Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Sep 1967, p. 18

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One union representative with|top officers are no different experience in bargaining with|than any other employers. They both private employers and| don't want any dissent from the union employees said: 'Some' hired help." SEAN CONNERY JAMES BOND nllN FLEMING'S Adult Enterteinment i : YOU OMY LIVE Sirax 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, September 21, 1967 tives are deadlocked over & Scottish Nationalist Party |CUPE Staff Money is the key issue in the GLASGOW (CP)--There have|Courtesty to, the Scottish work-| pinceq in the role 'of employ-jan increase to $10,500. The ersgill gave his blessing to Paul and 4 from Buffalo, N.Y. jgovernment approval for thei now come the protests--some|the liner while pre-launch\Union of Public Employees end|ment of Trevor smith, a spe left explosive itable. jand woul i He also left an Pp nd would provide a windfall called the Queen Elizabeth IZ, aling, the new Queen will be 4 general: What to do about/overcome the interference. But/for Toronto Danforth, charged|sheth I as far as Scotland is|day cruise service in 1969. THRILLERS OF THE YEAR!" r-tAA. WLSOM, FORT HAL, SHORE new collective agreement cov- Hellyer Inherits Ch 13 Wage Di . ellyer Inherits Channel 3 Resents New Liner Name|"a9¢ ispute cc ies pnt RONTO (CP)--Canada's ries are Dilemma With Portfoli oy (er) Rees € Oo Oo been plaudits galore for the|¢rs who made the Q4 the mag-\ers in g dispute with its staff| union has offered 10 per cent, name given the latest luxury|nificent liner she is. | representatives. CUPE and the staff organiza- Hellyer as his successor when, A transport department study|/move would double or treble the| », : ' : rom irate Scots whose compa-/ secrecy still veiled the choice of izati representing|cialist in labor relations, to he resigned as transport minis--released this summer said) value of the station by giving it) triots pullt the ship. a permanent identity. Ihe ae 7) a a a Se olate hale ditieranats, » political issue ticking quietly The department concluded) for the owners. d lyer i rtic-| that oases ter : title tough for Scottish national-|58,000-ton stunner bearing an away for Mr. Hellyer in partic-/that in many cases antenna' In a Commons row. Feb. 9lists to take. They insist that the| $87,000,000 price tag when she! Channel 3? 'in some households, particu-|that the whol This is the television channel|larly close to the proposed owe me Gua ae concerned. ering terms of employment. "It shows scant regard for, OT| largest national union has been|pegged at $8,320 a year, want , } OTTAWA (CP) -- J. W: Pick-;with reception of channels 2|before the House. They said) liner launched in Britain, but) Q4 was the designation given| 'The 110,000-member Canadian| tion have agreed to the appoint- week some interference appears inev-)a h ay i _ eS eee The gleaming sea giant is) With hefty government back- "ONE OF THE TOP SUSPENSE t ernment in! devices costing $10 to $35 would i r Sear Want te i. . "e Butl nes, Scott, NDP member present British monarch is Eliz-jenters North Atlantic and holi- used by CKVR-TV in Barrie, 50 transmitter, one or both of the "sneaking in the back door." 1:00--3:15---5:20--7:30--9:40 PLAZA THEATRE ".+fun in the jocular vein of Mike Todd's memorable Around World in80 Days." | By that time, the $2,000-ton "Ignorant and an insult" was/ Queen Elizabeth as well as the) the description flung at the new) 81,000-ton Queen Mary will have, i to. The sta-|Buffal hannels d be} pag Hing ficteg tos toca poiat of Iblacked yong ag chy _John Diefenbaker, then oppo-|name by a top organizer of the; been retired by the company | KEEP YOU GLUED TO : | With such a report in the sition leader, said the following|resurgent Scottish Nationalist|which also owns the new behe- THE EDGE OF YOUR a public and political ruckus) c ' day h % ever since it ag age ragged | sag eye Bion on have| men politically activated pee -- Pag a ae -- = Cunard Steam-ship Co. than a year ago to move its/been less cult for Mr. Pick-| 9 otive i i : i politically are getting|phantly from its shipyard birth- | transmitter site south to nate fousdland 'riding, {0 Back the| contro! of the means of commu- place into the River Ciyde near| NAME "TACTLESS' | iva Tormse area move than it would be for Mr a a Fiidae alae Glasgow Wednesday, Feige hentia ok reel : ee hat I J Mr. Pickersgill, replying to {choice unimaginative and tact-) The Board of Broadcast gol eden ss ' = a, sranspottl afc. Scott, said the epalicaiita NAME RESENTED less but the Lord Provost of| ernors approved the move last)minister has to fight e ections) Was made by 'three citizens of The name "will be resented/Edinburgh bubbled with June and the question of final|in his Toronto riding of Trinity. Canada." It shouldn't be held by a very large number of peo-| delight. approval or rejection remains) Another factor is the spate of ple in Scotland," fumed the} Some defenders contended) ! | An against th t before the government. political accusations that have| seauust them, that they were| arty official, Gordon Wilson.|that the vessel was dubbed | Queen Elizabeth Il as a way of 4 key issue with the public is| surrounded the Barrie proposal. The mini : a shether Channel 3 operating) Conservative and New Demo-) gee ye pege Rig Ml src s |setting' her off from the first from a new site at Palgrave, ajerat MPs jumped on it last) Ralph Snelgrove, Geoff Stirling Boy Climber liner Elizabeth. few miles from Toronto's north-|year when transport depart-/..4 sjlian Waters--should not | Not so, said Cunard's chair- wy { i vere) < ern boundary, would interfere!ment spending estimates were prevent them from making an |man, Sir Basil Smallp application in the proper man-| eturns |"This ship was definitely) ner, meeting the requirements| named for our present queen." " 2 . P | set out by the regulations. Oncel OTTAWA (CP) -- A tired lit-| The nationalists say Scotland| New High-Speed Computer was done, i ae ay to the|tle boy with a bristly red brush-| was never ruled--by the first BBG. cut sat in the Ottawa Interna-;Queen Elizabeth of England, ft sets the pace for intrigue! "THE MOST FRIGHTENING FIEND IN THE HISTORY OF HORROR ! "BLOOD OF THE VAMPIRE" FORE Stumps still sm on blackened mounte after flames ripped tl Prstecensb Paras ten Site eathaS il og The BBG first recommended| i ee deni i ~~ |day night surrounded by report- Marks ncome ax J l {a denial for the move, saying | ors, photographers and televi- OTTAWA (CP)--Only a tax-jnue service, Boeing an/Corp., and U.S. Bell- Telephone} station in Toronta, A freeze was collector 'would think it event worth celebrating, bu Wednesday was the 50th anni Aircraft t}Co. set-ups. -| Staniey. Tench, chief pro- versary of the introduction of) grammer for the data centre, the federal income tax said the new 'computer should the Barrie station in effect was seeking to create a third TV in force against such third sta- tions af the time. sion, however, the BBG Immediately after the deci-|! tional Airport terminal Wednes- jsion film cameras who had met |his aircraft. He squinted into the lights and said: "The snow was four ito: seven feet deep. Of course, \that's too deep for me. I'm only |four - feet - eight." ADULT ENTERTAINMENT DONALD WOLFIT * BARBARA SHELLEY AD} TODAY yas who died in 1603 after a 45-year reign. Scotland at that time was ruled by the Stuart family. | Some shipping experts say| Cunard may have settled on the| Elizabeth II name because of sentiment for the Royal Family in the United States. BEFORE TH Five / Appec WHITBY -- Judgm reserved until Sept. 26 istrate H. W. Jermyn ¥ members of Satain's Motorcycle Club appe Whitby court Tuesday. Pleading not gui charges of dangerous were David Chinn, 19, otk rrr wre And the revenue depart-|be set-up and ready: for opera- announced it was ready to hear He was Erik Sheer, he was 10 if ong ied ment's data processing centre/tions in about two weeks. To|third - station applications for} ears old and he was talkin 68 marked the occasion by start-jaccommodate it, additional | Toronto and Montreal. Barrie| bout the snow above the 16 on ing to put together the compo-| power and air-cooling facilities) applied again and won approv-|. ¢oot jevel of Mount Kilimanja- nents of a new high-speed, big-/had to be installed. jal. lro in Tanzania on the east_coast shows, volume computer which will be} The computer tapes--3,000 of} Mr. Pickersgill had the power|o¢ africa Sounds of the used to double-check tax evad-/them. each capable of carrying to act alone to endorse the BBG ; NOW Generation THE BIG FUN DANCE Friday, Sept. 22nd _--_ STARTS TODAY -- ' 25,000,000 alphabetical charac-) recommendation. But the mat-| ers. | ; had It also celebrated the golden|ters--are used to store informa-| ter became a cabinet issue. ry Gd dh pce jubilee of income taxes with/tion from 8,000,000-plus income) State Secretary Judy|project but weather--Mr. Sheer publication of a light-hearted/tax returns. Each taxpayer's|LaMarsh and other Toronto -/qescribed it as the worst in the TONY CURTIS in "DON'T MAKE WAVES" Adult -- Color review of the event for taxation|current tax return is added tojarea ministers were reported mountain's division employees, and by strongly opposed to the move.| history--stopped The truth about -- wit -- the tapes following information; their party more than half a The Tiaras passing around Chinese fortune) already on file for previous Liberal MPs in the Torontd/ mile from the summit, cookies to the staff: | years jarea also were said The precise significance of] RETURNS ANALYSED j against it. the cookies wasn't explained] 'Through various runs of the| There was no pty let Erik go on. | Erik and his father Frank to be! They had climbed for 3% jdays when their guide refused women who go all out...when 4 they go for 4 PAdmission $1.50 Dress Casual § Dancing 9 P.M. -- 12:30 F nd 3 The Luv-Lites > publicly. tapes through the computers,|throughout the summer, The The new IBM 360-65 computer| analyses of tax returns can be|transport department will double the capacity of the} made rapidly, and misinforma+|announced Sept. 7 that there revenue department's taped/tion--filed erroneously or pur-| would be no decision at least files and speed the process of|posely--can be picked out. Pre-|until the end of the year. This vas.ete file searching by nine times. | viously, checking a taxpayer's| Would allow time for a study of ing BIGGEST IN CANADA return for one year with his|channel allocations throughout o With the installation, the tax|returns for previous years was|southern Ontario, where the EPI'S data centre in the west-end|a laborious clerical job. |shortage of Canadian channels Tunney's Pasture government) Mr. Tench said the new com-|is acute. "Banning" tet Mae AaetCne ion puilding area becomes the big-|puter was needed because of} gest in Canada, and second) the steady growth of income) only to the U.S. internal reve-|tax files and it will have excess capacity that may be taken up| Damages FULLY LICENSED LOUNGE CLUB DISCOTHEQUE MEMBERSHIP 1.00 DOWNSTAIRS AT THE if many of the Carter Royal) Commission recommendations for tax law reform are imple-| mented. | The revenue department's | Awarded staff newsletter issued its jubi-) MOTOR lee edition Wednesday, saying] HOTEL 1917 was 'still in an age of rel-| TORONTO (CP)--The Ontar- "4 io Court of append Wednesday| tive innocence." On Sept, 20 ovdered a Unionville, Ont.,| wa year the Income War Tax widow to pay court costs and Act was enacted as a tempo-| $2,403 damages because her|t@'Y measure, to raise funds) ' for the First World War. YOUR HOST MAX COTTRELL nine-year-old boxer knocked | down a woman while trying to | DANCE attack the woman's dalmation. : In a@ two-to-one decision, the (1 to the Discs of MARTY For the Over 21 set Proof Of Age Must Be Shown court rejected the appeal of} e FROM MARTY'S RECORD BAR Mrs. Edith Marguerite Ruth) » wr And For Those That Like It Live. Wilkins nes lips the cm F haus E The decision confirmed a} H ' 21,500 award to Mrs. Constance Dancin Saturda § very Friday Night Cryderman of Palgrave, Ont., g y 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. COUPLES ONLY JERRY REIDT ORCHESTRA who suffered a broken ankle} when knocked down by the dog. | and a $903 award for medical! ADMISSION 1.00 Gentiemen Are Requested To Weer Coat end Tie. THEATRE NOW PLAYING Guy Stocwel James Farentino-Sean Garson Tom i PMA.» Screenplay by JAMES LEE Suny by HAMILTON MAULE + tircte by RON WINSTON Jones | pover WN ici: ae 4) | Monmegien Today et 7:30 and 9:45; Last Complete Show 9:15 Pry oo eerrertyy ry) Qi] Box Office (Syesrinaigh Admission bia , rr | $1.28 ' ODEON T PHONE 725-5833 39 KING ST. E. ® Presenting... BRYAN OUR NEW expenses to her husband, Eric.! ° CALVERT OF CANADA LTD., MONTREAL TORONTO VANCOUVER How Calvert found a new way to make rye incredibly smooth. straight. And like it. Nobody ever made a rye as smooth as Grand Prix before because nobody ever knew how. It took Calvert ten years to do it, and naturally our Master Blender is pretty proud of it. But try it yourself. You'll know why he's so proud in ten seconds. The name of the rye is Grand Prix. We made it incredibly smooth by making it dry. And we made it dry by discovering a new way to make rye without any cloy- ing sweetness. This makes Grand Prix a full-bodied rye so smooth you can actually sip it Continental Appearing This Weekend At The... Flying Dutchman Motor Inn FRI, and SAT. -- Sept. 22nd and 23rd @ SATURDAY, SEPT. 23 @ THE LEE ROSE TRIO IN OUR DOWNSTAIRS LOUNGE FOR YOUR DANCING PLEASURE 9 P.M. Till Closing { @ FRIDAY, SEPT. 22nd @ DUSTY SHEPHERD At The Hammond Orgon In The Upstairs Dining Lounge Reservations Accepted - MOTOR INN interchange 75 -- Bowmanville PH. 623-3373 Chet OUR CHEF BRYAN HAS DEVELOPED A NEW CONCEPT IN LUNCHEON AND DINNER CUISINE TO DELIGHT ALL OUR GUESTS © Daily Specials © Business Man's Luncheon © Sizzling Char-Brolied Steaks © Mouth Watering French Buffet OUR NEW DINNER HOURS Mon. - Thurs. 5-9 p.m. @ Fri. - Sat. 5-11 p.m. @ Sunday 5 - 9 p.m. Reserve Now For OUR GALA THANKSGIVING DINNER Always Look for Something "NEW" IN YOUR EATING PLEASURE 734 Dundas West Whitby, Ontario on Highway No. 2 Exits off 401 st Ajex or Whitby Tel. 668-3386 Free Parking for Guests TWO BANQUET ROOMS SATERING TO WEDDINGS, MEETINGS, etc. FINEST TALENTS. PROVIDE | ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY IN DISCRIMINATING LOUNGE WALTER THORNTON Modelling & Persanal Development ib eee FALL. NOW _ FORMING Personal Interview Without Obligation WALTER THORNTON & SCHOOL OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 360 King St. West, Oshawa = Local Mary Ann Watier Thornton beavty centres located in many leading Ontario ilies top St., Oshawa, Robert ton, 22, Port Perry, ' Siblock, 21, 283 Thon Oshawa, Charles Fran 23, Raglan Street, Osha Bernard Guindon, | Browning St., Oshawa. When they first app court, more than a mo a bus driver told o forced off the pavemen Macdonald-Cartier Fret the five members of th cycle group. The bus ¥ ing off the ramp at t interchange. The accused said i they were returning to following @ motorcycle Hamilton. They said tl travelling at 55 mph a was no danger to eithe: or themselves when | turned to the driving 1: the passing lane. WITHDRAWN Magistrate Jermyn ¢ a charge of failing tc at the scene of an against Robert Allan 252 Arthur St., Osh charge of failing to r accident was withdraw request of the crown ADJOURNED David Thomas, 42, ough, was. convicted dangerous driving chi Magistrate Jermyn a the case until Oct. 17 an argument over le; nicalities. FOUR MONTHS William George Smit ronto was. sentenced months in the county charge of break, ef theft and one mont charge of skipping bail tences to run consecu' Smith pleaded guilt; skipping bail charge appeared in court The break, enter a charge had been heard The charge arose | men breaking into th @ Full 5-Ye Workman Guarantee @ Easy Bud Terms @ Over 20 of Experi 90 SIMCOE S Free Estimates

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