Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Aug 1967, p. 3

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atures lay a few cloudy nd Friday. A lershower late evening. A lit- y and Friday. ntreal: Mainly clearing late evening. Fri- ny but with 'loudiness and |. Winds light 15 this after> peratures igh Friday soe 40 45 JOOLS M ON you are n of the Srade 9, d below, )at once | attend. | Friday van itue and ute N., mon ucation. TODAYS TOPIC Gy Inpoveneni|Britain Seems Ready 'To Bow Down To By HAROLD MORRISON Britain thus seems ready to| Canadian Press Staff Writer [bow its head and allow Mao} Britain appears ready to | Tse-tung's men to claim a clear throw in the towel in its strug-|diplomatic victory for the sake| gle with China. Long-held police | of the 5#-member British diplo-| policies in Hong Kong would be} matic community in Peking. | modified and Communist pris- | British officials suggest there is oners released in order to safe--no way of reasoning with jguard the lives of British diplo-/unreasonable men and_ their) mats in Peking. | best hope is to secure safe pas- This, it appears, is the gist of | sage for their people out of the |Foreign Minister George | China nightmare, ?|Brown's new position in offer-| apne | 'ing to sit down with the Chinese | QUICK TO RECOGNIZE \and try to find ways of improv-| That doesn't mean Britain ing relations between the two,wants to break off diplomatic |countries. | relations. Britain was one of JOYCE QUACKENBUSH WILLIAM HARMER MRS. MURIEL LOSIER TERRY SPENCE WALTER ROHRER TONY STAGWIN ' ie tage! ah gg dollars the public in downtown Osh- beaches, to make them more §. "IT would spend my | © donate fo the city,.what awa, similar to those operat- enjoyable f ivi million on a new _ hos- | S C A ds D bg you want to see it spent ing presently in Toronto." reat cs hast ice price pital, expecially one to be | upreme ourt War octor Walter Rohrer, 519 Rossland Tony Stagwin, 776 Beare equipped with a cancer care Ss sop! a fs j ag as : s clinic, so | 'th 55 40] F I + ; R j d awe ae oo this Rd. FE, "I think the money Ave.: "I would spend a mils to een roe ak Footy $ F Or njuries ecelve man- oe on - the + street survey, they should be spent.on improv- ion dollars on a zoo or some tal for treatments." William said: ing the recreation facilities, other major attractions for Harmer, 492 Rossland Rd, | TORONTO (CP)---A St. Cath-| Dr. Alexandroff injured his with more parks being made tourists who come to the W: "I would buy benches, arines doctor was awarded spine as a result of the crash,| Joyce Quackenbush, 32 9'. at the harbor area." Terry city. Also perhaps a men's childrens bathing _ pools ana 1 $55,401 in the Ontario Supreme and spent eight weeks in hospi-| Dell St.: "In my opinion, I Spence, 774 Shelly Ave., hostel with reasonable rates generally fix up the Oshawa | Court Wednesday for back inju-|tal. Mr, Justice Stewart noted would build a multi - level "I would sand, repair, and would be a good idea." Mrs. beaches to attract tourists to |ries suffered when his car|that Dr. Alexandroff claimed a parking garage for use by fence in the Oshawa Murtel Losier, 97 Simcoe St, _ the city." , rammed into a pile of dirt. 35-to 45-per-cent reduction in Dr. Max Alexandroff had|his capacity to work as a result wu been suing the City of St. Cath-\ of the accident, DESCRIBED AS TRAP Cy ge i tehgrs [Braille Gift ti. fer'ininerveceiven oc. Republic Steel Care iti, Reus tein On| OP a five-foot high pile of dirt on a Increases Prices Forget Home Ownership' For Indians 3:0)" itt erry apne MONTREAL (CP) -- e| Dr. Alexandroff had brought public Steel Corp., the third : eye Indians of Canada pavilion at $500,000 damages. He claimed largest Amerfean steel produc n Famili Expo Wednesday received in he Jost $115,000 from his medi- er, said Wednesday it has . rge ithe mail a braille version in(Ca! Practice and his drug com-|increased hase prices on hot [French of the commentary pany, Rhomerol Drug Co., as a rolled and cold finished carbon 3 : ; handed visitors to the pavilion {result of his injuries and alloy bars 1.8 per cent QUEBEC (CP)--Forget about!a workshop discussion at the!a workshop on North American TR Kelly. danity ; Mr. Justice C. D. Stewart effective Sept. 7. home ownership, young fami-|week-long world convention of housing problems was a sugzes-|icner-ceneral' said tue coma, found Dr. Alexandroff 50 per-| Republic listed the amount of lies were urged Wednesday at/the International Union of Fam-|tion that governments establish -.0" ve ne ee ae ama?~ cent negligent in the accident the increase, per 109 pounds an international conference on ily Organizations, where about/free housing just as they have ie a py porebigg itt cone and Antici Construction 59 per- as: Carbon and alloy hot rolled the family. 600 delegates from more than! free education. alan. facet a xe amantan cent negligent because its work- bars, including semi-finished, 15 Home ownership was/30 countries are discussing new) stewart Sulton, secretary- Tan. who dulee he staal men had inadequately marked | cents; Carbon and alloy cold described as a trap, tying down families. general of Canada's Vanier eariier this vear P the 20-foot wide pile with a sin- finished bars, 20 cents young couples fo a specific snot! The delegates took today off institute of the Family. asked i nda: ; gle small yellow flasher. with mortgages when job pro- for sight-seeing. Sessions whether ho 0 i ' n an accompanying letter, The j . " ; motion demands great mobility.j/resume Friday. méans of ee Miss Higdon explained she had sagen Mamhaes ot tiles nla onda tigeg pid The suggestion emerged from' Among ideas tossed around in y, : %G seen a hostess showing an Eng- tee : shoudl CLARESHOLME, Alta. (CP) : sues . young isn't just a myth, "3 but awarded only half because lish-speaking blind child around the doctor was 30 per-cent to) 77 hs Southern Alberta town ENSLAVED BY DERTS the controversial showplace and blame for te sraident Antici will have its museum in the = * , A ] S "The one thing a young fam. had begun to wonder what Construction was found respon- Canadian Pacific Railway's for- ng 1can ynod rges ave jily has to be today is mobile," would happen if a blind child,! sible for payment of the award, |™er slation, now under lease to h s 'i e said. "A lot of us know a lot Who knew only French, came to '\the town. A start has already yer Lo r rere . . of people who have become Visit jl * - ; |been made on the museum's enslaved by their mortgages, Several of the pavilion hos- S lk K collection with the donation of End Bombing of N. Vietnam by their debts." fesses, who come from tribes 1 Ing $ six old photographs and a tele A few delegates predicted, across Canada, do not speak |grapher's key by CPR superin- By DAVID DAVIDSON |rated by the synod in one of its free housing would come along rench Si t Kill d jtengen| L.A, Hil, OTTAWA (CP) -- Delegates | Vietnam resolutions. lin the future, with people pay- 9° Miss Higdon, a physical ISt€r Allie : to the general synod of the) Another called on Canada to ing for it through taxation. education teacher, picked up a CALL OR E Anglican Church of Canada|supply medical supplies for, atgn diene lems dni copy of the pavilion commentary!) WILMINGTON, Del. (AP)--A SE Wednesday urged the United| Vietnam civilians of both sides /enin for ORG "Rebate waniie French, had it translated 74-year-old Delaware society ry States to end its bombing of|injured in the Southeast Asia|izelon Watlie a Wich «chosl ito, braille and sent it to the matron, sister of the legendary North Vietnam. conflict. taaehie feAie, Kirklend lake jPavilion _|"missing silk king of Thai At the same time they reject- SPARKED DERATE Ont., who called it a biz mis- jland,"" was found savagely FOR ed a motion calling on Canada jbeaten to death Wednesday in OIL FURNACES : The resolution on Rhodesia | take. M | to end by stages its sale of war i QN ACCUSES -- het home, police said. ; sparked lively debate and) 'TI have seen several young Kath Th Ww SERVING OSHAWA OVER material to the U.S. seemed in danger until defeat biel just desperate because | sdypielall ge actubs ne, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, August 31, 1967 3 : Defence Reduction Predicted China In Government Clamp - Down the first Western countries to recognize the Mao regime--in By DAVE McINTOSH | There Is every indication Mr. 1949. Officials maintain the rec-| OTTAWA (CP)--Reductions Hetlyer plans to stick to this ognition was justified because it |in mulitary personnel strength policy. was evident that Mao was in --and consequently in defence) The inevitable result, sources control of China and had the |cominitments--are being freely|say, will be a cut in the man- backing of the majority of the Predicted by defence depart-| power strength of the armed people ment sources as A ag of the 1 By and in ne = . ' government's clamp-down on ma.ntenance costs. This in turn gg vie Rages Thar ineveased expenditures in alljwill mean a reduction in that. China was a hig potential departments. |defence commitments market for British exports The cabinet has rejected the} Mr. Hellyer is said to feel But. recognition also became "defence department's request that any stretch-out of capital a trap .Mao turned his back on|for a moderate increase in its programs such as new destroy- recognized standards of inter-| budget for 1968-49. The currentiers and CF-5 fighter-bombers national behavior defence budget is $1.688.000,000.| wouid in the long run result not It_can be said that {f British) Informants said Wednesday jonly in delay but in higher diplomats in Peking have that a ceiling on expenditures | costs as well, hecome hostages in the current While costs are still rising will Informants speculate that struggle, so have Chinese diplo- |e ventually have to mean manpower policy will have to mats in London. Rut British) defence cuts somewhere. be reversed--for the second officials have concluded that, in| One of Defence Minister Hell-time--and armed forces Peking's eyes, the Chinese dip-|yer's main objectives has been|strength cut to some 90,000 lomats In Britain are expend-|to increase the proportion of froin the present 106,000. able |the defence budget allotted to Reductions may be made in Not so the British diplomats, capital expenditures--that is, both the overseas and home their wives and children in| weapons and equipment. forces. Peking. The foreign office is ;------------------ ---- gravely anxious to get them| out, HONG KONG TROUBLES Some of Britain's current dif fienlties with China sprang from the determined position of Hong Kong authorities that | those who instigated riots and | bloodshed should not go unpun ished. Offenders were sen- | fenced in a democratie court} and jailed. Officials fear the! fury of Peking's revenge has! not vet run its course | The reasoning is that If is hetter to yield a hit in Hong Kong and, if necessary, else where than to allow Britons in| Peking to face further humiti-| ation and an unpredictable fate The big question in London is WE ARE LAUGHING! whether the Chinese govern ment is ready to accept a diplo matic victory. It has the upper hand and it knows it. Four SER PRESCRIPTIONS SS EB Because the Real Estate Dept. of CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST just sold our house for us AND CHARGED US ONLY 4% COMMISSION Thot soved us $250.00, which is @ lot of money to us! Why don't YOU list YOUR home where they charge you ONLY 4% TO SELL IT, and where they also have their own mortgage money, This means they can get you more eash for your property ! Subscribers a ee @ BLUECROSS @ P.S.I. @ GREEN SHIELD WEED NOT PAY CASH! CALL The synod also approved &| by the upper house--the bishops|they cannot sell their house. Go ; Phoroment dn, fe Pewee ance ee pcnaiegere wh in effect con-|--of a motion to table which|when they want to move. 1| vernment Fagg CARD LBs 24-HOUR SERVICE lemns Bie Pl Rhodesian gov-| would have meant no decision |know of one who ended up bidecd \binat instrument as her giant 313 ALBERT ernment of Premier Ian Smith.| at this synod. three mortgages." KITCHENER (CP) -- A bus!-| watchdogs stood by in her 'ST. The 'no bombing recommen-| Most Rev. Howard H. Clark.! she said buying a home also Ness man said Wednesday the|secinded home. in nearby Cen- 723-4663 dation" was contained in ajArchbishop of Rupert's Land/peins create family problems) {edetal government is taking teryilie, police said. atatement from the World| and primate, said the desire for ecutive "often young wives|™oney owed by Old Order Men-| Hey brother, James Thomp- ---- Council of Churches incorpo-| independence is "felt passion- . |nonite and Amish farmers, WhO) son, parlayed @ love of Thai- ately in Africa" and that this + all along pes a house." | Fefuse to contribute to the Can-jiang ra '= mere $700 invest- should be recognized even ada Pension Plan, three times/ment into a $1,000,000 -- silk 1 i though it might mean difficul-- SAYS SCALE PAYMENTS over. mpire in Bangkok. But he dis- 5.Y, Truck Hits Train, ties for white settlers. Roland Gaston of the ate Pcie ar et 1) manager appeared mvaterionale che day ear M During the evening session of|real Institute of the Family|0f the Elmira branch 0 ver-\jast March on a walk through Two Men Killed the 10-day synod that ends|urged reduction In mortgage|wood Dairies Ltd., said in some the jungle. . Uar anteed PETERBOROUGH (C P)--| today, ft was resolved that the|payments during the first 10/cases the full amounts owed) aithorities have launched a) Two men died late Wednesday |federal government be asked,|years of a mortgage, with pay-/are seized at his office, then at' massive investigation of Mrs.| Investment Certificates when thelr treuck was struck| in working out Middle East dif-) ments scaled higher later. a hatchery where the farmers woog's killing which they) NOW EARN broadside by a Canadian | ficulties, to seek guarantees to] He suggested that mortgage S¢ll their eggs and then at & deceribed as a"horrible homi- National freight train at a assure free access to the holy| payments be between $45 and Creamery. cide." The police were not crossing about 20 miles north-| Places in Jerusalem for the/g5q9 a month for the first 10 we all send cheques for the jmimediately 'able to give a 1 west of here. | members of the Jewish, Muslim years when the husband's earn- full amount to the government. motive for the slaying. They 2 (a) Dead are Thomas P. Carroll and Christian religions. ing capacity is still developing. Eventually the farmer will cig they were unable to turn 38, a Omemee, Ont., 12 miles The evneg Appepee' : ba At a news conference Been ne eneque Ho pias da up the instrument used. per onnum * yer Bernard L. mendation from the diocese o | Wednesday, conference organi- cat MEAG Wal ° rt wg eUaane UR for five years west of here, and Be : Ottawa that the government be| > Ue Ses receiving anything. J Sheehan, 42, of St. Catharines. asked to increase Canada's for- eh were asked to comment on The government has put CANADIAN by Investing in Guoronteed Provincial police said Carroll eign aid to one per cent of the criticism that this family con- thir@.order demands on cheques HEARING AID lavest ment Certificates was the driver of the vehicle. gross national product and jderence is unrealistic because wherever the farmers market which are The train, bound from Lind-| raise taxes, if necessary, to do} the lack of youth in the dele- thoi, produce, The 2,000 sect CONSULTANTS Gueranteed--os to Principal and aay to Peterborough, scattered | co. jfate ranks. members in the Kitchener area 10 Bond St. E Interest. wreckage of the vehicle for; Canada's foreign aid now) Lucien Guibourgne of France. do not believe in any type of 725-2771 : chesag er perp Mar egg pa wee more than 100 feet along the amounts to about $300,000,000 ajpresident of the International insurance and reject subsidies é sidsengnncey Crcicn ae track, police said. year. Gross national product|Union of Family Organizations, on milk and cream and other "ote Tea edant ok age An inquest was ordered by/now exceeds $60,000,000,0N0 said critics are "perfectly government payments, DX. o- DX pbx DX Authorized--cs Trustee Act In Coroner Dr. Reginald Hollows; which would mean a doubling|right" when they say youth is Mr. Edenborough said the vestments. of Lindsay of foreign i lacking n_amounis. claimed by the. gov | BE WISE: CENTRAL ONTARIO. TRUST ECONOMIZE! from $38 to $154. The order to collect for Ottawa came two erninent at his office range $ & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshowe 723-5221 SG FZ weeks ago. 'We are obeying it SAVE very reluctantly." | | 23 King St. W., Bowmonville 623-2527 LEWIS OPTICAL Established for over 30 years 10% King Street West 725-0444 | ¢ -- WH -- FUEL Orin ¢ DX ol Miata | en Phone 668-3341 routed agp SATURDAYS '0X--DX--pX-- bX Wom PF KF G.1.C. RATES INCREASED TO AY for terms of 1 to 5 years If you are not earning 614% on your savings or if your investments are not Guaranteed as to principal, come in to see us! CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION MEMBER, CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 19 Simeoe St. N. 23 King St. W. Oshowa Bowmanville 723-5221 623-2527 You Give Us CENTRAL ONTARIO Prescription \ TRUST Reol Estate Dept, We do the rest, 723-5221 FREE Tom Houston 668-4416 City-Wide Delivery 'Allan Thompson 728-2828 3668 MITCHELL'S MEE? none saenels srosets DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 VIRGINIA STYLE COOKED HAM FIRST QUALITY LEAN & FRESH CUT AS YOU LIKE IT. THURS., FRI., SAT, | Ge eae Special... V Check these BIG SAVINGS MAPLE LEAF POLISH SIDE SAUSAGE BACON 69: | 79: " 'THURS., FRI., SAT. ONLY THURS., FRI., SAT. ONLY 7 PUPPY LOVE o | Open Friday Nights and Saturdays It was love at first sight when the two met at the Wednesday. for Valerie Massey, 7, of Canadian National Expibt- LOCATED ON HWY. NO. 2, BETWEEN OSHAWA and WHITBY + f> Hamilton, and a Beagle pup _tion's puppyland in Tokpnte (CP Wirephoto) 1

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