Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Sep 1967, p. 25

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, é workin; : fee, att cate Will You LOOK T'S NOT LISTED] SIM GOING OUT 70_, WES CREEPING UPON [ SAWYER COULD BE KILLED! | | Wednesday, September 6, 1967 UP SOMETHING DAISY-- ARE 'SHOOT SOME SKEET. , THE TENT WHERE ALL I NEED DO |S REMAIN A child may also develop a HEAVENS! TVE NEVER FOR ME IN YOu ; «::AND I WANTED TO S: Rh SAWVER'S ASLEEP! STILL, AND THE POSSIBILITY severe reaction if he receives a Z EVEN HEARD OF THEM = COOK THEM FOR Him! [-=4 : : OF HIS TAKING MARY FROM * shot of live vaccine several THANKE. e ' = is Wolly Deena BRIDGE aa ro after = d aol |months or age ea a ke 4 i MINNIE = oe? ~ is E i receiving only the killed vac- TLL Tey a i S boy said Dr. Brummitt. s CLARABELLE ag 4 | 0 « wd Bes oe oe ne) Those who support the killed { iG s xapistinpulpeaaibiast sai, | rt-|vaccine say it has fewer and 3] \ E Individual Championship Play) keliess severe side effects and, ry 4 unlike the live vaccine, can be *. rs North dealer. er! administered to infants under Neither side vulnerable. lone year of age. a --_ = or . --_-- ¢ ye| Dr. Brummitt agreed that NORTH he |previous use of the killed vac- 4EI72 cine does diminish the reactions ' : : : > ot? to live vaccine. However, he TVe seen FROM Now on 22] DID 1 HEAR HER bs hiaed Wot Thoer an IN GOLD _ AK86 elf| said the latest type of live virus SPENDING TOO MUCH I'M ONLY GOING TO BUY CORRECTLY? THIS DON PEREZ....HES GOT THE MEANS HE KEEPS HIS GOLDIN > HGH -- _ velvaccine known as the further Flag ~ THINGS I REALLY GOLD WE/RE GOIN' AFTER? x be HIS HOUSE, be 7 $3 r./ attenuated vaccine does not gal ~ z . | @K64 $AQ109752 "¢|Produce. an unacceptable inci- 431058 $294 ct | dence of reactions. . rire ay| Ontario municipalities using SAK es|the live vaccine in immuniza- ? ' [7] 83 tion programs, as did London 33 ve|last Apri], are not reimbursed | The bad an|by the provincial government -- sticte ngt ut e. he| for the cost of the vaccin' x arg 4 Hrs 6 rs Opening lead -- four of dias mons. : There is.no doubt that some BUT HE ALWAYS GETS RIGHT ' THERE IT 1S! , (aime hands are harder to play than BACK ON TOP OF US! WE'VE I THOUGHT I e a/ BUT, others. As an example, imagine i PHIL--IT'S | | yourself declarer at four spades | _ THE ONLY HAD IT, UNLESS... REMEMBERED | THING SAVING ASIDE ROAD... A DEAD | |in this hand where West leads |a diamond to the ace and East 4 { i jreturns a heart which you win CORNER ACE'S. i F a: a ~ "Sj with the ace. I CAN PICK UPA ? WY \ /;| If you are by nature com- LITTLE DISTANCE : / < ys |Placer.t about dummy play, you ON TNE \ 4 \ By 1 , \ | jare likely to wind up going CURVES! © ' down one. Suppose you lead a trump at trick three, which yould seem to be the natural jthing to do. West wins with the lace and returns a low heart whi.h East ruffs. | Whatever East returns, you y, eventually go down one because @ | Wesi still has a gilt-edged heart trick, But if you take the hand somewhat more seriously at the start and give it the atten- jtion it deserves, you wind up jmaking the contract. You should not feel surprised that |East's heart return is a single- jton, because that is the normal jexpectancy on the bidding, and jit is furthermore the one pés- jsibility that puts the contract jin danger, To protect against the immi- nent threat, you should ruff' a diamond at trick three, cash the A-K of clubs, ruff a club, SECRET AGENT X9 SHORTAGE OF _. MART TIME GOOD USED CARS Kes TO TRADE The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. | s.r: Alka-Seltzer 25 Tablets LARGE SELECTION OF '67 MODELS IN.OUR LAST --- ALLOTMENT PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, VAUXHALLS, G.M.C, TRUCKS ) i 64a, om Nestle sk Lift FOUR LITTLE, PNB LITTLE, SIX ALLS ASKED HIM os ; HUBERT and only then lead a trump. TWO LITTLE, LITTLE INDIANS. « » | WAS HOW MANY It is true that West will prob- THREE LITTLE SEVEN LITTLE, BIGHT CHILDREN He HAD!) ably go up with the ace and INDIANS + oe LITTLE, NINE LITTLE i os fan Channel 2--Buttale 4--Dundee and Culhane | 4--Dick Van Dyke give partner a ruff to bring INDIANS «06 3 A Channet 2--Barrie I Spy 38d Allen Time AH, MISS BUGLE, the defence its third trick, but . Channet_ 4--Buttalo hcignseie' tue eat Sais tena tla HAVE A SEAT, the difference is that East now z pace sien 34-12--World on Stage |1)_Listle People t has only diamonds Paes er i Channel &--Rochester nay eesie ews boas vic Movie. aad i. a ge ee iaites the i Channel 9--Terente Weather, Sports 3-6--Luncheon Date is | An van wed i Channel 11--Hamilton nope GPM +News, "Weather "and pow Mga eat up hannel 12--Peterboro Pe ke t : i pag se sven PM See The hand serves as a further mz, si : q | ; N--Photo Finish example of a very important nee ! hachiririe vlad Ie Re oe seve Guess. principle. When the handwrit- LD.A. 1--Hero | Sports ppt! hae ing on the wall indicates that ee 1 2 j yp | samtaahe peadlines | 13--News) Weather, you will be defeated if you fol- Special e 4--Perry Mason lhecJehony Carson 2 tare aciny low a normal course of play, it 4-12--Woody Woodpecker | 4--Movie otis sik is best to stop a moment to see Phyllis Ditier 11:38 PAM. 44--6uiding Light whether there is any way of --McHales Navy | &Thrilier 1:00 P.M. off the approaching atts aia | 1:40 P.M, 9--Movie ' disaster. $-Of Lands and Seas | 9 pact tobe Valing hae pellave I TOLD YOU NOT TO USE THAT CHAIR, }} He who go too fast occasion- pert eM: | ee aL virginia Graham HUBERT! THE CANE BOTTOM NEEDS /|}] |ally fall down and go boom. & | ! --Fusttiv a News," weather, licen ti2--Luncheon Date F. REPLACING! 4 ror | 12.10 A.M. Nea ih eda ' shows Busine jovi wove i] | Trevelyan Ready + Silligans tnlana iy A ead A.M, nia Nes P.M, 5 T M L 4 e --Newsa, rts, - noon $. 12:35 A.M. | @--Let's Mak Deal : 6 leet | See, | | To Meet Leaders -- » KLEENEX a OL. | --Movie 4] | ADEN (Reuters) -- Britisti : 12--Road West | THURSDAY 2:00 P.M. High Commissioner Sir Hum- $ | | FACIAL TISSUES aR es Weather, ts scnti®, AM. PP iiwipwes bon i »ohrey Trevelyan announced id --Schnitzel House : j ic i fr, ye mt ee eet nn | ER item de wing sa ~ £-8--Huntley-Brinkley 5. AM. 1-8--Days of Our Lives « aders of the € mis ation 1 WORD ABOUT MY \\| I WONDER IF YOU T--Littiest Hobe" gies gags Me con H th py soncinee sow" a fective le Littlest Hobo 155 AM. iecgummer Store e formation of an effectiv WHIMSICAL HEART GETS SUSPECT f Le | ¥--Diali r te i OUT, I'M WASHED UP. So Bek UR Oo "SL eh Than |. virginia Orsbam | epeey, Maton South Arabian federal govern- PROMISE-- ALL OF YOU~ ARE, MR. TBA | 9:00 A.M. #2--The Doctors ment. NOT A WHISPER! DELMONICO... / 4--Lowell Thomas N--Ed Allen Time | 7--Dream Girl Trevelyan in a radio broad- ROM! nen 3--Time Tunnel 9--Romper Room &--Coronation Street cast said thé present federal government has ceased to func- ' all? f oe Weather, @--Biography | 4---House Party | : \ : ia: 4--Carlton Fredericks | 3:00 P.M YOUR HEALTH 10 P. | 2--Topper sMesleteatee boick tion, it no longer exercises con- A] eee yal hee i Bg 7--Ganeral 'Hospital trol in the. federation. z 12--Incredible 'Forest | 9-Cartoon Playhouse he ee A omic k ail "I recognize the nationalist |---Jamboree Gloria -2--Another World t Coc t forces as representatives of the 9--! ci 4 of Lif en aj % i 2-Virginion , Pose Lanne het people and am ready to enter --Movie 10:00 A.M, : into discussions immediately 6--Mothers-in- | 3:30 P.M. " Ar ied 3 cat th gence Sein' warty | 11--~Bullwinkle Has No After-Effects with them," he said. 5 rue i? PM | $2-Snap Judgment je Ur ee Trevelyan flew here from 1 iti | 4 did C % ita: = ee ia: okie | 24612 Edge, of Night By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD : London today after consuita 8:30 P.M 10:30 A.M. 24--You Don't Say rr tions with the British govern- 9Movie ' ee Pyagenie alae 4:00 P.M, Dear Dr. Molner: My hus-|told me that by the time symp-|ment concerning the virtual col- ayes oe | 28--Concentration ay-fuper Herees band, in his late 60s, has anjtoms appear, it is too late forjlapse of. the eight-year-old 7--Movie 11:00 A.M. S-Match Same Se ta ne nn and was/anything to be done. Is this}South Arabian federal govern- 4--Green Acres 9--Flying Doctor ecret Sterm treated with the 'atomic cock-|true? Would you advise having|ment -6.12-- -- 3-6-127---C apy 8 . ya preted Tandy orth t Mike Devglas let ' ja blood test once a year or] ------ ca eae 2--Movie 3--Good Morning 4:30 P.M. s this treatment in the every six months just to be on " { Lise geaicheli il | Munsters experimental stage? 1 was not|the safe side? My only child is| REJECT TRANTS PLEA >} H 3-6-12--The Inheritance 1i_Mereah Configentiald AcTAAK: or. Bakes told so. Does this condition|/11 months old.--Mrs. C.M. UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) =) 10:00 P.M. 9--Mr.. and Mrs. |. quences cause loss of weight, shaking of| It is true that no cure has|-- The Ivory Coast has turned 5 i N--Merv. Griffin 7--Family Game 3-6-12--Vacation Time the hands, fast heart beat and/been found for leukemia, pdut|/down an appeal by UN Secre- = F swelling of feet? jthere have been great strides in vps Sytner U Pag Bee Bbgearig After having this medication|treating it. Whereas once death}from detention the forets' in- ne ; CROSSWORD in what period. of time will/usually occurred within a mat-|ister and UN ambassador of 7] j ACROSS 2. Un- Sl OMAR improvedment be noticed ? I\ter of a very few months, some-|Guinea, a neighboring African a: Novas fae aspirated TIRIAIOIE MEHIE TR am worried to death.--Mrs.|times within weeks, it is now|country, reliable sources said a 5. Display 3. Melody WMmoormeiay |TK [possible to Keep the disease|Friday. The two were seized, = pees egbid E(TMMSINIE le IRTE (0 An over-active thyroid gland/Uder vcontrol and the child while en route ey sien 10. , President Sl |can cause all of the symptoms|©™fortable and happy for a country by alti nt ps " "4 ps pt spa Gee Gre on ona ans you mentioned, | but 'need not good deal longer, often for sev- As et epee ' if G hea a me 6. Lift 24. Siamese |F MISTIEAOMWIATa] |. . * °"leral years. Coast fishing vessel 0! uine 12. Indigo dye 7. Harvest coin necessarily cause all of them in} lier this year. . IDS, WHY DID YOU 13. French "goddess 26, Ripped aren eu ila any one case. It may happen; it There are, by now, a very|¢atlier this year. : pliable OUT THAT ONE 1 river 8, Pressed 28, Fate NT TO a may not. " ' "|few cases in which the disease ~ WORD ON YOUR SIGN P. i 14. Doctors, 11. City in the * rooms TAO REIN E} No, the atomic cocktail has|!as been kept under control for QUEENIE " ; tor Evergreen 30. Slopped Yesterday's Answer | Jong been past the experimenial 19 Years and longer. But there . 3 instance state over stage, and is one of the recog-|2%¢ So few of these, and the " . 16.HolyLand 15.Comfort | 32,HydePark 35. Heathen nized' methods of treati jtime is still too short to draw : i city 17. Sniffed t ieee ee any Y . Sr stroller image condition. any conclusions, that these are = 18. Spar 20. Little 34. Japanese 36. Guide This "cocktail" is a solution|2°% counted as "'cured" cases 19. Toward valleys primitive 38. Mature containing: a measured 'amount| Out still as cases that are "'in : if ; : fF : BO pastas aT ahcae i > i 2 i i Mas let te of radioactiv : remission." You can be certain 169 E suey YALA, \uiatinactive odie. Since telat these few ease are bone 1.35 Value' for . 23.Nocturnal {4 70 n iodine to the thyroid gland (the) {lowed with great interest. pray A mammals WY gland needs traces of iodine to|. 1 think that the periodic blood 3 of., a 25. Idolize 12 13 create its hormones), the 'ests you suggest would not be 26. Name radioactive iodine likewise goes|°f any help, for there is no . Musical 4 15 16 7 |known means. of prevention. di instru t to the gland. pel there re sy bbe ms men The radi ivity i nts] | Sually Wi De. Be one a, Classified 18 4 'a Se phn Aaalvl illness that will demand . Spanish Z x 4 ' lex ea : ein 20 Ti T22 FM OL this has proved to be a agin = 30, Certain successful method. 'The dosage) "near pr, Molner: In a list of Ww 13 ry varies according to the particu-|,, ta' é 'et a LANE' bay 33 Merny Wii lar case. Saapatines the reat, | 40's and don'ts for a reducing} wera you mind ying ate NE Ss : 4 - ; 5 |diet, it said not to eat or drink ig Peylr | duck 21 28 ment may have to be repeated. anything very hot or very cold tention to what you're 2 STEVENSON RD. NORTH A hs ip meer 5 = Vusaatly improvement is|Why?--Mrs. DRM. doing?" " noted within a month. There} 723-1131 AND 2 39. Current Ls Lo are no harmful after effects) 1 don't advise any such thing, } 40. Bird of prey |?! 32 33 34 135 [36- from proper use of this method.|and I don't know. why .hot orjonce has syphilis, even after he \ isp oka: f eT <t ots jcold food should have anylis pronounced cured, will a ; ane Dear Dr. Molner: Two/effect on dieting. I suspect that}blood test always show that he th Simeoe Pharmacy 43. Vendea 70 ar friends of mine recently lost| You got hold of some "diet sys-|has once had it?--E.C. ' DOWN children, both two years old, of tem" that has been dressed. up] No, only occasionally. In 907 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ' 1. Brightly Aue ATS leukemia. I realize there is no|With meaningless focus-pocus|some cases the blood test will 723-3418 colored fish Z Z cure for this terrible disease|to make it sound impressive. 'remain positive after treat- ~J O-& and in both cases the mothers Dear Dr. Molner: If a person ment, but not a8 & rule, pee } es : a : . + a ee a eA eee , Les

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