Real Estate for Sale disk Nacaishasbedeehallteatet KEITH ETERS LTY LTD., 728-7328 )3 King Street East REALTOR 1.900 -- Neie split level, bedrooms, built-in stove oven _ tiled bath, recre- nm room. 900 -- 617 Wychwood Nice home, 3 bedrooms, ses, awnings, 33 ft. rec- ion room with bor, fenced hedged lot. Owner says ! ,950. MUST BE SOLD! »ment partly e to bus and schools. ,500 -- Brick bungolow west end, room in base tt. Try your down pay. it. ,900 -- 6 room brick, ige, paved drive, imme € possession, MON LAKE COTTAGE-- ished, lake frontage, end eason price. 100 -- Near Courtice, 4 n house, 4 piece bath, 1 100 DOWN -- 7 room < home with gorage. 00 DOWN -- 5 room e near Ritson Rd, $8,- ACRES -- Only $5,500 $1,800 DOWN. Call 7328. ougan Realtors 163 Simcoe St. N. 725-1109 PLEX---MUST SELL rically heated brick x situated on large lot x 121'. Both the three 20m and the two bedroom ments have built - in and oven. Owner's sick- orces sale. $3,753 down, DOWN PAYMENT tug brick three om home, with paved _ Close to schools and . A large kitchen, rec- nm room and large clo- make this the ° family s choice. $150 P.I.T. t to-night, VITZER AVE. W. nt surroundings add te Custom - Built brick alow, with attached gar- Electric heat, plush loom and durable cor- loors are just three of wenty - six special ex. built into this immacu- home, Full Price $29, CALL xDON SCHOFIELD 725-1109 J. LAMBERT PORT PERRY m brick with o nice sun- 1% baths, oil heating, | room, 2 car attached e on a well landscaped se to schools and shop- Immediate possession. ent value, Call for de- Y HOME IN COUNTRY m, 4 bedroom, 2 storey on large treed lot, ace. Oil heating, paved Large garden. New ger- nd workshop about 24° Call for information IN appointment te in- UXBRIDGE jroom brick bungalow attached garage. Pres- rea of Uxbridge. Finish- reation room. Hardwood and thermo glass win- Lot 65' x 125' Call tails, WE ALSO HAVE with doiry controets, yes and lots. formation on these pro- and for courteous, eon- al service on listing ties of all types call AARJORIE TRIPP PERRY 985-7606 NTO 447-8519 J. J, LAMBERT SAL ESTATE LTD, BBY'S. \L_ ESTATE LTD. 728-7576 NE HOME: Ten room orey home on a large ist north of the city, king price only $12,- mmediate possession. RESALE: Two year old bungalow with holly- 'itchen and partly fins ec-room, Full price only 0. on a 6%4% mort. TIVE BUNGALOW: ive 6 room brick with sd garage and large om with extra kitchen ment. Close to bus and 9. ony Zakarow how at is for appointment 14 OPENS east am 'E TWO bedroom home, full A Modern conveniences, on a] pares Newcastle area, N. oe income home three artment for ow: come $12, fu' plus $300 r Ht tox ar tes for ARLY new bri in stove and oven, de oe many extras. Joe Crawtord th Peters Realty Lid: 20--Real Estate for Sale --_------ RTH WEST -- $14,900. Two bedroom S iow with finished recreation room, 'j¥o \aroe oe and dining room combin- gar Monthly << fetg $70 including Principal a interest. Call Irwin Cruikshanks now at 728-5205 Schofield-Aker Ltd. 20a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent MOIRA LAKE, Mecoc. Four - | bedroom cottage, for sale or rent, winterized, forced alr furnace, front and side porch. tile floors, acoustic st ad mahogany panelling. 98 miles. 723-160 '26--Apertments for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent The best value in apartment living can be seen ot 21--Farms for Sale BUYING OR SELLING, any size con- tact Clare McCullough, "W. gf ci Real 3) -- ATTENTION -- $2,500 down will put you In @ two bedroom bruck bungalow with dining room,. garage, fenced yard, close to schools and shopping. To inspect call Vern Corson 723-9785 or Guide Real- Realtor. 723-7843 or 728-7585. Limited 723-5281. CASH BUYERS from Toronto area for farms and suburban properti anything paler ga POTENTIAL, three bed-| from 5 to 300 acres, If you ate selling and " home. Simcoe Street! for tree hii sad call 4 N Werth, frontage, zoned, | M1: ari now, J. Wilkinson Real Estate, 100, King lati eft oom ene ome ie Member of ODRE Board, Tel. 576- W. Frank Real Estate Ltd, Simcoe St. S. Oshawa. BRAND NEW ind on nevis Drive in Orono, three two -- seer Richens: with cleatear Have. electri heating separa' pat ty a laree lot, $6,000 down. Also two, three one Band room homes, now under ruction, off Taunton' Rd., cose to highway 35. J. Ochonski Con- struction, 983-5709. Ritr., $06 22--Lots for Sale RAE R. JONES REALTOR Office Home 668-8841 668-4003 TEN, ACRES TERMS: Beautiful 10 acre lots North East of Oshowa, 10 minutes, some with hardwood bush and with spring-fed ponds, These are the finest parcels we have to offer and priced at only $6,000 to $6.500 with school bus by the door, excellent roads. One corner lot left. Call now to inspect. RAE R. JONES REALTOR paca enc schhnta @CENTRE STREET" -- Feostilly bart two ay older brick home, nea town. Ideal or warere offices. Call now, John Sandy 725-8010, W. ©. Martin Realtor 728-5103. NORTH a -- You'll love this four room storey Georgian -- style home, nrepibce, dining room, yey. ex- tras. Call John Morissette, 728-4891, W. ©. Martin Realtor 728-5103. REALLY oan. By country rancher, just from downtown shopping. Thi attached garage, a 'den. See it! But it! Cail| 2 John gE edpiadde w. oO, Realtor 728-5) SDmNTIAL location -- Bow- manville -- smart three bedroom brick bungalow, built-in refrigerator and stove. Large, nicely finished recreation room, covered patio and landscaping. | Quiet, "ag school area, Call Dost Awan} 576-3579. W. O. Martin Realtor 728-5103. REALLY BIG SHOW -- Exceptional five bedroom, modern 2% storey brick home in west end, huge lot, double oe newly decorated. Immediate pos- Bessie Crysler, 723-2925, ©. Martin Realtor, 728-5103. $1,500 DOWN -- nearly new, just lived in three months, this fine three-bedroom home with garage is really a gem. aye z cony across the front living room Office Home Mas 2008. schofieldaker'Ligs a 668-8841 668-4003 IDROOM brick bungalow in| 25 ACRES northeast end of city on quiet street,! close to schools. Features include built-in stor ind oven, refrigerator, drapes and tracks, eogee hood and fan, storms and id jot ly sodded. Owner must residential bordering the city of Oshawa, $2,000 per acre, ing the country. For) excellent value, Coll Clare Tei SRS Aa? afr. Se] McCullough. W. FRAN K 725-3557 or 725-371 REAL ESTATE RLTR., 723- SEATTIFUL seven-room stone and brick ranch bungalow with It# own pri- vate swimming pool and double attach- ed garage. Located In Northwest area, For further particulars call lrene Brown of Schofield-Aker Ltd. at 725-3867. 7843, 728-7585. LOT IN VERY DESIRABLE north-east section of city. All services prepaid, underground _hydro. 728-0194. lots, - beaotitulli be cated, numerous serviced. Also 100' Hl rp od lots. Don't miss this pt nits hey ari going fast. 983- 5129. a "variety of 'Tots in various locations such as Kedron area, North Oshawa, Townline Road in East Ledledate and Leskard Road wnship. Call us for prices and fo expanding business and incr: Ssirtas. Excellent opportunity Browing organization, with top commit jicns and incentive plan. For confiden P tial interview, call Wilkinson Real Estate, 100 King St. £., Member ¢! DRE Board, Oshawa, 576-1401. five-room brick bungalo fot 60, x 100", four years old, 64\rWo AND TEN acre Tole, alto brick leted recreation room with 10' stone|Mouse, one thousand down, in Oshawa. Hollywood kitchen. Located, south-| ipenehy.. Vivian Sean Osh Cash to mortgage. 725-4623, Keith Peters Realty Lid. SOUTHWOOD PARK -- $9,560. '23--Real Estate Wanted {no toll) | tals Douglas J. M. Bullied Realtor. 723-/ 1168. @ REGENCY TOWERS @ 349 MARLAND AVE. AND @ PREMIER @ 321 MARLAND AVE MODERN 1 AND 2 BEDROOM SUITES NEWLY DECORATED STOVE AND FRIDGE BALCONIES FABRIC DRAPES LAUNDRY FACILITIES FREE HYDRO BROADLOOM IN HALLS ELEVATOR LOCKERS CONTROLLED ENTRANCE AMPLE PARKING CLOSE TO SCHOOL CHURCHES and SHOPPING APPLY 349 MARLAND AVE, PHONE 725-2227 OSHAWA'S BEST RENTAL VALUE SEE TOWER on the GREEN Overlooking the park located on Mary St. North. Swimming pool, sauna bath, gym room and rec room. Our model suite is furnished by WILSON'S FURNITURE, | 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apt. OPEN DAILY FROM 2 P.M. -- or by appointment | 576-2280 or 725-9750 W. FRANK ' REAL ESTATE LTD. | 21 King St. W., Bowmanville in itt AX, lown, carries $165. monthly. Large) family home with attached garage on) 'dea! lot and location. Call Ralph Ander- a 942-3310, Ajax, Griffin Real Estate We hove out of town buy- ers waiting. Some with all cash or substantial down pay- ments. Cash in now. Call 576-0330 _ H. KEITH LTD., Realtor 1 NEED your home now. Have cash and Ay elf DOWN. Full price only family, remodelled bi ' 'on "Ohive Avenue. Mortgage car- od for $80. month; ts ry $165. month. See this no Appleby, Hg at 723-3398. Brothers Ltd. 5123. IX on Kingsdale Drive, Ter- income. Four bathrooms, THR ritic weer term buyers. If you want to sell, cail eer Ui 728-1066. Schofleid- 5 od 3 and 4-bedroom yp ol Oshawi estate. 100 "100" Ring St, a id in Bag Hcl appra: sal of yi Wilkinson Real Oshawa 576-1411. f nity VERY CLEAN, five-room bungalow in excellent southeast location, close to 401 for commuting to work, $13,500 nae ad 4 ke | price, Call Ernie Holmes, 728-0796, W. 0: |24-----Stores, Offices, Storage » Martin, Realtor, 728-5103. HREE-BEDROOM, two-sto The New rey bri "home in excellent condition throughout. PRUDENTIAL BUILDING 1,800 SQUARE FEET STORES OR OFFICES. air conditioned three large bedrooms. Low down = ment and owner will hold the Dalance NO" ina "Rete uae Phone 725-9478 spills OM per cont NED, "Teleenen® 7 STORE FOR RENT, sic ¢ suitable for fer ore heh gp sell, moving to USA. AP: wit rent part or ail. ply 1 Str Spm. __jeast. Telephone 723-1605. E. use on Park THREE OFFICES for rent on Simcoe ipa schoo emer orth. Owner will decorate according to | geo tenants' specifications, Excellent loca- tion, close to the hospital. Call Leon Manitius or Guide Realty Ltd. 723-5281. AVAILABLE FOR LEASE, 300 square feet office area, good for any type of agency, service, distributing, or pro- fessional office. Windsor Plaza, Wilson meg South, days 725-4791, evenings 728- MI near Rd, S. apartment rented. pre Lehan 728-7576 Sibby's Real Estate COUNTRY LIVING--That's what you'll get on this one acre, A brand spanking new two-storey brick home, eight rooms ae the growing family and just east of awa too. Full asking price $25,000. call Nick Siblock, 728-7576, Sibby's Real Estate Ltd. BRICK DUPLEX -- two kitchens, two bathrooms, seven-room brick with ga-| rage, on corner Simcoe and Bloor! Streets. Only $16,900. with $3,000. down. |" Call Jack Appleby, evenings Ele Bolahood Brothers imited, 512: ATE POSSESSION -- Six room, a FOR RENT, Speeere Simp- |sons, downtown, Can be {fices. For more information 725-2900 or 723-2594, 25--Houses for 'Rent NEW BUNGALOW, five rooms, no Si for of- telephone two-storey home, excellent condition. children, close to bus, apply 350 Tra- Only $2,500 down, $110 per month. ey falgar avenue. Ritson South and Wolfe for this one. Call Willard Johnston, 728-|St. area 1066, Schofield-Aker Ltd. PRIVATE SALE -- 12-year-old pb bungalow, three bedrooms. Good loca- tion, About $4,000 down arent 6M% NHA_ mortgage. jlephone 723-5902. FULL PRICE only $10,900 for this two- ly 7-room home with forced air oil ing and.2 3-pc, bathrooms. This 's|°---- an exceptional buy. Call Jerry Coady mow at 728-7576 and arrange an appoint- ment to Inspect. Sibby's Real Estate Ltd. PRIVATE, WHITBY -- Ranch bungalow, attached garage, lot 75' x 132'. BRAND NEW $35,000. Executive home over 2,000 square feet, plus two car garage, built in dish washer, radio inter- com., natural stone fireplace and Square foot family room, overlooking beautiful ravine lot, are just a few of the niet De ont iee you will find. Phone 723-6541. SaRERSHSROGI bungalow for rent. References required, _Apply to Box 752 J Two home, on Dwight style /nue, $115. monthly. 'Telephone. wns 723-7711 between 9 a.m. - 5 Pp. Three bedrooms, living, dining room: |FWwo BEDROOM semi - aia house, ttioninundry an saraoe eos rae: immediate occupancy, Telephone 725- piece bath, 668-4547 after 5 for appoint- - sh I ASE OS RRS ment. BOWMANVILLE -- WAVERLY Road, brick home, seven large, bright rooms, new oil furnace, $125 monthly, Telephone 725-2539. 20a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent sx: ROOM brick house, garage, oll 29, Telephone T2909, SPECIAL FIVE-ROOM bungalow, furnished to suitable for share with gentleman or rent 5% dibcount at Chemung [young couple with child or will Acres on Chemung Loke. house. " Lots and cottages, with ex- cellent financing. Select yours Soe tarde ie tizs per yh with now, build foter. Directions: Jone year lease. Call 576-0330. H. Kelth - 401 to 115, then No, Lid. Realtor, ee ay north to Fowlers Corners. | THR H - SRORDOM 'heose, Scene . Near schools. . Monthly inciud- nw. Paine a ing heat and hydro, Telephone 942-3589. signs. Representatives on loffice, 350 sq. ft. 201 Simcoe SEVaICROON W-storey, newly deco: | Telephone 725-5132. rated inside and out. Walk-out basement, |7 959 SQUARE FEET of floor area.| 1405 King Street! "La Contessa Apartments.' A Distinguished Address Choice luxury suites electric- ally heated and tastefully de- corated throughout. Parking, swimming _ pool, Sauna ond recreation rooms. CLOSED CIRCUIT TV See on your own television screen who is ringing your doorbell, before you give them entry. di Suites availoble for adults only. Ideal for a quiet and com- fortable living. | Be the envy of others Live ot La Contessa. i 140 Nonquon Road. Call 725-1481 ROYALE Apartments 119 Nonquon Rd. For service, comfort, and con- venience, see this outstand- ing all-electric building. No where in Oshawa will you find such value for your rent- al dollar as you will at The Royale. Large balconies and suites equipped with extra closet space, laundry rooms on all floors. No damage de- posit required. Apply aport- ment No. 104 or call 728-5282 723-0525 GOVERNOR MANSIONS ADULT PRESTIGE RESIDENCE Now available one 2-bedroom suite. For appointment to view this outstanding suite. please call 723-1712 or 728-2911 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 1, 2 and 3 bedroom modern apartments. 22 ft to 32 ft. living rooms, swimming pool, lifeguard service, two eleva- tors, play area for children. 7% interest per annum paid on all security de- posits. Your inspection invited. 723-2347 LUSANNE: VILLA 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige building. Centrally located, electrically heated. Roomy breakfast nook ond kitchen. Tennis court ee ONE BEDROOM ELECTRICALLY HEATED | APARTMENT In new duplex, close to Osh- awa Shopping Centre, fridge, stove, drapes and carpet in- cluded. TELEPHONE 728-7654 AFTER SIX ----jable October 1. @ FOR RENT @ Apt. Houses, Rooms, Room ond Board. Office Hours: Mon. to Fri, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 23 Athol West 728-1070 26--Aportments for Rent 29--Wanted to Rent FOUR-ROOM apartments for rent. Apply 68 Wayne Street, Oshawa. Apartment nine. WON'T YOU VISIT Princess Anne Apartments. Only @ few suites left for the ones who enjoy @ life of luxury. See our suites dally from % a.m. fill % p.m. Call 725-9934, 723-6022. GARAGE wanted to rent. Telephone 728- 6548. 30--Automobiles for Sale RAMBLER ONE and two-bedroom apartments. Ap- ply 291 Marland Ave., Apt. 103 or tele- phone 576-0668. FOUR ROOM apartment near south Gen- eral Motors, Immediate =o Tele- phone after 5 p.m. 48 $115, two bedrooms, large ay living room, 4-plece bath, parking, washer, dryer,. stove, refrigerator. Possession October 1. Telephone after 6 p.m. 728- 1903 NEWLY DECORATED three ~ room apartment, pri entrance, close to stores and bu conveniences, couple only, La 725-0210. MOD! wo-bedroom apartment in six- plex, avaiianie September 30, large liv ing room with broadioom, copper hoed over stove in kitchen, refrigerator, din ing area, four-piece bath, $125 monthly includes utilities and heat, close to schools. 723-8728. THREE-ROOM basement apartment, private bath. Close to bus stop. Adults only. _Telephone 723-7819 after six. TWO-ROOM « 'apartment, refrigerator and stove. Centrally located. Suitable for re- fired person or couple. 723-3907 before 10 fter 5° p.m. SIMCOE AND ELGIN, one-bedroom apt., Stove and frig, suitable for business couple, adults only. Day 723-9132, eve- ning 725-5294. APARTMENT BOR RENT, one minute to bus, quiet street, private 'home. Just the place for two people. Well furnished with all conveniences, ready to move in 728-9147. CENTRALLY | jocated in Bowmenville, ground floor, four-room apartment. Pri- vate entrance, bath, heavy wiring, tiled room apartment in an apartment build- ing, refrigerator, stove, small child welcomed. 6851. THREE-ROOM apartment, heat and hydro Lage suitable for couple. Tele- phone 725-9843, CHILDREN grrr sus ; monthly, two Telephone bedrooms, large kitchen, living room, stove, refrigerater. liga Possession October 1. Telephone 725-875 ONE-BEDROOM apartment in private home, private bath, refrigerator, stove) included. Available September 15. Tele- phone 723-6483 after 5 p.m CLEAN, furnished two-room artment suitable fer gentleman or young lady. Private entrance. Simcoe South area.) | Telephone 723-6823 \Two - . BEDROOM apartments nis in new |building, large balcony, electric heating, free laundry, steam room. Telephone 725-9328 or 728-0123. DREW STREET, 74, three | rooms, 3, fur-| nished, central, adults or working couple or three individuals. No children. stainers, Available now. THREE -ROOM self-contained --_untur- nished suite. Sult couple, $70 monthly. Ciean, modern, located Townline South. Abstainers preferred. © 728-2426 |WHITBY. One-bedroom apartment -- in modern apartment building, refrigera- jtor, stove and laundry facilities wie plied. Adults preferred. Apply apart. ment 6, 105 Craydon Road |WHITBY, large furnished modern two- room apartment. Telephone 668-2405. |LARGE, two-bedroom, self-contained | apartment, refrigerator and stove. Avail For more information 728-2119 FIVE-ROOM apartment, ber 1. Telephone 725-7566. 'available Octo- | (26A--Expo_ » Accommodation tires, RESERVATIONS taken now for large double room in modern private 'ome in Montreal, $10. per couple, $15. two couples, $10. family of Tour, 723-1355. 27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home- Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 FURNISHED, front LARGE, bedroom. SHELDIAN MANSIONS 885 Oxford St. @ Sublet large 2 and 3 bed- room suites with two both- rooms @ Hi-fi @ Intercom, elevators @ Free hydro and parking @ Outdoor swimming CALL 728-2502 FOUR ROOM upstairs apartment. ply 287 Verdun Road. $15. WEEKLY ~-- completely furnished kitchen and bed - sitting room. Ritson - King area, bus stop at door. ssession, _Cail 725-2630. CADILLAC AVENUE NORTH -- three- room basement ADeF Te with private bathroom, rangetie, near park and school. Couple with hii preferred, Telephone 725-2254. ONE-BEDROOM plex, heated, gh kd ad Ap-| eight- stove. apartment in and NOW RENTING More and more of Oshawa's nicest people are enjoying reasonable rents at the Zest POON "nzn> YAZMSAWD>YV> PHONE 728-9724 LUXURY ONE- and TWO-BEDROOMS Oshawa's Largest Suites and Best Location FREE @ HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA BATH @ SWIMMING POOL Family and Adult Floors, Furnished or Unfurnished. RENTAL INFORMATION 26--Aportments for Rent duty. Call Anne Faiers or Keith Fairbairn, Bowes & Oshawa 'Rental Cocks Limited, P.O. Box 535, Peterborough, 742-4234. Agency Superb apartment accommo- Weekends 799-5321. dation in all parts of Oshawa. $5. - $15. VALIANT PER FOOT DEVELOPMENTS LTD. i 95 miles from Oshawa, go " " | east on Highway 401 to 725-9934 -- 728-4283 Highway No. 35 and No. 115 723-6022 723-5111 380 GIBB STREET Meee 668-6980. FOUR-ROOM modern furnished _base- ment apartment on Chadburn Close to ay shopping and bus. Tele- Phone 723-573 BASEMENT APARTMENT, 2 rooms, close to south General Motors. Private entrance. $601 month. Telephone 728-2892. SIX-ROOM three-bedroom apartment in new triplex, main floor, garage, Close fo Shopping Centre, $145 per month, Telephone 725-3212. ONE-BEDROOM furnished or nished apartment, new building, Whitby, free hydro and free parking. Telephone 284-6813 West Hill. THREE -ROOM apartment, _ available Dee ior Information apply 892 Drew) reet. WHITBY -- Six room quiet apartment, ~unfur- | 114 Chestnut St. E. at Perry St. $100 per month, Available Oct. Ist, One ol two children welcome apply after p.m. APARTMENT IN SOONER two et rooms, large living room, kitchen bathroom. Private entrance. Available| Oct. 15, Apply box 32325 Oshawa Times, Whitby. WHITBY -- basement apartment, self-| Contained. Suitable for business people. Telephone 668-8242. Two | large room ~ apartment, private) bath and entrance, $70 monthly includes Stove. heat, hydro, Tele- plone 72+ 037! LARGE ONE DROOM i apartment nenatane self - coniined, 78: King Street East. Telephone 723-701) for appointment. refrigerator, SECOND FLOOR apartmentone bed- room, three piece bath, kitchen, park- ing, laundry facilities, $70 monthly. Available now. Telephone 728-6246. DUPLEX, two-bedroom modern apart- ment, spotless. Adults preferred. Ri- supplied, parking and garden space. Sim- coe Street North. Telephone 725-5169. Immediate | ain SINGLE light frigerator, stove, and laundry facilities) g¢-- 39)) Very Central, only. Telephone 728-8644, MOTEL accommodations, Ww y,| shared rooms, $10.; single rooms, $15. two rooms, $25.; three rooms, $35. Tele- Phone 668 5201, Hollywood Motel, Whitby, | ROOM TO RENT, weekly gr month privileges of television and kitchen, also parking. Telephone 723-6508. | LARGE "furnished bedroom, in a » quiet jhome. Close to north General Motors, |hospital and downtown, Available ow. | Telephone 728-7283. 3% BROCK STREET AST, | {furnished foom in quiet home. Close hospital and north General Motors. |stainer preferred. Telephone 723-28: Ab- ROOMS (or room and board) for wo gentiemen or ladies, Telephor |ROOMS FOR RENT -- N lweekly rates, $12. weekly, maid servic Restaurant on premises. Queen's Hote! is Simcoe North. |COMPLETELY furnished bedroom and kitchen with sink, refrigerator, range 102.50 monthly. /and television outlet. Suitable for gentle- |7 man, Apply 237 Athol Street East. 725- 0803. Street. | TWO LARGE furnished rooms, private |Motors, Alex, jentrance, newly decorated, married couple, or two ladies, 214 jillac Avenue South or 723- 354). |ROOM FOR a clean gentleman. Use lof kitchen facilities. Telephone ler 5,) | 668-4870. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room jfor single man. After 6:30 telephone | {723- 6363. FURNISHED BEDROOM _ for 4790 or apply 272 Grooms Ave. ELGIN STREET EAST, second floor, furnished room, refrigerator, parking, [geatteman preferred, $12 weekly or $13 jee hot plate. 725-1497. SINGLE furnished bedroom in -clean,/ |quiet home, gentleman preferred, Apply \65 Elgin E. Telephone 725-6146. *|FORNISHED BEDROOMS, Cooking lities, near south General Motors. ees 604 Oxford Street. 725-7824. |TWO ROOMS for rent, partially fur- jnished, own entrance and bathroom. Telephone 728-1522. WHITBY. Central locati ling rooms for young gentlemen. oF shay and board. Parking. TV. 668-4928. WHITBY. Furnished basement bachelor lapartment. Centrally located. All facili- ties included. Suit single girl. Telephone | 668-8993. Toom, housekeeping -- Jarvis %. apenveman only, $10 weekly. Telephone 725-8384, 28--Room and Board FOR GENTLEMAN, home cooked meals, clean, quiet home, parking, close to bus. 43 Garrard Road, K- WHITBY-AJAX. .2 throughout, Available October 1. Write Box 74572, Oshawa Times. posed hactide es nla. cdPERiiataeonenet Srereeee ADELAIDE STREET WEST, two-bed-| broadioom. One| 725-1 car parking. Gentleman |brakes, 1Y- to mention. 7. rear window, ---------- | 283, power brakes, ras fwo | 376-2151, SALES -- SERVICE and PAINT ud pes Used Cars '© Finance at NICOLS "MOTORS LTD. | WHITBY -- 668-3331 GUS BROWN MOTORS LIMITED R.R. No. 3, Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean Cars, liens paid. TERMS. Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH -9421 OSHAWA TRANSMISSION SERVICE New convenient location 116 BOND ST. WEST We now hove the facilities to do all general repairs. Guaranteed work. | Call 576-2610 | | *65 CUSTOM SPORT | | PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE 283, all power equipped, ra- | dio, rear speaker. Must sell this week. Offers considered over $2050. 728-1195 1959 CHEVROLET four door automatic, radio. Motor and body in excellent con- +2 VOLKSWAGEN 1500 per gpsre dition. Must sell. Telephone 723-8944 tion, prrsefidet rebuilt Tenant, a5 }1962 CORVAIR, four speed, high perfor-| Telephone 725-1890. |mance $550 or best offer. Telephone |i9¢1_ ENVOY, $150. Teleph er 6 T2082 See lp.m., 723-5994. |1967 CAMARO, Rally Sport, V-8, fully|1963 RENAULT, needs repair, 8295. © Jeauipped. Best offer and terms. AlBx oer ee Tee r $95. 42-0105 - si i '§9 MORRIS 1000" -- good running 67 FIREBIRD Sprint, overhead cam, condition, fair body. Will sell or trade 3,300 miles, 4-barrel carbeurator, 215 HP,!yp, and pay difference. 760, Hortop St $2,900 or best offer. 942+ 6536. -----|1960 OLDSMOBILE, A1,_ | power steering and brakes, hardtop, new tires. Telephone 723-7521 Heed FORD Falcon wagon, = "eylinder, 2- oor, standard. Asking $690. Telephons (729038. | EXCLUSIVE Scotia Plan, bank finan- |cing available at Wellman Motors on ell new Rambiers. Warranted nageitd used You will be amazed at how save on finance charges. |728-7. 51 for details. {i967 Bel Air sedan, V-8, automatic, | |power steering, radio, whitewalls, wheel) discs. A-1 condition. Telephone 723-1702 after 6 p.m. 1960 CHEVROLET Bel Air, 6 cylinder, |automatic, clean and reliable, no down payment. $6 per week. Lic. J75570, Well- Call jman's for Rambler. it 728-7351. |S) BUICK, two-door, hardtop, auto __|matic, body exceptionally good, wil! black vinyl top, radio, discs, four ne' new fuel pump, generator and ppeyiator. Must be seen to be appreci- ated. Private. $500. 723-5666. fambier Rebel, four- excellent condition, $2,800 18-6168 after 6 p.m. Ask for MUST SELLI door hardtop, af ead offer, ia VOLKSWAGEN, like new, no down Call 728 7351 "63 VOLKSWAGEN, lady's ca car, up to wry miles per gallon. No down payment, $8 per week, Lic. 324303. Rambler. Call 728-7351. '62 CORVAIR 500, good condition, white, red interior, Telephone between 7 and 8:30 p.m, 723-0258. man's for Rambler. Wellman's for seats, vinyl roof, others too numerous Licence J68684. Save over Alax, 942-6300. | |$1,000. Peleshok Motors, many extras $3295. Tele-| nine steer- rack, Best Stationwagon, power roof discs. '64 CHEVROLET assenger, 327 automatic, ing and brakes, chromed radio, white walls, wheel lotter. 725-9807 after 6. EE ddeu wisliony 47 CHEVROLET, 4-door station wagon, V-8, automatic, power steering, radio. Only 4,700 miles, to clear only $2,890. Peleshok Motors, Ajax. 6300. 0 CHEVROLET, 2-door station wagon, six, standard, excellent running condi- tion. Lic, X13391. Good buy at $395, Pele- shok Motors, Ajax. 942-6300. GMC '/-ton panel, 71,000 guaranteed excellent condition joriginal miles, | throughout. Lic, 371178, $1,395. Peleshok 942-6300. No down payment, $4 per week, Lic. |K 16032, Call 728. 7351, 67 RAMBLER Rebel, radio, etc. Company owned car, reduced) $1,000, No down payment, $20 per week. | Bank financing. Wellman's for Rambler. Call 728-7351 | i958" CHEVROLET sedan "automatic and "delivery and Fetined|1956 Chrysler with new fires. Telephone|LOST. Dark Port |gentieman in adult home. Telephone 723-| 723-1848 |\965 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4door hard- |top, power steering, power brakes, white- i tigg radio, low mileage. Telephone 728- (443. 1956 BUICK, ry "1957 Volkswagen van. van. }Good running condition. Telephone 728-| |/58 CHEVROLET, "Bel Air, "2-door hard- top, radio, 6 cylinder, automatic, above average, $250 or best offer. After 4 p.m. |telephone 725-7582 ligy DODGE Dart GT, slant |speed automatic, console, |seats, snow tires included. "Make offer, | Telephone 668-3598. e963 PONTIAC Parisienne, convertible, |A-1 condition. ._ Telephone 7728-4797. |1956 BUICK Special, 2-door hardtop, {automatic 353, » radio, extra fea- ltures, excellent condition. $200. 728-3667. _|1963 ELECTRA "225 sports coupe. Black, red leather interior, bucket seats, full jPower, $1750, 668-2778. |1963 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, steering, new 68-3587, 211 Bow- tires, Immaculate' man Avenue Whitb go STATION WAGON ac, 4-door Laurentian, engine has aly. 08 miiles, good tires, radio, wheel discs. Telephone boarders. Lunches ROOM AND BOARD for ladies or gentle- SUB-LET two-bedroom apartment in Let ie Pa all conveniences, t. 15. Telephone 576-1232, UPPER TWO BEDROOM duplex, cen- tral. Children welcome. Available Sept- ember 15. Telephone 725-3090 or 723- 165. FIVE-ROOM apartment, immediate pos- session, town of Port Perry. Complete bathroom, hardwood floors, spacious liv- ing room. Telephone 519-941-2627. week, laundry optional. Centre. 725-2684, AND BOARD for gentleman, good meals, lunches packed. Close to bus Stop, Parking. 728-4845. WHITBY, Central location. Room and board for young gentlemen. Parking, TV, lunches packed. Or housekeeping room. Call 668-4928. WHITBY. Room and board avaliable tor igentlemen. Abstainers. TV, parking. 668-5287. ROOM A YOU could be the LUCKY TENANT to win 250 DOLLARS with your opartment number to be drawn on January 2, to Peterborough. Go north on Highway No. 28, 55 miles, 2 miles south of Bancroft to "Bentley Lake Estates". les personnel on property every weekend. Sand beaches, roads and hydro, custom built ,200 comp 10% down, 10 open mortgage. 277-2407 7 Toronto. REGENT ARMS Two bedroom apartments. Quiet building, adults only, 723-6944 or 723-6455 after 6 p.m. Get Spot Cash -- Use 1 8, Times Action Classifieds RENT. ygeon, side convenience, completely furnished, boat. Telephone 623-5718, 1968. Bedsitting room $80 -- Two bedrooms $119 and $129. Incl.: stove, fridge, water, hydro and electric heating. To be seen by appointments only. CALL 723-5325. : Details of draw given with applications only. NEED HELP Ine hurry? Place a Help Wanted ad now by dialing 723-3492, WHITBY-AJAX area, ment, _ self-contained, stove and refrigerator. 311. TWO-BEDROOM apartment with stove and refrigerator. Suitable for one or two hed ate girls. Teachers preferred. Tele- phone 'one-bedroom apart: heated, hydro,' Telephone 668- WHITBY. pee pa ment, refrigerator, stove, drapes and eae Available now. Telephone} 668-314), THREE-ROOM upstairs apartment, pri- vate bath, stove and refrigerator sup- plied. 7 Telephone 728-7871. THREE-ROOM apartment for rent. Ap- ROOM or room end board for gerile: men, near Shopping Centre, Telephone 725-3152. ROOM OR ROOM and board for young jgentleman or lady in private home. Use of T.V. and rec room, Parking. Tele- phone Sch OR TORO Ena -|FOR YOUNG MEN -- laundry and lunches included. Call 668-8140, ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen. Television. Lunches packed. 6 days a week. Near north GM plant. Phone 725- 7755. 1963 FORD CONSUL, deluxe, bucket seats, radio, licence 87552J. Ideal second car. No down payment, only $32. month- ly. "stalker Motors, 137 _King West. 19 FORD GALAXIE, four-door, \ automatic, radio, licence 1188E. No down payment, only $22. _ monthly. Stalker Motors, 137 King West. 196 CHEVROLET, four-door, six-cylin- der, standard, licence 40442E. Very clean throughout. No down payment, only $26. monthly. Stalker Motors, 137 King West. 1959 VAUXHALL VICTOR, snow tires, new muffler and starter, $100. Telephone 723-2477. eit aoe 1966 METEOR, 2-door, 6 cylinder, auto- matic, finished in blue with matching interior. Licence 74578. Price $2,895. Telephone 668-5893. 1967 GALAXIE two-door, hardtop. Fully equipped. Turquoise and white. 176 Annis Street, after. 5 p.m. = ae 1962 CORVAIR 700 sedan, automatic. "Ito be spprectated \65 VOLVO 544, automatic, | 32--Trucks for Sale payment $11 per week. Lic. J89904 Well FIREBIRD 400, eight thousand maileglen |SHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. Cars -| LO! 5 ie cat, sultable ei 1962 RAMBLER would like a good home. [RORT, rabble," fenals eal rai Centre 30--Automobiles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 14, 1967 19 1965 METEOR, 4door, 6 cylinder, auto- matic, gold with belge Interior. Licence 40538E. One owner, in showroom condi-| 36----Legal 38--Coming Events tion, Price $1,995. T +5893. ONTIAC 'entian sedan, 26,000 1964 miles, 6 cylinder automatic, power steer- ing, radio, etc., excellent condition, Te! phone 728-1939. 1962 MERCURY, 8 automatic, 2-door hardtop, red with red and black interior. Licence 857530, Price $1,095, Telephone 668-5893, VOLKSWAGEN BUS, deluxe, 1965 model. If interested, telephone 728-7815. ALL USED PARTS, tires, wheels, radi- ators, spindles for trailers, springs, 509 Bloor Street East, 723-2281. 31--Compact Cars for Sale ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorizéd Datsun ond Fiat Deoler Specializing in Volkswagen Repair ond Service" 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 % VOLVO and PEUGOT 4 #& MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 1966 WHITE Volkswagen, red leatherette upholstering, 11,500 miles. $1,300. Tele- Phone 723-0420. "62 VAUXHALL, four-door, 4 cylinder, 40 miles to the gallon, perfect yeogtpors _ must for your second car. Snow ith deal. Full price $575. Must be BLE) 5453. two-door. Good cond!- tion, Telephone 942-5545 after 5 p.m. 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, very good condi-| tion, must sell. Private. Asking $395. [Telephone 668-5089 1964 VIVA Vauxhall, white with red "to. terior, very clean, good 'condition. Used) |@8 second car. $795. Telephone 668-5432. 1962 VOLVO Sport 544, gray. Very "good | condition. Must sell. Telephone 728-5440 WILLYS JEEP, four-wheel drive, high- low range, convertible top, rebuilt en- gine, Telephone 725-7800 between 8-10 |p.m 1962 CORVAIR handy van? 1963 | Inter- national pick-up; 1960 GMC 980 Dump; 1960 Chevrolet tandum dump; 1954 Mer- cury tractor. Telephone 725-2156. 1967 CHEVROLET '2-ton pick-up. jensen. Telephone 668-2453. 162 GMC, 'o-ton pick-up truck, can be seen at 322 Dwight Avenue a after 4 4 p.m. 1964 CHEVROLET Van delivery. 'Best offer. Telephone 728-3361, | 1950 FORD pick-up, Al. condition \throughout. Asking $400. Must be seen! Peaicidirs 983-5122 after 6.30 p.m. Al 3--Automobiles Wanted | WANTED |. Good clean local cors for cash MORLEY STALKER MOTORS 137 King West 723-8311 723-6322 ~CARS WANTED | Buying A New Car? mall your used car to 'Ted' alk 'Cash' to the New a Dealer and "Save". _|1965 CHEVROLET, Super Sport, V-8. automatic, power steering, power) TED CAMPIN MOTORS AM-FM radio. all between noon-4" p.m, Telephone "725: | 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 47 CHEVROLET CAPRICE, fo WANTED, co trucks for wreck- |hardtop, 327-250 horsepower, _ turboling. No charg. fer 'owing. Best prices |hydramatie, power steering, _ brakes,| paid. Telephone 728-4549 anytime, Robd-) windows, seat, antenna. Strato-bucket/ert Nichols. 'ars and trucks for wreck prices Rob- |WANTED: < Jing. No charge for towing. Best paid. Telephone 728-4549 anytime. ert Nichols. and metals 725-2311 bought, parts for gele. Iron bought, 89 Bloor Street East. 34--Automobile Repsir AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 Transmissions are Our Only Business --- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges. All Work Guaranteed. |35--Lost and Found mainly white} area. Reward, Telephone 725-5462. |LOST. Dark brown wallet containing anne papers and.other important Papers Call 725-0349. . One brown Buxton wallet in_Rit-| son Road South area. Reward. Te@| phone 725- 5293, | female cat,| |part Persian, grey chin, blunted jwhiskers. Beau Valley area. Reward.; Telephone 723-3997 | Pes shntnd -- | yellow gold ~Benrus| tiger-striped LOST, LADIES watch, vicinity of Oshawa Hospital and Alexandra Park, reward, contact R.| | Howard 212 King West after five. | FOUND -- Beagle type dog. Vicinity of! Simcoe South. Owner may claim a phoning 576-1573. 36--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS } AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF GERALD CLEVELAND _ PROUT, LATE OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF EAST WHITBY, | IN THE COUNTY OF | ONTARIO, _ GENERAL MOTORS EMPLOYEE, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the estate of the above-named deceased. late of the Township of East Whit- by, County of Ontario, who died on or about the 15th day of July. 1967 ore hereby notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 5th doy of October, 1967 their names and full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date, the es- tate will be distributed hov- ing regard only to the claims of which notice hos been re- ceived DATED AT OSHAWA, Ontar- io, September 14th, 1967 ANN CECILLIA PROUT, Administrator, by her solicitors, Greer, Kelly & Jermyn, 114 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. Very | good condition. Telephone 668-8693. 1965 FALCON, 2-door, 6 cylinder, finished in bronze with matching interior, one pwner, must sacrifice. Price $1,595. Licence K15808. Telephone 668-5893. 29--Wanted to Rent ply after 5:30 p.m. to 466 Ave. or 723-8806. R PERSON, private $16.; two rooms three rooms $35.; parking. 668-5201. SURLET -- three bedrooms, two baths, Oshawa's newest apartment pulldings. Available October 31, Tele- phone 576-1037, sharing ey URGENTLY required, agnels apart: ment for mother and two teen-a: eae dren in the boundaries of Donsves igh ;}and Duke of eee School. Tele: phone after 4:30 p.m. 728-7653. RESPONSIBLE COUPLE + room home, Whitby or area preferred, Please 3779, require 2bed- et Oshawa foasnone 576- 71 RAMBLER American, six, standard, sound body and running gear, 35 miles for gallon. Very clean. Licence J14147, $219. Hobbs Motors, 668-6889. 194 COMET 4-door, 8 cylinder, stan- dard transmission, pot steering, radio. Brown with Drones interior, . Licence 575005. Price $1,495. Telephone 668-5893, WANTED. Factory hardtop for Austin Healy 3000, Telephone 725-4553 after 6 FOR RESULTS TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED COUNTY OF ONTARIO TENDERS. FOR UNIFORMS Sealed tenders, properly mark- ed on the outside as to con- tents and addressed to the undersigned will be received up to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 3rd, 1967, for the supply, fitting and delivery of Uniforms for the County of Ontorio Jail Officials. Specifications for Uniforms may be obtained on applica- tion to the undersigned. Lowest or ony tender necessarily accepted. Wm. G. Manning, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Ontario, 405 Rossland Rd. WHITBY, Ontario. not * East, i7--henen Sle Auction Sale Sat., Sept. 1967 Household furniture property of MRS. JOHN BLIGHT, 30 Queen St. E., Brooklin. Chesterfield chair, davenport, hostess chair, dining room table and 4 chairs, 2 arm chairs, 6 dining room chairs, 2 end tables (maple), 2 radios, large mirror, electric heater, butfet, rangette (Danby), new refrigerator (Frigidaire), 2 bean pots, automatic space heater (Kenmore), dishes, cooking utensils, knifes. and forks, 2 double beds, mat- tresses, 2 dressers, 2 toilet sets, spool legged table, cur- tains and drapes, floor lamps, pictures, wash stands, wicker rocking chair, 2 writing desks, feather tick, 2 kitchen tables, rangette, washing machine (Beatty), electric toaster, elec- tric frypan, tea kettle, pint gems, garden tools, step lad- ders, 2 African violets, many other articles. TERMS CASH, Sale at 1:30 p.m. Auctioneer--LOYAL POGUE Tel. 668-4271 SUNNYSIDE BINGO TO-NIGHT $2,300 IN PRIZES JACKPOT NOS. 52 and 54 AT THE RED BARN 7 -7:30 P.M. EXTRA BUSES COLMER TOURS SYRACUSE NEW YORK THANKSGIVING Oct. .7th - Oct. 9th EXPO TOURS 3 Day Tour Oct. 16, 17, 18 | 2 Doy Tour Oct. 21 & 22 | EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATIONS For Information Call | COLMER | TRAVEL SERVICE 623-3265 or 623-3093 BOWMANVILLE (MODERN SQUARE DANCING | Oshowa Promenaders. | Classes every Tuesday. Inter- | mediote and club level. 8 to AV :30. if Albert Love School ilson 1 723- 3692 -- 725-6126 Times Action Classified BIG OR SMALL WE DO THEM ALL DOUG. GOWER AUCTIONEER 728-1005 Ads Bring Fast Results TELEPHONE os | 38--Coming Events 723-3492 JAYCEES Monster BINGO Admission 50c Two Jackpots 53 and 58 ONE MUST GO $500. IN 50 NOS. OR LESS $200. In announced Nos. $25. Consolation Prize $10 per line both games $175. Jackpot $20 per line. $75 full card 20 Regular $20 Games pay double in 17 Nos. or less Five $30 Games Early Bird Game 7:45 p.m. EXTRA PRIZES Every Thursday at the Jubilee Pavilion BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 and 7:15 P.M. and Returning after Bingo Children under 16 Not Admitted HOLY CROSS BINGO THIS WEEK FRIDAY at 8:00 P.M. FREE ADMISSION FREE - 20 Reg. Games -- Total $300. ~ SNOWBALL-- $170. in 56 Nos. Bed $10. each horizintal line. . Jackpot $50 full card | ef Each Horizontal Line Plus Horizontal Lines Shore the Wealth Eorly Bird Game 7:45 Reg. Game 8:00 Good Parking No Children Please other departments 723-3474 8:30 p.m. --5.30 p.m. WOODBINE ENTRIES FRIDAY, SEPT. 18. RACE -- Purse $1,300. Claim Maiden two-year-olds foaled Boy 118 Canada's Answers Dittfach 118 Chinese Mist, No Boy 115 Mona Marie, No Boy 115 Grey Lodge, Gomez 115 Bolero Weeper, Kelly X116 Queen's Award, Steve 115 Briefly, Hinojosa 115 Swanky Franky, Grubb X118 Sir Tinda, No Boy 118 saree RACE--Purse $2,000. . Three- Meg Reg 1 116 oy Alton Lad, Ditttach 117 Repulse Bay, No Randy Sue, Kelly X106 Thunder Jay, Grub bX109 Bush Hawk, Gomez 116 Whistler's Wife, Steve 116 THIRD RACE -- Purse $1,800. Claim. Ing (5000), Maiden two-yearold& foaled in ee (Divn of Ist), 6% Furs jariondort, sid rtd us aie Boy | Chic Countess, Srubb x10 Coeur Volant, Hinojosa 115 Royal Brandy, Grubb X113 Coffee Star, Steve 115 Jacob Starr, Leblanc 118 Bruce Tartan, Gomez 118 Mike's Express, Turcotte 118 |You're Ahead, Barroby 118 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $1,800. Claiming (3000), Three-year-olds and up, 6 Furs Kool. Copy, Kelly X103 Am Battle, No Boy 122 Arctic Venture, lteeespons Ww ook 2nd, Grubb X Natural Visitor, Grito, m2 Brillie, McComb 115 2 River Party, Baze A-17 "3 {Pretty Wise, Hale 112 'Lady Dot, Platts A-X114 Wise Teddy, Dittfach M2 |Mount Market, No Boy 115 |Marshall House, No Boy 122 | Also Eligible; Hit The Line, Turcotte 117 [Orchard No Boy 117 {Ann Good, Belt 107 lareer Thru, No. Boy A--Parkview Stable and y * once entry FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400. Clalm- ling. (6500). Tiida sodas About 1 ae turf cours My Maura, Platts X108 Redirect, Grubb X106 Lava Hill, Baze 122 ----------|Norway House, Armstrong 114 Leelover, Kelly X103 EXACTOR WAGERING) SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,100. 'Claime ing. (5000). Two-year-old fillies. 6 Furs Eve Darby, Baze 119 Gibson X114 ibbins 109 e = Tompionette, Grubb X114 Red Rick, Gomez a Bus Ticket, Grubb X Neat Little Divil, Fiinnk 109 Fleet Reactor, Kelly X109 Tongue Twister; Kelly X109 Hasty Amber, Platts A-X114 Also Eligible: Field Doll, No Boy B-114 Tutti Mani, No Boy B-119 pasion PEL ee Maggi eniit ooHartl Stable and Yo rovetren Stable entry % SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2,800. Al- Lonenees, three- and four-year-olds. 6 Blenheim Park, Armstrong 111 Mr. Mascot, Barroby 118 James Bay, Grubb A-X104 Dark Secret, Platts A-XX104 Alberta Sunshine, Here us Chincoteague, Gomez 1 Caesar B Good, eelly * 108 Poses feng 'itech m entry (exacroR, WAGERING)" > EIGHTH RACE--Purse $2,300. Claim ing (5000). Three-year-olds and up. 1 1-16 Miles on Marshall tu Famous Monarch, Armstrong 117 Koura, Barroby Jet Clipper, Kelly A-X111 Cambuslang, oae 120 Sarosu, 'Grubb X "a int, Gomez Peter come Kelly. ig . ADS 723-3492 < WANT-ADS DON'T COST--THEY PAY it Be Mel, Gibson X108 A--M Kane and T Zi M--S Ibs AAC; XX--T Ibs XXX--10 Ibs ic tbs AAl Post TIME 2 P M