Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Aug 1967, p. 25

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ITE LOOK NE ADAMS hi-rise neckline, this is the skim- s! Only problem: 'w it for now or it simply, choose rottons. tern 4958: Girls' ), 12, 14. Size 10 35-inch. ITS (50c) in coins please) for each rio residents add Print plaialy IE, ADDRESS, BER. or to ANNE of The Oshawa n Dpt., 60 Front Toronto. 1W FASHIONS-- f the new styles in our new Fell- atalog. Hurry, t now. MORIAM 3 memory of a dear and grandfather Ar- yy who passed away have happened, s reach out for you. t comes our wi 9 4 meets and you're not st let him know vere do not forget iss him so. We remembered by ly. FLORISTS -- ingements ond ements for all SHOPPING NTRE 6555 G TRIBUTE ce and dignity r LAWN IAL PARK MEMORIALS advice please . Office. 2633 THANKS e would like to exe t thanks to Or. yley, all our friends, data process, Ceoar yanizations, for their ers, flowers, in the usband and brother id sters Vi and Doris ily of the late Mary 'press their sincere eighbors and friends » Messages of syin- s and contributions and Crippled Chil- our recent bereave- Four dear mother and 'ial thanks' to the fat, the traffic divi- a Police and Mc- eral Home, he late Mrs. Cowie. vid like to thank for their prayers, irds. Also thanks to nd Symth, Drs. and trwine, nurses the excellent care 1! stay in the Oshawa -Mrs. Pearl Taillon sk asa vs ilot eS Ont. (CP)-- icensed pilot is t 82. And T. F. ms expects to renewed after cal in Novem- who lives in miles south of tried his wings in 1916. During War he shot n planes and ree times hime friendly terri- ve duty during rid War, he test pilot for f Fort Erie, ested para- Air-Chute, a a Fleet 21M 1 at Welland, 39 he has tests 0 parachutes from the air- BLCNDIE DONALD DUCK LI'L ABNEB NUBBIN JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER HE NEXT HOLE) IS THAT WAY Distributed ty King Feateres Spmtieate EGR IERRCT TTY PN (Cewoor I Sop 1 MADE THIS SALAD DRESSING TOO SOUR -THEY CANCELLED <= YO'IS RI WHEN HIS 451 DEGREES BELOW ZERO LIPS MET HER 45! DEGREES ABOVE ZERO LIPS--- poe LARGE SELECTION OF '67 MODELS IN OUR LAST ALLOTMENT + PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, VAUXHALLS, G.M.C, TRUCKS Ga pe xy SAY... UNLESS MY BYES DECEIVE ME, THERE'S RABBIT DON'T WANT TO!' yo' KISSED SOMEBODY ELSE !/-- WEIS THROUGH /7 WHERE ARE WE HEAD--= WHAT'S THE TRY EVE JONES... NUMBER'S IN THE BOOK,, FAST... PLEASE... SO I WON'T HAVE TO GO DE AND ASK GRANDMA FOR THE BALL./__ OK, JUNIOR}... sit uP! Y, «. LETS HEAR YOUR FLIP-SIDE SNoRE ! FoR rghin recarved Peanoras Spadcare tas 1907 We BUZ SAWYER AND LOOK, CHRISTY! IMPALAS! ) WILDEBEESTS/... GIRAFFES!... DON'T YOU REMEMBER 1... SEEM TO HAVE LIVED THRU THIS BEFORE eseIN A DREAM, BUT IT'S ALL HA MY MIND'S IN nt RE eo ~ <6 ANYTHING OF AFRICA, CHRISTY? JANE ARDEN BELIEVE THAT HORRIBLE | TRAIN RIDE-- { SECRET AGENT X9 } Channel 2--Buffalo | Channel 3--Barrie Channet 4--Buffalo Channel 6--Toronto | Channel 7--Buffaio Channel 8--Rochester | Channel 9--Toronto WEDNESDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M, Movie #-Superman 7--Superman 6--Forest Rangers 4--Perry Mason 3-12--Woody Woodpecker 5:30 PLM. t--McHales Navy 7--News 3-6-12--Canada Outdoors 2--Of Lands and Seas i 6:00 P.M. | 12--News, Weather, | Sports §--How's Business 7--Movie | @--Green Hornet 412--News, Sports, Weather 3--Time Out '67 6:30 P.M. 12--Road West | 1l--Pierre Berton Sports 4--News 7:00 P.M, Littlest Hobo | 9--Batman 6--Lowell Thomas 6--TBA 4--Lowell Themas %--News, Weather, 7:20 P.M, | I--News Weather 7:0 P.M. | 12--Incredible Forest Jamboree Virginian Batman 6--NFB Showcase 4--Lost in Space 8:00 P.M. 1i--Movie 7--Billy Graham Crusade 3-6-12--Green Acres 8:30 P.M, | 9--Movie 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Bob Hope 9:00 P.M. 7--Movie 4--Green Acres 2-8--Bob Hope 9:30 P.M I'S ALL OVER, PHIL! WHEN I THINK OF // \ . \ SHORTAGE OF GOOD USED CARS he CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. | TELEVISION LOG Channe} 11--Hamilton Channel 12--Peterborough 3-6-9----News, Weather, 2-8--Huntley-Brinkley Hollywood Palace WE STILL HAVE TO EXPLAIN TO THE SWISS AUTHORITIES 10:00 P.M Mery. Griffin 4--Model Pageant 8--! Spy 2--Sail To Glory i 10:30 P.M, 9---Sports Hot Seat 3-6-12--World on Stage 11:00 PLM, 12-11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News Weather, Sports 11:20 PLM, 6--Viewpoint 14:25 PLM, \1--Pierre Berton | &-News, weather Sports | 4--Greatest Headlines | 11:30 PLM, \(-8--Johnny Carson 4--Movie --Me' 11:45 PM, | 12--Movie 6--Frost Report | 12:00_ P.M, | 1--Mystery Theatre | | THURSDAY | 8:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroo 8:55 A.M. J--Dialing For Dollars | Virginia Graham 9:00 A.M N--Ed Allen Time 9--Romper Room 6~--Biography 4---Cariton Fredericks 2--Topper 9:30 A.M, 11--Hawkeye | 9--Uncle Bobby $--Gloria 4--Love of Life 2--Jack La Lanne | 10:00 A.M, 1i--Littie People $-2--Snap Judgment | 4--Candid Camera 10:30 A.M, 1.-Expo People 9--Cartoon. Playhouse 7--Dateline: Hollywood | 4--Beverly Hilibillies | 2-44--Concentration | 11:00 A.M. 11--It's a Match | 9--Fractured Phrases 7--Honeymoon Race 4--Andy Griffith 3--Good Morning 2-8--Personality 14:30 A.M. 0 PLM, | 1: 4--Gomer Pyle, USMC |11--Bonnie Prudden 3-6-12--Youth and the Arts 9--Flying Doctor 8.30 AM | %-University of the Air | MAN By THE' NAME OF JOHNNY FRIO SHOT CHAMACO.....50 MY BUSINEFS WA? ACC! Ea TAKEN CAR OF 60, DON? THATS DERFUL! | Bees FEEL <SURE, CELIA QJ eANWHILE...... LIKE HAVING \ I GOT SOME' OUTER DRINK, ) BUSINESS To aeanee TEND TO RIGHT LATER MAYBE?) Now ANYWay, oo 7 eS | | i ) = 1 7--Family Game 4--Dick Van Dyke 3--Ed Alien Time 2-4--Hollywood Squares | 12 NOON M1--Hot Line |. 9--Toronto Today | 7--Meney Movie |. 3-6---Luncheon Date | 4--News, Weather and | Sports | 28--Jeopardy 12:30 P.M, | 8--Eye Guess 4-6--Searcn tor Te morrow | 12-3--News; Weather, ports &--Merv Griffin 12:45 P.M. | 46--Guiding Light H 1:00 P.M. | 9--Movie | 11--Marriage | Confidential | 8--Dialing For Dollars Virginia Graham | 7--Fugitive 3-6-12--Luncheon Date ; 4--Meet the Millers 1i--Movie &--Let's Make # Deal 4-6--As the World Turns | 3--Movie | 2:00 P.M. | 12--Ed Allen Time | /--Newiywed Game 6--By Invitation 4--Password | 2:30 P.M 12--Summer Scene | %--People in Contliet $-2--The Doctors 7--Dream Girl 6--Coronation Street 4--House Party 3:00 P.M. 9--Words and Musie 7--Genera! Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 3-6-12--Take 30 | €-2--Another World | 3:25 P.M. 4--News 3:30 P.M. 11--Mike Douglas 9--I1's Your Move 7--Superman Show 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night | 28--You Don't Say 4:00 P.M, 9--1 Love Lucy #--Match Game 4--Secret Storm | 3-6-12--Communicate | &-Mike Douglas | 4:30 11--Munsters | 9--Movie | 4--Truth or Conse- quences 3-6-12--Vacation Time BUT LHAVE A FEELING @ WE HAVEN'T SEEN IGOT MY CAR OUT OF SIGHT THEY WON'T LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO USE IT! THEY'LL TAKE CARE OF NICK SOUTHSIDE, THE LAST OF JOHNNY SMART TIME TO TRADE NO '68 PRICES AVAILABLE YET HUBERT WHY 1S EDITH STANDING | BY OUR FENCE, LOOKING MAD, I WONDER ? 2-4--Days of Our Lives {an unusual thickening of the effects is looking for trouble 'and prescribed--.-- CROSSWORD ACROSS . Super- cilious » on > ae a o 10. Mineral deposit 11. Crippled 12. Abscond 14, Related 15. Surged up 16. Crew 17. Mom's companion 18, Public notice Capital in central Europe 21. Skillfully 23. Stannum 24. Greek letter 25, Garden intruder 27, Cultivate 30, Yak, for one 31. Hack 32. Malt beverage 33. Echo 36. Argument 37. Sewer 38. Percolates 39. Exhaust 40. Former deputy Fuhrer 41. Snow vehicle 42. Poker stake 1 © ser DOWN 17. Play on «. Millennial words Church 20. Disease member of sheep Name 21. Swiss Foreboding river Flower 22. See 19 plot across Slumber 24. Flap Highway 25. Tidings |and the above letter is an| Dear Dr. Molner: After a Oh, I totally agree that every| that I am a borderline diabetic. lfrom it, and under what condi-| Strict dieting?--Mrs. C.B. fare 26. Strains jelalsir Masle!TIs] Image 27. Gun Yesterday's Answer 8. Revocation 28, Expire 35. Ireland Torch 29. Snares 36. Observed Whirlpool 31. Flogged 38. Tibetan Sorrow 34, Bucket sheep 1 3 14 6 |7 |e 9 7410 U ZZ 28 rr) 40 Gil NN YOUR HEALTH Concern Too Great Over 'Side Effects' By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: I went to|proper dosage is well-es- my doctor last week because of|tablished. Fretting about side nails on my left foot. He said it that isn't there was ringworm under the nails; Quite aside from that, trying to find a medication that can be Before I take the tablets applied externally and still get would you advise if there is anjat ringworm under the nails is external remedy for this condi-| asking too much. tion as | am uncertain as to| The doctor knew what he was 'what side effects might occur|doing when he prescribed inter- with the tablets.--H.D. nal medication to treat this There has been too much case of fungus. loose talk about side. effects, | example isugar tolerance test, I learn medication, new or old, should! Does this mean I will always be be watched to see what, if any,|@ diabetic, or can I overcome unwanted effects may occur|this disease in due time by tions | There is no way to cure or With most medications, prop-| "get over" diabetes, by strict erly used, there aren't any/diet or any other method. harmful side effects. That's} yowever, the annoying symp- why doctors (not to mentionitoms of the disease and the pharmaceutical firms) devoteigreater amount of serious so much attention to. establish-| consequences from diabetes can ing proper dosage. We want to!pe prevented or alleviated by know how much to give to| proper diet and, when needed, achieve the desired results|hy medication without harmful effects. It is easier to bring diabetes 7. . ORL {under control if diet (and other Ore oO ; | measures if needed) are begun However, all the publicity on while 'the' diceese: ts all in. & "side effects' has led many mild: ate 'Start at lenat people (I've had other letters moderate diet contro! now--how like, the one above) to think) ict it should be.is up to your they have to beware of every "i ; jdoctor to indicate. If you are be ti lest it have harmful) ) verweight, by all tenn : reduce. The. sensible course is to\? : ' ° accept the fact that your doctor | fo ae el Saige doctor knows what he is doing, and|Perodcally for checkups. knows whether, with continued | ay ; use of a drug, it may become! Dear Dr. Molner: We have seas heard that grapefruit is bad for el watele 19p unde-| arthritis, Is this true? We drink The writer of the above letter |'t every day.--H.M. i wants an "external remedy'"--| No, it's not bad for arthritis, as though external medications}so keep on drinking it if you didn't have side effects, too! like it. It's a good source of The tablets she mentions} Vitamin C. THE OSHAWA TIMES, 28 Wednesday, August 30, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Neither side vulnerable, 435 @K10974 os4 mA862 ' WEST EAST 4292 48643 Bee: 952 86532 @AKQ109% | PKI97 10 SOUTH | @AK107 PAQIE3 | &Q543 'The bidding: South West North East le Pass 3 4¢@ 44a 5¢@ Pass Pass 6y Opening lead + three of dias monds. Good card reading is the backbone of good card play, for if you know how the cards in the two unseen hands are divided, it is seldom difficult to figure out the right methor of play Take this hand where South Is in six hearts and must play well to make the contract, West leads a diamond, which South ruffs From declarer's view, the out- ome hinges on wether he can hold himself to one club laser, If East has the king, Seuth's chances are very good, but if West has the king, the contract is in jeprody since he may take two club tricks and defeat the contract South makes no attempt early in the hand to test the club situation. Instead he de- velops the play along normal lines so as to first obtain all the information possible about the makeup of the defenders' hands He draws two rounds of trumps, cashes the A-K of spades, and ruffs. a spade, on which West's queen falls. When South now ruffs a diamond and cashes the ten of spades, this becomes the position North @Ki0 He A86 West East a8 @A1097 HKIOT #10 South 9Q &Q543 | South knows from the play j that East started with four spades and two hearts; and 'knows from the bidding that jhe also started with either jseven diamonds and no clubs, jor six diamonds and one club. ; It follows from this that jSouth cannot lose more than one club trick if he simply leads a low club from his. hand and plays low from dummy. If Bast wins the trick, he must yield a ruff and discard, while if West the trick, he must either lead a club away from the king or present declarer with the same fatal ruff and 'discard. 'Car Buff-Builds His Own Car FORT WAYNE, Ind, (AP)--A mechanic in love with 1930 vin- tage automobiles has quietly began production of his own car, Bob Gehrig, who has jammed his 51 years with several careers, including one as an airplane barnstormer, says his car "will be nothing. to shake Detroit." The burly car buff figures he can turn out a car every week or 10 days from his cluttered garage here. He and three fel- low workers make up the labor force "There's a class of people that want this car,' he said. |'"Many people want to build their own body and they can work with this basic model.'"' His roadster. is called' the Graham. It follows the lines of the ill-fated Cord, a glamorous car of the late 1930s resurrected briefly last year but crushed by financial troubles. The first Cord was produced by Graham Paige from a plant in Auburn, Ind. Gehrig, who went on a money mission to try to save the second edition of the Cord last year, makes no bones that his. car is a slightly smaller model of the original version of the Hollywood Cord roadster. His car features a V6 Buick engine with 227 cubic inches, automatic transmission, elec- tric jacks, citizens band radio, electric coffee maker, wrap- around frame and a spring loaded steering wheel Gehrig says the car will sell in the neighborhood of $5,000 and said he has advance orders for a dozen. QUEENIE will do the job. control a lazy thyroid is. of have been in use for 10 years or more with great success, The! Note to W.H.S.; Medication to modest cost. There are no vita- mins or patent medicines that

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