Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Sep 1967, p. 18

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| LIBRARY NEWS A 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 9, 1967 ND REVIEWS THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK The following reviews were written by Miss Ruth Brook- ing, assistant chief librarian, | McLaughlin Public Library. The Banff-Jasper Highway) by M. B. Williams. The Banff - Jasper highway, | ene of the most scenic drives} r Ee fe Be OS i ' in the world, is the last link in| ik ae & tes is an extensive system of Nation- | al Park Highways which ties) ' wa SY together the Banff, Yoho, Koo-! the cipan ce ees of Ms tenay and Jasper National) ie sata em Parks. maine Whe ot m at Although the first road over are the Swiss Alps was built by voper Hannibal in the days of the ex. Roman Empire, it is only about be suit 40 years since the first Banff- ee. or Windermere Highway across Yhere the Vermilion Pass to the Col- mbia Valley, which was com- ted in 1923, revealed the un- surpassed beauty of the Cana- dian Rockies to the traveller. Between Banff and Jasper lies the richest section of the ne Rockies with the greatest ag- gregation of lofty peaks, and he most extensive glaciers and nowpeaks which culminate in chiheemar? mee dev evel, ard ra ream Ww? abie for a. s ever am ext s a andy DESIGN No, CHE Kit-Liv-Bed Be.cree 84 S Lower Fi, lem garage 7S Book Serves As Key Guide To Banff-Jasper Highway This little book is an invalu- able guide to the whole area of the Rocky Mountains and cov- ers the highway mile by mile. When J. M. Thorington's old prospector in 'The Glittering Mountains" was asked what he had to show for so much lost time, he answered for us all when he replied 'I have seen the Rocky Mountains." The Battle of Mole Run by Howard T. Mitchell A delightful little book of reminiscences, anecdotes and the philosophies of Howard T. Mitchell, publisher of Western Homes and Living for 16 years. Included are stories of the ani- mals who live on his weekend retreat and memories of Van-| couver at the turn of the cen-) tury. The intriguing title ap-/ plies to the continual battle be- | tween the author and the moles | who really did "make moun- tains out of molehills,"' on his lawn, VANCOUVER ISLAND. Test by Ann Broadfoot. Photographs by Ted Czolowski. the waters from Stanley Park eastward to Port Moody and north to Indian River were | known as "Tsla-a-wat."' All the Indian bands who lived in this area were known by this name, | an entirely different tribe from | the Squamish. Anthony Carter has produced | a fine collection of photographs and legends of the British Col- umbia Coast Indians. From his travels through the beautiful waterways of our coastline, | along the path of history, he says of the many interesting people he has met -- 'We are the guests, they welcomed us to join them in this land, so let us enjoy it with them while we} can, and perhaps you too will} understand a little better this} proud race, the Indian, for ne is the one who finds himself so " often 'Somewhere Between'. FURTHER READING Climbs in the Canadian Rock- ies by F. S. Smythe. Color in the. Canadian Rock- jes by W. J. Phillips The Fraser by Bruce Hutchi- Columbia Icefield. n o fie me - This is a pictorial tour of} son | eee = The first.36 miles of the high-| Vancouver Island, the largest|. Hill-top Tales by Dan Mc-} way, begun in 1931 and openedjisland on the Pacific coast of | Cowan | s : 1, 1940, follows the Trans-| North America, 285 miles long) Nature's Heritage, Canada's : ~*~ & 3 da Highway along the Bow/and 40 to 80 miles wide. Ex- | National Parks by D. M. Baird) bh REC RM | a he first set, and $6.00 for ad- Valley from Banff to Lake/cellent colored photographs por-| Pack Saddles to Tete Jaune| fr 19-I*20- I N ditional Sets. B jy Louise, a blue-green gem set at/tray the beauty of the western Cache by J. G. Macgregor with the National Build Code te base of Mt. Victoria. From coast of Canada, Simon Fraser, Letters and; Fr rete pee Bow Pass onwards for 150 miles! The Spaniard, Perez scouted| Journals, 1806-1808. Edited by BIB vf Canada, and are o Jasper, the road runs be-|\the area in 1774 but the British|W, Kaye Lamb. 4 + jby return mail. | rio 1 tween the "Avenue of Giants.' lexplorer Captain James Cook,|. Travellers West by M. Q.) LOWER. dents must remit 5% s Tax). Seventy per cent of the highest! was the first white man to land|!"nis we FLOOR. | The 1967 Edition of * BURBAN peaks are in the region of the|on-the island in 1778 at Nootka | A tr land COUNTRY HOMES Design- Columbia Icefield, that vast|sound, In 1792 Captain George, ce sea of ice which is the true|Vancouver, from whom the is- ie dome of the "roof of the Rock-|jand received its name, spent es."' Covering 150 square miles, |three years surveying and nam- wo thousand feet thick, withing the many bays and inlets | ciers which become the/jand in 1849 the island became | Cost of Building in Canada headwaters of sige petibee hed British colony. ancing, Constructional D s, three oceans -- the Athabaska/| inety-five lete., plus many outstanding new to the Arctic, the Saskatchewan) yghinety five er eral = hod Designs. Full details on how to to the North Atlantic and On | Ness rugged éastern coast, with order Blueprints are also includ- the western side via Bush River/+. southern tip of the island ed in this book ' and Tsar Creek to the mighty | enjoying a mild climate and se ero = tecns troubles precipitation. Logging, y' wip Jeyince fishing and tourists are the |the Canadian Rockies by road.| main industries. The British jrail or air must be.amazed at/coiumbia government operates | | the daring and skill of the first | on excellent teréy service be | |pathfinders who pushed their} s ; PY ; | | way through these magnificent (ween Victoria, Nanaimo and mountains, especially the build-| : ers of the Canadian Pacific) Somewhere Between. Photo- ed for CANADIANS" -- P $1.00 tax free is now ava at this Newspaper Office (o the address below). THI TION includes information Mail requests 10c extra. 'Please make remittance of Plans entitled "Suburban and Country Homes." payable to The Oshawa Times.' The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario. C Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book Name isis ih iiss scipecdiavenensecensstercnien Orchestra FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE Opens Drive PPTTTITITITT Tt Booming Film Production Puts England On The Map -- ney and his production part- ner, Michael Medwin, when ly has the island nation literal-|Shelagh Delaney's script was ly swarming with both Ameri-/first planned for production. 'can and native motion picture|The chief reason was the thrust 'companies, In addition, these|for greater realism, and inti- {production companies are ex-|macy. hearer ae of ail pn Many directors, like Finney, joutaide the convention "\now feel that an actual home of the} yl al I dr pee has a "feeling"' about it. which 4\ countryside and to many of} bal the principal cities. lis difficult to catch within the | 'This extension of 'on loca-|more impersonal surroundings jtion" filming has brought ajof a film studio. And of course 'brand new and "'exclusive"|real estate agents are happy term into being among Eng-/for a month's rental than they lish property owners .. . "con-|might in a year from a reg- a |lscated houses." These arevular lease - holder. In sever- + actual, liveable homes which al instances, too, it has been s have gained fame through con- found that the use of the house iversion into temporary motion|for film - making has given picture quarters and their num- jt a touch of glamor which ber is growing by leaps and helps subsequent rentals. bounds and extending through-| -------------- out the country, LONDON -- Booming film production in England current- . pes ,| ABSCONDERS CAPTURED Such movies at "Tom Jones," WOODSTOCK, Ont. (CP)-- "4 E: ie PR i"The Knack" and "Morgan ALL THAT BRASS vere made chiefly in "'confis-/1W9 17-year-old escapers from ow Al-|the Guelph reformatory were Herb Alpert, will be the jcated'? houses. Right host during the program j|bert Finney * oon spme bs li by city police early And All That Brass to be |the episodes for Universal's) Frid i telecast on CBC-TV's Show "Charlie Bubbles," his first. Aiding ao a cape a high of the Week in color, Mon- /rectorial effort (in which he, police chase throwgh day, Sept. 11. Louise Arm-lalso stars), in a three-story Woodstock streets, David Skitch strong will be the special |dwelling with a yard in Aven-/O\RR 2, Thamesford and Danie guest. ue Road, less than 15 minutes) Worth, of Hamilton, are being ea 5 ---------- |by car from Hyde Park and | held the Oxford County jail BOOST TOURISM ithe centre of London. The lo-/ -------- nty jail. WINDSOR (CP)--The Ontario|cality is known as St. John's tourism department has given| Wood, because a couple of cen- the Essex-Kent regional tourist|turies ago there was a pictur-) council $4,817 to aid the council|esque copse in the area, with in distributing 500,000 place/lots of hazel-nut trees. mats in restaurants throughout; The decision to use this house, the two counties to inform tour-|at present unoccupied pending sts of local attractions. 'a re-sale, was made by Fin- SINGING LESSONS Mary™Easden 576-1842 prripsrppsrrsnvsrisvvoiwbasdaabrepavbeanvaresh a (9670 1967 e a BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY DIPS Pupaay--sapupuyasupapeyayapesayayeyy Pepupupapapasesapupase}upapasafulaps)slahafe 1967 CENTENNIAL 6 A ) ... A REALLY GOOD PLACE TO BUY A FINER USED CAR! 166 KING E. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 623-3396 AIR IN HOT WATER HEATING |every crevice by which squir- ilwav. which li .|graphs and sto; QUESTION: Air sasaioniaten rete can work into the boos Jacob Groob, conductor of the Bae esc BenueN Conn (Career, cists in pipes and radiators of ourjand remember they can Oshawa Symphony Orchestra,';;. to eastern Canada. It is a| When you travel to th | cil-fired, hot water heating|squeeze through amazingly %@S announced the season's pro- 1. .morable experience to travel coast of Canada oi 36 ch ti system. The house {s wood|small openings. Each one rato ply the rg ig the Banff-Jasper Highway and city of Vancouver, you took aa i 4 iddle- b _ | Subse: n campaign hasbeen ,; Neh SB rcciieg Picea Soa , +3 pom ga "paseinent lies one a loteesaned started. meter Wik Lan Be torgren Peautiful fod or yeeon Bing the| attic. What do you recommend? |tradition of scattering -- huge Members of the women's com- their lakes of shimmering blues! world, Burrard Inlet. Long peng ANSWER: If there is anyjamounts of moth balls in an mittee of the orchestra will can-|and greens. before the white man came, all drop in the pitch of the pipejattic as a repellent. Sometimes yas the city to sell 750 seats! from the boiler to the radia-\it works. If overhanging » PP ees ' sa ww "35° 8 forts abou be caret: rancher of teen make teary (or eaen of this season's thee! "Thoroughly Modern Millie automatic. vent valves on it for squirrels to reach your roof, Concerts. The three concerts} ators are advisable. Sometimes) chop them off. \will be held Oct. 27, Feb. 2 and air accumulates ai elbows in lara'. 'Sets Some New Film Records the line; these should be equip-/} CRACK ABOVE FLOOR | ped with vent valves. Some) QUESTION: A crack has Among the works included) NEW YORK -- Heading for) Bosley Crowther, Times: manufacturers of hot - water opened up Patwaes the . floor this season will be: Beethoven's what appears to be a record-|"A thoroughly delightful mov- heating specates make nse the botom ofthe wall base leh sympathy; Fingle's Cave QfssKine Tun» Ress, Hunn J aa ately a ee ae board, I would like to know how ovature; L'Arlessiene Suite by| proceed a> mammoth 33, | darling ici init. to draw off air in the system.|+, cigse this space, as I am\n; ' ics Y\ grossed a mammoth $65,033, | darling and deliciously spirit- Your heating man should know gi . Berne Bizet and Night On Bald Moun-' for the 14 performances of its|ed." ; sure it is a real dust-catcher. , A A | about this. ANSWER: Don't try to fill it: {212 by Moussoursky. a week at the Criter-) Wanda Hale, Daily News: ASPHALT SHINGLES BUCKLE the space may open again even, Adult tickets for the three ge lay oft ening day there|FOUr star rating. "A winner. QUESTION: Our three-year-|wider. Instead, nail quarter. Concerts through regular sub- 1216 been Jong lines at the|Julie Andrews, darling of the old house has an asphalt shingle/round, or cover molding over ScTiption cost $5 and student pave 7 Oe avons "reser. | world, is wonderful. It's all roof. In damp weather these the joint. Fasten it to the floor, tickets will cost $2.50. OF ee antl . : of. , se) § 3 eae vations continue to surpass) outrageously funny. See shingles buckle. What causes/not the baseboard. Then even "Young audiences are those of all previous this and is there any way to if the space does widen, it the future of tomorrow," says chows in New York. | correct the condition? won't show, because the lower Russian-born Mr. Groob, who is New York newspapers were Surprise after another." ANSWER: Lack of sufficient edge of the baseboard will still also a member of the Toronto, ynanimous in their unstinted| Archer Winsten, Post: "Julie ventilation and air circulation be covered by the molding, Symphony Orchestra. praise of the picture. Andrews, that wonderful act-| in the attic area will cause the which will still be anchored to, The orchestra held its first, Following are excerpts ofjress and singer. is that won- roof boards to swell and warp, the floor. In fact, the space rehearsal! last week reviews: |derful girl Millie. creating the condition you men-| would have to open up even ------------_-- for | road- yourself and be caught in one| ANNANDALE Country Club %* MEMBERSHIPS * PAY-AS-YOU-PLAY 27 HOLES Special rates for weekly tournaments. Call Skip Williams for information. 942-3210 @ CHURCH ST., PICKERING at Int. 65 on 401 Unfasten Your Ect Belt for . . « CHIPS 'N GRAVY ---- OR -- ENGLISH STYLE BEATTY HAULAGE FISH 'N CHIPS <Murrays Construction 1 pRIvE IN ag M-MUBRAY'S 2 fia so DRIVE-IN-RESTAURANT Landscaping Simcoe St. N. at Taunton Rd, 725-2156 "THE BIG "M' DRIVE-IN" Taunton Rd., Oshewe & J]. V. AVIATION AB'S MOTORCYCLE SHOP (Gov't. Approved School) ines a Paver & Conmarciel Flying Introducing: The KAWASAKI Instruction & Aircraft Rentals @ BS.A. @ Triumph @ Ducatti % Charter and Private Flights. Cshawa Municipal Airport 728-3191 Complete Service & Accessories 114 Stevenson South -- 728-7780 | | Oshawa Monument Company | Designers and Creators of Monument & Markers in Granite, Mable & Bronze. --= a ----A Cemetery Lettering Statues & Cleanin 1437 King E. 728-3111 |] We'design engrove letter and erect our own monuments, Joe's Color TV and Radio Service 'TV! Specialists % Repairs to All RADIO maxes and TED'S AUTO BODY Repairs Free Estimates BODY & FENDER Summer Is Here! Hove Your car com- Furopech Rodie pletely Serviced for & Tape Recorder the Summer % Tune- Ups % Gen. Repairs % Accessories Drive i di 3 guasee models. SPRAY PAINTING STATHAM'S BA Repairs SPECIALISTS 255 King E. 723-4733 || 13 Bond W. 576-1670 || R.R. No. 4 (King E.) 728-3401 feet of attic floor space. Is your, SPACKLE-SCULPING attic floor insulated and does| QUESTION: My 'wife was the insulation have a vapor har- left an omate frame. Before rier? Lack of this can also re-painting it with gold paint cause too much moisture in the Please tell me if it is possible attic space. for an amateur to replace the pieces of ancient plaster which! COFFEE MAKER STAINED jhave fallen out of the carved QUESTION: Is there any way frame. to clean the blackened interior ANSWER: A very possible of a chrome, vacuum-type cof- job, even if you're no closer to ee maker? I can't get the stain | tion. Install ventilating louvers wider than the width of the! as high up in the gable ends as molding before it would be 1967 Editi possible. At least one square noticed -- and this is highly un- foot of louver opening should be likely. allowed for each 300 square An addition of considerable interest and value to both out with steel wool or anything sculpture than an occasional else. visit to the museum. <All you ANSWER: 'Try the coffee need is some spackling com- stain remover made for plastic pound, and a few short nails. ware. It's a white powder you 1, s If a fairly large c' - add to the water and let it ge chunk is miss bubble up. You may need sev- '"8 carefully drive a few nails eral treatmenis if the black Partially into the wood, which stain is really black. House- will serve as an anchor for the wae stores and supermarkets ccylpting. Then simply press a readers and advertisers. Editorially, the section will con- usually stock this type. o es e xp i pepe I blob of this plaster-like mate- tain Timely Tips For Home Improvement... News For rial over the spot, and gently SQUIRRELS IN ATTIC shape it, using a toothpick or QUESTION 4 family Of nail file. You'll be surprised at squirrels became established in how easy it really is t i our vacation house last spring, 2 and I spent a fruitless summer quite close to the original) trying to get them out. Now I'm shape. For small spots, it won't getting a little desperate, as I be necessary to drive in the certainly don't want them anchoring nails. When thorough- spending the winter in there. ly dry, go ahead and_ paint Can you suggest anything? I'll Spackle requires no coat of siz- The Home Gardener . . . Real Estate information for prospective buyers .... Ideas for Home Remodelling . . . Stories on Home Furnishing, appliances and redecorat- ing plus Dozens of Home Owner Check Points. We therefore invite the building trades and retailers to take advantage of the excellent opportunity available through the medium of the Times National Home Week try it ing. ANSWER: If there's a com- petent exterminator around, I Section, to tell their sales story, with an advertisement ' NELLIS HOME IMPROVEMENTS e GENERAL REPAIRS suggest your letting him take that will reach thousands of ready prospects. over. One thing thal squirrels-- like bats--definitely dislike is the fumes of a burning sulphur candle. Come to think of it, no-} body likes them. They're so un- healthy they should only be handled by an experienced pro- DEADLINE - SEPTEMBER 18 fessional. There's also the fire & hazard. If you're trying to do this all by yourself, try to find] @ Ree iS a 4g § ieseneelieeomnninelatiinds Rooms : . @ Pointing "GUIDE REALTY ||: sc i @ Remodel- 4 ti Call Now .. . 723-347 LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President @ DICK YOUNG, Vice-Pres. @ LUCAS PEACOCK, Sec.Trees 16 SIMCOE ST. $., OSHAWA PHONE 723-5281 "All Work Gueronteed" For Free Estimates Call .4¢ 728-2061 Display Advertising ARMSTRONG HOMES Presents FOREST GLEN HEIGHTS * Bungalows * Split-Levels *% 3 & 4 Bedrooms Priced from only $18,700.00 Down Payments as low as only F 00 6% N.H.A. Mortgages Harmony Rd. N., Oshawa ot Nenana' Information al: 723-6461 723-8144 942-3350 Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaners W. B. BENETT LIMITED PAVING and P = MATERIALS LTD. 50 Mill St., Oshawa 723-8166 & Driveways * Pley Grounds Without a doubt one of the most progressive businesses in Oshawa to- w Porkieg! bate Subdivisions doy is the Oshawa Laundry and Dry Piccners. Successful because they 728-4661 present an entirely new concept in customer relations fost and efficient COMPLETE Service and unique innovations guaranteed to give additional customer benefits seldom if ever found in similar establishments. ASPHALT 1290 A complete laundry service . . . the largest dry cleaner In the city... PAVING @ linen rental service for hotel or motel .. . uniform rentals . Somerville SERVICE radio controlled pick up and delivery trucks and of course the finest 'and most up to date dry cleaning process yet devised, From your first phone inquiry (with its most unusual reply) 'til Your parent or laundry is delivered to your home you'll be truly impressed, Try it $00n .. « you'll be glad you did, Behind every successful business there must be drive, ambition, knows ledge and an overwhelming desire to be the very best. The "drive" that impells the staff of 25 ot Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaners to be a little bit better than the rest, is the owner Donald Robinson an ex R.C.A.F. veteran of WW2 who for 15 years operated a Service Station at Bruce & Stevenson. A vague dream... a shut- tered dry cleaning plant and a meeting with the owner of that business Mrs. Eveleigh (whose deceased husband had operated the plant since 1926) and Donald launched himself into a mew career, to assist him were former employees of the business Office Manager Mrs, M, 'Rose and George Lemere, both are still with the. business. 2 months of renovations and the doors were opened in 1964, ? : Donald resides in Oshawa with his wife and 2 children, is a Legion member, and L.0.F. member. His hobby is flying, he holds a private operator's license and is a member of the Oshawa Flying Club. MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE A Complete Travel Service x Tours %& Cruises %& Accommede- tion -- Lend See -- Air 723-9441 25 King St. E. COMPLETE ANY LANDSCAPING feels Feile Bins All Available ot: KING WEST Garden Centre 843 King W. 728-9429 fk PELESHOK Motors Lid. MORE' : GOOD USED CAR FOR LESS MONEY} LEASE . 1 DAY During Our 7 BONANZA SALE Harwood and Station Rd. AJAX Upholstering Specialists et reasonable prices, %& Furniture Refinishing & Restorin Custom Built Furniture 5 views Barlington Upholstery 942-6300 Bevnienvins pre Wena 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER + Soft Ice Cream % Milk Shakes Sundaes all at 1347 Simcoe N., Oshawa -- 235 Simcoe S., Oshawa 1003 DUNDAS HWY. E., WHITBY Dairy Queen OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING PICK-UP & DELIVERY % CASH %& COMPLETE STORAGE PHONE TODAY 723-8166 50 Mill St. OSHAWA TUNE UP CENTRE % Tune-Up &. 10 x fr MODERN GRILL (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) t SPECIALIZING IN EUROPEAN FOODS! % Dixie Lee Chicken i; & Groceries ond Smokes Open 24 hours Mon. - Fri 'til 2 A.M. Sat. & Sun, FREE Delivery on Orders of $1.50 or over. 345 Ritson S. 725-3887 Carburetor Specialists meral lectrieal Cy 'epairs Free Pick-up' & Delivery 222 King W. 728-0817 EF | ce | Accountant ----$$--_ WILLIAM C. Hi Accountant, Telephone Oshav ae GORDON R. Cf Accountant, Suit ping Centre. 725 CLANCY' THOUSANDS rei fied ads dally. JOSEPH GUTM/ tant, Licensed 1 East. Telephone HOPKINS, BEAL ed Aecoua ent: YALE, tered Accountant Bankruptcy, 57% Oshawa, 728-7371, Blueprinting BELL DRAFTIP Ltd., 52% Simcoe Biveprinting and Building Tr REPAIF ALTEF Al to HOMES-OFF Ree Room as James A' Uy 4 ROOFING, hot te repairs, large anc Roofing and Con ALL TYPES buil chimneys, eaves masonry. Gord | TAX! DRIVERS of age, full and 5 Whitby, Telephone TERRANO PAVII ness. Guaranteed 17 Bond East, 72: ROOFING, CHIM cement work, | 455-3061, F. McCe CLASSI! WORD ADS Cash -- 1 insert additional words tive insertions of tional words 13! tive insertions of tional words 24¢ Charge--10 per | if not paid withi Method of Coun' words counts as initial, figure or ane word;. pl 'ds. wor BIRTHS -- DEAT SOCIAL NOTICE: $2.50 per insertic tional charge if t IN MEMORIUMS verse; 25¢ additle within 8 days, CARDS OF THAN $2.50 for the f tach thereafter charge If not pa COMING EVENT: 2.38 per inch (¢ irst 20 words ai (Word Ads). AUCTION SALES $2.38 PER INCH DEA WORD ADS 4p.m. DAY PREV OST AND FOUN 9 am. DAY OF P BIRTHS AND DE/ 9 a.m. DAY OF P 1N MEMORIUMS « CARD OF THANK 4 p.m, DAY PREV CLASSIFIED DISPL 1 column--4 p.m, umns or larger -- CANCELLATIONS CORRECTIONS 9 am. DAY OF P Any advertisemer publication will b insertion, BOX NUMBER REI While every endec forward replies to advertisers as soor sept 'no liability i damaged alleged t failure or delay in plies however caus gence or otherwise 3@ responsible for in 20 days. REGUL THE OSHAWA TI RESPONSIBLE FOR TISEMENTS SUME THAN IN WRITID THAN ONE INSER VERTISEMENT NN PRICE CHARGE F SERTION. IN WHIK The Oshawa Times classify advertisin, droper classificatior In the cases of di he Times will not for more space tt actual error occur andeavor .to repro matter correctly, bi of advertisement if any form are conte IT'S EASY ' _ TIMES acTiC Call Class 723. > 4 INDE CLASSIFI 1--Women's Colum Personal pr oAicbier ibd Co rorcycies 5--Trallers $--Narine Equipme tAricies tor. Set Articles t 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Colum N--Pets and Livest 12--Articles.. Wanted 13--Articles for Ren 14--Businese rt 15---Employment Wa A wi 17--Female Help W 18--Male Help Wan ale or Female \--Real Estate For ba--Summer Prope --Farms for Sale 22--Lots for Sale 23--Real Estate W. 24--Stores Offices a 25--Houses for Rent men wee

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