Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Sep 1967, p. 8

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a i @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, September 7, ef | | BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Traffic Cases Dismissed Through Lack Of Evidence Orville Burr, no fixed ad-| dress, was convicted and fined} A large number of cases were,tered on behalf of Cornelius dismissed on the grounds that/Van Heuvelen, Lot 16, Con. 4 there was an element of doubt|Darlington. He had been char-|$50 and costs or 15 days on| involved, by Justice of the ged with failing to yield follow- the public intoxication charge. Peace Garnet Robertson, dur-ing a July 23 accident. He was, The same charge brought a con-| ing Wednesday's traffic court convicted and fined $25 andiviction and a fine of $50 and} held in Oshawa. costs or five'days. costs or 15 days for Stanley | Edward Cauchi had been Clay, 769 Cambridge St. Me.-| charged with stopping on a $20 FINE | ville Ferguson was fined $50 and highway as the result of an_, William H. Howell, Lot 22.) costs or 20 days on the convic-| April 16 accident "on the Mac-|COn- 13, Reach Township, plea- tion: for public intoxication. donald - Cartier Freeway onats| Cet a0 Sel? Hage pag Dorion EF, Shangue, 21 King) bound, tenth ote cas evidence. Inccated. that How,|St, W>, was convicted on the Although .Cauchi's _ vehicle ¢!l's car had skidded over 220 | public intoxication charge and was not directly affected, three| feet before knocking out a guide /fined $50 and costs or 10.days. other cars collided and sustain-|T@il and coming to a halt. Heiphe same conviction resulted) ed total damages of $550, |Was convicted and fined £20) tine of $50 and costs or | i Justice Robertson said|#nd costs or five days. \15 days for Giacomo Piccini, | BUICK SKYLARK CUSTOM |"There is ae s ble | pISLODGED LOAD 91 Gibb St., Oshawa. Anthony | doubt as to whether you Were! paiton C,. Crabb, of Oshawa,|Galent, of Park Road South |on or off the road that I Am/was convicted of the offense was convicted on the public in-| © of haying a dislodged load on toxication charge and fined $25) ' E 68 BODY RE STYLING | going to see fit to dismiss S _-- charge." Highway 401 eastbound on Julyjand costs or 10 days. Herbert | DISMISSED 26, and fined $20 and costs or Harrison, no fixed address, was) o. | UY IME lete body restyling ditional padding, redesigned The large size Buicks will : , 4 ; | i grrgpscet pills paired instrument panel and a war- have restyled bumpers, grill, | -- A charge of following too five days. ae _{eonvicted on : peg of plage he introduction of ning buzzer system that hood and rear end They will close was dismissed against) Six intoxication and one hav- liquor in a place other than a) cat ears v : : Booth, 24, of 15 Mary ing charge were dealt with injresidence and fined $50 and 7 | 50 cubic inch | Jeffery F. t sheelbases and more po- sounds off whenever the dri- have the same 350 cubic inch y r c athe standard engines i ver tries to get out of the V-8 except for the Wildcat, St., Ajax. A witness had fail- traffic court. costs or 20 days. the changes announced today carwithout taking the keys Electra 225, and Rivierra |ed to appear and Justice of e out of the ignition. which will have a 360 hp, | the Peace Robertson said there} by General Motors for the a v : ville on : Py 9 ok In 1968, 250 cubic inch six 430 cubic inch V-8. was insufficient evidence ag- sap hanestaiane: I : : the ainst Booth. oncurren al erms o ge WO replace the 225 V6 as All Buicks will have | Gee mnae tiMaoe ce: andar sees Tig, Da? ceneral Mot salty pak UPOMENT al | sed - type windshield wipers joy, job replacing the 300 age with push - button seat laid por Gaae a tart Follow Three Charges Which disappear when not in 514 340 cubic inch V-8's pre- belts for all passengers, NCW |horg 98 'Thickson's Rd., N.,| use, and which have an ar- viously offered. Standard po- side marker lights, safety |Whitby, was dismissed when! ; ticulate left - hand wiper GS 350 is les ay sites °n sWHITBY -- Raymond G. La- Trank Sypher of Ajax was blade to increase the clean- pee erat oe ae pals Pagid armrests, energy absorbing pong a yr Pgjonsial gen gases, 47, Montreal, received fined $20 and costs or 16 days| ing sweep. GS 400 and 340 cubic inch seatbacks, and yielding door roy eee eo of judge-/concurrent six-month sentencesjon a charge of being intoxi- on t e % The inside will have ad- V-8 and window contro] handles. aut rather than careless dri-|on charges of being in posses- cated in a public place. John ving \sion of stolen goods and failing) Moon of West Hill pleaded | -- : ; ER: ? : : to remain at the scene of an/guilly ig yer or a b 1 | sean STRUCK POLE accident when he appeared in|was fined $20 and costs or 10) : Alfred Price, 762 Jasthine|Whitby court. ue pleaded days. * num er of «| rs wheter' te 5S wi Cres., Oshawa, had been charg-| guilty. | .Juhn McCowan Stuart, 119 ed with careless driving fol-/ Lagace was also fined $200/Agnes St., Oshawa, pleaded lowing a May 24 accident in|or two months on a careless|guilty to a charge of being in- | tel oe z e e e Britain States Readiness 1 ° |which his car be a pees driving charge, the sentence to roan © 4 -- nan ant pole. Justic ace Rob- é OA ilnclwae | To Negotiate Aden Peace _ iix'sia! tees i tactic Pata ie de. ™ ON 8 ~ girls' trip to th valley recently. S old Susan Nisbet, sister Catherine, | the prime ministe Inves Airlin choslovakian Airlir no flight recorder DEMONSTRATOR SALE of 67's * BIG SAVINGS of evidence and dismissed the possession of liquor and not/py aps GUILTY By HAROLD MORRISON ment should include members) the closing tyears of British rule charge. jhaving an operator's licence. | Weatworth Books of no fixed "Fanadian Press Staff Writer [of NLF's bitter rival, the Front of Aden. $50 FINE | baleen H. W. Jermyn, itladivess pleaded guilty to a "The latest episode in Britain's| for the Liberation of Occupied| The government has shot] A charge of careless driving A acure SEE ENTey Minibal 16 |charge of vagrancy and was shift from foreign involvement South Yemen, whose members back that the Tories bungled had been laid against Lyle M. seat porate pete rea "|sentenced to 14 days. being enacted in the turmoil| have been shooting and bomb- |the situation in the first place. | Woodcock, 74 Gibbons St. Osh- mert at Mimico Reformatory. SUSPENDED SENTENCE Aden and South Arabia|ing British soldiers in Aden. --_|In backing the t raditional awa, on Aug. 1 when a police LICENCE SUSPENDED Cart Van Heuvel. Brookli re the British-backed pro-| This about-face, which British | rulers, the sultans | nt ed officer saw his car being dri-- Magistrate Jermyn suspended at naan be S rcescntn eh teetorate of sultans and sheiks |diplomats insist is just straight | sheiks, they had. erecte i ven in an erratic manner atithe driver's licence of Gerald fei aenicnue ol a # fs Was disintegrated. realism, has been accompanied|s up porte d a structure that), high speed. Woodcock explain-|Tompkins, 20, of Bloor St. E.,|Pencee se Por a eaten Baas . |by hints that Britain is ready to/could not work. led to the officer he was wrest-| h t divi hile| 2 nor contributing. | "Britain has announced readi-| f that ar ickly, These charges and counter- |jj ; on a charge of driving while Hes ness--indeed eagerness--to | Bet out of a * h oe 7 re fir d against jling with a passenger at that/his zbility was impaired. He 5 Jas possible--as soon as a new/charges were fired against & time over possession of a cig-jalsc fined Tompkins $200 and basins wth forme ent |government can be patched|bacidron of Labor knowledge arte The youth war oie. ors or 18. de Genetic Factor | team ca National Liberation Front. ih sol ple arbatity don't care sny-\er ie as fined $50 and costs/ suspENDED SENTENCE Affects H | * Sie today A r Britain has suddenly conclud- ACCUSED OF FOLLY jway; that they are tired of| itd | Leslie Green of Whitby was ects earts | ; today listed 34 de éd. without the need of a| Conservative party spokes-|wasteful, costly wars that prove CONVICTED plaved on a 12-month suspend-| toRONTO (CP)--Dr. M. D., 7 Se A, N. LeChemina national referendum or elec-|men who helped stitch the old/nothing and that they would) -- Keith Albert White, 920 ed sentence after being charged . tions, that the NLF truly repre- | South Arabian Federation|like to turn their backs on a|Centre St. N., Whitby, was con-|with theft of money from a Young, associate professor of| gents the majority of Arabs in|together eight years ago have| world that brings no glory or victed of careless driving. The|charitable organization. Passing pediatrics at the University of, tat once-strategic Middle East|accused the Labor government'cash to the economically-wor- charge was laid following a of sentence had been remanded|Br'tish Columbia, told a Cana-| the federal transp ment's 10-man tean gators, said "as * NEW CAR WARRANTY 'ant ; 7 is -| ried British community. |July 9 rear end collision inj\to give the accused h to! di iatri i region. It feels that an evenjof folly and cowardice, dishon ried Bri y. | July injto g ccused a chance tO\dian Pediatric Society meeting/ " a : q ; which thre ff 50) R ituti | know" the turbo-p1 tore representative go vern-loring and humiliating Britain in) by of poLIcy ete ao ue make restitution. that a genetic factor may be * 18 did not carry a fi \r Getting orf of Aden as quick-'and costs or 10 days was levied phe ied Re 43,117 Euclid rerreenione tot the: Savers ain oe A foes all vital y as fe' oc appears pa © against Whiteuwe: / hohe Buber Ss, ucla | ogra, i | . ' coor Quebec Resumes Talks [ie ist: vtnmtst enc cro 'tern = |e wey eal les ie er mach een ) Boe loess 4 of consolidation and retreat, of|" Failing to yield was the chargel one. ph gee hans ee cl ena nape | yen claws aoe " replacing internationalism with) . 7 | charge ping liquor forjner eart damage to Indian) nt. ; : fi ; which Claude Morrison i In Radiol ists Dis ute |regionalism. and even isolation-| jeaded qallty, He was cuviesl ae Be amas Peak ae " children in British Columbia as 1967 OLDSMOBILE DELMONT 425 Sedan ee ism. H | cat is *| whet i 0gl p Britain 1s steadily moving |64 < Lig Pe li --_ or clared a public place for 12 white children. : Shade light windshield, chrome trim package, automatic transmission, white walls, dele . : eu: : towards the "Little: England" | {Ve ays. Morrison resides At! months He said a study of 105 Indian| belts, power brakes, power steering, radio. Serial 346697M1 14260, [~~ QUEBEC (CP) - Nee oueuions) genersl hospitals, The radiolo-\ara, one high-placed informant 55 Montgomery Ave. Brooklin.| nrewissep children carefully matched with) w oN P. li tween the provincial govern-|gists want the scheme to cover | intimated. |$25 FINE | A charge against Norman|105 white children showed that | on $4,420 $ 0 ice | ment and the Association of/ treatment provided in their pri-| 4 possibility, however, is that} Marion Sellers of 1 Emery |Morrison, Cromwell Avenue,|68.6 per cent of the Indian chil-| SALE PRICED eres Wt the Piovics ot vate ont as well, Jean-|the British rush to vacate hos-|Circle, Weston, was convicted!Qsiiawa, of driving while his|dren had residual heart dis.) Civil Ri Que sy a Ae re eante be fae ee ec health tile areas may leave explosive /of fo ae 00 close. Thelability was impaired was dis-/eases compared with only 29.6 -- g Be ere ence incor (Gill possible. fer the, govern: Reet Titan Wat anes ett aoe calinies ix wes Cee Se tem TORONTO (CP) inc Bplial: INSUre1s a5 E 4 vern-|National Liberation Front may ide: s yhic , 77 i Lar ance cover ing radiological|ment and radiologists to reach) feel it is the true representative |a total of $1,150 damage was ag 23 pine pba 9 § ee ae 1967 OLDSMOBILE DELMONT 425 Convertible erties pamphlet des treatment. agreement without the govern-|of the people of South Arabia,|done to the three vehicles in- so i cmPey, 20; oeer tie fact Pe ea : ea ; , zens' rights and res f : o ent bethel i | hie 4 ; 1 s & ; borough, and Douglas W.|senetic factor. jorrel corburetor, outomatic transmission, power steering and brakes, electrie elock, re- 7 PSince the dispute began tn in t bringing in special legis-| but the rival Front for Libera-|vo ved. She was fined $25 and) pe.gs 19, Whitby, were fined) Some 500 pediatricians from mote mirror, radio, electric rear antenno, white walls, hydraulic suspension, shade light wind- in the event of poli ae ncits have rexigael 'heir "Meanwhile, a backed spe- ney eee $50 and costs or 10 days each|around the world are attending, shield, deluxe belts, special ehrome trim, electric windows, custom wheel dises. Serial ton a earetied radiologists have resig ) Aden. ___|¥IELD CHARGE lon charges of having liquor|the three-day conference, which | | 256677M160472, in Metropolitan Tor sat "ause t soy-|Cialists remaining on their jobs |------------ ; | hospital jobs because the gov ] ] | A plea of not guilty was en-|whi'e under the age of 21. [ents today. ernment has refused to extend/are struggling to handle a ris- . tee ee: coverage for x-ray services to ing number of emergency cases Atheist Excused } patients attending private clin- throughout the provinie, | ies - 4 gigs Prreyptitg presi- From Jury Duty Under a scheme introduced in} ent of ime re iologists associa-| MILTON. (CP)--A Oakville luiy the provincial hospital | #0": said Tuesady that 42 ayaa --An bs ville insurance scheme covers radio- | diologists have already prin'er refused to be sworn in logical services performed in|accepted jobs outside the prov- after be was accepted for jury the outpatient departments of | nce and that "by this time|duty in an Ontario Supreme | _Geparimen's ®"|next week the figure may have |Court here Wednesday. risen to 70," "T am an atheist," Herbert . The board of governors of the Kendell said, on being handed a it e ange Quebec College of Physicians Bih!s. and Surgeons Wednesday ffe refused to accept it, say appealed to the radiologists not|ing he did not believe in the to enter, into permanent con- Bible. ume own tracts outside the province)! Kendell was than excused while the dispute lasts, other-|froim duty by Mr. Justice D. R wise there might be a serious' Morerd. in the trial of Joseph depletion of Quebec's medical Edgar Boudreau, 25, of Toron- department. Police. Chief Jam was so impressed vy page pamphlet prep Canadian Civil Lib ciation last Ju ordered 250 copies t uted among his week, police ordere * ume *4285 1967 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4 Door Hardiop Shade light windshield, vinyl roof, power brakes, 327 engine, automatie transmission, power steering, wheel discs, whitewalls, radio. Serial 1643971111954. Wes $4,269 wie 3195 TLL TL TTT TTT TTL ILL TLL LLL TTT TLL LLL. Make Up A Party and Come On To The DURHAM CENTRAL 1967 CAMARO CONVERTIBLE David Murray, city hall per- Deluxe seot belts, floor console, 275 horsepower engine, rally sport option, eustom Interior, sonnel officer, will not be call-| ¢, citities electric top, automatic transmission, wire wheel discs, radio, special interior chrome package, ad direcigr ot personnel alter! "wna toara. celled (on <the| CHoldreny was' clinesad. wilh whitewolls, Serial 124677N114709. ie é all. radiologists to be prudent inicrimina! negligence following Wes $4,524 $ City council Tuesday decided 'their negotiations, because '"'the an Apri) 16 two-car crash on SALE PRICED 3695 against the recommendation of jine between union activity andthe Queen Elizabeth Way in the board of control to this ef- professional ethics is hard to|Qakville, which killed three fect by eight votes to seven. define." persers "This title makes it look as if he is directing people in the city hall," said Ald. William Paynter, "and he is not. He is only personnel officer. It could tt At the ORONO FAIR GROUNDS in ature hi oF heh NEW HOURS SEPTEMBER 7--8--9 as 'directors', They will want more money, The terms of reference would be in a higher Pe ger ily cacuintannded Jo Brewers Retail FRIDAY'S PROGRAM Saturday's Program 1967 CHEVY II Sedan Deluxe steering wheel, wheel discs, white walls. Serial 1136971101157. SALE PRICED $2195 1967 EPIC ESTATE WAGON -- Brand New keep the staff happy, said ORONO JUNIOR BAND IN ATTENDANCE OFFICIAL OPENING -- 1:00 P.M. All vinyl i i i i IK -- 1 MM, interior trim, counter balanced tailgate, windshiel 5 Con. Ralph Jones, "It wasn't Co-sponsored by Trant Office Rombler Sales, Big Pergo MPs tees canner with reor oir parol ig system, - belts, gs Ne pa Ag og nat c ond P 9 pring conusans more ve DBT Wentworth Street righrs fea curiae REGIONAL gh ee ee a raised no objections." Jt was CENTENNIAL AMATEUR COMPETITION: LIGHT HORSE SHOW -- HEAVY HORSE SHOW etas th link Gite thie Lille. used : Dennis Hall in attendance ot BEEF CATTLE SHOW -- RABBIT SHO $ Re sihee. ack a N.H.L. HOCKEY PLAYERS ESSO BOOTH DAIRY CATTLE SHOW -- FARM IMPLEMENT ECONOMY PRICED y other cities BATON TWIRLERS -- HOLSTEIN SHOW coca tiles hace a ro Sa a race W SHEE Wo -- 4-H CLUB DAY AFTERN' ARN ACES -- UIs BrOUEnE #. AWBE | rein 1s ho op en RABBIT SHOW -- FARM IMPLEMENT DISPLAY WAGERING PRIVILEGES der from Ald. Gilbert Murdoch FAT CALF SHOW DURHAM CENTRAL STAKE FEATURE MAMMOTH MIDWAY -- C. ond $. SHOWS IDWAY -- C, end S. SHOWS who asked: 'Surely we are not M4 EXHIBITS OPEN SATURDAY 9 va.m te 6 running the city to accomodate 10 6 d ] a.m pm. the views of the eciployeen?" am od pm al y Friday Evening Saturday Evening -- - QUARTER HORSE RACES -- 6:30 p.m. : CAKE AUCTION -- FAT CALF AUCTION OSHAWA BARBER SHOP CHORUS OLD TIME COSTUME COMPETITION ---- exnlinoay MEER FAIR. DANCE. --= : 7 TOWNS 1867 - 19 AU ake HIP HALL, ORONO "" AMBER egal Ud ad Clare Nesbitt Orchest -- Come es you ere dence The BA. Comes open to9 pm args | Fridays Net © sit-in... Not @ sleep-in... ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 140 BOND ST. W. PHONE 725-6501 HOURS: -- Monday to Thursday 9 te 9--Friday end Saturday 9 to 6 Sponsored by the Durham Central Agricultural Society JUST MONEY SAV-IN BARG-INS & Ie] Come to eur Grand _Open-in Sept. 8th, 1967 BURKETON 1 BARGAIN CENTRE Burketon, Ont. i Operated by Brewers Warehousing Co. Ltd. bg Brewers Retail ESS eee eee

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