Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Aug 1967, p. 5

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ished y 1902 ged pioneered by lirector of homes 'as attended by a of provincial and s including Pre- M. Frost, many is of the county als. s for the opening yy Reeve Duncan Whitby, who was seve Mrs. Helen Beaverton and Ferguson of Ux- Ferguson Munro COMMUNITY SERVICE ra sna EMO Seeks Volunteers (Stolen Car As Ambulance Drivers _ Involved s A simulated disaster area Is I H t R to be set up in Ajax next month n ] re un WHITBY (Staff) -- with the government and private citi- zens demanding better ambul-|Teniatively scheduled for Sept : i ance service, nk Emergency|21, the exercise will aaugiat WHITBY (Staff) -- Both Measures Organization has hit) auxiliary ambulance drivers and|'OW" and provincial police are jupon a scheme that it hopes|personnel with the actual con-|investigating a combination car |will solve the situation, parti-ditions that may occur in case theft and hit and run accident \cularly in case of major dis-/of war or other -calamity.|Which took place on Dundas aster. |"Sick" or "Injured" people will atte Whitby last night. People who own station wa-|be transferred from one hos- A AS8T Auto was reported stp- gons and are interested in com-|pital te another and many will Bi om Nicols: Motor Bales oF munity service can act as em-|require first aid 'treatment'. undas Street shortly after 9 |couri, 260 Waverly Rd., N., Osh- jawa, nor his two passengers were injured. The stolen vehicles drove off but was discovered by Whitby police at 10.15 p.m. on Dundas Street not far from the car lot. Damage to the stolen vehicle was estimated at $175. GRADE XIII TEXT BOOKS AND AW School Supplies Are In At ABNER'S jergency ambulance drivers. The jcitizer: supplies his car and jtalents as a driver, and the --|""At $10 this car crashed into CAN DRAW IT OUT {the rear end of an Oshawa! Ona wen a iehly taxi stopped for a light on Dun- gram of silver, a highly das Street at Anderson Street. Tuc taxi was damaged but 'neither the driver Eloi A. Dale-| lear is manned by a graduate i ay ig Pig Ambulance] ductile metal, can be drawn orps first aid course. Stretch-|; i ; jers and other necessary euuibe nn . a bined me 1008 Hae |ment will be supplied by EMO. "Serving these auxiliary am- bulances", an EMO spokesman \said today, "will be trained men jand women of the St. John Am- |bulance corps who could, in an jextreme emergency, supply per- sonnel for many ambulance - type vehicles." FIREMEN At the present time, 108 fire- men of the Oshawa Fire De- partinent are completing or} have completed the St. John} first aid course, so that any! one of the men could serve doubie duty as an ambulance| attendant in case of disaster or 'other pressing circumstances. 113 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY 668-2492 . Robert Scott, > Whitby United v. James E. Har- St. John's Angli- ort Whitby, took dedicatory cere- and testaments by Sidney Par- of the Oshawa ns International, and Fairfield, he architects and Limited were .he ctors. ;. James Read intendents of the he aged on High er at Fairview ital of 19 years. Read's retire- ties have been e 1953 by Mrs. vOR FRENCHMAN"S BAY POPULAR ydge was first Resounding taste... at a quiet price DISTILLED M CANADIAN SCHENLEY DISTILLERIES LTD., VALLEYFIELD, CANADA URED AND BOTTLED: BY: PLACE FOR YOUNGSTERS yey (cercomemnaat onan igh a joint ar- Frenchman's Bay is a equipped with fishing lines. gins. Boats in the back- the City of Osh- popular place this summer The fun will all be over ground indicate part of the Oshawa as well for Bay Ridges youngsters next week when school be- growing flotilla anchored at --Oshawa Times Photo ents were cared a due to the need > [ j First Two-Day Program Evangelism Frenchman's Bay. aid this week the rview Lodge are and there is a etween 60 and 70 "GOOFS" PAY OFF FOR YOU! FAMOUS CANADIAN MAKER'S PRODUCTION RUN IS RE-CLASSIFIED! 10,024 CASHWAY BUYS THEM ALL! Fairview Lodge Dr. Jitsuo Morikawa, secretary 0 beds tory in Action Day will be held|sale will be held. the art of forging. Societies was the principal setae # of the United Church of Can- dition two years time 't will be for two days,| replica of the type used in the| 'Ne past five years of Brougham | \co-uyerated and it is hoped for|/¢ciured on "Church in Metro- boar? members Harry Cook,! All participating have given you saye as much as mmodation Osh- od Hillsdale mmodated only | S . E ds or History In Action ree: me of the division of evangelism, ening of the new vel " ; a Amcrican Baptist Home Mission ton will provide BROUGHAM (Staff) -- His-jbe made and a homebake|smiths will also demonstrate we 3 1 ; 7 | Speaker yesterday at the 18th an- in Brovgham for the fifth con-) Fo, the child _ 'The Indians will dance dur-|SPe@ ; ' - ' 5 : History in Action celebrations, |*¢2. being held at the Ontario Sept. 16 and 17. early 1900's, built by 86-year-old q eee Gy i a@ waiting list, gy te ST he ikastenl Lathe Kirby of py Big dite vin | People and the 'weather. have = College. Dr. Morikawa Township Museum. Board, Rob-/full steam on especially built & yates pc ert Miller, Brougham, an d/tracks, Wie Hamme \ale Year Other speakers heard during oK.| Threshing machines will be their time and often supplied|*te Gay were the Rev. Dr. Bay Ridges, Milton Parkin, | operated by two or three men|neeaed articles. Prnbeede tro George D. Kelsey of Drew Brocklin, Mrs. William Earle,| rching aders y and external ncertainties, child now can for 51 years ag 9 at the time of This is the massive public vhich have near malaria, plague, ther scourges. E FOOD | drought situa- cured the fact food production y nearly 62 per 0. The total cule as increased by of children af trebled to 72, , eight out of iren in the 6-11 e at school as our out of 10 in ndd that India king progress in yn, oil explora- duction and the uses of atomle of India wrote country where nutnumber auto- » 1, India has is being able to ies and a pluto- design comput- new rocket fuel ture transform- machinery, oil onic equipment receivers." are more than ic research lia. The country e 600 scientific Squires Beach and F. H. (Bill) Fox, Locust Hill and Mrs. Elsa Storry, museum board secre- tary, have made arrangements and hope to double, perhaps triple the 2,000 attendance of last year. The Canadian Indian Dancers will participate in the History in Action parade of Sept. 16 starting at 1.30 p.m. from Brougham park, along High- way 7 to the museum grounds at the western extremity of Brougham. They will be in full cos- tumes, and accompanied by the beat of the tom-tom will tell the story handed down from father to son of the fire, snake, eagle, partridge and war dances, Also taking part in the pa- rade will be old vehicles, three steam engines, implements, gas engines, tractors, horse drawn buggies, double seaters and democrat wagons, Various women's groups will be in period costumes and young school children will wear pioneer dresses. Prizes will be awarded for the best float and costume. PIONEER CRAFTS All pioneer arts and crafts will be on display during the two days. Weaving, spinning, quilt:ng, candle making, sau- sage making with demonstra-| tions being given. } Of special' interest to the) ladies will be a demonstration of 40 to 50 different kinds of herns used to flavor faod, pickie making and also for medical purposes. Butter will who will also flail grain (like|these two days will go towards in the good old days). Black- University, Madison N.J., and the museum fund. R. A. J. Phillips of the fed- 2 eral governments Privy Council Whitby General Hospital Wo- men's Auxiliary is holding its third annual membership tea at the home of Mrs. G. N. Irwin, Stonehaven Farm, Kingston Road West, Sept. 7 starting at 2.30 p.m. | | In the receiving line will be) the president of Whitby Wo-) men's Auxiliary, Mrs. Richard) Matthews; past president, Mrs. H. P. Doner; honorary presi- dent, Mrs. J. 0. Ruddy; Mrs. W. H. O'Donnell; and Mrs. W. H. Dymond. Pouring afternoon tea: Mrs. D. G. Newman; Mrs. J. 0. Ruddy, Mrs. H. Taylor; and the president of the Ajax Hospital Women's Auxiliary, Mrs. Frank Gabura. Co - con- veners are Mrs. J. B. Davies and Mrs. H. D. Moyer. Mem- bership convener, Mrs. R. Car- ter. Peter Mager, Germany has returned home after spending six weeks in Canada. In Whit- by he visited his daughter and son - in - law, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Gieben, 183 Elizabeth Cr. and his son and daughter - in- law Mr. and Mrs. John Mager, Oshawa. | | Mr. and Mrs. Harris Gilker | and their son Wayne spent @ two week vacation on the Gaspe "WHITBY - AJAX PERSONALS (sae special planning secretariat, who ended at noon today after Holy home of his son and daughter-| Communion was celebrated by in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Claude|the Rey. Dr. T. R Anderson Goodchild, Rossland Road. of the University of Alberta. During the three-day period, the' 140 conference delegates heard of many innovations that are now becoming a part of the "new" church. . A "Centennial Folk Mass was Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bois, presented last night. and children, Kevin, Debora and! A'though the conference had Karen, 125 Tulloch Dr., Ajax,|no authority to dictate policy spent a month's holiday at Wa-|to the church, its purpose was saga Beach. |to foster a deeper understand- ing of the modern church and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Booth,|her problems which is expect- their son Jack and daughter|¢d to produce reforms at the Janet during a three week ya-|Parish level cation visited 'Mrs. Boeth's par.) NF ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas! Clouter in Newfoundland. Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Blower, and family, Stuart, David and Martin, 152 Burcher Rd., Ajax} spent a vacation in Bermuda. | YOU FIRST! NEW DELHI (AP)--Socialist ;member Hem Barua made a BERTIE FINDS BERTIE proposal in parliament that got WAKES COLNE, Englan dj nowhere fast. In debate on a ae jwide range of ideas to reduce (CP)--Bertie Byfold, 68, spent tndia's birth rafe, he demanded almost 50 years searching for|that all members of parliament his son Bertie junior and found|submit to sterilization as an they had been living only 30/¢xample to the nation, miles apart all the time. Ber- tie's wife died while he fought! in the First World War and his baby son was taken away by her parents. Bertie found Bertie living in Suffolk. You don't have to pay a service charge when you write a cheque on cant | Victoria and Grey Coast visiting both their fami- lies. | Mr. and Mrs. Steve Elliott| and children, Barbara and Wil-| liam formerly of Port Huron, Mich., now residing at 801 Ath- Workers Plan ol St., spent few days visiting | Expo | and Bhd Bade righb Reasonable | i, ir Specialist, ° sic Pe lla your savings earn 4% 50:: See DISTRIBUTED THROUGH OUR 17 YARDS! 4x8 Vy] 4.34 PREFINISHED factory end economy grede BEAUTIFUL PRINTED WOODGRAIN PLYWOOD PANELS 7,864 4'x8'; 2,160 4'x7"1l 97 (Ord. $8.98 and $10.24 Each) (Ord. $8.25 and $9.50 Each) (Re-classitied "seconds" due to minor e | & SAVE EVEN MORE -- 200 DISCOUNT PER © Nicene peoactantenet E PANEL ON LOTS OF 25 OR MOREL § ORDINARILY UP TO $10.24 EACH! All Cashway Centres Closed Labour Day, Monday, September 4th!! KEY-IN KNOB LOCKSETS 99-40 PASSAGE SETS $1.69 up POST FORMED COUNTER TOPS 6-ft. .. $20.95 8-ft. .. $27.95 10-ft. .. $34.95 For Kitch ens, Rec. Ri ete, LESS THAN $3.5 Heavy Duty Overhead Type! 8' x 6'6" oens 4.705 Sa 4x8' FLAKEBOARD 1-24 Sheets 0 FT.1 $2.49 Eoch! 8' x 7' $48.95 -- 9' x SUPERIOR QUALITY! MAY BE TINTED! EXTERIOR 475 Type. "A" Water-Resistant eeeee "KAWARTHA"" *4437 "MUSKOKA" . *864 "SIMCOE" ...°1161 T. CLAIR" .°1474 "SUPERIOR" .*1809 All Prices Approx. "MARK 1" 3-Bedroom Sealed Home, Apprex. $] All materials te close in! COMBINATION STORM AND SCREEN ALUMINUM DOORS s] 99 $23.77 © 26"x6'6" © 2°8"x6'e" 9x9"x1/16"! Choice Of 3 Colours! Vinyl Asbestos FLOOR TILES 3/4c each Other Colours 7'2e Up! Viny! Asbestes 131999 V, iH organizes train- H 4 | | 8 VICTORIA and WHITE PAINT bi siagshibal 12 x12 1 ? 2 for Afro-Asi | William Goodehi - anes || Test = on lt lelp Patients | vos cost, mine | sxe wit | GREY TRUST sor coos No ineiuirert | FLOOR TILES OO es att) = GFOUDS ---- |] Fest Dependable Radio Dispetched KIOUS xically, India's annot be said to ne, In fact, here ty that freedom iced the expect- eft-wing parties biting the public r political pur- . ns who argue its of freedom Sappointing also that the demo- tem cannot be ie shortcomings. Vath Mishra, a lronics engineer "All this only ve have not put the best use. In democratic elec- of volunteers are making plans for another winter of activities to help the patients at the On- tario Hospital, Whitby. The first meeting called by the Volunteers' Association, will be a council meeting. Two representatives from each group of volunteers will be held in October, and many groups and individuals will be needed. Anyone wishing to offer their services, or to learn more re- garding the volunteer help nee- ded are asked to contact Miss Louise Hart, co - ordinator of volunteers at the Ontario Hos- pital Whitby. | FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Local | Service Contrectors | SAWDON'S | FUELS | FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 244 Brock St. $., Whitby 668-3524 | Plumbing Service, | SERVICE MADE US. | 108 Dundas St. W. j Coll 723-1191 WHITBY Red Wing Orchards BROCK Thursday -- Friday -- Saturday ROADSIDE MARKET Johns-Manville "C 'ed FIBER aLass 4.95 26x96" PANELS each KNOTTY PINE PANELLING 6 Layers Per Bundle! Ix Beautifulty Ix Milled 1x6-7' bundle $3.72 6-8' bundle $4.25 8-7' bundle $4.96 %" Thikt 18-8" bundle $5.67 SAVE! Economy ENAMELLED TILEBOARD Quality Birch KITCHEN CABINETS Knockdown! Load Up Your Car! CASHWAY ECONOLINE 2-6 x 2-6 each REDWOOD SLIDER 3-0 x 3-0 each WINDOWS 22:2: 5-0 x 3-0 each PRICE REDUCED! 6-0 x 3-0 each Good Utility Grade CEDAR I Ax Construction Grade 21%/5¢ Lin, Fl. CEILING TILES $6.97 = - country is not Evening Programs At 6:55 & 9: 54" te Colowr-Toned a regimentation of re OPEN DAILY eae $ 15 $7.29 Each! Misia The year's #1 best seller are particularly Bete seis - picks you up and | Sterting Friday, August 25th many crushing ae Aare i ye nS, m British rule 1» PAKULA-MULLIGAN reset : New crop Melba Apples and . gto held four Honey, Potatoes, Corn Tomatoes Open Daily 8 a.m. -- 6 p.m.; Saturdays to 5 p.m.; Fridays to 9 p.m. gular intervals. y's massive rhich 200,000,000 art came off in he worst famine is of Adi Bharu- school teacher: Ss we have made kes of free men. reason to be ident," ALL COLOR UP The DOWN STAIRCASE ,» Starring Academy Award Winner | ge" KAUFMAN TAD MOSEL SANDY DENNIS} siz et itiuc SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS Gia, PROGRAM -- 2% Miles West of Whitby On No. 2 Highway at the Big Red Apples CASHWAY CENTRES TO SERVE YOU! Hwy. 401 to Exit No. PHONE AJ AJAX Stetion Road end West to 161 Dowty Rood. BROOKLIN At Highway No. 7 and 12 North of Whitby PHONE BROOKLIN 655-3313 66, south on Horwood to AX 942-1221

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