Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Sep 1967, p. 16

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the world |ada, the United States and Brit. in Finance Minister Mitchell|tain its position 1m, the moti! |atn' 'There are eight other cen. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, September 14, 1967 1M R arch ednesday. and build the sponsored by other compa, 16 "we d : ore nese als cee a of industri-|it had to do more. tres fe tenryid Pack. Taal uggested that Canada| nies, 0 TTTrTrT--T--T--rTrT----T--T------T--T---------- ooo Sh alsts at a the official epenins ot Oe lef in areas such | investment is about $30,000,000, : . , Ph iA be hs Needed': arp teberoatioasl Nickel Co. of Can-| as vee "-- "north and| LITTLE LAND FARMED | there is not/development o with a ulati 1 ed ada Ltd. that the fields of medicine. Libya, Population ef = - mt TORONTO (CP) -- Canada| pouch scientific research come seseatory is one of eight | 1,677,000, uses less than one per : Mas sp doetine mate, rensers™ | Vang ame in Cena mee. aii Inco research centres in Can-!cent of its land for cultivation, at 9 facilities to meet future needs,' If the country was to main- TODAY'S STOCKS | susiness sPOTLIGHT eres TORONTO 10:4 A.M. STOCKS 10:40 Net | Distributed by CP | Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Toronto Stock Exchange--Sept. 14 C imp Bnk 1695 $14 14 14 en 1 u Quotations in cents uniess marked $.) ¢ ing Gas 7246 $11 1111 2--Odd lot, xd--Exdividend, xr--Ex- "7 17% a ke ee ee Be W vi | sss -- Cetera tee S10 te | Boon To Western Canners MINES C Petrofin 108 $144 14 es | Cdn Tire 50 $314 3% "a ws ut | Soy tie A Sat ase 2 2 TS By RON SUDLOW |Union, "because of the decline Accountent Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| vy § : Accountant WN G Sie Te aie eA ks." WILLIAM ©. Hi Ang Ruyn 200 105 105 105 | Capit Bldg 200 51 S151 VANC OUVER (CP) -- British '" pin ed Accountant +2 th of Ailes ve i9e a a wie cuymer 3g i's ty "Columbia 'salmon . on wa crc ah ot fra nns ew A 100 235 | i 20 38 8 8 t $s Banke 100 st Coumbia 1100 40. a0 | be ------ poe as esa season began in June in north GORDON Rf Barnat 0 0 9 30 Columb! p 225 $15% 15% 15H he mM Pry tales ike atin out |coastal waters. The season will ping Centre. 725. Bethim 300 615 615 615 | Gon Paper "as Sum ane ane ie as 8 continue in southern waters i eo ' OTTAGE ! BOB CLANCY' Black Bay 500 84 84 84--e Con Pap w 300 600 600 600 of the drop : until November. awww www eee "| \ : eal Sis ' 4 Complete book: tis ae ae Se | Cons Gas 1485 19% 19 19 --%& The sockeye run in- south) At the peak of this year's run 1 S! ; mare | coe Street N., 72 Brunswk 350 590 590 590 | Couvret P 100 $52 Sie si -- Me coastal waters has bulged nets in early September, 1,022,000 1 INGS E 's ih. ol ' " " ' THOUSANDS re! Cane toeo 82st | eye Feo Sine to" We /-- 4! bY more than 500,000 fish over| cases of salmon had been pro- een : ote jee y i ERIE" ... ee 616 oar aD Cemtio ie 100 295 25 25 --4 | Dist! Seag 2095 $39 387% 387% the predicted catch of 1,200,000! cessed, a drop of 500,000 from 1 , uD Woke "MUSKOKA" ' JosERH our L came ct Ti leu tu | Diimtuse" tte oe re oe | and will make this year's Sea-/the bonansa oe el 1966. , - : "864 East. Telephone nal 4 : ' 7 2 better than average, say| "This is a prefly good catch eee eee T 00 230 228 230 +2) Dof z10 $24 24 «(24 son | s P a "# 1) HOPKINS, BE aE BR on Ma i el Bom iam io 310 10 10. ¥ cannery, government and union for this year which is the best 4 Selle Scaled! 2 Roomy Plons! NIPISSING .*972 ed Accountants, Can Keely 3500 7 7 penes 2 | officials, cycle year in the past 12 8 4 her's Cdn Nisto 3000 59 59 | Dom Store 435 $17% 17% 17% + % : | ] "SIMCOE" S 1161 tario, 725-3509; S. Candore 4000 16 15% 141 '2| Domtar 1522 $13% 13'@ 13% The packers are expecting to| years," Mr. Stevens said. 1 L BULLETIN Beadle, CA; E | Can-fer 1100 105 10) 10) -- 7 Dupont 1 'tesa "aa "tu "\process a catch very close to| Salmon catches are compared s SINGLE 8 . 3-BEDROOM *KAWARTHA'°1437 YALE, FRIEDLA & Captain 1000 «+19 Exquisite 2126 «$5% " ith J b th t CAR a fered Accountant: Cassiar 125 $16 i 4 Falcon 175 $882 as 882 + % last year's which had a whole-|with cycle years because the eee 9s Bankruptcy, 57" Cent Pat Pia 162 19 162 Fed Grain ee eee sale value of $86,500,000. par with the wy ton of the 1 GET YOUR FREE copy! { Deluxe Single $386.40 "gt, CLAIR 1474 Oshawa, 730-7371. y 5555 "We expect to get very close| pinks, spawn every four years. ene mM" oo 2" 2" a" | Ford cre "ost Tet tel -- 1 lty Jast year," said Ken Camp-| 1 Mail Coupon Below Or Visit One "SUPERIOR" *1809 Blueprintin, Chimo 500 87 8&7 87 FPE Pion 1220 $31% 31% 3138 + % secretary of the Wisherios| |NETS BULGE Of Our 17 Distribution Centres ! 1 + al oat BRAT Coniagas 1000 56 56 56 FPE Pn pr 20$123 123 123, +2 bell, se Indications of larger sockeye 1 "CAR Price All Materials Te Close In! All Prices Approx. ma Cenigo 128900 73 70 70 +2] Fraser 400 $18 Th 7%'4--% Association of B.C. which! teh be t the start of len caw ww we ewe eee . Approx. ie Senate hey € Bell 65500 24¥2 232 24 + 12) GMC a 2 Vi | eaks for moat of the canner: Caches Ueean & ar Con Fardy 733 300 300 300 Godyesr p 50 $434 43% 4344 + 14 | SP | the season when nets in north Ere Punt ¢ Halli 1200 62 61 62 --1]| GL Paper 110 $22 22% 22%-- Welies in the province. 1 Building Tr Se eae ee ee ei ecoceted average or|<Oasal waters. Began to bulge 48's V8" $1.18 sson Oy Devbleseet, Write! oe ¢ Morisn 300 385 380 | fe wi is! at are wo! oe 16" Con N 5900 80 78 80 | Guar Trst 100 $10% 10% 10% + W slightly below average year of 4 f HARDBOARD4'8 xX a sheet 12 x 12" or 16x Ro 7 Gon Nichol 1000 V4% ae ldve-- | Hardee 182 50 50 $0 --3 about $70,000,000 or $75,000, ono| 37% cents to the fisherman and JUST ARRIVED! s REPAI F cea Se 2, oY oe 4) ee ef ae ee es but it now looks like it will be|C°mmand $1 a pound on the CARTON Cop Man 2200 282 28 284 Hawker $ 300 350 350 350 --10 |store shelves. Shipment From 10-#t. Lengths, ALTEI Coulee 1000 49 rr | Hawker pr 25 $75 75 75 much better than that. A New Ship' ! . 8 cartons Crowpat 500 9% 9% 9% | Hays Ona 200 $13¥4 13% 1344+ 4) ayy 7 1 When the runs on the North- he Far East brond .. 2 each Deer Horn . 500 20/2 20Ve 20Ve-- 4) Home A 2352 $2138 21'4 21% We might even equal last| Taiwan And The name or more Al D'Eldona 2033-212: -08 «212 + 4| Home B 100 $222 22/2 22+ % year," he said, "but you never/ern Skeena and Nass Rivers pty Denison 335 $7734 77% 77% + "| Horne Pit 950 345 345 345 eh know until the fish are in the | ended, optimism dropped as G $ $6.97 Exch! to pe Dicknsn ee ee a Ot Ne ee a Ala |fishermen in central coastal EDAR CLOSET LININ carton covers HOMES-OFF Dome. yo SM ah Ae) | usky Dw M00 slows ile 10M " | waters looked at iad slack 32 aq. ft. id Ree Root Endako 250 $11% 11% 11% Imp oll ay stm 6% Om -- 4 BEST IN YEARS F "Th Fibre" a Sp Frobex 221 390 390 390 mp: Yep 3a Sie. a 1 The 1966 season was regarded| or t the total bi My Be $49.95 amous erma-Fibre Ind Adh 400 $7% 72 7%--V u e tota catch egan to Gnt Mesct 2000 122 120 128 ind Minerl 1130 $154 15' 1s' 'sithe best in recent years. jrally and a dismal year was LP s Tinted! alton James Al i Gorm iss oo ind Wire 900 $54 SM Si It also meant that the proy-| averted in late August when th 'aX : (pes oldrim , also averted in late August when the : 19 } ~ | Ingersoll 6380 $381 36 4 +3% , i 3 Sete Se BB ct] ee" "Bae eG" jn nate commerce saee [BC fet conenttad othe Ye ety r Locksets $5.40 (on ox fe carton en Pc reen Pot 4 inst oa Wr} - eae Bs Nickel 665 a5 sloras 10 10934 10924 + % after expenses, south, Her Lots Add 20¢ Panel! - KEY - IN - KNOB 0 s each " (60 84. ft earton) 69 655-3061. F. McCe iene, 200 $13 13 «13 + Yl sCInt Util 350 $38%e 3840 380 -- ¥ This year, because of the| Last year there were 7,400 Smater ; in lots of 20 certons or more! ne Lae re Hollinger 287 $27, 2674 267m | HtCUIIL wr S10 $3836 28M 3844+ 4) extra sockeye catch--the most] |fishing boats worth $90,000,000 A yd 2. 44 «= " KING Choice Quelity! 1 Smaller 1 dd 20c! coMPLEYE Hol HP ge oe i Su Wi v| Int Pipe w 1075 $11 11\4 11%4+ % expensive salmon on the mar-/ registered in B.C. Approximate- 4xT's ree ; F ING CEDAR At malier lots @ Ice in Oshawa ar Int ibis T 2500 8 +38 | ea ag oh OF | |ket and the key to good fishing |ly half the salmon hauled from 1X6 FENG! Lin. Pr. reasonable, M | 4 | ee 4 oe wi a OS -'| See Gem a Soltlieaege | Pere at ai wae commas Mahogany 2-panel Act TYR lonsm 4 7 : a" " % Jowsey 222 717171 ae, ks ce ts tata || - "But they will be making! Britain is the province's bie- Johns-Manville "Corrulux With Strainer! BI-FOLD GARAGE oat ont a) Foci ta) a gs ad Shy * icelly DAY its 5% 4 Su -- Ve less," said Homer Stevens, sec- |gest salmon customer, followed FIBERGLAS PANELS STAINLESS or Formica! RENT THAT VA Kid Coper 1800 75 73. ror Leet ee a retary treasurer of the United by northern Europe, Australia STEEL POST FORMED DOORS DOORS -- Call 723-34 in - LDutaut 1279 810% 10%. 10% ta Sec 785 $12% 12% 124 |" |Fishermen and Allied Workers|and New Zealand. 26 is $ 95 SINKS SHINGLES | Counter Tops payee ake Lyn 1000 13 13 | ts 660 $28% 28% x96 " J Leltch $00 805 80S 805 +] toy ye on he fe " eoch' Freedt "Red Tweed! 6 Ft. $20.95 WORD ADS Se. dope | ae 10, Shareholders To 3e ked 5 . sic Louvicrt 2000 8 Ft, 27.05 additional words, Matigm! 450 sit tin tie Lob G A 100 $27, 37 7 $5. 88 ° tive insertions © pd me 100 $7% 7% Fad tional words 131 Mcintyre 250 $80 10 Ft, 34,95 i nec BED. Midrim eo 9 tt -2 | MORON Ae | Ae 74 "DL" Gr (j tive insertions © Mogul Min Reem -s 1OIS $24 28% ae bd 4 Full Ph SELF-SEAL § a Less Than $3.50 Fr.! tional words. 24¢ Mr Wright jone e! 05 siete 18a + Ms 6 F 1 enact eae MUNK 3000 tal ala) = |i Et mills 200 $19." 19 pos edb ha Bh N €xp 15000 13 12% 13 + M| Markboro ---400-$5%4 S14 "ha New Ath 72 8 Ww Markbro w 200 230 230 230 a Method of Count Newconx 455 $80 580 $80 Gree. 5 a 2 +) WINNIPEG (CP) -- Bank off Alo expected words counts as NH 700 192 190 19 +10, MEPC 100 320 320 320 --5 eh yg 'a pe are counter. i r Barn Jobs! initial, figure or ¢ N Imperal 200 320. 320. 320 | elostomet 225 $298 295% 25% = Western Canada directors met|moves to keep it going, and Truck Lot Prices For House, Cottage or Barn Jobs! Special Purchase! Pea ws one word; phone Niund Tes 38s 16h ue al Re ke ee el wadnesa |whether they have any hope of 'Amtico" and ockdown words, Hewner . 1900 2 }2 2 ' | pis . ™ +7 e a 6 2a ednesday on the eve of a ucceeding may rest with ri REDI-VUE" ainsi. baat 0 1 -- = Nick Rim 250 15 1515 +h vee . LA 334 Ey 3 + ve make-or-break shareholders' eis financier Sinclair Ste- a $2.50 per nano { Norbeske --Jo00 «7 6767 inn en a }|meeting which will be asked to|vens and a proxy for 150,000 \ SASHLESS arene \ Murphy 100 $7" 7% h+ | . jshares, 18 per cent of jORIUMS ' N telieee . thei ae, ise ae florande . $90 54% Suh Sun + Vs wind up the bank's affairs. baka Wank. P 'the Unity" Toces $ 4x8 SHEETS WINDOWS wy MEMO the fi ' Northgat 430 795 5 795 +8 each thereafter | Pet RR fe A aie Ivie 310 $122 12% 12% Mr. Stevens said how the : 5 orse; 25¢ oddi#tio! Nudul 2250 13h, 13h 314 Stowe As oe He ime picks 7 ti BONDS shares would be voted would be Bourd Feet NO. 1 SPRUCE 2-6 x 2-6 11,86 within 8 days. Perameqd 200 9% 9 9 -- Pac Pete w 1100 600 | TORONTO (CP)--The C |decided at a meeting h e was SHEATHING CARDS OF THAN pe "nt a uh iy tet sige 50 Sioa 'es 'em -- 4s dian bond market drifted lower | Song to after the directors') - Hurry! 1-0 § Quantity! . 99 $4.60 peg Metre 6 i mn Sco Exp 15000 17 163. 6S -- 1 | AFICE Com £20 311% 1% 11% + Min quiet trading Wednesday. | 7cetins- cooue ae therge if not pol Pine Point 865 $54 53 54 +1] QN Gas oi $10\e lis 10%) + Ye) Tight security surrounded the 2x4 #1 Spruce ous $9.08 OMING EVENTS Placer 1000 $35%4 35% 35% sichhola, ae. gave oft f+ | Short-term Government 0 fidirectors' tin hi ° ° 3 § Preshn 730 $214 21. 21 Reichhold 55 $33'4 33% 33%4-- Ve r meeting, which lasted 1 R S a ee eee $2.38 per Inch (d Probe M1000 915. 9a Sin -- | Revelstk 725 $8 88 Canada bonds eased with the 5-|just under two hours. There 2x6 #1 pruce .... 1 34:39 first 20 words on Pyramid 300 90" s00° 80° = | Revenue 300 si 14% 14% -- Ye per-cent July 1, 1969, issue clos-|was no stateme s 50 eecccce (Word Ads). 71 | Revenue w 300 $10% 10% 1034 ; mg de nt issued after > 4 pruce .... 54" Rotors" 3am yo 1 | Rockower" 100 'srs 'ng ling at 99.05 bid and 99.15 asked. | wards. $4129 AUCTION SALES Rie aibom see $m ahve Hove= sal Rotman "an Sou ou Jus y4| Long-term Canada and prov-| The importance of the 150,000 2x10 #1 Spruce ... Gentes Gp es See Se? S| fe Hee HES" linia ods vere, oft wh the shares that they previously all lengths to 16 feet G.1.S. FIRPLY sg an 908 $25% 24 a Me fe er-cen ay issue 1.00 wi Rowen x wm ee S| Secon im Son ws we at Bay Bld eng df telco dant acta oF Oe back 66 1x8, 10, 12 Boards *117°"] 14" ....... 4/pm. DAY PRE\ Satellite 3000 58 55 58 +1 dll 294 $10% 10% 10% + Ve asked, |held by Marc Bienvenu of 4x8 T&G OST AND Oe Sherritt 4200 475 ass 475 4 5 | SAyvelte 100 310 310 310 Day-tod traded at|Montreal through British i" x 4x $7.08 : lie Slivrfids 100 415 415 415 +5 = York 125 $28 27% 2 +% jay-lo-day money traded at Montrea roug ritish Inter- SELECT FIRPLY a " i BIRTHS AND DE/ Sit Miller aoae We 17 1k Fm) Sour Cap 100 ho, 40360 5'| 496 per cent. national Finance (Canada) Ltd. "Vee-Grooved" Top Quelity! 3am. DAY OF F vq z i ee gee 7 bills remained rel : s 1500 355 355 255 Shell Inv p 342 $314 31 31 uy reasury a-| CO) $ IN _MEMORIUMS stenrck, 1500 455 46 455 +3 HlecH my ae ss 12% Lg tively unchanged with the 91- we one a up on the reais usate debs $ Gypsum Produets MAHOGANY oR Bay PRE St 355 660 5. = "4 30% 30% > Sug Cont 1000 23. 2323 | gree Save as sis" is" 154 w/day bills closing at 4.38 per! side of shareholders determined 91 BU 4x9 Rocklath $42.70 CLASSIFIED DISPt Sullivan 200 370 370 370 +10 | Silverwd A 750 $16 16 16 cent and the 182-day bills at to keep the bank goi a oc 2 exp byt Texmont $00 92 92 92 +1 | Simpsons 536 $349 Se 34% -- 4 60. F going coul Wallboard $58 40 ome et larger -- Texore: 8 i i 2 simeton $28 $24 ou 2a ___ upset "Mr. Bienvenu's stated ROCK WOOL , #.$] 0/ hag e 59 97 pect 1 342 34a + % ' Towa, 2000 bis vs Za Sienbe A seth 330" > es re WANT RIDE HOME (Seales Samant hipding a INSULATION Base per 1,000 square ser [4 yx 73 4 x 8' CORRECTIONS » ; rin y " 25 $21 20 0 Sma Lets 9 U'Mining 225 23. 23 23 Stuart Oil 5 site $84 682+ 4 LONDON (CP) -- Taxi driver|doors in March but stalled by a micionn. Sino te bent syd ay ee wd Any advertiseme U Asbeston 3538 685 675 68S +10 | Suptest od 250 $25 525 + M4 y All Prices. Subject To Change! Sorry, Ne Dealers, Please Siccton will t Un Mache it its fn tty | Tm iis 22 "Where to, srt "Karachi" [and ple foe recto eee : Soft te Geatts ferfon Un Macfie y | o 2 year ee n a : Ue ton" ie 1H un | Fema g's "3 ee luc a See bol ested ype ee 13 i ° 2" Meth... ay In 70. White "A" Grade Conadien Mode Smaller Add 20¢ Panel! Hox NUMBER Rt Urban Ame M4 u" M | ile every ende West Mine 100 258 258 258 Traders A 125 $8 8% si4--%\Sengers offered Harold $450 to| 36 11° forward replies tc White Stor aoe 2 4 "a «| ae : - oe 18 1! 1 . 150 tio. take them home to Pakistan. Bega ot Spee ps Pied 100-FT. ROLLS 3-PC, BATHROOM COMMON NAILS ABITIBI "PIONEER ASH"! advertisers af ity, wil é ~_ 740 20 100 00 qi fabill Windtell 50 2 2 2% --1| Transair 325 $616 ba Be Harold declined and drove the| James E. Coyne as the bank's 50' Rolls .. $5.88 214" 5:76 344" 5% Prefinished! damaged alleged Yerba, Tom ah ns at 41 | Trem ety Get nt Ya three Pakistanis to Heathrow! president, that proposals to be " $49.45 [vere " Rand axe $.5.19 sin hey a ear 4Pa 47% tad if joweve Yukon € 800 122 122 122 +2) Tran Pw 300 910910 910429 [Airport where they caught a|considered at today's meeting 42 100-FT. ROLLS "13: Tenet? 3" #5 4 ot veed' . dence or otherwis Zulepe an am +3) Trane me 610 S20 2014 zm + %| plane. jinclude a resolution to remove 0° Roll "Veed"'? 2e responsible fo ie OILS, GAS UnAce Cip 35 $39 ayn 39s My jall directors, an election of offi- A 50° Rolls . . $6.75 8-Pe. Bath Set $105.40 PER 50-LB. CARTON! a0 oe aan in'30 Gave un cane Po Weston A 725 $18 1818 |cers to fill the vacancies and a 36 Gates $9.75 42" Gates $10.45 : Smaller Lots Add 20c Per Panel! REGU ies . me mo me --s | | UGas 8 pe a ca ee fem Ne| Watton 8 20 Sas 1 -- %| resolution to wind up the bank. T-Bar Posts 98¢ 4 4 CEDAR u% Utility 141, hy RESPONSIBLE FOI ui U y Z Ft rs 670 sli iM 16a + "I ue Wenn aed By Sikes SoA hg Reh | No comment was available x 2 91": r. KNOTTY PINE TISEMENTS SUM cS" Pete i 0 0 2 27 3 | Un Wo nwt 7 : ndash hIG walle si |after the directors' meeting on ALUMINUM ked 6 I THAN ONE INSE jomes' fe = ee rt, Haima aaa te Fopored bank, The Eamon. 17-Gallon Water Systems § $94-° | rea pundie $43 Sige en a | Wal : ro! ee jest RI c "Wet P 500. tes wT tes | Weldwod Kanon ue Bom tee beet fh 7" ent Galer B. Max i Combinetion 1x6-7 bundle ooe $3 SERTION. IN. WH s V 4 ; ; t Dynamic 216 213 213 --3| Wie aus v4! Lk Dufauit 270 $13% 13% 13% Ritchie and J. Les Bodie, the Screen & Storm ay 1x6-8' bundle 4, The Oshawa Time cee oc aN. ee W_ Pacific | Gn"Keno" 7210580 580380 bank's senior vice-president, ie 61, Cireular Power Saws 2 eg oroper closifica e Gt COllsds 500 $144 14 14a + %| --__ oN Oe: Oe bis : | 4 1 8 7 proper classificati Int Helium 300 315 315 318 -- x8-7' bundle ... In the cases of « y Conte | The Times: will n N Cont % 0 WM --6 U é N Davies 2 wy $ 25 1x8-8 bundle eee 5, 7 for met erg Numa ag a9 419 + : . up § Milled with shiplap joint approx. 12" thick! endeavor to repr ah He a an a simnae Pontoon innacle 2200 275 + OIL OR GAS 1 55 PLYWOODS any form are con P| 325 315 320 --1 ~ING ES a Ponder Ssh ss + : VISION 3 J FURNAC Fine Name Brands up Prefinished By Be Ranger 0 395 39 Rang rt 23775 45 4d Ad e . ng Ue Ld Syay Sear an A ah 41K | Ss 95 On Made To Your Reynolds RANGE HOODS Serrsters' $4 7:75 1 a 4x7 B. xe sag) ria 00 Us Ganso iss 148 16 e ow ? Ice Mecsurements! Horizontal Purchase wo. | Smee Lats nad 0-13-25 3: U Canso w 166 ees nds 50! 6% 6% 6% . "Select Guilty wstates 300 $25 525 $25 +10 Ss \ 100', 2 "5 ¢ Ein $7.68 78 IND W Deceltas 200 285 285 285 | 1,000' yd ! oar TCHAL ™ CLASSII =f Elm and Birch -- INDUSTRIALS ' 80 1--Women's Colu "Cascade"40-gal, Wator Heaters SGQrke, | comes --_t Bd Abitibi 650 9% 9% 5 S . Acklands 100 sou. 10% 10%-- Vs asca 6 le ater eaters mA = ao Seeeers ft Algo Cent 250 $734 734 73% Teak, Cherry, $h.68 tthe «Mtn Z $--Marine Equipr Algoma St 200 $24¥2 24% Uia+ Ve Pressure-Tested 34 .88 4" $9.37 ee sed Alcan 245 $30 29% 2W%e-- Ve 5 wy" Alcan pr. 50 $37% 7% 37% -- PI sti Pj 8--Articles for $ 750 $20 a Cc 1pe $§:22 9--Market \Baske' an "CT as Ant nthes i . sr ly 8 a.m. to6 Saturd To5 Frid to9 we auc ] Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays To 5 p.m.; Fridays to p.m. ante. At! Sugar 14--Business Opp Auto Elec s 15~Employment \ Bank MA" For C Mail Co WoeSmate 'Help, 'or Copy, Ma upon , q bg Bank N $ 4 18--Male Help W Bell Phne $ BIFOCALS To: Cashway Lumber Male ar, Fem Bran if M $ Box 330, Malton, Ont. 20a--Summer Pr A Ol $3 uF ft a BC Forest $20 NAME : 22--Lole for 'Sale 4 ugar x) e8| state BC Sugar p 2110 # oUt) eee ee Hwy. 401 to Exit No. 66, south on Harwood te At Highway No. 7 and 12 Houses for Celgery P Taso. $254 | TICIANS OVER 1000 SATISFIED 5 plowens BIFOCALS, IF REQUIRED Co rcccceveccccceee a bai Fe sable ile CD Suger 25 $232 232 232 nn Station Road an est Dowty Roe North of Whi b 27--Rooms for Re é 5 2 3814 -- % | it Room and Bi eae Beau, 17 Bond Street | 9%; Pi ee ADDRESS ......04. 2a y hens be Can iron 100 IDAY oM, C Packrs B 50 $90 ast Seturday till noon SuAres in co COLORS . PHONE AJAX 942-1221 i Cars : 0 - n Seoeeeseseeeessese + NE BR K J 1 aT for Sa oe for Hil om 1 i % fis beg 2nd Floor Cloned | ail N day, Wednesday T0 CHOOSE FROM : ' PHO 00 L N 655-33 3 e rut bien N (cysseenaranemmrmtonone= Toe 5 C,Srmm Ag 25 Sa7ih mm m= Ml WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND JOPromernists PRESCRIPTIONS BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR see ecccecvcceesees 44--Automoblie R € Curtiss 6100 WS tao tas + '| SAME LOW PRICES REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT sheet Cc redge vebinss %--Coming Event 89--Notlcas Cdn Equty 1200 400 390 400 +68 CGE pr 2 OD

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