Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Sep 1967, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, September 20, 1967 put a comb through his hair. Up, brushes his teeth once more. All the while his hair is mat- ted and straggly and he says it! him because/ doesn't bother THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Excellent stellar influences should bring great happiness to the married, as well as foster- ing new romances among the single. Also favored, under a beneficent Venus aspect, are artistic and cultural pursuits. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, | ANN LANDERS Some Girl Will Change This Unkempt Youth Dear Ann Landers: We have| 'nobody brushes their hair any-| a 15-year-old son who is driving} more." | us crazy. It is his teeth and his hair. He ties up the family|Do you think he will ever grow bathroom for one hour everyjup and act like a civilized morning while he brushes his|hyman?--We'd like the bath- teeth. But he flatly refuses to| room Here is his routine. He gets | nrobabt: i brushes his teeth for 20| th a fo minutes, eats breakfast, goes the bathroom for two hours. back to the bathroom and|/ brushes his teeth again, Then|SUPPLY WATER, BASIN he gets dressed. Before he! leaves the house he returns to| 4 the bathroom a third time and | Provide him with a jug of water What is wrong with this boy? Dear W.L.T.B.: Yes. He'll) these days and then he'll tie up In the meantime, for those second and third brushings, a d a basin and free up the} bathroom for other members of| the family. | Dean Ann Landers: I am an unwed mother who wrote to you | two weeks ago and asked what! j I could do to get support money for my child. I am only 16 and) I can't get a job. \& Well, the situation has) changed since I wrote. a father got married three days ago, but not to me. I went to the welfare agency as you sug- of Barney unless I can prove he jis the father. If I say he is the| father and he says he isn't the Introduced by ey whose word are th | Soren any suppor money ot) D@lightful Flavor, Texture ? owe ila. Sift together flour, soda , ; : 4 and salt. Gradually add to pop- | py seed mixture, beating well after each addition, Beat egg whites until stiff peaks are formed. Fold into batter. Pour batter into lightly greased and floured 9-inch tube pan. Bake in preheated moderate oven (350 _ F,) 1 hour and 15 minutes or | until done. Cool in pan 5 min- utes. Remove cake and cool on wire rack. Frost, if desired, with confectioners' sugar icing, ' blending 1 cup sifted confec- tioners' sugar and 4 teaspoons cold water together until smooth. Yield: one 9-inch cake. POPPY SEED TEA BREAD 3 cups sifted all-purpose flour 314 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 4% cup poppy seed % cup sugar \% cup shortening 2 eggs 1. teaspoon grated lemon peel 1 1-3 cups milk Sift together flour, baking powder and salt; add poppy seed, Beat together sugar, shortening and eggs. Blend in lemon peel and milk. Add, all at once, to flour mixture. Mix only until ingredients are blended (about 30 strokes). Turn into a well-greased, light- pan. Bake in preheated mod- erate oven (350 F,) 1 hour and); 10 minutes. Cool. Yield: One loaf. 2 POPPY SEED COFFEE ROLI. ¥Y% cup milk 1 package active dry yeast 1 teaspoon sugar 2% cups sifted all-purpose 1 flour 3 tablespoons sugar Y, teaspoon salt ary ay 'egg, slightly beaten e Poppy Seed Filling Scald milk; cool to lukewarm. |1 Sprinkle yeast over % if available, or use whole. Com-} 1-3 cup butter or margarine [bine with remaining ingredi- to boil, then simmer for 10 to cupjoughly before warm water, Add 1 teaspoon|dough. Yield: One 16-inch roll. ' POPPY SEED FILLING cup poppy seed % cup milk tablespoons butter or margarine tablespoons honey tablespoon sugar ' teaspoon ground cinnamon % cup raisins ; Grind poppy seed in blender, | 25 PRINCE ST. For All Your Real Estete nts in small saucepan. Bring 576-0140 2 minutes. Cool mixture thor- spreading on, sugar and stir until dissolved. Let stand 5 minutes. Sift flour with the 8 tablespoons sugar and salt, Cut in butter with pastry blender or two knives until mixture resembles coarse meal. Add milk and egg to yeast mixture; gradually add to flour mixture and blend well. Knead until dough is smooth on _ lightly floured board. Place in greased bowl. Cover, let rise in warm place until doubled in bulk. Punch dough down and roll out on lightly floured board to a rec-| tangle 10 x 16 inches. Spread with Poppy Seed Filling. Roll in jelly roll fashion. Seal ends. Bake in preheated moderate oven (350 F.) 30 to 40 minutes ly floured 9 x 5 x 3-inch bread POPPY SEED CAKE /Cool. Cream butter and suga:| /until light and fluffy. Add cool-| jed poppy seed mixture. Add jegg yolks, one at a time, beat- ling well after each addition. | Blend in sour cream and van- 1. A Brand-new j ies | -- NYOODODIIUOOODOOODDOOONNOOOOOOOOHD xz or until done. ' RIVIERA COIFFURE 600 KING ST. EAST -- 723-8601 Take Advantage of Our Anniversary Special PERMANENTS . . . 5.95 FOR SEPTEMBER ONLY Ladies of all ages -- Phone 723-8601 Ask for oo yr who oan xcoenn Training and Experience in Tor onto's larger shops, or Olive Teetro former owner of Elizabeth' Salon, Lynde Bastine of Oshawa. iid as For An Appointment Call 723-8601 1967 Singer* Zig-Zag Sewing Machine -- Model 237 -- Fully-guaranteed and backed by the famous Singer reputation for qual- Nessie get you started -- including needles, dress maker oe pins, pin cushion, tape measure and thimble. Ce ope indicates that | father, Oe seas in Sonat in| going to take? A rose is a rose, is a rose, is which it would be advisable to| By the- way, Barney just got|@ rose, but a poppy is a poppy, make constructive plans forjout of the service and he|is a seed, is a spice! The edi- advancing 'all worthwhile|doesn't have a job. The baby|ble product of this beautiful undertakings. Plans launched|will be a year old next week/flower is the aromatic tiny now, and cleverly followed up,/and Barney hasn't given me|seed derived from its pod. It should result in gratifying occu-|one dime. What do I do now?--|takes some 900,000 of these pational and financial gains by | Confused jalmost-blue seeds to make a the end of October, with further DO AS SUGGESTS 'pound of the spice we know as boosts star-promised during the D Coutasea: Si jpoppy seed. Each poppy seed first two weeks of December, in|, aor ib thi welf you af€) contains a tiny droplet of oil January, the first half of Feb-|im touch with the welfare peo-) which carries the nut-sweet fla- ruary, in late April, early May,|P!e, 1 suggest that you do as/yo, you've probably tasted the last two weeks in June and| 'hey tell you. |these seeds in baked breads next August. Where monetary| I wish I could be more opti-/and cakes and atop dinner PRACTICAL NURSE interests are concerned, how-|mistic about your chances but/rolls. e ever, do be extremely conser-|you've got a tough battle on) Poppy seed has been used vative in November and during| your hands if Barney is denying] internationally in sweet des- the last two weeks in Decem-| paternity. It may be that the/serts and main dishes for cen- ber; also during April when, | best you can get, if you win, is turies. The Viennese make a despite promised gains, youjto put him in jail. And what! deliciously rich poppy seed may be faced with some unex-|good would that do you? |strudel. If you are of Polish pected expenses. On the job lorigin, you've probably tasted score, be extremely careful not} Dear Ann Landers: This let- poppy seed puffs or tarts. to antagonize superiors during|ter is to say "Amen" to the/Indian cooks sprinkle the tiny the first two weeks of Novem-jappeal made by 'Voice of|blue seeds in dishes such as ber. |America" to the country's|chicken and shrimp curries and For those who are single, the |dress designers. May I add a'spiced pot roast. If you haven't most auspicious months for new | word? tried poppy seed with buttered romance and-or marriage; I understand that half the noodles or salads, you have a NURSES ARE @ Private Doty @ Clinics @ Industry ATTENTION fas Your CAN NOW BE A TRAINED TRAINED PRACTICAL RF URGENTLY NEEDED FOR @ Doctors' Offices @ Private Institutions @ Nursing Homes @ Mother and Child Core @ Nurseries include October, next April and/adult population of the United delightful flavor and crunchy June. The oncoming October |States is over 26 years of age.|treat in store for you. will be propitious for travel and|(This is the half, incidentally, Begin with this Poppy Seed| peg socia 1 activities; | that pays most of the bills.) | Cake: Se ee yee and | I can tell you from experi-|1 cup poppy seed Seclicteer ist ee ear er ence that it is darned near| 1-3 cup honey Srehtive | workers aly a, ca impossible for a 40-year-old\1 cup butter or margarine micenticnslly wall Pipkin Foi woman who is 5 feet 7 inches|11% cups sugar por oe aoe 'of January; also|'2! to find anything decent to|4 eggs, separated Sek ene Ty; wear, at any price. If her bust|1 cup sour cream 'A child 'bork on this day oil is larger than 32 she can forget|1 teaspoon pure vanilla a endowed with an antivance it. I haven't bought a new outfit extract urancelin two years and I feel posi-|21% cups sifted all-purpose set cy peek arp brag Pin tively seedy, but I refuse to) flour research work: also, with a gift wear a dress that fits like sau-|1 teaspoon baking soda : i sage casing, or, heaven forbid,/1 teaspoon salt THIS REWARDING CAREER EXTENDED TO ALL we WOMEN IN CANADA WW @ AGE REQUIREMENTS 17 to 55 RHIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION DESIRABLE ® MEDICAL BOOKS AND EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED FINANCIAL AID & TRAVEL EXPENSES PROVIDED FOR OUT OF TOWN STUDENTS FOR FREE BOOKLET MAIL COUPON TODAY OR TELEPHONE- ® STUDY IN SPARE TIME 4. One pair of top quality shears -- with stainless steel edges. ity ond service. A practical, versatile sewing mach- ine. So simple to operate that even a beginner can whi o beouttiful = eee Miele elses 5. Choice of pattern -- select the one that appeals 2. A complete Singer Home Dressmaker Course. to your fashion tastes and way of life, This is by far the best sewing course in Canada ! 6. Two sewing books with valuable tips on now 3. Beginner's Notions -- o full range of notions te to sew for yourself and your family. Bring this certificate to your Singer Centre today ! Happy sewing ! *This offer is only valid in Canada end expires September 30th, 1967, Singer Credit facilities ere evellabie, AUNNMOONNDNNANDDDOADDNL? JOOVOVOOOOVO0000 Hunting for a real Bargain? Try SHADES for imagery, he would make an t excellent writer, painter or musical composer. EATEN EARLY Although cauliflower has}; egment of their best cus- become an important vegetable Salen cd female Nudist cropin North America only within the last 40 years, history|<cay business is good. So some- oo it as long ago as 600 one is buying the nutty styles, . leven though you aren't. And. | pregnant. facturers can afford to ignore a) he __ tent-style monstrosities} In which make every woman lo0k/poppy seed with honey and %4 {cup water for 5 to 7 minutes. small saucepan cook CANADIAN SCHOOLS OF PRACTICAL NURSING * 2 Elm St., Toronto 2, Ontario, Phone: Area Code 416-362-1907 DEPT, 34 eccccccccses ME eeeseseooces 1] NAME sees Please tell me how the manu-| Kresge September Special STAINLESS STEEL ELECTRIC KETTLE Reg. Price $6.99 |P.S., Sister--neither am I. Patricia Juch PIANO CLASSICAL POPULAR Beaveae DIAL 725-4587 | OSHAWA CHY or TOW cs cccccccesceccccccs PROVINE sesscccsosos Dear Pro: The manufacturers REGISTERED AS A TRADE SCHOOL, under the Trade School Act, Ontorio. (eal | | Parvvow 873 ti a WIFE PRESERVER When lining shelves, use sev- eral layers of liner. Next time, just remove 'the top layer. We won't pull the wool over your eyes Or ony of the other thousonds of colourful fabries for dresses, suits, ond other fashions you ore plonning for your family that we have waiting for you to see, You can be sure, however, thot we'll offer our experience with materials 'ond pattern service so that you won't be left In the dork about moking © hoppy choice, Add some colour te your tife, drop In to the Batty Haydl Interior Decorctor Furniture, Droperies, Broadioom 15 King St. B -- Oshowe, Ont. -- 725-2686 | | (her reenter , pw ame iat att ga Sy 2 & oe ete eS THE YWCA BELONGS TO OPEN HOUSE Thurs., Sept. 21st 2-5 P.M. 7-9 P.M. 199 CENTRE ST. NEW BUILDING SHAWA YWCA. . . . Register Now For Your Activities | For Men Only Men"s Gym Group EVERYONE For Women Only. Morning, afternoon and evening Keep- j For Men and Women | | fit classes (the afternoon classes with | Beg. Bridge ney Bridge ) 'allroom Denci nursery. SOA Clhb For Boys and Girls 11-14 Beg. Dressmaking Adv. Dressmaking | Patterns | Millinery | Archery Club | Golf Instruction Painting and Drawing Badminton Club | Junior Badminton Club | | | Great Books Theatre Costumes : Copper Enomelling For Girls 8-12 Rendez-vous Clu | Saturday Morning Fun Group For Teens ; ] Charm Course | Y ~ Leadership Training Curling Club | Baby-Sitter Training | Swimming | For Girls 9-13 Charm Course | Synochronized Swim Club : Basketball and Volleyball | Top-Topics | Gymnastics All fees must be paid when registering. Please remember te bring your YWCA membership card. For information eall 723+ 7625 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Prog. Director Mrs. Mary Johnson Program Assistants Mrs. H. Hiemstra, Mrs. J. Entwistle The YWCA is assisted by the Greater Oshowa Community Chest. This is your opportunity to find out what It offers you. | ADOMESS eo ccvecceccovesececcooecs PHONE coccccccooos i Stainless steel kettle has streamlined bakelite handle, static control, and a full year's guarantee. Can be sed a ae : - ef 'a8' oF \ pastel shades to match your d Kresge 4 September Thurs. Fri, & Special @ Sat. Only thermo | room : BALLERINA LAMP SHADES LINEN & COTTON LUNCHEON u2 CLOTH ie | Comp. at $1.69 r Kresge Reg. Price 794 me a . we Fe September Kresge ¢ § \ AS + Special soon + . . . Thurs. Fri. Sat. Only = i Thurs. Fri, Sat. Only 36 x 36" finen with fine cotton luncheon cloth with -hand stamped designs over stripes and plaids. Fabric ts colorfast and Lacy, flower and bow trimmed from a wide range of teers a@ wide range colors and Patterns to sult any bed- machine washable, me SHIRTS Chinook Flannelette BLANKETS ae =~ 1.57 Kresge tat September 99 PAIR __ Thurs. Fri. Sat. Only ptembe: Thurs, Fri. "= "Renelita' im fabric, machi Special Sat, only with regular collar in sizes SM L. 6 CUP is pc. CHINA SET Kresge Reg. Price $4.99 Kresge eptember pecial e. Thurs, Fri. Sat. Only 4 each cups, saucers, bowls & plates. TEAPOT Kresge Reg. Price 98¢ Kresge Thurs. Fri Sat. Only Brown drippy glaze earthenware teapot. 7 HASTY NOTES Scittee ATE Bess | Healthy Rubber and Cut Leaf PLANTS Special WOMEN'S ROLL Kresge 2 99 « 24 notes and envelopes with assorted designs. | SLEEVE BLOUSES Peta . Pg ig ASSORTED ge a WOMEN'S DOLL COSTUMES | SD i 2) QQ mune nett nyions ss aS ae ye Thurs.Frl, 2: Printed BBs wise sleeve : ew bi a8 € Sel) pag Beco coe baa Le 99 For all 1142" Dolls Msaiatldsnhec! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE KRESGE'S 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER at WANT DOG STOCKHOLM animal loving ¢ the minister of ji den needs an | investigate dogn: naping and pur lure or steal do to sell to institu cal experiments. al ombudsman r less people agait government and The animal omt be called Foer dsman, ae ee eee Bp "Lp MM s ' a 7 ee

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