Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Aug 1967, p. 14

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Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends peasant 2 7 Bib 9: to apply to The Ontario red -- Pilg ss 2 1 tends to apply to the 'ari Municipal Board rursuant to ; ee . Auction ' 5% Municipal Board pursuant fo } the provisions of Section 30 bes yg an ii Old | Dancing From 9:00 P.M. mission C provisions of Section 30 of | o¢ The Planning Act for aop- publ Rynetl sout! tk To 1:00 AM | The, Planing Act for cpprov, | oval of By-iow number 131. | Liberty to Weleon end follow oo Two Jackpots y= No sse! f rage aha ei 67 possed the 8th. doy. 0 Jim Wood auctioneers, Call to Pp on the 24th doy of April, 1967. A copy of the by-low is furnished herewith. A note giving on explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law and stating the lands affected thereby, is also furnished herewith August 1967. A copy of the by-law is furnished herewith. Any person interested moy, within fourteen (14) -doys after the date of this notice, send by registered moil or deliver to the Clerk of the City of Oshawa notice of his 728-1005, 723-0976 BIG OR SMALL WE DO THEM ALL DOUG. GOWER Pete Schofield ond His College All Stars 53 and 58 ONE MUST GO $500. IN 50 NOS. OR LESS T Thursde | le, MeFadden 4.10;1A-Lovely Mir, Waddell 6.50 4.00 2.60 14 bbl vesheabaden TUB, Thursdey, August 31, Ve |36--Legal |38--Coming Events 38--Coming Events ee thee wan ihe gat ba Satiea: King Grattan $., Mar-|7-Black Jane, Campbell 6.60 3.20 eH SE LMP A. COM, FA Be etre pe -- Mile Poce. ore |garet Forbes C., Midnight Zone, White|S-Phyilis Frost, Curran 2.40 Street, Oshawa, "will not be responsible | 3 Seton orth, Waples $5.10 1470 7.60 Ankles and Joanie Wilmac pace, Fume hare heat TAT tia ek ee REE \36--Leg 1 for debts contracted in my name by) Centennial 2-Timber Prince, Wadd 4.30 3.60/99, 300. Conditioned. ve Ye pri ovetuiny rch ey - Rika css ea (wag thes ay ek Cn bad | WEDNESDAY, AUG. 30 ee Te ee rise i 4A'bro G'bol, G'braith 14.70 $s 22 Scratched--Edna. Flemington NOTICE OF APPLICATION Signed, J A.. _Goralczyk FIRST RACE -- Mile pace. Purseliet another Pariay, Pauline Volo and oi Airead a Wattoeen: : No's. 1 Dutchess Mir and 1A Lovely NOTICE OF APPLICATION THE ONTARO MUNICI- esl leh peices | $700. Conditioned. Lenawee Y, ie On ' a|Mir coupled Miron Bros. entr | TO 37--A a oebe Sue, Findley 11.20 $.80 4.60 Also 'Started: | Anglo. United, Oneida) Kays 2 Ben's Queen and 2B Hif and Mi to the Ontario Municipol PAL BOARD by The Corp- '--Auction Soles [7-McAdam, Vance 600 Eig) PEURYN, RACH -- Mile fret. Purse Howard and, Midge Diarnons | coupled © Palmer. entry 2 Ned : : cae d $1,000. Claiming. 'ACTOR, 4 AN : : Board by the arab isk of | oration of the City of Osh- 'BOWMANVILLE Mie "Statue: Nsvoarhy Miches Girh|TPixy Picess, W'wood 6.60 4.10 3.30) SEVENTH RACE -- Mile pace, Purse| NINTH RACE ,-- Mile trot, Purse the Township o Whitby for | qwa for approval of @ by-low AUCTION BARN F ° S ] i Eli 'Dares, Adios Erin" and Armbro|2 Elvis, Palmer 440 3.60) 81,200, Conditioned. es 45.00 $1,200. Conditioned, See ee ey rane | te. een Jord ae Benes | VANITY SALE r., ept. st MSECOND RACE -- Mile trot. P "Avo "started: Favorite. Valley, novel terry Aan torrie. 5.50. 400 gF aimee stare Curran °° Tae a late land use pessed sangeet | pursuant to Section 30 of The | 81,800. Conditioned. stn UF8®) McLean, Lcohinver Bimbo, Kimberly! |3-Kelly Mac Hal, L'Heureux 3.80/5Haul Away, Mcintyre AD to Section 30 of The Plan- Planning Act Appliances, T.V., Hardwore, ot the 4Fanny Symbol, Witte 13.10 4.80 2.80/00 and Wee Crusader | Also Started: "Toligate, = Chasmar|" Ais started: Bridge! Quinn, Fars ning Act TAKE NOTICE thot the goods, cabinets, dishes, silver- | 1-Renfrew County, Findley 3.60 270 FIFTH RACE -- Mile pace. Purse Gaeree, Scat Gay, Barry Johnston and) -- ong Lady, Royal Mint, In Demand TAKE NOTICE: thot the c i f wore, beds and mattresses, | (7i\,} H ° 3-Madam Victor, Arthur 00/$1,200. Claiming. and Loftus Lee ouncil of the Corporation © ' , 'i 7.00 4.4 3.60! EIGHTH RACE -- Mile trot. Purse tires and mony other house- Civic Au itorium Pp gr etal sect ge want Sune' spe DAV 4.00 3.10 $8, 5. Standardbred Futurity _ 'stakes. Attendance, 3,789, Handle, $205,733. Any person interested may, 'oval of the Paes within fourteen (14) days | Svigction 10 Sppei vith a AUCTIONEER 728-1005 | Featuring: ide Pg i Pall ge ed | statement of the grounds of z GERALD ELLIOTT $200. fasted | sen y regi r | * ste deliver to the clerk of the | Bete niciost Seérd 38--Coming Events 4 oe aries ard a: Township of Whitby notice of | . : hi id by- South Ontorio Champion Old - Consolation Prize large. on his objection to the approval | Abid Sper Gane i HOLY CROSS Tyme Fiddler, Jim C. Coyle, $10 per line both games army of of the said by-iow together | ie appoint a time ond place caller for squore dancing, arrested with a gciatagil OF the | Un Z. chy oblection to the by- $ ] 7); Jackpot coup age . grounds of such objection It dered. Notice 8 3 ernment, Tha Ontatle Munleibal' Booid | OS ees tat ee fi PRIZES, FAVORS $20 per line. $75 full card A ; eae sorta "cl may opprove of the said by iv. 4s e se es anitala: law but before doing so it | a we hab fed. os ond Beard Growing Contest a nena hee lee TT)... : entl o ressed Pgs may appoint a time and place | objection THIS WEEK Judging f : rf erman y Pp: 4 wt Nasser's when ony objection to ie by- The lost day for filing Five $30. Gomes 3 : the June OF dy aes ek ay tn | ieetiora. will, be SEPTEM- FRIDAY ADM: $1.50 PER PERSON -- Eorly Bird Game 7:45 p.m. t! held will be' given only to i ITY OF 1 k ; persons who hove filed an Ba va <u DAY at 8:00 P.M. DRESS OPTIONAL EXTRA PRIZES Ss ac S never crease, 0 Splection OF AUGUST 1967 ( i M x Tickets Available at Doo Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., L. R. Barrand, Esq., --FREE- Advenck: Tickets Sale ot hg Every Thursday Township Clerk, Box 160, BROOKLIN, Ontario. SUMMARY OF THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF BY-LAW City Clerk, 50 Centre Street, Oshawa, Ontario. BL-LAW NUMBER 131-67 F OSHAWA HOME SHOW SEPTEMBER 16 - 1617 ADMISSION -FREE- | U.A.W. Hall, Steelworkers Hall, Civic Auditorium. SUNNYSIDE ot the Jubilee Pavilion brate this Centennial year by putting Gold Crest up in a new kind of decanter. Tall and cylindrical. Clean, clear, and slim. With a cut glass sunburst in the base. It lets you show off just a bit. Because it looks great, and tastes so smooth and light. It's the kind of whis- ky. that goes well at any kind of party. Try it at your next party and see. Gold Crest. The Party Whisky. (Hiram Walker & Sons Limited, Distillers of fine whiskies for over 100 years. == 2s & © Fd ee a ae a re 2 ed os ej _-- JACK tJ FRASER -- Introducing the FRASERDALE tra- ditional shirt. Specially made to JACK FRASER COMPANY'S strict requirements. Superb lustrous sheen, Oshawa Shopping Centre plain shades of gold, ee Meese Open Daily Till 6 P.M. olive green, willow green. Only csescsssssssesseeee 5.50 Thursday and Friday Till 9 P.M. ~se eee ese ee eer > ~- > > > Cha NO. 2104 OF THE . THE CORPORATION OF 20 R Gomes Total $300 OTTAWA TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY 3 eg " 1, PURPOSE AND EFFECT Sa ch a ceed te SNOWBALL -- R | N G 0 BUSES LEAVING | brine were The amending by-law en- Off-Street Parking By-law of $150 in 56 Nos. FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 | & sty ey larges the definition of the City of Oshaw: falsely o "Golf Course" in the BE IT ENACTED A AND IT IS Plus $10 each horizontal line TO NIGHT and 7:15 P.M. prices of tl eed eli ep HEREBY ENACTED as o by Reg. Jackpot $50 full card and Returning after Bingo ay Course, the new by-law a pf -- - $10 each horizontal line $2 300 Children under 16 Not Admitted | bines Inve Pte make it permissible Council thereof as follows: Plus Horizontal Lines 1 meahe 2 laid by t if ies to be used for 1. By-law 3325 as amended ch ahs Waal Nants Mother Pat in tn ae be and the some is hereby nee a ee IN PRIZES Ltd. 8 T* ' pphiyade amended by amending Early Bird Game 7:45 was laid ag aan iglel held on ap- | Section 2 by deleting the e s 8:00 JACKPOT NOS. | Your | Coffee Ltd., proved a plan, The words in Column Il op- eg. Samer 9 52 - 55 ai / | The RCM pre by: JON. Pen te posite the words "Medic- Good Parking | on t ants was sold | iow Gee a aaa al: or Dental Clinic. in « No Children Please | AT THE | Dominion a ied ot ne Column 1 and substituting | | A Courteous Byward Ma 2 the following words:-- en enesnernty xa é to Specs, in agricultural "3 parking spaces for WANT RESULTS? RED BARN Ad visor aan Bis s TeBN each doctor's or dentist's | GET WITH THE ACTION! will be happy conte: OC This by-I ' ed office, provided that the TIMES ACTION 7 - 7:30 P.M. _to help you thereby me ; a y-tew: app deed 700M 4 total parking required CLASSIFIED ADS. EXTRA BUSES ublic ond situated within an shall not be less than one | 723: 3492 c ti d P. 22) publi ogricultural or Greenbelt | porking space of each sContinued on age 4 The case | zone in the Township | 300 square feet of total cise GU Ee ker's was r "a tT |. fer a HITBY | ' | was not re | so that the paragraph sholl | ane n ay aes | reod as follows: | | Wednesday AMEN "d Y A -LA TO Medical or Dental! Clinie | called led again Re iE L RP ae 1784 3 parking spaces for each | WHER E CORPORATION doctor's or dentis's office, | : eee | ae | ome new decanter P Glive Fenyy yarn said vk law parking required shall not ® Kal ing ran tog Permit a9) av be less than one parking e id miniature go! space for each 300 square a @ courses and similar uses to feet of total floor area ; aerrote in this municipality. 2. No port of this by-law | 9 & THE TRADITIONAL LOOK LONDON nls Miyggy ey shall come into Ls apog te ieonain he 4 x - out the approval o' Municipal Council of the Ontario Municipal Board FOR BACK TO CAMPUS chasrssae ot Corporation of the Township but subject thereto this NEMS Ent 1, That Section 2(0) of By- by-law shall take effect i chy an evi fig oe ie) from the date of its poss- OW ou OW ri night. y pect to the definition o' ing. : nt. Golf Course" be repeal- By-low read a first time thie | The best-ever PERMANENTLY PRESSED SLACKS are machine wash tae ann ed ond the following sub- | 8th day of August 1967. | ry ighty littl 1K thei eh © wrinkle shoitly after stituted In its ploce end | By.law read a second time | 9 and wear -- need mighty little care! Keep their press; shrug off wrinkles, See i ge hae steac | this 8th doy of August 1967. | W: r % ' - i i i i le) "Golf Course" | ees eta ca | LEVI S STA-PREST slacks as lean and hip-hugging as pants come. Pick was DOHA] POS 2. gUvlle OF private finally passed this 8th doy | olive green, sandstone, mocha brown, ash green, etc. Yours The funeré creo operated for the pur of August 1967. } : 10 95 vate affair, pose of playing golf ond E. Morks, L. R. Barrand, See CORR OC Ce ORE Pee ee Oe ou ° entirely to 1 includes driving rng, Mayor. Clerk dl 4 k close friends ae ee te And F 's big selecti f KORATRON nen ressed dress slac maximum p n rasers big selection 0 perma: iy pre acks similor uses opeaorted for ¢ e | az did not atter 2, Sommercial purposes" COUNTY OF ONTARIO 1S the hit include highly-styled HOPSACKS and CAVALRY CORDS (as illustrated). fond dead 3 . at Section ° yo et \ . | i i ° ockets. Include gold noon. oak No. 1784 with eae | TENDERS Look great with frontier or scoop p gold, 12 Q5. Te uaa 1G) sora be amented by | FOR | i browns, rich greens, tan, etc. Yours fOr wecssessessesesserserseserssrserenes . maliy pene i dditi a tallows | ing but we peacco | TUR ON ol every party. | Sot (d) "Golf Courses' ia ek 2 Fully washable corduroy TEE-KAYS in \ ---- our " ealed tenders, properly mork- oe . . couiones pia icin | €4.0n the outside, ond od. "Tijuana brass', young blue, or brick. Hindu i tated : eccordance with en ep- | creme 3 oe eee Frontier pockets, deep belt Intri proved site pian } p.m. on Wednesday, Septem- 8 00 nirigu 2. That, Section 1) of We. Ben G67 FEE WE caibely LOOPS. YOUrs FOP ceseccssscessescsessensene ° g ow No. 1784 with res- | ond delivery of No. 2 Fuel LONDON $e to i Sate ura | Oil to the County of Ontario plan to pres zone be amended by Cc Hi d Administra- ° 2 ditati the addition ofthe flow | ta cul The longer point TRADITIONAL COL malin § ini w subs i (d): : as fs a) "ede Coane! Annu Ranuiramants 40,000 LAR is button-down, very well styled. AR cism, John J No golf course shall be gallons ROW'S new "Cum Laude" and TOOKE gers shy established unless it is ea 3 pies! Yeey BeeBGACS WITh i cp: Storage Conocity 7,000 VAN HEUSEN'S Fall styles include plain investigating proved site plan." : : o ndian 4. this By-law shall come Tenders ore to state the fol- Oxfords, neat paisleys, neat or wide adds, the P into effect on the day it lowing: Flashpoint, Viscocity, we stripe heraldic de- open a_ the is passed by the Council | Gravity, Pour Point, Water ( { y 1} } ( R Fs 2 pen i London to pi subject $6 approval of the Sediment ond B.T.U. per gol (4 < signs. Beautifully Lennon is oe | 6.00 ew publ Bee ; CANADIAN ret (a, eae ee aren oe ; iid publish aK sei Owest Or any tender no eye doy of April, A.D., necessorily accepted. : beer a hcsaede ong-haire! W. H. Down, WM. G. MANNING, When a whisky is as aroused cont neve g _ Clerk-Treasurer, by seeming Wm. H. Wallace, sa County of Ontario, smooth as Gold Crest, hallucinatory : Hee WHITBY, Ontario. you've got something good 0 Reape tt ice RICHARD A WRIGHT. 85 Fernhill| NOTICE is hereby given that unless the ' f rental con wa, will on forsany ass' cotracieg in 'my mame| etal Gmtowe, are not aimed by going for you. Because y' on or after is uy 7, . .7 Ust 'ist, 1967, without my written con|housenalé. effects will be scld. for monte everybody likes it. And sent signed Richard A. Wright \owing . hi ky like this since @ whis doesn't happen very often, ther we've decided to cele- reat or more NIAGAR COMPAT 286 Kin

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