Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Sep 1967, p. 2

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ing to the northwest 20 tonight.|Hamflton .......+. 82 65 Montreal region: Mainly|St. Catharines .. 52 65 cloudy with a few showers this/Toronto ...--..+++» 52 65 Three Mummified Babies | WEATHER FORECAST 3 ! Found In Unused Trunk | Clear. Cooler Tonight, jUiisMGMaae Mae BS and evening. Showers ending NEW YORK (AP)--An old tonight. Friday cloudy becom | trunk found in the basement a Sunny And Cool Friday :*mssir'sr inte] caus on set | of a Manhattan apartment | swaddled in cloth and. wi i vee ee ee " is y bodi Ft H c! er ri parr dibrggte er te gic se ey Stride. sprees ny ~ | TORONTO (CP) --_ Official)Cloudy with showers and turn- per Winds ceutrwsit er DIXON Ss : f . ' + herman 'forecast issued at 5:30 a.m.jing cooler today. Chance of aj wi i one of whom may have been | described the bodie vell with gusts to 30 this afternoon dead for 47 years : . BAe WOM tay: thundershower this morning.|hecoming northwest 20 and FOR ' " Synopsis: Cooler weather con-'Clearing and much cooler! gusty on Friday. OIL FURNACES 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 21, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Hospital Staff Ordered Not To Revive Elderly Inside the children were | found laying side by side-- | ith kept." The bizarre and unusual One of the papers was an tinued its southeastward jtonight. Mainly sunny and cool) LONDON (AP) -- Britain's,ovérrun by hundreds of ghost s ; On : Ministry of Health said Wednes-| seekers who toppled tombstones Action Postponed fan wae aan Wegeae edition of the defunct Evening |advance through Northeastern|Friday. Winds southwest 20 Forecast Temperatures SERVING OSHAWA OVER day night a London hospital] and trampled flower beds in} voRoNTO (CP) --~ Works, night. Dr. Paul Herman, as- Sun dated Jan. 20, 1920. |Ontario and the upper Greatibecoming northwest 15 this) Low tonight, high Friday SO YEARS : al ' ' Another was the defunct |Takes. The cooler weather is] afternoon. EE SS ae ent 24-HOUR SERVICE medical staff had been ordered quest of spirits. jcommissioner Ross Clark said not to try to revive old persons} The rumors of the ghost of a} w, 2 : after heart or. breathing failure. / murder victim haunting tials gar emia panied A television program dis-|area grew and soon people|iaye court action against Ontar- were coming from as far a closed that since May the Neas- : Hamilton to take part. den Hospital in North London, part of the National Health Service, ha effect. A health ministry spokesman) on the program, said the order' was issued by an unidentified) senior member of the hospital hunting. No Operation S\io Hydro for air pollution. Mr. Clark said Ontario Hydrv A barricade and a police)... 4 d had a rule to this/guard put an end to the ghost| tas Promised to purify _ smoke downtown Richard Hearn generating station. {Metro does not usually lay charges againstindustries trying to correct pollution, he VATICAN CITY ~tReuters)-- said. staff and had been withdrawn pope Paul is ntaking a good) | sistant medical examiner, set | an autopsy examination of the | infants today to determine how they died. The discovery was made when John Hartnett, superin- tendent of the building on | West 18Ist Street in the Wash- | ington Heights _ section, advised tenants to clear a basement storage area of | unwanted items. ' Hartness told police he found one trunk with the name Anne Solomon on it. It Evening World dated March 4, 1922, and the third was the old Evening Journal of Oct. 17, 1923. Solomon told police his wife had been previously married in 1933 but that he had no knowledge of her having given birth to any children. Detectives found a second trunk bearing Mrs. Solomon's name and opened it but found nothing. They then checked some 25 other trunks in the expected to reach the lower lakes this aftersoon with tem- peratures exhibiting a down- jward slide from recent warm llevels today, tonight and Fri- day. Toronto, Hamilton, London, Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake Ontario, southern Geor- gian Bay, Haliburton regions: Cloudy and warm with scat- tered showers and thunder- showers today, mostly ending Bay regions: Cloudy and cooler with scattered showers today. Mostly clear and cool tonight. Sunny with a few cloudy Cochrane, western James)ct Thomas - 52 67 50 65 50 65 47 62 67 62 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 periods and cool Friday. Winds northwest to northerly 15 to 20. Algoma, White River regions: Cloudy and cooler with a few scattered showers today. Most- ly clear and cool tonight. Sunny and cool Friday. Winds west to northwest 15 to 20. Ottawa region: Mainly cloudy siceeeanmieeieealenmamuendiels CITY OF OSHAWA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC REQUIRES A WORKS FINANCIAL MANAGER SALARY RANGE -- $8,478.00 to $10,361.00 last week. recovery from his bladder and| J i hh p kidney 'inflammation and does) JUIY Deadlocked | was opened in the presence of | basement of the building but |this afternoon. Clearing and) and warm with occasional SP chant Mebane ana ordination Cat ocemurting onan the Centenarian not need to undergo an opera- GoOcCHRANE, Ont. (CP) --) J@¢0b Solomon, 67, whose found nothing suspicious. _|cooler tonight. Mostly sunny/showers beginning later this Department. Maintain liaison with Treasury Department, regulate flow wife Anne died in 1954 at the | Solomon is an inspector for |and cool Friday. Winds south-!morning and ending this} °%,scu"c® date for processing ond analyze machine-prepared costs in tion at present, his doctors)phree Northern Ontario men, age of 48. the department of buildings. foun aw Fae pesident| announced here today. charged with illegal uncan, a Win al posse since 1912, marked her 104th) Jet Crashes of gold bullion, will receive a birthday here with congratula- tions from her friends at River- view Hospital and red rosesivisgunt turboprop airliner) Frederick Napoleon Del Gui- t Pa Ee yg Affairs Minis joversh ot the runway andjdice and Italo Basso, both of 'a . crashed on landing at Bristol)south Porcupine, and Jean EXTEND FACILITIES new trial in November because HERE 1 THERE a jury Wednesday could not BRISTOL, England (AP)--A pe heal dh a verdict. an Douglas Wilson, chairman; Ro- An extension of recreation|bert Germond, Elwood Bradley, | Mrs. Duncan, who was born) 4; me ith F i i ; rport Thursday, severely|Claude Lefebvre of Timmins,|facilities was envisaged in a|Bryce Smith, Joseph France near Scunthorpe, England, WaSlinivring two of the 30 persons| were arrested Dec. 4, 1966 after|motion put forward by Con./and Robert Armstrong. also presented with a plaque ahoard. The | wer u : \ : plane, owned by|police found $29,355 worth of/Robert Nicol and adopted at oS ta at ineial geen the Irish airline Aer Lingus,| gold bullion Be barn. council this week. He moved -- . ended up in a hedge with a that the recreation committee ment. shattered undercarriage. Quash Inquest | Cool Summer | JAKARTA (Reuters) -- For-|for next evobol budget, - BELLEVILLE (CP) -- The eign Minister Adam Malik said|/@'se pirctcha wf ' ig a aR holding of an inquest into the), TORONTO (CP)-- There was| Thursday Indonesia would back| P00! be established in the souti Aral a7 era an F|# notable absence of 90-degree|the admission of Communist Section, of the city below High. {ehsport plane in which six| temperatures in most parts of/China to the United Nations| Way 401; 2. wading pools be/,, airmen were killed was denied O"tario this summer, the/despite the recent deterioration weather office said Wednesday./in relations between the two 0) the east section of the city, and established in some city pools; |Rryce 3. an arena be established in/oderkirk and su - committee COMMITTEES Norman Boddy, Robert Bird, vawrence Taylor and Donadd | : | investigate and report back that/T. Backs Red China they include in their thinking/white were elected to form a ports committee of Woodview Park. Roy Cornish is chairman f the program committee; El-| wood Bradley,~ entertainment ommittee, to be assisted by} Smith, Mrs. William! west near 20 today, northwest-|eyening. Chance of a thunder- erly 15 tonight and Friday. lshower. Friday sunny with Sudbury, North Bay, North-|cloudy periods and much cool- ern Georgian Bay, Timagami er. gusty to 30 this afternoon shift- regions: Winds southwest 15 but Should be a Registered Industrial Accountant or have equivalent experience. Knowledge of cost accounting essential, Apply IN WRITING ONLY, giving full details of oge, marital status, education, experience, etc., before 5:00 p.m., October 6th, 1967. | The Personnel Officer, City Hall, Oshewe, Ontario. Winning Numbers: 298 1748 3735 $ 67 KING EAST OSHAWA HOME SHOW | Trip To Bermuda WINNERS PRIZE MUST BE CLAIMED BY SEPT. 25th Holders Of the above numbers please contect OSHAWA HOME SHOW OFFICE OSHAWA motion from j pegeo od Tou 6 "the) The 90-degree mark was hit|countries. Malik left for New Ontario Supreme Court. at several places in southern| York to attend the UN General! The motion sald the: inquest, Ontario, including the summer! Assembly. ealled by Coroner J. Russell bigh of 3. recorded . 'oadly Scott of Belleville, is unneces- *nqueh" in June at Wider.) Expelled sary, and that servicemen: arejlt® 8 Sedition to -- oF 8 forbidden by law to disclose Places' ---- Moosonee in North-' ATHENS (AP)--The Greek any information about RCAF ng / as ak ---- che. Ane b Loe WOODVIEW OFFICERS defence operations or equip- But for the first time in 30/night accused two Easter-bloc) Robert Germond was elected ment. It also said the coroner Summers, the mark was notidiplomats of spying andirecident of Woodview Park | has misconstrued the purpose reached at Toronto Internation-| ordered them out of the coun-|Nejghborhood Association by ef the inquest and his authority! Airport where the highest/try. A government statement/accjamation. Other officers are and obligations. temperature recorded this sum-/said Jiri Smidt, Czechoslovak/Robert Armstrong, vice - pres- mer was 88. coultural attache, and Vasil€jiqent: Mrs. D. Butler, secre-| = Ilie, second secretary in th€/tary: Mrs. Ghost Hunt ! Beatles Get Richer be omasian embassy, had/mond, treasurer; membership | KITCHENER (CP) -- A! jengaged in activities incompati-|and sick list convener, Douglas| ghost age ~ started ae 5? a ond " D ON Ceaetis 50 wea ve ran ~, and endan-|wilson. The following were| Fal, Guten tats ican a e Srl nat rons (unity 'Canere commie] ; . ° s . s munity Centre committee. roomed into a nightly search by|singing quartet from Liverpool Guerrillas Killed | hundreds of curiosity seekers. j|at between £25,000,000 and } The story was told Wednes-|£30,000,000 ($75,000,000 ard) BOGOTA (Reuters)--Four| John ond | day by Fred Campbell, superin-|$90,000,000) in the last five| guerrillas were killed in a clash/ Ou: 6. D. | tendent of the cemetery at Tho-\years. Dick James, chairman) with troops in southwestern Col] OPTOMETRIST rold, 32 miles east of Hamilton|of Northern Songs, said today)ombia Wednesday, military} at the annual convention of the|the figure could be as high as sources said here. They did not| PHONE 723-4811 Ontario Cemeteries Association.|£5,000,000 but stressed it was state the size of the forces He said the cemetery waslonly an approximation. jinvolved. edie RG LI cntis Ales | 4, swings, slides and other en- tertainment facilities used by jchildren be up-dated in existing parks and that entertainment facilities be extended to other} parks in the city. Pn a. 4 ANNOUNCING The Official Opening Of Oshawa's CENTENNIAL PROJECT THE SWIMMING POOL AND RECREATION COMPLEX et the CIVIC AUDITORIUM P| FRIDAY, SEPT. 22 at 4 P.M. Tam Howton aéhaane The complex will be open for public inspection for the balance of the weekend Harvey Hogan 655-3663 between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. end 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Ralph Schofield 576-1680 NOTICE WHY ? you more cash. call us. To Property Owners considering Sale of their pro- perty and who want the best deal they can get! The Real Estate Department of CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST can get you the best deal in the sale of your property -- 1--Because we are also a mortgage company who can often refinance the sale to get 2--Because we charge you ON LY 4% COMMISSION on town and city homes « That saves you a lot of money! So just think about this when you wish to sell your property to YOUR best advantage--then Real Estate Dept. Central Ontario Trust TEL. 723-5221 OR "WE NEED IT" -- "WE BUILT IT" -- "COME AND SEE IT" NOW ENROLLING IN OSHAWA at the CAROUSEL MOTOR HOTEL STEVENSON RD. ENJOY A WONDERFUL WORLD OF PHYSICAL FITNESS ENJOY THE MOST Luxurious Facilities IN THE WORLD Canada's largest selling ale Whether You Want To Lose Or Gain Weight ... or Just Feel Great VIC TANNY'S IS THE PLACEFOR YOU! OPEN MON. TO FRI. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Evic owe tb ae» OSHAWA PHONE 723-8171 SAT. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. GYM AND HEALTH Séc: CLUBS IN TORONTO, HAMILTON KITCHENER LONDON WINDSOR OTTAWA ST CLUBS OPENING SOON MONTREAL, BURLINGTON, SUDBURY, KINGSTON, QUEBEC CITY, ST. JOHN'S, HALIFAX » FROM MOLSON"S-INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786. AFFILIATED CLUBS IN WINNIPEG, EDMONTON, CALGARY, VANCOUVER VICTORIA AND AROUND THE W ROBARTS | Opp Roba By THE CANADIA) Ontario's provinci leaders Wednesda} Premier John Roba provide conditional industries establishi: developed parts of t but Mr. Robarts se fled by the attacks. The Progressive ¢ premier told a mee' William Tuesday ni; ernment will Jaunc! tive program of pay to $500,000 to mi and tourist industr re-elected in the election Oct. 17. "Little more thai attempt to purch: said Donald C. New Democratic P: He told a party North Bay the plar reeted by northern es too little too MacDonald said a | bag been advocat NDP for some time LEADS PARADE Mr. MacDonald pied piper role We when he marched t Liskeard, a town 60 of Kirkland Lake, of a group of singin: Behind was a cav ears and his trav quarters, a chartere The procession town's main street the headquarters o! son, NDP candidat kaming. The Timiskaming is held by Liberal F lor. At a meeting | Lake, Mr. MacDon NDP government w a housing minister | a minister of th ensure that housi meet special c on ¢ Northern Ontario. In Verner, he me didate Ray Emery. From Verner. Donald and Mr. En Sturgeon Falls to local merchants an the street. Mr. MacDonald t North Bay. DECRIES PLAN T Liberal leader R told a Sudbury new that he would hes the industry incent death-bed repentar 3 SEES nan wewwen xc | BUY NOBO |

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