16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Menday, September 18, 1967 26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent THREE -ROOM -- apartment, could be the now, for information apply §92 Drew LUCKY TENANT Sure two-bedroom modern te to win 250 DOLLARS ment, spotless. Adults preferred. Py e with your epartment number | supplied, parking and garden spaci to be drawn on January 2, |coe Street North, Telephone 725- BASEMENT APARTMENT, 2 rooms, close to south General Motors. Private entrance. $60 month, Telephone 728-2892. YOU THREE: ; available frigerator, stove, and laundry Tacliities | Sim- "1968, SUB-LET fwobedroom apartment -- in apartment building, all" conveniences, lephone 576-1232. | nt with stove) Incl.: stove, fridge, water, and refrigerator. Suitable for one or two) 9 : working girls, Teachers preferred. Tele-| "-- Bedsitting room $80 -- Two |available Sept. & bedrooms $119 and $129. | zWo.EDROOM -apartmen ex hydro and electric heating. Snore. 7281168. 30--Automobiles for Sale |36--Legal GUS BROWN Pg LIMITED No. 3, Oshawa TRADE 'UP OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean Cars, liens paid. TERMS. Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH 3-942 To be seen by appointments |tuRee-ROOM upstairs apartment, pri-| vate bath, stove and refrigerator sup- = only. CALL 723-5325. Details of draw given with |Plled. Telephone 728-7871. plied. Telephone 571 GOVERNOR THREE ROOM apar ane anal MANSIONS ee Alls rea, Telephone ADULT PRESTIGE six. Two 2-bedroom suites. i ni apartment, Immediate Occupancy $70 monthly. Telephone 655-4693. For appointment to view |WHITBY. ONE bedroom api these luxury apartments, |frigerator, stove and drapes supplied. please call Telephone 668-5 heavy duty stove and refrigerator. MRS. FORREST Ritson Road North or rin or_tetceh (resident manager) seh fDhde. nn icati FOUR - ROOM apartment and bath. : opplications only. Private entrance. Bus stops at front | door, $100 monthly. Heat and water sup- after 5 p.m, ' UNFURNISHED ) APARTMENT, upstairs newly decorated, three rooms and bath, |_ lable now. Telephone 723-5952 after EXCLU! RESIDENCE ace . |cing available at Wellman Motors on, all new Ramblers. Warranted quality; {used cars, You will be much you save on finance charges. say 728-7351 eo details. BROOKLIN -- THREE room heated| private bath and entrance.| riment _re- TWO - ROOM apartment, available now, '4 CHEVROLET |passenger, 327 automatic, power steer- OSHAWA TRANSMISSION SERVICE New convenient location 116 BOND ST. WEST We now have the facilities to do all general repairs. Guoranteed work. Call 576-2610 E Scotla Plan, bank finan-| zed at how 47 FIREBIRD 400, eight thousand + dl our speed, many extras $3295. Tele- hone 623-286: jonwagon, nine ing and brakes, chromed roof rack,! ONE and two-bedroom 2 Ap-|radio, white walls, wheel discs. Best 723 1712 ply 291 Marland Ave, Ape 103 or tele-jotfer. 725-9807 after 6 | phone 576-0668 ____|1958 CHEVROLET sedan delivery and | basement , apartment, 1956 Chrysler with new fires. Telephone TH Oshawa Rental private bath. Close to bus stop. Adults| 723-1848, ass only. Telephone 723-7819 after_six. 1965 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4door hard-| phone atte after 5 p.m. 668-4870. Agency eral Motors. Immediate possession. Tele- sag radio, low mileage. Telephone 728-| Superb apartment accommo- dation in all parts of Oshawa, 26A--Expo | 0 Accommoda' FOUR ROOM apartment near south Gen-|top, power steering, power brakes, white-| 11956 BUICK, also 1957 Volkswagen van.| beng running condition. Telephone 728-, 424, Stak now for large VALIANT [RESERVATIONS taken private some. Th os "GHEVROLET, Bel Air, 2-door hard- DEVELOPMENTS LTD. |Montreats "S10. 'per. couple, it » couples, $10. family of four, THREE-ROOM ground fioo' $15. twoltop, radio, 6 cylinder, automatic, above 3-1 average, $250 or best offer. After 4 p.m.| vent, | telephone 725-7582 725-9934 -- 728-4283 [refrigerator and stove, share bath. 15 '67 DODGE Dart GT, slant six, three |Fairbanks Street Telephone 725-3289. speed automatic, console, radio, bucket snow tires included. Make offer. | ONE upstairs apartment Telephone 668-3598. with private bath APARTMENT Telephone 723-6913 ONE BEDROOM ~ |27--Rooms for Rent SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND Sarna MaLY $100. FURNISHED ROOM ADULTS | Available in private home- 725-3302 | Coll between 5 ond 7 p.m. | 82 PARK RD. N. REGENT ARMS 728-8671 Two bedroom apartments. Quiet building, adults only. only. Telephone 728-8644. . two rooms, $25.; three rooms, $35. Tele- or 723-6455 after 6 9.m. | phone 668-5201, Hollywood Motel, Whi nt | ROOM TO RENT, weekly gr month LUSANNE VILLA Es begga f nod 323-6508 kitchen, a6 |LARGE furnished bedroo' i 330 GIBB STREET |home Close to north General 'Mot ors, Exciting prestige building. 'hospital and downtown. Available mow. Centrally located, electrically Oot Ge ere oom' (or room an ar lor two sen pcg Pinal -- jgentiemen or ladies. Telephone 723-1207. ~~ d borbeque |FURNISHED housekeeping room, _re- a as. frigerator and cloths closet, Very cen- tral. Suitable for business @ FOR RENT e@ Telephone 725-9559. Brock Street East Mon. to Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 6 {single gentleman. Telephone 725-0536, p.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m Athol Street East LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION [ROOMS FOR Fgh beg Sey ano weekly rates, wi ly, maid service, 23 Athol West 728-1070 Baaaoraet on premises. Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe North. Re, SHELDIAN MANSIONS |COMPLETELY furnished bedroom and 885 Oxford St. jkitchen with sink, cerian tar Hey al land television outlet. Suitable for gentle- @ Sublet large 2 and 3 bed- [rin *Apply 237 Athol Street East. 725. room suites with two bath- joao: | rooms @ Hi-fi @ Intercom, (TWO LARGE furnished rooms, private! elevators @ Free hydro and entrance, realy decorated, abies +, 1 marries Couple, or two poreing @ Outdoor swimming |iac avenue South or 7232 CALL 728-2502 Roo clean gentleman, Use 62 PONTIAC two door hardtop, six cyl-| inder, power steering, radio, new tires, excellent condition, $995. Telephone 728- 2428. | 1964 | PONTIAC | Laurentian : sedan, n, 26,000 ; miles, 6 cylinder automatic, power steer- ing, radio, etc., excellent condition. Tele- 18-1939. phone 72 MRS. WILLIAM BLIGDON The death occurred suddenly, 437 Centre Street, of Mrs, William The former Phyllis Louise Rose Hillier, the deceased was|Charlotte Clark, the deceased was born at Picton, Ont. A resi- dent of Oshawa since 1928, he was employed in the inspection ago. department at General Motors Predeceased in 1933 by her|prior to his retirement in 1952. the} A member of Kingsview United Church, Mr. Clark was a life member of Prince Ed- ward Lodge, AF and AM, Pic- GENERAL TRADES ONTARIO HOSPITAL SEALED TENDERS will born April 8, 1890, at Parkstone, Dorset, England and came to Canada and Oshawa 48 years husband, William Bligdon, deceased is survived by two sons, Erie and Roy, THURSDAY, OCT. 26, for the construction of the Laundry Building ot the On- -_ S Also surviving are two sisters, May and Beatrice, both of Tender Documents may be obtained from Room T704 (Tower), Department of Pub- ' The memorial service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 p.m., Sept. 19. Inter-|(Flossie) of Vancouver Island. ment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Canon F. G. Ongley, rector of St. George's Memorial Anglican Church, will conduct Parliament Buildings, Toronto 365-1079), or viewed at the Builders Exchange at Oshawo, Peterborough and the Toron- to Construction Association, Bid Depository procedure as specified shall be followed for PERCY PAUL CLARK East. ton. + Mrs. Thomas Howell. A_ $42,000.00 Bid Bond, « 100% Performance Bond and @ 50% Payment Bond will be required as speciied. HENESEY -- David Arnold, Suddenly at his late residence, Salle Avenue, David Arnold Henesey in his 59th year, beloved husband of Ger. trude Boyd and dear father MONEY ORDER, OR CER- |bert and Douglas all of Oshawa son of| TIFIED CHEQUE made pay- able to the Treasurer of On- tario, will be required per set of tender documents, i will be refunded if documents ore returned in good condi- day September 19 at 3:30 p.m. ment Mount Lawn Cemetery. In Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, September 15, 1967, F. Rex Hervieux,,Sara Fox, beloved husband of the late Mary Jane pts Wilkinson, and dear step-father of |. E. Leddy (Rita) of Saskatoon, Reto Wilkinson | at Belleville, Harry!was a building contractor prior land AM, Whitby and of St. An- | drew' s United Church. e closing date, otherwise The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . Gregory's Church on Tues- day, September 19 at 10:00 a.m. Bloor Street East, 723-2281. |TARGE, FURNISHED, front bedroom. 60 MERCURY, mechanically A-l, needs Very Central, car parking. Gentleman body w work. Telephone 723-0974 cada _.|1962 CORVAIR 700 sedan, automatic. 723-6944 |MoTEL accommodations, weekly,|Very good condition, Telephone 668-8693. jshared rooms, $10.; single rooms, $15.43 RAMBLER two door coach with automatic, Lic, 455733, Only $6 per week, Bill Whittick Motors Ltd., 668-5871. ef PONTIAC COACH also '57 ¢ dard, radio, A-1 condition, Any ar $575. Telephone 728- 6916. tion wagon, $650; and tady. only, /$100._ Telephone 728-6068. Be nae RALC? ALL USED PARTS, fires, wheels, radi-| I eaee Rd., wihhbwe MA eek bb te ators, spindles for trailers, springs. 50? sponsible for any debts contracted in |my name by anyone, on or after this \61 PONTIAC four door sedan, six cyl-\date, September 18, inder standard, Lic. 19068. $5.50 week, Bill Whittick Motors Ltd., 668-5871. r written consent. |Signed, Ed Goralczyk. Lloyd Vernon Landry aged 55 37--Auction Sales member of the Ajax Lions Club, hevro- Telephone 576-0846. |e Y CHEVROLET 327, automatic four- door sedan, perfect shape. Telephone Menten linet -- AUCTIONEER, 728-1005 | 191 CHEVROLET, six-cylinder hg Street Ajax, dear father of Carol ™ BOWMANVILLE AUCTION BARN Auction Every Saturday DOUG GOWER Resting a the Pusu €. Township (lust vei of Harwood Ave. fi MARACLE, Charles G. In Oshawa General. Hospital on Sunday, 38--Coming Events 1956 CADILLAC convertible, ninety-five | i 7 irl, close per cent restored. Illness ferme sale. Apt. Houses, Rooms, Room ini hewettal: call etier 3 oiclock" Ste.anea, Reasonable. Telephone 725-9297. and Board. Office Hours: MUST SELLI ' |COMFORTABLE ROOM for rent Bes door hardtop, excellent. condition Bag id ae: 728-6168 after 6 fi éommen « Cars for Sale ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 | be Ben tachi Telephone after 5, * | VOLVO anc and { PEUGOT _ FOUR ROOM upstairs apartment, Ap- FURNISHED WOUSEKEEFING Tom te MERCEDES BENZ Ke ply 287 Verdun Road. foom basement apartment with private|znpnisneD BEDROOMS, cooking facil. bathroom, rangete, "near "park vals|FURNISHED BEDROOMS, cooking facil- schoo!. jouple with child preferred. Telephone 725-2254. ph al ad Dhl lil ed TWO ROOMS for r rtially fur- CLOSE TO DUPLATE, modern untur-|nished, own entrance and bathroom. nished three-room apartment, main |Telephone 728-1522 ies, near south General Motors. Park- 5-78.24. floor. Private bath, and entrance plus|<iucr@--eURNISHED rooms central ia VOLKSWAGEN 1500, excellent cond- full basement. Telephone 725-8363. location. Telephone 668-2466 completely rebuilt engine, $825 BROCK STREET. Hf. three ref ebsites 725-1890. room apartment. Elderly couple pre. |LARGE housekeeping room, close mes Immediate possession. Telephone "Orth General Motors . and Pca aha --_--_|gentieman. Telephone 725-688) Fao ROGW a; apartment, furnished, _ pri- eee Ep are Vate entrance, Pi perking: central, Tele. TWO unfurnished rooms, upstairs. Apply phone 725-7915 jfor single man. fter 6:30 fe! lephone | CADILLAC AVENUE NORTH -- three-|723-6363. Generol Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd, South | Oshawa 728-0921 | H 1 Green (Mabie) of Deseronto. Resting at from Tuesday "evening at 7 p.m, Service in College Park Seventh-Day Adventist Sept. Church on Wednesday at 2 p.m. ment Mount Lawn Cemetery. WILSON, Harold D. (Harry Sf Gertrude's PARISH HALL 690 KING ST. E. * Mcintosh. Anderson 'Funeral Home, Every Monday Tuesday, September 9 at 2 p.m. int Uni Neu contribétions to the Heart Fund will be) Kindness beyond Price, yet 20 games--Jackpot-- within reach of all Share the Wealth Free Admission No Children under #2 VAUXHALL DELUXE four door Bi i dan. Lic. 31792H. $22 per month. parking. Suitable for quiet lady or Whittick "Motors Ltd. 668-5871 "64 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe coach with : white wall tires, Lic, 4839E. $10 weekly 1273 Pacific Avenue, 576-1861 anytime. __jaiiy Whittick Motors Ltd., 668-8871 SINGLE furnished bedroom in clean, quiet home, gentleman preferred. Apply 65 Elgin East. Telephone 725-6146 FURNISHED, central, 2!4-room _ base- ment apartment, semi-private entrance,| dry, well heated, modern refrigerator, " stove, antenna, parking. Home privil-/ FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, also light housekeeping room for one or two peer aE laentiemen. Telephone 723-4542 or apply to couple entrance' stove! 563 Ritson Road South wo rooms and kitchen. Tele. WHITBY. Large furnished room, hot eges. Telephone 576-0116 APARTMENT to phone 725-8946. water, central, Telephone 668-5996 THREE ROOMS and bath, second ficor|WORKING LADY ONLY -- turnished $3 CHEVROLET = ick, es Meshes, Yale private entrance, stove and refrigera-room with cooking facilities, in private condition, $140 tor, shal garage. Television hook-up. home. Five minutes to Oshawa Shop-' '59, CHEVROLET ir. Ideal for one. 725-3952 ping Centre. 728-8780 after 4 om. Telephone 576-1173 32--tTrucks for Sale ent, also 1962 CORVAIR handy van; 1963 _Inter- national pick-up; 1960 GMC 980 Dump; 1960 Chevrolet tandum dump; 1954 Mer- cury tractor. Telephone 725-2156. 1964 CHEVROLET Van delivery. Best offer. Telephone 728-3361 BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers DVIE COMMUNITY CENTRE FAMILY MONUMENTS TONIGHT 8 P.M. RED BARN EXTRA BUSES IN MEMORIAM eal for one. | & | THREE - ROOM self-contained unfur-|/ FURNISHED + room, double bed, |, ches. | chad Gutta, SUN CMe aio MIT rics en ta cer eS A atemipbiles - Wanted | modern, located Townline South. Suitable for couple. Apply 25 Division t preferred. 728-242 Str "ONE or two girls to share apartment|TWO single rooms to rent. Close ta cher, partly furnished. Telephone sputh General Motors, Telephone 723 between 7-9 p.m 9307 TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, third|BEDSITTING ROOM, nicely furnished » near North General Motors. Suit-'for refined gentleman with permanent for one or two. $16 weekly including |position, in decent home, near hespita hydro, water. 725-9385 and bus stop, $10 weekly. 2 0258. TWO-ROOM apartment, refrigerator and/ - -- stove. Centrally located, Suitable for re- |28--Room and Board tired person or couple. 723-3907 before 1 am, gesteys Pak m d re 10) FOR GENTLEMAN, home cooked meais, -- clenny quiet home, parking, close to bus. SIMCOE AND ELGIN, on ne-bedroom 9 ete 43 Garrard Road, by K-Mart. stove and frig, suitable for 55 ee noon couple, adults only. Day 723.9132, ae noo AND BOARD for gentleman, ning 725-5294 meals, lunches packed. Close to - nadir ye a stop, _ Parking. 728-4845. * CENTRALLY located in Bowmanville, ground floor, four-room apartment. Pri.|ROOM of room and board tk h, heavy wiring, tiled|men, near Shopping Centre. Telephone October 1. t 52. 3 Os Times ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman, ADELAIDE STREET WEST, twobed-\900d home cocking, lunches packed room apartment in an apartment build-|!48 Ritson Road South ing, retrigerator, stove, broadioom. One| ROOM AND BOARD for ore gentleman small child welcomed. Telephone 725-\in private home. Northeast area. 728- 57 0470. THREE-ROOM apariment, heat _and/ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, hydro included, suitable for couple. Tele-/cigse to south GM and bus stop. Tele- phone 725-9843 phone 728-7873 ONE-BEDROOM apariment in private/ROOM AND BOARD 'or gentlemen home, private bath, refrigerator, stove! television, Lunches packed. Sx days & nciuded. Available September 15. Tele-|week, Near north GM plant. Phone 725- phone 723-6483 atter 5 p.m 17755, TWO - BEDROOM apartments in new fe ste building, large balcony, electric. heating, '29----Wanted 'to Rent } free laundry, steam room. Telephone! is COS SESS AI ME | 725 or 728 TWO ROOMS, kitchen and living room (unfurnished), one adult. Write Box tur. 174445, Oshawa Times | nished, central adults or working eouple | r th indi Is. Ni hild: Ab-| | tine Si '30--Automobiles for Sale | | TALBOT COURT, 36 -- Three bedroom) \A7 A KI ED apartment, new building, can be seen) Rf am. to 6 6 p.m after 6 call 728-6824 | G K etch Rd od ocal FURNISHED, one bedroom apartment.) (700 Clean a1 cars for | hydro included, parking, Telephone 576; CaSh DREW j STREE | MORLEY STALKER |Siudan and Found BASEMENT apartment, three - piece bath, furnished or unfurnished, quiet, modern home. Suit two gentlemen or } Wasi lface and chest. jarea _Reward, Telephone 725-5462. working couple wanting child cared for during day. } 728-7288, 7288. THREE = large room' rooms s plus | kitchen, in| private home, ground floor, garage, tele-| vision tower, heavy duty wiring Bus} at door. Ritson South area. | ONE-BEDROOM apartment t- | plex, heated, refrigerator and cae and PAINT Available immediately,, $102.50 mon | Ne f Telephone 668-6980. A w and Used Cars $1X-ROOM three-bedroom apartment in new triplex, main floor, garage, close to Shopping eg $145 per month Telephone 725-3212 ONE-BEDROOM furnished or = untur-| nished apartment, new obuliding, Port | Whitby, free hydra and free parking 1 Telephone 284-6813, West Hill | Want-Ads Don"t UPPER TWO BEDROOM duplex, cen vi Ne taenem' nies | Cost-They Pay! #96h, 723-6322 | asy to Finan NICOL MOTORS' LTD. WHITBY -- 668-3331 WANTED: : Cars and | true charge ert Nichols SHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. C bought, parts for gale. iron and metals je. ought 9 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. WANTED, cars and trucks for wreck- ing No charge for towing. Best prices CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" 50¢ KINSMEN BINGO 2--$200--Nos, s dear husband, Stanley 0. Gates, Passed away five years ago: today. So many things have happened, Since you were called away, So many things to share with you, Had you been left to stay There's never a day that passes by, That our thoughts reach out for you Never a joy that comes our way $25 CONSOLATION See Saturday's Ad. Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723 4494 Res . 725- 5574 -- HOOPER for wreck- Dickson) rge for towing. Best prices safe arriva' Telechone 728-4549 anytime. Rob- awa General are pleased to announce the |} Mot dead is mother, but sleeping, In her Father's home above, Rewarded for her suffering Rewarded for her love. --Ever lovingly Hal ade sdted by husband" Hospital on Sunday Sept ember 17, 1967. A sister for Mark and ries Leanne. aid. Telephone 728-4549 anytime, Reb | Saturday, iNiam Bligdon, mother CENTRE | Roy, grandmother of Susan and Paul, lin Engiand, 7 at the Armstrong Funeral Business -- Repoirs, Adjust- jawa_with Funeral Service in the 'chapel ments, Exchanges. All Work [0n, Tuesday. ve Nicois. 34--Automobile "Repair 7 TOMATIC. gence, TRANSMISSION ouise Rose Hillier, 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 | Oshawa, Transmissions ore Our Only Guaronteed FRED STONE | CLARK, Percy Suddenly at his summer residence, Har- HT court Brooklin --- 86 Queen St. E. | Seetember 16, 1967. Percy Clark beloved Automotive Machine Shop husband of Mildred Ostander. St. E., Oshawa. Resting at the McIntosh- REBUILT ENGINES = |Angerson Funeral Home, 0s ice in the chapel on Monday, 'September Interment Cherry Valley OVERHAUL AND bg cacy Cemetery. ENGINE PARTS ------------- | CROSSMAN -- Charles, Entered into rest at Pontiac Saturday September 16th, nale cat, mainly white he crate ae hy ont. wis Oshawa SI Centre the late John a aral rossman, be- anh B okt husband of the ed petted a . erna, (Gla LORY Dark_bowr wae crang| 2° "Ud" Cian "at ba citizens ip papers and other importan' | papers. Call 725-0349, Mich. Deloved FOR ast ge RESULTS In TIMES dey, ACTION CLASSIFIED --[iunan™y Sars *earge Bennett "Cuenie) Miss ivah Fox la! Donald, all of Osh- ADS awa and Mrs. Bri New York City. _ Resting at the Mcin- 723-3492 band Anderson jesda' tx 20th at 10:30 a.m, Interment 'Mount Gemetery, What we would give if we could say Hello, Mother, in the same old way, To hear your voice, see your smile To sit with you and chat awhile So you, who have a mother Cherish her with care For you'll never know the heartache | Mrs. J. Till you see her vacant chair, --Sadly missed and lovingly remembere by son Donald and daughter-in-law Mari- BLIGDON Entered September 19th at 2 p.m Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. You often said we'd miss you, Those words have proved so true, We lost our best and dearest friend Dear Teddy when we lost you. So please, God, forgive a silent ti A fervent wish our brother BAe e But he was ours and we Ait him: 86.1 Interment will Please God take a me! brother in heaven above Tell him how much we miss him And git him all our love. a LOCKE'S FLORISTS Sanders (Evelyn) of 'Oshawa, Mr, floral arrangements for all pel and six great grandchildren. Foun. eral service was held, on Mronda' Interment in wna chanel OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE For Permanence and dignity MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous 'advice please THOMAS EDGAR FOX Rest)| |92nd year. jborn at Eldorado, Ont. A resi-| The death occurred suddenly, Sept, 16, at his cottage at Har- court Park, Haliburton, of Percy Bligdon. She was in her 78th'Paul Clark, 351 King Street A son of the late David and Mr, Clark is survived by his England and two grandchildren,| wife, the former Mildred Os- Susan and Paul Bligdon, of Osh-|trander, whom he married March 29, 1913. Also surviving are several nieces and nephews; a sister, Mrs. Stanley Thompson He was predeceased by two 'sis- ters, Mrs. Chester Longwell and The funeral service will be held at 1:30 p.m, Sept. 18, at the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home. Interment will be in Cherry Valley Cemetery, Prince Edward County. Rev. L. W. |Herbert, minister of Kingsview |United Church, will conduct the 152 ta-| Service. Following a sickness of five Henesey 4, Moore and brother of Lloyd weeks, the death occurred, Sept. ing at the Mcintosh Anderson Funerai|17, at the Oshawa General Hos- Home. Service in the Chapel on Tues-/pital, of Thomas Edgar Fox, 230|worked as a commercial travel- inter- Nipigon Street. He was in his/ler. In the early 1920's he pur- OBITUARIES was a graphic arts consultant and was recognized as an authority on the subject. He re- tired in 1957. He was a member of the College Park Seventh-day Adventist Church. he married in Oshawa in 1921 of Oshawa. Maracle (Sarah) of Oshawa and five grandchildren. Mr. Maracle will be at the Home for gerivice in College Park Seventh-day Adventist Church at 2 p.m., Sept. 20. Interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. The service will be conducted by Elder D. Michael, assisted by Elder J E Reynolds and Elder Albert Mil- ner. HAROLD D. (HARRY WILSON The death occurred, Sept. 16, at the Oshawa General Hospital of Harold D. (Harry) Wilson, 92 Connaught Street. Mr. Wilson had not been in good health for some years. A son of the late David and Harriet J .Wilson, the deceased was born in Whitby where he received his education. He had |been a resident of Oshawa for |42 years. | As a young man, Mr. Wilson jchased the Bailes Hardware A son of the late William and|store and operated it until he the deceased was/retired in 1964. Mr. Wilson was a member of |dent of Oshawa since 1918, he|Composite Lodge, No. 30, AF ing | tO his retirement 10 years ago. Mr. Fox was a charter mem-| Predeceased July 17, 1936, by ber of Northminster U nite d/his first wife, the former Eliza- |Church and served the church |beth Crammond, Mr. Wilson is Prayers| as an elder for many years. He} th Fi 1 Hi » Monday, 7:30 p. it fhe Funeral Howe , Saree Penaay was a. life member of the} Masonic Lodge at Madoc, Ont. | survived by his wife, the former Edith Briscoe, whom. he mar- jried June 26, 1944; a daughter, He is survived by his wife, the|Mrs. Bruce Bradley (Jean) and - Pickering General Hos-|former Helen G. Best, whom he/a son, Gordon, both of Oshawa. pital, on Saturday. September 16, 1967,/ married in 1904 at Eldorado; be. | three daughters, Mrs. C. "Brown (Sarah) of New York| Also surviving are two sisters, |Miss Alicia (Bird) Wilson and |Mrs. Edith Watt and a brother, City, Mrs. George C. Bennett Donald A. Wilson, all of Whitby. Lorette| (Jessie) and Miss Ivah H. seks and Howard peer of Toronto, "4 mo hoth of Oshawa and a son, on .| -|ald, of Oshawa. A keen horticulturalist, the He is survived by his wife, the former Edna Leach, whom and a son, Charles Ivan Maracle Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Earl Green (Mabel) of Deseronto and Mrs. Thomas McIntosh-Anderson Funeral PROUD PEACOCK By ALICE BROOKS Proudest wf birds caught in a rare moment of display -- true decorative treasure. | Exotic, elegant in_ brilliant turquoise, green, golden brown. Easy to embroider. Pat-| tern 7457: transfer 14x20 inches; color chart. THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (coins) for each pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, NAME, AD- DRESS, First time! Jumbo 1968 Needlecraft Catalog--hundreds of designs , six free patterns (includes designer sweaters) in- structions inside, Knit, crochet, embroider. 50c, Book No. 1 -- Deluxe Quilts -- 16 plete patterns. Send jdeceased made a specialty of The funeral service will be jgrowing roses. For some years on! |held at 10:30 a. m., Sept. 20, at Tuesday morning September 19th at_11\the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral . Inferment, Ersking Cemetery, n Home. Interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev. |Dr. H. A. Mellow, minister of Charles Gordon Northminster United Church, Maracle, In hi 68th year, beloved hus- band of Edna Leach and dear father of| Ivan, brother of Mrs. will conduct the service, D. ARNOLD HENESEY The death occurred suddenly, | 16, at his home, 152 La| "Salle Avenue, of D. Arnold |Henesey. He was in his 59th year. A son of Mrs. J .J. Moore (Harry) Wilson beloved husband of "eat and the late Fred Henesey, the Briscoe and loving father of Mrs. pe dadd (Jean) and Gordon Wilson "deceased was born at Consecon, {Ont., and received this educa- '2\tion there and at the Trenton inter-| High School. A resident of Oshawa since |1939, with the exception of four |years in Windsor, the deceased was employed by General| Motors. He was a member of Northminster United Church jand was active in Boy ise WE FUNERAL CHAPEL work. 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 He is survived by his wife, | jthe former Gertrude Boyd, ;whom he married at Chatham, Ont., in 1938; a daughter, Mrs. Russell Koopman (Carol) and three sons, David, Robert and| | Douglas, all-of Oshawa. Also surviving are _ his mother, who lives in Miami, Florida; and a brother, Lloyd, of Miami, Florida. The funeral service will be held at the McIntosh - Ander- son Funeral Home at 3.30 p.m., |Sept. 19, followed by interment in eg Lawn Cemetery. Rev. Dr. A. Mellow, minister of GATES -- In loving memory of my Northiniaster United Church, who will conduct the service. FRANCIS REGIS (REX) HERVIEUX his garden was judged the best lin the competitions held by the |Oshawa Horticultural Society. The funeral service will be held at the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home at 2 p.m., Sept. 19. Rev. J. F. G. Morris, min- ister of St. Andrew's United Church, will conduct the serv- ice. Interment will be in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Heart Fund would be appreciated. FUNERAL OF MRS. ELEANOR BLAIR The memorial service for Mrs. Eleanor Blair, 448 Loring Street, who died Sept. 14, was held at the Armstrong overs Home at 3 p.m., Sept. The service was Cidecled by Rev. G. W. C. Brett, minister of Knox Presbyterian Church. Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. The pallbearers were John | Blair, Joel Dahl, George D'AI- leva, Marshall Slessor, Robert Adams and Len Allan, MOHAWK RACEWAY SATURDAY, SEPT. 16 FIRST RACE -- Mile pace, purse $800 jclaiming | 2-Susi Do, Holmes 11,40 4.90 3.90 5-Amber Atom, Wellwood 6.50 6.00 1-Uniform DUR, Marchuk 10.50 Time 2:08 2 Also 'Sterted: Penny Chief, Singing Pence, Arn's Boy, Soap Stone and Leo's | Pride. | SECOND RACE -- Mile trot, purse $2,300. conditioned 3Potomac Lass, Gelsel 13.60 ard 3.00 4-Cadenza, Clements 3.30 3.10 S-Burgundy, L'Heureux 4.80 \Ti 2:05 The death occurred, Sept. 15, | Also Starts: Fars Grand Lady and Neve ; es our way at the Oshawa General Hospi-| at we wish you cou share 00, Caim and peaceful you are sleeping, jtal, of Francis Regis (Rex) Sweetest rest that follows pain, We who loved you gadly miss you But trust in God to meet again. remembered by wife |Hervieux of 597 Masson Street. |He was in-his 77th year. Born in August, 1890, at} Honey Dare: jpeg" _Dautie (2) and (3) Potomac Lass, aid 6. THIRD RACE -- Mile pace, purse |$1,000 conditioned 4-Flash Fire C., McFdn 4.00 3.30 2.70 00 "| Assomption, Quebec, the de-|8-Heather Bonn, Telfer ai | 3 $10 tt |3-Marshalt i LAVENDER -- In loving memory of a ceased was employed for some Tine 2; eH ahd i 308 2- de: Kathleen Eliza- years by Pedlar People Limited| also 'Started: Deep Run Blaze, Chas- te who passed away September 18, and for over 25 years, prior to a George, Vicky Adios and Eddie B. his retirement in 1956, worked Srsiches: Jan's Magic jin the stamping plant at ee | eral Motors. LAVENDER -- In loving memory of) was a life member of the | t| Knights of Columbus. Predeceased, Nov. 30, 1962, lg his wife, the former Mary Jane Carr Wilkinson, whom he married in 1920, Mr. Hervieux is survived by a stepdaughter, Saskatoon and three stepsons, |Arthur Wilkinson of Belleville, 'Harry Wilkinson of Easton, ae -- I toving memory of our Maryland and Joseph Wilkinson \dear brother and uncle, Edward Mi \(Teddy) who passed away September | 63. of Seaforth. Mr. Hervieux is at the Mc- |Intosh - Anderson Funeral |Home for Requiem High Mass lin St.. Gregory's Church at 10 _|2-m., Sept. 19. Monsignor Paul 'Dwyer ' will sing the mass. jory's Cemetery. | _|funeral home at 7.30 and 8 p.m today. CHARLES G. MARACLE In poor health for several Gibbs Street, died at the Osh- awa General Hospital, Sept. 17. He was in his 68th year. Louise Maracle, the deceased ------| was born July 4, 1900, at Deser- i onto, Ont. He came to Oshawa five years in Washington, D.C., had been a resident of the city ever since. Mr. Maracle was ordained as a clergyman of the Seventh-day visit the Park Office. 723-2633 E. Leddy (Rita) of be in St. Greg- | Prayers will be recited at the years, Charles G. Maracle, 330 A son of the late Charles and in 1912 and with the exception of Adventist Church in 1037. He| FOURTH RACE -- Mile pace, purse $1,000 conditioned A member of St. Gregory's| Beye Stop, air 40 '2 300 iper Boy, Varcoe f 5. {Roman Catholic Church, he)? \5-Smart. Wick, Larkin 3120 Time 2:05 Also Started: Tommy Direct, Armbro: | Hotshot, Myron Scto, Karen Sota and in Vicuna Girl, Gibson X112 Select Miss, No Boy 112 Rujvann, Bradfield X107 Whirling North, No Boy 112 Queen's Wild, Grubb X107 Eternal River, Hinojosa 120 Lake District, Kelly X115 The Bachelor Girl. FIFTH RACE -- Mile pace, me $5,205 'OHHA Sta! (First Divn 4-Robra Rosie, Fi in 8.50 190 2.30 5-Armbro Instant, McKinley 2.90 2.10 5-Armbro Instant, McKinley 2.90 2.10 2-Deo. Herbert, Herbert 2.30 Time 2:09 3- Also Started: Chilly Sauce, Pam Mac- Donald (DQ), Solid Mike, and North- wood Garwin DQ -- Pam MacDonald finished third, \was placed fifth, for interference. SIXTH RACE Mile pace, purse $5,205 "OHHA Stakes' Gace, ps) 7-Tanya Herbert, Herbt 2.30 2.30 2-Royal Highlander, Macdnid ie bid 5-Chico Herbert, Arthur Time 2: oe 25 Also Started: Dennis Grattan, Mr. Pickles, Poplar Duke and Armbro Im- pa Exactor, (7) and (2), paid $13.80 SEVENTH RACE -- Mile pace, purse $1,000 claiming 4-Joleene Tass, Lindgay 27.30 15.60 9.50 T-Union Scott, Davies 25.10 10.60 &-Marjean Chief, McFadden 4,60 Time 2:11 3-5 Also Started: ONF -- Hasty K., Mid- night Zone, Right Step, Babe Adios and Colonel Philip. RIGHTH RACE -- Mile pace, purse $1,800 conditioned 3-Joses Dominion, Hayesi3.50 11.00 7.60 |6Meadow Liner, Graham36.90 23.50 8.50 4-Gina Guinea, Norris 5.70 Time 2:05 1-5 Also Started: Azucar Moray, Raw Yan- kee, Merrie Dazzler, Lucky Sis and Mid- might A. Grattan doses Dominion and Meadow Liner fin- ished in @ Dead Heat for win. NINTH RACH -- Mile pace, purse $1,000 claiming 60c. Book No. 2 -- Museum Quilts -- patterns for 12 quilts. 60c. Book No. 3 -- Quilts for To- day's Living. New, exciting col- lection -- 15 complete pat- terns. 60c. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS | TO SIZE 50 By ANNE ADAMS SLENDERNESS in two parts --side-buttoned top, A-line skirt. Choose % sleeves if you'd like a suit look for now and autumn travels. Printed Pattern 4969; Wom- en's Sizes 36, 38, 40,-42, 44, 46, 48, 50. Size 36 requires 3% yards 45-inch fabric. FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins (no stamps, please) for each pattern. Ontario residents add 3c. sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto, Ont. FALL'S NEW FASHIONS -- see the best of the new styles for all sizes in our new Fall- Winter Pattern Catalog. Get one pattern free -- just clip coupon Book of Prize Afghans--Knit,|in Catalog. Hurry, send 50c, crochet 12 afghans. 60c. lright now. Time 118 3-5 Also Etonian Pe olla Turcotte 115 Alse Eligible: Go Go John, Harrison ns Berebe, Dittfach 120 |Machedash, No Boy Ad Golly Solly, Gordon Bell Anacica, No Boy W 40|Mona Marie, Leblanc 112 THIRD RACE -- Purse $1,800. Claim- ing (3000). Three-year-olds and up. 61 Jet | Also Eligible: WOODBINE RESULTS SATURDAY, SEPT. 16 FIRST RACE -- Purse sane claiming r ae and up, 6 Appl 18. "60 10.70 7.90 ; Blue scl Platts 8.60 6.70) 10-Saucy Question, Walsh 9.20 Time 112 3-5, Clear and Fast Also Ran in: Order: Glen Francis, King City, Hit The Line, Maytown, Roman Pride, Ships That Pass, Valley Queen, Alibinaut and King Jive. SECOND RACE -- gt $2,300 claim- 'urs Ran in Order: Dialogue, Land- win Gay Penn, Cape Crusader and Con- tessa Di Guerra The Daily Double, Apple (2) and HI Duke (8), pald $69.40 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,400, allow- ances 3 and 4 year olds, 7 furs 3-By The ugg sory. 9.00 5.10 4.30 7-Anns Gem, Gor 7.0 5. 12- told Pole Gritfo Time 1: Also aia ee Order: Song of Heather, Gay Andrew, Buena Notte, Mace, Wel- lington Square, Wind Star, Rodeo Pa- geant, Bella Roman and Ann B. Good | FOURTH RACE -- hs $2,800, allow- ances two year olds, 7 furs 4-Arctic Blizzard, Gomez 3.60 3.10 2.30 1-Rouletabill 7.3% 3.70 6-Son Costu 3.20 Time 125 Also Ran tn Order: Muzledick, Arctic Fable, Speedy Minstrel and Count '00 | Wyndham. The Exactor, Arctic Blizzard and Roule- tabille, paid $32.60 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,300, Gaim. ce two year olds 62 Furs 4-Rangy Realtor, Lebine 15.90 'e 4.40 8-Aye Aye, Grubb 3.78 5-Moody Marty, Platts i Time 120 2-5 Also Ran in Order: Dear Park, Spring Comet, Fantino, Centennial Year and Triumvir. SIXTH RACH -- Purse $10,000 added "Belle Mahone Stakes" Fillies and mares three year olds and up foaled in Cda 1% miles on stag ol _ course ing two year Grae eat d-lce Water, 20 2.90 2.60 8-Hi Duke, Dittf 5.90 3.60 2.90) 5-Speedy Lament, Berroby 6.30 4.10 Esteliar Wise, norton 4,50 3.30|)4-Cosmic Grey, Walsh 5.40 5-Won Ton, Barroby 3.80) Time 149 3-5, Course Firm Also Ran In Order: Hinemoa, Cusmax, Margabella and Fleur The Exattor, ice Water and Speedy La- ment, paid $27.20 SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $10,000 added 'Greenwood Stakes-Handicap" three year olds and up 1 1-16 miles 1A-Valam, Grubb 3.10 2.30 2.20 3-Native Victor, Armstrong 4.20 4 40/5-One Sunday, Leblanc 6.40) TI 144 ime Also Ran In Order: Grand Galop, Bye and Near, A-Johny's Form end Battling Late Scratch: Cambridge A -- Hillcrest Stable BIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,000, claim: ing three year olds and up, foaled in Cda, 11-16 miles 8-Piedall, Gibson 5.50 3.00 2.50 6-Fast Answer, Grubb 3.20 hy T-Now | yer: Stevenson Time 146 4-5 Also Ran in Order: Roman Tribune, her . |, Galanx, Valley Town and |Sabre wk, |AMtendence, 15,755, Total Handle, $924,- WOODBINE ENTRIES Me ie pe SEPT, 9 FAST CLEAR AND FIRST RACR -- Purse $1,800. Claim- $! Ie (3500). Maiden two-year-olds. 6% Madison Queen, No Bey 2 Dennison, McLeod XXX110 Prince Khorasan, Hinojosa 115 Sentence Suspended, No Boy | Bert's Wish, Green XXX 102 Gimpy Gal, Bradfield X107 Mike's Expregs, No Boy 115 The Welshman, Leblanc 120 70) Far Away Yai Four Ruth, Green XXX102 Pag s, Stevenson XXX110 igib' Sir Tinde, Ne "Boy us Grey Empress, Baze 112 Silvido, No Boy Mutuel Choice, Bell 115 Miss Disney, Gordon 117 Uldo, Gibson X115 SECOND RACE--Purse $1 egal cn: Brother Pat, Kelly ee Fauitless Peg, Harrison 112 Furs Shook 2nd, Barroby 123 Triple Alliance, Kelly X110 River Party, Baze 1 8 Mink Slippers, hela oor Etonian Star, Ceblai Mary Catharin, No ey 'Sc107 Bench Warrant, No Boy 116 Twilight Tango, Kelly X107 Speedy Redbird, Turcotte 111 Phil's Delight, Bradfield X115 Am pelea Leblanc 120 No Boy 116 Purly Sark, Fitzsimmons 117 Marshal! House, No gif 3 River Bully, Grubb Chic Tudor, Green XXXI07 Orchard, Leblanc 118 Aged Dust, Fitzsimmons 4-Royal Oaks, Woods 7.90 3.90 3.10 al etal Lad, Archdekin 13.90 ee ie SCORELESS DRAW LEEDS, England (AP)--Dy- namo Zagreb of Yugoslavia Wednesday night held Leeds United of England to a score- less draw and won the Euro- t "5 Also Started: Pass Port, seping 1, pean Inter Cities Fairs Soccer Chieftain, Tom's Trailer and Sue |Attendenes, 9,070, Handle, $311,978, 'y|Cup Trophy. on an aggregate of two goals to nil, FOURTH RACR -- Purse $2,200. Mald- en 3- and 4-year-old¢. 1 ane Miles Spice Road, Grubb X10! Spice Road, Grubb ioe Daring Bunty, No Boy 112 Burnt Offering, Kelly X104 Graniz Ado, Bradfield X112 Evil For Evil, he bers 117 Jive Mister, McLeod XXX10? Jurisdiction, Baty W2 Montesco, Werry (EXACTOR WAGERING) FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- ing (3000). 3- and 4-year-olds. 1% Miles on Marshall turf course Oliphant, No Boy 113 Broth of a Boy, Brownell X108 Those Who Wait, Baze 117 Bye Bye Fifi, Barroby 110 Bachelor of Arts, Hinojosa 116 Princess Leslie, Grubb X103 Your Lizanno, No Boy 110 Last Duchess, No Boy 108 Sunyou, Grubb X113 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,100. Claim- ing (5000). Two-year-olds foaled in Can- ada. 62 Furs Parade Ground, Leblanc 117 Highest Ruler, Gordon A-117 Count Crescent, Fitzsimmons 117 Coureur De Bois, Grubb X112 Swiss Movement, Thomas A-XXX112 Four Blues, Baze 117 Miss Tiger, Leblanc 116 Joss, Dittfach 119 A--C F Reinhart, and H Kazt entry SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2,600. Ale lowances, 3- and years olds. About 1 Mile on turf course Glenlyvar, Grubb X113 Gay Andrew, Kelly X110 Enlyn Sun, No Boy 108 Marron Glace, Fitzsimmons 103 Young Gerry, Armstrong 109 Black Ringo, Griffo 115 (EXACTOR WAGERING) EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- ing (3000). 3- and 4-year-olds. (Divn of 4th). 1% Miles on Marshall course Fabulin, Bradfield X108 Miss Marianne H., Simone XXX110 Silver Run, Werry 116 Maebest, McLeod XXX102 Tudor Liz, Brownell mae Bronselene, No Boy Royal Missy, Brownell x105 Jiveastar, Grubb 01 aoe tbs AAC X--7 tbs AAC XK tbs AAC POST TIME 2 PM NON-TITLE BOUT SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)-- Rocky MacDougall of Sydney and Canadian bantamweight champion Jackie Burke of Saint John will meet in an 11-round non-title bout in Fredericton Sept. 25. The winner wilt meet Canadian featherweight cham- pion Billy McGrandle of Edmonton, RESIG Unconfirmed the weekend f said that Abdel ser had resign dent of the Republic. The sy in Paris s neither confin the reports. (Al Do MDs L: Sex Know NEW YORK | Many doctors kr sex than their pa they are expectec on the subject, a eral practitioners day. Practising doct themselves bec schools have don sex education in Dr. Harold I. Li versity of Penn: chiatrie departme About 700 me .S. Academy of tice attended a ¢ jum on sexual Clinical Practice. Dr. Lief said doctors are re formed abou physiology and p nowledge abou ange of sexual in the minor ant UK. To Tug Cor LONDON (AP ates has agre ritish shipy worth $16,700 ' acean-going nava "\ invited bids on ~ minesweepers, th » istry said Saturd The announce mid rising anti- gs in Britain Bongressional bz veek on fore orders. Foreign Secr 'Healey had warn against renegin; under which pa cost in buying 5 can supersonic f would be o ffset chases of milite from Britain. Healey told U.5 retary Robert WV failure to fulfil could "undermi relationship _ bet and the United sought assur agreement stood. Liner's | Big Prol GLASGOW bookies are hav gamblers spec name of Cunard' lantic liner to be Wednesday. Sir Winston Britannia are th ily favored for t known as Q4--b Cunard's famous The Queen J} mid-Atlantic on ward crossing © was sold to the Beach, Calif., as tourist attraction The Queen Eli retired when tl goes into service Thousands of been wagered legal bookies 01 Q4, to be ann Queen when she ship. Sir Winston Britannia were | at odds of 3 Charles and Pri name and title eldest son--were Youths' Peace |] ABERDEEN, ters) -- Two y Vietnam peace | of the Queen Mo Sunday as she church with oth the Royal Fam Minister Wilson. One man amo. 3,000 outside the tear the banner cane and a wor with her hands intervened, The car carry: abeth and Prin their childre passed and by son's car arriv had disappeared The prime m wife spent -- the guests of the Qu al Castle, the residence near b