Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Sep 1967, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pedey, September 1, 1967 x Several SALESME Due to Company ary, plus a sales tonfidence. General Wanted Immediately ¢/o Box 69, Oshawa Times Our Employees Are Aware Of This Notice! N 25 to 35, previous ex- perience desirable, but not essential, as we have « comprehensive training plan. growth over the past 10 years we require additional sales-staff and we are prepared to pay $125 per week sol- commission, A company car is supplied, along with other excellent company benefits. Reply in writing, supplying « complete resume, te general sales manager. All replies treated In: strictest Seles Meneger 8 * ae 4 Dh sen et em a een ait. aly inate atay oo Take it off! Take it off! Strip @ wine label off a bottle and some people panic. You see, they don't really taste a wine, they read jt. With no label on the bottle they don't know what to think. You can't blame them for their confusion. Brights has invested @ fortune : ' and @ generation in time to produce fine Canadian wines that fag are equal to or better than wines imported from any country in the world, in mon Like these for instance. Lei Siar ial Bley We ATR dees abs ck elon he teeae We He te part Fimes with their daily cov editorially and in the columné of the Home Show Edition, Rein tus sae, tow sti al eialiiind on ech (et elgergip Ineret and value to bal vender Editorially, this edition'will contain photes and stories Rot on to. the. Homa Show. and its Exhibitors, Also. The Times bbe carrying stories and. pictures related to the Home Show nightly ainment, exciting prizes ond demonstrations on a daily bosis. We ny you to tell your story In this edition, "A Times Advertising Representative © be ee tee game Cen ene "TODAY'S STOCKS |susmess sporucur hasan Stack Salen High Law om, P « 1 es22"-: ts, 2273: Fishing Industry Urged 9 =a = regtteRe! Hed on geo hs am am ta 1S Ss r eet Oe oe oll cendaaae oe! Vemew oie ia ir? certificntes made ' MINES S Gat its on the sh w«w/.Noostemis | LO Study Use Of Sonar. mia ome som se i ie a mont of its polly Some # "" wer iia Wt" m0 Sa = ee a MONTREAL cP) -- Sonar has, lots of herring, espe meas dint en ot ver for $1.98 an a Igoma ve worked v wae Pa g3) ec SPR netee, Mecaiscree Gee 5 ene ae", meaiiare os 12 a t| However, Mr. () : tm we ae A" a Bow Sow dons wica nadia. might be. welliMontreal recently on an official it accounts for 90 per: tee wallet BoM 4) Cpr 100 file Toe vou + wl@dvised to examine its success,| visit BES Tilers os ae cae . |tion is over. BoM +2 120. $244 202 20+ Vlsayg Mar -- Elisson, Senigad': |et-onnions te Selanbe te Polat hose job is} The price ea | ee i ataier of fisheries. his. country competes with roughly eat secuvniet to that of ajmore than 2 2 Bank Mi | SPS $12 12% 12% After all, he says, Canada! Canada in many fish markets. /depyty minister in Canada, said| the treas 2 so ae) | RAT N SBS Sak 454 Tata + Ve fish production, which includes|price in J O77.07 a bette A Shoup Gee tes eae 3 8 He Hy wd Fadel] Ya Mg Personal ccounts Ow od nigel of sesaaiane gross|and out of he eS é " iit pop seen mend Hen 15 $11% va 114 national product. ° a bead jon ve jets menus for ee tan sae Bn in th} Rep Pores Wo Soom arn. Sm s In Sa 4 CREWS REDUCED _at the hospital. = ds en Fax" sh ate won e apl crease VINgS |. Use of the ring net, which ts Our "Yeo. iervice program. id expending ond will present - ue 3 Bom us| caer fn ew du mt i : it a, variation of the purse seine cP) rm: gt aay A epportunities for the recognition of ability end exparienes. 3 = ss lies more ' f sis Sn iin| Sot Vay Mm ee am mw | OTTAWA (CH) -- Canadians reen that in a fll your, and the Hing industry In recent years, 1 ull tor 'the pierre stant Qualifications include graduation from @ recognized univers y i We wl & Packers A 25 900m tons oom + M4 Saath dt porannal: savings | 2%. OS increase was in 1959 |/@nables anes to reduce ttle at the Ontario! 12. : | tity with © degree in Home Economics or Household Selence J £7 me 2 = Coun Bs ee ee ready when there wag a 12-per-centi¢rews by per cént and p and. om 2, en: ia _ including @ major credit in Foods and Nutrition and com- p fi 2 +2! Cbew ap 3 as a, y,|accounts at an unusually rapid) growth in 12 months. increase output. (| with light offering of drydele vi B IME pletion. oh bh interrithig 68; required by the. G 8 Rae See Ye ee 8 lip during the past 4% months,| Taking seasonal factors into! . The system is used in. combi-|active at steady prices, sales to 2 cep 543" 5-15. Dietetic Association; preferably membership in the Con- vi) S +45] © Curtiss. sooo Nis 40 Ns +5 hi t--the f hi pri ' ete jo prefera ip me G a] Stes a ty hl Puaie arises sn acm fa et, Cann ah ein eG lr ae, salon Dec Avec, Some expire In Iastnal pr, - such as sonar, whic! ay >. | € Wigs Bs aloe ane abu summer Nag ig ,1 [tout their's avin it, the|belp find herring concentrations] ment atl ool | dietetics would be preferred. 4 pad € imp Bnk 720314 14 14 me. wi ; 8 areas where come laple Leaf Mills, comm Ye submi: 3 # WTF tal E Ind Gas 100 N10 10M 4 -Jaccounts do not grow markedly,/of Canada's August statistical! to from the. Atlantic to feed and ral cat daa hog prices were | oan increase on 20 /R Applications from qualified persons should be submitted tes ie. 8. Spr Vi som she ome they rose to $11,307,000,000 on|/summary shows. personal sav-|fatten lower, good babe wore steady oes' 5 bp Bd eas cents Personnel Officer 54 ico a ; ase on = , t , a Se aa ae hes "ae es Gat ur Some ange depen owning Feely. | ts he ige od gps Peel re ccs Md a WN ey dh "Ontario. Hespitel Oreneds 3 s daped eas MS This ia an _ oy tied more bare iy oa but i important necome important' in recent| Slaughter eatile 8,588: On| . Shell Investment Lid., 1st pref, | Whitby, Ontario. 4 than 6% per cent in little more|one may be general uncertainty offer this week 8,700; last hed 2% cents, Oct. 1, record Se ea 'agg ee = Shemesli 375 810% 10% 1% =| thon @ third of the year. It islabout the future of the. econ-|ea"®, Unlike the fish meal and ' * ' Pt. bo wos S / fitim in wee a wally that personal savings| omy. fish ofl market, the processed) 9,168; to. date 1967 316, on the He. oa" Savile A 90 oa am mle fish market is more stable.|date 1966 338,897: this week last " m me --5| Coumbl p 2596 6 16 ee aa ig sk wan Prices are less likely to rise|yeat 11,193; 'choice steers 30-31) 1m wh ie --4 2 gio oa + | Ue vet Wo 77 Sein A To soy yt *|and fall because of the size of| with sales to 32; good 28-29; 3 di 25-27.50; MO Bidg «900 125 120 125 +5 | tie Inv wt 228125 125° 125 Shell inv p 165 bt 31% 314 world catches. mediums -50; commons ' @ +11 Con Peper 50 $3446 344 344-- | Lod CoA 20 87% Th Mh Shell Inv w 800 $11 11% Na+ 21-24; choice heifers 97-28 with ie Fy Pap W 200 618 618 @15 +15 | Lob CoB 100 $7% We Tet | Shell 2 2% w+ | A second member of the Ice-| ie: to 29.90; good 26-27; medi- Lh ey ye i? si Siren 1000 $19% 19% 194 lob Cop 2338 6 8 ~--% NS $4 1% 3% landic delegation to Expo, Sig- Li i ; +% Intl 275 $1¥e 11% J1% Loeb M 1000 812% 12% 12% St Paving gi9 fT ums 23-25; pd ERAT 2; Siw fied 8] Syeme A as sas as Maclean H 100 $55. 55 $5 ST Radio 215 situ 33% som = (UF dur Magnusson, described! onoice fed yearlings 28-80; good , Sis S 5 $e ™% I MB Lid 24) $28% 20% 28% Steol Con 745, $234 23% 234+ ve /One of his country's most suC-| 99.99. good 10.50-20.50 with , j m+ id BO 25 7% 97% 97% Magna El 710 Sig 88 Texaco 425 $0 9% 29% -- | : : 8 cows , = ficessful business ventures, an Be ES cll itr | i pi < canners and cutters 15-18; Jonsmim Jone 3 3 Th Bom'cont" 100 s1i% tise tive | AM Brick Sate a we 8 Treaere AY ite "son "Ott See --%4 | Icelandic Airlines, he said, is|heavy bologna 50-24; : : ' ey Be Ng aa Ee, Store 1835 $17 17% 17% Molson A 425 $284 194! 32 4) Transeir 1900864 |8 Private company owned by|commons and mediums 19-22. 3 'Kirk Min 10 9-94 914 Bene "0 HN te ILM Mane uss tae ae oe | TEGAN EL 11a S3ime 31M 31% gome 600 to 700 stockholders, Replacement cattle: Geod +s 4 u Exquile w 10) 85 85 85 410 | Morse A 150 Susie 282 264+ | TeCOn Pw 2s O65 Bs ts" (all Icelandic officials, stocker steers 28-31; good steer : : Da ws fied bg i" Pd Play an ee ee ee Morse pr 50 $5B%) BBY 584 Trans Mt '762 $214 71% 21%--%) The company now is* flying! stork calves 30-34,50; good liel- : a ns nae ce mien 1 lee mae] Murenv ee a a the largest commercial aircraft|/fer stock calves 26-28; com- ? ah "90 4 Hi FEE Pion 3 seme 2% 29% + We] Norande 200 $84t SHNs Set | Un Ga alt Stott Iam Ion + [iM Use over the Atlantic, the| mons and mediums 22-27. ; : Seo Ws 135 135 or We SI ie iw + Ye Nor ae bP id nie U orp 8B 100 $1996 19% 19% + vw jstretched version of the Mont-| Calves 2,217: On offer this ' 'atone im BN al bi Wore 22 Su 7% Oslivie, "gh Sis lee tom Un Wourn 1931 874 7e_ 7e-- | real-built CL-44, the airline offi-| week 2,250; last week 2,380; t ' As hey aoe | SUBAENY 2 hs A se | Pe hate, me aioe tem | Un Men wt We, me a +18 Jefe sald, date 1967 63,272; to date 1966 ee, aa eta tt, | Se tee as are BY ENT) Seem 1S Bn tm By) Ey Sy nn Ltt Ae eeerdea speed LIS this wonk last year 3. } | Midrim Wsim m ~1! ¢ ' + &@ fore-'063; choice vealers 33-35 with Min-Ore Titi tims] Grewiee ee Sm me 1am + M4] Rank Ore se sit oh ot) Vel ing A 00. 965 Saga" [runner of the "jumbos" which| sales to 39: good 28-39; medi- aad 6 a 40+) Hara Corwen 94 Te R 4 $144 144 14+ | Westec! 250 821% 219 21% will be flying the Atlantic route/ums 24.27; commons 22-24; bon- e M299 $8) foo og ae "a's ou] Secrest des | Rem" sae ne ena few Years, ory 1b, New bag 3 ' a mle 'A 220 $2086 2086 2086 Rothman 30 $2996 29% 29% -- Vo A 125 Sie 184 IVs And unlike other airlines] Hogs 10.086: On offer this ow: as Horne Pit 500 350 350 350 Rovel Bnk 1215 $16 16 16 Weston 8 1 319 19 19 flying the route, Icelandic is) week 10,200; last week 10,007; Newenx Ye H Bay Co 270 819% 9% 19% Royal Trst 100 2% + % th 500 220 m +5 ' = on | ny ae HB Ol Ges 65 816% 364 3644+ Ml Ste com A 00 on be eal making @ good profit, Mr. Mag-|to date 1967 341,828; to date N Hosee 4 we ie Ww +t aed ll 4 vm Wie Cerely Saleda 55). 810% 10% 10s Seles to 11 @.m.: 809,000. nusson added. 1966 277,727; this week last year. Newlyn " Newner noR DR ibrex 1 $M 4 fener 'oe ht i t}| inp te sien ia pom amin) tamed my ooo ae ae "e : He rh ahs $4") meyel" ene amy wet u oa ineptretin 900 S10 I) Nu 'me SD Mats] inepiel ® res sre na a Bont!) ate Seed tert Pex re ta te os in UM pr ms an" are Su ree tre 18 Wh 4 | imter Pipe 20 stu tee 21% Pine un a a int Ww TTS $104 WO We Placer 3 + %| inter 5 45 415 SB Pow Rev mg a? ath) im erp 25 9% be ome te i) We 20) + | TTL Ind 200 841% 41h AI + % Prose" my 9% % Wve Jomelc PS 100816 1% + Pyramie' 0 303 sma F'| Jemes Sf 220 GS aS ass @ wu Ot Jetterson 258 Bh AK + % @ 1280 12 22 122 --1 | Jefferen w z10 $9904 39% 9994 Reyreck 'amp a8 ta ae 1,| Kel' A loo 4 a ay Rio 'Algom S499 Give at "az tu] Kelsey WH "300 stems tem ter Rio Aig ¢w 125 $17 17 17. + Gi Labatt OS $29% 29% 29% Romen 79) $82 22% W-- | Lavra Sec 275 813% 13% 13% San Antoni 200 271 21 21 Levy 160 $28% 28% 28% + % Ba Bea 4 ~ OSHAWA vrfids = 81) 425 425 425 ; Miller me Rm 1 eh itm wee 8 Ft Always i) 20 40 45 as ee S55 2+.) Shere with Tombiil n00 95 SOS Foe e422 Pandy Cash SHOW en as oe te orn, Un Kene 279 60 aD. 6 Ce rn, ae ee = e West Mine 1900 378 379 275 3318 Z ' Wily a we: eee Your exhibit ot the Oshawa Hoi bow is @n Investment In your busine Yor teed om av 28h am | ta and the. business: community of a. To make! the mest ef this Investe Youre HO 4000 3 i aeee ea ment it-is necessary to tell your story to the people of Oshawa and Distriet. Zujepe 100 2 am Wow s 'Oshawa is the daily' market plaée:for thousands ef people in Ontario and | i Durham County's end your edvertising messoge in The Times reeches ever OILS, GAS -, 80.000 readers ih this ready-to-buy market dally. Reeders whe pay for lls. and and welcome into their, homes daily, this Pree. medium of news coverage Ain tte tee iy "ir C7 + o| or more end odvertising. Pe ey mF lay Asamera 100 he, ' a Banff 225 ioe am en + ny CS Pete 2000 225 221 225 Cc Ex Gas 200 470 470 470 eT) sid 235 350 330 Cent Dei by tims 24 U4-- % a oo OSHAWA HOME Chieftan D 880 775 760 775 oe se' es 8 5) hig tet a A ins Re ares Nara SHOW. EDITION N Bevis oo on 6 | COMPANYLIMITED : perme. 30 39 32 my i | . 286 KING STREET W, Place G@ 10000 32 310 320 +10 723-3487 AK A new de awa's Quali Call Today | KASSINGER Call today f 72% ROOFING, hot ft repairs, large arv 'oofing and. Cor ALL TYPES bull y eave masonry, Gord | TAN) DRIVERS of age, full and | Whitby, Telephon CLASS! tive insertions ©: tional words 24¢ aot yead d per if net paid withi Methed of Coun words nts os , or one ; phone BIRTHS -- DEAT SOCIAL NOTICES WORD ADS 4 p.m. DAY PREV OST AND FOUN! 9 a.m. DAY OF P BIRTHS AND DEA 9 am. DAY OF P IN MEMORIUMS ¢ CARD OF THANK 4 p.m. DAY PREV CLASSIFIED DISPL 1 column--4 p.m, umns er larger -- CANCELLATIONS CORR

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