Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Sep 1967, p. 9

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t F85 6501 © COUNCIL DELAYS DECISION Alderman §S A move by Ald. Gilbert Mur- doch to sack city personnel ad- visers, Warnock, Hersey Man- agement Consultants Ltd., Tor- onto, found wide support among members at last night's meet- ing. ; "T have no confidence in them to make any particular job evaluation in this city," he said, "and the confidence of any em- ployee has been substantially undermined by the unsatisfac- tory explanation made before this council last Wednesday." Ald. Murdoch was_ referring to the explanation given by Donald Brown, one of the firm's consultants, who returned to amplify statement he made in i August regarding overtime earnings of city engineers and allegations of 'padding.' At Wednesday's meeting, Mr. Brown and William Isaac, a senior member of the firm, agreed to confer about submis- sion of a letter of apology. | Mayor Ernest Marks then said the council would like to re- ALD. PAYNTER ALD. MURDOCH uggests Sac other municipalities on the staffing of their public works departments, was adopted. Con. Shaw protested vigor- ously against this action, and declared she was going to "chuck the whole thing up." As Ald. Murdoch moved that the contract be terminated "forthwith" Con. Shaw _ inter- rupted: "I have sat here for nearly 10 years and I have never seen such a dirty miser- able thing done to any firm or company." Ald. Murdoch said angrily no member of council was al- lowed to make derogatory re- marks about another member of council and asked that action be taken against Con. Shaw under the terms of the Municipal Act. "She is entitled to oppose the motion but she is not entitled to say it is a low procedure," he declared "and she is not en- titled to make any preamble CONTROLLER SHAW CRITICIZED ing City Personnel Advisers CON. SHAW said. "If you express your views you are put in jail. If I cannot speak my mind it is an end of democracy in this country." Seconding Ald. Murdoch's motion, Ald. Charles Mcllveen said Mr. Brown admitted he did not make a proper investigation of the accusations he had made on excess overtime and padding. "We heard that the engineer and the engineer's family were hurt by this," he said. 'After listening for about four hours, 4 questions were unanswered, Heads of departments and our whole staff could not go on and work in harmony with this man." Ald. Gordon Attersley said he thought if the period of time of the contract was up, it should be terminated. Aldermen Alice Reardon and Ernie Whiting also supported the move. Introducing his motion Mayor Ernest Marks said the engineer- | MAYOR MARKS could not get 15 to answer any more quickly. "I have not got the amount of money. where I can go round and collect them,' she added. "I think it is very unfair. I will not be pressurized, If I was wrong I would be the first one to admit it." "I think before you make any allegiations you should have the * proof in front of you," said Ald. , Mcliveen. "I do not think we should be able to stand up here and make political blinks and not have to prove them." "You should be prepared to resign if you cannot support these accusations," said Ald. Whiting. When later Ald. Shaw insisted that "she was through," Ald. William Paynter made one of the most heated interjections. "There has been some very dirty stuff thrown on the fan here," he said, "and I do not { think Con. Shaw has the right ALD. McILVEEN ceive the letter in time for last night's meeting. mayor said a letter had been re- ceived from Mr. Isaac asking for a further period of time and| ANGRY EXCHANGES expressing the hope that it would be in the hands of council |b ty the end of the week. Last night, however, the ++» Run With Ball +.» Drop Advisers |with respect to my personal in-| ¢ + » Motion Dirty ing department had been under | + + + Time Limit +.» Proof Needed \to say she is through. It is not a tegrity. nee jin during he last few weeks, | fair thing to do. The state Ald. Murdoch's motion was;scribed the motion as "dirty, e was applauded by other) City clerk, Roy Barrand, read|@nd although padding and over- 'tunately | ink it 4 a ments reported in the press tabled until this letter is re- , council members when _ he! : % Itime had been dealt with there unfortunately she had not said|I think it is a tong time for a have put a cloud over the city ceived, when the matter will be given further consideration. There were angry exchanges|motion of Mayor Marks setting | prising a delegation on another | flection on Ald. Murdoch. etween several aldermen and|a time limit on enquiries being|matter, were in the public | Con. Margaret Shaw, who de-'made by Con. Shaw among|seats.) GENERAL MOTORS DISPLAYS About 40 newsmen at- with tended a preview of General Motors 1968 cars at Mosport yesterday. The Corvette stood out among the 18 cars its cornering, speed and radical new styling. Al- though the newsmen had the unrestricted use of the cars and track there were no nasty, right from beginning to added: "It is typical of this from Section 25 of the Municipal was still a very important ques- when she was going to bring in department to be under the end, and only made because a/members' behavior when a/Act regarding members' br-|tion of overstaffing to be/|the full report. gun." be changed." delegation is present."' (About/havior, but Con. Shaw said she|cleared up. "TI do not think this should be His suggested date of Oct. 2. Addressing Con. Shaw directly a|40 members of the public, com-/did not intend any personel re-| The mayor said Con. Shaw allowed to drag," he said. "I}for the presentation of Con.|he declared: "Do not sit back mn Or |had indicated that she was get-|think she should be directed by Shaw's breif was adopted and say give it to somebody "This is what happens in|ting replies to letters she had/ council to bring in her brief. She} Con, Shaw said she had writ-|else. This is your ball. Pick it }countires all over Europe" she|sent out to municipalities, but|has had nearly two months anditen to the municipalities but/up and run." staff and this atmosphere has to ag? expressed his opinion." Later in the meeting, ee A ERA pice oe decisional cadet Rise Rumored o e Oshawa City Mill Rate Ne 8 = eR o $ Rumors of a five mill tax|how closely we have kept to it. | increase in 1968 and borrow-|"Let us find out three months bd bed bed ings from a -certain reserve beforehand and we might come ..,.|Up with a good budget fund have reached Ald. Ernie Ald, Whiting said he did not Whiting. want to delve into next year's : He said this at last night's| budget, along the lines of the | e council meeting when submit-|motion of Ald. Gordon Atters- 4 jting a motion that council in-|ley, previously adopted for bud- | |vite city treasurer Frank Mark- get talks, but to find out what son for a talk on next vear's|had already been spent | budget and problems pertaining, 'We are spending $23,000, saicin Hy f 35 e Purchasers of homes in Ade-| building of multiple dwellings "They did not fight it," he to same 000,"' he said, '"'and I honestly laide Avenue East, east of Sur-/apain but was stopped by the Said, "but instead preferred to "I believe money has been|think it would be worth a | " | PE ears " ; s + | rey Drive, had been "led up the ant wait for Mr. Jackson to apply |Spent from next year's budget,"|special night of city council. lvalley" by developer Samuel city planning board. for permission to build and 9 said, ae I ir we should -- regs McCallum said) Jackson Manning Swartz, soli-. In 1966, Mr. Swartz had ap-' then impose conditions." have a little guidance. he refuted the idea that coun-| itor told cit | eae OS 5 i | aaa ie ess a ' faa we panier ; y council last peared on behalf of petitioners,, Con. Jones said revious T have spoken to Mr. Mark-jcil had gone overboard and/ night. and a letter had been re-|council passed a motion to ;son about it and he is agree-|spent more money than _ it f . : 4 able to the meeting." should. Mr. Swartz was appearing on ceived from the clerk's office| Change the zoning but for some Council approved the motion| 'Money has been taken from Pehalf of 84 residents of Sur-| saving that city council had ap-\'e@80n or other refused to fol- , jafter Ald. Russell McNeil sup-|a reserve fund," he agreed,|tey Drive, Dover Street and| proved a resolution of the plan- low through. ' |ported it. "I think we have|"but that is what reserve funds|Adelaide Avenue East, who had| ning board that the subdivision| 'Instead of applying to the ~ |been reaching into the budget|are for. That is the only place|Signed a petition to the council| pian would not be passed un-|OMB and presumably having a | lye year already from next|we have gone for the original|t© retain the zoning of the areal less the applicant consented to|Public hearing, they took the year's funds," he said. budget we planned at the first\in which they live for single\, bylaw being passed re-zoning\issue and said in effect 'we 'Tt think \ we family housing. \the lands from R-2B to R-1B. Kh do nothing.' You apply for Nearly 50 of the petitioners! wr Jackson had then waited|2? Plan of subdivision and you attended the meeting in per-| 5 other year and made repre-| ¥!! have to do all the hard son, and occupied all the seats/<centations to the planning] ¥°rs,"' Con. Jones said. should know!of the year." ' 4 ; in the public section of the i i He said, however, he thought j smobile ; board, of which no information le ever, hi Acadian $2,447, Oldsmob! council chamber. had been given to the peti-|they might have had a very s Tr ansit Shed Contract $3,538, and, at the highest i /o ney 'ati : | They jeered and cat-called at! tioners. /difficult time because he was price, Cadillac Fleetwood 75 A d d M ] ( : t ct A | | A A ; 5 one stage of the proceedings,| « ici . jnot at all convinced the OMB a ite. | Wal e ap: e on Ia or when Con. Ralph Jones said elie tue en re back would have approved the re- NEW CARS AT MOSPORT spins or spills and the cars vette $5,522, Pontiac $2,775, emerged without a scratch. Prices announced yesterday for the basic new cars are: Chevrolet $2,453, Camarao $2,795, Corvair $2,382, Cor- A board of control hunt for a} secretary is under way, and ac- cording to Con, Robert Nicol, the board must not settle for second best, even if it means spending $11,000 a year. Beofre the board set Board Seeking Secretary; Get Right Man, Nicol Says you should settle for second|range in advertisements ? best. You've got to get the right}ned in Toronto and Oshawa, city personnel without reference 198 Student man for the right position. If/newspapers and the Financial to city council was not so simple! it's the Pag you're going} Post. after all, city solicitor H. J.| to pay for him.' The secretary's job would be! «,,,, rere i | | He said $11,000 would not be to work with the banka at meet. COUCH told council last night. At College |too high for the proper appl.-| ings, ' up ifs)cant -- but the board was zen-|hoard's instructions to various|meeting, Con. Ralph Jones said) ano. a weekend of frantic|\room and washroom facilities. advertising format for the posi-jerally thinking more in terms! departments, set tion yesterday and agreed to} of $7,000 to $9,000 a year. start advertising immediately,| The board decided not to in- tions wishing to appear before| Raeneye rns Free) |considered action taken in tue) council," Mr. Swartz said ew | zoning. OTTAWA (Specila) -- Con-) $162,282. Tenders were opened | matter by a previous council| , sae board of control What is REASONABLE Mf Hi 4 itract for the construction of a|July 1 and the successful bid/had been a "reasonable com- iis econ Have & 'plsaning| ie aecent di ity ring transit shed at Oshawa harbor | was the lowest of six received. | promise." board if this is being gone?" lor 5 1 a It 'A tgs teenie has been awarded to Roxon Con-;The high bid was $199,000. Council ad a th y eet e a -- ® |tractors Ltd. of Maple. The 150 by 144 foot shed is to recommendations by the plan-| "NEVER PASSED" dwallig Sante a Not So Simple | Public works minister George|he erected at the east harvor|ning board, one asking for a| Con, Jones said he was alot the Seating, sinats fomty "Trai today that} yi si $ i-| vious y i Mcliraith announced today |wharf. It will be supported on| site plan agreement as a condi-|member of the previous Coun" | dwellings a reasonable one. 'You could put up trees and had before it two! Th ti f whether board the value of the contract is!spread footings and will have'tion of re-zoning the subdivision|ci] which had dealt sd aaah cada Said aate ree or eek ~~ | Sheet metal wall-cladding andjfrom R-2B to R-1B, and the|matter and the bylaw had shrabe f . *h id roofing. The floor, the loading|other laying down nine detailed|/never been passed. The land!* ae B40 SCrSENS, UC Gare: |dock and the depressed loading|conditions for the proposed| was still zoned the same as it I know I have just lost the jarea are to be asphalt sur-|plan. Both recommendations|was five years ago. Only the| Surrey Drive vote, comment- | faced. were defeated. [Ontario Municipal Board could) ed Mayor Ernest Marks, "but The shed will be equipped pine AREA danny rer , pipieiion (ie bony face | with floodlighting _ fixtures and| Mr. Swart said the property City solicitor H. J. Couch said | esidents "but perhaps they ventilators, and will have lunch- was owned by Jackson and ae Feige ype should have made all enquiries : : : Se ane 'Hazlitt and was in a fine area, Had considere eens action '0'before they built their houses." up agendas|it was laid down in section 206 jact - minute preparation, Dur-| Present harbor traffic is re--Mr, Jackson purchased the |'e-Zone the land, but this was| "Most people don't," said for meetings, screen delega-|o¢ the Municipal Act that the ham College of Applied Arts/stricted to shipment of bulk|property in 1961 and it was then|Withdrawn from the agenda. . Ald. Ernie Whiting, "and ap- board could hire staff and need and Technology opened this/cargo, such as coal and petro-|7oned R-2B. He began to build Hise felt pri gic yorgidl parently they are not entitled only refer the hirings to coun-| morning to 198 students. leum products, and the shed)multiples and then stopped and @scrimination might be " to any protection. I think it is plan- of control had the right to hire At a recent board of control follow through on the Thief Preparing For Next Spring |" It was stated at the board} meeting that Mr. Stacey had ine Be, yoering been with the department since for' next spring. : ae On Sunday, John who resides on the sixth con- cession of East Whitby Town-) New Oshawa Fire Chief City council last night ap-jchief, at a starting salary 0! proved appointment of acting|s11,264, retroactive to Aug. 23 fire chief Ernest Stacey to fire chief. | The Preston when he was appointed acting] THIEF CHANGES recommendation had ORIGINAL PLANS been made by board of con- and had _ been chief for the past 12 years. Earlier, board on control ap- proved an expenditure of $84,| ~ 000 for the hiring of 16 fire-| line at meetings. cil as a matter of courtesy Dr. Gordon E, Willey, presi-/is being constructed to permit!puyilt singles and sold lots to|i"t0 account by the OMB. _|something we ought to con- The educational requirement : ' : ln : Last night, however, Mr.|dent of the college, said, "Ev-|the shipment of package-cargo/other builders, who also built : cv sider." |will be university training with Coucir said: he: had spent the, erything went as smooth as as well. single homes. OMB HEARINGS Ald. Charles Mcllveen said jabiliy to take accurate notes.|) 94 part of a day studying the| silk." Plans and specifications were| "He is a very astute business The Ontario Municipal Board|he thought the matter should jShorthand is not essential. The) sot but could not provide re-| Only disappointing note about) prepared by Stevenson, Hardtke|man ang knew what he was do-|will hear Pickering township's|be taken to the OMB. hoard is asking that the appli-Hiable guidance when he could the opening is the number of| Associates, consulting engineers] ing," Mr. Swartz. application for approval of its; "These people came to coun- cants for the position have wide not get it himself from the Act.) students. Dr. Willey at first) of Toronto. | Residents were told that no restricted area bylaw 3296 Oct.|cil before and .were given jexperience in the municipal 'ery badly. drafted Predicted 250 would attend and) Supervision will be provided|more multiples would be built/3 and of its restricted arealassurances this area would be ifield, with some participation) | 'It is a igs ey snly ai recently revised his thinking|by R. S. Fonberg, director of|and purchased their lots for| bylaw 3259, Oct. 11. Both hear-|kept for single family dwell? jin council meetings. statute," he said. "I am only a and was counting on 210. How-|the Toronto district, Ontario|single homes. ings will be held in the town-|ings, and if this developer's BONE. wor get Hot a conjilrer, 9: ever, he said he is satisfied|region, federal department of} About a year ago, Mr. Jack-|ship council chambers at Brock|word is not good, we should oes = ea as (a), it is with the official count of 198.| public works. json attempted to start the|Road and Highway 2. imake it good." 1 nder section , it is ble ec gueecne Su cei tees is : Dr. Willey, instructors; con-|"------ --_ Sea Ae ERS I i BED II A \the duty of the board of evga struction workers and cleaners| Eee oe OO ie ees Meat worked through the weekend) z Bs WHITBY (Staff) A sor arene o votes ' for . ae: preparing the 16 portables for uh Tee Prova) Sas simple majority. this morning's invasion. Most tractor-stealer with a low | "Under section 206 (8), where| of the work involved the arrang-| mechanical IQ turned apple |there is no bylaw prescribing | ing of furniture, some of which the mode of appointing certain arrived on Saturday. | te vet one | people not dealt with under the) ppe jibrary portable is the Peter Pollock, who has al other section, then the board, onlys gant ar the collage whlell| orchard farm on the base |p its own motion and with no is not speepanel DE Willey between Whitby and | reference, is allowed to approv aid 1,500 books, which have deputy; thief Monday. ship near Harmony Road, re-|fighters Ported 'the theft of three alum- east inum lawn chairs and a lounge chair from his back yard. nel On Monday, a neighbor, Mrs. tion that Howard McCormick, reported|hired at a starting salary of the theft of an electric lawn|$5,261 a year for each man. The new fire hall is on King between Eastlawn and mower from the front of her! garage, Whitby are investigating the theft for Oshawa's new - end fire station. The board cleared a person- department 16 Oshawa men be Street Ontario Provincial Police at) Athabaska. The proposed starting date for the firemen is Sept. 25. | Provincial recommenda- machine go with 10 bus ing. Jock's apples instead. Whitby OPP are investigat- Ajax, reported to the Ontario |how these people will be hired. | The difficulty arises when you ors, are expected by the end! try to interpret it." of | Police at Whitby that someone had attempted | to steal his tractor. they were unable to get the | ing, they took off hels of Mr. Pol- perted on the matter in April of this year and thought the best/with the college. solution would be for the board|had talked to '"'quite a few of to indicate|them" and none had any com- |the areas in which it considered plaints. the board should operate. to ask the council He said he had originally re- ifies obtuse statutes'? he added. |14. CAMPAIGN CHAIRMAN... the month. been selected by the instruct- According to Dr. Willey, stu-| dents are happy and satisfied He said he An official opening of the "There is nobody who clari-| college is being planned for Oct. .. CANVASSES COUNCIL Community Chest Target $358,000 A Community Chest target of $358,000 for 1967 was announced last night by Terence Kelly, campaign chairman, at cily Hall. Introduced as the campaig:t chairman for this year by Fd- ward Cline, president of the board of directors, before the city council meeting began, Mr. Kelly said the board had indi- cated he should start at the top with the mayor. . "It is extremely necessary we have a successful campaign this year,"' said Mr. Kelly, add- ing that the campaign dates this year would be during the month of October. Following the lead of the mayor, completed pledge cards were submitted by contrvilers and aldermen. Mr. Marks said pledges from the board of con- trol and council would be turn- ed over to the Chest later in the week. City clerk Roy Barrand said ' a canvass of his department had realized donations 30 per cent higher than those made in 1966. Mr. Kelly said 20 agencies looked to the Chest for support to help the less fortunate in the community. "Any person in the city might need the help of the Chest within a year,"' he said. 'Probably the blood donor clinie is one of the best examples." He appealed to. citizens to give a little more this year to ? make the community a much better place in which to live. Mr, Kelly said today the tar- get this year is up $22,000, mainly because of the expand- ed work of agencies -- but that the target is not as high as the Chest budgeting committee certified was needed by agen- cies, Twelve Chest agencies will hold. an open house Sept. 30 and the campaign kick-off. din- ner will be 'held at the Boys' Club, Oct. 2, More than 300 Rotarians from 32 clubs in: this sec- tion of the province at- tended the annual Friend- ship Day held Monday by the Rotary Club of Oshawa, MANY ROTARIANS ATTEND ANNUAL FRIENDSHIP DAY The visitors played golf at the Oshawa Golf and Coun- try Club, bowled at the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club, attended a reception at Parkwood and dined at Ernest Marks at the din- ner; Kenneth Crone, presi- dent of the local club and the Carousel Inn. Seen here, from left, are James Wil- liams, chairman of the E. G. Storie, of Oshawa, a Friendship Day Committee; past district governor of Ald. William. C. Paynter, District .707 who represented Mayor --Oshawa Times Photo

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