Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Sep 1967, p. 26

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a Kid Coper 5000 70 70 70 ewe ek CNN Se SO eR wets, i Ei esvrre VV VEVeVUa Ss VEY SS 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, September 20, 1967 "ese ve ~wyvyevevrvwevs vey ¥ SANS SS eS Se ees eee yesr sey eye ve Lang, } AS ee we HG ISRGRSSRRARRRERSRESASERSSAERGs PRR M ee ASR RES See ee TODAY'S STOCKS 10: Wet Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge * St. Thomas Ford Plant | To Make Compact Cars (CP)-- eral wrinkles Ford officials say| automatically operated, radar- BONDS TORONTO (CP)--The Cana- dian bond market was off one- quarter of a point in quiet trad- ing Tuesday. Short-term Government of unchanged with the new 5!4- per-cent Dec. 15, 1969, issue, | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT TORONTO 10:40 A.M, STOCKS Toronto Stock Excha ae 'oron' 'xchange--Sept. : Quotations In cents unless marked $. he " Pel - a uy A r--Odd lot, xd--Exdividend, xr---Ex-| Dome Pete $0% 0 6 -- rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change 's) b Bridge 100, $17 17 from previous boerd-lot closing sale. Dofasco p 300 $91 91 «91 =--%& Dosco 10 «$7 7 MINES Dom Store 275 $19 184 19 Domtar 1250 $1314 13% 1314 10:40 Wet | Domtar pr 27 $17% 17% 17% Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge a Textile = 2H as = : upon' see ieee Gy an ee Faicon 136 $901 90% 902+%| ST. THOMAS, Ont. Ang Ruyn 1100 100 100 100 cam Mat ie te" ie ie? -- "| Ford of Canada Ltd. has built a reg said 100 es = ng +11 Ford Cnoe 39 $162%4 16214 162% -- giant plant near here to pro Argosy 1000 74 «74 ~=«(74 Nisa ibaa Bd pi fted rhs i | duce its compact cars. font oe Nn RT eee 100 $74 74 ?ia¢ | Enclosing 37 acres under one Bethi $00 615 61S 615 sg | Frvehaut 150 $15% 15% 15% |roof, the plant is so big the SL Honk' ipo a) | Gel Raker 2) eh SN, a » will provide visitors Bounty Ex 1000 16 16% 16% GNC 166 $92% 92 92 jcompany ¥ Pp s : oe eee ie ioe ie a wy) Greb_ind 100 39% 4% 9% | with electric golf carts to save 7 A | GL Power 200 $2) 2) 2} ltheir feet on tours Soe pe ee ee ee, oa 1: OR iae 175 $13% 13% 13% -- v9 their . ee | Grandroy so 8D | 10% 103% 10% Granduc 200 S60 560 560 7 2 ee Granisie. 1000 675 675.675 [tie vet 1 Hastings 500 155 153 153 Sa ae ee Hollinger 275 $27 277 Lob CoB 150 $72 72 74 Lob G A pr 25 $2612 2612 26% int Bis Ty 370 8 94 +8) Loh 565 $13%4 138% 138% Rio Algom 6685 $3 Rio Alg © W 1125 $2214 21% 214+ % Roman ot $27% 27 27 --%! wn Carbid Hard Crp A 100 $12% 12% 12% -- ve + +a i eee 500 34) 138 138 3 | MB Ltd 350 $287 28% 287% Jelex 1220 29° 20 «20 -- 1%, Maher 100 $i4 14 14 Joliet 300 3% 36 OU Aa ta : 2 '° seer To is 4 7 Markbro w 800 250 240 240 --10 Kam Kotla 900 34 340 34 +8 Mass-Fer 1490 $21% 2) 21% Kerr Add 733 $15 «#15 «(18 | ni . er aH oH m5 ku Cone? on fe | Montes 600 200 200 200 4 -- % | 200,000 hours to worker train- " 1, Mont ia Wee eee ee aoe us $4 3 i Leb Min 119 $33%% 33% 33% + t%! me A cin @ Dutauilt 135 $10% 10% 10%-- % hareny 0. Sth Ih ™! Low?" toe im ian is Mrphy Pr 50. $25' 2515 2514 -- 1 9 th sit tae Nt Contain S00 $9 8% 83 Tote (. ee eae | Nt Contr w 100 490 40 490 --10 tperten 200 Siete a gy Pe / Nat Drug 250 $10'@ 104 10% Macdon 1000 25 «25 (35 Noranda 119 $56 S656 Man Ber 5000 204 20% 20%-- 4, Nor Ctl G 1518 $19% 131% 13% + Mattgm! 175 $14. 1 Nor CHG p 25 $25 25 25 rl 2400 eas NSLP 210 S9%e 9% 9% the inty {Oe A= 4) ocean Cm 160 $20 0 in 1 Mowat i008 " 4a " Oshawa A $70 $50 49% 49% -- Ma} Meta 7000 10 (98m (8 Overland 245 $10 10% 104+ % Midrim 500 141 141 161 Pac Pete 723 $18% 185% 18% -- '4 Mogul Min 100 410 410 419 45 | Pembina 1070 $1634 16Va 16% Mt Wright 2250 25 25 25 a a te 205 $10: 10¥8 ie 'a Nat Expl 9000 «12 2 2 +% Beak id dag ie ae Cat 500 374 37'4 37% Rank Or A (nee '4 N aeeral aie be - bg Reichhold 433333 33 + Newnor 1500 10 10 40 ty) Revenue 100 $13% 12% 13% N Senatre 2000 2% 2 | Ronald Fd 200 $16 16 16 Nor Acme 7300 18 18 4s | Rothman $20% 20 284 -- Ve Nrbask 12800 | Royal Bnk 1078 sig 16 16 Norlex mB | St com A 20 8M N Coldstm 75 1 v Salada 230 $102 10%2 10% Northgat van ms em OD Secur Cap 616 340 335 335 -- Noch can 280 126 Sas Mae 8 | Shel Inv'p 430 S33 33% 3m an se te Shell Inv w 757 818% 15 15 Sie eve | Shell Con a7: rea eax | 200 16 ish le Silverwe A 25 Sl6%e Vole 16a Pee Exp 22400 199 181 1 Simpsons 185 $35 (347 S181 Simpson 8 211387 22 2 hace Sad ee Slater A wh 250 455 455 455 Rov 3000 PS FP Pp 9 | Sogemine y25. $15 (1515 Pri, ge ee, au ews! Serer, 2 aa ae os Pyremiay 100 380" 240" 340 +2] Steinbg NOS Spm iors i9Ih "ae ee eB 3| ae oe @ Meter seco tap 1 att 1] Tor Dm Bk 255 Side 140 ane' 00 red ye mo raders A $8% Ve yemo! 45 745 745 Rayrock 728 121 «121'=«2127 ete. -- $6% 6% aed 7% 7h + Wicent pref. $1.25, Oct. 25, record | Ryenor 17% 17% 174 -- 14! Un Gas 300 $15 15 15 Sole ea + orn 8 600 $134 12% 1314 pve ae ot ae oe El Un Wurm, Sen are 2 7 siertids $00 200 400 eo | UN Won wt 165 470 470 470 +18 Sil Miller 4000 1714 164 1714 +114, U_ Sections a $6'4 6% bk -- 4 7500 31% 30 31% +2 x 7 j eRe 1200 385 385 385 "i A 1500 449 440 440 | ps 37 % on oe oe Walk GW 650 $3634 36 36% Bs fae «a Ei | Weldwod 900 $124 124 Wa+ wu 200 112 «110 «10 ' Weste'st 128 $27Ve 27% 274 -- '5 000 184 16 wes West Ind A 25 265 365 5100 775 775 ig yg Westee! 100 $23 23 +h S00 ah ae ttyl W, Brdcast 500 $16% 16% 16% + Se 000 270 oon: ae W Cdn Seed 150 350 350 +1 ee a me a | Wet ao 30 $87 7 --1 no Ro Woodwd A ae se ee York Lam A 225. 190 190 2 Zenith 100 220 220 220 2600 124 124 126 +2) Seles to 1) am: 627,000 FOREIGN TRADING OILS, GAS Am Ledue 2000 the time. Almost all are new to '@ Nov. 15. F 0 $32 32 3: Vi as +. SMe 3454 3484 + YI Teeny Mt 115 $19% 19% 19% + | St. Trans PPL 200 $7% 220 $22 Workmen putting It will emply 6% -- rated workers and 300 salaried employees on a one-shift basis That will mean an $8,500,000- a-vear payroll in an area which, until plant construction 135 $18% 18% 18% + '% 5 was sole- ao a : began 15 months ago, wa ly farmland. The company already has 200 |hourly workers in the plant jundergoing tra ining at full jwages, with more arriving all the job 'and Ford has allotted ing. The plant design includes sev- DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bank of Nova Scotia, 14 cents, plus 2 cents, Nov. 1, rec- ord Sept. 30 | Hinde and Dauche Ltd., com-| {mon 45 cents, Sept. 25, record | \Sept. 21. | | Howard Smith Paper Mills | 202 2a -- «| Ltd., pref. .50, Nov. 1, Oct. 2. Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd., S-per-cent pref. 25 cents, Oct. bar 16, record Sept. 29. Ma clean - Hunter Publishing "a 30% -- w\ CO, Ltd., 25 cents, plus 25 cents + extra, increase of 5 cents on) jextwa, Oct. 27, record Oct. 6. | Maritime Telegraph and Tele- e Co. Ltd., common 271% 25 §: 5 185 $31% 31% a6 = "%/ Simpsons - Sears Ltd., com- i] a |mon 9 cents, Dec. 15, record! | Sept. 29. | | | "BUSINESS BRIEFS | By THE CANADIAN PRESS PLANT OPENED The largest color picture tube plant in Canada was opened in Midland Tuesday by Industry Minister C. M. Drury. The $25,000,000 RCA Victory factory| EO ie wot" was established with the help of |a grant from the industry; department through its area) development program for desig-! nated areas. | Atl Sugar ee abe ee at pares tage yeaa | ACQUIRE STOCK ee 2 = | __ te ao Circle F Canada Ltd., said © Homestd 500 800 Tuesday it has acquired all the! Cent Del 23% 23% -- ve PRODUCE capital stock of Tubco Lamp ettan C A S wee A Parts Ltd. of Toronto. Circle F pre m4 224 +8 TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale 'S 8 subsidiary of Circle F French Pt > 3 32 to retail carton eggs average industries of Trenton, N.J., a) gr Elaing 0 $18 17 Wh + weighted prices quoted by the i manufacturer of wiring | tnt Heltum 88 ai as 44 (department of agriculture as of |SCVICES. Midcon 4s Tuesday: A large 48.4; A ee ft ees % 64 /medium 39.8; A small 28.3. | 42-44; medium 33; small 20; B Petrol 6 --1| Eggs: Wholesale price to|27; C 20 shoeaar ts 265 +4 country stations fibre cases| Butter: Canadian Dairy Com- Ranger 4os + 5 quoted by the Toronto Board of, mission tenderable carlots buy- Ranger gis 48 +3 Trade from wholesale egg deal-|ing 39 score 62; buying 49 score blk ai Ag 7 ers; extra large 45-46; large|63; selling 63. U Canso w Ws +10 3 eae Vandoo 000 4 6 64-2 W Decaita 1100 296 296 26 --1 INDUSTRIALS Abitibl 935 $92 9% 9% j Ackiands 1200 $117 114 11% | Alta Gas w 225 750 750 750 ' Algoma St 250 $23%4 23\4 22% Alean 640 $30 297% 29% Alumin pr 275 $20 20 20 Alumin 2p 20 $39 39) Ang CT 318 215 $50 50' S0la Anthes A 40 $30% 30% 30% Argus 25 $145 14% 14h Argus C pr 195 $10 10 10 | Asbestos 90 $25 25 25 Ashdwn B 100 $714 714 71h 1115, 15 Ae $13% 13% 13%+ % 215 $1434 145% 1458 Bank Mt! Bark NS Bell Phne 581 346% 46¥2 4688 + Ve Bow Valy 710 $1934 19% 19% Bow Viy w 500 $12 22 12 Bowater 280 $8 Bie Bie + e| Brazilian 1435 $14% 14 am % BA OW 400 $36¥%e 36 36 | 5c* Sugar 50 $40% 4014 40% + Va! BCPh 484 725 $212 214 21% | i Br Intl Fin 2300 140 135 140 --8 | Look into the Buntin Rid 100 $1114 11% 11% Burrard 100 ($7 7 7 CAE Ind 500 $1140 11S 115% CAE Ind rt 1060 66 64 65 == Calgary P 625 $252 25% Sia+ Ve Calgy S40 wm 50$109%2 109% 10914 Can Cem Can tron C Packrs B 125 $914 9114 SYSTEM Can Perm 200 $114 11% 1 Cdn Brew 3140 $7% C Curtiss © $200 150 140 C Dredge 500 $67 6M tJ | Cdn Equty 660. 405 405 405 --I1S | C imp Bnk 1640 $1414 14m 14¥e -- Vell Cit 250 $17% 17% 17% + Va} CiL pr $0 $73 73 73 ----1 |} C_ Marconi 310 $65 642 64--V CPR 761 $6234 62% 625% | Obsolescence holding you back? OF FINANCING 3 é 120 $392 2914 394 | 225 $2170 21% 21% | he + Vel $25,000 to $1,000,000 -- or more -- for any business or industrial purpose. Terms up to 15 years. See RoyNat Ltd. at Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Vancouver. Or enquire through any branch of CPR or 2733 $10%e 10 10% € Petrofin. 700 $14% 14% 14% + Vo| THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA CWN 5) 100 $2014 201% 20% | cana on BANQUE CANADIENNE NATIONALE chyser 2S $574 $7 BT THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY lairton T 7 Codville A 100 440 440-440 +5 GENERAL TRUST OF CANADA Cominco 725 SPs We Wi Con Papr @ - 100 Cons Gi . Con Paper 241 $33% 3314 33%4-- Ue | on" 695 $204 30% 206 MA Cran Rk 48 80% Be ae ' MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY make it the most modern in|controlled trains. North America. negative charge. The trains will be operated In the paint section car bod-| by cables buried in the floor. lies are given a slight positive| Radar will stop them if a work- By THE CANADIAN PRESS electrical charge before being ers or an object is in their path. dipped. The paint has a small) 'The traditional plan of a car-|months ended July 31: '1967, lassembly plant has been)$2,628.239, 60 cents a share; closing at the issue price of 99.25 bid. closing at 90% bid and 90% asked. Day-to-day money traded at 4% per cent. Treasury bills remained unchanged with the 91-day bills closing at 4.48 per cent and the 182-day bills at 4.60. NET EARNINGS Canada bonds were relatively) OTTAWA Long-tetm Canada and prov-|Dominion Bureau of Statistfcs incial bonds were off with the) 5%4-per-cent May 1, 1990, issue) at $3,262,600,000, the 'largest fig- John Labatt Lid. three This results in paint being! switched. Most plants. build a) 1966, $2,258,185, 52 cents. | July 31: 1967,| "$492\297, 29 cents, slumped from $3,361,000,000 last | |$2,981,000,000 in May. of July finishing) drawn electrostatically to all/complete car, including interi-| Lamontagne Ltd., year ended | 876,700,000. This was up sharply + touches on assembly lines and/nooks of the bodies, officials ors and trim, before testing its) April 29: 1967, $377,946, $1.05 a|from $3,714,600,000 in May this) lyear and neared the peak $3,-| Shully's Industries Lid., six|887,000,000 of last December. |were and trim are completed. That, Trans-Prairie Pipelines Ltd.,|913,400,000, v x months ended June 30: 1967,|12.1 per cent from the June fig- 496,975, 29 cents a share; 1966, ure but 3.6 per cent higher than in July last year. ries of raw materials, goods in Backlog Of Unfilled Orders). sis.cr%ss Shows Healthy Industry (CP)--Shipments, The sea/sonal adjustment, new orders, and the backlog of|designed to make the figures owned inventories valued at $6,754,400,000 at the end of July on the seasonally adjusted basis. This was mainly the result of having more goods in process unfilled orders in Canadian|more accurately represent the|--up four per cent--while the manufacturing all healthier signs reported Tuesday. ments by all industries rose to a record $3,- 140,300,000. They had fallen from a previous peak of $3,- inces except " in actual ship- manufacturing! ments during the year. The manufacturers, who were|compared with $2,483,300,000. at trimming down their invento-|the end of showed|trend, brought the July figure|;aw material and finished prod- in July, the/this year to $3,140,300,000. The bureau gd " all svt tively unchanged. Adjusted for normal seasonal] 14 Pen oe asf Seer tel variations, the value of ship-jine increase ucts inventories remained rela- Actual figures of finished products inventories at the end of July totalled $2,469,300,000, June and $2,- 134,000,000 last November to a low point of $2,979,000,000 in May this year. New orders placed with man- ufacturers in July were valued They had ure this year. December to a low point of} And unfilled orders at the end} were valued at $3,-| Actual shipments in July | estimated at $2,-) which was down! " <LEARN" Modern Square Dancing EVERY TUESDAY Sir Albert Love School "Jim" & "Betty" Allen PHONE 723-3692 or 725-6126 STARTING SEPT. 19th 8:00 to 10:30 P.M, 465 WILSON RD, N. Instructors Cam Mine S00 57 7COS7 Hays Dna 1621 $14 13% 14 comme a 0 20 -- 4) Home A 210 $21%4 213% 21% : P Sen heealy ies ge Ug | Horne Pit' 1300 335 335 335 jequipment pedal bicycles from) cay 'This technique until now| mechanical and electrical sys-/share; 1966, $327,758, 92 cents. C Lencourt 3000 134 13° 12% | Hes (Oh se San sa ae ee £0 aot. |has been used only on U.S. pro-|tems and checking for leaks, -- Can Nisto 3500 $4 53 S81] Husky Dw 487 $17% 11% 11'%4-- 1%) The company has prepared 8) duction lines for the company's) At this plant, these tests will/months ended fent Pat 3000 162162 162 2'| mbrex 200 66 S.. ~ *special lagoon to store rain| top-priced cars. be carried out before interiors! $55,879: 1966, $6,762. Chestrvile 4100 41 40 40 --1 | |mP OM SAR Sella oie oi 4 14| Water from the huge roof so it) en cine la an ie -- 1) Ind Miner! 100 $14 142 14'%4-- % would not be charged with con-/ RADAR IN CONTROL |should allow more time for} ie oe ea Inpertol 15 Sosa. Sah 30th tributing to flooding on neigh-| parts. will be deliverediin spection and on-the-line e 4 2 'a oe an ee ] ; * Con Fardy 600 445 MS 45 --5 | ihe bse i as eae jboring farms. leav shall throughout the plant by six'repair, officials say. C lane tee oman ees ee ee ee A 77-acre railway marshall- € Morisn | 900 a65 360 840 | isa 71 $550. $50 $50 ing yard has been built by the ¢ py eT 6019 «7117:«*WsCi a ad aaa a ag we ee -- % CNR on land sold it by Ford to Red P 18200 434 43 -- Ma) IU ee) oe oe handle the flow of incoming} € Shawkey $000 20 20 2 +1/ jn UI Or oe ore me te 1 d t id outgoing} Conwest 1500 $65 560 565 + 5 | int P' ipe 1400 Say ag i 4 | supplies and parts an utgoing Cop Man 2000 2% 2% 2% + intor 'Steal 00 seb 375 978 cg | CATS. <=DyAragon -- 1000 204 20% A+ 13! Inv Grp A 600 S018 9% 9 The $65,000,000 plant is to Denison 2404 $79 784 78+ '4| [TL Ind Bip ot a lstart producing Falcons at a Dome 200 $47 47 a7 +114) ee a Sta SM rate of 35 an hour Dec. 18 Donaida 5000 19 «#«19 «+119 --M ames S' a +354 5\4 , 2 a aye: ' East Sull 720 $25 525 525 Jefferson 925 85912. S9¥4 Ad * All of the plant's scheduled Endako 250 $11% 11% 11" | jetiersn OW oo So ais 90, 70,000-unit-a-year production is! Frobex 400 390 390 390 +8] yoCKey aa es eh : Inited | Gnt Masct 250 125 125 125 Eoheaer 425 8 att oh, 7 *\to be exported to the United) Glenn Exp 7500 21 2% 21 +2,) [abe oe ea ia States under the terms of the Goldrim 300040602) eee tle as, aa 10 Canada-U.S. auto pact eo, Ae ee ee A ey 250 $28%4 28% 28% ie 1 she. hourly SWIFT'S "LAZY MAPLE" SLICED RINDLESS SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD SKINLESS COOKED ED HAM "THE CHILDREN'S FAVOURITE" CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS GRAPES EXTRA LARGE BANANAS =~ CELERY series, GREEN BEANS ORANGES wien VAL NEW CROP VALENCIA SIZE 130: = Dee, mPORTED USA. | 09] 2.00" 1. oe 2a: ar 29: 49¢ a about meats We know that of afl the foods you shop for et your friendly IGA Store, Meat plays a most important part in. making any meal a success. At IGA we take "Extra Core™' in selecting only the finest quality meats for our Tablerite Meat counters. Experienced IGA)meat buyers "personally select" the very best. Tablerite beef is aged 'jest 80" to give you natural tendemess and tree beef floveer. All Tableri d to sottsly. As we say.ct IGA "every pound of Tableritemect ... ise pound ef real eating pleasure™. meets are ¢ TABLERITE- CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF BONELESS ROUND STEAKS o. ROASTS 14 OZ. IN BATTER RAISI MOUTH WASH BRYLCREEM use PEPSODENT TOOTHPASTE DR. BALLARO'S CHAMPION BEEF, CHICKEN, LIVER DOG FOOD f . SCOPE e . 89: EACH € va BO: Sad: STOKELY 14 7. Tins HADDOCK 33° IGA DELICIOUS FAMILY SIZE 39° IGA COFFEE | 2O9eE75¢ FANCY PEAS or RUMP ROASTS lb N PIE TOAHEINZ SALE! TOMATO JUICE rs HEINZ so" SPAGHETTI BEANS » TOMATO Sart BABY FOOD Stem HEINZ KETCHUP HEINZ SOUPS sz. JUNIOR FOODS rewz \_ Qhe "be Tar 43¢ 8K 95¢ 3 'bua 95¢ 3 tes 34¢ 4 is 6% y, HONEY POD 6% F NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ORMERLY JUBILEE IGA soron cir 16a 1188 SIMCOB STREET SOUTH, OSHAWA Grand Re-opening Thur. Sept. 21, 9 a.m. {Tar dre THE OSHAWA WHOLESALE LimtreD progrestive independents: - U SOLO PARCHMENT MARGARINE IGA SNO KREEM SHORTENING KRAFT CANADIAN CHEESE SLICES RBA DISA SANYO AAL EBLE MASCES SHEBEEOAD PRICES EFFECTIVE ON FEATURES AND BONUS TAPE STEMS SEPTEMBER 20, 21, 22 and 23. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO. LIMIT QUANTITIES 4. 2" 69: DUNCAN HINES DELUXE CAKE MIXES VAN KIRK coatey CANDIES DRINK MIXES SALTINES WALKER'S CHOCOLATE CHIP iscuis LIMA BEANS "9% 2 zz 89 BUDS, CHOCAROONS, CHOC, PEANUTS, CHOC, WAFERS Dns 85: alfa 2: 5 nw. 49° wg: » 43: Shop For Value At Any of These Convenient Locetions 2): 47: Dyl's IGA 166 Adelaide Ave. £., Oshawe Bilsky's IGA 320 Wilson Rd. $., Oshawe Jubilee IGA 1188 Simcoe $. $., Oshowe Lansdowne IGA Lensdowne Shopping Centre Stevenson Rd, N. et Annapolis College Hill IGA Braemor IGA Cubert $¢., Oshewe THE Wadnes Tre Im MON" real 7 aion an meét t avert 2 for one Sept. 25 Notices sent te departn previou: specify ed strik The ¢ lates th be give projecte A $1 extende that tol slowdov subway Earlie spokesn and } were st assignes the inju About buses a subway handle were n because age. STRIKE The j downs | About employe the \ Worker: belong | affiliates tion of | Trans' they be; Sept. 7 their w MTC, ¢ increase their pr The } one-year to be we hour. Civi TORO! Presi responsit his armi East wai power | war will writes a who has the Egyr In an: liam M anthropo Universit and retu on a fa that Pre "he pers tion he 'world ar start afr But if president tive woul the extre lem Bro organizat back Egy ser's vit takeover. Mr. M ence witt arranged moud H ambassac John Ke dian amt Trail To § TORON schools | specialize bilitation ed. childt uty mini: of reform day. Doug Ontario tionally I research programs training : He sai placing s ment cen a cost ¢ annual 0) 000. The sc departme the schoc his needs said it 1 child sho eommunit ment c establishe of health. HEAR! WINNIE toba Sanz ing into | ing impai has estab! ogy depai tation h¢ departme: budget of provide ¢ data on th hearing i mation or are best :

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