Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Sep 1967, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, 15 Seturday, September 9, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters" Individual Championship Play) South dealer, North-South vulnerable NORTH AK3 _ 397432 31083 8 3932 6 92 8 é 2 WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I FEEL SORRY FOR YOU, MR. SAWYER. YOURE SO KIND AND THOUGHTFUL... BUT I . BIG HITS! HAIR-RAISING RIB-TICKLING QUFFAW OF THE WILD, WILD WEST WELL, IT SAYS "CINCINNATI®, BUT WHAT DOES A JUMBLE OF WIRE ,RIVETS AND TUBES KNOW ABOUT IT 3 'THEY'VE BUILT US A HUT JUST LIKE Y 4 'THE ONE WHERE WE WERE SO HAPPY TOGETHER BEFORE, CHRISTY. ST.LOUIS WILL | WIN THE PENNANTS BUZ SAWYER DONALD DUCK rN Hh WHERE 16 THIS OF OURS, JOHNNY? @K65 2 &Q9765 SOUTH @AKTCSS @9I109T54 @10 > Final contract -- five hearts doubled. Opening lead---king of clubs. It is certainly true that you would occasionally play a hand better if you could see all 52 cards instead of the usual 26, but, even so, there are deals where making the maximum number of tricks is a genuine challenge with all four hands exposed, For example, take this which occurred in a national Q Q A A ROes $eee JANE ARDEN or down nimal left... deal ER BROS. ie EATURE ! VERIFIES WHO . oN team of four. championship. The hb TAM, WE'LL : 3 ALY results varied from table to j . 3 |table, but this was not really surprising in view of the un- ASTER-CRIMINAL! SUPER-SPY! usual distribution of the North- DONT RAISE South hands. a, YOUR VOICE TO Q uth ME, WILLARD! RE At quite a few tables South got to four hearts doubled, incase) |which was easy to make with cho perfectly normal play. All that |South had to do was ruff the | club lead, cash the A-K of |spades, and then ruff thres spades in dummy and three clubs in his hand. This would bring him to ten tricks; his only losers would be a spade, a heart and a diamond. However, some of the North. South pairs wound up in five hearts doubled, and in every |case these pairs went down at jleast one. After ruffing two p in dummy and cashin the ace of hearts, they foun themselves too severely shorts ened in trumps to cope with the 3-1 trump break. 'TO YOUR FATHER'S RECORDS AND YOUR HELPING ME FIND THEM! SHORTAGE OF ) + ( ama s.) = The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. SECRET AGENT X9 LARGE SELECTION OF '67 - MODELS IN OUR LAST ALLOTMENT PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, VAUXHALLS, G.M.C, TRUCKS SMART TIME TO TRADE NO '68 PRICES AVAILABLE YET E YOUNG'S COLOR® FROM WARNER BROS, --? i cancel Actually, these declarers > 4 I N G i could have made the contract neg perfect play, but it is only AW TWAS NO PROBLEN TELEVISION LOG | CROSSwoRD Bett "Weel 'carts. watt' tare 1 AT ALL, TWINK..006 s ave 9 | ' ACROSS pow been very helpful in accomplish+ Channel 2--Buffele 7--Bullwinkle 11:28 P.M. ing this task. Channet 3--Barrie é--Church Service 4--Greatest Headlines 1. Fasten 1, Raven or Pg canes th e winning line of play is 2 Three 5. Fruit jackdaw _Th line of play { = ; Channet 4--Buttale Spectrum EL a ples 2, Knowledge simple enough. Declarer ruffs Y. WORLD.JOURNAL TRIBUNE id Pie pale edhe sine @--Johnny Carson 10. Fragrance 3, Wurttem- the club lead, cashes two top Proportions!" : Channel G--Rechester | 9--Wish You were Here | 2 --ovle 11, Aside rg spades, trumps a spade in dum. ty ! i Channel Toronto &--Social Security ScHoman Jungle 12, Type of measure my with the king, ruffs another N.Y. POST | Chennel 11---Namitien Peart yyg Ah 2--Merv Griffin archie 4. Ocean club, and trumps a second Py { Channel 12--Peterborouge | 2--Sacred Heart 11:38 P.M, tecture 5. Candle spade in dummy with the ace. 99 12 NOO! Movie 13. Phoebe 6. Top Declarer now leads the three | SATURDAY avanine | <%-Itellen Arum 11:40 PAM. 14. Solemn 7. Uncooked of hearts to his nine, losing to * f ee Oa LO saddens a arity wonder 8. Cherish the queen, but still has enough se i scan + Pines rostfire 15. The 9, Branch trumps left to bring home the =CHICAGO AMERICAS TE Wide World ot Sports | ¢-Les Calltoux Ma TR raga holmeak = 10. Ohio contract. The only tricks he 24 World Series of '4--News, Weather, s-Hymn goon ol ---- ay iets + loses are a heart and a dia- * 3--Cathedrat | . Dis' . Ice mas: . Large ° tness And Beauty!" Ss caneetticee" Tomorrow = H MONDAY 19. Like 16, Pithy 33. Aquatic wine cask Lo BOSTON HERALD 0 P.M. | 12:15 PM. 20. Unac- 18, Cuckoos bird 9. Female " N-Lera Sing Oui |13-Bod inne Shama Tpcbenattie! 'teoee cented 19.Herring $4. Otherwise deer Pro a eee" -- | tate Lem of Compre | a--eapele Kangeree | 98, Sling Te Ta vince g-News, Westhers | 11 continental" s--University of the Ale | os Pine 4 ® ® 3-Los bidtaivsag 1 lana : , Whirly- i) Wu =BOSTON GLOBE tase | ¢-Horlzon 67 F--Dialing tor Dollars, ne e ) --Laredo | 4--Face the Netien sj rs 27. God of : j 9--Flintstonee | Movie ager -- wat ie VA KINGSTON (CP)--The prove eo. 12-6--Sounds '6? 1:00 P.M. R ae 28, Relatives incial government is planning 1 N--8d Allen Ti '+ V//AIS [io V//\\T ADU LT gar iggeatleiet sport | These Cancel $--Romper "Room 29. boriege Y Y 4 to take over the financial bur IF NTERTAINMEN ; lography coins: abbr, den of buildi d maintainin f 7:00 P.M, &--Meet the Prose 1 e rs VIZ \8 V7/\\9 n oO! ig and maintaining sacle lesson Showcase ca apron VA ZG V/A, regional jails, Douglas Penfola, Round Table S-Herald of Truth 2:0 AM. paabiant [PP det Ae es 24 | |deputy minister of reform instie 3-6-12--Beverly Hille 18 PM Ndenne Re oi mace: ML tutions, said Thursday. Pa ill Weather enebtes Puke s--cartoon Playhouse " sym. Ls ee However, he said, such @ lil a 12--Certoons Srleck LaLenne era jet je oi co Pg Ie pe ay of Jerse ENOL Meas $--Insight : 33. Meadow | --Y, approval by the legislature. Ai pil RICHARD HARRIS 11--Jeckie Gleason tere cree eee. hie 36. Mexican This boas pope election is scheduled for Oct. 1 AWALIL"" secs see UNITED ARTISTS 3412 High | Chaparral series and Anewaré | Sunes Bobby Indian y WY Y / Y and the decision would belong ares en te nove! by 'hs leekeni S 4--Candid C ATT I COULD 1 8:00 P.M, alee $6-snap Judgement 38, Heathen 4 ons I TASIEIEA |to the new government, he said. COULD INSIST WAR LY exe TA 1--My 'Favorite' Martian | S--Davy 'and Golleth images 1) y, Mr, Penfold said in an inter- Anes HEART TEST AFTER 9--Movle 'ae peccacie 40. Sky-blue > By 7A [3 view no details have been EVERY GAME, YOU snags i 3-6-12--Gardening 7--Dateline: Hollyweed 41, Rope with Y worked out. At present, the eee ye wn | THINK HE'D Do ny, Sc gate | a pa 4-Beverly Hillbillies . wie province pays half the cost of hy 3 EVE? s--Lawrence we k | H--Spectrum is ; Tushar oe rr) kno' pa LA. building and maintaining NG ST. OSHAWA Zz 4--My Three Sons Theological Congress re . Y Y regional jails, with the county ' E : mer Amateur Ti 24--P lity ereditary Rage ; a tarts intooneres oO agers. 48 iPro Football 7--Honeymocn Race + Y ZA. \ce eountion invorved paying the SRI = 4--Hogan's Heroes seine Hoe 5-66 patina %$ jother half. aie ripiealae pai eais Ne Aah Four more regional prisons the ent y_movit OM ell Hi oie are slated for construction and "Te Blecadlly Palace 4-Pro| Footbal Rye a urs. YOUR HEALTH two are under consideration. & Sé12-Pro. Football uf ; 4 a #2--Hollywood Squares The definite ones will be near 10:00 P.M. PGP i a Sok yes Bye . ® Kingston, Peterborough, PGarrison's Gorlliad sis oie a ee Diagnostic X-Rays between Milton and Brampton, smoke x . 28--Mist Amerie best Hobo i-Lie People _jand in the Niagara region. 10:38 P.M, je at 'tue| fees, | Are Not D 7--Movie Ti--My Favorite Marten | Jo Movie, ou re 0 angerous QUEENIE P.M. 7--Laramie ; 4--News, Weather, 2:3-4-6-8-9-11-12--- Beorth ' 1i--Mike Douglas 2-News, Weather, soMevie, ee hick and Mrs. H. other garments is that they P.M, {] | Piers Wester, iopolka Varieties" By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD 4 z rts 3 . a | ie pan, 11--Phote. Fink" ..Dear Dr. Molner: Just how] The mere tightness in. itself =) a) =) j y--News, Weather, EYE | Eee dangerous are x-rays? Our|does not restrict circulation. In i=} 3]! sole 4:30 P.M. Sports" [ five-month-old daughter has an|fact, surgical stockings, being | wis | 11--Tiny Talent Time 44--Search for Tomorrew |orthopedic problem, She haditightly fitted, support the tis- = TE as 9--Pro Football 2-Merv Griffin tightly , supp ax 3 11.35 P.M. 00 PM. two x-rays early last month and|sues surrounding the veins to| "Td like a kiss--I'm the boss's be ee oe 1--Movie dove Lee two more the middle of the/some extent, and help retard| son and I always get what I i a Mere ee wore Serlee of Golf 1:00 P.M. month, and now is due for! varicose veins. want..." BS 12:00 MIDNIGHT 3-612---Country - Calender *Dougii more. Isn't this too much?--Mr.| The danger in tight pants or Sports a No, That's a total of perhaps i 12.18 AM 1l--Lost In Space Virginie Grahi PSimay, at one particular point or §--Movie Sp a_i eg 1Futve a shade over half a second of| another, press hard against the FOE aad bo 6-20-20 Dn CHaLneiee. Date actual x-ray exposure. I agreelyeins. Blood circulates up: to Movie on eh. Movie that any unnecessary x-ray is|that point, then is partly shut : . = W--Movie ay 42st Century 1:99 PAM. too much--because it is cumu-joff there. Result: extra pres- = THAT I SOMETIMES READ bau Gurney Sele nt ieee? Tavis lative, and you never know how/|sure in the veins below that 's 'eo much more @ person may need/point. And if the veins have a Deo! yw ke 7 ) vee TOM later in life, tendency to weakness, the veins THIS KIND OF STUFF / 6:30 P.M. ~ | 11--High Chaparral SUNDAY | 8&--Frank McGee Report re ; ny sie Me" | atta |B, neon ears lavas eee Fatiristonres uisine own. That's varicose veins. ' i ; ie eee eee | SEESTTSe our tives |*mAll exposure. When such Xoqq wucH PRESSURE glee re or el tl Phil ips ¥ bf Beam and Ceci 7:00 P.M, save aty. pepaed (+ find ont ical 1 tight "Wh sore remains 'for sev. ° Word of Lite $--Monkees EL eas about a condition, the best} For practica phy ioe Les a ose serge a ight *Tenn.Mt.Boys 2-Agriculture U.S.A, $-Fall Preview licerry 'Mason answer is to have whatever are|Pants probably do the mostjeral months, Ree ge ERS é £:30 AM. cope 9--People in Conflict needed and not worry about it/harm not when you are stand-jlong. There's no point in my pa M--Father Mechan 46-12--Green Acres Seats 'streat ing up but when you are sitting|trying to quess what sores are, CKET PRICES: ee! atte ase: OM 4-House Party Dear Dr. Molner: Does wear-|down and pressure at the thighs/and then try to guess what will $2 50, $2.00 bac Sores is The Lite Chae ary an ing skin-tight pants cause vari- od gk ha peers ene i Peg only one sensible beanie ; : ae 4 ; : 3-6-12--Flashback Pal Hesotiel cose veins? My mother said 1 ancwer: Go to-a physician aid $1.00 9:00 A.M. Nj--Cathedral Chimes 24--Walt Disney 49--Smothers Brothers 7--Genei 4--Te Tell The Truth 12--Take 30 will get them because tight|Suess whether you will have pants constrict the blood yes.|Vaticose vein trouble. If your find out. Remember that one of 1 Seats Reserved King Kol a 9-6-12--Tal 2Ceptain® Sallorbrd fata #e--Anether. World sels. I am 13 and never had any|mother and other relatives|the danger signs of cancer is He aM sel "basins paid 3:25 PLM. leg injury.--T.R. have this problem, though, it's|"a sore that does not heal. ALE AT: "FRocketship 4:30 PM stud never too early to start being|That doesn't mean that all such 4-Uncie' Jerry's Club | 9) Dream of Jeannie | 19,218, PM VEINS ARE WEAK careful. If that's the case,|sores are cancer--but that's the IVILLE: OR Nie or salts. aur. Move ' ---- Mares >t gg maybe you'd better a way skin cancer develops. mf 7--Commander Tom cause of a weakness 4 Ss. en te aren SF alin For TeDay J anstt idl pd dA aad veins. Unless such weskuene una ecepiees Note to Mrs. G.A.: The term 4-Lamp Unto My Fee? 3-6-12--Bonanza exists, you aren't very likely to Dear Dr. Molner: I have aj"idiopathic'" means that, The A\ . i : : : oe by 'Areno . ich. ae ly i Sipe Here have varicose veins, no matter|sore on each side of my face in| although the boy's condition has \ é--La Bolte a Chansons | 1)_peyton Place 9--! Love Lucy what. fornt of the ears. They have|been identified, the case has 10:90 AM. ts ee gee But if you do have the weak-|been there several months.|not been determined in his e Smoke Shop soak the Lite <cinlstion imiveible 12--Communieate ness, then injuries, as well as|First I put on some salve. That/case. 3-6-12--News Special %--Mike Douglas anything that constricts circula-| would make the scab come off é--La Langue Vivante 4-Look Up Note to A.B.: I know of no 12 noon till Showtime. 'and Live 10:30 P.M a: PM tion in the veins, hel u . oll sg » helps bring onjand they would bleed. I was (| Cinstont ag beat bonded seh paw bi al sha the trouble, whether it is preg-|told to "wash them in borax|indication that any of the sun- jarar 11:00 A.M. 11:00 P.M. $~Yog! Bear 'Inancy; tight, round garters;|water. It keeps them from|tanning lotions contribute to ye Sieeatiing baa ep atria 4Truth er Consequences |OVerweight; tight girdles that|stinging or itching. They seem'cancer in any way. The rays of MUGGS AND SKEETER Christopher Program Weather, Sporis 40--Nows 3-6-12--Forest Rangers irestrict circulation. to get better, but get so far andthe sun do the irritation.

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