Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Sep 1967, p. 16

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aiwi- WASN'T HUMOROUS Coll: FOR INFORMATION As a ticket clerk for Anxious ne dg CONTACT YOUR 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Airlines, he sported a mous- BEA MARTIN TRAVEL AGENT OR tache and a blacked-out front RSESHOE TAVERN d-out_f aSHOE TA BURLEY BUS AT TO THE SOUNDS OF TIMES, Saturday, September 16, 16 THE OSHAWA 1967 "| ON TELEVISION | Sea Life On Lonely Isle Featured In Disney Film THURSDAY THAT GIRL -- Don's (Ted | 3 | : | TONIGHT : |(Channel 9 at 9.30 p.m. Channel, ACCIDENTAL FAMILY --)2 and 8 at 10.00 p.m.) \Bessell) unpublished novel After winning custody of his | ace a year-old son, Las Vegas come JESD! : ; ; y Bldian Jerry Webster (Jerry Van| CIMMARON STRIP -- Mar.("aure® Suite @ commotion Hee Dyke) heads for his farm injstial Crown (Stuart Whitman) );eads his racy tale about an California. Parenthood takes on/struggles to keep peace when a aspiring actress and a would-be jextra dimensions when Jerry| wealthy rancher's son wounds writer. The irate father figures meets his farm hands, a young|the local parson. The town isjjt's fact, not fiction. (Channel divorcee (Lois Nettleton) andjup in arms -- and a rabble|y at 7.00 p.m.) her little girl. (Channel 8 at/rousing saloon owner is spread- : ( 7.00 p.m.) ing lynch talk. (Channel 11 at| MOVIE -- The Apartment -- : winner of four Academy HIGH CHAPARRAL He ue pd tases ' Se Awards, including an Oscar as |toria (Linda Cristal) tries to' IRONSIDE -- Chief of Detec-| best picture of the year in 1960. overcome John Ponape ir tives Robert T. Ironside (Ray- Jack Lemon, Shirley MacLaine Erickson): Laneoaetgy o hi he mond Burr), crippled as a re- and Fred McMurray star in the t |wife and is offered two chances : inet tender romantic comedy about to leave the unhappy marriage Sult of an assassination attack, 9) ciness machines operator while Apaches lay siege to the hunts criminals from a wheel) who endeavors to advance him- ranch, (Channel 3, 6, 12 at 7.30 chair, Five women have beenjself with department heads by p.m.) strangled in the San Francisco !ending them the key to his bachelor apartment, (Channel 4 (Channel 9 at 8.30 Taeger) tracks Delgado (Perry rounding his lonely island in a tim No, 9, e Lopez) a_ half - breed killer SHOW TIMES AT MOVIES REGENT -- Now playing, ) p.m, Last complete show at Tony Curtis, Cl; dia Cardinale and Sharon Make ,Waves, in_ technicolor. Tz'2 in, Don't) . 8.55 p.m. | PLAZA -- Held over for a Filmed in the vay, way out) second week, Sean Connery is west, where the boys and the} ; iv girls are really surfing it up. ame? Bond a mn ee Turn on! Stay ioc.c! Make out! | Twice. The biggest Bond of all. but. when you've got it made, Set in the beautiful scenery of don't make wav. > make love.| Japan and Tokyo. The story of Shown today an Sunday at rag 1:90; 3.30, 5.95, 7.45 and ogni were miseite nappers, .m. Last complete show at|S-P.E.T.R.E. and their efforts 9.20 'p.m. ito start a third world war. Shown Monday through Thurs-| shown Monday to Saturday at day at 2.40, 4.50, 7.05 and 9.20/1.10, 3.15, 5.20, 7.30, and 9.40 p.m, Last complete show at 9.25 p.m. THE TOP TEN | dices on Sunday at 1.30, 3.25, FOR TEEN-AGERS 3s .nicte snow at 85 pm. | and Peter Van Eyck. Set in Northern India in the early 19th century when the British gov- ernment was desperately bat- tling to destroy the murdering] religious sect known as the Thugs. Shown continuous from 1.00 p.m. and Sunday con- tinuous from 2.00 p.m. Starting on Thursday, Gam- bit, in technicolor with Shirley) MacLaine and Michael Caine. | One of the top suspense thril-| lers of the year. Saturday On the same program, Blood; of the Vampire, also in color. Starring Donald Wolfit and Bar-| bara Shelly. A horror movie for! young and old. Shown weekdays at 7.00 p.m. Saturday continuous from 1.00 and Sunday continuous p.m. from 2.00 p.m. ie : Collectors Treasure ond ART SALE In Aid OF Israel ot the Holy Blossom Temple 1950 Bethurst South of Eglington TUES., SEPT. 26 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. Admission 50¢ Door Prize. SUNDAY area. Ironside notes that the o'o'yq) 1 ) WALT DISNEY'S WONDER: latest killing differs from the were FUL WORLD OF COLOR -- An others and concentrates his in- FRIDAY | old lighthousekeeper makes me he kill eS f | friends with the sca life sur-|Y¢stigation on the killer of vic-/ HONDO -- Hondo (Ralph| story set against a ruggedly p.m.) a beautiful sea background. Clar- strangely dedicated to destroy-| *% 'ence Hastings stars as Capt WEDNESDAY ing ee ee syne ing : Haskell and Ingrid Niemela, his RUN FOR YOUR LIFE -- ee Aa iy earl now : wile. (Channel 4.4, 12 at 6.00 iring a Meditarranean cruise, more interest Wee killing Del- ip.m. and Channel 2 and 8 at 7.30 Gigolo Ramon da Vaga (Fer- hate gil ae eine p.m.) nando Lamas) works his (Channel 7 at 8.30 p.m.) MOVIE -- The Greatest Show charms on a wealthy woman ga : : on Earth -- Charlton Heston, who views men with a skep- PETE FOUNTAIN -- Clar- James Stewart, Betty Hutton, tical eye. Meanwhile, Paul inetist Pete Fountain and his » ™ Cornel Wilde and Dorothy La- Bryan (Ben Gazzara), his days jazz band offer a concert of mour. Cecil B. DeMille's Acad- numbered, tries to discourage a Dixieland music. Selections in- emy Award winning story of a princess from falling in love clude Hello Dolly, _ Lady _Be circus manager struggling with with him. (Channel 2 and 8 at Good, Stardust, A Close Walk poor business, his own romance 10.00 p.m.) ang yg ae sae shove and problems with performers ; TT] ee al. Means to Miss New 5 Ss. (Channel 7 at 9.30 p.m.) HE AND SHE Real-life (Channel 8 at 9.30 p.m.) jhusband and wife, Paula Pren- pene | MONDAY tiss and Dick Benjamin co-star INGRID, PIA HAPPY COWBOY IN AFRICA -- A/t * Lert as comedy perlen rare white rhinoceros sparks a The following is this weck's | hit parade as chosen by Osh- awa and district teen-agers and supplied by the Disc Shop at the Oshawa _ Shopping Centre. 1. The Letter --The Bos Tops 2, Ode to Billie Jo --Bobbie Gentry 3. I Had a Dream --Paul Revere, Raiders 4. It's the Little Things --Sonny and Cher 5. Gaslight --Ugly Ducklings 6. Reflections --Diana Ross, Supremes 7. I Dig Rock and Roll Music --Peter, Paul and Mary 8. Come Back When You Grow Up --Bobby Vee 9. We Love You -- Dande- lion --Rolling Stones 10. To Sir With Love --Lulu | ODEON -- Held over for| another .week by popular de- | mand, James A. Michener's! Hawaii. The story of the early | history of the Hawaiian Islands | in 1818 when a group of stal- | |wart New England missionar |brave the dangers of the voy-| age around Cape Horn to bring | | Christianity to the natives. | Starring Julie Andrews, Max-| |Von Sydow and Richard Har- | | ris. Shown weekdays at 6.30 and) 9.15 p.m. Shown Saturday at 3.30, 6.15, and 9.00 p.m. Shown | Sunday at 2.10, 6.00 and 8.45) p.m. : =| Sept. LOUIS RIEL ILTRAVATORE THE LUCK OF GINGER COFFEY BARBER OF SEVILLE TALES OF HOFFMANN MARKS -- Now playing. The Love - Ins, with Richard Todd and Susan Oliver, in color. The | hipnies and diggers are here with the way out excitement, that's turning on America today. On the same program, The | Mystery of Thug Island, also} in color. Starring Guy Madison MON, TO THURS. EVES. 8:15 p.m BOX OFFICE OPEN 11 a.m. International Dance Teachers of Canada 2 PRESENT Ballroom Dancing Instruction with Les and Dot Rudkin | Actress Ingrid Bergman O'Neill's play, 'More State- rim duel between two highly In this week's episode the Hol- : and her daughter, Pia Lind- ly Mansions." Miss Berg- Srincipied men. Jim (Chuck listers invest their entire sav- ipa Fee Open House September 21st strom, are a happy pair in man starred in the play, (Connors) is undertaking a sui- imss in the purchase of the the oe room in fas her first performance on |ejda} rescue attempt of the ae . ee ay EPI'S 9 to 11 P.M. Angeles this week follow- the American stagevafter a animal. while a pro- tey tive. hanne at 9. ing the opening night per- 2l-year absence hag kes abi Gee to Pm.) BUILDING NO. 10 OSHAWA AIRPORT formance of Eugene (AP Wirephoto) | put the rhino out of its misery. co En ments token now for Fall classes. in Social, International ond aoa ee ~ |(Channel .7 at 7.30 p.m.) : atin Style Ballroom Dancing, 10 couples form a class or you may rs tooth which 100k ed funsy| | spy -- Kelly and Scott "Py EARN" form your own group. Enroll now or September 21st, Lewis Has Rasheed a eae WAS travel to the Greek-Bulgarian s CALL 728-8439 j humorous about: the sketch. border to liberate an agent who Modern Square Dancing : | Then he was the midnight pas been helping youngsters es- Private Lessons By Appointment TV Debut jcleaning man sitting in the!cape through the Iron Curtain STARTING SEPT. 19th pe chairman's seat at a con- Their trip seems to have been erence table and pretending to jn yain as the agent is reluctant NEW YORK (AP)--The Jerry be lord of all he surveyed. to cross into the free world EVERY TUESDAY Lewis who makes funny movies finally there was an over- 8:00 to 10:30 P.M. that -have big box office appeal jong sketch with guest star . --not the Jerry Lewis of some|r vin Redgraves in which he Sir Albert Love School BUS TOUR GRAND OLE OPRY NASHVILLE, TENN. OCT. 5th to 9th recent, unhappy television) javeq a buck-toothed myopic experiences--arrived on the marriage expert on his honey- small screens Tuesday night. moon--and almost anybody The comedian's new NBC |could have written the bomade show if the premiere is a SaM-/jines in that one : ple of things to come, will have) _ ; him clowning as, various chat-\ MM QMINNINUNNNNNNNINNINIs.| First Jerry 465 WILSON RD. N. Instructors "Jim" & "Betty" Allen PHONE 723-3692 or 725-6126 Ge was dressed in} starched, pleated skirt dancing] Grand Ole Opry | with what appeared to be a : band of Greek soldiers. Then he Tour was a shy bumbling dope trying Noshville, T, ke friends with a gang of eeererer: Senne to make friends wi gang Thanksgiving Weekend Oct. 7th to 9th DANCING THIS. WEEK smooth, rude sophisticates. 368-0838 -- 366-0881 "TNNUUTEUAUUTAATA TANT" wlAN FLEMING'S Adult Entertoinment 'YOU ONLY LIVE PLAZA THEATRE 723-7171 5 x e Oshawa Dancing Saturdays COUPLES ONLY JERRY REIDT ORCHESTRA The Daracons Appearing Nightly at the GEORGIAN Motor Hotel CHAMPLAIN AVE. AT THORNTON RD. 723-4693 OSHAWA ITALIAN RECREATION CLUB Is Holding Its Monthly Dance POLISH HALL Banting Ave., Oshawa Sat., Sept. 16th 8:00 Till 12:00 FULLY LICENSED LOUNGE CLUB DISCOTHEQUE MEMBERSHIP $1.00 DOWNSTAIRS AT THE GEORGIAN 2 For The Over 21 set Proof Of Age Must Be Shown THE BOLEROS p YOUR HOST MAX COTTRELL Fun For Ali Those Who Like To Little Theatre alg Goin DANCE Hi BAR PRIVILIEGES P MOTOR | HOTEL | Oshawa zr 44 THIS WEEK "The Quiet Jungle" Admission: 1.00 Non-Members . . . 75¢ Members 0.C.V.I, AUDITORIUM SAT., SEPT. 16th -- at 8:30 p.m. DRESS -- SHIRT and TIE "SPECTACULAR!" --N.Y. WORLD JOURNAL TRIBUNE "MAGNIFICENT!" Presen RETURN EN THE CADILLAC HOTEL "The Dresden Doll" "Direct from the Latin Querter" O'KEEFE CENTRE FRONT & YONGE EM. 3-6633 CANADIAN OPERA COMPANY CENTENNIAL SEASON NOW PLAYING THROUG OCTOBER 14 23, 28; Oct. 17 MADAMA 9BUTTERELY scot. 26, 30, Oct. 4 6 12 Sept. 21, 27, Oct. 3, 7 (Mat) % 13 Sept. 19, Oct. 2 Sept. 18, 22, 30 (Mat) -Oct. 5, 10, 14 Sept. 20, 25, 29 Oct. 7, 14 (Mat) $6.00, $5.00, $4.00, $2.75 FRI. & SAT. EVES. 8:15 p.m. $6.75, $6.00, $4.50, $3.25 SATURDAY MATINEES 2:00 p.m. $4.75, $3.75, $2.75, $2.00 to 9 p.m. -- Mon. to Sot. ts > GAGEMENT ; MAKE RESERVATIONS FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER Call: 725-3743 YOUR oor 8 eg, O) Adult Entertainment lames.A. . fates Miktnees ats hed | : _--" THE iiss pecore : arte d JULIE ANDREWS: MAX VON SYDOW: RICHARD HARRIS in tm onoece PO aL WALTER ca PRODUCTION <"HAWALT" sieetsntnarea ARTISTS 'in, i SHOW TIMES WEEKDAYS: 6:30 - 9:18 SAT: 3:30 + 6:15 = 9:00 Sun.: 2:10 = 6:00 - 8:45 39 KING ST OSHAWA For further information Please Call 725-5833 Spot Dances Door Prizes to the Discs of MARTY SEPTEMBER FROM MARTY'S RECORD BAR : And For Those That Like It Live. DANCE || LITTLE THEATRE MONTH Tonight During September members of the Oshawa Little Theatre will --~ "THE DARACONS" be Convassing for the 1967-68 season . .. The Objective is Every Friday Night 1000 Season Tickets . . . If you hove not been contacted by 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. September 22nd, please call Mr, Richard Erman at 723-1367. ADMISSION 1.00 : r Season Tickets Gentlemen Ate Reauested To Weor Coot and Tie. Membership entitles you to See "'THE RATTLE OF A SIMPLE MAN", "THE CRUCIBLE", "THE ODD COUPLE" in the Excit- ing Surrounding of Oshawa's New Eastdale Collegiate, --- THE HIPPIES--- AND DIGGERS || ARE «jg HERE! RUDY VELTRI "7 and his New (rivet DYER '=MYSTBRY.. Werceunwecet NASHVILLE SOUND TORNADOS wie F "iS } sharon tate co-starring ia robert weber -jensa ternss-tesid deager aya eon in Panavision' metrocolor @ ua fecturing the lovely MARIE HARRISON RED BARN : TODAY! | @ ROBERT BOLT: DAVID LEAN in Panavision: AND METROCOLOR pe qT ts. rene Fcaiclett ' 7 | TURE SHOWN AT: Enrerraine Donce" | oe Mi | | if | Kegel "a0 30 an me. See | NOW PLAYING BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:00 P.M. DRIVE-IN SHOW SHARTS AT 8:00 P.M. ADMISSION: ADULIS $1.50 -- CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE OSHAWA 942-1250. "ONE OF THE MOST @\ My | BEAUTIFUL MOVIES EVER MADE!" WINNER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! METRO-GOLDIYN-MAYER SPQ, DAVID LEAN'S FILM o* sors pasrern DOCTOR ZHVAGO GERALDINE CHAPLIN - JULIE CHRISTIE - TOM COURTENAY ALEC GUINNESS » SIOBHAN' McKENNA- RALPH RICHARDSON OMAR SHARIF is 21saco! ROD STEIGER -RITA TUSHINGHAM 2nd ATTRACTION ALL COLOR SHOW NOW PLAYING SINATRA: THE RUNNER. Slowly they stripped Sam Laker down e until there was nothing but animal left... lias : TECHNICOLOR TECHMISCOPE™>From WARNER BROS, yf BOX OFFICE OP ENS at 7 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT DUSK ETE LTS hE BEER RTE ERI AOE LE LOES EE IE MEI E DONALD DUCK COME, LIDDL NOODNIK.7 WATCH SNAPPITAL MICKEY MOUSE

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