RASHES KILL FIVE ekend Sudbury, a student at en's University, in a two- collision on Highway 15 r Kingston. . D. (Doug) Hamilton and wife of Cleveland, Ohio, ust Torriano and his wife of uth, Minn., and Frank Sku- of Virginia Falls, Minn., yned in White Horse Lake miles north of Port Arthur n their Beaver aircraft hed into the lake. 'ederick Dobson, 52, his Anne, 51, and their daugh- Annette, 21, of Trenton in a iruck crash near Trenton. va Irene Daines, 69, Lon- Ont., in a car-truck crash * Woddstock. |Beit Jalla will form one eco e nomic unit with Jerusalem for eltourism purposes. The biggest -leffect is expected to be felt at f' Christmas pilgrimage time. SAR OF 5 TODAY and the ERS (OLL GROUP ' oct" Oc, Oc , IRNOON MATINEE TLY & SAT. AFTERNOON SHA HOTEL > ©. @.@ @.@.@.4 -- AAO OOOO OO OOOO ers FINAL WEEK RUCE VILLA proudly presents SEPTEMBER ADE OF STARS Lanier er, MC ity SING! Siquen, e Tle . Ic 'DA NCEp 0 Dean Du aby. AND SONS tainment and Dancing Nightly day Matinee 4 to 6 p.m. Buffet Daily 12-12:30 and 5-9 p.m. ay Dinners 5-8:30 p.m, Ih ARDS R ED Q, for Sunday c quets -- Weddings -- Parties HORNTON FALL CLASSES NOW _FORMING ._ Enroll Today! NICE , SUT WHY DIDN'T YOU GET A COMPLETE SET WHILE 'You WERE AT IT 2 DONALD DUCK . 'Distributed by King Fantar=: Synare BUZ SAWYER DARLING, YOU'RE THE HANDSOMEST, SWEETEST, MOST ADORABLE MAN IN ALL. THE WORLD WHAT YOU'RE DOING=-T'LL You won't Sj I KNOW MIND PICKING UP A FEW THINGS AT THE MARKET ON YOUR WAY HOME~ WRITE DOWN THIS LIST-- THIS PART OF THE CALL 1S FOR YOU, DAGWooD ONLY RIZZON YOU SHMEPARED!! PUNISHINK ME IS Bi YOU DORTY DUCKS GUNG ARE YOU PREPARED FACE. SNAPPITAL CURR SMENT P IT'S DISCRIMINATION!' LARGE SELECTION OF '67 MODELS IN OUR LAST ALLOTMENT PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, VAUXHALLS, G.M.C, TRUCKS ECAUSE. I'M A CRIMINAL MONSTERS! E> | THE TUBA 16 AN 4, OPD=LOOKING ® INSTRUMENT, ISN'T IT? oe BUT IT ADVANTAGES PUNISHMENT HAS 17S IE TWENTY PERCENT OF ss #500! Vg iS Zi) YOU BEEN FEEDIN'ON LOCO WEED JOHNNY? YOU SAY WE") TO HAUL THAT CANNON U i} GOIN' HERI THATS WHY ITS ALL BROKE DOWN INTO PIECES, BILL BOY.,,60 WE CAN DRAG IT UP BIT By BIT... THEN PUT HER TOGETHER AT THE Tor NO, T GUESS TM TOO FAR FROM CAMP, © King Festares Syndicate, lec, 1967. World rights reserved. £285. m SECRET AGENT X9 2--Bulale 3--Barrie 4--Buftale 6--Toronte 7--Buftalo Channel Channet Channet Channel Channet Channet Channel 9--~Toronto MONDAY EVEN! 5:00 P.M. 12--Three Stooges --Nr. Ed 7--Flintstones 612--Mr, Piper 4--Perry Mason 3--Movie 5:30 P.M, 12--Flintstones 6--Truth 7--~News 4--Focus &--Of Lands and § 4:00 P.M, --Plerre Berton 8--How"s Business J--Movie ert Morning, , Weather, Vi--Rat Patrol 4--Ne s 2-4--News 7:00 P. 1--Man From 9--Second Hundred 'ears @--True Adventure 6--TBA 4--Honeymooners 3--Accidental Family 2--News, Weather, Sports 7:30 P.M, %--Luellie Bali 7--Cowboy in Africa 4--Gunsmoke 3-6-12--Don Messer 2-8--Monkees 8:00 11--Movie 9--Bewitched 3-6-12---Danny Thoma 2--Movie 9--Family Affair 7--Rat Patrol 4--Lucille Bail 9:00 P. 8--Danny Thomas 7--Felony Squad 4--Andy Griffith 3-6-12--Front Page lenge . 9:30 P.M, 9--I Spy || 7--Peyton Place .M. U.N.C.L.E, 8--Man From U.N.C.L.E, Mm. 9--Country Music Hall @--Rochester Channel 11--Hamilton Channel 12--Peterborough or Consequences ws 8-6-9--News, Weather, | SHORTAGE OF GOOD USED CARS The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. TELEVISION LOG 4--Xavier Cugat;Charo 3-6-12---Dundee and the Culhane 10:00 P.M, 2-8--1 Spy 4--Caro! Burnett 7--Big Vaitey --Merv_ Griffin 10:30 P. 9--Canada 10) 12-6--N.Y.P.D, 3--Profile 11:00 P.M. Viewpoint | 11:25 P.M, 2-9-4-7-9-11-12--News, Weather and Sports Me 10 li--Pierre Berton i M. GROUND, 9--Mr. and Mra. | 7--Family Game 2-8--Hollywood Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 3--Ed Allen Time 12 NOON 11--Little People 9--Teronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy 7--Monevy Movie 3-6--Luncheon Date , Weather, 130 P.M, M--Photo Finish 8--Eye Guess row 3--News, Weather, f é--News Weather, and | re ee PM. j Sports 4-4--@ulding Light 11:38 PLM, 1:00 PLM, | 7---Movie 12--Movie : 4--Movie 11--Mike Douglas Bodoni, ayy 9--Movie 11--Hot Line | 9~Perry's Probe 8:00 A.M. 1--Schnitzel House 4--Captain Kangaree | 9--University of the Alr 255 A.M. 3--Dlaling For Dollars, Virginia Graham N--Ed Allen Time 4--Carlton Fredericke 9--Romper Room 8--Crossfire | 2--Pat Boone | 9:30 A.M. | 11--Donna Reed | 9--Cartoon Playhouse | 7--Africa &--Gloria | 4--News | 11--Movie | 9:35 A.M, 4--Love of Life 10:00 A.M. | 9--Uncle Bobby $-2--Snap Judgment 4--Candid Camera 10:30 A.M, | Chal- 8-2--Cencentration 4--Beverly Hilibililes 11:00 A.M, $--Tugboat Annie 2-6--Personality 7--Honeymoon Race 4--Andy Griffith 3--Good Morning 1:30 A.M, 11--Marriage Confidential | s--Dialing Yer Bollare | Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive | 6--Luncheon Date | 4--Meet the Millers | Movie | 1:38 PLM. 4-4--As The Werld Turns $--Let's Make a Deal 2:00 P.M. 7--Newlywed Game | 6--Pan Americana dored Thi 98--Days of Our Lives | 2:30 P.M, 12--Calendar l--Perry Mason 9--People in Cenflied 7--Dream Girl é--Coronation Street | | #-2--Another World } 7--General Hospital | _4--To Tell The Truth | 3-6-12--Take 30 | 3:25 P.M, 4+--News 3:30 P.M. 11--Bullwinkle 9--It's Your Move | 7--Commander Tom | 3-46-12--Edge of Night 2-4--You Don't Say | 4:00 P.M, | 1]--Super Heroes } 9-1 Love Lucy |8--Match Game 4--Secret Storm 3-6-12---Communicate 2--Mike Douglas 4.30 P.M, 11--My Mother, The Car 9--Movie t--Leave It To Beaver 4--Truth or Consequences 3-6-12--Barney Boomer CROSSWORD SABOTAGE IS COVERING ALOT OF TOM! 12-6-4--Search for Tomor- | 4+--Love Is A Many Splen- SMART TIME TO TRADE 4 AN' WHEN WE GET THE GUN SET UP....RIGHT YONDER IS THE TARGET. ) IT'S GETTING DARK. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 18, 1967 19 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Both sides vulnerable. NORTH 5984 WAKIBS o864 WEST EAST 43 4AQ10768 wis ---- 4109532 eQs ; #A10865 #K9T4 SOUTH K2 9Q109642 @AKT &33 The bidding: South West North East 19 Pass 39 386 49 Opening lead--three of spades. Some of the great plays in bridge are merely afterthoughts but here is one that declarer solved right at the table, believe it or not! Declarer was Ben Kaplan of Bridgetwon, N.J. Kaplan might "§ (well be one of our top players LYMAN'S OUR HOTTEST LEAD, BUT HE'S IN COMPLETE SHOCK! NO '68 PRICES AVAILABLE YET HUBERT OKAY, THATS ENOUGH! WEVE HAP TWO SOLID HOURS OF IT,60 NO MORE GUITAR PLAYING' King Fouteree Spadioate, tan, (967. World sights reserved. -- THATS THE MOST MUSICAL DARN KID YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: I have heard talk for months about a "mumps vaccine." It is just talk or has a vaccine been found that is in the testing stage? In short, is there hope that we will soon be able to be immunized? Many grownups who didn't have the disease when they were children are understandably fearful of it, as I am--M.C, There is an effective vaccine for mumps now--but, more important, there is a skin test which will show whether a per- son has had the disease. A good many people have had the mumps as children. but it was mild enough so it was not recognized, or they have forgot- ten it. If the skin test shows that an adult has not had mumps, then mumps vaccine is indicated. If a man of reproductive age gets ACROSS 4,Tibetanox 22.Grapee fRiUIs/ShAMIBIE] 1, Remain 5, Trainer grows 5. Arrive 6. Smell ing 9. Assam 7. Bog area silkworm 8, Camein 23, Leaf 10. Norse god 11. Droop 24. Grand 11. Trail, 138, Plant Canyon Pe te 3 as gam with state AIR AIMIA 12, Heart aromatic 25. Forbid Reese R Aer artery seeds 27. Chinese [LIEIEISMBAIVIEINIUIE! 14,N.Z.tribe 415. Pig pen TIEIAIS MM PIAIRITIE ID) 15. Cover 17. Roman 29, River Saturday's Answer 16, Philistine date into giant 18, Jolson, North 84. Girl's 10, Japanese Smi Sea name marine and 30. Splits 37. Pronoun measure others 31, Perched 38, Metal 20. Uselessly 21. Dry 33, Greedy it 21. Birds z 75 ry 23. Parts of --V; 1 3s 1¢ p je fT 25. Certain Wid Ga ee i" Y 2 26, Units L re of w cdc 16 Yy Y, Ss . oll le 7 [ie YY 28. = //) note 29. Roams Y WY, y 20 V//j2r {22 » thea! . flower eS [ee YW) 'ag 5. Affirma- - tive vote Lies Y / ia : Adores 'ry a7. Meager 26 Y Y y 29 30 13) 9, The Muses 40. Firm 32, 33 [34 VA. 35 41, Jewish te Win £2. Gonclud LA Eu Yeo Y im Y Y Y 2. Following Y "| Y ae W 3. Trouble " sv) the di the possibility exists that it can settle in the reprod- uctive organs and cause sterili- ty. IS UNCOMFORTABLE In any event, it can be uncomfortable as well as poten- tially harmful. Dear Dr. Molner: For some time, I have been troubled by pain and swelling in one foot and ankle. An orthopedist treat- ed me for an over-riding meta- tarsal and I am now wearing special shoes and doing various foot exercises. There has been great improvement but my foot still hurts. I am only 29 and not happy at the thought of wearing "stupid" shoes for the rest of my days. My question: Will wearing them for any special length of time correct the problem? Am Mumps Skin Test Shows Vaccine Need By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD with real problems, and I won- der if I should just grin and bear it. I broke a toe in childhood and it never healed right and humps up, and I suffered a severe sprain about five years ago. Do these facts have any bearing?--Miss C.S. I couldn't answer whether the "stupid" shoes will have to be worn indefinitely--but your orthopedist can. He doubtless expects the foot exercise to con- tinue to bring improvement. SEE DOCTOR There isn't much that can be more aggravating than a chron- ically painful foot, and if he can make you feel better you aren't "wasting his time." By all means check with him from time to time. Or, better yet, ask him for an estimate of how soon you should see him again, barring any unexpected change which you should, in any case. tell him about. The other foot injuries could have some bear- ing on your discomfort. Dear Dr. Molner: I heard a discussion on the radio about diabetes and a man said he read somewhere that one shot of insulin injected every four to six' months, or some other med- icine, was sufficient to last that length of time. Is there any truth in this? I take my insulin daily. --Mrs. H.B. | today were it not that he wastes {so much time paying attention |to his plumbing supply business. He was playing in a rubber |bridge game many years ago and got to four hearts on the |bidding shown. The vulnerabil- lity made it clear that East's jthree spade bid was based on a six-card suit. That West's lead was a single- jton was moreover confirmed by |the card he led, the three. Kap- 'lan Was looking at the deuce in his own hand. East won the spade lead with the ace and Kaplan played the king on it without a tremor. He knew that if he played the deuce \East would return a spade for |West to ruff, and there would then be no chance of making \the hand. Naturally enough, East aban- doned spades and returned the queen of diamonds. It simply |didn't occur to him that declarer |would play the king on the ace jif he also had the deuce. Kaplan took the diamond with \the ace, drew two rounds of trumps, and then lost the eight of spades to the ten. Back came the jack of diamonds, won with the king. A trump to dumrhy was now followed by the nine of spades, East playing the queen as declarer ruffed. ~ Another trump to dummy €n- abled South to discard a dia- mond on the established jack of spades. Declarer then con- ceded a club and made four hearts, His only losers were two spades and a club, Had Kaplan made the normal play of the spade deuce on the ace, the automatic low spade re- turn would have resulted in his losing a spade, a ruff, a dia- mond and a club for down one. OLD COUNTRY SOCCER SCORES LONDON (CP)--Old Countr7 soccer results Saturday: : ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I Arsenal 4 Tottenham 0 Burnley 3 Sunderland 0 Chelsea 2 Stoke 2 Everton 0 Leeds 1 Leicester 1 Fulham 2 Man City 5 Sheffield U 2 Newcastle 3 Coventry 2 Sheffield W 1 Man United 1 Southampton 1 Liverpool 0 West Brom 2 Notts F 1 West Ham 1 Wolverhampton 2 Division If Birmingham 1 Blackburn 1 Bolton 2 Carlisle 3 Bristol C 2 Blackpool 4 Charlton Athletic 3 Aston Villa 0 Derby 1 Plymouth 0 Huddersfield 1 Ipswich 4 Hull 1 Crystal P 1 Middlesbrough 0 Millwall 1 -- Norwich 1 Portsmouth 3 Preston 0 Queens PR 2 |Rotherham 3 Cardiff 2 | Division IT Brighton 2 Tranmere 0 Colchester 0 Bury 0 Grimsby 2 Scunthorpe 1 Manfield 1 Barrow 2 Peterborough 1 Oxford 1 Reading 2 Walsall 2 Swindon 4 Northampton Town Watford 4 Bristol R 0 Division IV Bradford C 2 Lincoln 1 Brentford 0 Halifax 0 Chester 3 Exeter 1 Crewe Alex 3. Workington 2 Hartlepools 0 Southend 1 Newport 1 Luton 1 Notts C 0 Aldershot 1 Port Vale 0 Darlington 1 Rochdale 1 Bradford 1 Swansea Town 2 Wrexham 0 SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division I Airdrieonians 1 Falkirk 1 Clyde 4 Partick 2 Dundee 2 Dundee U 2 Dunfermline 1 Hearts 8 Hibernian 3 Raith 0 Morton 2 Motherwell 1 Rangers 1 Celtic 0 St. Johnstone 1 Aberdeen1 + Stirling 0 Kilmarnock 0 QUEENIE There is no medication for, diabetes, insulin or anything else, that lasts for months, It needs to be taken daily, as you are doing. The man on the radio may have been mistaken, or he may have been discussing some experimental work. Too often such information is disclosed prematurely, giving patients a wrong impression and false "Will you stop dawdling over" there--I'm waiting to give you I wasting the doctor's time? I see 60 many people in his office a hopes. @ piece of my mind)"