14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, September 18, 1967 20--Real Esta EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS' CU Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. REALT® 16 Simec 8--Articles' for Sale - |14--Business Opportunities |17---Female Help Wanted . BUYING OR SELLING furniture or -ap-| |GARAGE FOR RENT. Good business for F223. Call Elmer, 263-2294, 265-2695. jlicensed baa be) Lonpp ed ngl STOCK ROOM x Good [oct Pe lig el ad [Highway No. 2 Telephone 623-3921. "SHARBOT Free pick-up and delivery. 778-2204. PRIVATE. Three nigr living room, SUPERVISOR 1 @ Eight yea CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat- fod ore: veges fe: stone f tresses. half price, all. sizes, headboards, ™odelled, Insice | ane out. Sone 'near holtveeee kite 'one-third off. etd outlet. _--. Smail down psn or will} Electric component manufac. room with stip' f RU sip er marine ik. Eat Tat lee coun Ce Me |e ferred Jn "tox requires oured fixtures irums. i . ible man to su i i | untants responsib , pervise f din yard. Acco Building Trades ee Instruction es Sales and Service HPAWRITREC hee Ua wew.|15--Employment Wanted two employees in stock room pba geri Call WILLIAM €. HALL: B.Comm. Charler-|ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE.|EVENING CLASSES open at Oshawa Teer all makes. Free estimates. alt your and to do shipping and receiv- informati ed rn ab LD 36¥2_ King Street East, apg 4 evens queer Pg atin ae College, Tuesday, APPLIANCE Royal dealer, 728-3664 anytime. oe derean. git Hahwoy payee ing. Must have experience information, T 725-6539. » ft, all work guaran jor three|12. Tuesday and Thursda 4 ; e GORDON DAY, Ceriied Genera ae eae to bm 'choice of sublet tree ier: REPAIRS BUSHEL HAMPERS ond lds used once cae ee TOE For 'appointment call 942- FULL | sortie. 7259953. Shap chimneyar » eavesiouphing, tesiacs Are, Oe imhone' 1253378, 10. Simece| ExPert repairs to all mokes PIANO, upright, $75. in good condition. with or 'uitnout frock 'Rent. truck with : $15, ma eS =q_|masonry. Gord May, Whi a7, jsireet_N._ Ch ee of washers, dryers, ranges, Telephone 773-5370. . driver, 728-2882. CENTRALAB I! @ A nicely Complete bookkeeping tere, ve sim: ROOFING, hot tar aan SATURDAY MORNING junior typing| etc. 9--Market Basket sT pilot FOUR years legal CANAD. bedroom bung¢ coe Street N., 725-0397. repairs, large and small jo! 'and H.|classes. Open Saturday at Oshawa Busi- ALSO jarke'! aske experience, position in Oshawa, A LTD. ith hi bom Stent Nu 126-007. Rep. Ze Hy Rest College, September 16. Individual] © PARTS AVAILABLE @ full tte Write Bex 7 covered with he THOUSANDS read Times ha -- Rooting_and' Construction. Tet, (een ee or shines SL, ear law. sine: me, Write Box 74a Osh) Stes broadioom. A \ fied eds dally. EAVESTROUGHING, chimney flash- Meise It cae ALCAN RIOR ESET NCSD a ; JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered accoun-|/n0s. Free estimates. All work g ese se an ee ee | TABLE LABY ait mind children "ATTENTION: If 1 con find tario and the font, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Strect|'e0d. 720-4797, 0000 || - -- FURNITURE and APPLIANCE A Pp p | F S In her 'home, P ork Road and Gibb) on honest man with a car I'll fenced front or East, Telephone 723-4833. I CARPENTRY, recreation rooms,| Janitor Service 452 Simcoe S$. -- Oshawe | ea. Telephone : set him up in his own high lawn has a pi HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Charter-|C2" Ports, garages, stoops, block a -- CRT SORE ESE: # LOVING DAY CARE by widow for pre-| income sales and service busi- Call tonight fe cement work. 725-4891, Dorion Shanque. |ALL TYPES Telephone 723-0011 school children, years of _ experience : tno, i67-king Sree? East, Osha, On SAVESTROUGHING, . a sainnaten as, po ae Canaan ane N free pick-up 'and delivery, 576-1337. ' ness. This business repeats tion. fario, 725-3509; $. T. vorraw SP) : H. E./guaranteed work. d Murray Holliday. | dential, 728-9538. , OW Mclntosh FOR ALL YOUR an or office sdaceh ntter. year. No money re- BUILDIN Beadle, CA: E Lukow, CA. hone 725-9: Mo rt PP a ae RO NE rs Bring me your mowers, tillers, ING ner pe! + eee b gy Oy quired Sache Full wu Port Ww Ti lj YALE, PRIEDLANDER AND CO., Cher-|TERRANO P. sin busi.| Mortgages outboards, all makes, i x pee HOR, PLAIKS: ay to Friday, by reliable} time. @ Townlin ot oe ana Fogg Rigo ness. Guaranteed work, 1?c square foot. | GROIES ee cooled engines. Parts pd ' gr </MBS OF A iene rok one or ea ee Apply to Wesley Walmsley, Township of jigs 17 Bond St. East. 723-5841. Mortgage Loans service, Largest service in y LINDEN TREE mother works, in Baby, aceite 304 Golf St., Oshawa. Phone size lot 80' x BI inti Carpentry Oshawa $2 Per Bushel located, Telephone 576-3371. | 723-6296. <b quiet area on meprinties : -- First Mortgages: 74 BARRIE AVE. NG icianern TING 140 ' puTcH LADY would like housework on REAL ESTA Rn as Strictly residen BELL DRAFTING and Reproductions Quality Carpentry | First Mortgages arranged 728-279\ or 725-4633 K WAJID All SHAH [toy "area. Telephone" et sa tier 2 TE SALESMAN for, youl home Lid., 52% Simcoe Street North. 723-4661. GENERAL REPAIRS | - quickly, Current rate of 8%. |GUARANTEED REPAIR to ali wringer rar} |p.m Wanted for Blackstock Area, for more inforr Biveprinting and photostatic copies. heme Iroroverant Spsciolists | Open half-yearly without no- pepe au By Free estimates. DIVORCED 58 "OF HS | WIVES Xe A [ M | RELIAB WOMAN will give depend- Prefer selling experience, Ex- TRI-P Building Trades Serving Oshawa and District tice or bonus. First mortooges | 7 cuiia--ang -_______| ON THE SAME DAY BECAUSE Te |able day care to children in my home.| Perienced manager to help Sor M | arronged and purchased, [VACUUM and polisher repairs, all! PROPHET DECLARED THAT A BE |Fivedday week, transportation provided.| you. Join Canada's iargest 1V @ Modern 'or Many Years. Aagreements for Sale purchas- |Jack Lees: pick vi wena ete Ya BIR : Pesca ls It fi ver north wast al Honest and Dependable Service | es, pick up and delivery. 728- IRTHMARK IN THE SHAPE OF beach ae oa realtor, a firm with a proven REPAIRS | Phone 725-8576 . SVRUWRTTEN SERVICE = GLE Eas| THE DEM OFA Cn of tempera! | ORCHARDS Ltd. |--fene™ Wiel Wanted | soars sppeir Carpe tired" room: epertne eas : CE -- $4.95. Serv- [ATH OF A MONARCH . . Lee, F.R.I., Vice-President : br aye da ALTERATIONS or 623-3411 Second Mortgages: ice call includes cleaning, lubrication, | ARE SO CALLED | 1 ' ent, ek Salil Second mortgage: dat | new ribbon, ti *| ALL 8 WIVES WERE FOUND | i) epee HOME ADDITIONS, recreation rooms,| interest rate or 10% to12 °, City pickup and. ain ae HAVE SUH A BIETMOR BECAUSE THEY ARE | NEED EXTRA MONEY? H KEITH LTD. lent income ADDITIONS i Mae ere nnd general re) Open holf-vearly without no- Sanne Sorvi © Kn Pee Sree fn. 141. Wed sen re we? Gieeee THAN | Thickson Rd. N., Whitby Showing our beautiful line of a0 2 Toh new for Fill 6s ' eptic Service BEE : ronto 12, -32 to . tice or bonus. Second mort- . Christmas cards to friends, | TOWNLIN HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES Dressmaking gages also purchased. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, Prompt serv. i -----------$ ----_------- ae neighbo lati i , |JUNIOR EXECUTIVE TYPE. Perma Rec Rooms ond Kitchens GRESEMAKING? Gelenines atterntions,| ates for arranging mortgoges Ice on calls, Waller Ward, 204 Ghetini|4--Motorbikes |8--Articles for Sale {RICK "YOUR OWN Somatnets SORE - of the ple I pei oleh eave Mca id Ac BIE Pp Ld individu sles aes a Specialty {professionally don peeabable : are very moderate and ac- saat ee YAMAHA - SUZUKI -- Authorized dealer.| pis | onions, Stns Ns a eet ; of earni xt h., Yo | Threpivesr inition "sata fll Rl ad. gorape, flr Call Mrs, Neve at 668-8506 or 668-6550 cording to Tariff. Surveyors Repairs all makes. We will buy and sell.| Courtice, Go north to first corner dont read excanbnee tactics lnoniiver Caupehintion AW at orn room | fwated James Allen and Sons Will invite your comparison, ic FLIM, ONTARIO LAND "@ Roy, WhNabers 150 Williarn $1. 8, 728-9191. A L U M | N U M PEARS, Clapp's Favorite, $3. per bush-| our big, Humaeted cobelagun, benefits, Oshawa area resident *re large lot east c Bi . a jurveyor, is Se 4 | , " ferred, age 21-40, no ti iio 725-6126 covers, drapes. Mrs, MANNING F. SWARTZ __|iice. 47 Prince $1. es. 103 Eigin st. 5--Trailers @ SIDING a with ever 300 iterns shown in" (GSE? Ph, faut with Substantial in peteege gy OOFING, CHIMNEYS, all of ORESSMAKING alferations. Have your (Arranging Mortgages te. --_________|TRAILER HITCHES made and Installed. MaciNTOSH RED, $17: ull-color, helps you to get Bae der arene Y poner we 1K; Stoops sidewalks $s, e@tc.,) robe_revam) at ey reason- as over 30 yeors) thon tae Gaines Conerercial® a ele} all Deed of eine doe: | Portable @ AWNINGS as alg A, Le g, pasta, plenty of orders. Write today $e Cer, ecaine Thine, pealdccelial ey ea diac cOMPLETE WOME eae » _--SPYERATIONS AND "ALL TYPEE--of 26) 2 Kina Street East, prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. Pence ae ES @ WINDOWS North. Bring your own containers. for Christmas cards on ap- |AMBITIOUS YOUNG man with gradi : ver aut shawa, Ont ; 7. furnished two-bed- @ DOORS TOMATOES tor canning, $1.50 per| proval and free catalogue, | 12 education, to work in our. productior TENNYSON Ice In and ible and ing. Telephone 725-0865 or 207 Bloor Telephone 723-4697 Towin jroom, sleeps five, 10' by 35'. Excellent bushel. Bring own containe ick lan a t i reasonebie. wie Tato gy ches 725-| St. West. RN Ac tok fled cts tiv cs GAN ig Spee Lot 29. Telephone 668-6457 LES own. Don Linton, One mile east of Ree: at oa pig vs egy 22, Ai Pian eee we Pla 1 Mla VI @ This lot d i TOW! ! EEE SNe - lan. annon, Hamilton. Bathurst Containers, Whitby. 668-3371 idential CHOY eam oardening and Supplies | -- NEED MORTGAGE 2 tonsa (meena roe tae EVENISS ~ aarti =o aie AT th pie wer floors, sidewalks, Free estimates. 728- MONEY ? NAL TOWING FROM $2.50 [Phone 725-8687. i@ SALES LTD. Riese," Newton, mar oe EARN EXTRA Yheutre. Apply in' person' for nt serviced. Please For your convenience HOUSETRAILER for rent, parking f * lof the village. jice er particulars, sinters bai BS lot cal GARDEN | Choose your repayment plan. maintain @ tow iach at East ite n sre0r8 north ot "Newcastle, |__> Prince St. 725-4632 _ 9A--Eoas & Poult: Show ane line of [tanto sta wee Telephone "7 THORNTO! | : elephone 8S. e -- 'ou $s Tines' ine oO Bags, marvatiegy rege, revelean Fhe 7] tig MSs PE ane Och ran 164 CITATION, 181' long, wall-to-wall T.V. TOWER -- sar "oat PRES! Toy = Christmas cards, Wraps, No-- (sates AGENT required Vil @ Located | | A i 24.13 shawa lowing carpet, furnace, hot and cold water, HOLIDAY SPECIAL White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. velties, etc. Over 300 items. Pen Company. inne Peal cgi n 200 fi OA LASSIFIED RATES 3500. 7078 «4223 PHONE 728-711 [Bee igtlaty tetera oH Bo' 146 Inch h Plad ony dlverea af tere or fem,| FO fee acute Oe REE ee an a tinetive ond el k = | p , ' | a euse nx -- sapien inctive an [ WORD Pes SUPER FINE GRASS MIX A t Lower Pi 3 |TV--Radio Repairs i Ab lA ln Tructite with double Bat 10--Farmer's Column pied te ge Hig ose fr imentees Reever Cuneuat tien living room 16 aey "insertion of 24 words, 1.20; NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX Louie High Rete of te [pletely minted yl D6A, Glendale, com. fm} all-channel antenna com- [DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock vice, Jeandron Greetina Card | Ping _Centre. : ' stone fireplace. saditional words, Se 3 conmecu| PARKLAWN GRASS MIX er High Rote of Interest. TV SERVICE excellent condition. Lot 24, 668-404, | pletely installed, $70. picked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm,| Co., Ltd., 1253 King St. E., |NEED MEN, with business experienc ished dining roc thee Weert at 24 words, : Ai cot SUBURBAN GRASS MIX Coll: | Tyrone. Telephone collect Hampton 263-! Hamilton, Ont. to take over a Watkins Products brancl barbecue. Thr Se ee ot ha Words: 8:76; eddie TIMOTHY and ALSIKE COLOR 5A--Camping TRIO. TELEVISION, 728-5143 |2721. Licence 101-C-67. st office. Guaranteed salary and commis bed th tiene! words 24¢ each. MEDION. BLUEGRASS Scien bleed decd id at or RUTHERFORD'S gag i tC ord PART TIME _ |frinee bene "a titesime opportn with 4 plece | aled. Also approximately 2,500 bushel: id me | opportur x Honk bald within' 8 days "rab ea as cas poesia shea gg cg lg . |SEASON-END CLEARANCE Eee sroups, Living Room, |e oats. Telephone 655-4693. sie SHORT ORDER COOK ity if you Apply Box. M74 suit. There o és " . E CALL i edroom, Dining Room. $399, ry ae? fu iving areas w Wetnd of Cuming -- then 24] 'GOLEGREEN 12.6.6 on ALL Trailers, Tents | $i9p,"s599 S055; 'easy |T1----Pets and Livestock | ings" week, Apply AD sae Taseile alass sliding de trite, Fig pure of abbreviation counts a8 SVeRTEEN WES KILLER eLIBAte T R | @) a ice ive ig sion Immediate delivery or Gg salateg late oes SERVICE--Clip- MR CAMPBELL Help Wanted eg ea one veda phone number counts mF od jayaway. , s, les our specialty. . ' 3 ree ing and unusua werd C.LL, TURF 10-6-4 Borrow Pay Mthly. TELEVISION Trailer Rentals Still Available RUTHERFORD'S en eat at Petts ens Cor| 4 CENOSHA HOTEL Eeperlacicad Baal Eaton Soles: night to inspect BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- SO-GREEN 7-7-7 $1,600 .cscuca.. $2298 FOR CLEANER, SHARPER For August end: September 156 Si 5 man Shepherd pupples for sale, Dachurst| NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE man or Sales Lady urnently ee NOTICES aca MILGORANITE $2,500 . . $34.23 TV RecehTion ep imcoe St. South Kennels, 655-3881. xP Se - required for small established CENTRAL L jonal charge if not pold within & days. BONEMEAL. $4,000 .. $50.97 Your Ow | KAMPING CITY TV televisions, radios, PoopLs CLIPPING and shampooing,| Texas Steak, 15 Bond St. East, Tele: office. Good commision or- Vill @ 3 bedr = Fairies PEAT MOSS Mortgage examples based on ¥ iN | service and repairs, Service \\aner jonably priced. Also av service, |Phone 723-0481 after 2 pm. =|. Fangement plus incentive golow with far $2.50 for the first 25 words ond 6c POTTING SOIL 15 year term. TAs TOWER dept. open 7 days a week. cf Telephone 668-6977, maTU URE and reliable. woman to hep) BONUS. All replies confidential. paved drive, d toch thereafter plus 13¢ per line of PET SUPPLIES Interest 1 - 11% % per month UNLIMITED Also T.V. towers, color and |monthe cits. house' browns male, two care for two children, light housekeeping Call Jack Osborne 576-1200; age. Clean bh wna 8 seasonal charge Wf not Paid) Everything for the garden pl ay ei ot 728-5143 Rental -- Sales -- Storage | black and white T.V. Anten- [phone Oita, house fralned, $10. Tele. |Etlen Hoary, omy weed salary. Tele) eve. 728-5836. school and_s! lepending on amount borrow- nas, rotors install THREE MARES -- Dappled chestnut MATURE LADY WANES TIS eke fi i anges TeON Ee as sions anus Fe . ed. Interest calculated on the Corner Bond ond Division TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH end Service Papi Tice Sietlenis, wih" papers: "Seven. three [charge ot oiherican Mee' the ino R. MA RTIN Pipes ag Th pach thereafter with 25¢ additional ooper- mit reducing balance. Properties (1 mile north of King St. East) 248 Quebec St. Call 725- and one, years. of age. Bridle and new|ovt. Abstainer. Telephone 726-7018. REAL ESTATE LTD. pla ol paid within 8 days. sive be within a city or town T V TOWERS 728-9942 0500. All work guaranteed. ri ; na raid dono aj Bares: neon IED, FAL a 172 KING STREET E. "WESTMOUN . imits, roti eerie OAR MANGN: REL FIN 4 sha Hotel. if octal ist) fc IX @ 4 bed §2. 38 r 'inch Teaiehe\s $2.00 for the Ve - 4 inch, Findlay. Tele- |! $25 up. Delivered. Tele-/osha | ------ Y OR GIRL for morning | i ro 6) rat 20, w wor is end 6¢ each thereafter 16 CELINA ST. Osh CA a aaa "BUILT IN OSHAWA" $--Marine Equipment pare ieee a ghane_ VK bs EEPER to care tor three chil- Chueh tags ricco sie the Ploce. for a fo shawa Shopping Centre AT O jy most all sizes, B, F. ING SERVICE again|2ren, two school age. Light household 3974 between 5.30 and wecheme 7 Large lot, close AUCTION SA 723-2312 723-1139 728-1691 UR OWN PLANT CHRIS CRAFT _ [Geodrich, 88 King Street West, 725-4543, available, all breeds. Telephone 728-9609. | duties. Liveine 'own lovely, private room. apiween 5.99 and 8.90 pm Gartra' bhai BYSt'Pok INCH PER INSERTION. DELIVERY SERVICE We give you a better tower SALES and SERVICE VACUUM REPAIRS, all_makes, hoses, |POODLE CLIPPING speciallst. | St ud OUTER pe [el bl lp AC SE BC ool, finished MORTGAGE LOANS for | MeV. - f brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. Service and toy pupples for ) five-day week, |territ sor men, to take over Fulle ostd DEADLINES We hove immediate funds to ee Cra Ay ----. sail Lapin Cee Vacuum Service, Main Street,|dllu_ Kennels, Townline Rd. N. 723- Pye three children, 'a aa five. 625. per pela Whitby and Bowmanville Tele or sit coc 0G | restliner, Peterborough ai [2-) ry ; 'sons only need eran or ,000.0 YOR Ae PREVIOUS TOP SOIL -- MANURE loan as Ist and second mort- 0 H Noche "nunsbeunse. Evins ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Saiea. Service ra Wie Poe ee i le cuer-|2 biel Box 3, Colborne, PIANO player for dance bend wantec gages, Free advice arrange- rude outboard motors. Recelre, gree Centre, 204, Bond Street|ter horse. Pony. Pinto. Western saddies,|@00D HAIR STYLIST wanted, Apply id ie a) Konkle, eare of Musi¢ FULL PRICE. yen DAY OF PUBLICATION No, 1 processed top soil. ments may be mode in your Oshawa Yachthaven --___ leuulorients clothing. Aanbira, aire, TEER, saat ee merase leool | waalalod X @ Conffortal No. 1 processed and blend- | own home. A. ROSEN member SUPPLY. LTD. Toa BIBS " wox 5 SPRINGS and two matirenses | BRITTANY, SPANIEL "pups." for iad ARE SOSA EN Eee AN aggieslltie a Bs A OF PUBLICATION vie with sas peel for top Ko biel Broks. Assoc. TAUNTON RD. E : STOVE TNENEE» Teleh nro aad CRG reaieteren: Serres Recon' s betty Gawain 2 )--Real Estate for 'Sale street with me ressing. Well rotted cattle evenings and week- : Ned "STARCRAFT" GREW Traveller boats. well kept. Price -- Openiny " ; : canteen ene manure Prompt delvery. |e 728-5625. Jost Eat of Riven) (Eun a a a aapnaae ee ls. Regt rane teom and din " ane ly 0 ui WARDROBE for - . wean MATUR room an in @ p.m, DAY PREVIOUS ABLE MATUR : Actes SRL AY 655-3331 [NEED CASH fo « conserdate your bilis,| 723-8131 723-8132 -- ge aagumabiea Wek sie Se cre Twekant, mult, ones one: SHETLAND SHEEP | DOGS ministure|keeping, duties Mun be Wiking te pan o porch on the re 1 column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col- |We feature second mortgages of 12 per! : trade-in allowances, cr cash paid. | 90 900d condition. 23-5636, bg Al PU Red Ca Well Rept bee ins aret 18's aaybravsen| © OSHAWA GARDEN ittival"tine"iaeni"urasi ay] TELEVISION <~ RADIO. /SVSGH gAll*Gute, ta kt Duta Yan tei ats Sheth fun tenes ha sein be gle " ry st, ishawa, +5565. +I tion, i CANCELLATIONS AND ave. Se el ak Her toy ee a wa RAN SETTER i sa agosto p,m wring So haws| REAL ESTATE LTD. vou wil be oo 5 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION ier AND 2ND mortgages avaliable. We 19-FOOT CABIN CRUISER, 60 HP Gale|TYPEWRITERS, $49. No money down,|" OTT ontate aer Bagr ea ge cag eR 40 King Street East a Any advertisement cancelled before servi sell_and arrange. For personal HOLMES outboard motor, $750, Telephone 263-2997.|$2, weekly. Medien caanton oes een 3 oes yoy A N-abe publication will be charged one day's); MERION-KENTUCKY S [eric eee broker, phone 728-9191. FIBREGLAS BOAT, 15-t. convertible|entals» service, | trades, Bill "Hemilten;|WILL. BOARD HORSES. Box and d oe $2,000. DOWN a eat insertion. BLUE GRASS ND SECOND mortgages, sale top and trailer, After 6 p.m., telephone| ®29!@n, 7160. ing stalls, $30, and $25. Best of ¢ i / etl a BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 All- fe pA gel ent Phd alerted Hennick ELECTRONICS 723-7841. MODEL 88 Winchesier rifle, complete ae idl aap whiten dean got finished rooms | While every endeavor will be made to reen Nursery \East. 723-7232. ¢ gli ------|with sling, extra site" and "case." New|FREE TO HOME, preferably in the 4 fed idear aah gh cae Vendor is anxic Greer replies to box aoe to the Sod Growers | ee TV RENTALS 7--Swap a and 'Barter condition, $125. Telephone 725-1895. Fell sight yoo part Collle and ated off Simcoe St. N. close move Carries vertisers os soon as possible, we ac- aaa a Sig aren canes monepecnreceenser | tall lor dog. payed, i) . Ser neice eaecte mst] Vaators Weone | Feiting_and Decorating TOWERS |!et ota boat ang lor goat, ra ota, ce, Be vogue sUBGIES 2 atte ete, Vendor. will held. mort menthly princi ja alleged to arise through either OR RECENT Page: _ Z ges : i f follure or delay in forwarding gush re- Phar otiat by ~-- TOWNLINE N. pier dy acheter paper hanging, interior PHONE 668-5679 fibreglas boat, anytime. condition. Must ae before August 29. youne sUceies =a iimifea non number. D sheet presser. Apply) 999¢ with easy payments, top en a sumatel pote jowever, coused_ wi thar | y eel Y2 Mi. North Taunton Village pret. ty Sls saaatimates and - ~~ + vy Ramaie" ene BATH AND | een i 87.4 fol REFRIGERATOR - - FREEZER, rge,| BOARDING STABLE for horses in Whil- Martinizing, Whitby. Tele- value, ras possession. a 6 de responsible for replies uncalled for it Ni | sump pumps, kitch d it itz (Suitable for large family or small store, by. Telephone 839-1348. goer per jone today. in 20 doys. J KAMSTRA {Painting GW fle the, Weerhar nin NEW_ SETS made to order ead Inatalibdy pion te automatic washer and dryer, nearly|BLACK MALE PUP, two months, ter- pa Alara fo ter small ot oitice, $2,000 REGULATIONS : mates. F. Schmidt, 725-9572. ALCAN Tite, FARR AIEEE, HSNO re: SON new. Telephone 722-6113 days or 7258902irier and poodle, wonderful Pet, $35,|!0 learn. Applicetions treated winrar MUST BE SOLD xi @ Spaetou complete HANDYMAN PAINTING, decorati pda Nl dnd eet EEE ve 725-9898 or 728-8858. confidence, For interview call 668-8854. Owner has been transferred ae THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE | se F j VACUUMS, used, GE, Electrolux, Sing- seven rom brick RESPONSIBLE siterip venus LANDSCAPING workmen, 1a Brock Sireet East ar vas-| APPLIANCES ee a a pica Reasonable. Apply|ois, field champion stock. Telephone 724-|18---Male Help Wanted gy Wi aes ei ae is extra. large, an 2938. : | Prince Sires, ttn, of town. Will give immediate 5 THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE GARDEN SERVICE | Lacie | 452 SIMCOE SOUTH THREE-PIECE bedroom suite, 1 [oo possession of 3 bedrooi paved. An ide THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD- |Plumbi . | NOW TOC aUCn end eso tulle, living BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready Pere) large family VERTISEMENT NOR BE |Plumbing and Heatin 723- nd coffee table, baby's!for training, talking strain. Apply P. N home with attached garage , pcr canes or A,gimaut | __728-B267 , ae six SERvee Bays. Saaarine e sree Tom nlc, YT ee sr gees pint gg stare) CPS AEE ; : , FREE to good hi ; ; Choi th end locati sonable. Ca 18-FOOT aluminum ledd log jome, one-year-old Ger-| To assist m MOISE: ROL en ocation. A : Fonlty "cavertiong ccording fo" is ued STOCK S D pict : aver as : COLOR TV | for FASTER SERVICE |#toot wood "carrier "trait." Telephone|thene Vsmniy, ey Neu eines: Tele bronch of "coast to, coset | Listed st $19,900. and open night. Full pric " ; ED FIELD rock St, Nort and Radio Servi saad -- us i izati i to offers. proper classification, adio Service chain organization, Experi- COMMERCIAL : WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |HOUSEHOLD di i 2--Arti I al In the cases of disploy odvertisements} Excellent Quality, Low Prices. WHITBY -- 668-6601 SPECIALIZING IN Ch D ee charge if enough valve To cover Trucking, | 1 . Articles Wanted ence unnecessary, in educo- EAST END XII! @ Downte for more space than that. which the ev npleaiaeialag D EUROPEAN RADIOS AND Oe ponte We core | vuBh SEWING MACHINE, preferab Tinge oe ioe iclineraye | 3. bedroom bungalow with pe oben ey than which the irect to you, plumbi i mouth, Pontiac. We correct | STUDENT TYPEWRITERS -- nearly new and in top condition, 725-| to converse intelli : ES OM WY actual (for: Occup ies, The publishers Visitors. Welcome. plies. Evenihin i. gee TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS wheelalignment, inspect and |50 to choose from, Peoria | os DMS rein Applicants tt t mad large --_broadioomed _ living A sg ilo paceaver fe reproduch al adver ig eat tes ibe Ss wheelalignment, inspect and | ,teq 'ane year, St Upr'snie and Serv |O00B_USED FURNITURE wanied ac] 1" Aged 18-26 room and master bedroom aan ee Baty lent Iam lnoeanolies ke 725-9674 sere ine. » off all |__!3 Bo : 76-1670 Ghat ses ek ae MeLinton's' Office Equipment, 728-|Highest prices, Call anytime, MacNell's 2 Neat Hh zh: Nicely. landscaped wide lot. Particulars call i tA SR ENE Nes, he 664, urniture, 668-6526. . pearance ; : 3 : any gg lyigrnets ogy NURSERY AND FIELD S007 Free eal a am nee SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 correct condition .... $7.95 [TWO MATCHING divans, brown vinyl 1 al 3. Able to start immediat- Ye sonra a little differ- OPPORTUNIT mates. iver: Y é ---- .m, oe ; TIMES ACTION WANT AD a eee eamRDAY 9:c'm: tee pin Fast T.V. Service @ Parts extra if required covering, seats shi, like new. Brooklin 3--Articles for Rent ely. for $118. months, welading XIV @ Junior Cat cewiteg ect RO PR clay uti Hs|__CLOSED WEDNESDAY DOMINION _ | ® Zertion ber ediustment [EY Tea Sect af, S™ au Tablen, Chai, Linens, Dish SHLARY: ray Ged, "hn A in " " '" - 3- 5 k ' extra. : He ar saw work and culling frees. 260 211 or ALL pee AND HEATING | 1p TELEVISION ane en es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee $] 10 weekly LAST YEAR'S PRICE Hi at lis, GENERAL LANDSCAPING and home| St@rk Ltd. "Plumbing, Heating and En-| BRAKE SPECIAL Some nearly new. 263 tLe Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal with 61% % _ NHA mortgage bse ual las INDEX TO |maintenance, gardens plowed or, roto gineering, 255 Simcoe Street South 728-5154 9am. to9 pm. Mest popular cor: First outh, Wear, Men's Formals, White For interview call HN Sealioble. op: a) lined WAREHC |tilled, $ $0 or seeded. 655-3054/ALL_ TYPES nd rer sso el eg i " ber of CLASSIFICATIONS jor ee et 5 repairs and remodelling, Tv TOWERS | SPECIAL -- -- 4-foot tower| Quolity Rovaline, 4 wheels, STOVE, 07; {200d condition, $35. Also Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. 725-254] Gor hae aceeua. wan XV @ Two ste 1mWomen's Column CEDAR HEDGING, shade trees Tate |Fates. Esimaten free sins de Foley. a6 ture, all-channe! antenna installed, $14 88 spring and mattress, In good "condition. SARGEANT'S RENTALS ed, ready to move into, Pric ing located on I~Persona sssoduad mes ------.--------|ton Road East, n ' - f c : . erie cai Fu Rug - Upholstery | Sarvice n Road East, just east of Ritson Road. Phin S200 car tani PICNIC TABLE aly size, $18 each, 463 Ritson Rd. S., 725-3338 9-noon s wa $22,600. -- trade eG Wig 4--Motorcycles isiacomeateneaes a * 15-foot 1963 1 r iccepted, by . Strollers emt RE-UPHOLSTERING 2--Personel (labor cost) eke ace « Manuee Ith WRI Gee tee a te) «REAL ESTATE storage or "am Pam Stews HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME| ¢ wide selection of F ELECTROLYSIS | wijeeL BALANCE SPECIAL! suananrae fener ne en oe (eee HOM? Pah Ay i select ibri 'D, USI t : ' ruc! i sonar Sec" IN SPARE TIME -- | © Workmanship 'Guoronteed 723-464) iunton eeriurser, See i og WMERL. chains vossial oa wak| OALESMAN aff Pork Rood North, ast be in font of bx 10--Farmer's Column (five full pu ) Marenias Removal of superfluous hoir Including weights per wheel, op Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452/ers, reducing machines, sick roo off Park Road North, must be a ete }i--Pets and Livestoce Prepares you to write examin- © bay bode " Marie Murduff will be in e6ch ose ee $1.95. | siice South aT piles. "Ald Rentals, 108 'Beatrice 725-16| Wanted for Oshawa office. sold: Immediately, paved rive, GUIDE Ff W--Articies Wanted ction fo "vecsiva Oniturio E y budget Terms--Free Oikéwo 'Sent. 95. 26 end WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used|MALL FOR RENT for bingo. Capacity! Inquiries t: 4 : attached garage and a self fe gy Bc Disloma' Grades' S12. ime stimates Dy Sie Gannive ined SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, Civ Techs est store have. The|350 people. For information telephone quirl reated confident- contained basement apart- LIMI oa Wane prove your education ot your THE FURNITURE CENTRE. on these dates for appoint- FRONT-END. WORK at Shy Tepes Eee Sear: Sree |e ee lally. Call W. Baldwin, ma- ment presently rented, Cus- jents ' WRITE ---- A . i Son ik ion os oe |e COMPARABLE PRICES PTE chatty eee ee Phorum | and home end prounds hove 16 Simcoe ale Help Wan u Ss an Stu . -- nt anes | SOREN ear "f . ; add- - 4 hot Gaus For ee guides. Write today for FREE PROFESSIONAL Eset ee UNIROYAL SUAMANYSWD, GANS" oomer washers Spare Time W FRANK oe (723-5 : ® Fo ; "ge indsay, 324-4986 collect. i , USED wringer washers, ° ition, 20a--Summer Properties brochure to: RUG CLEANING Hah viet Ga my ' 3 LONESOME? We | a igerator, etc., $34.50 and 7 pi hood e , i : 2)--Farms for Sale igh gt dea Onion a ee begs tm, ie Coa Rich rao yp. Alcan Furniture. and Appliances, 452 Money Maker REAL. ESTATE LTD OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE 23--Real Estate Want ' rvice, Box 14, Osh e lew Por ° eee le H be--Stores Offices oy PE Name Free Pick-Up and Delivery |STUDENT requi eat DOMINION TIRE STORES BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture] Own ond operate o profit: 506 Si Dial 728-4678 FRES 25--H for Rent Add: equires ride to Scarboro and appliances, One location only. prety able route of cigarette ma- imcoe St., Oshawa ce ae Abarinnets ae aust i eee Angus-Graydon ceareonis) ee for a Cinstts starting 17 Park Road South Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. chines or other equijpment, 728-7585 povighee Driscoll 725-8585 i sy phone after S r , - z Bee E KPO. ALCOTONOGANOR AUDREY INSON MPSE teac 728-6254 P.m. 725-3204, oe Phone 725-6511 FREE! Furnace cleaned, ciate i located especially for you. No Fra oo 725-919.) Se ne seare of dramatic art, elocution and pi mae! UNIVERSITY STUDENT wishes rid Suanentoed _ toubie tree. Wicter tf vow selling. Four to six hours. fens Geemtulter 72800616 p--Wented to Rent speaking. Appointments made by Galing |CHESTERFIELDS Teupholstered anal University of Toronto or general So ee ee eee ee en seakty. Castel' investnent PLUMBING Eldon Kerr 723-9178 30--Automobiles for Sale ss, a EES styled. Free estimate, See our mate-|Srcving between & and 10 am. Tele] SUMMERTIME SPECIALS |eurnivore tives room ar new| not essential but good credi d Mark Tomina 723-1206 MT 31--Compact Cars for Sale Pian: Classical and popular, isan ae coven Slip covers made|Dwone_s760101 at furniture. Pay only Sie monthly, Barons! references nece: on hg 'he Moy: Yep 725-2217 r -- ' Sorc inte Fe gine coc Panien Tuce Sect ans ners: ° Core 3--Sporteman's Column | Wilson's F Home Purihingn Sine' tut soxcgsrss™ | HEATING MAN | wy MBELOPSE « READ ANC [76 See Sree Capews. Ciel} | jcc te GNPING LICE M, st exclus' 34--Automobile Repalr |BALLET, BATON Twirling, ~ Register RE" UPHOLSTERY by experts. Esinb:| HUNTING [LICENCES -- New and used isons Furn. IF IT'S FOR SALE Gakows Times Stuedy orks sven poly xclusive and M.L.S. ap a 47 p.m. daily, Harvey Dance Academy, |jsned 20 years. Workmanship guaran-ltion ang hy 1 201d, and traded. Ammuni-! Smooth top mattresses 29-95 : 37--Auctions Oshawa Shopping Centre. 725-6122 ee Ne tunis ia hy 4 (16 Bond st. age valley Oar 2-pc. chesterfield suite 109.95 AN ACTION wor llth ad etheg ee ay ene GOULD HEATING TIMES ACTION Bey Pe ae ure re-finishes a ~pc. e 5 stockroom, in mi 38--Coming Events RENT THAT VACANCY frrovan 1 Rent Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue.|NEED HELP in a hurry? Place a Help| 37PC. bedroom suites 99.50 CLASSIFIED AD Deion? of lw trot, eos Gooey | 987-4223 CLASSIFIED AD 722-409 tedey for acon! it, Wanted ad now by disling 1255008 20 CHURCH STREET WILL SELL IT! Wan" ter hse B88' asson™ LApply Me catalan eoeake ake BRING RESULTS! oe ne AS ,