. XX S RRS RSS SE SV VS ee ee aS ee Se eee increase in the number of pris- oners would continue. However, the peak figure to ane | ___ | Hospitals Save Some Lives;| SIU, Shippers _| Prisoners ee sae 'Lose Others To Infections Stal! On Paint Decrease --imstite name! aaa : OTTAWA (CP)-- Efforts to since then. OTTAWA (CP) -- Hospitalsjdanger by checking several] cettie the Great Lakes shipping) OTTAWA (CP)--The popula-| A penitentiaries service offi- are saving more and more lives/items, including air circulation,| strike hit an. unexpected snag|tion of the federal prison sys-|cial said Tuesday there were | each year but there is growing sligati ar | 6,952 prisoners in the system sterilization of every-day items|T yesday on, a demand by tem fell below the 7,000 mark) cept. 12, compared to 7,222 a» concern about the number of ; persons who ie in hospitals such as blankets and curtains employers that sailors agree to} this summer igghowd oe ago. ie gid so fig- rom accidents or infec A suring| accept ship-painting duties atin six years, continuin ure was below 7, was in unrelated to their original ill- rea equipment, and ensuring | 7 lead unexpected decline that began! 1961. | staff members are proper- night and on weekends. i; ness. : ly trained lin 1965. | The breakdown showed 692 Experts from several fields fs AoW Conn Gal ll Federal mediators were) The decline followed :the start) prisoners in the Atlantic region, athoate 's i reported to have worked out/of a 10-year, $100,000,000 penal/ 1,971 in the Quebec region, 2,058 discussed dangers to both avidesthesin 'st the Hospt | § és pital for 4 , : patients and staff from fire, agreement on all the major|construction program, whic hlin the Ontario region and 2,231 oe CANGTen. at Torente) sah |was partially based on fore-|in the western region, which infection, radiation and explo- i i ing|!ssues in dispute, including the sions Tuesday in the last of Rete lag ye ll rng introduction of a 40-hour week, casts that the prison population' includes the Prairie provinces | two one-day symposia on hospi-| peduced in the last 16 years reduction of the daily work! would grow. and British Columbia. tal hazards. lang. minor explosions proba. spread and paid leave. | The late Guy Favreau, then, Penologists said a number of Doctors and engineers agreed 11, were not reported | However, both sides were|iustice minister, said in 1964)/factors probably account for , : 3 | 4 eae that a careful study indicated|the decline and they were in most cases that safety) ; ; lrecords are excellent, but also} _-- mie mt on the Pay the system would have 8,500 unable to pinpoint any single YQ «THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, September 20, 1967 as well as sophisticated meédi- ~eerr3wrerewe eee : ok OSHAWA MAN AT OFFICERS' TRAINING their studies, they will be commissioned as officers in the Canadian Armed Forces. Group Captain E. J. Boland, commander, Canadian Forces Base, Toronto Downsview, administered Robert Sinclair of Oshawa, right, is among the young men who will be attending the Armed Forces officers training college at Kingston this fall. On completion of | | HERE and THERE | LETTERS PATENT D. A. Murray, city personnel Letters patent of incorpora-| officer, said Ontario cities gen- tion have been issued by the erally take turns accommodat- Ontario government to Bola-|ing OMPA semi-annual meet- hood's Sportshaven Limited, | ings and he thinks Oshawa now Oshawa is in line to do it. About 25 or 30 cities are involved in the! PASTORS REGISTERED association, planning a meeting| Certificates of registration as|at Timmins, Ont., Oct. 19 and} persons authorized to perform/20. mafriages in the province have ' been issued to Rev. Roland Her- GUARD STRUCK hard Christiansen of Oshawa| A female crossing guard was | and Lieut. Barrie Gordon Ir.| struck by a car driven by a} win, Whitby. Ling og morning and was taken to Oshawa General TEMPORARY APPROVAL j|Hospital where she was exam- The Hospital Services Com-jined, x-rayed, and released mission has granted temporary |Mrs. Ethel Andrews had just approval for chronic care to|taken a group of children across the Rosebank Convalescent |the street at the intersection Home, Pickering Townshiy, and|of Simcoe Street and Rossland the Open Gate Nursing Home, |Road when she was struck by West Hill. }a car making a turn. Mrs \Andrews was wearing the HOSPITAL REPORT fluorescent jacket provided for Three hundred and thirty-two |crossing guards. atients were admitt Pp e admitted and 306 CONSTRUCTION discharged by the Oshawa General Hospital during the| Board of control has approv- week ending Sept. 16. There|¢d an expenditure of $10,834 were 43 births. One ndred|t© construct curb and gutter and eight major, 132 minor and|@%@_ pavement on _Iriquois 85 eye, ear, nose and throat|sireet from Sommerville to cgi were performed. |Brant Street. | ree hundred and twenty-- 7 oO three treatments and examina- Pore Fee tions were given, and 39 casts|, Board of control wants a applied. The physiotherapy de- bigger cut in an Oshawa bill- partment gave 840 treatments |board monopoly held by a Tor- and made 590 visits; while the firm. _ The board dis- occupational therapy depart. cussed raising from $35 to ment handled 249 cases. $50 the annual fee per poster it gets from E. L. Ruddy Co CONVENTION Ltd. for letting the firm paper Oshawa should play host to| up advertisements on eight bill a meeting of the Ontario Muni-| boards in the city. A meeting cipal Personnel Association) has been called for next Mon sometime in the future, board|day to consider the proposed] of control was told Monday.'increase. EVENING CLASSES The---six subject---course leading to the CERTIFICATE in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION from Ryerson Polytechnical Institute will be continued at the McLaughlin Collegiate & Vocational Institute, beginning October 2nd, 1967 Each subject is scheduled one night per week for 20 sessions, Normally students take two subjects each year. Applicant # should hove grade 12 of equivelent experience. @ 1967-1968 Program @ FIRST YEAR STUDENTS @ Economies--Mon., 7 to 9 p.m. | @ Accounting 1--Wed., 7 to 9:30 p.m. | Combined 2nd and 3rd YEAR STUDENTS ! @ Business stotisticp--Mon., 7 te 9:30 p.m. @ Business Manogement--Wed., 7 to 9:30 p.m. | » NOTE: "Accounting II" and "Correspondence and Report Writing" - will be offered in 1968-69. | Fees: $30, per subject (subjects moy be token individuolly). Registration: et McLaughlin Collegiete Wed., Sept. 27th or Monday, Oct. 2nd, 7 to 9 p.m. Write or telephone: Extension Dept., $0 Gould St., Toronto. (Phone 366-8431 for brochures end further information) Van Belle Garaeninc CENTRE Take A Drive To VAN BELLE GARDENS For The... DO-IT-YOURSELF Fertilizer Spreaders Tools Topsoils Seeds, Ete. Advice on your Garden Problems Van Belle Gardens "Your Friendly Garden Centre" 5 Mi best of Oshew inutes On -- No. 2 623-5757 ay sy ee aie <_< awn ~ agreed that there still is room) for improvement. In the field of fire prevention, F, A. Ingram, of the health \facilities design division, noted there has been an average of BUILT HEALTH SPA The Roman Emperor Caracal- Ja built bath houses at Baden- Baden, in Germany's Black Forest, for his wounded legion- naires in 200 AD. | prisoners by 1967. The strike by 5,400 sailors in. Se s ite fit Week 'Thursday, Penal officials then expected tied up 181 vessels representing 82 per cent of Canada's inland shipping industry. 1159 fires a year in hospitals, with six or seven deaths each year. WANTS SAFE WALLS He complained about the lack) of fire walls in hospitals that) could contain a fire long enough) Ito ensure safe evacuation of) patients. Dr. Walter C. Harris, chiet of the health department's bacte- lriological laboratories in Otta- wa, said thousands of persons) died throughout the world each year from infections they pick) up while in hospital. | the oath to Sinclair and Jens Point. --Canadian Forces Photo Hospitals could reduce the! -- ror é Toke advantage of it! 24 hour ser- vice; and radio dispatched trucks always ready to sérve you. Fuel Oi] Budget Plan Available OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE} McLAUGHLIN | fons #. Ww. 723-348 It's simple how quickly one may lose pounds of unsightly fat has| that a five-per-cent annua lition by judges. | New Home Recipe Reducing Plan cause. The one most often men- tioned is greater usé of proba- Jose bulky fat and help regai right in your own home. Make this home recipe yourself. It's | easy, no trouble at all and costs | little. Just go to your drug store and ask for four ounces of Naran Concentrate. Pour this into a pint bottle and add enough tapefruit juice to fill the bottle. 'ake two tablespoons full a day NOW I$ THE TIME TO CALL COAL & " needed and follow the Naran an. SUPPLIES If your first purchase does not ahow you a simple easy way to more graceful curves; reducible pounds and inches of excess fat don't disappear from neck, chin, arms, abdomen, hips, calves and ankles just return the empty bottle for your money back. Follow this easy way en- dorsed by many who have tried this plan and help bring back alluring curves and graceful slenderness. Note how quickly bloat Sarpare how much het- ter you feel. More alive, youthful appearing and active. W. Shoenrank of Jackson's pe SEE HERE j DELTA NINETY-FIGHT LUXURY SEDAN O ISAN AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE DEALERS IN OSHAWA - WHITBY NURSE CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 140 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE: 725-6501 300 DUNDAS STREET E., WHITBY, ONT. PHONE: 668-3304 SS BH he BS OR ®t he es ee 8 ee eee ee ee ee ONT