THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wodnesdey, September 6, 1967 24 EARN- SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--aArticles for Sale '8----Articles for Sale 14-- Business Opportunities 'eat cash : a Nay a iso a 6 a gray flannel pants, 6X. Telephone 72} ig hia Tb bly > ime TWO CHESTERFIELD suites, odd Business Opporunity poe age Maney Ricco tala Men or Women 8 a oO rs, SIX SERVICE BAYS. |Ces-'New 'nencimsce'" purses: "walets, Exclusive With ta FOR FASTER SERVICE |Paningi: trom Metco. T2272. os iy Creare inches! rifle, bsg | WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIA with sling, extra site and case. } o Accountants Building Trades Mortgages TV--Redio Repairs Chev., Dodge, late By Conan ss. Taehane_ "asi. LYONS ye, y = ish and WILLIAM © HALL, B.Comm., Cherter-/HAVE YOU CHECKED chi fo mouth, Ponticc, We correct | itali neers Accountant, 36% King Street East. lately? For repairs call 76-3802, mney CONSOLIDATE j wheel alignment, inspect and ihe gh gy pee bey ply val OF CADBY HALL TBAY,coog_coeal|set- yer any ime GMGtRT| $1,600 «aves Regd _ epee comer and conte, | waaTnenoueH tas We ten.h| ,eoeneatin) eee eeenee . Ld o a r more Accountant, Slt ZW, Oshawa Shop-|20 at fll work guaraneed for Three) $2 $3423 ty oor te ite ot" Sy'gg |eocd. condition, $30. Telephone svezi2,"| FOR the sensational new ® Ee =a e $50.97 eal @ Parts extra If required BEOSPREADS, quilted, 39", like new.| fresh-brewed coffee service Complete Deoikeaning service V7 V8 $im- ent "works concrets|_ Mortgage examples based on nia @ Torsion bar adjustment dresses, Ye in geod conditen. "Tas Tot Provides fresh coffee at 3 Street Nw 725-039 floo! iks. Free 2 7™-| 15 year term. on extra. . g 3 Sc. cup. Brewed right ot TH THOUSANDS 'veed Times Action Sioa aa ees ' Interest 1 - 1% per month ; q e li 6 VR atoum Hea CLEANERS $10 and vp. 6. 89 and up. 6. ting nec ie cde Sits aner. ne ng "4 ; } Viking, joover, . anada's fines' TosuPH GUTMANN, Charired_aaiou Canine Bair' bad ekered,. Gon tes (12-16% per annum) BRAKE SPECIAL pacts GU can a Dian Sivoo? brewing snaprnanit: eaeraune tent, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Greer toes Installed; roofs repaired. Phone 723-| depending on amount borrow- Channels Most popular cars, First {South with 62% profit So to East. Telephone 7, ed. Interest calculated on the Quolity Royaline, 4 wheels, LOVE BEAUTIFUL clothes? Cent af] the est, btighy d veve MOpRING: BEADLE AND CO." Charter BEADLE AND CO. Charler|A7) CARPENTRY, recreation rooms,| reducing balance, Properties with p * --|ford them? Earn them inh Party Plan-| (70 estoplishe distributor. od ner Financial Trade Bulls-|CAr ports, garages, stoops. Bleck, and) must be within a city or town $14.88 in oon a ee ng, 187 ret ast, k. 725-4891, Doi 5 vai: ne en IJAGARA FINANCE ral £3500) §; 7 Hopkins, CA: he paves free ve ap nahiay | a Plus ob pel alge TOURIST TENT --¥ x = xe wie! Tons Coff Q Ad 6 'anteed kM Holliday. WANA. intenne I cooler and large $s corier. Tell OMPANY LIMITED Fan PRMDLApER ano eonins me "™"" "| Oshawa. Shopeng Cane | ee ME |. vera tee ase 286 KING STREET W reg agen mens Tre fart ermvemimne Alon! gare ue ° . Ta Assia, GET pnee aE: Bunotr| to expand rapidly nto e large e A |ings. Free estimates. Work guaren- Ine mire| Mid ico, 21" Bumont, 23-3487 Oshawa, 1, . AGE L Coble WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL 117" RCA $39; portable record player.) and lucrative enterprise with Blosprintt ; Fasting al ~.. MORTGAGE LOANS Including weights per wheel, $17.7 I7inch, portable television. new) "TMMEDIATE CASH RETURNS juep' ing reniting. Teleshors 728-0547 or 725-| We have immediate funds to tv each .. $195 bran Suarenieed.) THE selected applicant must SELL, DRAPTING, end Reproduction is tld ae and ne call i SHOCKS, MUFFLERS |FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, apartment] be able to devote 9 few hours ¥ 123-4661, , V J - a } NT- D Wi K at new condition; early American per week to i Blueprinting 'end photostatic. copies. | Carpentry ments may be made in your 723-5278 CAPRA ABLE epirce {wo occasional chairs; walnut cot! order to keep pa deceit | fee able Telephone 728-1823, ANTIQUE "COAL OIL lamp (G Wind), matehing ball stad UNIROYAL [ik "tut erinet ase. Telephone 448 after CENTRES |PLAYPEN AND CRIB for ie jphcone 725-2056. own home. A, ROSEN member of Ont. Mort. Broks. Assoc. 725-0532 eveninas ond week- ends 728-5623 FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, serie agreements purchased and sold, Hennick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street counts supplied with Lyons Coffee. A minimum of $1,- 500 Is required to commence. Bank financing available for porties with good credit standing and reasonable de- Quality Carpentry GENERAL REPAIRS Home Improvement Specialists Serving Oshawa and District for Many Years. Building Trades REPAIRS ALTERATIONS with ind | T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT en The New Home of Honest and Depenoble Service . 723- haan | THREE ONLY, Tetrik i ADDITIONS Phone 725-8576 East. 723-7232. We give you a better tower phabis ccmneuenenn 96° SUMULTANEOUSLY DOMINION TIRE STORES Lene NEY, used sratrigerators * posit. For Interview In your on Painti dD ti for less money. : 17 Park Road South {Yel ies Furniture, Oshawe Shopping Cen-| rec write HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES or 623-3411 ainting and Decorating Se Oe BRIT: Box M34205 h PAINTING and paper hanging, Interlor 5 T il M i £t i t Phone 725-6511 eon Ree Rooms and Kitchens HOME ADDITIONS, recreation | rooms,|and exterior, "Free. estimates and AWA T V ----Trailers 6--Marine Equipmen cial, used only Gwice. 'Felephone. 723-488 @ Specialty Pi og yg Moog ta hel dil nan wiv iD ALUMINUM 22. siKine steaite stove, as. Spare Time James Allen and Sons|5 ee cking -\Plumbing end Heating i "é Clearance Sale | FALL SALE ae [fopetnersis0" om in. excelent cond! Money Maker 725-6126 DRESSMAKINO; suite, conte and chi] Pi iumnbj Di Hiseguibal . . | 1967 Glendettes & Citations ; piscine ane Manet aay aan a Own end operate o profit: ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, fingle,|srens, wear by experienced, seamstress. umbing Discount at cae OF ee | Catamaran Sail Boat NEW |Thent size, like new, Telephone 7269161,| ble route of elgorette ma- repairs, large and small jobs. L. and H.|Reasonable, Mrs. Kralnc, 725-873). 149 Brock St. North 723-8131 723-8132 | All Troiler Ports and Acces- ' @ WINDOWS |DOUBLE BED with mattress end] chines or other equipment, Roofing and Construction, arte DRESSMAKING - expertly fitted sults, | sories Priced To Clear. Buy Evinrude Motors @ DOORS springs $25, Single bed $5. Vanity dress. located especially for you. No ALL TYPES building repairs, Roofing,| coats, dresses. Beautifully alloted a WHITBY -- 668-6601 | Now. LES jer, with mirror $15, four-drawer gresser) selling. Four. to six hours 9! firepl fe " 4 ng, 668- < |$10, Miscellaneous chairs, $1. each and weekly, Capital investment Gord May. Whitby, 668-2774. | DRESS ; i 8 i ' 3 N jset of four chairs, ene en arm chalr, $8. <M lestmen fas ba . a. ee DRESSHAl ING and eiterations. at fig " you, euenicn ne Go-Go-Goin \ COOK'S TRAILER | 2-YEAR WARRANTY E V E N | S S |Feble. $10. 7209560, not essential but good credit full and pactime. Must reside In |8506. plies verything g | SALES LTD. } LIST SALE + S |ANTIQUES -- Rosewood desk, Victorlen| '@ferences neccessary, write: tn by. Telephone 668-5110 or plumbing line, 20% off al | 1910 Simcoe St, N., Oshawe 3h 202.00 159.00 SALES LTD. |hanging lamp, buffet, rocking eheir and 30 FING, CHINNEVS, all types of Gardening and Supplies =| supplies. Tent trailer from $199., with | Open Eveninas 9 a.m. - 9 o.m. 6 ee 323.00 239.00 15 Prince St. 725-4632 | Wwash stand. Telephone before §, 723-9068. Oshawa Times cement gt gas El lo @c., > | 12 p.m, -- 9 p.m mattresses. 25 used trailers, Shp 419.00 309.00 CITY. TV televisions, radios, | VIR, STORES, rosie, shane, AMM | TERRANO PAVING, i0~yeare In bust G ARDEN | SATURDAY 9 a.m, to 5 p.m «ey Cee Mute | Urailer Clearance | 15 he. oo ae | ee and repairs. Service ieee Reasonable. Telephone 723- increta Persia uel tr New ness. Gi teed work, 19¢ square foot. i 18 h.p. 510. K lept. open jays a weeK. 8964, ian tener, A Sioanine ano mArIe ag] Rone aveleble trem $25, | Rentls, demonstrator, reftige | 33 ho. Also T.V; towarg, color and | O8ne i've, al Bane wit SUPPLIES plies. Lie 725-352), Harold per week up, Hitches made erators, heaters, cots etc. Electric 702.00 519.00 pacgy Rig BAL pater: jslein, ottce chal, soe shavi aL Employment Wanted far' yi n- i , . e@ en . A . CLASSIFIED RATES gineering Simcoe' Street South. ond installed from $10. up. Miller Trailers rhb 803.00 399.00 'aid Service 9 ain: to. 9 pm. |Site 'boat, 9s motors trailer: Bil Hemi:| TODDLERS PARADISE tent insertion of 24 words, 1.20;| SUPER FINE GRASS MIX --/AKY ALL" TYPRE repr aa Terre in | | AGEONA LDS TEAAGY, HARWOOD NORTH, AJAX 40 hp. : 248 Quebec St. Call 725- Tere ama ire| PROBEL --- MONTESSORI Sdditional words, Sc each; 3.consecu-| NiO, 1 FINE GRASS MIX _ [rates. 'Estimates free. 7231191, J. Foley. East of Bad Boy, ee Pete | Lark 90400" 678,00 0500. All work guaranteed. time, clinton 3.9 outboard 'motor, goed NURSERY SCHOOL tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi- Don't be late to save now. MOBILE HOME, 1964, Glendale, fur- jcondition, eight transistor deluxe radio,| Registrations for next term PARKLAWN GRASS MIX Generator, Push-Button Controls SUMMERTIME SPECIALS nsecu- iver inertiona of 24 « $0chi, $76; cede] + SUBURBAN GRASS MIX |Rug - Upholstery Service ON ee oa et eine dant... 20. RBi, storflite, Leng Shett, | Seualre. Telenor Tee taken now. Pick-up service onal words 24¢ each. TIMOTHY and ALSIKE OSHAWA TRaVION SihiG 404. ae ee Alternator, Push-Button Con- ot Peer Clik -yat y ahah Tetriens | available, if required. For op- arei9 per cent Siittionat charge MEDION BLUEGRASS aan WINTER TRAILER STORAGE -- Oct. 1] trols LIST 1403.00 SALE Wilson's Furn 576-2450. """ "| pointment phone Mrs. Ploeg- # not paid within 8 do KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS RUG CLEANERS 24 Hour Service to April, Ten minutes trom downtown! $995.00 : [UPRIGHT PIANO and bench 8100, and|__™akers, 723-0734, Oshawa. Storage tee gives winter mem- bership to 40-acre parkland, for winter Smooth top mattresses 29-95 2-pe. chesterfield suite 109.95 | 728-6779 Mathed ef Counting -- i than 24 INDIVIDUAL GRASSES large crib and mattress $15. Telephone] ony cane GIVEN to one or two chik Professional rug and uphol- i) dren In my home. Dianne end Olive ares. erde equnts 2 24 Words: Coch te as GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 i 1 d sports. Call 655-3821 for full particulars. SNES ASHE AE ere ete Me Te or abbreviation esata os EVERGREEN 6-9-6 hae peal lad Shi toe HOLMES TRAVEL TRAILER, $1,000, equipped, NEW BOATS 3-pc. bedroom suites 99.50 |BABY CARRIAGE, blue and white, In| Telephone $76-0532. aVERGE Ee WEED KILLER Information. i ELECTRONICS __|figerreans.ciseicty,, 2% Mer ©] Crestliner Dane,, 15 ft. alum- 20 CHURCH STREET |very good condition. Telephone 723-0287. |WoMAN WILL CAR for ehid up te pare horas CN GREEN 777 725-9961 ZAMPING TRAILER, good condiilon,| (num Lopstrake, Sleeper Seats RUTHERFORD'S \9--Market Basket an ae $2.50 per insertion with 25 cents addi- SO'GREN 7.7. V RENTALS |sieeps six. Telephone 725-4852. "| Complete Convertible Top, 3-room groups, Living Room, |PICK YOUR OWN corn, tomatoes, pep-|WOMAN WILL CARI for children In my Henal charge if not pald within 8 8 days. RE-UPHOLSTERING TOWERS |TRAILER HITCHES ede end Instaliea.| with O.M.C. 90 h.p, Inboard Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, |pers» Spanish onlona, cucumbers, beets. |home, Ceder Street ares. Telephone $76 IN MEMORIUMS ae oe 725-9332 Also all types of welding done. Portable] Outboard, built-in 10-gal. $499, $599, $699. Easy Bring comialnerss Ferns oy ante We eas 5200 sie fuse 38 ore met ¢ POTTING SOIL @ Wide selection of Fabrics PHONE 668-5679 [eaipmoent, for rent, Faeaee. tank, In the water ready for terms. immediate delivery or |Go north to firs! corner. EXPERIENCED farm hand would ike poe 25¢ additlo tional eharge If not a PET SUPPLIES @ Workmanship Guaranteed 5A--Comping donrenetn, ee feyey [SHTARIO NGL Y Coney somes hee shoo bus, ABBY at 7; me sid | within 8 doys. Hverythine for the gerden she full veers) JOE'S COLOR TV Sale $2995.00 RUTHERFORD' Ss joey: Telephone 723-9439. toy, front Soot, after 7 THAI e Budget Terms--Free RIPE CUCUMBERS, picked or | pick sare TIME, bookkeeping = ited. Sees for the first 2 parts ae 7s ° Eniwahiie ct he and Radio Service ISEASON-END: CLEARANCE CRESTLINER IMPERIAL 156 Simcoe St. South eeCary"A nn seine Wilson Re. pan Telephone 655-4859. . | crane retail within 8 days) Coo er-Smith @ Over 20 yeors experience PECIALIZING IN on ALL Trailers, Tents USTANG T.V. TOWER -- Me moves Pet gg CARbEr Wishes position tm /p SHE FURNITURE CENTRE GURDPEAN RADIOS AND and Camping Supplies 14 ft. fiberglass, two tone, HOLIDAY SPECIAL Gab ar tee alt hee. neaiaer 'renting feaege r EN mph iia $2.99 fr fe co. 90 Simcoe St. North TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS PRICES CUT TO COST fused' rch gghoe oe aa tae dish dahied &. es \9A--Eggs & Poultry 7 ; wi Ward Ade 16 CELINA ST. PROFESSIONAL 13 Bond W 576.1670 | Trailer Rentals Still Avaliable | with 33 or $0 hp, Evinrude. | structure with double B2-13 Eee ce een, SUNY oc | ree ee eee HUGTION FAL ven nerrion. | 723.2312 723-1139 | RUG CLEANING ; For August ond September. |. List $1,075, . Sale $867.00 | citsience, ont, om | | NEED.EXTRA MONEY? DEADLINES DELIVERY SERVICE 2 Day Service T.V. Rentals KAMPING PETERBOROUGH FURY DE- pletely installed, $70. 10--Farmer's Column ; : nD AD Free Pick-Up and Delivery ALCAN LUXE, 14 ft. fibreglass, red TRIO TELEVISION, 728-5143 |DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm _ stock Seen oom bene oe WORD J j i i ie tly. I Fur Farm, 2 FAVOUR 99 4 Gym Bay PREVIOUS TOP SOIL -- MANURE Angus-Graydon FURNITURE } UNLIMITED a block | Interior, gp Wrecking by seawoy emall Rvrone, Valucine colnet Hemprn a. neighbors, relatives Is one Teer Ae OF PUBLICATION 728-6254 APPLI pte | Rental -- Sales -- Storage skiing. Ut $1100 00. Sale tien Co., fourouses, Ritvon iat, Lcince Wow. of the easiest and fastes ways Fo No.1. procmneed: tom ll, hee | ae ' esheets and Adelaide, used building stoc of earning extra cash. You Y ce 4 RTHS AND DEATHS «rion No. 1. processed ond blend- Taae even. Weriaaeene ee 452_Simcoe South TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH eer materials, colored bathroom 11--Pets and Livestock don't pis experience because | ed with cattle manure for top _|teed, Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat- 723-0011 (1 mile north of King St, East) PETERBOROUGH CATALINA ' HORSES BOARDED --'B-Bar-L Rench,| our big, illustrated catalogue, ENCIA CARD Gp THANE and dressing, Well rotted cattle tresses re-built, | furniture | refinished. 728-9942 DELUXE, 15 ft. fibreglas, fixtures, laundray tubs, Garrard Rd. N. Box stalls, exercise pad-| with over 300 items shown ln Sanineder: Fee a Sious manure. Prompt delivery. pene Uphelstering, 287 Dean Avenve.} SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 black hull with white uphol- lights and furnaces. Tele- conmuinive: yh ee ae, full-colors, helps you to get oc AssFIED DISPLAY 655-3331 CHESTERFIELDS = re-upholstered and Fast T.V. Service 6--Marine Equipment stery, a 40 hip. Evinrude phone 728-2801. |Horses trained for western pleasure,| plenty of orders. Write today 55- for Christmas cards on ep- , stock and trail. Call ae 6 am. to Lork would be perfect for this Be tyled. Free estimate. See Leal mate- USED TIRES, most al! sizes, Share a Pa ey Oe inn ral ing. Slip made DOMINION S CRAFT 2 ee ae I f umns of larger -- 10 a.m, prev rlal for re-covering. cove CHRI R one, List $1246.00. Sole |Goodrich, 88 King Street West, mesa. ; -- proval and free catalogue. . OSHAWA GARDEN Greets eT. Uphastering 78 arn SALES and SERVICE | $975.00 TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv-|ping oil breeds, Dog, SERVICE Monarch Card Co., Dept. 22, EORRECTIONS. AND Ice, all makes. Free estimates. Call your|Free pick-up and delivery; boarding andj) 217 Cannon, Hamilton, TELEVISION DAY OF PUBLICATION SERVICE LTD. : McVay fibreglas sail boots, | RTHCR Roval desler, 726- 1 fad aha A i AFT ELDORADO, Royal desler, 728-3664 anytime, training. Doberman Pinschers and Ger- Me advertisement cancelled before Sales and Service 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Crestliner, Peterborough and Noe ic fiberglas deep Vee, |!F YOU HAVE household discardables|™an Shepherd pupples for ublication will be eharged one day's Northcro#t runabouts. Evin- 4 tt. rgias deep + lig amount to trucking, we will take| Kennels, 655-3881, AVON CALLING J. KAMSTRA a real this price. APPLIANCE buy at List $1195.00. Sale $899.00 insertion. TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower} rude outboard motors. them away. 723-6361. COZ¥-J RANCH. Reg'd, German Shep-| Does an Avon representative git otters nag es iacle te complete REPAIRS aA I LE al Oshawa Yachthaven VACUUM REPAIRS, all maken, hoses, |re'Cs. pups, _Show,mare tn foal to quar-} eal! en you? Perhaps you live forward dreples to box numbers to the LANDSCAPING Expert repairs to all mokes |Rosd Eesty lust east of Ritson Road. 723-8186 NORTHCRAFT GRAND PRIX. |uahes, sc. Pickup, delivery, 'x21 [econ "etthing" "hanwurn, seaeen| In On Open territory! Don't Silty in respect. of loss or ond hers, d ranges, iF CEDAR STRIP runabout. Electric] 16 ft. fiberglass ski boat, |Plckering. SIAMESE KITTENS chocolate point, Tel.| ¢!cy turn your spare time inte cept py iebility in respect of loss of washers, dryers, ranges, |2.--Personal damaged alleged to arise through either GARDEN SERVICE ate start and' steering, | 45 HP. Mercury! Great performer with 80 h.p. [TYPEWRITERS $0. No rooney down, ephone 725-6389 after 6 p.m, oe castors failure or delay in forwarding such re- f \ ELECTROLYSIS : Evinrude, deluxe --_appoint- weekly, Adders, cashlers, new, used, |CHIHUAHUA PUPS tor sale. Register| clOse ur home. No ex- , plies however caused whether by negll- 728-8267 @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ 942-3288 , pre rentals, service, trades. Bill Hermilton,/ed. Eight weeks old. Telephone 942-1645. rience required. We. train fence or otherate. The Times wil oot ALCAN 723-4641 "STARCRAFT" GREW Traveller boats.| ments. List $1425.00. Sale [Raglan 1985-7160. QUALITY" CLIPPING SERVICE again ont Fot further information PO ming for rei r GOOD STOCK SOD Removal of superfluous halr Evinrude motors. Gpen, seven days, 8 $1095.00. STUDENT TYPEWRITERS -- <i makes; |avallable, all breeds, Telephone 728-9607.| write or call Mrs, J. Hill, 140 CULTIVATED FIELD FURNITURE end APPLIANCE Marie Murduff will be in |Brooklin 655-3641. ") NORTHCRAFT FURY, 14 ft. entesd ene year, 320, prs hype Surv. |BEAUTIFUL BABY SUDGIES, reedy andy Nonquon Road, Oshawa, 725- REGULATIONS 452 Simcoe $. -- Oshawa Oshawa Sept. 11th, 12th and |gNp oF PRODUCTION season clear] fiberglass deluxe runobout, @ Ice, MeLinton's' Office Equipment, 728-/for training, talking, strain. Apply T-) 9696, THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE Excellent Quality, Low Prices. Telephone 723-0011 13th. Phone Genosha Hotel ance sale -- canoes, cartops, fishing f 9 ad Gabe oF budget 3664, Broad, 114 Elgin East. ME eee OUITTED. OTHERWISE Loaded | or delivers << NOW. on these dotes for appoint. |osls, and. iu" and 17" runebouts, Tox] OO PUES Gooe OO. Sole [RRR TORAS DRaDeD cliche Wie. Ox brane, Can 'be. used for" eempeion EARN. EXTRA aa . 751-5242, . Ohad jension ladder, bookcase, china cabinet, "A THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE Visitors Welcome, ment. Wi WANT USED anowmoblless hi 749.0 1 |games. Also barn and pasture rpace for MONEY _ s ; , high $749.00. playpen, wheel barrow, link fencing, roll THAN ONE INSERTION OFOND THE Bring me your mowers, tillers, |THE MONA LISA apartments, 191 Non-|trade-In allowances, or cash paid. : See Leeann Thal. rent. Telephone S76386>________|_ Show Canado's finest line of PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN- 725-9674 outboards, all makes, air |quon Rd., speak for themselves, Visit|United Rent-All and Marine, S5§ King} 16 ft, fiberglass centreboord |FREEI Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. |POODLE CLIPPING and shampooing.) Chrissy ds, Wi N TERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. \ ee Parts. and {our suites from 10 a.m. till § p.m. Street East, Oshawa, 728-5568. SkI-Doo} siiinoot eqluminum most, Guananteed touble-free winter if you|reasonably priced, Also ud service. ristmos cards, VVraps, No= FOR FREE estimates of cooled engines. Parts and ldaliy, call 723-6022, 725-9934. Sales and Service. 'ate oth is, [Burchese from Western @1 Company.|Whitby. Telephone 668-6977 velties, etc. Over 300 items, The Times reserves the right to|ming, demolishing old Shaingee cue service. Largest service in |ifan WOULD like ride to Brooklinar.| 66 16 FIBERGLAS bost, 60 HP Jonnson| complete with dacron y S. 1725-1212. THREE MARES -- Banetel Chestnut} For free, beautifully illus- slassify advertising according to Its saw work and cutting trees. 263-2111 or) Oshawa. riving at 5:30 p.m. Kindly call 655-3806, |¢lectric and trailer, reasonable, Tele- List $1675.00 Sale $1295.00 |eURNituRE = Three rooms co? new Shetlands, with papers, Seven, three,| trated catalogue ,samples, on approval and the fastest ser- vice, Jeandron Greeting Card Co., Ltd., Deg King St. E., Hamilton, Ont. furniture, Pay only $15 monthly. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. GUARANTEED, USED wringer "washers, television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 eroper classification, in the cases of display advertisements Times will not be held responsible for more space than that which the setual error occupies, The publishers phone 723-3584. 16FOOT Peterborough cedar strip boat, (bottom Fiberglased), 25 horsepower Johnson outboard. Both In exceptionally good condition. $350. Telephone 576-1983. and one years of age, Bridle and new saddle, $250 cash, 725-1453. YOUNG BUDGIES -- @ limited number. Telephone 723-0930. GERMAN SHEPHERD pups for sale. 95, 74 BARRIE AVE, 728-2791 or 725-4633 GUARANTEED REPAIR fo ail wringer washers and ranges. Free estimates. 23 foot 4 sleeper cruiser, used. 80 h.p. Volvo inboard outbogrd. Fully equipped, galley, enclosed head, Re- NURSERY AND FIELD SOD. Free esti- Sp mates. Prompt delivery. 725-3325 and 3 ortsman' s Column 23-3688. HUNTING LICENCES -- New snd used guns bought, sold, and traded. Ammuni- 3 Son FREE ecilmaien oF hedge trim FOR FREE estimates hedge = trim- to reproduce all advertising| 14) Call_ 728-1742 or 723-0011. fi id i Si ing, demolishing old unidings, chain or lon and hunting ee Valley Creek,|PLYWOOD BOAT, 13 feet and 5 HP Simcoe South, 723-0011. Telephone 728-6641 or 723-71 WOULD YOU BELIEVE oh chatter to ausume ro ility bala and cutting trees. 269-2111 or wecuun ee poling: roeaine aiij'S Bond St. West eon motor, $125, 97 Garrard Road, duced to $3495.00, bi Ag SELL AND EXCHANGE used|SAMOYED, male, registered, 10 months TOY CHEST makes, new hoses, brushes, new motors. ishawa. rniture or anythi: hi Th needle ' ak a are contained therein. " 'dell |\4-- Motorbikes MANY OTHER USED City Trading Post store, da Cinen i ndtins sh aes vend Jack Lees, pick up and delivery. 728- ff $956. ad O'DAY DAYSAILER, 2 yrs, old, excel Street South. 723.1671. EASY TO PLACE A vines ACTION WANT AD Cell Classified Direc? 723-3492 Instruction 1966 BSA, 650 cc, racing cams, twin SINGING AND VOICE production. Mary Basden, 576-1842 REGISTER Now with Lorraine School INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS Women's Column pertsmen's Column li--Pets fog Ph Livestocr 12--Articles Wanted i3--Articies for Rent fat Hawalian Music. For gulter Instruc- 728-8310. Septic Service carbs, good condition, Price $875, Tele- phone 9257807, SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. Prompt gerv-|1965 HONDA, Model $65. Telephone 725- Ice on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut | 3893. i ve lent condition, 3 HP Evenrude extended pie Heavy duty tilt Fraliefe boom tent over. 725-2118, after 6 p. 7 ERGLAS raneel complete, $400. lephone 723-8771. Rouserenys custom bullt, 3 pontoons, aie: Classical and popular, For Information contact Patricia. mrek, 74 Burk Street, Oshawa, 725-4587. Surveyors AND 'FLEISCHMANN, On- Money to Loon NEED CASH to consolidate your bills, buy that new car, boat, travel expenses. We hho paydes mortgages of 12 per cent. Als mortgages rnwaliable, con- fae arvets funds, Call 723-4631 any feaomre MORTGAGE terio Land Surveyor, Commercial blue- prints. 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632. H. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Survey: Office 47 Prince St, Res. 103 Elgin': sf, 725-6881. TV--Radio Repairs TV SERVICE COLOR MR. MERCHANT:- This Space , tully equipped. For further de- fa "eal 576-3779. Times Action Classified OUTFITS AT CLEAROUT PRICES Aluminum Cartops From $159.00 AND WEEKENDS Oshawa HARBOUR ROAD Ads (Off Simcoe St. S.) BANK FINANCING OPEN TILL 9-P.M. Yachthaven Ltd. TYPEWRITER, standard, $25; portable $25; 1.B.M. electric typewriter, $45; add- Ing machine $20, aiso electric. 723-4434, GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, television, refrigerator, etc, $34.50 and up. Alcan Furniture and 452 home. 712 Gibbong Street. Telephone 728- 2180. OFFERS MORE $$$ MORE FUN MALE SIAMESE iets For Informs- tion telephone 725-5595 FOR SALE. Twelve oak old male Sia- mese kitten, house broken. Telephone 668-2427. DEMONSTRATING TOYS. We Will Train You. No Investments, Collections, or Deliveries. 723-3568 Simcoe South, 723-0011. BRIDESMAIDS' DRESSES, $29.95, new fall styles. Hat pre Bridal Shop} 463 Ritson S. 725- FLOORS iets designed In colors and patterns to provide a perfect background for kitchen, bathroom, family room, patio, pool deck. Sancoura goes on over any sound surface, Inside or outside. See Sancoura at Oshawa Discount House. Phone for free estimate. 725-1343. BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture and appliances, One location only, Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. COMPLETE living room and bedroom suite, Barely one year 12--Articles Wanted BRING YOUR ITEMS and articles you are not using to the Bowmanville Auc tion Barn, Nelson Street, south to the canning factory. We can pick up. Call 28-1005, 723-0976. Open Monday, Wed- nesday, Thursday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. for items, Doug wer, Jim Wot Auctioneers. WANTED -- barn siding, weathered, In good condition, in or near Oshawa. Will pick up If necessary. 728-4331 or 728-9943. GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. Highest prices. Cail anytime. MacNelli's Furniture, 668-5481, Casale EXPERIENCED WAITRESS for evenings or shift work. No Sundays or Holidays. Apply to ROSE BOWL 24 BOND ST. W. LADY WANTED FOR HOUSEKEEPING old, Must sell before "August 2.1K i Wanted or : : ee BLACK and WuITE | Is Available Brin feces Ar Saba Pi itMale Hel, Wwented LO ANS FOR THE BEST CALL g BUYING OR SELLING furniture or 8p vate. Telephone 725-5136. position 45-50 yrs, of age. 9--Male or le Help Wanted a a mer, 263-2294, 265-26 . Li in. Male 9 t Sinie"Po_ el , R. 1.0. For Your Fast '7--Swap and Barter TY TOWER SPECIAL -- Wt. structure 13--Articles for Rent ive in sc aa vi--Farms for Sale Moneys available for first |BATH AND LAUNDRY fubs, $17.7 tol- Viflon. 720-53. = 1 ay 2 Soha pies Wanted and second mortgages. Open TELEVISION Message Results llets, basins, $10.7 pressure systems, |GLASS REPAIRS {to sluminum and geri Pan ee 3 Stores Offices ai ri mortgages, No us. Firs! ' y lows and aluminum screens, " lerson Ely aia rigagee. No bonus, Piet | FOR RECEPTION. simp pumps, Rchn and vant Ou [weed gone on hin Reem | open Bowls, Broo! Reliable Perso ER ee mermaid merooot ron TELEPHONE [ft ii, Pa TR eterno open spa] West Mens Format Whe | for Housekeeping 27---Ri for Rent rchased. i ae eee st offer, Telephone after 'ox Furs, Mink Stoles. ented to. Rent . WARTZ TV TOWER A Cour teous 723 3492 | WANT. RESULTS? SONTNENTAC BEDS trom ss, mat| SARGEANT'S RENTALS position. Must like children. les for Sele M. F. S' 728 5] 43 . her d t | tresses half price, all sizes, headboards! 463 Ritson Rd. $. 725-3338 Live In. Private room, good Cars for Sale 264 King St- East - Ad-W. te other departments one-third off. Factory outlet. 723-3889: 'Trucks for Sale | Oshawa, Ontario Corner Bond and Division Fer 723-3474 | GET WITH THE ACTION! ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales, Service, ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred} Wwoges. Write Box 34775, L--Autemebiie. Repair af ---- : | TIMES ACTION Repairs, Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Street people: Oshawa Tennis, Clb Wr beh] Oshawa Times. 1S--Lost | e 'aaa! Oe | r P | 8:30 p.m.--5.30 p.m. CLASSIFIED ADS - parking, 723-726 MIDDLE-AGED | WOMAN, required te . , WOW TO @BT ITs 1 you do not find the | WANT-ADS DON'T . LOSE SOMETHING? Place « lost od in| WHEEL CHAIRS" hospi beds, Walk |ming one pre and tour, school aoe | ea '° ers, Lt sl room | come in, weeks, Be cao gm oye ort oe et"bn'nssen | COST--THEY PAY. You. 723-3492 Sig for ane adeuriter todeye Isles, Ald' Rentalty 108 Bostrice 725164. '2-6 two weeks, No weekend® 576-2098, Be Brn