire service. service. 576-3771. GUARANTEED REPAIR fo shers and ranges. Call' 728-1742 or | 723-0011 VACUUM "and polisher all new hoses, brushes, new motors. k Lees, pick up and delivery. 728- stove: Spec- 24 hours i wri ifhos estima' repairs, Septic Service _ SEPTIC TANKS cleaned Prompt serv- ce on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. |Surveyors 'H. FLIM, ONTARIO - LAND Surveyor. Office 47 Prince St. Res. 103 Elgin $t. E. 725-6881 DONEVAN AND ~ FLEISCHMANN, 0 On- |tario Land Surveyor, yg oetely blue 11 Ontarlo Street. 725- WANT-ADS DON'T COST--THEY PAY jist ~ CHRIS CRAFT SALES and SERVICE McVay fibreglas sail boots, Crestliner, Peterborough and Northcroft runabouts. Evin- rude outboard motors. Oshawa Yachthaven 723-8186 "STARCRAFT" GREW Traveller t boats. Evinrude motors. Open seven days 4 week. Marine soreye and Supply Ltd., Brooklin 655-3641 WE WANT USED snowmobiles, high trade-in allowances, or cash paid. United lll All and Marine, 555 King Street E. hawa, 728-5565. Ski-Doo Sales and Servi 7--Swap a and ind Barter BATH AND LAUNDRY tu tubs, $1 $17.3 tol- RUTHERFORD'S 3-room groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, ae {food condition, $20. Telephone 723- $499, $599, $699. Easy terms. Immediate delivery or |12" GAUGE DOUBLE barrel loyaway {88s like new. Telephone 942-171 HOOVER SPIN DRY washing machine, RUTHERFORD' 5 one year oid, $120 or pen tihee: Tele. 156 Simcoe St. South |phone 576-2048. |TWO-SPEAKER, 3-input reverb ampil- WRECKING | fier, $85. Duro sump pump, $15. Single Seaway Demolition Co. Thornton Rd. & King St. W. Used building materials, bath- room fixtures, furnaces, lights, doors, windows. 728-2801 "SUMMERTIME SPECIALS ot Wilson's Furn. Smooth top mattresses 29-95 2-pc. chesterfield suite 109.95 3-pc. bedroom suites 99.50 20 CHURCH STREET jshotgun, $12. Bassinette, $7. hiker stroller, $5. 728-2068. BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- pliances. Call Eimer, 263-; 2294, 265- 5-2695. GLASS REPAIRS to aluminum and wood windows and aluminum screens. Free pick-up and delivery. _T28-2984, CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat- tresses half price, all sizes, headboards one-third off. Factory outiet. /23-3889, PIANOS, upright, All Hitch- re-conditioned. planog delivered. Over 40 to choose from. On Highway 7, six miles west of Brooklin. Piano Re-building Company, 942-5547 WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used furniture or anything you. have, The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671. TYPEWRITER, standard, $25.; portable $25.; 1BM electric typewriter, $45.; ad lets, basins, $10.; pressure systems, sump pumps, Kitchen and vanity units Heid to order and installed; piping fit- tings, Cars, trucks, trailers. H. Chinn, ie 7088 or 728-7288. |sIMPLE THINGS TALK: ¢ Classified Ads sell po vg ti don't need for spot cash. @ Ad-writer now, IF IT'S FOR SALE AN ACTION . CLASSIFIED AD WILL SELL IT! ing machine $20., also electric. 723-4434. 'perienced 10 King ry : Apply Rotunda Restaurant, Polish National _ [street e° WOULD YOU like to spend ten days Hall for Rent AIR CONDITIONED Wedding Receptions, Ban- quets, Parties, etc. We Cater if desired. For more informa- tion call Joe Dlugosz 728- 3718. Peter Soltys 723-4332. PERTAINING? Fifty fo one hundred in the country? Wanted In October, re- liable woman to care for five chlidren in farm home. 576-2432. MATURE, responsible woman required for lunch room, hours 3-10 p.m. Prefer- person. 948 Simcoe North. WANTED -- reliable woman who is fond of children z baby sit in my home, afternoons 1 to 6 p.m. 668-4607 mornings people: Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-jor after 6 quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, GIRL WANT tor preral OiiGe parking. 723-7726. duties. Apply stating qualifications, ex- WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk-|perience and salary expected to Box ers, ess panei ick room sup-|75170, Oshawa Times. pil tal atrice 725-1644.| FREE ROOM available to elderly lady, Preferably of European origin, in ex- change for service as housekeeper and . Apply 523 Drew Street, COUNTER GIRL, part-time. Apply tory Grill eae from Armour! Simcoe St. 14--Business Opportunities STORE AND a THREE APARTMENTS? ONLY $32,900 ly woman, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 4 ably living in the north ond.' hoely In} ALARM RACK OPERATORS REQUIRED BY OSHAWA FIRE DEPARTMENT MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Height 5'10", weight 150 Ibs. APPLICANTS MUST BE BE- TWEEN 18 and 19% YEARS OF AGE. Minimum of Grade 10 educa- tion. Preference given te Grade 12. Medically and physically fit. HAVE A MINIMUM OF ONE YEAR'S RESIDENCE IN OSH- AWA. Successful applicants to be available for October 2nd, 1967. Apply in PERSON ONLY, before 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 26th, 1967, be- tween the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m, The Personnel Department, City Hall, 0: CHANGE 'NOW! ! There will never be a better time for you to enter a field offering securtiy and execu- tive earnings. Selling oth specialized industrial products with service to all commercial, industrial and __ institutional' accounts, travelling. is at a minimum. Top commissions weekly on received orders plus full commission on plen- tiful repeat business. No cash investment or house accounts. Local "Manager ready to as- sist. One vacancy only. Car necessary. Many men with us over ten years. Our vacancies fill fast! Write Standard In- dustries Co, Ltd., Dundas, Ontario. Progressive Steel Mill Requires A man to fill a position lead- ing to the responsibilities of CREDIT MANAGER, This man should have the ability to interpret financial infor- mation. Some experience in industrial credits and collec- tion would be an advantage. Applications will be kept con- fidential and should be sub- mitted in writing to: THE CONTROLLER LAKE ONTARIO STEEL CO, LTD. Hopkins St. S$. WHITBY, ONTARIO ~ REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Wanted for Oshawa office. Inquiries treated eonfident- fally. Coll W. Baldwin, ma- nager, W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. 506 Simcoe St., Oshawa 728-7585 PRINTER COMPOSITOR with Heidleberg experience, required for combination shop. Reply stating experience and salary expected, to BOX M75553 OSHAWA TIMES (all replies confidential) ATTENTION: It 1 can find an honest man with a cor I'll set him up in his own high income sales and service busi- ness. This business repeats year after year. No money re- quired to start. Full or port time. Apply to Wesley Walmsley, 304 Golf St., Oshawa. Phone 723-6296 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Wanted for Blackstock Ares. Prefer selling experience. Ex- perienced manager to help you. Join Canada's iargest realtor, a firm with a proven record of sales. Contact |_lyod G. Lee, F.R.1., Vice-President, H. KEITH LTD. 181 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto 12, 487-3233 JANITOR for small HOTEL 3 nights weekly, 12 pm. -- 8 am. $1.50 hourly. Must be abstainer, middle aged man preferred. Write Box 75125, Oshawa Times BOYS Earn extra money selling papers on Saturday atter- noons. Phone 728-4161 RELIABLE -_ Yo stay with elder-| YOUNG MAN for MEN'S WEAR STORE experience preferred, but not essential. Excellent oppor- tunity for future. All replies sion Dept., 314 Simcoe St, S. onable down ment -- UL sasabes pai FOUR LADIES with cars, 5 public rela: oppor. must be seen now. Call Jack Central -- Mary Street -- [Biter am. do light housework. 728-1417] strictly confidential. Apply to All apartments fully equipped required ne erad BOX 75593 --Private entrances -- g part-time or full time. Must be experi- JUNI \e income --- store leased --- |enced. Apply Canada Manpower Divi-| [av ee art bs BL OE Lilet accustomed to contact with the public. Three-year initial salary plus handsome ind ions and direct sales, way, full Ui dig calling on a Appleby evenings 723-3398. GUITAR and @, Polaroid iandpack} Bolahood Brothers Limited TV. Contact W. Lower: camera, Eureka vacuum cleaner and one 728-5123. Ltd., 723-5278. eleciric mixer, Telephone . 725-0155 after 2 HOMEMAKER --~ Live in preferr 5500. sei selling apt. | bidgs., » shopping Medern home, two children, ages u ONE GAS RANGE, one Scout plazas, any business. C. McCullough, W.|and 12. State age and remuneration ex- and one Cub outfit, Telephone 623-5337|Frank Real Estate, Realtor, 7943,|pected in reply. Box M76316, Oshawa after 8 p.m, 7588, Times, all wap resident 'ed, i Position offers stable career with substantial in- come and to the right person manager- lal opportunity ply In confidence te Box 34567, Os Times. STEEL GUIT. wanted for West- ern band, 'Telephone 725-3696 after six. 18--Male WE HAVE an an experienced In our shipping @ good knowle Toronto area. | Containers, WH APPLE PICKE over 25, and s Telephone 725-0 EXPERIENCED plus commissior Oshawa. 728-2 eed ly. FOUR MEN ni work, 44-hour \ and over 25. R REAL ESTATE view in strict « las J. M. Buille MECHANIC wa: man with MF f ment experienc and year round Morrow Farm Perry, Or Ont. EXPERIENCED Fa wanted. A or teleph am ERIENCED lounge. Apply A esha. (No phon WAILERS REQ Apply stating Box 75035, RAWLEIGH B sary. Above a' Rawileigh, ev lieu St., St. TEXAS OI | over 30 at once advancement, | Must have car short trips. Sale not necessary. \ western Petrole Worth, Texas, fo interview on © Ontario. APPLE PICKERS chards, corner land Road. 19--Male _Help | EA Require pe @ Men': Sales: (Comn @ Came Clerk (May be ! @ Refric Repai These ore tions with a fits and go advance. Persor (Upr Mon between 10 and 2 5 BOYS « Eorn and lec ing your ow iness afte Toronto Ste poper route crea, If not your nome one. PHONE 9:30 BOY OR GIRL f the Beatric In Churchill Streets. 3874 between 5.30 $100 WEEKLY time, ladies or m territories Whitby phone 728-4922. PIANO player fo Apply Mr. Paul land, Brookdale 705-742-9841 20--Real E Me REAL ES 40 K GRA Attractive, ; bungalow w fenced lot 4 ered patio, possession, ¢ Family man' 2 storey bric good size | dining room, bedrooms, | Simcoe St. N asking only ' down payme: for balance, sell. IN A real mone' tri-plex, full bedroom, 1 apartments, fridges, wask porking, $300. Pricec at only $31, COUNTI New 5% ro low with ho 3 bedrooms, . basement, Ic 150 ft., rea $16,500. N with monthly | ing taxes on mediate pos: just off Taur OPEN EVENI Dial 7 Roy Yeo John O'Dris John Howson Joe Maga Fronk Frankf Eldon Kerr Mark Tomine MEMBER We list exclu RESULTS: Action \

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