Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Sep 1967, p. 7

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TAKERS TAKEN ERKENWELL, England -- The crowd at the local m for the Arsenal-Liver- soccer match was huge, so h railways put four tick- ers on the train. But when oors opened for the soccer cial, the crowd jammed 'd and many fans were left he station--including the ticket-takers. giZzA Phone 723-024) or 728-0192 PI's OAR LIMITED U.S.S.R. NOWNED trol of a motor vehicle while BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Impaired Driving Charges Draw Severe Penalties | A number of drivers learned the cost of driving after drink- ing during Monday's sitting of the Oshawa Magistrate's Court. Joseph Klimek, 208 Montrave Ave., a father of two, pleaded guilty to the same charge and) 'guilty to a charge of impaired was fined $50 and' costs or 10| driving and was sentenced to 15 days in the county jail. It was his second conviction for, the offence this year. f FINED $300 '_A fine of $300 and costs or '80 days was levied against "Andrew Yaworski, 39, of 305, Bloor St., E., when he was con-, wicted of having care and con- impaired. The charge had been laid fol- lowing an. Aug. 25 accident on! days for Arthur Babcock, 60 ,of 290 Albert St. Manny Bergsma, 17, of the YWCA, Simcoe St., pleaded days. $25 FINE Gordon Smith, 27, of 75 Sim- coe St. S., pleaded guilty to a public intoxication charge and was fined $25 and costs or five days. anion FINED inor consumption of alcohol at the Jubilee Pavilion resulted in a fine of $50 and costs or 10 days for James G. Darlington, 20, Box 67, Oshawa. | BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE | | ee .| WHITBY -- Kenneth Hugh pleaded guilty in court to public) Lashbrook, 13 McGee St., To- intoxication and was fined $50/ronto, was sentenced in magis- and costs. trate's court Tuesday to three GUILTY {months in jail after he was found guilty of driving while his impaired driving resulted in aj licence was suspended. He was also given a consecutive three fine of $100 and costs or 15 days} r for Robert Wagenaar, Old Rose rorice sentence for obstructing bank Road, RR 3, Pickering, |/USUCe. Magistrate H. W. Jermyn told| Assistant Crown Attorney Ed- Wagenaar, "You are one of|Ward Howell said Lashbrook 'those people who when they get/nad "no respect for law and i i e .|order or for other people" and so ag panty parte Ae jin the obstruction of justice in- |stance, 'another person was CONVICTION jtaken into custody and placed) Pleading guilty to a charge of|into the cells before the error) public intoxication resulted in a was discovered'. conviction and a fine of $20 and; At a hearing two weeks ago,| costs or 10 days for Donald|evidence was heard that- the! MacMillan, 33, of 300 Dwight, accused was found in a_car Pleading guilty to a charge of Licence Was Suspended; Three-Month Sentence |plates, towed away. ises of the Oshawa Industrial Disposal Limited, Nick Tolski, RR 3, 'Bowmanville, had the case adjourned sine die. The accused claimed he had sold the truck to the firm and was to go on to the property and take old lumber and scrap as part payment. He claimed the firm stopped him from taking a load of the material and replaced it with another type of scrap. He claimed $600 was still owing him, The manager of the firm told him he could no longer go on the property. He had gone on to the property and had the truck, which had no licence REMANDED Charged with theft from Osh- awa Industrial Disposal. Limit- sentences on the last two|for having liquor while tinder charges will run concurrently.;age; Clarence W. Parks, $50 Languille pleaded guilty to all|and costs or 10 days for being three charges. intoxicated in a publie place; Paul Lewis Ferguson, 20, of UNDER AGE | Picton, $50 and costs or 10 days This makes a fellow feel); 7 : et 'or having liquor while under sick," said William B. Ross, 20,) ae and Gilbert Brick, 18, six of Nestleton, as he paid a fine| months' suspended sentence for of $65.50 for drinking while\drinking while under age. under 21 years of age. He had) | just started to work on Mon-| REMANDED | day. His companion, David! To obtain witnesses who were} Phillip Gainey, 20, of Uxbridge, not in court, Elmer Guy, Port was fined $50 and $15.50 costs|Perry, was remanded for one with the option of 10 days in| week in custody. He pleaded jail on a similar charge. They|"° guilty to a charge of break, were picked up by OPP officers poctngd and pes bond non c _-- ile dri 1 pit, |told a western type saddle an -- ee nS pink saddle cloth had been LIQUOR taken from a barn owned by) Also convicted of liquor vio-;Gil. Rowntree, Reach Town-) lations were Allan Wayne|ship. OPP found the missing} Young, 19, of Picton, who was| articles when they searched the fined $50 or 10 days for under|trunk of a car driven by the age drinking; Steven P. Mor- accused. The accused told the ris, 20, of RR 1, Bloomfield,jcourt he did not know the fined $50 and costs or 10 days\articles were there. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 14, 1967 7 BEST BOBBY PICKED LOWESTOFT, Eng. (CP)-- Suffolk policeman Edwin Brock, 44, was chosen to take part in a British trade fair in Germany as Britain's ideal Bobby. He is six-foot-six, has a/ mustache and is "kind look-/ ing." BRAINS DRAINED A U.S. federal government) committee says 30,039 "'profes-) sional, technical, and kindred workers" immigrated to the U.S. in 1966. 30 DAYS Charged with failing to pro- vide for his family, Ray Gim- blett of Toronto was sentenced to 30 days in jail. The accused.| who appeared on crutches, said he was not able to work for| medical reasons. | Cloverdale Street, in which Ave. |parked in a gravel pit in Pick- 4 Yaworski's car and two park-|/INT OF BEER ' lering Township. When asked,| ed, Andrew Startek, If, ot Osh ed cars received a total of| Serald Francis Nash, 23, ad-| NOT DRUNK |Lashbrook identified himself as|#W8, pleaded guilty, nee $1,425 damage mitted having a pint of beer in|, Norman W. Bjorndahl, 142/walter Jordan. On checking|@td | Milheron, 17, Oshawa, . Sips " a. the glove compartment of his| Admiral Rd., Ajax, pleaded not/further, police discovered that pleaded guilty to oe E ENSEMBLE Westnet Maa' Gk oe 18 icated| car. He was fined $25 and costs|Suilty to the charge of drunk)"Walter Jordan" did not have|on the firm's property. gi : + PpintSlor five days. Nash resides at|4tiving. Magistrate Jermyn de-|, record and did not fit the de- accused were remanded in cus- of beer or 16 to 18 ounces bi Rideout St., Ajax. cided that the evidence did not| scription of the man held in|tody for a week for sentence, EATRE alcohol in his system at the) support a conviction for drunk! custody, A bench warrant was|si99 FINE Fd time of the test. |FINED_ : |driving but he did find Bjorn-| issued and Lashbrook, allas|* ries adi of hi oeellé oe . East | Pleading guilty to a charge|dahl guilty of impaired driving. ; | eo ne i d ken into cus GUILTY PLEA f i ; Jordan, was taken the highway have to be con William Polak. 48. of 800 of public intoxication resulted |He was fined $100 and costs or toqy. sid Hy There are hundreds of 6 and 17 Myers St pleaded guilty to a atm tine of $25 and costs or 15 days with the mandatory : 3 li 'us ne Hi kway 401 This 'charse ot being. impaived. in| ive days for William A. Rose, | three-month suspension. TWO MONTHS Nat itis ile dee pete fe eee 8 a ae 31, of 76 Royal St, | Donald Gibbons, 54, received|court is not going along wi charge of a motor vehicle. | $20 FINE a two-month jail sentence con-|people thinking they can drive) d $4.00 A breathalizer test indicated) SAME CHARGE | Ann Delore, 27, of 300 Dwight current with the eight month|that way. You should have a s \ li pints of beer in Polak's| The same charge brought a/Ave., pleaded guilty to a charge i ;.,taken into consideration the \ i i ti t the ti f th st. f f | oe Arca, sentence he is presently serv . ice --- Ukrainska Knyhe system at the time of the test.|fine of $50 and costs or 10 days|of public intoxication and was ing, in connection with a charge. fact that you have to provide , -- 799 College St. Polak admitted a severe alcohol|for Bruce E. Herbert, 23, of|fined $20 and costs or 10 days.| of } i '4.|transportation for work and eg 9 of false pretences. Gibbons ad : ; , 364-3751 problem and requested a/209 Bond St. E. The arrest re-| She was given two weeks to Pay.! mitted cashing a $96 cheque at/every day living instead of lengthy licence suspension. |sulted from a complaint at the | Oshawa Discount House last|thinking you can wiggle your Magistrate Donald Dodds|Oshawa Bus Terminal, CONVICTED ., cablautt yay " Magistrate Jermyn / . . fined him $250 and costs or 25) The following cases were dis-, Edward Clayton Lloyd i ne Hib ion ge bog pig ic told Allen Edward Spears, Ux- << Available in days and suspended his licence posed of in court last Friday, |Pleaded not guilty to a charge : lan lel Ea pee 4 it a bridge. The magistrate sus- \ for one year. | Rita B. Crozier, 24 Royal St.,|0f public intoxication but was rite oe ag ith ng j/pended Spear's driving licence ee ae SAME FINE | was convicted of impaired driv-|convicted and fined $25 and pte pee severa' for six months and fined him five finishes coe Tis caine fine of $00 andlite and fined $100 and costs orjcosts or 10 days. Lloyd resides 5. Gu or dave fo jail 00 fi ! ! | : oak or 9 aan Was levied|1>. cays plus the mandatory 6 Lat 9, Con. 3, RR 1, Newton-| $299 FINE charge of careless driving. interior or exterior 5 : | three- i against Waclaw Toporowski, 47,| nee month suspension. | Arthur L. Alton, 43, 625 Crerar of Taunton Road East, RR 2 igh | af i «'|Ave., pleaded : guilty to the Oiere, wien Te Diceded aul charge of impaired driving and ty to a charge of impaired driv-| ~ . : ing. Police evidence indicated | 4° gos $100 and costs or 15 H they had difficulty in pulling|°#'s Plus the mandatory three- S) Toporowski over to make the TOM!" suspension. Allen James McLean, 21, of : Sarnia, was fined $200 and) THREE MONTHS costs for driving while his li-| A sentence of three months cence was under suspension.|in jail on a charge of driving He was warned by Magistrate|While his licence was under H. W. Jermyn that if he is|/suspension was imposed on found driving again, while his | Melvin Milton Languille, Ham- licence is under suspension, he ilton. The accused was also FINED $100 Alois L. Boos, 32 Athol St. E., was convicted of impaired driv-| jing and fined $100 and costs or |15 days. He was given a six- |month suspension because the carnival... the low priced \ . arrest. FORCE USED charge had been laid as the!' : fined $100 and costs or 30 days im h gh-p rf Magistrate Dodds said "I| police evidence indicated chat |reaul of an accident. a Held in contempt tl kg charee of falling to notlty At | j erformance THE wonder if the Pub-' force had to be used to put John | : |the department of the pur- ' aints from lic realizes the | risks | {hich | Wood, 19, of 444 Drew St. in a] TAKES HIGHEST TOLL | ADJOURNED |chase of the vehicle and $75 p 'Bed mus , Tarte ¥ M/oruiser after police arrived at} Japan, with 240 suicides per| Pleading not guilty to ajand costs or 15 days in jail on : . Balt' suc rivers © @ an Oshawa repair shop to in-|million persons a year, has an\charge of stealing & truck,|a charge of failure to produce Canadian Pittsburgh wait evidence of insurance. The jail | vestigate an argument. W 00 d average of 59.75 suicides a day.| valued at $2,000 from the prem- STARTS TOMORROW!! MINOR CONSUMING Ronald D. Wannamaker, 20, 141 Simcoe St. S., pleaded guil- ty to a charge of minor con- sumption of alcohol and was fined $50 and costs or 10 days. When he learned Wnnamaker | » had admitted consuming "about five pints of beer', Magistrate | Dodds said "'You were perilous- ly close in all probability to an impaired driving charge." yt SUPPLYING ' , Supplying rum to 17- and 18- year-old girls resulted in a charge of supplying liquor to} minors being laid against Don- | ald Scott, 35, of 910 King St. S., Whitby. He was convicted and fined $100 and costs or 20 days and was given no time to pay, | REMANDED Linda Ash, 18, of 345 Verdun Rd., pleaded guilty to charges of transportation fraud, theft, and fraudulently obtaining food. She was convicted and remand- ed in custody until Friday for sentencing. NON-PAYMENT Hank Schoonbeck pleaded not guilty to a charge of non-pay- ment of wages but was convict- ed. He was given 14 days to| pay back the sum of $449 ow- ing to a man who had cut and baled hay for him at the Osh- > awa airport. INTOXICATED fl , A windsor laborer, Edward | French, 31, pleaded guilty to a » charge of being intoxicated Neil a bus at the Oshawa bus termi- nal, He was fined $50 and costs | or. 10 days. | CHARGED DISMISSED | Vivian Black, 55 Montrave | Ave., pleaded not guilty to a} charge of stealing two packs of cigarettes from an Oshawa | Shopping Centre store. When he | learned the woman had been | under considerable stress at the | time over an impending opera- | tion, Magistrate Dodds decided 'to dismiss the charge saying | there was a reasonable doubt as to whether the woman com. | mitted the offence with intent. PLEADS GUILTY Pleading guilty to a charge of public intoxication resulted | in a fine of $50 and costs or 10) Always there with ready cash 3D. , Industries |; Available in a wide range CHECK THESE PRICES! tron clus s] 99 we =6$ 5 5 cmon -- Sale Prices Effective Sept. 13 - Oct. 16 VOLWER se JOEPINE. - Thriller OSHAWA HOME | SHOW FRIDAY -- SATURDAY -- SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 15 --- 16 - 17 Everyone's Pet JULIETTE Don't miss the exciting SHOW with Canada's own T.V. star JULIETTE. TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY accompanied by PAUL SIMMON Quartet. FREE TRIPS to Bermuda The highlight of every evening will be the draw for a FREE TRIP TO BERMUDA FOR TWO. Yes, all expense trip given away every night! FREE PRIZES | Now. You can save on Pittsburghs finest atex wall. paint: goes farther; stays fresh longer: + Uwashable + AVAILABLE NOW IN A WIDE CHOICE OF THE SEASON'S MOST POPULAR COLOURS $2.95 38.70 GAL. SA E $2.00. OR SAVE 50' QUART ' THE BEST PAINT 1S ALWAYS THE BEST VALUE \ \ 25 OSHAWA -_ Door prizes will be given away regularly throughout the 0 4 h 7 WwW Pi Wo od D if od it cls or more gon OSHAWA HOME SHOW by numerous individual ex- | hibitors. COURTICE SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1611 LIMITED 728-1617 qi. ALLONT OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM ADMISSION 1.00 mE HH Em "ALLONT - THE NAME TO BUILD ON" | NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 286 KING STREET W. 723-3487 Wiis eisEAAG ROS

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