Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Aug 1967, p. 24

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24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, August 30, 1967 24--Stores, Offices, Storage/26--Apartments for Rent |26---Apartments for Rent 126--Apartments for Rent -- ONE: BEDROOM apartment, 4 parking, Oshawa Rental Trsnone ranentr"ee ™ ="! GUS BROWN ONE- BEDROOM apartment, convenient MOTORS LIMITED |!o schools and stores. Available Septem- H. KEITH LTD. Realtor, Call 576-0330 ""La Contessa Apartments" ber 1. Telephone 576-3592. FOUR-ROOM | apartment, | | Agency Superb apartment accommos dation in all parts of Oshawa. availat 112 Stevenson Ra. North, cr call 723-6600 LAUNDRY FACILITIES | @ FREE HYDRO ® BROADLOOM IN HALLS @ ELEVATOR @ LOCKERS {phone 725-3501 motel ONE furnished housekeeping room, $12 PHONE 728-9724 @ CONTROLLED ENTRANCE @ AMPLE PARKING | FURNISHED AND @ CLOSE TO SCHOOL CHURCHES and SHOPPING | UNFURNISHED 1, 2 and 3 bedroom modern | APPLY 349 MARLAND AVE. | apartments. 22 ft to 32 fh PHONE 725-2227 living rooms, swimming pool, lifeguard service, two eleva- one | tors, ploy area for children. 7% interest per annum G R F N FE LL paid on oll security de- posits. SQ UJ A R F | Your inspection invited. 723-2347 ONE and TWO BEDROOMS VY U OSHAWA'S LARGEST pea Ol the SUITES LUCKY TENANT and Best Location to win 250 DOLLARS a | with your apartment number FREE to be drawn on January 2, 1968 @ HEALTH CLUB Beduitting eon $20 = Two @ SAUNA ROOM | bedrooms $119 and $129. Py IMMING POOL, | pce Bae ee ae | hydro and electric heating | To be seen by appointments | only, CALL 723-5325 FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS | Details of draw given with FURNISHED or SeRieotoe See UNFURNISHED | SHELDIAN MANSIONS | 885 OXFORD ST. NTAL INF | RENT, NFORMATION | @ Sublet lorge 2 ond 3 3 bed- 723 5] ] ] | oom suites with two both- - rooms @ Hi-f es ee) m, elevator 80 GIBB STREET @ Free hydro ond parking @ Outdoor swimming pool OSHAWA'S BEST Call_ 728-2502 RENTAL VALUE GOVERNOR SEE MANSIONS TOWER on sour ets RESIDENCE the GREEN Now available one 2-bedroom OvEdack A lo el suite. For appointment to Jverlooking € pork locote } view this outs ing on Mary St. North | please call" ob abael Mcal ha Swimming pool, sauno bath, nae room and rec room. { 723-1712 Our model suite is furnished or by WILSON'S FURNITURE, 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apt. os FREE UNDERGROUND PARKING TO "THE FIRST. 65 TENANTS (With 18 Month Lease) OPEN DAILY i FROM 1 P.M. --9 PM. | 728- 2911 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT Stove, supplied 728-4283 or apply refrigerator, drapes |__340 MARLAND APT, 111 or by appointment Rua Gis abuses oa 576-2280 or 725-9750 ONE BEDROOM Apartment, stove, refrigera- W. FRA NK tor, drapes slic healed 21. King St. W., Bowmanville 728-4283 or apply | 340 Marland, 'Apt. 111 TIMES ACTION | cand is eetortite CLASSIFIED ADS [LOSE SOMBTHINOR, Place » 1 of aa '3472 for an ad-writer today, / BRING RESULTS! $10," PER PERSON, sharing weekly, or S45 monthly. Young lady pre-|tic, fulfy equipped. In rooms; private $16; two rooms 25.3 | d. Apply. 341 Athol 'Street East. aS three rooms $35.; parking. oersz01. ~<a ta ah: SIEM FOUR-ROOM spariments tor rent. Apply re reat, ROOMS FOR RENT -- Nightly and and eee " Apartment) weekly rates, $12. weekly, maid service. | Restaurant on premises. Queen's Hotel | |ONE AND two bedroom n apartments, ¢ or) 67 Simcoe North. bedroom furnished or unfurnished, 291 - - [arte Ave. apt. 308. 576-0668. [LARGE one and two-bedroom ap ments including refrigerator, stove, |TWO LADIES to share modern furnished | and water. $75-$85 monthly. Children wel or unfurnished apartment in Whitby./come. Apply Apartment 6, 300 High Free hydro and free parking, West Hill. | Street, Whitby cr 668-5462. . 284-6813 ONE-BEDROOM apartment, and stove supplied. Telephone p.m. 668-8820 WHITBY -- Large, bed - sitting room. refrigerator Available September 1. Telephone 668 atter 4 2405. THREE ROOM apartment, livingroom, 2£8-----Room ond Board FOR GENTLEMAN, clean, oriavte. 113 Cabot home cooked meals, quiet home, parking, close to bus bedroom, kitchen, private bath, jentrance. Available now, Apply Street. a 43 Garrard Road, by K-Mart. $70 MONTHLY. basement hachelor'COLBORNE STREET EAST, 87 -- apartment. Private bath and entrance. Room and board for gentleman to share. Suitable for couple. Telephone 728-173) Single beds, close to north Genera! after 5 p.m i ee Apply above addres COMPLETELY furnished apartment, ROOM "AND ®OARD for gentieman, central location. Telephone 728-8402 good meals, lunches ed. Close to |THREE- ROOM apartment, Available bUs stop. Parking. 728 now. For information apply 592 Drew ROOM AND BOARD, five day week Sireet lunches packed, walk ng distance of Du THREE-ROOM apariment, one bedroom, Plate, Peddlars, ab Babes refrigerator and stove if needed. South Ticated Metals. 725-7043 Pig a end. $75 monthly. Telephone 728-6488 ROOM OR room and ard suitable | LARGE TWO-BEDROOM apartment, /for lady. In quiet home with one adult 1076 Cedar Telephone 576-2875 after S p.m. |located above small plaza at | St., $125 monthly on one year lease, all ROOM AND BOARD private ho |services paid. Refrigerator and stove in-!suitable for ung lady. Telephone cluded. Children welcome. Call Gord/ 4329 se a ceed 'ap | Chariton, 728-8569. H. Keith Ltd wEKiie TEACHERS : | home , |TWO LARGE furnished rooms, privatelhome. Br tag Hilunie hese ne entrance, newly decorated, s le for log piano ar a colored television, Te e- married man or two ladies, 214 Cadillac phone 778-2696. Moca ULE GENTLEMAN, FIVE k day week, privat |BASEMENT apartment, three + piece nome av . Thine iP Nest bath, furnished or srnished, quiets isectien, "relaphone 773.1408 modern home. Suit two gentlemen or - working couple wanting child cared for ROOM "AND BOARD for gentlemen. during day. 728-7288 Close to downtown and north General Mctors. Apply 147 Brock St. East, 725- |WHITBY -- One-bedroom apartment, no x53 appliances, $80. monthly: Two-bedroom | | lapartment, stove, refrigerator, some ROOM AND BOARD in adult home, cen-| 1964 "COMET 4 door jdrapes, hydro included, Adults, $115, tral, good meals hes packed. Near) with beige interior, License J79450. At | 668-8727. bus stop. Apply Bruce Street $ iN @ price you can afford. Call 668 SUBLET -- wo-bedroom apariment, ROOM AND BOARD for two willing to|° ae ah OS lheat and hydro included, £125 monthly. |share room. Lunches packed, seven- day |'61 "Scar § automatic with power lAvailable September 16. 723-1262 ing ae vesired. King - Park Rd. area.|steering and power brakes. White with | -- iris all 778-5455 . r. i TWO-BEDROOM apartment. Centra he staal Oe alae kt ace be dhe |Immediate possession. Apply 31'2 Bruce SPACIOUS quiet home with good meals.|~* Seva 2D os ets | Street, Apt. 3. 728 seh of McLaughlin Collegiate, Call '61 CORVAIR 2 door 6 cylinder auto- [THREE ROOM downsisirs apartment. alle A ae ee ee a large livingroom, kitchen, bedroom, pri- WHITBY. Central location. Room and|Ierlor- License | 102288, oe 9 vate shower. Telephone 725-0875 board for young gentlemen. Parking, | PF! - TV, lunches packed or housekeepin THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment) ;oom, Call 666.4928 L4 |31--Compact Cars for Sale on first floor, one child welcome. Auto-) oo s matic washer, dryer, One block from BOARD {er two gentle Simcoe and Adelaide. Available Septem-|men; willing to share, Own sitting room| VOLVO and PEUGOT |ber 1. 576-0832 Central. Telephone 668-6330 te MERCEDES BENZ FOUR BLOCKS north of four corrers,,ROOM OR ROOM and board for gen four newly decorated rooms, rivate|tiemen. Near south General tAotor General -Repair and bath, refrigerator, stove, services sup- Parking path paved drive. 863 -Rit-} Auto-Electric Service plied. $95 monthly. Telephone 728-4039. on Road South, 7: | or FURNISHED bachelor -partment, new!\29_Wanted to Rant | Jake and Bill's Garage furniture, rug, full kitchen. Four blocks | 449 Ritson Rd. South Storage of Jele- GARAGE WANTED for r Telephone 728 north of four corners. $80 monthly. phone 728-4039. during winter months, TWO large furnished rooms, suitable for | 20 | couple. Apply 74 Oshawa Blvd. North THREE or four-bedroom house in Whit . Fi ya. Telephone 723-7843 BASEMENT APARTMENT with frig and| OY oF Oshawa. Telephone 723-7849 stove, private door, two 'edrooms,|PROFESSIONAL MAN requires house| kitchen and living room. Telephone 725-|'9 rent in Brooklyn - Port Perry areal 4240 for @ minimum of one year 08 -- -------- ---- sion September. Writ 3297 THREE-ROOM apartment, heat, light.|30 S;P'en Box. 32970, Osh $75 monthly. Telephone 728-1273 OY TEA : - ADY r ie | |WHITBY -- good residential area. Two- bat ee ee ren ae land three-bedroom apartments, electric) { heat, free hydro, drapes supplied.| 0. |Seartosa 'oe" call coect, 'Toronto. ageT4et.| > --Automobiles for 'Sale | FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment, | lclose to downtown and' Nerih GM. All| WANTED utilities supplied. Suit one or two gentie-| i men. Available September 16. $50| @00d clean local cars for monthly. Telephone 728-1590. | cash. --|THREE ROOM main floor apartment! MORLEY STALKER |completely private use of garden and TORS |garage. One child welcome. Central 728- MOTORS joes. 137 King West SELF-CONTAINED fully furnished apart-| 723.8311 723-6322 ment suitable for working couple, two' ---- teachers or nurses, clean home in good (neighbourhood, Adults only. 668-4233 | MORE CASH THREE ROOM self contained basement} : |apartment. Utilities paid. Suit couple ae i Grod quiet location 723-2910. | le for re ayo Cars. THREE ROOM apartment, large, newly rode up or down. Liens paid \decorated, very central, utilities sup DODD MOTOR SALES plied private bath and entrance, tele vision tower, parking. Telephone 725: 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH puldd 723-9421 |CLEAN FOUR room apartment, pr vate ---- ---| |bath and entrance, driveway, in good| ~ RAMBLER j location. Close to bus stop. sd monthly jAvailable October 1. 725-8513. SALES SERVICE | NEWLY "FURNISHED one bedroom) |apartment, $115 monthly. Apply 335) . ney PORDAS Mary Street ew an se ars ROOM apartment, heat ard water, Easy to Finance 'at 2nd lights supplied. Private entrerce| KIICOLS MOTORS LTD. Available immediately. $65 monthly. Tel.) lephone 728-3154, WHITBY -- 668-3331 No children, close to Shopping 'Centre, |62 AUSTIN SPRITE, Chevrolet V-8 mo- 30--Automobiles for Sale R.R. No. 3, Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean Cars, liens paid. TERMS. 32--Trucks for Sale 38--Coming Events ~~ 11965 MERCURY Econolin, A-1 condition, big motor, 150 HP, oversized tires. Terms CASH. Telephone 725-1. 453. 1962 CORVAIR handy van; 1963 Inier- national pick-up; 1960 GMC 980 Dump; 1960 Chevrolet tandum dump; 1954 Mer- cury tractor, Telephone 725-2156. MERCURY DUMP 700 heavy duty, seven yard aluminum box. New: tires, brakes, clutch, rear - end, axles. P.C.V. |1960 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN automa- fair condition. erry 985-7015. Best ¢ offer. Call Port ) CHEVROLET, six cylinder "har: 19 dard. $185. Telephone 725-0630. |'61 PONTIAC Laurentian, 6, automatic, jnew paint job, 900d clean car. Only $700, Call 576-0498 after 6 p.m part | 1966 CHEVELLE Malibu SS, 327, 4-speed,/ 1967, without my written consent, posi-traction $2, 400. Call between 5S and 7 p.m. 668-2865 '61 OLDSMOBILE™ Super 88, ~ power | brakes, power steering, radio, new tires. in good condition. Apply 348 Viewmount Str ect, Oshawa. '63 CHEVROLET Impala Super Sport ower steering, excellent Srahion® 40,-| oo 0 miles. Telephone 723-5570. | 1964 PONTIAC Parisienne, four-door| hardtop. Power brakes, power steering, | autor c. radio, whitewalls and discs.! Lic Evenings 942-5693 | 1964 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, V-8,| discs, radio. Per- Telephone evenings whitewalls, Lic, J91517 automatic, fect cer 942-5693, 1959 MERCURY, condition, best offer. after 6 p.m. 1958 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, standard, mechanically sound, radio and separate snow tires. $125. Telephone 725-2549 '36 VICTORIA Ferd hardtop, 312, stan-| lard. Also '62 Volkswagen with new Taner Apply Apt. 508, 275 Wentworth '56 PLYMOUTH, good body, standard. Reasonable. Telephone 655-3698. "89 CHEV, 2-door hardtop, 6 automatic, standard steering, dition. Call 655-3698 1962 RAMBLER six, Sood condition. Best 663-6159. Jim |"65 VAUXHALL Viva Deluxe, four cyl- inder engine, four. speed transmission. 25,000 origina! miles. Lady owned and driven. Can be seen at 235 Dearborne Avenue. 723-2057 convertible, excellent Telephone 725-8464 "cylinder, good con- standard, very offer. Telephone "6 cylinder, green Oshawa 728-0921 ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 1961 COR aI Monza, rec, 1964 motor, bucke! sea Asking $500. Telephone after 6 por 668- 6627, |'67 AUSTIN, mini, deep olue. Lixe new, Ideal for economy minded driver or second car for wife. $1,050. Telephone 668-6082 '64 M.G.B., radio, tonneau and soft top, two new tires, end of season bargain on well cared for sports' car. 668-5929. 1958 M.G., new to and tires, motor, $75. Telephone 942-0543 1963 CHEVY II convertible, 6, auto- matic, excellent condition, radio and ex- tras. Asking $1,225. Telephone 623-2570. Bowmanville. 1967 VOLKSWAGEN DeLuxe model 1500 motor, radio and other accessories, low mileage. Telephone 723-8222. 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, 1300 DeLuxe. Fully ecuvinped, 1,500 miles, $1,150. Telephone 728-1526. needs tor, automatic, $250 or best offer. Tele- phone 725-9819. 32--Trucks for Sale 1962 MERCURY 800 dump truck, sinole axie, full air, in good condition, Call 623-7594 after. 7. 1962 MERCURY 800 ) dump truck, singl single axle, full air, In good condition. Call JAYCEES Monster BINGO Admission 50c Two Jackpots 53 and 58 ONE MUST GO $500. 'IN 50 NOS. OR LESS $200. In announced Nos. $25. Consolotion Prize $10 per line both games $175. Jackpot $20 per line. $75 full card 20 Regular $20 Games poy double in 17 Nos. or less Five $30. Games Early Bird Game 7:45 p.m. EXTRA PRIZES Every Thursday ot the Jubilee Pavilion BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 ond 7:18 PM. . and Returning after Bingo Children under 16 Not Admitted th household effects at 885 Oxtord. sven, Apt. 316, Oshawa, ide not claim by September 27, 1967, the above omens household effects wil be sold for money owing. , JOSEPH A, GORALCZYK, 79 Stone [Street Oshawa, will not be responsible for debts contracted in my name by anyone, on or after this date, August 3¢ Store -- Bond St, -- 16' by : 287 VERDUN ROAD, F | p} 2 46', heat included in rent. A Distinguished Address VALIANT ment. No children, Sean Foaph o0ar |__Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 _ 4 counties - like new, one ed pal $2, Con be leased in two ports. DEVELOPMENTS LTD. aress Se i 500. 617 Dundee Avenue $180 per month. | i CALL" MODERN two-bedroom apartment. fleet Hd MERCURY, | ECONOLIN, ms a "ei ° j : ' L St frigerat * ae re: Office --- Dundas St. Whitby. | Choice luxury suites electric- 725.9934 - 728-4283 phy aemamre r Ais Pit a Ushacredh One ot Fay, tee ae Terms cash, Telephone 723-1483. Two rooms, heat included in | iy heated and tastefully de- | 773-602 mediate possession, 170 Park Road 1959 DODGE two.ton, Will trade for 3a. rent. Large airy office suitable corated throughout hea South, 725-6844, & ay taxis na or one-ton. Telephone 942-0543. fof lawyer. $65 per month p oa ! ee ond low mileage renta 1959 THAMES 800 Van, 3 Store --- Dundas St. Whitby. sili eiblsill sce ae é FOR RENT @ 26A--Expo Accommodation vehicles Berry Ave. mornings. vantage dle Heat included in rent. Full Apt. Houses, Rooms, Room RESERVATIONS taken now for large coll 725-4771 'SS CHEV. cae and chasis, long wheel basement. 131% ft. by 65 ft. nar ae Offic np Goudie room in modern private rome in} base; '51 ige_ 1 ten, tires just tike R158) oar inenth, if picture ond Boord ice urs Montreal, $10. per couple, $15. two 14 albert street new) '62 Pig 1 ton, with duals. 623- do ' r "LOS IT Men. to Fri, 8:30. 0.m. to 6 (couples, $10. family of four, 723-1355. | EXELUSIVE Scotia Plan, bank finan-|5756 window added, $150 pe CLOSED CIRCUIT TV ei LUo p.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m Es --------Icing available at Wellman Motors on mont ue ee ch Gstie OWA GlevniDN 27--Rooms for Rent all new Ramblers. Warranted quality 33---Anomauiios Wanted - ipaciocs See The N screen who is ringing your LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION -- ------ used cars. You will be amazed at how|---------- cores J ° ms as A 792.1070 ze [much you save on finance charges. Call W i ed doorbell, before you give 23 Athol West ard 28-1 sabia ae A RACTIVELY | 728-7351 for details ~ CARS | ANTED -- PRUDENTIAL BUILDING | them entry 2 see FURNISHED ROOM att useo parts, tires, wheels rad! © Buying A New Car? al ti les for trailers, springs. 509 : 1,800 SQUARE FEET ATTENTION a anes "asset ane: [base Srreet East, 723-7281. ile Sell your used car to "Ted" STORES OR OFFICES all between an p.m, 4 " " : E 66 CHEVROLET Bel Air four-door, six} Talk 'Cash' to' the. New f t and 2 t oom si only i air conditioned sada avoilable for adults ] ' d Epea lial hg 82 PARK RD. N. [automatic raelo warrenty -teibpnens Car Dealer and 'Save'. pa a few Ii rst months' rer jmiles. | . Phone 725-9478 | Y free. Everything included. 728-8671 ae = eae Mrs ss74 sea ae --------| deol for a quiet ond com- Bena anviins ' PRIVATE -- '63 Pontiac convertible, - es. = ae : j ITTING |V-8 automatic, 'power equipped. Reflects| wanTE 25--Houses for Rent fortable living 5 pon TING [ROOM with 'light house-| youd ownership Si a7S: Terms, For op |WANTED, cars and Trucks for wreck: WiC, 'clesn 'room bunpeiow Ie share 76-1472 ned Close to 'school. and hospital, cari|Poiniment call 728-4983 paid, Telephone (228-4849, "anyiimme. Roo: with wor a fenceac Coun! the envy of r jn ° ita | _ -- 0 inytime. Rob- eres on caoo mee Nahe or ee MO ey i se nal after 4, 728-7058 daytime. | or Rag: REGENT ARMS 2 FURNISHED ROOMS kitchen privil tpeinbiat Silos," sangre' dive WANTED: Cars and trucks for wreck FURNISHED house. suitable for oentle Laue erguen Bee Foe poesia, te OTe Sioo. Trades, STé06ds : "| pala. "Telephone fan 434s "onylimve. "Rake SH sac ge ak is art Ane te Telephon 2 * Boer : e _|paid. Telephone 728-4549 anytime. Rob- man willing to share, Close fo south GM Two m opartme ' i Available September, 1. Telephone 725-! Call J 25+ ] 48 ] Quiet buildin ie only 2iINGLE gentlemen, one vote id conver fine. ce bucket ert Nichols. ra | Juiet building, adults . ubie single, board if! seals $7 elephone 942-6693 alter 4:30/sHaWw AUTO WRECKERS < coc Cars LARGE TEN-ROOM house or two apart 723-6944 Rone, Taleehte: Subsea between Sar i966 OLDSMOBILE, eight cylinder uto-|boush, 8°" Bioue Sect Cast 52311, Te 8-4220 bety 7 » eight cylinder auto-|bought, loor Stree ast. ments, and farm. Can be rented Lp « if) 1 rately. Apply 15 Line Road, Darl or 723-6455 after 6 p.m. {77 ONTARIO ST. One furnished light) Wane, Al. condition. Best offer. Auto te ~enei ome ere tare ee | OVALE auenkeeping raom en ground flo. Aico| Ser atring "ettice "houra," Monday.-Frc| oA UTOMObNE _ epair THREE-BEDROOM bungalow en 69 day AUTOMATIC tic 100. monthly. T 44 = i BuckKINeWAM AVENUE, 27 -- so ' LUSANNE VILLA seosirrine 'agony icin, 208, RONTIAG avec] TRANSMISSION ! 4 -- $s es ocated at king. and Di rate er equipped. Immaculate reat ec eteeae) Apartments ag sie et oe Maes". ee ek Sam eG eying after 6 p.m | Exciting ng. 28-260 joa Buick Rosmasier:,- Gord. condi]. 1038 Simcoe st. N,, 720+7939 ORONO, country home, 6 rooms, modern| 119 N Rd Centra BO eee era cone cnoen, tonation, bible nob -- Transmissions are Our Only 1, ©O a D rn} was heed wd sh nt t conveniences, Four miles north of Orono.! onquon : heated. Roomy breakfast nook § | © °°" | sagt Hy rt bat Olive single 1 Vea SHRVROLEY avigniic: with ra. Business -- Repairs, Adjust- Call. 728-5571 soars net uirt ; : a Ht ene A all 728-5578, ta : | o kitcher Tenr cou e = good condition. Will. trade for good ments, Exchanges. All Work SIX-ROOM HOUSE for rent. 5125 month | For service, comfort, and con- rbeque COMFORTABLE ROOM for rent far | CaF or sell separately. 207 Church Street, Guaranteed. welcome. Available Septe | , tleman. Telephone 725-0536. 728-6252 1. Apply 209 Hillside Ave. or call $76-| venience, see this outstand- BACHELOR APARTMENT, suits I East af Ray ae aaa arn "e 1 1964 CHEVELLE $5. A-1 pconaiti in, Tel-| eae Found 078 lant | No ady or gentleman : 'VELL lo --Lost an oun fo pee i Bente ing all-electric bui Fr Parking, private entrance and bathroom. LARGE FASEMENT room nicely furn-CP%one 723-6032 after $ UR-BEDROOM farm house to rent} where in Oshawa will you /inturnished $60, furnished $75, Dial 668- ished, electrically heated, private bath. 1962 CUTLASS "scorts coune, Va. LOST: Pure black dog, half "Shepherd, trom oe 1 to June 1, 1968. Tele-| find such value for ycur rent- 6843 room, walk from Shopping Cen-| mat c, Ne eering, power $s, iter Labrador, one ear up, one down. Phone 942-5366. » | he i heal nnn Hi for two, 119 Durham, 728-\sucket tiaae munenie iio Very deer pet. Answer to Sonny. Good al dollar as you will at The (ONE-BEDROOM apartment ir 4 , SORA Fare cash reward, 623-7558 NEW. THREB-REDROOM semi-detach Royale, Large balconies and {S60 monthly. Telephone 728-6605 9 viny! top (private). Terms. 576-2151 | ssidehes | ed home. Immediate occupancy, 45 ale, wales . eaontoe "ges ve ry = | ey ai ane ete monthly. Call 723-9450, suites equipped. with extra |THREE-ROOM apartment, Bh gtiay veer ale cre toed GENO Teechine Hes Sed eo apleclenalnaiae! |e TT | closet spoce, laundry rooms were Me: SUONES. IP Se eRe 6 ' " '3 | 26 Reese $ 1964 ANGLIA, good condition. Must sell.| Apartments for" Rent | on all floors fee camade GO rae en aaah able CAV COMPLETELY FURNISHED housek heep-|Telephone after 5 p.m. 723-3687. NOTICE 10 0 | part- heed ished bor partment, two bedrooms, chen, aes ri nt Nov o4 eat oP able now. Telephone 723-464 heheh call: oHUMAE S Olede te dur i988 OEDSMOBILE, fair condition. Tele- The best value in apartment uN : RURRISRED sreom: enactment aullanle TWO. WOrKiNg 9 oe = living an ba san ot jvate bath, television outlet able. Availabie immediately. 728-'1964 CHEV station wagon, v-8, CREDIT R F a couple giris or man an 2 Radio, whitewalils. Telephone 728-5282 ae hee eee {FURNISHED BED SITTING roomcock-ise2 FORD Fainiswe eeaan @ cvincer| AND) OTHERS H _ ne-bedroom apar t vate entrance and ba'h.| automatic with radio, brand new motor fc stove and drapes or two. girls. $75. w complete warranty. Just like buy. Gi 728-4438 or 340 Mar in ° @ REGENCY j 728 0525 - a : ing a new car. License J97320. $995. IN THE ESTATE OF - ye + sitting ve = . TOWERS e THREE-ROOM apariment, suitable for room, ty Near bus stop, re:taur- 1966 PONTIAC 4 door hardtop, & cy winner ee wo or three adults, no. childr ur-lant and close fo south General Motors. er automatic, power steering, power lecease nished or unfurnished. Share bath, Quiet! Apply Cromwe akes, radio, finished in sparkling tur : RE TIN street. 221 Arthur Street = > = quoise, black viny! roof with match te RE OREOND AVE: 52) «| FOUR-ROOM apartment. Private"bath IGOMAS! Moment Ere fcr, OVET-ling' Interior. One 'Owner, In, showroom| _ ALL Claims against the | More and more of Oshawa's |Ciose ¢ Oshawa Shopping Centre. Tele- te cr elderiy tady. Use of kitchen License J77539. Price $2,995. Estate of the Hale Aer phone 728-4480 Reasonable, Telephone ° 725-7780 ; Watson, late of the City o nicest 'opl re enjoyin iz * AND est people a loving: | cuRistiAN TEACHER, FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room,| 6 DODGE 4 door sedan, V-8, floor) Oshawa, in the County of reosonoble rents at the ness lady. Comple tely fur three piece bath, private entrance. Ap Mae Rake Joye town. Tele-! Ontario, Married Woman, who fest SeioHL, parkiig! Ransniols ated Ge Seats renene 466 VAUXHALL. running condition, 478| dled on or about the 21st | zs ar $C a , condition, rr PREMIER R A A to right party 5484 SOUTHEND, néar 401 and Bloor. Fur-/0r best offer. Telephone 576-3623 day of December, 1966, must |@ S | O R p MODERN UPPER two bedroom duplex. nished bedroom, parking and private en-/1963 CHEVROLET "ait Ac aclaic| oe ths Aly ie dca 21 MARLAN Vi | Central. Child welcome. le Sept-itrance. Telephone 728-8353. io, new rain tires, good condition. on Or before the v ! 3 D AVE S M A lember Telephone 725-309 23:9965.| SINGLE ROOM, light. housekeeping |Best offer Telephone 942-5398 September ,1967, ofter which UNFURNISHED iar a talle Foi Gentleman only. Apply 25 Civision| 1948 "PONTIAC coupe, good running con-| date the estate will be distri- nt, newly decor th end. reet 0 5 @ MODERN 1 AND 2 | S S R stop, Heat and hydro included, Im- -- = dition. Best offer. Telephone 576-1664 buted according to law . } |mediate possession. Telephone 725-2¢32.|\CLEAN, BRIGHT room, north west|1957 TRIUMPH TR3, early model, fair Everett C .Watson, BEDROOM SUITES L + area on quiet street. Close to thopping|body, A-1 mechanically, Lucas jights, Administrator, @ NEWLY DECORATED TWO:ROOM apartment, refrigeralor "and and schools. Breakfast if preferred./new tires. $295. Cali 7253219. i , stove, vate r 'dro, Telephone 725-8488. ~ -- , 0. r month. Telephone mornings -- - 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian, two-Coor, ex- @ STOVE AND FRIDGE | i M se We a Or sasha "99S LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, cen-|cellent condition. Two tone blue. Tele- Ciriabion, Pinan. BALCONIES | N E 3 ot ----|tiemen preferred. Telephone i-7819.| phone 72-37379 between 68 p.n. Uraoch Gn Victor. NIES | |ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT central lo- = ; poe ------ Barristers and Solicitors, FABRIC DRAPES | tation, 2. rooms, Frigidaire and. stove,|LIGHT housekeeping room in very clean|"@4 OLDS F85 Deluxe four-door sedan. Oshawa, Ontari | ° ee ig N N Reasonable rent to careful tennant. Tele-/home, suitable for lady, close to hospital/v.6 engine, whitewalls, radio. Sharp = ire ~ Be | T 7 and buses. 576-1308 |looking aqua color. 576- 1097 after 6. NOTICE is | hereby ¢ given jess the Signed, J A.. Goraiczyk '37--Auction Sales _ Pur IM SALE STIRTEVANT'S "AUCTION HALL 33 Hall St. Thursday, Aug. 31 at 7:30 p.m. Electric range, .lawn chairs, beds, chesterfield, garden tractor, elettric train set, power drill, car dise sander, set of taps and dies, | set easy outs, shot guns, motors, chest of drawers, writing desk. Many, many more ar- ticles. Terms cash. Myles King Auctioneer BIG OR SMALL WE DO THEM ALL DOUG. GOWER AUCTIONEER 728-1005 |38--Coming 'Events SUNNYSIDE Monster BINGO TWO JACKPOTS | 52 and 55 $500 in 52 Nos. or less $200 In announced Nos. $25 Consolation Prize $10 per both games. $150 Jackpot $20 PER LINE $50 FULL CARD $800 REGULAR GAMES $20 PER GAME $40 IN 17 NOS. or LESS $150 SPECIAL GAMES $50 DOOR PRIZES EARLY BIRD GAME at 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00 Every Thursday RED BARN BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 and 7:30 P.M. LIONS BINGO T0 - NIGHT Early Bird Game 7:45 JACKPOT 52 and 58 ONE MUST GO Bus leaving King and Simcoe Sts. 7 and 7:15 p.m. Every Wednesday Jubilee Pavilion All proceeds to charity See Tuesday Ad PLAN TO ATTEND Special Bingo Sept. 13 Exciting centennial door prizes. BINGO St. Gertrude's PARISH HALL 690 KING ST. E. Every Monday at 8:00 P.M, 20 games--Jackpot-- Snowball and KINSMEN BRING THIS SPECIAL Ya PRICE PASS FOR TWO To The SATURDAY, SEPT. 2, 1967 KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGO At The PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL. CENTRE $8,000 jn Prizes including Brand New 1967 AMBASSA- DOR Sedan or $2,000 in Cash. $1,000 Hi-Lo Game. $1,000 Small Snowball (52 nos). $1,200 Big Snowball nos.) $600 regular games, $450 special games. Plus 4 Early Bird Games. (Shore the Wealth) at 7:30 Don't forget to buy the econ- omy pack for value and save money. MANY FREE and VALUABLE DOOR PRIZES KINSMEN (54 Share the Wealth Free Admission No Children under 16 623-7594 after 7, GET CASH FAST... SELL WITH TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS | | |NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS in |new 1967 Needlecraft | complete jeasy knit, | | | | | | | CROWELLS -- Ray and Shirley (nee WRAY ~ } Children under 16. Not Admitted | 1965. EASY - EXQUISITE By ALICE BROOKS Hl Create a beautiful setting for important dinners with | baroque scroll design. Exquisite rose squares in| filet crochet make an elegant cloth, spread, border for a linen cloth. Pattern 7330: charts fo) square, edging. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for each pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto, Ont. Ontario residents add 2c. sales tax. Print Plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRE 210 MOST BEAUTIFUL Catalog! 2 free patterns, knit, crochet fashions, everything. 25c. Sensational. new value! Book of Prize AFGHANS has 12 patterns. Beginner-} crochet. 60c. | Museum Quilt Book 2 --com- plete patterns for 12 superb hairloom quilts. 60c. Bargain! Quilt 2 complete patterns Book 1 -- 60c. square yoke, mer whether trans-season Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, takes pattern. 3c sales SIZE, STYLE Times, Street FAVORITE LOOK By AN? ADAMS With its hi-rise neckline, this is the skim- loves! Only problem: to sew it for now or Solve it simply, choose cottons. Printed Pattern 4958: Girls' 14. Size 10 2 yards 35-inch FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for each Ontario residents add tax. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, NUMBER. order to ANNE care of The Oshawa Pattern Dpt., 60 Front West, Toronto. FALL'S NEW FASHIONS-- see the best of the new styles for all sizes in our new Fell- Winter Pattern Catalog. Get one pattern free + just clip coupon in Catalog. Hurry, send 5fc right now. she hool. Send ADAMS, BIRTHS IN MEMORIAM Ellegett) are happy to announce the ar- rival of their son, Brian Lloyd, 7 pounds,| 14 ounces, on Sunday, August 27, 1967. A brother for Susan, Debra, Laurie and Cathy. Special thanks to Dr C. A. Morgan and nurses on fourth floor. 'HOUCK -- Ted and Jean (nee Web- |Ster) are happy to announce the arrive ae id ely Bruce Rowand Carl, ids, 8 ounces, on Tuesday, Cait oe "1967. in "Oshawa General Hospital, A brother for Lisa. Many thanks to Dr. pATer and Gorn floor staff. | | | DEATHS | BRESS, Mary { |Entered into rest in the Oshawa General | |Hospital on Tuesday, August 29, 1967,| Mary Nichols, widow of John Frederick| |Bress, mother of Mis? Christine Bress.| land Mrs. Rita Fraser, all of Oshawa; |Mrs. Walter Cunningsby (Lou) of Lon-! ]don, England, William of Scarborough, and John of Peterborough, in her 75th |year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral |Home, Oshawa, with funeral service in |the chapel Friday, September 1, at 3.30 p.m, Interment Mount Lawn: Cemetery.| | Kindness beyond Price, yet | within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS 318 Dundas St. E. 668-3552 Whitby, Ont. "IN MEMORIAM FORDE - In loving memory of a dear} brother - in - law, and uncle, John P. d who passed away August 30,/ God knew best for reasons Divine, But memories last for ai! times. Remembered by Bettie and Meredith, | and Helen and Sammy, and sons. ponoe + In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John Patterson Forde, who passed away suddenly Aug-! ust 30 1965. | We who loved you sadly miss you As it dawns another yar In our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of you are ever near. --Sadly missed by wife Marlene, and) children Jack and Linda. j PRITCHARD - In loving "nemory of a/ dear mother and grandmother, Gwenda) Pritchard, who left us so suddenly Aug-) ust 30 1966. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell) Of the los# of one we 'oved so well.| And while she sleeps a peaceful sieep Her memory we shali always keep. | --Sadly missed by daughter Shirley, son- in-law Guy, grandchildren, David and} Paul, PRITCHARD --In loving memory o! a dear mother and grandmother, Gwenda Pritchard, who passed away August 30, 1966. 'We morn The sorrow the day would bring, For the call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear, You wished no one 4 last farewell, Or had a chance to say goodbye, You were gone before we knew it, And only God knows why. --Sadly missed by daughter, Audrey, Bill and grandsons Alan and Ricky. little knew when we woke that WALTERS -- Treasured memories of my dear father, William C. Walters, who passed away suddenly August 30, 1934, mother Margaret E., on October 23, 1932 and brother Bill, on April 16, 1963. 1 will never forget you How could | ever try 1 will keep you in my memory Until the day | die Though my heart was broken And life was lonely too, Each night | thank the Lord For the years | spent with you If love could have saved you You would not have died 1? tears could have brought you bak You would be by my side. Lovingly remembered by Lillian and) family. lc In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather Ar- thur William Wray who passed away August 30, 1958, So many things have happened, Since you were called away, So many things to share with you Had you been left fo stay. There's never a day that passes by, But our thoughts reach out for pre Never a joy that comes our way That we Gil ied could share if too io one knows the grief we hear. mee the tamil. meets and you're not here. Please. God. Just let That we down here do not We love and miss him so. --Forever loved and rememb wife Lily and family. "LOCKE'S FLORISTS -- z him know forget by Funeral arrangements ond floral arrangements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-6555 A_ LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. 723-2633 CARD OF THANKS COPELAND -- We would like to exe Press our heartfelt thanks to Or. N:3roosis, Canon Ongley, all our friends, relatives, neighbors, data' process, Cecar Lodge, all other organizations, for their kindness, cards, letters, flowers, in the |loss of a dear husband and brother Jack (Scud) Copeland. Wife Ruby, sisters Vi and Doris + cree -- The family of the late Mary Cowie wish to express their sincera rin fo relatives, neighbors and friends for acts of kindness, messages of syin- pathy, floral tributes and contributions to the Heart Fund and Crippled Chil- dren's Fund during our recent bereave- ment in the loss of our dear mother and grandmother. A special thanks to the Reverend J. K. Moffat, the traffic divi- sion of the Oshawa Police and Mc- Intosh Anderson Funeral! Home. --The family of the late Mrs. Cowie. TAILLON -- | would [friends and relatives for ifts, flowerd, and cards. Also thanks to |Fathers' Darby and Symth, Drs. Gardener, Cummings and Irwine, nurses and staff of 4F, for the excellent care | ;received during my stay in the Oshawa |General Hospital. like to thank their prayers, ors. | Pearl Taillon CLOW vated Oldest Pilot Still Flies SWEABURG, Ont. (CP)-- Canada's oldest licensed pilot is still flying high at 82. And T. F. (Tom) Williams expects to f ' 3 have his licence renewed after his annual medical in Novem- ber. Mr. Williams, who lives in this village five miles south of Woodstock, first tried his wings over the Somme in 1916. During the First World War he shot down 13 German planes and was shot down three times hime self, always over friendly terri- tory. Too old for active duty during the Second World War, he served as chief test pilot for Fleet Aircraft of Fort Erie, Ont., and drop-tested para- chutes for Irvin Air-Chute, a job he still holds. His plane, a Fleet 21M biplane, is housed at Welland, !Ont., and since 1939 he has test+ led 10, 000 to 12,000 parachutes by dropping them from the air- raft, BLONDIE DONALD DUCK LI'L ABNEB WENRY GRANDMA MICKEY MOUSE JULIET JONES MUGGS AND SKEETER

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